Kitabı oku: «She is Louise», sayfa 3

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Chapter Six

Once again, she followed the path. The same path that led to the border. In a way it could be called the Path of Life – it led Louise forward. The girl reached the cottage where she had watched Niels yesterday, but today there was no one there. The windows were not curtained, and Louise could even make out some furniture inside. "That's strange, it's summer. And today is also Saturday. He's not here. Maybe I have found the wrong house?" the girl was upset, but suddenly she heard a butterfly – it landed on her shoulder.

– Run away from here!" squeaked the butterfly. – Stay away from people!

– Excuse me, but what's the matter?

– There are teenagers infiltrating our Steppes and Forests. They…

– I think I saw them. And then I cried.

– Poor child! You see!" replied the butterfly sympathetically.

– There were four of them," said Louise, rather to herself.

– Yes, and they got into the Forest! They got into the Hollow of our Tree. I helped to drive them away, but they didn't seem to believe in good magic yet.

– They're not dead? " the girl asked.

– No. But they'll come home and panic. We could be attacked.

– By who? Just people? And we – whom do you mean?

– Woodland and prairie creatures, of course! We, butterflies, just so you know, belong to two worlds at once – the Forest and the Steppes.

– So do I. I'm a Butterfly. And I belong to both our world and the human world.

– Are you gonna fight?

– What?! No, I'm not…

– Do you know other Butterfly people, Louise?

– How do you know me?

– You've been living here forever.

– I'm only twelve, I don't…

– Not for you, but for us, insects, it's an eternity.

– I see, but what shall we do?

– Go to the City and destroy it.

– You've got to be kidding me.

– Not at all.

– I've got a better idea," said Louise. – Why don't just follow those teenagers?

– You're younger than them, girl.

– What's the big deal? Younger doesn't mean dumber, does it?

– It's their own fault. Nature's tired of it. Tired of humans. They can't go unpunished forever.

– They must have a king. Who do we have?" asked the girl, though she didn't know much about politics.

– Our Tree, of course. It is life.

– Mine too?

– My little head is tired of questions. I have to leave," the butterfly replied and disappeared into the dazzling blue of the sky.

The day was sunny, but the little girl's soul was suddenly troubled.

"Maybe that's why Galya sent me to get the newspaper? Did she just want to know the news? But I'll be brave – I'll take it and go to the City. But before I do that, I'll see the boy Niels. At least with one eye…"

There are insect butterflies and there are human butterflies. How are they different?

Niels rode silently on the wagon with the rest of the boys. It was so unusual, in the age of automobiles and peregrine falcons, to travel by horseback; she was doing a good job, though.

"I don't feel like doing it. Why did I listen to my parents?" thought Niels, while the sun was beating down mercilessly on his red head.

Where is Louise? So modest, yet so mysterious. Fragile and small. Niels, of course, could not yet know how strong Louise was at heart. "A magical girl. That's for sure. Good thing I'm learning Latin".

– Why are you learning Latin?

– To read some spell…

After about an hour (they had to gather the others along the way), the road finally brought Niels and his companions to a huge clearing. There were flowers growing all around, with bees and butterflies darting between them. No one tried to trample them – why should they? The warriors stood in a line – they all wore the same uniform, and their eyes were a little sad, expressing some strange tension. They waited for the first command, but had no idea what was to come.

– Attention! Hands at your side!" they heard the voice of a man with a beard and high boots. The service had begun.

Louise was upset and went home; it was too early for lunch, so she would go to the Glade where she could lie down, relax and think hard. She was a nature girl, so she wasn't afraid to wear out her dress with loose earth. And she had almost forgotten about the stains on her face.

On the way, Louise had to stop – a group of people caught her attention. The girl came closer – there were boys. Not a single girl. And they were all wearing uniforms. Louise had seen something like this in pictures in textbooks and realized that they were soldiers. Military.

"Was the butterfly right, and do people really want to hurt us?"

And then she saw it. Niels was there, too. He would kill her. He's a warrior. This is the end of it.

"Hey, come on, maybe it's not what you think it is. Appearances are deceiving at times. Sit down and observe," my heart spoke.

"Why not, though? I believe Niels is a good boy until I can be convinced otherwise," Louise agreed and sat down on a small rock nearby. The commander who was giving orders to the boys couldn't see her – unless he looked closely, of course. But he was busy. No one paid any attention to Louise – there was no telling what kind of people one might meet in this world.

The boys weren't even firing guns. They were doing all sorts of silly things – running in place, yelling, doing push-ups and squats. "What on earth is this? Definitely not a real war," the girl reassured herself.

She herself didn't know how much time she'd spent in the Glade. Maybe an hour. Or more. The sun had not yet reached its zenith, but soon Louise felt an unpleasant pain – the stone was hard after all, and did not suggest cushions for comfortable observation. What to do? Sit in a different pose? Go home? Go up to the commander and ask how much longer they would be here? The girl still didn't feel any danger and made sure no one was going to kill her. "That's fine".

"Meet me tomorrow at your luxurious cottage. I'll be there as soon as I wake up," Niels heard a gentle whisper in her ear. He had long ago noticed a girl sitting on a rock in the distance, but he didn't show it – if only because he wasn't sure if it was the right girl.

Roxy was determined. On that Saturday afternoon, when Niels had gone on duty and his classmates could get at least a little sleep, the three friends were cozying up on a couch in the café. But, of course, they were not writing a biology report, they were writing an official-looking letter. It was addressed to the Minister. Not just of the City, but of the whole country. They're going to make it. Roxy will be a ruler. Consul, Minister or President. She hasn't decided yet. Besides, Edol's heart wouldn't be free forever. Even though he was weak, Roxy wanted to be close to him. Maybe she didn't want to give him to anyone else. Or maybe she just felt a strong need to love – like eating, drinking, and sleeping. Natural.

Louise applied the green stuff to some particularly large and very sore pimples. Now it was as if she'd caught chicken pox.

It's a good thing Niels didn't see her like that. Or if he did, he didn't see her. How did they see each other and fall in love? For no particular reason. Not for beauty, wit or style, but as a human being. Not everyone can do that. However, for Louise it was just a wonderful adventure, but Niels will also have to divide his life between two worlds – Louise's and the military one. The good and the warring. The wonderful and the ordinary.

The residential complex "Chascha" was located in a stone's throw from the embankment – the river was visible from the windows. The two of them lived on the twentieth floor. He was at work, and Elizabeth stayed home to deal with the paperwork. At the beginning of five she took her purse-shopper out of her dresser and ran to the store to buy some milk and bread. There was no need for anything else – they both didn't like to eat much and often. On the way to the elevator, Elizabeth looked in the mailbox as a matter of habit.

Chapter Seven

Evie didn't know how to tell Niels. Whatever she wanted. Whatever she needed to say. There are millions of teenage couples out there who do nothing more than spend all their evenings in cinemas or fast food restaurants. Well, they might kiss each other when they meet to tease their classmates, especially the smart girls in the front of the class. Evie hadn't even decided what she really wanted: dating, kissing, or twirling around at the prom?

Niels was a redhead and rather odd. Sometimes moody, sometimes mysterious. But he looked so cool. Perfect.

"If Roxy becomes High Minister, Thea and I will be her princesses. And I have to have a prince! Of course, Roxy will be together with Edol – as king and queen. But I won't be left out, either," Evie decided to herself.

"In general, I'm always in the shadows. But it's for the best – I don't go for leading roles. We're so different. But when I start dating, everyone will be jealous. That someone needs me. I'll never be lonely…"

– Already back? " Galya asked Louise in surprise as she untied the strap on her sandals. "It would be good to buy sneakers".

– Yes. I was hungry," the girl replied.

– I put some lentil patties in the oven. But I know that's not the only reason.

– Everything has gone wrong. Niels is a military man. He knows my face. The pimple face. He won't kill me? " Louise asked with a note of fear in her voice.

– Are you serious? Where did you see him? " wondered the old woman.

– At the Glade. A whole troop of soldiers came there.

– Really? That can't be true! And what were they doing there?

– Well. running, doing push-ups, drinking something out of tin cans.

– Hmm, weird. Didn't they have any weapons? Swords or guns?

– Nothing.

– Then you shouldn't worry. They wouldn't kill anyone even if they wanted to. I think they're just practicing. Learning.

– But why here? Who invited them to our world? Niels?

– Do you miss him?

– What?

– The spark was real. Like all Butterflies, future or present. Your mom had it too.

– Did what?" the girl didn't understand. Galya almost never told details about her parents. The girl only knew that she would have wings. Because that's the way it's supposed to be.

– Whether you like it or not, your souls were linked at that moment. For eternity," Galya began to explain, but Louise had to interrupt her, as she usually did:

– You mean the moment we met?

– Yeah, that's what I mean. You looked into each other's eyes, didn't you?

– We did, Galya. So bottomless, but empty. And clear, like crystal. No, not empty, not empty at all!

– You're a Butterfly, Louise. And the love of a Butterfly is not an easy thing. It's the second time in my life, though it's been a long time. What a miracle!

– Are you saying Butterflies can't love human boys? Where would they find someone to love?

– Nowhere, dear. I used to be a butterfly myself. And I live alone. As you can see, I still do," Galina said, probably trying to emphasize a certain sense of pride.

– Alone? But, Galya, you are not alone. To be more precise, you… we live together!

– You realize that I'm talking about something another, " said Galya slyly.

– W… well, yes, okay. So what about the Butterflies? What will happen to me?

– I'm not forbidding you to love, Louise. The heart can't forbid it. And I don't want you to suffer. At least not for the next six years.

– What will happen in six years? " Louise asked insistently. She hadn't even gotten off the hallway rug yet.

– You're not ready for this conversation yet, baby. Grow up a little more, please.

– But I'm a teenager now! How…" she objected.

– I don't disagree that your body is changing. But please, talk to your mind. Make it serious.

– You said that at eighteen I would become a butterfly. I'll fly and do a little magic. Eat nectar. Travel the skies. Isn't that all?

– No, that's not all.

– Will I get wings on my birthday?

– What? " Galya was surprised by this change of subject.

– Well, I mean, how is the transformation? Is it painful or…

– My little bunny, let's calm down. Go to your room and take a nap. I'll wake you up when the cutlets are ready.

– Galya, I… I want to see my mom.

– I'm sure she's already read your letter.

– So soon? " objected the girl. Even the best mail in the world does not deliver mail so quickly. Unless it's pigeon mail. But Louise hadn't seen any pigeons lately.

– Maybe you're right. I need to calm down. I'll put things in order," she said softly and went to her room. What she missed now was a mother's simple love! … Any mother can tell you whether Niels is good or bad.

It's she. She's definitely she. What the is this? What is she even doing in his life? She just barged in by accident, that's all. Oh, she walked in quietly. Little Louise and almost grown-up Niels. Has a silly name and is finishing his service. Definitely no university next, only Latin. Mom doesn't mind that.

Louise is lucky – her parents probably don't control her every move, so she can walk and wander wherever she wants. I wonder where she lives? What school does she go to? And how old is she? Is she human?

Niels arrived home completely exhausted and immediately collapsed on the bed. The teaching had gone by rather quickly, but he still ran out of energy. It was good that tomorrow was Sunday. They'll be able to meet. They'll see each other.

– Are you here?" Mom came into the room. She was wearing slippers and a pink robe – typical "mom" clothes. But Louise had never seen Galya like that.

– No, Mom, I crawled in. Can't you see I'm here? Or should I have answered that I'm not here? " Niels grinned back. And really, what kind of ridiculous questions are these?

– Don't yell at your mother, rude boy!" she exclaimed and slammed the door. Niels remained in the room, as if scalded by boiling water. What a load of crap! …

"Tomorrow I'll have to get Louise's phone number. Well, no way to chase her out of my heart! …"

Niels still gathered all his boyish strength into a fist and went to the window – to take a breath of fresh air and look at the stars. They were so bright! Like eyes.

In her native hut, sitting on her bed, Louise did the same thing. The stars were beautiful. In fairy tales, loving hearts often reach upwards, towards the sky. Into the vast cosmos. However, Louise and Niels hadn't heard much about it. Why read stories written by someone else when you can create your own?

You may ask: why does it all happen so strangely? They see each other's eyes and fall in love – is that how it happens? Louise was a young girl who had hardly ever known any love. Parents were far away, and for what – unclear. Why hide from the world, if Louise is still a human being? Previously, the girl always thought that it would be better for her to first live in a big city, and then hide her wings from prying eyes. But she had always been grateful to Galya, because small children, and even more so teenagers, could be obnoxious at times.

Elizabeth hadn't realized that her daughter had met a boy. She and Edward decided to leave the girl in Steppes and Fields with Galya. Galina is a proven person, because she was also a Butterfly in the past. Louise will grow up to be a real princess. At the age of eighteen she will get what she never dreamed of – power, wealth and servants. And most importantly, magic. The girl will master it perfectly – Galya will take care of it. Everything was going to be all right. The big day was still six years away, but Mom and Dad often thought about how they would come and get Louise and take her away. Tell her who she was. But how will the girl take it all? Of course, the girl knows that she will become a Butterfly – Galya told her long ago. But the daughter does not know everything. The reins will fall into her hands. The reins of power. To command and control people. That's the way it's decided. That's not to say the parents want it that way – yet for every father and mother, it would always be better for their child to be perfectly ordinary. Lived among peers, went to school and had friends. What else is needed? And mom and dad would go to work, and on weekends would get out all together to the movies or the bike park. But in the magical story everything is different: Louise "languishes" in a shack at the Glade, and Elizabeth and her husband live in a high-rise, trying on the roles of office workers. It will be like this for another six years – until the year two thousand twenty-eight, life will go on as usual. Then they will see her – their daughter, all grown up and ready for anything.

Louise must live her life according to a clear plan – going to Forest School and sometimes walking in the Glade. No social media, fancy things or peer acquaintances – nothing to keep the girl in Galya's house. Of course, there is a tiny, literally one in a million, chance that on the right day, Louise will meet the right boy. A simple human boy. With disheveled hair but a pure soul. Far from trendy. And then, only then will Louise fall in love and their souls be glued together. As long as they're apart, they'll suffer. Thoughts will not rest. But when they see each other, a new, unknown happiness will open up. But that's impossible, absolutely impossible. "Oh, there was a letter somewhere, a letter that came a little while ago. From my Louise! …"

Chapter Eight

– You okay?

– I'm good.

– We're weird. And this whole thing is weird, too.

– Yeah, I guess so," Louise agreed. It was just the two of them now. They were standing in the middle of a huge flower meadow. A chorus of steppe butterflies buzzed around them. You know, Forests and Steppes are a world of wonders!

Louise tried not to look at Niels, but only held his hand. It was awkward for both of them. It was as if they weren't them at all.

– We met so suddenly that I didn't realize it at first. But I remembered you and your name, Louise," Niels said.

– Do you think we'll…?" the girl asked timidly.

– We need to get to know each other better. Where do you live? " the boy began.

– You can't just ask that!" Louise was suddenly indignant. She didn't really want to talk about where her home was. And who her parents were. But she would not lie. She wouldn't lie!

– Oh, I'm sorry, Louise. I didn't think," Niels was immediately embarrassed, who was very afraid of offending the girl. All his life he had been on the sidelines of society, and now he had his own star. Or a flower. Whatever you want to call it. There's a purpose. There's a keeper. The heart is open, the lock is off.

– Nothing. I live here in the Forests and Steppes. I go to the local school. I hardly ever see real people, especially boys. And the ones I go to school with are so boring. It's like they're gray.

– What are you talking about? You've never been to the City? " Niels was surprised. Wow!

– I've been there once. Mother sent me to a roadside store. She wanted a newspaper," Louise began to explain.

– A newspaper? Does anyone read them nowadays? There are…

– There are what?

– Well, the news, for instance.

– What's news? The news is carried by butterflies.

– No, I mean the TV. You don't watch it?

– We don't.

– Do you have WI-FI? Uh, Internet.

– No.

– I see. Don't you get bored like this?" Niels asked.

– No. I'm having a lot of fun. Niels, I'm glad I have a friend now.

– Thanks, Louise. Listen, you can come to my house whenever you want. I'm about to graduate high school.

– Wow, you're a grown-up, aren't you?" exclaimed the girl, giving Niels an admiring look.

– No, not quite yet. Just a teenager like you.

– Have you met… the others? Other teenagers our age?

– Yes, of course I do! Are you so far out of touch with life?" the boy was puzzled. Who did he meet? Either this girl's parents are tyrants or she's a witch…

– No, it's just that Galya's house is old, and we're not really interested in any of that stuff. modern stuff.

– Wow! Do you have a phone?" Niels asked. All need a phone!

– No. I did write a letter to my parents," she admitted.

– It's too long. You have to wait.

– I want to be friends, Niels! You're my person. I've been alone for a long time.

– I was alone too. People didn't like or respect me much. At least not until now.

– If I feel sad, I'd like to write to you. Or talk to you. That's what friends always do. Maybe Galya will agree to buy us a cell phone.

– Who's Galya? " Niels raised his eyebrows. However, he was not too interested in any other adults – he had enough of his own at home.

– My nanny," explained the girl.

– We'll come here. At the same time. Okay, Louise?

– Come on. We'll save each other from loneliness. Loneliness can eat a man.

– I'll show you the City. I'll give you a tour. Would you like that?" the boy offered.

– We should go sometime. I'm terribly interested. I want a change," the girl replied, whispering to herself: "Especially when you become a teenager".

He was silent, and she was silent. No one wanted words. Just the whispers of flowers and butterflies. They help. Soothe.

It got dark. They had to separate. But they both knew that in sixteen hours they would meet again. And Niels would try to get to school on time, for Sunday was over.

"Friend. She called me friend. Well, let her," he thought on the way home. His parents don't know and don't want to know who Louise is. And Galya does not yet guess about the intentions of her pupil to visit the City.

– Louise, you're going to the City.

– What?" she shouted, not knowing whether she was excited or afraid. Life changes – it is good. Louise from the magical world – it is bad.

– Something terrible is coming. You're going to be our secret agent, because you're a human and a Butterfly.

– What… what will I do, Galya?" her whole body trembled with impatience and surprise. She had just a minute ago stepped on the threshold after spending marvelous minutes next to Niels.

– You're going to City School, Louise.

– What? I don't understand.

– Maybe it's better if I tell you the whole story from the beginning. Recently, some schoolboys from the City came to our neighborhood. They came to the Forest and our Tree was very unhappy with them. They were frightened. Our world became their enemy.

– People didn't like miracles before," Louise said.

– We are safe for now, but there is a risk that the City will gather an army and attack us.

– It's their own fault! Nature is worthy of respect, but people bring only misery. What will they do if plants and animals disappear, for example! Everyone would starve to death!" said the clever girl. The nanny listened to her and did not interrupt her. Every word was pure truth, from which there was no escape.

– You are right, dear little girl. You saw those children, didn't you?

– Yeah, on the trail. So they might be able to, uh… complain about us?

– Something like that.

– But we're, uh… who are we? Who are we? Who would they want to kill? Forest animals, butterflies, or you and me? What is our world?

– They don't like to be seen. But we'll see them if we have to.

– See who?

– Neighbors. Those around us. But please, let's get back to the subject of our conversation. So, you will go to school," continued Galya. – Obviously, your parents would never allow this. This is my initiative. I realize that our little world is in danger. You must understand.

– I understand, Galya," replied the girl. – I do not mind changes in life. And the City has always beckoned me. I want to get to know it better. I'll make friends.

– Louise, please, listen to me. You're going to keep an eye on those teenagers. All I have to do is send you to their class.

– They seem older than me. Niels is graduating from high school.

– I know, and that's a bit of a problem. But don't worry, you and I will think it over. And you have to promise not to tell mom and dad.

– I won't," Louise said firmly. She wouldn't mind getting on their nerves.

– One more thing: we're going to start learning magic. Your mother insisted on it a long time ago. I've been putting it off for a long time, but I think it's time now.

– Galya, listen: what if nothing terrible happens? Maybe nobody will attack us?

– I'd like to believe so," answered the nanny.

– Are there no wizards in our land? " Louise asked suddenly. Her thoughts were raging like a fire.

– What do you need them for? " the old woman wondered.

– They could find those teenagers and… well, for example, erase their memories," suggested the girl.

– Louise, we can't do that. You can't.

– Why not? It would be good for everyone.

– They've probably already told others about our world. We can't find all the people. We'll only attract attention. No, we'll be discreet.

– Galya, what can you do? What will you teach me?" young Louise has changed the subject again.

– Magic, baby. You need to know how to fly, too. And hiding and disguise.

– Will I be able to turn objects? Or become invisible? " the girl was excited. Now she was thinking about her second essence with an obvious note of joy. If she could fly, she could definitely escape. At least people won't catch up with her.

– People aren't evils. Some of them are good.

– You mean the boy?

– Niels.

– He's not going anywhere. You'll go to school together. He'll protect you. And you'll protect him.

– In case of war, can he come to us for shelter? He mustn't die!

– Isn't he a soldier? Didn't you say something about military training at the Glade?" Galya asked. No one has ever come to the Forests and Steppes to run and jump to ridiculous shouts before – it's definitely not for nothing.

– I don't know what it was. Maybe it didn't happen at all. There's no telling what a little girl might make up!" Louise objected. She would not allow her star to be evil. And even if it were true, he wouldn't kill the girl.

– Tomorrow I'll wake you up at seven in the morning before the sun comes up. We'll sit in the kitchen and discuss everything calmly.

– Galya, what are you doing! So many things at once, it makes my head spin!

– Were you happy with the boy?

– I was radiant, Galya!

– I see. So this is it.

– What? What is it?

– Love, Louise.

– I want to see magical creatures. Otherwise, who am I, anyway?

It was only fair – Louise had spent her whole life living in a world she appeared to know almost nothing about.

– We'll see. Let life run ahead," Galya replied calmly. Nevertheless, the child became enthusiastic and ran to his room. Already slamming the door, Louise suddenly remembered:

– A telephone, Galya! Can we buy a telephone?

– We'll go sometime. Maybe we'll find something," she smiled.

By the way, Galya remembered that she had promised Louise another important conversation.

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Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
08 eylül 2023
Yazıldığı tarih:
194 s. 7 illüstrasyon
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