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These observations I have made by way of Introduction for the benefit of the inexperienced, that being thus forewarned they might know that the doctrine contained in these sacred histories is concerning the most momentous things, and is most copious and extensive, which indeed the following commentary will most learnedly and blessedly open up and explain. Let those therefore who read it bear in mind that the six particular admonitions which I have here mentioned; and let their aim in reading be this, that by meditating on the lives of the holy men here recorded, they may become accustomed to the fear of God and to faith in him; and to call upon him in prayer and supplication.
And as there is no old commentary of the book of Genesis existing, and as it is well known to all that this book is calculated to be of the utmost benefit and profit, thanks are due to the Reverend Doctor Luther, our teacher, both from myself and from all who fear God, for having undertaken this exposition, by doing which he has rendered a most essential service; not only to us, but to all posterity; because he has here opened up and explained the most important things; and has also so commented upon those most excellent men and lights of the Church, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, that their virtues because of this commentary shine forth with much renewed brightness.
Before this, when the people heard the names of these luminaries of the Church, they had no particular thoughts upon their spiritual excellencies or their heroism; nor did they consider them to be above the common rank of shepherds; but now, they learn to acknowledge the peculiar presence of God with them, and to render thanks unto God that they were called of him and that they so wonderfully governed and revived the Church. From these also they have borrowed eminent examples of the fear of God, of faith, of confession, of patience, and of many other holy virtues. On these they fix their eyes as on leaders and lights of the Church, and inquire of their doctrine for the confirmation of their faith. In a word they venerate them as their fathers; that is, as teachers of all who call upon Jesus Christ; and they understand also that these same patriarchs are the fathers in the flesh of those murderers, the Jews, and of others who, like the Jews of old, hold up Christ for a laughing-stock and "crucify him afresh" day by day.
Indeed, it is no small step toward godliness to know the doctrines of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph; and to exalt these eminent men in our esteem.
And that this commentary might be a benefit to more, and might be handed down to posterity, as Doctor Luther had not leisure enough to commit it to writing, with the help of my friends, Caspar Cruciger and George Rorary, I collected it with the greatest diligence and speed, as we received it from the mouth of our venerable teacher Luther; and faithfully committed it to paper; and I hope our services will be acceptable to all our readers who fear the Lord.
This useful and valuable monument of divine knowledge and experience therefore I dedicate to you, most Illustrious Prince, John Ernest; which, I doubt not, you will prize more than any monuments of marble or of brass. For I know it is your desire that this noble work of Martin Luther should be preserved for the Church's sake; and I am equally assured that you love and cherish it with a pious regard, and after the example of your father; and I am also persuaded that you love the author of it; which also you do after the example of your reverend father, that most upright prince, Elector John, Duke of Saxony, whose worth we thus deservedly record; who, although he was far inferior to our most eminent leaders, whom I have before mentioned, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph; yet I may justly rank him with that Pharaoh, King of Egypt, whom Joseph instructed in the true knowledge of God; and who gave a quiet dwelling to the family of Jacob. For thus your father also learned the Gospel with a holy desire that he might worship God. And he cherished and adorned the churches, and devoted all his counsels with the greatest moderation, to the common peace and tranquility of Germany.
Receive therefore, Illustrious Prince, this great work, which is now dedicated to you; that by reading these wonderful histories of the government, the perils, and the defense of the Church of God, you may learn to govern and strengthen your own exalted mind.
The reason why this commentary did not appear all at once, but in separate volumes, was because the labor of collecting and committing it to paper was very great; and we have not much idle time at our disposal, from the duties of our calling, as many dream we have; nor as those have, who only vaunt and talk of their great and numerous good works. I hope however that this my candid confession will be accepted by the reader, if I shall put into his hands a part of our labors first; though it is not a small part; and I promise that the remainder shall be added to it in a short time. For as one of old says, "A godly mind surmounts the hardest toil."
We who are engaged in church work have not only the labor of commenting and teaching, but we have also to endure many other burdens; and that, too, with much courage and firm determination of mind.
Nor am I deterred from my purpose even by the opinions of those, who say that nothing which our adversaries advance, who reproach this kind of doctrine (which, through the goodness and mercy of God, sounds forth in our Church), ought to be published to the world. For God's will is that he should be proclaimed aloud, both by the living voice and by the writings of his Church. Hence it is said concerning the Church's living voice, "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou perfected praise." And concerning her writings, "These things shall be written for the generation to come." God's will is, that the doctrine revealed by him should be delivered faithfully and purely to posterity. And his will also is that we should inculcate it by speaking, by discoursing, by commenting, and by writing; that it might become familiarly known to us. And this continual meditation and application of the pen are of essential service to the promotion of godliness.
In a word, on what subjects can we meditate and what things can we commit to paper more useful and important than these? I approve of the labors of all, who devote themselves to the useful arts. I praise those who describe the nature and properties of plants and adorn any of the arts given us from above. But it is not more the duty of men to philosophize upon plants or upon the anatomy of the human body, than to collect with a godly intent those things which were delivered to us of God, attended with sure and certain testimonies.
And as to our adversaries, who reproach the doctrine of our Church, all such are refuted in this very book of Genesis by those sure witnesses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Since, therefore, we have such eminent men as these, as witnesses on our side; nay, as our teachers, too; let us not be moved by the calumnies and reproaches of the wicked. Reader, farewell. To God I commend you.
Christmas, 1544.
To the Worthy, Honorable and Illustrious Christopher von Steinberg, my Gracious Lord:
How one should read the books of Moses and what one should chiefly learn from them are fully set forth by our beloved and highly honored father, Doctor Luther, in many places of his writings; namely, one should first of all and above all concentrate his attention upon the very loving and comforting promises concerning our Lord and Saviour, some of which are very clear and plain in the sacred writings of Moses, as Gen. 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Also, Gen. 22:18, "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." Likewise Deut. 18:15, "Jehovah thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him shall ye hearken." In the second place attention should be given to the glorious and beautiful examples of faith, of love, of suffering, of patience, of prayer and other spiritual characteristics and traits in the saints, as in Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others. How God was disposed toward them, governed, protected and heard them. And thirdly, study the examples of unbelief among the ungodly and of the divine wrath and judgment, in Cain, Ishmael, Esau, in the Flood and in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. For all these are nowhere described more truly and fully than in the writings of Moses; and such examples illustrate, if they are rightly studied, how the entire Old Testament is to be used with profit; namely, that we learn to trust and believe in God from the examples of the saints set before us, how God received them, ruled and led them and wonderfully protected them. But from the examples of the wrath and judgment of God learn to fear him.
Such passages are not only here and there in all the books of Moses, but in his first book he treats also the following important themes: Whence all creatures, especially man, have their origin; also what sin and death are and how man may be delivered from them and become truly pious, which every man seeks and desires; for these are the most important subjects of all the sacred Scriptures. Likewise, how the Church originated and grew, often came in need and danger, and was wonderfully preserved by God.
The foregoing one should know, if he would read Moses, and especially his first book, Genesis. But so much is in these sound and useful lessons and explanations of Genesis by our honored father, Doctor Martin Luther, of blessed memory, that I will give a short account of it. And first it is true that this dear and great man, our beloved father and prophet, Doctor Martin Luther, served the Church to his last days in many and various labors. In his exposition of the prophetical and apostolical writings, he has most faithfully explained, enforced and defended the doctrines concerning the forgiveness of sins, righteousness before God, and eternal salvation. However his expositions of his "beloved Genesis," as he delighted to call it, are a key or paragon to all his other writings and books, and a very rich treasure in which an excellent theology is gathered and formulated, as every diligent reader will find for himself. For what is now and then treated in many writings of Doctor Luther, flow together here in one work, which might rightly be called Dr. Luther's Theology. Further you find here for the first time many useful reports of all kinds of spiritual and theological discussions, as they spring up continuously, and especially critical and special instruction almost on every article of Christian doctrine, of God, of the three Persons in the divine Essence, of the creation, of sin, of faith and the forgiveness of sin; of the Law and the Gospel, and how both doctrines are to be distinguished from one another, which have never been treated better and more fully than in this book. Also, of the true Church, of the papacy of Rome, against which you will find here very powerful storms, almost on every page. Against the Jews and all their lies, dreams and phantasies; also some powerful discussions and strong refutations of their prejudices, comments, corruptions and misunderstandings. In addition also the correct exegesis or explanations of many difficult passages of the Scriptures, and strong consolation in all kinds of spiritual need and temptations, as against doubt and unbelief, the fear and the crisis of death, and the like. Also, the refutation of many false teachings and heresies both old and new. In addition some fine and useful histories illustrating the course of the Gospel in our day. Likewise prophecies concerning Germany as to its sad future because it lightly esteems the Word and is so very unthankful, some of which have already been realized and others are about to be. Finally you find at times, according to the drift and occasion of the expositions, good counsels and reports also about external and worldly affairs, to know which fully is necessary, useful and pleasant.
Therefore then, as I considered it a sin that such a treasure should remain only in the Latin language and that others, who were unacquainted with it, should be robbed of it, especially since Dr. Martin Luther was the teacher and prophet of Germany; and in order that everybody, especially the fathers of homes and the people at large, might enjoy this treasure to their profit, advancement and consolation, have I in my weak ability translated the first two parts of the Exposition into German in the plainest and most faithful manner, and dedicated the same to your high honor and to other Christians of the nobility, who have been admonished to love and further such Christian works, for a testimony and praise that your highness was disposed in a Christian and praiseworthy manner to further such useful church works, and heartily inclined to do them. May our beloved God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ grant that it may be helpful to many pious Christians! Herewith I commend your highness and the benevolent Christians of the worthy nobility to the care and protection of Almighty God.
Your humble, willing servant,BASIL FABER.
Dated Magdeburg, St. Michael, A.D. 1557.
Among the illustrious gifts of grace with which God endowed our beloved and blessed Dr. Martin Luther, as the chosen agent for the reformation of the Church, one of the greatest was that he did not only love the divine Word from his heart and held it indeed, dearer than thousands of gold and silver; but also that he possessed a deep insight into and was mighty in explaining the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Both were united in a high degree in him by the wisdom and goodness of God. He was indeed a great lover of the divine Word and found in it his greatest pleasure, when he studied it to be established in his faith by learning from it the way he should walk. In the many and various trials he had to experience he could draw from it the one consolation, of which he gave many proofs and at the same time left behind him a testimony that can not be gainsaid, which confirms that for which he is in this respect honored. For his love and high appreciation of the sacred Scriptures he makes apparent upon every occasion. From the beginning of his academic career to its close he lectured constantly and untiringly on the Scriptures and sought to make his hearers acquainted with them. He founded his teachings on them and was therefore firm and unmovable in the same. He used them against his opponents as the sword of the spirit, put them to flight and refuted all their errors, so that they could not do anything against him, especially the Papists. He praised the Scriptures most highly and admonished all to read them and pray to God for true light if they desired the true knowledge and wished to further their salvation. As great as was his love to the divine Books so well was he experienced in them and God gave him great talents to understand and explain them. He did not hang to the outward shell nor did he seek to apply in his expositions an extensive human knowledge; but he came to the right foundation and the true and real purpose of the Spirit of God, whether he had before him the legal or the evangelical Word, and knew a clear and impressive way to give the true meaning and will of God in the respective passages, especially concerning the universal sinful and deep ruin of mankind, the grace and merciful love of God, Christ the kernel of all the holy Scriptures, righteousness by faith, the active and working character of faith, as also other points of life and doctrine, which he did not do the least in the historical parts of the Scriptures.
Such gifts Luther received from God because he was chosen as the agent of the Reformation, and they were by all means necessary to that end. For by means of the Scriptures the light penetrated the darkness covering the world, and revealed the abominations of the papacy. Hence he translated the Scriptures into German from the original texts. He placed the Bible in the hands of the people. Then in his sermons, academic lectures and everywhere he diligently explained in many excellent expositions the divine Books, where he showed how one is to understand the Word of God and apply it fruitfully to his edification.
These expository and exegetical writings of the sainted Luther are written with a talent especially adapted for the work, and they have also at all times brought special blessings, although we deny not that some are to be preferred to others. And among Luther's very best writings all agree, and rightly so, is his Commentary on Genesis, a short historical account of which I will now give.
Luther began this work at Wittenberg in his lectures to the university students in 1536, and ended it after ten years of labor, Nov. 17, 1545, only a few months before his death. So John Mathesius reports in his "Sermons on the Life of Luther," and then adds, Luther because of worry left Wittenberg for a time to visit the Prince of Anhalt, at Merseburg, and wrote, "Upon his return home, he finished his Genesis, Nov. 17, 1545, on which he had labored ten years." Ludwig von Seckendorf's "History of Lutheranism" is the authority that he began this work in 1536, while in the margin of the Latin edition is printed that he entered upon the exposition of the twenty-second chapter, Oct. 27, 1539.
In the meantime the wisdom of God directed that this glorious treasure should not lie buried, but should be brought to light for the quickening of many souls, and issued periodically in parts. The beginning was made while Luther was still living, and the first part, the Creation and the Flood, appeared in 1545, containing his lectures on the first eleven chapters of Genesis, edited by Veit Dietrich, who heard Luther deliver the lectures while a student at Wittenberg, to which he wrote a dedication, and Luther added a short but precious "Address to the Christian Reader" [both of which we print in full]. Luther died in 1546, and Veit Dietrich in 1549, but Jerome Besoldus, pastor at Nuremberg, continued the work and issued the three other parts or volumes at Nuremberg. The second volume, The History of Abraham, with a preface by Michael Roting, professor at Nuremberg, from the twelfth chapter to verse 10 of the twenty-fifth chapter, was published in 1550. The third volume, to the thirty-sixth chapter, appeared in 1552, with a preface by Philip Melanchthon, and the fourth volume to the end of Genesis, in 1554, prefaced by Besoldus himself. Jerome Baumgartner, a councilman of Nuremberg, and a great lover of Luther's writings, appointed Besoldus to this work upon the death of Veit Dietrich, Melanchthon and Rorary approving. Jerome Besoldus studied at Wittenberg, heard these lectures from Luther's mouth, and diligently wrote a large part of them as they were delivered. He stayed in the home of Luther and ate at his table. He made use, also, of what Dietrich, Cruciger, Rorary and Stoltz had written from Luther's mouth. He says when Veit Dietrich died while preparing the second volume, the enemies of the Gospel sought to prevent its publication, and there was little hope that it should appear in print complete. But God graciously heard the prayers of the godly in these dark and distressing days, who longed for the last and best writings of their beloved Luther, when Councilman Baumgartner resolved that at least what Veit Dietrich had prepared for the second volume should appear, and the result was the work complete was printed.
This commentary was delivered to the students in Latin and first published in that language. But soon arrangements were perfected to issue it in German. Basil Faber, who died while rector in Erfurt, a celebrated educator, translated the first two volumes, whose dedication we give in full; and John Guden, senior pastor at Brunswick, translated volumes three and four, and his dedication was to the same person and written on Epiphany of the same year, 1557, a little before Faber's dedication.
Other editions of the commentary, both in Latin and German, followed, and then it was incorporated in the editions of the complete works of Luther; in the Wittenberg edition, in Latin and German, and in the Altenburg and the Leipsic collections in German, and all subsequent editions.
That Luther himself did not make much of this work is a proof of his humility and that he ascribed nothing to himself, but all to the grace of God. Nevertheless the commentary is worthy of all the praise it has received. In the Formula of Concord our forefathers referred to it as a "Commentarius praeclarus," or an excellent commentary and the Leipsic and Wittenberg theologians in their final report and explanation, especially against Flacius, mention "The Augsburg Confession," the Postils, and other sermons of Luther which are full of the precious teachings and strong consolation of the Holy Ghost, and all his other books on doctrine, especially those written after the Diet of Augsburg, in 1530, among the best of which are his explanations of certain Prophets and the Psalms, the Epistle to the Galatians; and in this select list is classified the "Commentary on Genesis." They designate it as a "rich exposition, with which he closed his calling, his ministerial office and his life in a blessed way. Because of this we justly esteem it highly. For in the same commentary he gave full and free expression to his last convictions and confession on most of the articles of the Christian faith and bequeathed them to the world."
In like manner have other divines of our Church judged of this commentary and held that we should esteem it highly and that it proves Luther was truly a great expounder of the Scriptures. (Basil Faber's dedication is quoted at length here, also Veit Dietrich at other places, but we refer the reader to their documents, which we give in full.)
John Guden says: "Luther has left us in this Commentary a rich treasury as a legacy, and what a valuable treasure it is, they will truly learn, who diligently read it. As a summary, one finds here the true kernel of the doctrine our God has revealed to us through Dr. Luther, as Melanchthon, Jonas and other spiritual men have also rightly judged."
Mathesius with good spiritual taste says: "He who learns to know Christ in Genesis has instruction in the power of the divine Word and knows what sin and righteousness are, which avail before God. My testimony concerning this blessed Commentary I wish to leave behind me that my natural and spiritual children may not forget it, but esteem it highly all their lives. My Genesis, for the sake of instruction and consolation, I have frequently read through, underscored and described. Remember this commentary explained to me the Word and will of Christ, and from it God gave comfort, rest and life to my troubled soul. For when our case is like the suffering of the patriarchs and the exposition suits one's heart as if the Doctor really speaks with us, then the Commentary is incorporated in us and lives in us, and refreshes and quickens one's heart." Joachim Morlin, in "How to Read With Profit the Writings and Books of the Beloved and Blessed Man of God, Dr. Martin Luther," praises above all others this Commentary and says: "Read the following 'Consummatum Est,' 'It Is Finished,' of this holy man, 'The Beloved Genesis,' in which as in a new world he brings forth and opens up not only certain parts but all the treasures and riches of the wisdom of the divine Word, so that there is not another book like it on earth since the times of the apostles. Luther's Genesis makes all theologians scholars." Jerome Weller says: "Luther's Commentary on Genesis is his Swan Song. For although all Luther's writings are full of manifold doctrines and consolations, yet his Commentary on Genesis excels all others. There is hardly a temptation for which he has not given in this Commentary a sure remedy; yes, Luther has excelled himself in this Commentary. Therefore I continually admonish all theological students again and again that they read this commentary diligently and assiduously and never lay it out of their hands, but seek to be wedded to it. For I can assure you I received more benefit from this commentary than from almost all the other writings of Luther. Therefore I will never be satisfied nor tired of reading it. If all that has been written since the apostles were gathered in one heap, they would not be worthy to be compared with this Commentary. I know that I speak the truth, and all who have experienced the truth and learned theologians share my convictions."
Not that the work does not praise itself but that we may better know that not only a few but that the teachers of our Church generally, have at all times justly emphasized its praise, I add a few more testimonies. Timothy Kirchner, in the preface to his "Thesaurus Dr. Lutheri" (1565), says: "In this book all theologians must go to school, and no one will graduate in it. Luther, the man of God, has so clearly and richly treated in it nearly all the greatest and most important articles of our Christian faith, that the like, the holy Bible alone excepted, has not appeared in the world and indeed will not. It will be and remain indeed a 'Thesaurus thesaurorum,' a treasury of treasuries, and a perennial fountain of all consolation, along with the Bible." David Chytraeus (1557) also does not know how to praise this work enough, he says: "It is a Swan Song and at the same time a complete work in every respect. Not only is it a rich treasure of spiritual wisdom and learning, clothed in fine, rich language, and an accurate explanation of all the difficult passages and questions, but it has also developed in its language a special and characteristic power, which moves the soul of the reader and inspires him to true piety, fear of God, faith and other virtues." He admonishes all the godly attentively and diligently to read this last work of Luther, and advertise it in preference to other writings, which are indeed learned, but are not as awakening as this one. Daniel Cramer agrees with Chytraeus and says in his "Isagogics," in 1630: "Whoever has not read this Commentary is not worthy of the name of a theologian." Abraham Calov in his preface to his "Commentary on Genesis" (1671), calls this "A golden book," and Thomas Crenius (1704), "A work that can not be praised enough." Christian Gerber expresses his conviction thus: "The writings of Luther are worthy to be esteemed more highly and used more diligently. His Commentary on Genesis is a remarkable book, not only awakening but useful and edifying to read. He has so beautifully described the virtues and piety of the holy patriarchs that one can hardly read them enough when he once begins. One could draw from this Commentary an excellent patriarchal and Christian system of ethics, and it is to be hoped that some theologian will do it, which would indeed be a useful and excellent book." Again John Heinreich von Seelen writes: "It is a treasure more precious that gold, containing inestimable riches of holy thoughts, so that some have rightly judged that this is the best of all Luther's books." Von Seckendorf writes: "One is really amazed at the almost incredible gifts of Luther to explain the holy Scriptures so critically and clearly without any great effort. He studied the greatest expounders of the Bible. He was little concerned about his words and style and dictated nothing, and the same thoughts he uttered on other occasions in different words, for he was never in want of words." Many more like testimonies could be quoted.
The foregoing words of praise are well grounded, as every one who has thoughtfully and diligently read this book must confess. What Richard Simon, the Jewish critic, and Pallavicinus, Maimburg and other enemies of the Protestant faith have said against it only prove their own ignorance and darkness in spiritual knowledge and makes Luther shine forth all the brighter. When von Seckendorf wished to make extracts from this Commentary, so many important subjects and passages were found that he did not know which to select.
There is a glorious work for this book of the sainted Luther to accomplish. From it the learned and the unlearned may be taught the true meaning of Genesis, gain a critical insight into many theological subjects and reap much for their private devotions. Therefore it is well that new editions of it are constantly being issued and an opportunity is given to a larger number to read it. This edition will be found more correct and accurate than the others, and also more serviceable and convenient. This is due to the publisher, Mr. John Gottgetreu Mueller, who has chosen not only good paper and print, but also a convenient form (a quarto instead of a folio form). May the Lord of lords make this labor of the sainted Luther to be a greater blessing, so that his most holy name may further be glorified and many souls be established in the saving knowledge of the Gospel, or encouraged to that end, for the sake of his merciful love. Amen.
Jena, April 6th, 1739.