Kitabı oku: «Time Management»
Time Management
The experts tell all!
Martin Manser

Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Author’s note
Learn how to use your time effectively
Know yourself
1.1 Start with some dreams
1.2 Think about your personal goals
1.3 Know when you work best
1.4 Track how you spend your time
1.5 Get on top of stress
1.6 Prepare to change
Know your work
2.1 Clarify your job
2.2 Stop putting things off
2.3 Keep your concentration
2.4 Overcome low motivation
2.5 Sharpen up your decision-making
2.6 Be flexible about where you work
Get organized
3.1 Clear your desk
3.2 Keep a diary
3.3 Set up systems
3.4 File it
3.5 Create an action list
3.6 Set a realistic schedule
Work better
4.1 Work SMART
4.2 Spend time to save time
4.3 Be proactive, not reactive
4.4 Identify the important and the urgent
4.5 Break down a taskinto smaller steps
4.6 Get it right first time
4.7 Respond creatively to problems
4.8 Life beyond work
Work better as a team
5.1 Learn how to manage your boss
5.2 Develop a balanced team
5.3 Work together harmoniously
5.4 Delegate effectively
5.5 Learn to say “no”
5.6 Plan better meetings
5.7 Run better meetings
Communicate more effectively
6.1 Think about how you communicate
6.2 Cope with email
6.3 Speak on the phone
6.4 Make better use of your computer
6.5 Make the most of the Internet
6.6 Listen carefully
6.7 Make good notes
6.8 Read more quickly
6.9 Think about what you’re writing
6.10 Write more clearly
Take control of your time
7.1 Create blocks of time
7.2 Stay focused
7.3 Keep your paperwork under control
7.4 Use slack time well
7.5 Deal with interruptions
7.6 Combat tiredness
7.7 Put it all into practice
Jargon buster
Further reading
About the Author
About the Publisher
Author’s note
Thank you to Hannah and Brian Murphy for their contributions.
Learn how to use your time effectively
There was a saying in our home as I grew up: “Even a world leader only has 24 hours in a day!” We all want to make sure we live well, that we make the best use of our time, but it is limited for each one of us. How can we make the best of our time?
We all have different personalities and have various demands made on our time. Some of us are very organized, others less so.
Over my working life, I’ve learnt a number of techniques to help make good use of time. There are two basic ideas: one is to work efficiently – to see that I have systems in place so that things go smoothly, making the best use of the resources available to me. But I have learnt to do more than that; I also want to live and work effectively – to make something of my life, to make it count, to achieve something definite, good and right.
Over the 30 years of my working life, I have had to ask myself some hard questions: what do I want out of life? What do I want to achieve? What kind of person am I? How can I develop as a person? How do I want to spend my time? How should I value my time?
So this book is more than being simply about how we spend our time. It’s about how we spend our life. Here are 50 secrets I’ve learnt, divided into seven chapters:
Know yourself. If you know what kind of person you are and what you want to get out of life, you can begin to set priorities.
Know your work. Our business life is a major part of our lives. Knowing the underlying purposes of your job will help focus your attention on seeing how well you use your time.
Get organized. Here are tips on working effectively, e.g. by keeping a diary, setting up systems and drawing up schedules.
Work better. It is important to use your time proactively, setting priorities and working well at tasks, however small they are.
Work better as a team. We don’t work individually, in isolation from one another, so it’s vital to develop good working relationships within a team with successful delegation and well-run meetings.
Communicate more effectively. How do we stop all our time being taken up by email, computers and the Internet? Face-to-face and phone communication are also vital in good time management, as are good listening, reading and writing skills.
Take control of your time. Effective use of time takes place as you learn to manage time well by remaining focused on tasks, minimizing interruptions and using slack time that may come unexpectedly.
If you follow these seven secrets you will know how to spend your time well, how to live effectively, how to make the most of the adventure of life. I wish you all the best!
You can learn to take control of how you spend your time.
Know yourself
This opening chapter will help you understand the broader issues concerning how you spend your time. Defining what you want out of life, what goals you have and when and how you work best will help you understand your overall priorities. This will then translate into the way in which you go about managing your time.
1.1 Start with some dreams
Before you start looking at how you spend your time at work, it is very useful to think about your life more widely. Do you have a clear vision for your life? What are you most passionate about? Answering these questions will help you decide on what really matters in life and so how you choose to spend your time.
Here are five ‘Ds’ to think about:
1 Drive. Think about what really fires you up. What motivates you? What is it that gives you energy and a great sense of personal fulfilment? What values in life do you hold? What do you care deeply about?
2 Dream. What have you always wanted to do? Where do you see yourself in a year’s time? What about in five years’ time? Dream some dreams!
“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled” Barack Obama, US President
3 Develop. What natural skills, abilities or talents do you have that you could develop further?
4 Discuss. Chat through the answers to some of these questions with friends. Are you being honest or completely unrealistic about yourself. Are there seeds of some possibilities that could become real?
5 Define. It will help you greatly if you can set clear and positive goals: “I’d like to…”, “In five years’ time I want to be able to…” You can then break down these goals into more immediate aims, such as steps to obtain a qualification, gain experience or learn new skills. Think about what the next steps would be in order to fulfil the goals and aims that you have set for yourself.
Focus on what motivates you, the things you would like to achieve and what personal fulfilment means to you.
1.2 Think about your personal goals
Goals can be related to your work, to your family life or to life in your community. They might even relate to playing a role on the world stage. Whatever the case, it is only once you have set yourself a goal that you can plan how to translate it into reality.
Your goal might be, for example, “to become a partner in this firm by the age of 30”, or “to spend 50% more time with my family” or “to help underprivileged children”. Whatever the goal, once you have settled on your main objectives, you can begin to break them down into smaller steps to enable them to be realized.
case study Five years ago, Alex knew he wanted to work in Thailand: that was his dream and passion. He was already qualified as a teacher in his home country, but he needed further training to refine his skills and learn the local language. He couldn’t give up his full-time job, so he decided to spend an evening every week for two years learning the local language from a friend, and studying the background and culture of the country. His focused, practical steps taken towards this long-term goal eventually paid off, and Alex is now teaching in Thailand with a real sense of fulfilment.
A useful exercise at this stage is to prepare a pattern diagram of the various activities surrounding your goal. This is a diagram you creatively draw that captures what you perceive to be the main aspects of your central idea. To do this, you should:
Take a blank sheet of A4 paper, arranging it in landscape format.
Write your central goal (a word or a few words, not a whole sentence) in the middle of the paper.
Write around that central word other key words that relate to it.
Keep branching out various other aspects of the goal that come into your mind.
If you get stuck at any point, answer the fundamental questions: who?, why?, where?, what?, when? and how? Doing this will stimulate your thinking process.
At this stage, do not reject any thoughts.
You can colour different key words to show which relate to each other.
You can number the different key words, too, in order of importance.
Hopefully you’ll find it a useful way to think about your goals, what other aspects of your life they may affect, and get a clearer picture of what steps you’ll need to take to achieve them.
Define your goals and think creatively about the different aspects of them.
1.3 Know when you work best
Each one of us has a period of time during the day when we work best. It could be early morning, mid-morning after coffee, after lunch or in the evening. You should be doing the most important or difficult work when you are most alert.
When working out which time of day you work best, remember that eating a heavy meal can make your work rate slower, and so you are more likely to make mistakes. You should guard your most productive time and not use it doing non-productive tasks. The saying goes, “time spent sharpening a pencil is never wasted”, but you shouldn’t use your high-energy time to sharpen pencils!
case study Stan works in an office and knows that he works best in the morning. Every day as far as possible he completes the parts of his work that need more concentrated thought between 9am and 1pm. In the afternoon, he makes himself available for meetings or routine admin tasks. He has to be flexible to some extent, but he gets more work done by grouping tasks into those that need concentration and those that are purely administrative than by shifting from one to the other.
one minute wonder Take your diary and highlight across a week the one hour every day when you know you are most productive.
Morning people. For many people, the best time of day is the morning, when they are most alert, have the highest energy levels and so do their best work. There are two well-known proverbs for morning people: “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.” “Lose an hour in the morning and you’ll be all day hunting for it.”
Energy through the week. The same principle also applies to days of the week. If you work best on Mondays and Tuesdays, schedule routine meetings for later in the week.
For example, standing around in a queue at 8am waiting to hand in your car at a garage is frustrating for you if your highest energy level is at that time. If you can hand it in later in the day, once your hardest work has been done, then that will be better for you. Keeping as far as possible to this time will help you avoid becoming distracted by all the constant interruptions that can turn you away from fulfilling the task you have to complete.
You shouldn’t be using your most productive time on routine tasks.
1.4 Track how you spend your time
An important step in managing your time is to know how you are actually spending your time. A very useful exercise to work this out exactly is to record the minutiae of your day.
There are two ways of working out how long you spend on different tasks: one is to estimate, the other is to record accurately. The second way is better. If you do this for a day (or ideally, longer), you will probably be surprised that many tasks take longer than you think.
Set up a chart on hard copy or on a spreadsheet broken down into the following columns:
Description | Start time | End time | Time in minutes | Priority |
For the priority column, choose a level of priority from 1 to 5, with 1 being the greatest priority, 5 the least.
one minute wonder Calculate the hourly rate that you are costing your organization:
Take the productive part of each day, which is probably somewhere between 50% and 80% – let’s say 65%.
Say you work 8 hours per day x 65% = 5.2 hours per day that are productive. Say you earn £30,000 per year; then double that to count in benefits and employment overheads = £60k per year.
Divide that by 52 weeks minus 6 weeks for holidays/illnesses = 46 weeks x 5 days x 5.2 hours per day = 1196 hours per year.
Round to 1200 hours and divide £60k by 1200 hours = £50 per hour.
This means that you cost your company or organization £50 for every productive hour you work – an incentive not to waste time!
Recording this level of detail will almost certainly reveal things that you were not aware of about your working day. It may, for example, demonstrate that you spend more time than you had throught in travelling or doing routine tasks (one of my colleagues calculated that he spends a total of 15 minutes every day walking from his computer to the printer and back), or that you spend less time than you should in planning and thinking.
When working out the priority column, consider the following:
Which tasks are central to your role.
Which tasks could be delegated.
Which tasks could be done more effectively.
Which tasks you should not be doing in the first place.
Calculate your time on different tasks and your hourly rate with overheads.
1.5 Get on top of stress
If we had no stress in our lives, maybe nothing would get done. But most of us have too much stress – enough to make us read a book about time management! We find ourselves unable to make decisions and we lose a sense of proportion about life as we become more and more burdened.
We become frustrated at how little progress is being made on the project we’ve been working hard at, despite all our efforts. We think we’re too busy even to take a holiday. If such feelings are familiar to you, it is vital that you find ways that work for you to manage and reduce the stress in your life. Here are some guidelines (see also 4.8):
case study In Ron’s first eight years of working independently, he put in extremely long hours. He was often so exhausted that he couldn’t relax even when away from work, and his relationship with his wife and children suffered. His stress built up and took an emotional and physical toll. He eventually realized that he needed to learn how to build a more balanced lifestyle. So Ron scheduled in more family time. He also developed regular habits of walking around the block (5, 10, 20, 40 minutes depending on the time available) and developed a support group of friends who met regularly. He became more resilient and had ‘coping mechanisms’ in place to help him in times of stress.
Schedule in regular times of rest. If you know you’ve got a very busy week, try to make the weekend or the next week less busy.
Learn to say no. Don’t try to control everything in the universe: set yourself realistic goals (see also 5.5).
Plan holidays in advance. A colleague plans a weekend away every six weeks, to have something to look forward to.
Allow time to be with your partner and family. Schedule family time into the diary if need be!
Take up a new hobby. Or volunteer to help a local charity. Working with others will take you out of yourself.
Spend time with friends. Old friends and new friends.
Develop a sense of humour. It’s one of the best antidotes for stress.
Engage in physical exercise. For example, jogging, cycling, swimming, walking or dancing.
Absorb yourself with the arts or music. Make time to go to an art gallery, the theatre or a concert.
Attend to your spiritual side. Spend time in a form of prayer or meditation to help connect you with more than the physical world.
Think of practical ways to reduce the stress in your life.
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