Kitabı oku: «Update the Diary», sayfa 4

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17:12. Lava and Lily said that forget-me-nots are a reminder of a person who is not around, so they are often planted in the groves of rebirth, as an appeal of the dead to the living. It is sad. I didn't think that such delicate and lovely flowers could have a sad meaning.

18: 34. We looked at each other again. When will it stop?

23:49. The nurse makes me go to bed, but I can't leave Dino alone, he'll disappear without me.

Day 51.

Hello, Diary.

Today is January 28 of the year 2069, Saturday.

On the street -7, Sunny.

12:42. Yuna came to me and brought the people with her, and we had fun.

Nothing interesting happened at the school, except the expulsion of the head of the student Council, a mass fight in the cafeteria, a disco in honor of the New Year, and the election of a new head of the Council. Lilia liked Yuna very much, and they quickly found a common language.

It's strange that Sammy didn't come with them; the people said that he was taking a test at driving school, and I was lying here. I would like to return to normal life as soon as possible.

14:21. My parents, sister, and Mary will be here by 19: 00. And their parents already took Lava and Lily.

I'll play Shogi with Catsu for a while; he recently explained the rules to me.

16:32. He's gloomier than usual today, but he says he just didn't get enough sleep. Why won't he tell me?

Sammy interrupted our long game, but I didn't want to leave Catsu alone, so I suggested that He spend time with us.

18: 23. Sammy asked forgiveness for the inconvenience caused by gossip and speculation about our relationship; he just worries about me as a good friend and classmate. He treats me like his little sister, who lives far away from our city. After apologizing, Sammy said that he passed the test and can now go to practice.

21:47. Mary entered the second stage in the class of natural image of signs! How quickly time passes when you don't watch it.

Nora brought me homemade cookies, which I haven't eaten since John died. My sister used to cook them for family holidays – a tradition she decided to forget, just like her ex-husband. But if she did make them, it means she's resigned to losing him, and that makes me happy.

I need to save some for Lava and Lily, and I need to buy some cookies for Catsu. Now he needs to eat well.

23:41. It's unusual to fall asleep in an empty room.

Do Lavender and Lilia often get bouquets of lavender and Lilia? You should definitely ask them.

Has anyone visited Catsu today? I don't remember anyone coming to see him. I feel more and sorrier for Catsu every day, and I want to hug and comfort Him and tell him that everything is going to get better. By the way, he liked Nora's cookies, and I'll bring him some more for breakfast.

Dino likes oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips and cherry marmalade.

02:36. He couldn't forget me! Dino will come back to me! We will be together!

03: 12. The Moon is beautiful, and the nurse went for a sedative, but why do I need it? I don't feel any pain; I don't feel anything at all now except emptiness.

Day 52.

Hello, Diary.

Today is January 29, 2069, Sunday.

On the street -7, cloudy.

14:31. I was with Catsu after breakfast. It looks much better today than it did yesterday. This pleases.

15:54. Lava and Lily arrived, and I shared cookies with them.

17:12. My parents came and brought everything I asked for. Now you need to draw a portrait and give it to Catsu. I hope he likes it.

19:41. Yuna came and spent most of her time with Lily and Lava. Sammy came with her. He gave me a trial version of the test so that I could prepare and, after discharge, start driving practice. It's good that he supports me.

21:03. I finally finished the portrait of the Cats.

22:33. He was very surprised by my gift and thanked me for a long time. He has a beautiful smile.

* Diary, it's time for you to get to know Catsu Kunala better. *

His height is 172 cm, weight 43 kg.

He lost weight during the depression because he didn't eat anything. His mental health has almost stabilized, and he is only in the hospital for weight gain.

It is interesting to play Board games with him, where logical thinking is required, not luck. Watching Catsu, I realized that it had long turned away from him. I want him to always smile.

Catsu is kind and always ready to help if asked, but because of his modesty and taciturnity, he is considered strange even in the psychiatric ward.

Catsu doesn't tell you much about himself, and it's hard for him to trust people. I think it has to do with his parents.

* End of Dating. *

23: 23. It’s time to sleep. I don't want to look out the window; I don't want to see Him now.

Bye, Diary.

Day 53.

Hello, Diary.

Today is January 31, 2069, Tuesday.

On the street -6, snow.

12:42. Today we went to the gym and had a little volleyball tournament. It's been a long time since I went into the game with my head, it's sad when our group lost, but I tried very hard. After the game, the Catsu praised me.

14:04. Today we made our own salad, just mixed sliced vegetables and dressing, but it was much more interesting than ready-made meals. Why don't other departments do this?

16: 33. I finished reading the book Sammy gave me. He keeps coming to me every day. This pleases.

Yuna talks to Lily more often now than to me, but it doesn't bother me at all. Now Lavender and I have become more connected, and I learn something new every day.

18:19. The doctor asked me to delete his portraits so that I would think less about Him. But they are too dear to me, if I do not follow the doctor's recommendations, I can stay in this hospital for another month.

23:01. My graphics tablet was taken from me, again. Why do they do this?

23: 22. Dino stopped visiting me, and I started to miss him even more. Why doesn't He come back? Did the drugs start working? But I want to see Him!

01: 44. Time for bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 54.

Hello, Diary.

Today is February 2, 2069, Thursday.

On the street -6, snow.

14:43. Catsu was discharged, and he didn't even say goodbye to me. Was I just a distraction all this time? Why do these thoughts hurt me?

All people are the same. They use you when they need you, and then I throw you out of my life like a used toy! Hate.

These thoughts are killing me. Somebody helps me. I don't want to suffer anymore.

18:46. I was sedated; now I don't feel anything, again. It's even better; I don't want to feel these emotions anymore.

Bye, Diary.

Day 55.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Friday, February 3, 2069.

It's -5 outside, cloudy.

21:13. Nothing happened today.

Bye, Diary.

Day 56.

Hello, Diary.

Today is February 4, the year 2069, Saturday.

It's -3 outside, cloudy.

18:54. The cats came to visit me. It turned out that he did not expect to be discharged, and he was not given time to say goodbye to everyone. He apologized for a long time. Apparently, he was worried about me. After that, I got hysterical, again.

23:35. Dino came to see me. He said he was worried and bored. I asked him to unblock his blog so that we could communicate. But did I block it? I need to check it out tomorrow, and now I'm falling asleep from the medication.

Bye, Diary.

Day 57.

Hello, Diary.

Today is February 5, 2069, Sunday.

On the street -5, cloudy.

07:27. It turned out that I really blocked Him in the blog. Dino texted me every day, wishing me good morning and good night. He hasn't forgotten me!

08:33. I'll block Him, so I don't see these messages again. Yes, that would be better.

09:09. The doctor prescribed me Aqua therapy to relax my muscles, now I will swim in the pool. But will it help me?

18:32. Yuna and Sammy came to see me, and most of the time my friend was with Lily and Lava, and I was reading Tarot cards for Sammy. It amuses me to think that you can “predict” the future using cardboard boxes with strange images that tell you that Sammy is waiting for a difficult choice, but the system calculates everything for us. Future profession, marriage, pet ownership, divorce, children-it all depends on the systems.

My grandmother gave these fortune-telling cards to me, apparently, they are no longer suitable for our time, now we do not control our fate, and the Tarot can predict what can be changed.

20:13. Catsu came to see me, and I missed Him. Tomorrow, he will return to his EOPQ. I hope that Catsu will quickly catch up with the program, and he won't have any problems. The main thing is that he eats well at home. After discharge, I will go to visit him and cook something delicious.

23:54. I read the Diary again. I'll walk around the city at night and see all these lights, but really, I just want to see Dino.

My head is splitting, I need to sleep.

Bye, Diary.

Day 58.

Hello, Diary.

Today is February 17, 2069, Friday.

On the street -3, snow.

12:43. I'm sorry it took me so long to write. Dino was always there for me, and I didn't want to be distracted by Anything but him. We talked and ate together.

Today I spoke with a psychologist, and he said that I should delete everything related to Him. This was already happening when I had to update my Diary because I couldn't think of anything else. I always wondered what Dino was doing, what he liked, and I wanted to know everything, so I forgot about myself.

I went through numerous therapies, but the result was not enough for a long time, the doctor even began to think about partial removal of memories to improve my health, but because this procedure has side effects and requires a long recovery, this idea was left until my full adulthood (until my 21st birthday). And now the doctor suggested that I just delete the Diary.

18: 42. Lily spends hours chatting with Yuna, so I have to entertain Lavender, She also draws, and we have common topics to discuss. Most of all, she likes to make sketches of flowers, especially camellias, which mean modest superiority.

20:22. Sammy will be racing next week. How much I missed! I'd rather get back to school.

20:49. The cats passed all the tests and the test that I missed. I'm glad.

I also ask him to send me pictures of Breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I hope he does eat them. I already missed him. Catsu promised to visit me tomorrow.

03: 26. Dino wants us to walk around the hospital, but if I leave the room, the nurses will immediately give me medicine, because I'm just hallucinating. The real Dino is now sleeping in his room in another city.

Day 59.

Hello, Diary.

Today is 21 February of the year 2069, on Tuesday.

On the street -5, Sunny.

15: 13. * Delete the Diary. *

– The status of Rowley's friend Ula has been deleted. —

– The status of Emet Riga's friend has been deleted. —

– Yuna Temiko's friend status has been removed. —

– Status friend Sammy Vermundo removed. —

– Catsu Kunal's friend status has been removed. —

– Nora Edinson's sister status has been removed. —

– The status of John Lanford's brother has been removed. —

– Mary Lanford's niece status has been removed. —

– Kay Mads's father status removed. —

– The status of Sina Edinson's mother has been removed. —

– The status of Dean Curzon's lover has been removed. —

– The status of the owner of Norma Mads's Diary has been deleted. —

* Deletion completed. Thank you for using the Diary. *

* Diary installed. Enjoy your use. *

Day 1.

Good afternoon, Diary.

Today is June 15, 2073, Thursday.

On the street +18, windy.

11:32. * Let's get acquainted. *

My name is Norma Mads, and I was born on January 13, 2052.

My Hobbies are drawing, extreme driving, collecting photos and Board games.

I graduated from school in 2069, after which the system enrolled me in a professional qualification institution for a web designer.

I participate in motorcycle races and demonstrations.

I also have a pet – a cat named Yoru. We took her from the shelter on the recommendation of a psychologist 4 years ago. Yoru is a very calm and friendly cat. When she was a kitten, she made friends with Mary's dog-named Becky. They are fun to watch. If we come to visit each other, they always play together and then fall asleep in their arms. I already have three albums filled with their joint pictures.

I also have many nature photos in my collection, especially flowers. I am interested in learning their meanings and meanings, and with this, Lily and Lavender help me. They are twins, and their parents are fond of growing plants and creating bouquets for various holidays. I wish I had a job like this.

I have health problems. The doctors say that after this rehabilitation, it will be much easier for me. I don't understand what exactly has changed in me.

The doctor asked me to write down all the events in my life, plans, feelings and memories. That's why I kept a diary.

I hope it doesn't turn into a commotion list over time, as most people do.

* End of Dating. *

12:23. At first, it is unusual to talk about yourself. We'll have lunch, and then I'll lie down to rest.

14:38. At 15:00 will start horse riding. A horse, of course, is not comparable to a bike, but it is much better than breathing exercises.

17:29. Today I rode the star Again (she was given this name because of the white spot on her forehead). I'll bring her some carrots and sugar on the next walk.

At 18:00, there will be a literary hour (which usually lasts two and a half).

We are reading Harper Lee's to “Kill a Mockingbird”. At first, this novel seemed boring to me, but the plot begins to develop more and more.

20:57. We have free time until 22: 30, so I want to go out to the pond and draw a sunset. In recent days, it has become much brighter.

21:36. While making a leisurely sketch, I remembered walking down the alley with Catsu, after his graduation from the EOPQ to teach logic. It's hard to believe that now he works and teaches children, even though he is a child. I missed him. Tomorrow will be the day of reception for our Department, I hope it will come. Catsu said that he started teaching extra classes on Fridays. He's putting a lot of effort into our happy future, and I'm sitting here feeling awkward about it. I need to think about the good things, and then I will recover faster. Besides Catsu, many people want to visit me. Therefore, you will not be bored.

It's time to return to art. The beautiful can't wait forever.

22:48. Time for bed.

See you later, Diary.

Day 2.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is Friday, June 16, 2073.

Outside the window +20, Sunny.

08:31. Let me introduce you to the schedule of the day of our (neurological) Department in the rehabilitation center.

08:00. Rise.

09:00. Breakfast.

10:00. Morning treatments (I go to physical therapy and massage).

11:00. Snack (usually we are offered vegetable or fruit salads, various juices or compotes).

From 12: 00 to 13: 00. Free time when you can walk around the center, read in the library, play games with other patients.

13:00. Lunch.

From 14: 00 to 15: 00. Quiet hour. At this time, our building is being cleaned, so it is recommended to sit in the wards and relax.

15:00. Day treatments (I do horse riding, swimming, and lawn tennis).

17:00. Afternoon snack. When the weather is nice, we spend it outside as if it's a picnic.

18:00. On certain days, this is the time when visiting begins, and during the rest of the literary hour.

20:00. Supper.

20:30. Free evening time. If the weather is nice, we can take a walk or swim in the outdoor pool. There is even a small farm where you can come and take care of the animals. I often help in the stables; my favorites are star And Baby.

22:30. Late dinner.

23: 00. Sleep.

This is the schedule on weekdays, and on weekends, you can leave the center.

At the latter, for example, my sister picked me up, and we spent a quiet evening together watching an old movie.

I hope this weekend I will be meeting with Mary. She grew up to look even more like her father. He is definitely proud of such a wonderful daughter.

My parents are away again on a long business trip, so I won't be able to see them for another 5 months. I miss them.

Time to get ready for dinner.

14:47. The nurse handed over a bunch of wild flowers said it was a gift from a person.

20:43. I was visited by Lavender and told that the EOPQ is passing a practical month and her group needs to create an interior design for 3 apartments. Now they are finishing work on a classic-style apartment.

Next, we decided to analyze the meaning of the gift bouquet, which turned out to be a note: «See you soon». After parsing it, he got the following meaning: “I can't Express my feelings for you, because you are young and innocent, but too reckless, so be careful. I miss you!” Also in the bouquet was flax, which symbolizes a stable family life.

23: 24. I hope this incognito will soon reveal his identity to me, but now I need to sleep.

Good night, Diary.

Day 3.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 17, 2073, Saturday.

On the street +19, rain.

09:42. Nora will arrive at the center at 10: 00, so I still have time to make notes.

* Diary, I want to introduce you to Nora Edinson. *

My sister Nora was born on May 4, 2042, graduated from high school in 2059, and graduated as a pediatrician in 2063. She married John Lanford in 2056, and gave birth to Mary on November 4, 2061. They lived a quiet family life, but after another compatibility test, they got an unsatisfactory result, and the system terminated their marriage.

In the year 2069, Nora entered into marriage with Damon Rock. He works as an anesthesiologist. After the corporate party at their clinic, Damon invited his sister to a cafe, and their relationship began.

The niece did not immediately accept Damon into the family, but she was no longer small, and understood everything, so now they live as a friendly family.

* End of Dating. *

10:03. I'll tell you all about it tonight. Don't miss.

18:42. I finally met Mary, who studies hard and goes to the dog-training center every day. Mary has decided to connect her life with dogs, and she is doing a great job. She is studying at the 6th stage in the class of the natural image of a person.

When we arrived home, we were met by the most fluffy and good-natured cloud, which works for the benefit of society, helping in the search for missing people. Her niece treats her like her own child, protecting her, and Becky reciprocates.

We ate together at our favorite cafe, which serves pancakes with various additives; I ordered pancakes with chocolate cream, Nora – with cherry jam, and Mary-with vanilla ice cream.

22: 12. It was a busy day, and I was tired.

Good night, Diary.

Day 4.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is Sunday, June 18, 2073.

It's +20 outside, Sunny.

08:16. They promise good weather, so I plan to stay outside most of the day, take care of the baby, and go to the pool in the afternoon.

14:56. A veterinarian came to our horses and said the happy news: “Starlet will become a mother!” – We need to think about a name for the future foal. And the baby, the future father, will participate in regional races next week.

Now I'm going to the library to get some sweets for Mia, the librarian's daughter. She is a nice and obedient girl. It is interesting to communicate with Mia, and her thoughts and fantasies are unusual. After talking to her, I am always surprised that she is only 10 years old. We also have a similar literary taste, so we recommend books.

17:31. After discussing the next piece with Mia, I remembered the collection. I wanted to know its author, but my grandmother only said that my grandfather valued the collection, which was a gift from a dear friend. But why didn't she know people close to her grandfather?

18:04. We had a conversation with Nuna (Darina), and she promised that she would gather our entire group and come to visit me on Tuesday, and I wanted to spend the entire reception with Catsu. Now you will have to play the “Illusory world” five. I really missed them. Here I help the people with projects, but this does not compare to joint gatherings in the UPC buffet before the presentation of websites or advertising alerts.

20:12. Today, a bright orange sunset means that the weather will be warm.

According to forecasts, there should be a “Star fall” at night, so the nurses of our Department suggested that those who want to break their sleep regime and enjoy this spectacle.

Then I decided to talk to Yuna. It turned out that they, along with Lily and Lavender, went to the mountains on the weekend, because at the height of the star you can see much better. I wish I could join them.

01:42. The nurse called everyone to see the starry sky; you need to take a camera with you to add to the collection of beautiful sky.

03: 26. Flying comets are beautiful, enjoying this spectacle and almost forgot to take photos, I also made a wish. I hope it comes true.

And I'm very tired. Tomorrow the regular schedule will return and you will have to get up at 08: 00. I hope my head doesn't hurt too much.

Good night, Diary.

Day 5.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is Monday, June 19, 2073.

On the street +21, Sunny.

10:46. Today, instead of physical therapy, we had sports games. I chose volleyball. Our team had professional athletes, so it was not difficult for us to win. But I'm still very tired. The last time I played was 4 years ago, when I met Catsu. Now, on weekends, he plays volleyball in the company of Amateurs and even participates in inter-group competitions. He has become much more sociable. I hope that tomorrow the Catsu to visit me.

12:32. It's time to meet Mia. I think she's already missed me.

* Diary, I want to tell you a little about her. *

Mia Overlin was born on April 24, 2063. She is studying at the sixth stage in the class of the natural image of the sign.

Her parents' marriage was annulled a year ago, and she has been living with her father ever since. Despite this, Mia is a cheerful, sociable, dreamy and cheerful girl. I hope she's actually enjoying life and not pretending to be around. We need to introduce Mia and Mary. They have similar destinies and characters; they will definitely find a common language.

*This is all I can say now. *

15:45. I had tennis classes, but I couldn't concentrate, so I just trained with the wall, and Luna really wanted to have a rematch, after the recent defeat. Next time, she won't back down until she gets her way.

17:37. The ward is very noisy due to preparations for the disco. It's a pity that I'm not a fan of collective dancing to loud music, so I'll arrange a literary hour on the Bank of the pond, I'll introduce the local ducks to the classics.

22:56. Perhaps I should resume my card reading, because my fears were not unfounded. During the General fun and wild dancing, someone poured alcohol into all the drinks, and there was a mass poisoning. I think we'll have another personal check tomorrow. It's a good thing I didn't fall for the persuasions of my neighbors. Now I'm helping the nurses take care of the injured, and when there's nothing else to do, I'll go to bed.

Good night, Diary.

Day 6.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 20, 2073, Tuesday.

On the street +24, windy.

12:05. It's been a long time since I drew flowers from nature, so I decided to spend my free time in the garden.

13: 33. I thought that because of the wind, it would be quite cool, but I was wrong. The breeze was very light and pleasant, which happens on the shore of reservoirs. This breeze reminded me of a little trip to celebrate my graduation.

We got together as a group, some of them invited their friends, I invited Catsu to come with us, and Yuna invited Lily and Lavender. There were many funny situations, but most of all I remember the moment when we all ran away from the guard, throwing a watermelon to each other.

We need to offer the people with the EOPQ to get together and go somewhere after the project work is completed.

14:54. Personal belongings were checked, but the culprit of the mass poisoning could not be found. He may still be among us, so we should be more careful.

19: 46. My classmates visited me, and we staged a large-scale battle in the “illusory world”. The fighting was brutal and merciless, everyone was fighting for every piece of land, and Catsu and I just joined a secret group and gradually took over other people's territories, but we were discovered and subjected to a cruel trial, Catsu took all the blame on himself, because of which he was banished from this game universe. After that, I thanked him very much for this selfless act.

Then I took a little tour of the rehabilitation center, and I guess I learned my advertising skills well, because Nick was ready to stay here forever.

Our project is nearing completion, but I will have time to participate in its final presentation to teachers and get my certificate of full professional qualification. By the way, the people approved the idea of a joint trip to the ocean. It turned out that Ruby's parents successfully sell real estate, so they have a small house on the island and a yacht. I was very surprised.

After that, I told the people a story about mass poisoning, which made nick want to move here even more. How many people, so many quirks. It's fun to watch the relationship between him and Ruby. They fight and fight all the time, but they never cross the line and always take care of each other. They will have to take a second compatibility test next year, and even if the system cancels their marriage, they will have an incredible celebration in honor of it. Such are my classmates and future colleagues.

21:45. It was chilly in the evening, so I decided to read the books in the ward that I had taken from the library. Mia and her dad are in town because the school week is over, and she needs to get back to school, but I have her blog, so we'll definitely meet again.

22:32. A lot happened today, so I'm exhausted.

Good night, Diary.

Day 7.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is June 21, 2073, Wednesday.

On the street +23, cloudy.

08:12. I'm going to do some horse riding, then I'm going to talk to Lava and call Yuna, and then I'm going to take a walk around in the evening.

09: 42. Yuna and Lily are doing a graduation project.

I want to tell you a nice story about the development of their relationship. They met at the hospital, after which Lily and Lavender quickly recovered and were discharged before me. Then Yuna began to frequently call and meet with Lily, and after graduating from school, she entered the UPC of natural history, although they studied in different specialties, were always together, went on group trips and family holidays. After that, Lilia was not enough time that they spend in the EOPQ, even began to be jealous of Yuna for Lavender and me. She could ignore us for a week and threaten to move in with distant relatives, but Yuna calmed her down, and once offered to take a compatibility test, concluding a contract under the terms of which, if the test results are positive, they will become one family and live together, otherwise they will stop communicating. Lilia was very worried before this test, because she did not want to be with Yuna regardless of its result, but her worries were in vain. Now my friends are happily living together, raising a small Gecko, Coco. Soon it will be her birthday, and therefore the anniversary of their life together.

The final project of Yuna and Lily is called “the Flower of love”, in which they tell their story with the help of plants. Yuna takes photos and her wife writes text. I hope that they will invite me to show their works, and I will be able to appreciate their joint work.

17:02. Because of the upcoming competition, the Baby is engaged only with his master, the poet, I rode a Lexus. I think he's too old and slow.

Our snack will take place on the street, after which you can play badminton or beach volleyball. Still, there are excellent conditions for a full recovery from serious injuries or operations, but I want to go home, see my parents as soon as possible, and play chess with Catsu on the beach.

19:54. At the literary hour I remembered one phrase: “If someone calls you a word that they think is abusive, it's not an insult at all. This is not offensive, but only shows how pathetic this person is”.

20:52. I like the canteen in the rehabilitation center, because here you can choose what and how much you will eat. Of course, there is no coffee, and the menu is limited and balanced, but it is still better than the standard portions every day.

Now I'm going to go back to the ward to get my graphics tablet and go back to the garden.

Last time I found many unknown plants there. I'll draw them and show them to Lavender on Friday.

22:31. I'll have to take her to her parents' botanical garden after she's discharged. There is a very cozy atmosphere, and every flower is grown with care.

23:31. Catsu said good night to me, and I wish it to you, Diary.

See you soon.

Day 8.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Thursday, June 22, 2073.

On the street +26, clear.

11:46. It's time to hand over your books to the library.

14:51. It's hot and I'm tired. Can you skip tennis and relax? No, this is a bad idea, the Moon is ready to get me out of the ground to win back, so do not get in the way of it once again.

17:38. Despite my drowsiness, I didn't want to give in, much less lose. The opponent was also very serious, but this time the victory was won by friendship.

19:12. Instead of a literary hour, we were given free time, so I took a shower and going to sleep until dinner.

22:54. It was a difficult day. I'll say good night to my family and go to sleep.

See you tomorrow, Diary.

Day 9.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 23, 2073, Friday.

On the street 23 in the afternoon.

11:42. I was allowed to go and watch the Baby race, I can't miss the opportunity to go outside the center before discharge.

12:14. It was raining hard outside. Therefore, the start was postponed for half an hour to prepare the racetrack. This was unexpected, some participants were indignant, but I did not pay attention to it, because I was admiring the rainbow. During this half hour, I talked to many horses and their riders. Then I stopped by the baby and its owner to offer a light snack in the form of fruit. But there was no opportunity for a quiet break, because the horse was very agitated and constantly tried to get out of the paddock, which is why we calm him down for the rest of the time.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
25 nisan 2021
Yazıldığı tarih:
150 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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