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To this book

We are what we know. We know what is handed down. Our daily life is organised by “historical narrations”. Universally. To judge over the validity of “historical narrations” and of history, we must know all about those narrators of history. Today, and during the last two centuries, all narrators of history are educated in institutions created by European Christians. They narrate history incoherently though the history all over is coherent and interdependent.

The libraries are flooded by incoherent deliberations and with books that are copied and pasted from other books.

This is more so since the rise of the Ottoman Empire, since the blockade of the land route and beginning of search for a sea route to India, and all that has followed thereafter until our days. Why do they narrate incoherently though historical developments are coherent and interdependent by its nature? Why do they copy and paste and duplicate?

To judge over the validity of “historical narrations” in their books, the authors of this book search and investigate into the acquired qualifications and “careers” of all main narrators of this history. The search is based on primary documents. The result of this search is thrilling, mysterious and stunning. We are fed by books that are based on secondary sources. These books are mere propaganda, which should be stored in “bad libraries”.

The result of this search has banged on the Pandora’s Box and it is open now.

About the Authors

PRODOSH AICH (1933), born in Kolkata, studied PHILOSOPHY in India, ETHNOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY and SOCIOLOGY in Germany, taught social sciences at the universities at Cologne, (Germany), Rajasthan (Jaipur, India) and Oldenburg (Germany).

He wrote Farbige unter Weißen (Coloured amongst Whites) in 1962. Two of his books: Die Indische Universität (The Indian University) 1971 and Rathaus-Plünderer (City-hall Plunderers) 1986 were sabotaged.

Preis des aufrechten Gangs (Thorns on a Righteous Path) in 2001 includes Die indische Universität and tales all about the struggle that went on for thirty-five years. Lügen mit langen Beinen (January 2003; LIES WITH LONG LEGS (August 2004)

Besides books he has made radio features and documentary films for Television. He is an Indian though living in Germany for a longer period than most Germans.

M.V.R Nair was born in Thiruvananthapuram in 1976. After completing his studies in Civil Engineering from University of Kerala, he started his technical career in India, At present, he is continuing his technical career abroad. He considers himself a history enthusiast with an active interest in ‘Indology’. He has been communicating with Dr. Aich after reading the book ‘Lies with long legs’ and working with him ever since in search of truths.


European Christians in History

War, Robbery, Murder, Genocide, Occupation, Exploitation


Documented by

Prodosh Aich and MVR Nair

Prodosh Aich & MVR Nair


War, Robbery, Murder, Genocide, Occupation, Exploitation

Churches, Universities,

Demigods, like Max Müller prepare the Ground

Acharyya Publishers

Science in Critical Review

Copyright @ 2014 Acharyya Publishers

Science in Critical Review

Uferstrasse 40 A,

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First Printed Edition Published in India

Published in March 2015



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ISBN 978-93-83826-21-3 HC

ISBN 978-93-83826-21-6 PB

ISBN 978-3-7450-6622-7 E-Book


Life is full of surprises. The paths to insight, knowledge and truth are also full of surprises. The authors of this book come together by remarkable circumstances. These two authors belong to two distant generations. They live also at two distant places. The younger one is born in 1976, and brought up in Kerala, India. The other is born in 1933, and brought up in Bengal, India. The connecting link is that both are on the paths to gain insights, to acquire knowledge and to get to truths. Both authors are on search. Both authors are not inclined to take it as a coincidence that they have come together. Not even as unforeseeable coincidences. Both authors have learnt to shed off beliefs and superstitions. They want to know. They try to explain whatever comes across.

There are many persons on the paths to gain insights, to acquire knowledge and to get to truths. The contemporary societies do not offer facilities to getting together of these persons. How could they get together? In this particular case, the two authors of this book, both are agonized by the distortions of the cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa, a vast land which has later been named India by foreign people. These deliberate distortions of the cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa have been brought into the world by the foreign occupants and then further cultivated by their local stooges. In the beginning of their getting together the agony of the two authors is at different realms and levels.

There are many persons suffering from such agonies. But how could they get together? Both authors are also distressed becoming more and more sensitive on the continuous worsening of the Era of Vasco da Gama, which began by the declaration of a War by the European Christians on the rest of the world in the 15th century. The Vatican sanctioned the Kings of Portugal and Spain to occupy foreign lands and to annex these lands to their kingdoms.

This World War is being executed by European Christian Kingdoms under different masks. This World War is based on robbery, rape, murder, genocide, recruiting mercenaries, exploitation and sustained exploitation of people all over the world. European Christians do suppress this past governing over mass media.

From the beginning of this inhuman Era till this day, manifold efforts are undertaken to veil and cover the vicious doings of the European Christians as well. Yet it seems, despite everything, the mind of a substantial number of human beings cannot be managed to that extent that they do not register contradictions in the numerous tales told.

One such contradiction determines the younger one of the authors, born in 1976, living somewhere in the world, to the elder one, born in 1933, living somewhere in the world, to write a long e-mail on December 23, 2009:

“... Please allow me to thank you for your excellent work titled "Lies with long legs". (I got this email of yours from Shri. Sanjay Chaudhri) I read "Lies with long legs" during Aug 2009, ever since I have been not able to stop myself from reading it again and again. The book is a mine of knowledge and it essentially demolishes many long standing myths perpetrated by the colonialists. I am writing this mail for clarification of one doubt regarding Max Mueller. In your book, you have emphatically stated that Max Mueller's educational qualification (both his M.A & Ph.D) are based on "hearsay" and no documentary evidences support this claim.

But according to wikipedia - ( ...)”.

This mail has lit a spark. The elder one has responded. This spark has consequences; unforeseeable coincidences? This is the beginning that two searchers and re-searchers for truths get together, toil together that has lead to the book that has been completed in September 2014. The seed of December 23, 2009, seeking a clarification of one apparently negligible issue of swindle regarding Max Müller, has sprouted, the sprout has grown and the growth reveals a world of swindles. The seed was of a “Banyan Tree”.

None of these two searchers and re-searchers would have continued this search in the way they have done and would have written this book individually. These two searchers and re-searchers have never met personally, never talked to each other on telephone. They have made use of the digital technology which is a typical product, a typical invention of the Era of Vasco da Gama. Unforeseeable coincidences?

These two searchers and re-searchers have taken note of George Orwell‘s novel “Nineteen Eighty-four” as an exemplary “intellectual” product of the Era of Vasco da Gama. Being a European Christian, George Orwell successfully veil the war-crimes committed by the European Christians and divert attentions creating a virtual world of a Big Brother’s “official deception, secret surveillance, and manipulation of the past by a totalitarian or authoritarian state”. This “Nineteen Eighty-four” is manipulation of human past par excellence. George Orwell ignored completely even the recent history that the European Christians, represented by the Pope and Kings of Spain and Portugal declared War on the rest of the world in the 15th century, a war that has not come to an end yet. The non-Catholic Kings in Europe have taken over the War from the Catholics and this declared World War by the European Christians is still accelerating. The Anglo-Saxon Christians, in Kingdoms or in so-called democratic states are in the forefront since the 18th century.

George Orwell is being celebrated by those major profiteers of this World War and by their university-trained “intellectual prostitutes”. In majority, the “intellectual prostitutes” are European Christians. And there non-Christian stooges as well, integrated in the same culture. George Orwell was, to be benevolent, at best blinded. He did not take note of the criminal developments of arms, of the Atom bombs dropped in Japan by his fellow European Christians who are still keeping foreign lands under occupation named “America”. He did not live long enough to experience that his not- “Big Brothers” started creating the digital technology even before “Nineteen Eighty-four” to gain absolute control of the mankind, of course not as “totalitarian states”.

No. These “Big Brothers” do it in disguise of being the champions of “democratic”, “constitutional” and “free-market” states”. We are unable to be benevolent towards these states and towards their “intellectual prostitutes”. Their Kingdoms, States, Churches and Universities practice systematically “official deception, secret surveillance, and manipulation of the past” and of course indiscriminate killings of human beings, their own “soldiers” included.

These two searchers and re-searchers, the authors of this book, know about the implications of using a “desk top” or of any other so-called fast-calculators, of using the internet, and of using the “smart phone”. They are conscious about the implications of the companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Linkedin, You Tube and the institution called Wikipedia financed by “Foundations”, founded by rich European Christians with tax-free money. Their obvious purpose is to limit the universe into their virtual worlds, and thus to manipulate the whole humankind in perfection. They bury science and create technologies to keep all human beings busy in their virtual worlds inhumanly.

The malice of this undertaking is that all these institutions are greedy too. These oligopolies are in constant competition with each other to become monopoly. The authors of this book know that their “Banyan Tree” would not have grown in those five years, from 2009 to 2014, without this malice of digital technology. They are thankful to have used this devils’ technology to bring out some of the truths. This is not unforeseeable coincidence. This is one of the major ways how truths come out.

Max Müller is a demigod in India. The Federal Republic of Germany uses Max Müller for its propaganda not only in all cultural matters in India. All over the world the Federal Republic of Germany call their propaganda institution “Goethe-Institutes”. In India, they call it Max-Mueller-Bhavan.

The intention of this manoeuvre is obvious. Young Indians should believe that in Max-Mueller-Bhavans the spirit of Max Müller prevails. It is like coming home. It is the Bhavan (residence) of Max Müller. He is not an Indian. He is more than an Indian. He has been propagated as a real friend of India and of Indians. He has saved the ancient Indian Culture, its vast literature in a no more spoken language called Sanskrit. He is much more than the Rishis, the seer-scientists of Bharatavarsa. Visiting a Max-Muller-Bhavan should create a feeling like coming home. So it is systematically propagated. This story is utter swindle and shameless as well. Yet this story has been accepted by the Republic of India. How long will this acceptance prevail?

The authors of this book on their search and re-search are thankful to this Max Müller, who has left behind so many authentic traces and trails not only to uncover his charlatanry and swindles. His case becomes exemplary as it uncovers and exposes also his consorts. Thus Max Müller uncovers the role of the European Christian Churches, Kingdoms and Universities, in short, to the growth of this “Banyan Tree”, the book titled TRUTHS.

The authors are thankful to all those persons who have been dealt with in the book for their being careless in not being able to destroy all traces and trails of their mischievous doings. They might have been too busy, always to be on the run, to have destroyed all traces and trails of their doings. They might have realised that it is more difficult to undo all traces and trails than to lay false tracks or to heave rubbish on traces and trails, layers after layers. Whatsoever, they have thus contributed to reveal truths. This is a way how truths come out.

Of all documented primary sources, the collections of personal and private letters of the major actors have proved to be most reliable. Especially the handwritten letters. Deciphering Max Müller’s letters to his mother is a terribly difficult job. These are written in German handwriting letters of his time (1823 – 1900). His handwriting is, mildly stated, difficult to read. It is difficult to identify contemporary persons able to read in a German script that is older than the Sütterlin scripts.

Many thanks to Helga Bross. She toiled a lot to learn reading the old Kurrent scripts in Max Müller’s style and then helped the authors to decipher and transcript those many letters. Unforeseeable coincidences? Or is this a way how truths are revealed?

























This book does not pretend to deal with history. This book deals with our past and with our present by connecting facts that have been disconnected by so-called philosophers, historians, and social scientists in general and by “scholars extraordinary” in particular. It looks back to ancient heritage based on primary documents and evidences.

This book does not intend to describe our past, does not intend to add just another story to the lot, as modern historians do. It simply puts facts coherently together that are based on primary documentary sources. It is a report of a rigorous scrutiny of secondary sources. It puts scholars and their scholarly deliberations to the test of validity collating their biographies and their deliberations with the primary documents.

The authors of this book do not claim to be scholars in the prevailing international academic culture. They have become simple-minded in course of time. They just want to know things and matters as these actually are and how these things and matters came into being. They constantly try to shed off virtual worlds created by superstitions, beliefs, ideologies, systems of artificial terminology and all that goes with these creations. They do exercise in careful reading. And while they read, they raise questions and questions, digging back to the beginning, to the origin.

This methodology is learnt from the wisdom that is practiced in daily life through ages in all human societies. This wisdom is simple. Whenever someone tells a tale, two simple questions are to be put to begin with: who is the narrator and how does the narrator come to know what he is telling about.

The authors begin the presentation of their documentary journey to our past and present putting these two simple questions to a Max Müller, M.A. Why Max Müller, M.A.? All queries to human cultural heritage automatically lead to the “East”, to “Orient” and thus to the cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa, a vast land which has later been named India by foreign people. None else has left behind more printed pages on the “East” and on “India” than Max Müller. He has also claimed to be the first human being performing the remarkable Hercules-job, collecting and editing the oldest book that the humankind has ever known: the complete Rig Veda in the Sanskrit script. Sanskrit is an ancient language.

Another reason to begin this search and re-searches exemplarily with the detailed biography of Max Müller is that he is kept as a demigod in the Gallery of all-time Scholars very high who seemingly excelled in the Science of Ancient Cultures, as one of those European Christian intellectual giants. In any standard books on History and culture we find quotes like:

“The German Indologist H. Jacobi came independently to similar conclusions and dated the beginning of the Vedic period in the middle of the 5th millennium. Mostly one followed, however, the dating set by the famous German Indologist Max Mueller who taught in Cambridge in the late 19th century. Setting out from the lifetime of the Buddha around 500 BC he dated the origin of the Upanishads in the centuries from 800 to 600 BC as the philosophy in them had originated before Buddha’s deeds. The Brahmana– and Mantra texts preceded these in the centuries from 1000 to 800 respectively from 1200 to 1000 BC. Today one dates the oldest Vedic text, that of Rigveda, into the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. Since the Vedas soon after this genesis as a divine manifestation were not allowed to be changed anymore and handed down to our contemporary time by priest families verbally in an unbelievably precise manner, they can now be considered, after their dating can be regarded as being fixed at least in specific centuries, as historical sources of first rank for the history of the Vedic society in northern India.”

Nothing in this quote is based on primary sources. Absolutely nothing. These types of loose writings are based actually on “modern-science-rituals” of “copy and paste” from available printed pages. Take palatable parts from printed secondary sources, add some new bits of “information” or “imagination”, make it plausible, and make it sellable. In this way these secondary-source-writings create virtual worlds of fantasy with sellable qualities only.

Unless the claims are collated with career-data of the celebrated authors, the truth will never be unveiled. None of the claims of any European Christian intellectual giants have been challenged or put to the test of validity. This is unsurprisingly done in this book. In course of the journey along with the real biography of Max Müller, M.A., for example, it is revealed, we apologise looking a little ahead, that his claims are swindles. It is also revealed that his biography is exemplary to this culture. We are surprised to note that Max Müller was kept on the payroll of the British East India Company to accomplish his scholarly jobs; from the very beginning of his occupational career. Yes, the British East India Company. And what did the British East India Company do in Bharatavarsa?

It is remarkable that in the cultural heritage of Rig Veda there is no mention of a land or of a geographical area which is called “India”. This is all the more remarkable because this cultural heritage includes vast number of profound books on knowledge, science, philosophy and literature. Rig Veda is the first of the four Vedas composed in the Vedic language. The other profound books are handed-down in the Sanskrit language that emerged later. There are two more ancient languages, Prakrit and Pali following Sanskrit. Also in the post Vedic books in the Sanskrit language there is indeed mention of a vast geographical area of culture called Bharatavarsa. The name “India” is obviously accorded by foreign people, most probably by the Hellenes in the Greek language. For convenience the authors of this book use “India” keeping Bharatavarsa in mind.

After the unsuccessful foray of Alexander the Macedonian, about 2400 years back, the Hellenistic diplomat Megasthenes stays in Bharatavarsa as Ambassador of Seleucus I for eleven years. He writes four bulky volumes on his observations and experiences there, but he does not write on the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Sutras, Brahmanas and the likes, nor makes any special references to languages. This may indicate that the Hellenes were quite familiar with these books and with the languages. However, this is not known. It is known that the cultural heritage of India was not brought to Christian Europe in the Greek language. Whatever the Hellenes have reported on India comes to the rest of Europe much later, after the Europeans have lived around a thousand years in Christianity.

The first recorded real encounter of European Christians with India goes back to the beginning of the 16th century. The “Thomas Christians” a few hundred years earlier, were immigrants in the south of Bharatavarsa. They never went back to Europe. Vasco da Gama was the next. Vasco da Gama and the “Vasco da Gamas” do not arrive in India on foray like Alexander the Macedonian or quite a few Islamic ruffians; they are on war and lay the foundation of foreign occupation of “India”, along with the Christian Orders of the Vatican in Goa.

Yet, whatever is known about this ancient cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa in our time is not conveyed in Latin or in Portuguese languages. These are conveyed mainly in the English language. This is so in today’s India as well. Most of the authors of those books are Europeans Christians from British “United Kingdom”. The questions arise inevitably, why in English and how these authors writing in English or in some other contemporary European languages could know about the ancient cultural heredity of Bharatavarsa? Did they learn the Vedic, Sanskrit, Prakrit or Pali languages? Where, when, from whom, for how long?

The knowledge accumulated in Bharatavarsa in course of time immemorial is stored in the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Sutras, Brahmanas and the likes, either in the Vedic language or in the Sanskrit language. Before the creation of scripts these treasures were preserved in oral-tradition. The oral-tradition exists also in today’s India, parallel to the written-tradition that emerged logically much later than the oral-tradition. The parallel existence of oral and written tradition has preserved the ancient books undistorted.

At least three gulfs have to be bridged before one reaches the treasures stored in the Vedic language and the Sanskrit language. The modern European languages have emerged recently. There is an immense gap in terms of time. Another gap is in terms of the difference in culture. Third gap is in terms of the differences in depth and richness of these two sets of languages, the Vedic language and the Sanskrit language in one side, and the European languages on the other. Were these divides bridged? How could these divides be bridged?

All major European Christian authors have, however, claimed that they translated the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Sutras, Brahmanas and the likes from the original “Sanskrit” language. The Vedas are composed in the Vedic language. The Sanskrit language is post-Vedic. Well, we may let this ignorance regarding the Vedic language be.

But how do they overcome those three Gulfs? Apart from the issues of their ignorance regarding the Vedic language, their efforts bridging the Gulfs, it has then to be explicated at least where, when, from whom and for how long these European Christian authors had chances to learn this obscure foreign language called Sanskrit.

The next issue is to scrutinise the life-career of those European Christian authors individually, beside Max Müller, who handed-down the accumulated knowledge in Bharatavarsa to their fellow European Christians in European languages. This may appear to be an easy undertaking whenever one gets into a “modern” library. There are so many books and plenty of reference books in the libraries introducing and specifying those individual European Christians who are credited accomplishing this difficult performance. But is it so? How reliable are these printed papers?

It is, de facto, not an easy undertaking to scrutinise all those printed papers. One has to demand proofs for almost each sentence. These readily available references books in the libraries do not disclose their sources. Therefore it is needed to search for primary sources in the archives. Whenever primary source is absent, the only conclusion would be that the version that has been scrutinised is a fake.

The readily available reference books do not stand this test. These books are deceptive packages. These books are not authentic. These books do not carry truths. Arriving at this point one has to search for sources, for primary sources, look into the bio-data of those individual European Christians in details to collate their writings to their bio-data. One has to collate each and every “fact” in the reference books with original documents. This has to be learnt by own experiences. We, the authors of this book, have undergone this toilsome process.

Scholars belonging to this culture have never learnt to question their celebrated “intellectual giants” whether, where, for how long and in which educational institutions they acquired their claimed qualifications and abilities to read and understand the books written in the Vedic or in the Sanskrit languages. We, the authors of this book, have questioned these celebrated “intellectual giants” decorating the reference books. What were their sources? Did they critically check their sources? Or were they just “imaginative”?

These are the issues dealt in this book. The results of scrutinises presented in this book are based on documented primary sources only. The logic is simple and straightforward. Any deliberation which cannot be traced back to a primary source, and the referred primary source cannot stand the test of its validity, is faked. It is a tiresome searching job no doubt. But this hardship is necessary. This book is a proof that most of the secondary sources do not carry historical truths even in parts. The consequent application of this simple and straightforward method of search and re-search has banged on the box of Pandora.

This book opens up the whole panorama of swindles of the prevailing Era of Vasco da Gama. This Era is rooted in the declaration of War on the rest of the world by the European Christians in the 15th century. This declaration of War on the rest of the world is documented by two Papal Bulls.

A War is never an end in itself, never a self-purpose. A War does never fall from the blue. A War is always planned and triggered by the better equipped power to gain economic power at the cost of others. A War does never come to an end before the better equipped power wins. Or the better equipped power loses. There are always losers and winners. No exceptions.
