Kitabı oku: «Theory of vortex creation and control», sayfa 31

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However, there is another factor that plays a role in the formation of the phenomenon of weightlessness of all kinds of objects in space. The fact is that the magnetic field that arises between the poles of any dipole, as a result of the interaction of electric charges, not only generates standing waves along the magnetic axis within the very shape of the sphere, (the mechanisms of action of which were considered earlier in the above-mentioned article). But it also "shoots" through the poles outward beams of vortices of the same charges of incredible density, which are an important reason for giving the moment of inertia of rotation to the shape itself. This is like, for example, unwinding a spinning wheel when you press down on the handle of the axial rod screw. That is why, for example, our planet or the Sun, whose rotation speed is low, do not emit visible radiation along the magnetic axis. Unlike pulsars, quasars or magnetars, the frequency of radiation and rotation speeds of which are extremely powerful.

In general, it is possible to predict with a high degree of probability that the Earth's climate changes with a certain cyclicity, for example, every approximately 26,000 years. Of course, its biosystem also changes, perhaps not all of it. Along with the change in the sign of the magnetic field of the Solar System during its "oscillations" through the equator during its movement along the galactic zodiac circle. Like one turn of a spiral along such a trajectory relative to the line of the galactic equator. That is, about 13,000 years for the "glacial" and "fire" periods of the planet. Obviously, now, in the Age of Aquarius, the epoch of cooling is coming, with its "autumn and winter", when the next "flood" will prepare the planet to store energy under the ice shell. This means that the number of electrons (active energy) in the space of our planetary system, with the transition to the other hemisphere of the galaxy, will become less and less.

Does this mean that in the depths of the Sun the reactions of transmutation of matter will continue as before? Maintaining a constant exchange of matter, as a movement from the inside to the periphery along radial lines of force by the efforts of huge charge gradients, forming prominences for many thousands of kilometers? When the new radial lines of force of magnetism, together with the radiations through the poles of each dipole, will not only always seek to control the already established mutual connections, but also create new ones, with numerous objects outside. Consequently, our star is able to constantly restore its energy balance due to the numerous charges of matter in space itself. Using for this purpose the interconversion of some substances into others in certain environmental conditions.

The Black and White Code of Life

Everything in this world communicates in one language, when one is formed from another according to the same rules of interaction, as a single system.

There is no doubt that the external environment of our environment communicates with us, with our internal environment, its structural forms, our cells, even molecules, atoms and their elementary particles. Moreover, regardless of any conscious participation in this, without any activity of thought. Similar to how, for example, the sound of a melody on a mechanical piano is automatically emitted through the location of holes in the punched tape. But strictly according to certain algorithms tested by centuries of mutations, which are launched at the level of the body's instincts. Because in each "response" of any form, with a corresponding "resonant" response to the request of the structures of matter of space, the fulfillment of its specific "idea" or purpose of appearing here is embedded. When, as a result of the evolution of this or that type of any biosystem over hundreds of millions of years, through trial and error, correct changes in actions according to certain rules of interaction with each other were developed. Such as comparison and repetition on the principles of electricity and magnetism. In order to survive in the cyclical events that accompany them in life.

That is, in order to "survive" in the genome (memory) of each creature, basic "comparative standards" of solutions for certain situations that happened earlier during the entire period of their development are laid. In fact, every organism (up to plants) constantly hears the "inner voice" of its ancestral environment of its own form, in which it was born, and which remains in it throughout the entire period of existence. As a memory of species difference. In the same way, for example, during the nine months of pregnancy in the body of a woman in labor in the process of developing a child from embryo to baby, in this fantastically short time, all the significant transformations (mutations) that have occurred with humanity during the millions of years of its civilization take place. In an exact copy, as stages of its development in a strict sequence and sequence of transformations. And this is far from science fiction.

Comparison of environmental conditions according to the formula "was – became" in each structure of any form of life is always carried out. As a necessary need for development according to the incomprehensibly numerous parameters and criteria of all available interactions. Let's assume that someone did not die of natural causes. This means that the conditions of the environment have changed dramatically, and the genome, like memory or the centuries-old baggage of the "library" of knowledge, has not been able to learn in a timely manner, adapt, and adapt to its changes in such a short period of time. To be able to save this particular individual. And, in all likelihood, such consequences are laid down in the common genome of certain formations of communities or specific forms of life. But this information is somehow protected by nature itself, probably to equalize the capabilities of the "hunter" and the "prey".

Apparently, any vibration systems in the form of fields or particles as charges, or cells, atoms, various structures of objects – all this eventually comes into the world only "at the call" of the matter of the environment itself. Its readiness for a given event, when all external conditions have been created for the origin of the form. And, therefore, there is a "goal" as the controlling influence of space. Which, as it were, invites you to this environment to perform a certain task, when there is an energy need for a certain amount of a specific form of architecture of objects. It turns out that in any case, in the process of their existence or life period of oscillations, the medium constantly "communicates" with them or interacts in the language of electricity and magnetism. So much so that even, for example, a "reasonable" person does not think about it at all, including in an unfamiliar situation. Because the matter of the environment, as a more global system, never interrupts the mutual exchange of information. It is so arranged that this is simply impossible as long as the movement of vortices exists.

In the same way, any form can have some effect on shortening or prolonging its lifespan. But sooner or later the environment will take it "back" to perform other tasks of synthesis or decay. And this is true for "everything" around.

It is obvious that any charges of the composition of the architecture of a particular vibration system interact not only with each other, but also with charges outside through electromagnetic pulses of radiation. Does this mean that all the matter of the Universe communicates in the same way not only with the environment inside itself, but also with the outside? And, if this is so, then even when dying, each organism still receives the necessary information through structural charges, as well as through the brain, to its organs to launch and execute the systemic "program" of splitting the object or preserving it. Depending on the controlling effect of space. And it's hard to argue with this.

Then what are the main, most widespread tools for universal interaction? Of course, first of all, these are vibration frequencies, the recording of which is available to everyone, even elementary particles and fields. Any vibrations that are emitted by various vortices of numerous forms of vibration systems of dipoles in one way or another are based on electricity and magnetism. Because any object, living body or cosmic system has its own fields, as a total component of the fields of their structures.

It is quite obvious that all the colors known to us, as spectra of oscillations of the shapes of sources of a strictly defined frequency, when gathered together, for example, through a prism or a lens, form a common field of "white light" radiation (see Fig. 1). Which we record, among other things, by the reflection from the particles of matter, as the color white. And this is deeply symbolic. Because if you merge the frequencies of seven colors in the form, for example, of a sphere, then from a distance it will look like a pure white, luminous star, of which there are many in the firmament. That is, mixing certain monochromatic spectra of radiation together gives a white color or "light". And the combination of the composition of paints of the same colors, for example, on paper, forms an almost black color. Why? And is it really so?

Fig. 1. White light dispersion ("Spadilo")

Fig. 2. Black ("In the World of Colors")

In everyday life, we perceive the atmosphere around us as transparent, since the size and degree of interaction of its structural elementary particles are so small that we cannot distinguish their light-reflecting capabilities as radiation with our biological visual instruments. Because we perceive colors due to one or another of their sources, as the shapes of objects, according to their frequency and intensity of impact. In the form of constituent components that create various emissions of the spectra of matter.

It turns out that the phenomena of absorption and reflection of electromagnetic waves in the matter of the environment itself, such as space, for example, interstellar, form "white light", as transparent. And in the structure of any form of matter, as a high density of interactions of all spectra of particles of different alternation of colors, they form the color white or black. Which, in fact, are within the boundaries of all visible light. When white light emits its color, and black light does not, because there is no light in it, it does not reflect it (does not emit). Although it consists of several colors of paints, for example, as on an artist's canvas (see Fig. 2).

To be honest, light waves do not have any colors in reality. All colors are perceived by us, as well as by all insects and animals, as electromagnetic radiation, after processing the received information through the functions of the organs of vision and the brain (see Fig. 3). And if not a single ray of visible light from the numerous spectrums of radiation from the outside passes into our eyeball, then we perceive such a color as black (darkness). That is, the color of any shape of an object is the one that is reflected (emitted) from it by a certain frequency of light. When all other frequencies of visible light are absorbed when hitting it.

Then, white light, as a combination of colors as a result of the addition of its structural frequency ranges, as, for example, when passing through a convex optical lens, is a consequence of the "synthesis" of wave oscillations. And black color, such as the mixing of pigments of certain paints or radiation from outside space, is the result of the "decay" or removal (filtering) of color frequencies from the general mixture of reflected fields. Which are actually absorbed by the very structure of the matter of the environment when space "traps" or does not emit their spectra of visible light. They simply do not reflect outwardly when our eyes cannot distinguish them even separately in a mixture of colors. Then, our vision perceives such an environment or body shape as "dark».

Fig. 3. Scale of electromagnetic radiation (

Therefore, combining the same colors, as light sources, or as paints on paper, gives a different effect.

But black color in one way or another has its own spectrum of vibration frequency, because our vision identifies it among others. As the absence of frequencies of vibrations of visible light. Then, Can a black body reflect white or other colors? Why not? This is present everywhere, as a common phenomenon of reflection, as well as refraction, of electromagnetic waves. But it does not work at all when it comes to the "blackness" of the space of space itself or the internal environment of construction, for example, of the very structures of atoms or molecules.

This means that it can be argued that white is light, as radiation from the source of an electromagnetic wave of a mixed spectrum of colors or as their reflection. And black is its complete absence, although it may well contain various colors.

Then, what actually happens in the seemingly quite understandable dynamics of the emergence of such an interaction of fields? And what if in a black mixture, as a general structure of different spectra of electromagnetic waves, its own aggregate longitudinal components of oscillations, like electricity, are completely lost (disappear)? When the transverse frequencies of magnetism in such vibration systems immediately increase and the light ceases to be "active", that is, it ceases to be reflected outwardly (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. External influence on frequency activity Electricity and Magnetism in EM Wave

Fig. 5. External control of EM parameters waves in any environment

As a sharp drop in kinetic energy in an oscillating circuit. Although the surface of this "dark" body, in the presence of a certain purity of the "mirror", will still "return" all visible spectra of vibrations, the vortices of which interact with it in the environment. In such cases, the object may even look like the original source of the light wave, but nothing more. Because at a certain angle to the reflection line, the black color will still take place, already as the dominance of the general (total) transverse component of electromagnetic radiation – its magnetism.

Does this mean that it is possible to remotely control not only the source of an electromagnetic pulse of any wave frequency, but even the beam of its propagation in space, as an "autonomous" vibration system, changing the "activity" of its magnetic or electric fields? When there is already an opportunity to regulate the processes of radiation or absorption of light, as phenomena of synthesis or decay. Then, this is true for every dipole, including the various kinds of fields in its environment. Когда, например, требуется контрольное воздействие на волну в процессе её распространения через инструменты магнетизма или электричества в конкретный момент коррекции событий (см. Рис. 5). As a response of the system to outside influence. And it's available in any space and virtually barrier-free over vast distances when it comes to the propagation of magnetic fields. Including in the microcosm, for example, in structures such as elementary particles, atoms, molecules or cells.

In this case, the interactions of the structural vibrations of white light, as electrical, (kinetic) energy of creation, definitely form the magnetic components of potential energy in their surroundings. When all possible colors, as spectra of charge vibrations, are called upon and capable not only of creating forms of matter corresponding to the conditions of a given medium, but also of influencing space itself. Like the energy state of electric charges, causing the pure white color of "light" from the sum of all its "gamuts" of the internal architecture of the environment itself. As well as the effect of the formation of magnetism accompanying this process of "creation", as transverse oscillations of the propagation of these radiation fields in the environment. Like two beginnings in one "resurrecting" electromagnetic wave, as a source of power, exchange of energy for everything with which it "touches" around. When "darkness" manifests itself in the very vibrations of magnetic fields, which, unlike electric charges, do not emit light. Although they are initially generated as a result of mixing the same spectra as any dipole, as a result of the interaction of charges.

This means that the black color is not an opposition to the visible spectrum of frequencies, but rather a consequence of their interactions with each other. As an instrument of memory (magnetism) in the structures of the forms of the sources of electromagnetic waves of light themselves.

Then, it is possible to interpret the general understanding of opposites in our everyday life, such as "good and evil", "light and darkness", not only as "pluses or minuses", but also as an awareness of the spiritual significance and inevitability of the manifestation of one event under the influence of another. As the justice of interpretation in all religions and scriptures without exception, where God is always associated with light. When, for example, the expression "ak bar" is literally translated as "there is white". In our perception, it can also sound like "pristine purity", for example, a space filled with the energy of charges, as the very basis of its matter. And many eyewitnesses who survived clinical death confirm that they were completely at the mercy of the virgin white light (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. "Actual" white energy light Wednesday ("Poembook")

Fig. 7. Interaction of form and environment environment (Stankoff.RU)

Consequently, "darkness" is the inevitable result of the influence of the visible frequency spectrum, its structural components, which in one way or another are forms of vortices with all the attributes of dipoles. Which inevitably carry numerous frequencies of magnetic fields in the depths of the internal structure, as systematically forming a single "color" of interacting charges, as "black", but in the perpendicular plane of the radiation propagation of their light waves. Which restrains and controls them not only as magnetism, as an archive that coordinates the development of any objects of matter and their structures in the space of information transmission. But also as a field that under certain conditions does not propagate light, but absorbs the kinetic energy of charges, as electrical (active), strengthening the memory of the formed (or existing) form and fixing all its movements. Already as a vibration system of the dipole.

In other words, in space, all interactions tend to achieve a certain equilibrium of electric charges, or energy balance. For example, as a form and its mirror reflection, or imprint, in the medium, as the matter of space (see Fig. 7), or as its opposite spins. This process can occur instantaneously or last for centuries, or even millions of years. Everything depends on the initial volumes and external influence, when, for example, completely different "species" atomic or molecular structures with different properties of matter, such as diamond, soot or graphene, are formed.

It follows from this that according to the same principle of interaction of the internal environment of any form of matter with the external environment of the space of distribution, both "white" and "black" colors can be obtained from the same elements. When the energy of electric charges is converted into the energy of magnetism and vice versa, as in any oscillating circuit, emitting or absorbing light of certain frequencies, like the oscillations of electromagnetic waves in any dipole.

Then why is the Creator compared only with white light for everyone and everywhere? Which is formed from the entire visible spectrum of colors, as the basis of the frequencies of the matter itself, the entire space, its energy of elementary structures, as the intensity of rotation of vortices of numerous charges of the environment. This means that absolutely everything that surrounds us, that can only be grasped by a glance, is a self-organizing, self-regulating system of interacting electromagnetic fields based on the principles of electricity and magnetism. As an experience of creating a multi-billion history of elementary vortices of "Newtonians" and "Coronii", their countless mutations and errors, syntheses and decays, accidents and regularities. As the inevitability of the formation not only of the forms of matter themselves, but also of living cells, viruses, bacteria, as well as organisms, plants and animals. And their inevitable development as a result of the invariable influence of the resonant "species response to the request" of any system of dipole structures in the language of "light" energy impulses in both the internal and external environment of their environment.

Does this mean that everything around us, including ourselves, is the only Creator of many Universes with everything that exists in them? As an integral system of universal peace in the form of a global, periodic, interconnected vibrational system? We, like all dipoles, not only freely communicate with each other, as well as with everything that surrounds us, but also constantly interact in each new century of our civilization, for good or for harm, unfortunately, through trial and error. Knowledge is that which invariably accompanies in a certain form of dipole from an elementary particle to a living organism, on the same carriers, as well as information processing systems, in each of its structures of a particular object. Everything differs only in the number and complexity of the "assembly" of certain archival "modules" of memory of energy systems.

Any holy scriptures and religious books are undoubtedly written "black" on "white" by people, their minds, created by their hands in the accessible languages of that time. Yes, the best representatives of peoples with an unusual gift and ability to learn the truth, with the greatest craving for the centuries-old knowledge of previous civilizations. In the only desire to preserve and pass on this knowledge to their own descendants in order to avoid mistakes once made. As a warning, as work on delusions and failures, as an improvement in the viability of the social system in changing environmental conditions. Perhaps something in them does not quite coincide in some places, something is missing, even different in places, but, believe me, this only speaks of the authenticity of the artifacts and the events described in them. Because events in different places of the globe cannot occur in the same way, just as the peoples inhabiting it cannot have an equivalent level of development. When the Territories of Flourishing of Ancient Science and Civilization Become Evident.

It seems to me that it is probably possible to measure the lesser or greater rightness of this or that religion, but it is definitely wrong and should not. Because they all teach the same thing – an equal and kind attitude towards each other and the entire environment. Which people are older or younger, whose statehood is "first" or "more right" than others – all these "games of leaders of nations and today's religions" boil down to one thing – domination in the market of universal civilization in the struggle for the sources, at the core, of their personal well-being. As it turned out now, it is in the interests of a very tiny "top" of the population. Probably, this is the essence of people and you can't argue with it. But this is precisely why peoples, like their numerous states, are moving away from each other in violation of the commandments of their ancestors, which have been passed down "by word of mouth" from century to century. There is a disintegration of universal human foundations, as an inevitable period of the system, probably associated with future changes from outside the environment.

Many centuries will pass before everything returns to "normal". And again there will be a demand for processes in the name of unification, as a synthesis of common relations, but in another, albeit still small, and territorially disparate, but already emerging new civilization. Which over time will become one more powerful step more powerful than us, as its ancestors, using in its advancement our knowledge from the historical memory of our own genomes of nations. And someday, humanity will have no equal in the entire Universe, if the purpose of its appearance on Earth is.

And this is an objective historical trend. And, no matter how much anyone would like it, the saying that "without the past there is no future" is absolutely true. For everything that is visible and happening is one or another oscillatory circuit of dipoles, like vortices, which are united into numerous vibration systems with their own frequencies and periods of interaction with each other. And here there is no difference in such a regularity either for the form of matter or for the history of its motions as a form of existence.

If you "superimpose" the model of my "Theory of Vortex Creation and Control" (the construction and development of which was published earlier) on any event that occurred in the world, then it will be much clearer for you to reveal their essence and technologies of execution.

To confirm this, let's consider, for example, the long-worn topic of the mystery of the construction of the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Everyone knows that in water, the weight of any loads, as well as friction, is noticeably reduced. It turns out that such structures could well be erected using the technology of using waterproof caisson chambers. Each time they were laid out along the perimeter of each next step of the pyramid from the building blocks themselves as it rose (see Fig. 8). Where the water, together with the building stone from the river, through fairly large voids under the construction site, was supplied upwards through the central part of the pyramid structure. When continuous waterproof horizontal and inclined voids of the "transport corridors" were built layer by layer (see Fig. 9). These technological chambers were made in such a way that heavy blocks of quartzite or sandstone could be dragged over them, immersed completely in water, the level of which was controlled as the cargo was delivered to a certain level. Not only by coordinating the supply of liquid to subsequent caissons as soon as they are ready, but also by creating a water column return seal. Therefore, some tunnels were built inclined as the pyramid itself grew. It is possible that some of them were later simply filled up as unnecessary.

Fig. 8. Application of stone block caissons in the construction of the pyramids

Fig. 9. Tilting chambers inside the pyramid Giza ("Zen")

As the pyramid grew, the caisson chambers themselves, like square orders of their laying along the outer perimeters, decreased in size. As well as the need for water and building blocks, which were immersed in the liquid whole to facilitate transportation work. Then, in addition, for the convenience of moving the stones upwards, it was possible to establish control over their humidity level, as well as the use of some "tricks", for example, various float devices, as well as soap compositions to reduce friction. When the next elevation was completely leveled in the horizon, work began on the preparation of the construction of a new caisson along the perimeter of the next square of the faces. And so every row, all the way to the top. Isn't this technical solution, amazing in its simplicity and originality, delightful? As the experience and knowledge accumulated by previous generations of masters of ancient Egypt.

Sincerely, Nafil Nailovich Nailov,
Mining Mechanical Engineer, Inventor, Researcher
Translation by Daniel Apokorin. August, 2024.
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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 şubat 2025
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727 s. 246 illüstrasyon
Даниил Апокорин
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