Kitabı oku: «School of Rebirth. Mystical Story»

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© Naty Daybs, 2020

ISBN 978-5-0051-4944-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1

– Anya?

– Yes, Nadezhda Alexandrovna.

– Come to my office.

– Something serious?

– Yes, just need to talk to you.

– Good. I’ll just take the textbooks to the library.

– Of Course.

I walked along the corridor and met my classmate Irina.

– What did Nadezhda want from you?

– She said to go to her office to discuss something.

– Again, any event?

– Most probably. Okay, I’ll tell you later.

– Yeah. It’s good for you, you’re going home, and I’m going to be sour all summer in the hostel. Stepfather with his new passion flies to Egypt. They asked me to hold out here for at least a month. And then at home, you see, I will be bored.

– What nonsense? Is your father crazy?

– No, Vika just wrapped his head and wallet.

– I see. If you want, will you come to me on vacation?

– Thank you, I’ll think about it.

– Okay, I’ll run.

– Come on. See you tonight.

– Anita, has a seat.

– Thank you, Nadezhda A leksandrovna.

– I have bad news for you.

– Something happened?

– Unfortunately, yes. I don’t know how to tell you. Now the director will come here, she should also be present.

– Director? I didn’t seem to break anything…

– It’s not about violations. Your parents died this morning when they were driving to your place.

– B then?…

– Car accident. A large truck lost control on the way out of your city and crashed into their car.

– This can’t be! Dad has been driving for many years, he is an experienced driver! It’s some kind of mistake! – I screamed, trying to cope with the horror that covered me from within.

No Unfortunately. You drink some water and here are some more pills. Fear not, this is just a “valerian”.

– I don’t need your “Valerianki”, I don’t believe it! – I sharply pushed aside the hand outstretched to me with yellow pills and they scattered on the floor.

– Anya, dear, calm down, please.

Director Xenia Gennadievna entered the office.

– Well, how is our excellent student?

– Does not believe. I do not know what to do. The psychologist is on vacation and will only be out in a week. Can I call you an ambulance? But what if they put her in a psycho -neurological dispensary and register there? I don’t want to ruin the girl’s life.

The prospect of being in a psychiatric hospital did not please me, and I still managed to pull myself together.

– Please don’t call an ambulance. Everything is fine with me. I can handle it, I promise.

– I’ll call her from vacation. This is an emergency.

– It won’t work; she flew out of the country.

– It’s a pity. Nothing, we’ll find another psychologist.

– I don’t need psychologists. I’m really okay. I need proof that you are telling the truth. What if this is some kind of mistake?

In fact, I still didn’t believe. It’s just that my parents taught me from childhood that it is extremely impractical to show emotions in public. I really love my parents. They taught me everything I know. They are kind, affectionate and caring. Ivse this cannot be true!

– Anya. We must give m your evidence. Uncle is coming for you soon. It was he who asked you to prepare. He made identification and will be here soon to take you to your parents’ funeral. Don’t. Don’t worry, we’ll close this semester automatically It’s already the end of the year, and you studied well.

– I still don’t believe!

– We understand and sympathize with you. Those were just eighteen years old. At this age, it is scary to lose loved ones. But we are close. And your uncle, your friends.

– Thank you, I answered coldly. I wanted to get up and run away, but my legs became cottony and completely stopped obeying. I was afraid that if I got up, I would fall and then I would certainly not pass the hospital. It doesn’t matter which one. I don’t like hospitals in general.

– I’ll call a psychologist I know, – said the director and left the office.

– Who is your closest friend? – Nadezhda Alexandrovna asked with concern in her voice.

– Ira Kara’s.

– Can you call her now?

– I didn’t pick up the phone.

– Well, do you remember her number?

– Yes.

– Great. You dictate the number, I’ll invite her here myself. Sit down, Anechka. And it’s better not to get up yet, otherwise, God forbid, fainting…

I didn’t answer. I just sat and looked at one point. My parents taught me not to cry as a child. You just look at one point and let go of all thoughts. It gets easier immediately.

But it didn’t get any easier; it’s just that I have always been the best student and remains so now.

A frightened Ira ran into the office.

– Ana! How are you? Can you hear me? Ann, talk to me. But I didn’t want to talk. Nobody knew what to do: not Anya, not a teacher, not a director, not a psychologist…

– The psychologist arrived in half an hour. She tried to get me to talk and, what is most disgusting for me, to cry. I flatly refused to speak to her after such advice. And the psychologist Marina Nikiforovna recommended contacting a psychiatrist. Fortunately, And Ra managed to dissuade the director. She said that she herself had lost her mother and would be able to help me survive the tragedy. Uncle should only come tomorrow morning. The path is not short. Anya and I were given a day off. They closed all grades in the semester without exams and sent us to the hostel. Anya was ordered, if anything, to immediately call an ambulance and monitor me even at night. Marina still lived in our room. She also promised to help Ira bring me to my senses. When we arrived at the hostel, I just lie down on the bed and lay there for several hours, looking at the ceiling. She did not answer questions, did not speak. Then Ira persuaded me to eat and drink tea, otherwise she would simply be expelled. I ate and drank, feeling absolutely nothing. Like a robot. And she continued to look at one point. Then the girls tried to persuade me to sleep, but they did not succeed. Nadezhda Alexandrovna came; I pretended to be sleeping so that the girls would not get hurt because of me.

She praised them for being able to feed and put me to sleep. She said that tomorrow it will be easier for me. But I was awake. I waited for the girls to finally decide that I fell asleep and go to bed them, but Ira did not sleep. And when I got up to go to the toilet, she stood up and followed me.

– Ann, let’s go to our place, let’s talk?

Our seat was the back stairs of the dorm. There, on the landing, were two old dilapidated chairs. We always sat there. Very often we hung out there at night, looking at the stars through a small window. It was there that I told her that her mother’s soul probably flew to a star or she became a star to illuminate the path of life for Ira. I just then remembered an old cartoon that talked about such things. Ira then almost calmed down and even smiled. She was different. After the death of my mother, she cried every evening for a whole family. Father did not know how to calm her down and just quickly found her a new mother. And then she had another mother. So over the past year, Ira has changed four mothers. And as soon as she finally calmed down, a similar misfortune happened to me. We just sat in armchairs and breathed the coolness of the night, opening the window.

– Ann, please talks to me. I don’t want to lose you either. You’re scaring me. Remember, you said that those who died become stars. Look, there are two of the brightest in the sky. They are definitely yours.

And then I burst out. Tears flowed like a river without stopping, and Ira just hugged me, realizing that words are superfluous here. I fell asleep in the chair in the morning. Ira covered me with a blanket, which she took with her. And she dozed off in the chair, closing the window.

In the morning, a frightened Marina came running and said that Nadezhda Alexandrovna was looking for us and that my uncle had arrived. It was the Pope’s Cousin. He was my only relative who lived in the city.. We rarely spoke. He worked all the time, but drank often. And when he drank, he became terribly angry and aggressive. Ira knew about it, but the class teacher and director of course not. Therefore, they were glad that at least some close relative would take me home and be there.

My uncle was already waiting for me in the room.

– Well, how are you, Ann? Survived the worst night of your life? So you will survive the next ones too. There you have such teens, they love you!

– Yes. I’m fine. Better. Hello Uncle Kohl, I’m glad to see you.

– I am also glad. Let’s go home. The funeral will be tomorrow. There is a lot to do.

– Tomorrow already? Can you give the girls a rest from the road, Nikolai Alexeevich?

– The sooner she says goodbye to her parents, the better for her. Trust my experience.

– Maybe you’re right. Only then please let her rest and be sure to visit a psychologist at your local clinic.

– Well thank you. It is time.

This time, my uncle’s laconic and naturally stern voice helped me to get rid of the teacher and director as soon as possible. And only because of this, I was really glad to see Uncle Kolya, who today, to my great surprise, was absolutely sober.

– Girls, help Anita collect things.

– Thank you, I can handle it, Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Thanks for everything.

– We are waiting for you in two months. In the meantime, you girls are packing your things, I need to talk to your uncle, Any.

Marina listened to the conversation outside the door.

– They say that payment must be made in a month. And your uncle says he doesn’t have that kind of money. And he will not be given an installment plan or a loan.

– Yeah… My uncle just loves spending many- I said in a whisper…

– What are you going to do?

– I do not know. I’ll take academic leave, I’ll go to work. Maybe I’ll sell something or furniture. My parents seemed to have opened a bank account for me. I’ll find out, maybe enough money…

– Do not give up! Write, call at any time. If possible, I’ll come to you a little later.

– Come, I’ll be waiting.

– Goodbye everyone.

– What a strong girl – I heard in the trail from Nadezhda Alexandrovna. I hope God will send her good luck and good people.

It was not then that I did not know that this parting word was the last in my studies at this university.

I slept all the way. And when she was awake, she was silent. We exchanged only a couple of phrases with my uncle. His old foreign car drove me home, where no one was waiting for me. Only memories and pain.

The next day I was actually made to believe in the reality of this terrible event. And uncle Kolya made me say goodbye to my parents, as it should be. But I didn’t cry again until the very last moment. And then tears just flowed from me and I was unable to stop them. Absolutely everyone sympathized with me and offered help. But I thanked and refused.

Arriving home, I seemed to freeze. I didn’t know what to do. But Uncle Kolya was a fine fellow, he made me cook dinner and clean the house. He said that in the next month my hands were constantly busy with something. So that silly thoughts don’t come into my head. But I knew I had to live on. Although now I wanted it the least in the world. The guitar that hung at our house saved me. Uncle Kolya often played it in his youth and taught me a little. So we sat and played for several hours every day. My fingers hurt terribly, but I continued to play. This is how my vacation month passed. And only a month later, I suddenly remembered about the payment for the next year.

Ira was able to come to me and reminded me of my studies.

I flew to the bank, but there I was disappointed. There really was a contribution, but I could use the funds not earlier than twenty-one, that is, after graduation. There was another contribution for urgent needs, but there was not even half of the amount that was required. Of course, no one gave me a loan. There were no guarantors, no work, and no credit history. And the amount required was not small.

Ira asked her father, he sent me twenty thousand rubles. But it was a ridiculous amount for studying at such an expensive university. Although Uncle Kolya was very happy and immediately asked for a bottle to drown his grief in it. And then again and again. We quarreled a bit and he left for the suburbs, where a small house with a plot was bought from him long ago. … We stayed with Ira. Her father also sent her money to stay with me on vacation. I sold my laptop and some of my belongings. But she hasn’t sold furniture yet. And I tried to find a job to get a loan. But no one wanted to take me for a month. And those who wanted, either offered too little, or without official employment. I contacted the principal and class teacher, explained the situation. Of course, they sympathized with me, but they recommended taking an academic leave for one year.

I had to email my application. Now I had to look for a job to live, pay bills and save money for my studies.

Working at the same time in different places, I was very tired during the day, but on the other hand, I revived a little and grief faded into the background. Then it was time for Ira to return to school. We had a cool bachelorette party with pizza and cola. (We both did not drink alcohol, since Ira was in poor health and constantly took some kind of medicine. And I don’t like alcohol because of my uncle’s partying, who came to us on holidays and was sure to break something., as my parents told me, either a new TV, or my mother’s expensive dishes.)

For the first time since the death of mom and dad, I really laughed with my friend. She returned my due – she was able to bring my thoughts and my life into a semblance of order. I took my friend to the station and put her on the train. We agreed to meet during the holidays, call each other and write to each other every day.

The very next day I was expected to be disappointed at work. The boss did not want to pay me and the other girl a salary. He told us to go through the forest. And when we threatened to sue, he threw us ten instead of the promised twenty and fired.

– I won’t last long.

Thinking, I began to rummage through all the advertisements on the Internet, bought up all the newspapers and finally, a miracle happened.

“A private art school requires a librarian. Education and experience do not matter. Requirements: responsibility and punctuality. Wages twenty thousand rubles a month. Free meals and official employment.”

Not a lot, but it’s at least something stable and, moreover, official. Plus, in other places, librarians get much lower. And I love books. I called the indicated number; a pleasant female voice answered me.

– School of arts, listen to you.

– Good day. I’m talking about being a librarian.

– Do you have experience?

– Unfortunately no. But I study at the literary faculty at the best university in the capital. My parents have died and I am forced to look for a job to pay for further education.

– Good. Come to us. The address is indicated in the hell. We are waiting for you until five o’clock. What is your name and patronymic?

– Anna Evgenievna.

– Good. We are waiting for you. Come on over. Bus number six from the station, stop “Quiet”. Just an hour and a half away and you are there.

– Good. Thank.

Probably, the salary there is high for the reason that it is a long way to go there, I thought. Libraries usually pay less. And in general, I have not heard about this school. Probably opened up while I was at university. Anyway.

After having a snack on a sandwich with cheese and sausage and throwing water and chips in a bag, I hurried to the station. He was just twenty minutes walk from the house.

For the interview, I wore regular skinny jeans and a white blouse. The weather was fine and I didn’t take anything else with me. I gathered my hair in a bun to better match the image of the librarian. Only the glasses were missing. Anyway.

At the station, I found the bus I needed and got on it, asking the conductor to report on the required stop.

– And where is the art school?

– Are you a student?

– Not really.

– Go from the stop to the left past the old shop and there will be a large house. They say it was rented as a school.

– I see, thank you very much.

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