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The experts tell all!

Nick Constable

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

The secrets of successful selling

How and why people buy

1.1 Sell positive change

1.2 Understand value

1.3 Know the selling cycle

1.4 Build trust and respect

1.5 You are the difference

Selling to the right people

2.1 Understand your customer

2.2 Understand their organization

2.3 Know the roles that buyers play

2.4 Identify the agents of change

2.5 Get access to authority

Generating new business

3.1 Pick the right prospects

3.2 Make a prospect list

3.3 Plan your sales campaign

3.4 Play the numbers game

3.5 Try telephone prospecting

3.6 Create your 60-second pitch

3.7 Develop your telephone tactics

3.8 Overcome your reluctance

3.9 Handle objections

3.10 Keep yourself motivated

Meeting the customer

4.1 Plan your sales visit

4.2 Make a great first impression

4.3 Adapt your style

4.4 Telling isn’t selling

4.5 Questioning is a powerful tool

4.6 Remember to SPEND!

4.7 Be a business doctor

4.8 Qualify the opportunity

4.9 Silence is golden

4.10 Move things forward

Making your pitch

5.1 Build a business case

5.2 Write a great proposal

5.3 Present in style!

5.4 Structure your presentation

5.5 Take care with offers and discounts

5.6 Add some sparkle

Gaining commitment

6.1 Prepare for negotiation

6.2 Negotiate the deal

6.3 Price is just one variable

6.4 Spot the buyer’s tactics

6.5 Handle the competition

6.6 Ask for the business

6.7 Overcome the final obstacles

6.8 Know when to retreat

6.9 Know what to do after you’ve sold

6.10 Manage your customer

The right attitude

7.1 Prepare and persist

7.2 Define your success

7.3 Manage yourself

7.4 Develop your creativity, enthusiasm and drive

Jargon buster

Further reading

Useful websites

About the author


About the Publisher

The secrets of successful selling

A few years ago, when the world of business was gripped by the Internet boom, it was fashionable to predict an end to traditional selling done by humans. Michael Dell, to name but one, was showing the world how to sell complex technology on a website. The tantalizing prospect of doing away with expensive salespeople was seriously entertained.

But 10 years on, professional selling is just as vital to the conduct of good business as it ever was. And over the 25 years that I have been selling, the skills and techniques have evolved with the development of technology and markets. It’s a highly sophisticated profession.

I’ve been a successful salesperson, a sales manager and a sales director for companies large and small, and I’ve been able to observe the very best and the worst in sales practices. Selling isn’t, as some will tell you, all about instinct. As I’ve seen when running my training courses, if you learn the techniques and skills that have been proven to work, and then develop the right attitude, you too can be one of the best.

This book will share 50 of the fundamental secrets of how to excel in this exciting profession, whilst, I hope, having some fun and building some great relationships with those you meet, along the way. The 50 secrets are divided into seven chapters:

 How and why people buy. If you understand the real motivations people have for buying, you’re half-way to becoming a smarter salesperson.

 Selling to the right people. Don’t waste your valuable time with the wrong people. Learn how to identify the ones who will buy.

 Generating new business. No business can grow without finding and winning new clients. Learning to do this for yourself will make you a ‘self-sufficient’ salesperson.

 Meeting the customer. Selling is about human interaction and behaviours. The precious time you spend with customers is when those things matter most.

 Making your pitch. Whether you’re writing a proposal or delivering your presentation, there’s a lot to think about to make your offer compelling.

 Gaining commitment. Reaching a satisfactory agreement, whilst negotiating the obstacles, takes patience and planning.

 The right attitude. Your success will depend on your willingness to develop the personal motivation and desire to win.

You might be completely new to sales, or an old-timer like me, but I am certain that if you follow the tips and techniques in this book you will see the positive effect on your own achievements!

Selling relies on a set of professional skills that will improve with practice and persistence.

How and why people buy

In this first chapter we are going to explore how and why people buy. Even the smallest transactions rely to some extent on the trust and respect between the seller and the buyer. Understanding the motivations people have for investing their money with you is the first step on the road to learning the behaviours and skills that create great business relationships.

1.1 Sell positive change

Let’s start not by considering what you need to do to become a great salesperson, or how good your products or services need to be; let’s start by thinking about customers, and the real reasons why they might spend their money with you: it’s often little to do with the technical excellence of your product, but because they want to change something.

It has always surprised and amused me that there are so many business people out there who think selling is a science, and want to find (or be sold) a mechanical formula which will always work. Actually, although there are indeed proven techniques and methods that you can learn, selling is much more of an art – it’s about behaviours, emotions, communication and people.

Buyers are just people like you and me, and if they are to be persuaded or helped to make a purchase from you, they have to feel that the result for them will be some kind of positive change – in their lives, or in their company’s life.

one minute wonder Remember that in a business context, nearly all positive change will ultimately boil down to some kind of improvement in working practice. Spend a minute to think about how you can help your customers save money or earn more money. How can you save them time, effort or resources with what you’re offering?

Let’s look at a simple example, and imagine that you are thinking about buying a new mobile phone. You’ve seen lots of the latest models in adverts, but they’re expensive, and up until now you haven’t been in any rush. Your current phone still works OK, so why spend money on a new one? That new phone will have to offer something which will improve your life in some way.

For example, you might want to pick up email on the move and you can’t do that today. You’re not buying a phone, but the positive change in the way you can communicate. Later, we’ll look at how a great salesperson might have helped you to see how important that positive change is to you.

Every successful sale happens because the buyer comes to believe the product or service will make a positive impact.

1.2 Understand value

It’s amazing how many people think that selling is just about the product and its price. Offer something with a fancy new feature at an attractive price and it will sell itself. But that’s just marketing, not selling. Value is the most important concept in selling.

Let’s consider some of the aspects of value in a business context:

 Needs. We can define Needs as being those drivers of positive change that will deliver the most value to the customer, because these are things the customer must have in order to achieve the improvement they seek. If we can understand how much the customer needs that improvement, we can work out the true value of helping them achieve it.

 Wants. Some drivers of positive change will be ‘nice to have’ but not completely necessary for the customer to achieve the improvement they seek. We can call these things Wants. The customer will attach less value to these things. Make sure you are not selling to Wants alone.

“The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the one that gets the grease.”

Josh Billings, American humourist

one minute wonder If you’re having difficulty trying to work out what’s going to be valuable to your target customer, focus on your customer’s customer. Find out what your customer needs or wants to improve in order to deliver value to its own customers. This will give you some clues about what change might represent value to them.

 Creating value. As we’ll see later, our job as salespeople is to uncover Needs and Wants, and then to understand how important satisfying them will be. Great salespeople know how to connect what they are selling to the impact, or value, it will create.

 Problems, pain and opportunity. It’s highly likely that a positive change is needed or wanted because the customer currently has some kind of problem or difficulty. It’s helpful to think about these problems as business ‘pain’ from which the customer seeks some relief. Depending on how painful the problems are, the value of solving them will increase, and our opportunity to provide a solution will develop.

 Three types of value. There are three basic types of value: Financial value is defined in money terms, Personal value relates to the buyer’s own personal agenda or interests, and Business value relates to more general or strategic business aims, not necessarily quantifiable in money terms.

The customer needs to see that the value of your product or service outweighs its price.

1.3 Know the selling cycle

Making a sale can be a long and complex process, involving many different activities. Each of these activities belongs to a phase or stage in the ‘selling cycle’, and it’s important to keep track of what stage you are at with each customer.

Although they might not take weeks or even hours, but just minutes, even short, quick sales will still follow this cycle.

1 Suspects. These are brand new leads or opportunities which you have identified but not yet contacted. You suspect they may fit your profile of a potential customer.

2 Prospects. These are potential customers with which you have made contact, perhaps by telephone, and established a basis for further discussion, because there is a Need or Want. By this stage, you have discovered a problem that you can help them with.

3 Opportunities. At this stage you will be working with the customer to uncover the value to them of solving their problems. You will be building your relationship and finding out more about their Needs and Wants.

one minute wonder Don’t imagine that just because a potential customer calls you and asks you how much your product or service costs, that you are already miraculously at the Negotiating stage! Often, this is just an expression of mild interest and means you are really only at the Suspect stage with them.

4 Proposing. You will have reached the stage with these customers at which you have enough information and a good enough relationship to be able to put forward your proposal: this is the part of the process where you have the chance to tell the customer about your product and why it’s the right choice for them.

5 Negotiating. Only when the customer has accepted in principle the proposal you have made will they begin to want to agree the terms on which they may buy. This is the Negotiating stage.

6 Closing. Closing is the stage of the Selling Cycle at which you seek firm commitment from the customer to buy.

After Closing, the work hasn’t finished, because you will need to think about how you can repeat the cycle and find more business with your customer. That second and third sale ought to become easier too, because the customer now knows what you can do for them!

Use the Selling Cycle to identify your progress with potential customers.

1.4 Build trust and respect

One of my first ever customers told me that he had never bought anything from someone he didn’t like. I have seen the truth in this many times over. You need to build a customer’s trust and respect.

The way you treat your customer will tell them whether you’re someone they want to do business with. Here are five important things to consider throughout the selling process:

 We buy from people we like. You sometimes have to make an effort to get onto the same wavelength as your customer and try to create some rapport. It doesn’t mean caving in to their every demand, but developing your ability to be sensitive to their personality.

case study Recently, I was discussing sales training with a sales manager at a large software company. I told her honestly that sending all her people on a training course might not be the best way of improving sales results. In fact, I went further, and told her I did not think training courses on their own always worked. It’s the opposite of what she expected me to say, but I had started to build her trust in me with a bit of honesty. Of course, this had the benefit of allowing me to explain why several different training approaches, including coaching, might work better for her team.

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion”

Dale Carnegie, author of ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’

 Take an interest. The quickest way to build rapport is to stop talking about yourself, and start showing some genuine interest in the other person’s work, problems and personal interests. This is sometimes called ‘empathy’.

 Do something surprising. Find something to say or do that will break through the natural cynicism they may have for salespeople, and show them you are different.

 Be a ‘capable friend’. You will often find opportunities to bring something extra to the table, such as information, your expert advice or superior knowledge. Your customer will start to see more value in working with you.

 Know when to trade. You won’t gain respect if you just do everything the customer demands. When you’re asked for something they value, ask for something reasonable in exchange.

Be open, honest and interested in your customer to build their trust.

1.5 You are the difference

One of the most powerful ways of winning against the competition is through the relationship that you build with your customers. You, and the approach you take, make the difference.

A good example of this is the way in which we all choose between suppliers of very similar commodities. There might be four hairdressers in the town where I live, but I always go back to the same one, because I enjoy the company of the chap who cuts my hair, even though he is a little more expensive than the others.

 You are unique. Remember that your relationship with the customer is the one thing that the competition cannot copy. In a close, competitive contest, your behaviour and approach will make the difference.

case study Ian’s sales manager was unhappy that Ian wasn’t visiting the customers more regularly. Ian thought he could be more efficient just telephoning and sending letters. His boss didn’t see it like that. “I might as well send out a catalogue, instead of employing expensive salespeople!” he told Ian. The point of employing Ian as one of the company’s salespeople was that he could build strong relationships and add value to the selling process through person-to-person communication. He could influence the customer’s decision process and build trust for the longer term.

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity”

Douglas Adams, English comic writer

 Be visible. It goes without saying that if you’re not making the effort to stay in regular touch with your customers and prospects, you can quickly become invisible, and perhaps the representative of another company gets the chance to exert their influence instead. This is sometimes called ‘mind-share’. Find reasons to call, to visit, and keep yourself at the forefront of the customer’s mind.

 Push and pull. The key to maintaining a winning relationship that makes the difference in a sale is to achieve the right balance between ‘pushing’ and ‘pulling’. Pushing means keeping yourself visible without annoying or irritating the customer with your constant ‘nagging’. Pulling means drawing the customer into the relationship using ‘Business Doctor’ skills (see 4.7), for example, showing empathy, being curious, and adding value by being their ‘capable friend’.

A relationship is based on two parties making an investment in it.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
14 mayıs 2019
90 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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