Kitabı oku: «Code of honor. Storybook»

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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью Николая Лакутина.

Pit. The machinations of fate

The idea of the book was written at the wheel at a speed of 70 km/h, crossing the Central street of the city of Novosibirsk, in order not to lose the idea.

They say risk is a noble cause. Yes, not in this, of course, the case, but still nice to know that such "fucked up" guys capable of crazy things for the sake of the goal, has not yet transferred to the Russian land!!!

So, let's go…

Late Friday night. It was dark and the second day with no end pouring a wall of rain. And on the provincial Russian road between the woods and plains the old Nissan fairly tired for the sixteen years of operation goes. And the driver, man, no, rather a man of thirty-two years, without leaving behind the helm for the past thirteen hours, also doesn't look fresh and cheerful. Perhaps his depressed mood is connected not only with the tricks of the weather, but also with the fact that before leaving he had to "fight" at work, where they do not really like to let workers leave early from work on Friday.

"Fucking system, just workers for the people do not believe but as superiors on the head nastuchat, the plan will raise, and the timing will be pruned, so to us just to "please" and excuse me, please, just to help their burning Asses from the furnace is removed, but then again, we office plankton, nobody, hardworking…»

Radio waves are no longer readable, all the discs with music have already been played, and they are already tired, for a couple of years, completely lost these hackneyed tunes on the ears. And now only hear the rain fall as the tires cut through water on the cracked asphalt, and the wind whistles in the small gap of the window opening of the door.

"I often asked for something for four years of impeccable work? Took a leave of absence? Failed? I love my job, and I guess that's why I do it perfectly, but it's kind of stupid, in my opinion, only by raising the tone and using unpleasant words to keep a person if he had to leave early today. You never know what it could be the reason, I don't understand."

Workers thoughts and nervousness was interrupted in one second, suddenly appeared a yellow silhouette on the road.

"What the hell is that thing?»

The car produces a sharp braking screech from under the wheels. Blow, and slightly changing the trajectory, but holding the road, the driver stops the car.

"What was that? And what happened to the side-view mirror… damn…»

Coming out of the car and after fifteen meters back, a man sees a girl of about twenty-five in the yellow raincoat. She sits on the side of the road and because of the rain is almost not heard her quiet timid crying.

"There's a hospital nearby," she said through tears.

Twenty minutes later they were in the local hospital. The doctor on duty examined the abrasions and bruises, said that there was nothing terrible, the bruises will come down in about a week and a half, wished to be more careful in the future, and went to finish his tea. And already sitting in the car, the driver first spoke to her: – "Well, how are you?»

"Yes, as you say… crappy, in General»

"Something hurts? Did the doctor catch up?»

"No, everything exactly, take place, there is another thing. What's shorter? Dobros me over until the turn and get out," – retorted the girl.

After passing the village of puddles and mud, after the slow rotation, releasing the girl, the driver said: "You have it, sorry."

The kid is barely out of the car, but suddenly sat back, slamming the door behind him.

"Come on, let's go somewhere from here, well –" she suddenly began to whisper. The car drove off on the main road about a kilometer and stopped at the nearest parcel.

"All right, next exit to the track."

But the girl remained silent and continued to sit in place. In such a silence passed even a few minutes.

"I would like to go," continued the driver.

"Go, I'm holding you?"suddenly something like this with a twinkle and spark in her voice she said. And continued through a prolonged pause – -" and you are the original. Almost killed a poor girl, and just like that, I'm sorry."

"Somehow we are not much moved on "you". What's your name, poor girl?»


"Light – star min… mrrr… Svetlana means".

"I'm now a blow job would be wit, I'm not going," and with such a sly smile and stared at the driver that he was a little confused, even a little flushed.

" .mm.. for some reason I was sure that you did not know this simple saying. My friends call me Miha."

"And friends?»

"And you, too, the original," the driver smiled now,"How I love this country."

Again silence. But in a different way.

"What are you doing on the road-middle of the night?»

The girl paused, and then, as if continuing the thought, said:

"Okay, there I live, let's go, I'll put tea, there everything and tell, and you can not hurt to rest until someone else on the hood is not rolled – – with a tired smile spoke Sveta, – only put the car away from home, over there, closer to the forest, no one will touch it."

"Well, come in, do not be shy," the hostess invited the guest, and disappeared behind the open door.

Dark unlit corridor, some steps, the smell of tarred rail sleepers, which built a shack.

"Yes, I was thrown by a hard one.Ow? Where's the door?"– stumbling and stumbling, quietly boomed overnight guest.

After a few seconds, opened the door, and she asks, grabbing his lapel of his shirt, dragged Mike into the house.

"Drop your boots here, get on the couch, sit down, lie down, whatever you like."

She closed the door, took the kettle, took a scoop of water from a full tank, and then disappeared for a couple of minutes behind the partition. Out of the corner they could hear only some noises and knocking porcelain cups.

Misha barely settled on the couch, as the eyes themselves began to stick together, the eyelids grow heavy, her body went limp and feel all the fatigue of the past day. On fatigue impact grater at work and a languid drive and recent developments made at certain points to be subjected to experiences.

"It's been a long time since I was so not cut down" – flashed in the minds of half-asleep thought.

But from the embrace of Morpheus guy brought touch. It was so gentle and light that I did not want to open my eyes and say or move anything at all, so as not to frighten off this euphoria.

"Twenty minutes later we have hot water, tea shop, I do not recognize, therefore we will drink my tea brewed with herbs, hope you enjoy it".


"Hey, Mariiiii, the fuck to sleep or something here? Who wanted to hear the story of how I got on the road in the middle of the night? Yes, and I would be interested to know what the hell you're doing on the old bypass road. Basically everything on a new track ride, this branch is a dead end already half a year as".

"Huh?"– cried in sleepy Kumar Bear.

"Aha, good morning, we present the ticket for travel!»

Bear opened his eyes, looked around, and, assessing the situation, stared with a questioning look on Svetku. A girl sat side by side on the same sofa, her hand, hugging her and holding her Teddy Bear, tugged at the button on his shirt.

"And tea?"with quiet shyness said guy.

"And we have twenty more minutes!"softly and tenderly whispered the girl, laying a second hand on his shoulder and holding her even closer and stronger.

"Now, friends call me Mas", – an hour later, said the Bear, lying on the unfolded sofa hugging with one hand, the recent friend.

"Well, Mas, now you just have to marry me," – sounded with a slight irony from the mouth of Sveta.

"Yes, I am, in General, are happy, not confused Micah. Well, the one wife I already have, the vacant seat only in the post second wife, are you okay? You mind?»

"Not against, the more that I have, too, there is one husband. Actually, I saw it when I got out of the car on the turn".

After a pause she went on:

"Yes washed down, bitch. Here we have only moonshine from entertainment, well, he has fun from morning to evening with friends-drinking buddies. Two months already the case to marital obligations did not reach, and two months ago, so too, the breeze, no more…

He and home for a week is not claimed, all in the barns, the Mitki, Vadiki cups is measured. Yesterday I myself went to him in the evening. Nicely, kindly, like, home, enough, I you wait, yearn, and he went out, slut. Vadka long with Mitya me the wedges were knocked out, and I'm in denial, that can be seen and whispered to him a fool for something. And he believed. We live with him for the second year, so we came together in a civil marriage, and spent the night at home how many times, you can count on the fingers."

The girl clung to the Bear harder and with a heavy sigh, he continued.

"He offended me greatly. I went to his mother with a folder, complained, and they told me that, they say, people just will not talk, I see was a sin."

"And what, because this decided my car to rush?»

"Of course not. I went to unwind, wash off the dirty rain all these emotions and about an hour walking through the woods, out on the road. It almost no one goes already half a year, since a new branch is empty, and I see a car coming, and in front of the hole the rain washed away, so I crossed the road to stand in this pit, for you to notice me and went round, a raincoat, bright, yellow, differently you'd notice. And then she got even for her kindness."

"And the pit was healthy there? I haven't seen her at all."

"Normal, the wheel would have left for sure".

Bear pressed to his Savior, gently kissed and whispered quietly: "Thank you" – and then added: – "for everything. So, what's with the tea?»

"So, you say the road is a dead end?"– drinking big gulps podstawski tea asked Micah.

«Yeah. In a few kilometers, you'd be buried in building blocks. There every spring before the ground washed away. Repair every year tired, and let a new bypass road, and here last spring repair work and abandoned… »

The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Open up, bitch," came a drunken belligerent voice from the corridor.

"This husband, Gregory,' whispered she asks him to sit quietly, the door was locked, he now Portuguese Yes sleep there, in the hallway, business as usual. Sleep will be before lunch, in the morning you will leave quietly."

"Don't you understand? – stuttering, moaning bellowed at the door husband, and rattled the pots and pans settled down in some part of the dark corridor. – I know who underground radish color," the sleepy drunk slurred accent said Gregory.

Silence spilled through the rooms of the house, capturing the streets and the nearby outskirts. Gregory was sleeping.

Svetka, silently, buried herself in the rain-drenched window of the next room, through the curtains of which the dim moonlight pierced.

"You know –" she said, " I want to get out of here. Forever. Start a completely different life," she had a look from the window to Mishkin knees and not looking him in the eyes whispered: "You don't understand."

Never wanted to Bear so help anyone as I wanted to help this lost in a girl. But he didn't know how to do it. And indeed it is quite a bad situation. For some last few hours he almost flew off the road, unexpectedly changed his wife and now sits in a closed house in an unfamiliar village with an unusual and a little strange girl with a passionate desire to help her.

I heard snoring outside the door.

"I'd really like to help you, Light, but in my mind there are no adequate thoughts on this, I'm sorry."

The girl got up, went to the far window and said: "You better not wait for the morning, you never know. Come out through that window, how do you get on, okay? Back back to the fork, there on the asphalt normal leave, do not miss, but do not drive much. And don't you dare to forget me, Maska," and the girl, dropping a tear, went over to the couch.

Drove not cater. The rain's almost gone. The suspiciously bright moon illuminated the wet road well. Drove past the same washed pit road, it really was an impressive size, the girl did not disappoint. Dawn Was Coming.

"Somehow everything turned out so stupid", – the thought circulated in the head of the Bear, – " why I was in this village, in this house with this girl? If not for all these circumstances, I would have drove up to me at the right village, the Mother and sister are already waiting for us, worried for sure. I called to ask how it works, so pipe the village, till last skirmish was at work, and each other's nerves battered and put up, once all stupid going".

After a while, the car reached a fork in the road. Bear stopped the car. Exited. I went to the intersection of roads, where I moved down the wrong road leading to a dead end.

"It is interesting, I passed earlier on this route any time. Why did I turn the wrong way? Why the pit? Moreover, even bypassing the pit, still rested would be concrete blocks. Well, I'd get to the blocks, turn around and still go out on the right road. Maybe fate was so pleased that in these minutes and these hours I was here, not to go where I need, and whether it is necessary?»

It stopped raining completely. It became clear how nature begins to revive after sleeping. Grass straighten, the breeze caress, and the first dim rays of the sun barely began to Wade from the horizon.

"Then it turns out that Sveta, or such as she is able to change the scenario of fate. After all, she ran out on the road to protect me from the accident, but how the hell did fate deftly corrected the scenario, based on the new conditions, and I still spent a few hours in the steppe, where I was not supposed to be."

Bear stood at the fork in the road for a while, estimating and" laying out on the shelves " all that happened, then looked sad and dreary look in the direction of the road, which was to go, then looked at the road from which he left, looked far away in the direction of the village with the same girl…

"I won't forget, Sveta… never."

I got into the car and drove now in the right direction.

After four and a half hours, the Bear has reached the desired village. He reassured his mother and sister, handed them money, some things, a little snack from the road and is now fast asleep.

The next day took place the funeral of his father. The mother was put into the hand of the deceased a photograph in life so fun and joyfully celebrated a picnic on Saturday the whole family four years ago. It was my father's last will. Therefore, the Bear and asked for leave from work and drove in this weather with only one thought-to pass this photo and fulfill the last will of his father. Probably, the folder wanted that at this very moment when mother put the photo in his hand, we still once remembered how it was good to us together that we through tears smiled and though for a moment were transferred to that solar Saturday four years ago. And as strange as it was, it was as if we felt his presence next to us, as if he was standing next to us and remembering those very moments… he was a very good father, he was a very good man.

Father buried, the Wake celebrated, and when relatives and friends have already dispersed, the mother asked: "all right son?»

"Yes, mom, all is well, life goes on," said the son of the Bear and hugged his mother.

The next day it was necessary to go to work, so without indulging in long conversations with his mother and sister, Bear went to the city.

He began working life. Work, home, wife, friends – everything fell into place and rushed at an exorbitant pace.

Promotion, salary increases, new acquaintances, new entertainment, vacations, evenings with friends, took a three-year BMW X5 in excellent condition, began to save money to buy a Studio apartment, but in a good place, and everything would be fine, everything would be fine, but here is neither as nor gives the Bear the Lord God of children.

No matter how hard they try with his wife, all to no avail. And the clinics went, and shamans are different… all right, children. It would seem that the conditions are excellent, everything is for the child, and the age is wealthy and the financial situation is stable, and there are no children. And money is not a joy and fun – not fun… thought all one.

"We've been squeezing each other for four and a half years.... Everything was and as soon as it wasn't. He does not want to give us God's child, so there is a reason for that" – once at dinner mishkina's wife mentioned.

The bear took a hard look at the plate. He has long understood that miracles do not happen and everything that happens is logical and reasonable. But to justify this problem, he could not.

"As you can see is" – he drawled in response.


After this conversation, the last six months of life together bear Often noticed that the former fire of married life has long ceased to warm them both, to revive the flame did not work, although attempts were made. Joint trips to the resorts for a couple of weeks, a weekend in nature, not once met the dawn on the white Sands and saw off the sunset under the crackling fire on the banks of small Siberian rivers. And when for the second month in a row went to bed back to back, mishkina wife offered:

"Mish, you're thirty-four, fourth dozen, I soon exchanged, but it was no use. Not life this. You're a great guy, husband, friend, but I can't go on like this. Then let's separate."

Over the past two years, Bear and he came to this idea more than once, so with relative ease released his wife.


A year later, Teddy learned That his wife gave birth to a boy.

"She may have already met someone when we lived together for the last months. Yeah, probably dated. Well, God grant that now all is well with you", – was spinning in his head.

Having saved up for an apartment and bought it in the place where he wanted, Bear continued to live alone. Nothing and no one not like.

"Why, thirty-seven is not a term," he repeated more and more often.

And here, when the chain of measured boring days, at the end of the working week stretched, having planned work of the subordinates beforehand, the Bear went home.

It was a normal Friday of a normal working week. I didn't feel like going home. I did not want to call friends, girlfriends, I just wanted to walk in the Park, on the pavement, on the back streets and the paths on which I ran as a child. I remembered how I went on these paths with my father on a fishing trip, barely keeping from the wind four-meter unassembled fishing rods. I remembered the disappointment in the eyes of the mother, who saw the catch and understands that now a good half of the day will have to process the fish, cleaning it from scales and giblets. I remembered how the race with his sister raced to the post office to buy stamps in their collections. How proudly these collections were shown by mother and father. How all these events filled life with new joy, new meaning. How I wanted the night to fly by instantly, and to come back joyful, cheerful, emotional, rich and unique new day. And it became so sad that now these new days have become commonplace, predictable, gray.

"Haven't been to the mother's sister and I can wave to them on the weekend" – I thought suddenly.

On the street already was felt cool evening breeze. With grey sky and rain drops from rare. And only when the weather became gloomy, and the rain increased, thoughts of happy children's days disappeared.

A little wet, but happy walk Bear had dinner, put a hot glass of tea near the window and sat down beside him. He loved to look at the view from the window, especially in the rain. Outside the window of the seventeenth floor was a beautiful view of the Park and the river with bridges and piers.

"Good here, but sometimes so eager to get out of here," he slid a playful idea. The bear looked sadly out the window, which began with the strengthening of the beating rain, and with insight in my mind, I remembered how once, the phrase said by one girl in a distant village. It's been three years since she said that.

"I wonder what her life is like now."

But, to go to her Bear was not going to remember as a fact, and then the phone call took his mind into reality with their work concerns and obligations.

The next morning he was going to visit his family. Bought some huge grocery bags early Saturday morning, as he often liked to do while everyone was sleeping, and headed down the familiar road to his mother and sister.

The morning was clear, the road is clear, and it seemed nature was welcomed at every mile lone Mishkin BMW. How nice it is still a little early foggy morning to go on an empty wide road on a fresh car, quietly listening to your favorite music and enjoying the awakening of the day.

Making a couple of stops on the road, usbdrives, running a few laps around the car, he again sat behind the wheel and was driving with a clean bright thoughts to his family. But suddenly he saw how in the course of its route, two guys pushed into the ditch of an old "Moskvich".

"Oh, poor fellows… who, if I help them", – with this thought Bear stopped the car near the guys who flew off the road.

"Healthy guys, got a rope?»

Are you pulling? Not sorry "CORONAS"? You are on the machine?»

Bear smiled…: "Throw me the hook."

When both machines are exactly on track, the guys said that flew in the night on the street when Lil squally rain. While pushing the car, burned the clutch and now do not know how to get home.

"Do you live far away?»

"Well, about ten kilometers or fifteen to the convolution and then there is a dirt road four kilometers," hope said exhausted guys.

"Well, let neatly behind me, the rope seems normal again, will stand only in the ass not push when I'm braking at convolution".

One guy got behind the wheel of "Moskvich", and one next to the Bear to show the way. Went slowly, talked, moved down in the necessary parcel of the road, slowly moving pits and bumps, and only when the guy said that now there will be a hole on the right side of a hefty, which you need to go around, Bear realized on what road he was going.

For three years, Mishka went to the village to his mother five or six times, he, of course, remembered how he turned the wrong way, but could not find this Congress, and did not look much. The road has changed a lot.

"Now here we go just a local country – said the guy from the neighbouring seat is there before the track is laid, and now the road is overgrown, the asphalt had heaved, cracked".

"That's why I did not know this way at once," said the bear to Himself.... How and where to go next the idea he already had. It's a really strange coincidence. The guys lived in the same village, which threw three years ago Bear. He drove the boys to their house, did not take money from them, even though they offered, only asked who lives in the house at the edge of the village. The guys responded that they have lived their friend Gregory with his girlfriend, a rare harlot, who allegedly was imposed to him and his friend Wadano who rolled the "Moskvich" at the gate.

"Is it those same Mitka and Vadka that kept plaguing his old friend," Shiv thought Mishkino consciousness.

The guys told in a friendly way to his Savior that Grishka then finally drank himself and went to live with his parents, and the girl and now lives here and none of the guys to not admit.

Well, how could you not come by, God himself commanded.

The Windows of the house were open, and from there came the speech of the announcer from the TV broadcasting the Olympics. Sveta sat on the floor, covered with a Palace, with her back to the window and watched the competition, snapping seeds and throwing the shell through her head out the window. The announcer famously announced:

"Olympic athlete from Russia took…»

"And does not give", – hoarse, quiet, but spreads chills Svetka, interrupted the speaker behind his head, as if familiar once voice.

The girl turned around and was stunned. In front of her, leaning on the sill, stood a Bear.

"Where have you been, bitch" – through the tears and a smile rushed to hug his light.

History repeated itself. There was also tea brewed on herbs, and twenty minutes not without benefit spent, and Svetka's story about how she lived these three years and hoped and waited that he will return here that at least once to look into his eyes and to remember one of the most memorable evenings of the life. Sveta became even more beautiful, more relaxed and more desirable. Now there were no obstacles to create a new happy family and the proposal to become a second wife Bears embodied in reality, only now the second wife in life, not on the bed.

To his mother with his sister, he arrived in the evening and not alone. She asks family liked it, and this sympathy was mutual. What else do you need? The Foundation of the new family was laid for three years, and today the formwork was removed, and the first brick was laid in the long-term construction.

Lived in the city, the rest went for a weekend in the village Svetkin house. I didn't want to go to the resorts, go to the movies, go somewhere far away together to strengthen the relationship… it was all unnecessary. In the morning Bear with a joyful and happy smile went to work, and in the evening happily hurried home. He dreamed about it long ago, and here came true. Sveta also found an interesting job in the rehabilitation center, gave lectures, and they gave their results.


Thirty years have passed since then.


Mikhail Sergeyevich is still happy, lives with Svetlana Viktorovna, who brings up two children a year with age difference in joy and love. The children were already under thirty, they have all evolved quite naturally and calmly, measured.

And now, in the minds of our heroes, there was only one unsolved problem, a thought that every day more and more tugged at the consciousness. What was that all about? Are there actually people who can change the scenario of fate, are we in your life Directors of their movie, or everything that happens, happens to the smallest details in the written script. After all, remembering the past, you realize that not just for a long time were not born children with their first wife, that is not just so, once it was necessary to be in an unfamiliar village. That's the way it was necessary to get acquainted with his future wife, and it is not immediately, but only after only three years. We had to decide to go to her mother's sister in the Saturday morning, and, accordingly, it was necessary to make the Friday night walk, revealshow childhood memories, when I flew the route two village "gouging", leading our hero is in the village, to the same girl. And, in the end, it was necessary to die to the father a day before I brought a family photo with which all this history began.

Then it does not fit into the head of how a single mechanism intertwines several destinies, and in fact the fate of all those who participate in our lives, so that the circumstances of our life evolved in a very certain way. Accordingly, our destiny and we regulate a number of destinies of all those whom we meet on our way of life. And if so, then it can not touch friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of our friends, up to random, or then "random" in quotes, passers-by, who in those seconds and minutes when they see how we pass, direct their gaze at us, bypassing what they do not need to see. Mutual fates form the lives of specific people, cities, regions, civilizations. To look at this mechanism at least one eye, but judging by the fact that we do not see it, we should not know about it…

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