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The Venusian Trilogy

From Venus I Came

Autobiography Part 1

Omnec Onec: The Venusian Trilogy

Autobiography and Spiritual Essence by Omnec Onec

Autobiography Part 1 “From Venus I Came”

Title of the American original edition of part 1: “From Venus I Came”

Original publisher: Wendelle C. Stevens, Tucson, Arizona

Copyright© 1991 by Omnec Onec

More information about Omnec Onec:

Copyright© 2014 DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt, FL-9495 Triesen

Publisher: G. Kouki Wohlwend

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt.

Edited by G. Kouki Wohlwend, Anja CR Schaefer, Elisabeth Baer, Crary Brouhard, and Omnec Onec

Illustration “Journey of Soul” (in Part 1 “From Venus I Came”): Sandra Beck

eBook creation: Anja CR Schaefer |

ISBN 978-3-9521219-1-7 (epub)

ISBN 978-3-9521219-2-4 (mobi)

Real Love

Real Love is the energy that flows from the creator and supports all forms of life.

Without it, nothing can exist.

Therefore we are all universal beings and not limited to one existence.

There are no limits to love.

Omnec Onec



Preface to the American first edition of „From Venus I Came“ by Wendelle C. Stevens, 1991

The Journey of Soul through the Levels of Consciousness

From Venus I Came

Chapter One: From Venus I Came

Chapter Two: Laws of The Supreme Deity

Chapter Three: Tythania Comes of Age

Chapter Four: My First Years of Life

Chapter Five: The Venus Plane

Chapter Six: Teutonia

Chapter Seven: The Creative Life

Chapter Eight: Earthward Bound

Chapter Nine: Brotherhood of Planets

Chapter Ten: Agam Des

Chapter Eleven: My Life on Earth Begins

Chapter Twelve: Resumée: Compared to Venus




It is a great honor for me to re-publish the revised and compiled edition of Omnec Onec’s books which have been very popular for more than twenty years. And I want to give a warm thank you to Omnec!

Omnec Onec is a truly exceptional woman who leads a truly exceptional life. Her great charisma is of a kind which is hardly ever found today.

Sceptics may have nothing but a pitiful smile for her stating “From Venus I Came” in the light of to the commonly known uninhabitability of that planet. However, this is not about the physical planet Venus but about the disclosure of a new but truly ancient world view, which has long fallen into oblivion in our high-tech oriented intellectual society. Yet an increasing number of scientists are slowly discovering that there is some truth in the teachings of the “Ancient Sages” – that our physical existence is not all that exists in the universe and that there are levels of being, both within ourselves and in the outer reality, whose finest vibrations though clearly experienceable can hardly be measured or proved by conventional technology. Thoughts, dreams, near-death experiences – how could they be measured? It would be very helpful if modern science would take a more in-depth look into all those countless reports and references about our multi-dimensional universe. This could lead to a re-alignment of the scientifically designed world view of today’s society.

Thus, esotericism – the science of introspection – and exotericism – the science of extrospection – could be merged into “mesotericism”, the science of the center. Omnec’s books are closely following these lines. Not only fascinating, very practical and highly successful, her books are also speaking directly to the heart and the innate wisdom of her readers. Her advice allows them to become aware of themselves as a spiritual being, as an individualized expression of a Superior Supreme Whole – as a drop in the infinite Ocean of Love and Mercy, yet an individual drop featuring all attributes of the Whole.

This sounds challenging and it is! Omnec’s works are not sophisticated or even shrewd literature, no: she writes just as she talks, straightforward, clear and totally down-to-earth, but always based on a deep spiritual knowledge and a great and warm love for all people, all beings, for our planet Earth, for the universe. Her wisdom of the heart is simple but profound, pioneering and practical, and always seasoned with her good sense of humor.

My special thanks go to Gisela Bongart and Martin Meier from Omega publishing for providing the original texts and to Anja Schaefer who in close collaboration with Omnec put all her enthusiasm and expertise into the rework of the manuscripts.

The new compiled edition consists of both parts of Omnec‘s autobiography with the titles “From Venus I Came“ and “Angels Don’t Cry“ as well as a third part including the essence of her spiritual message with the new title “My Message“. In simple language, Omnec provides valuable hints and hands-on exercises for the readers to gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual awareness as Soul.

May Omnec’s message reach the hearts of all people and thus become a blessing for each individual and for all!

Baraka Bashad – May the Blessings Be!

G. Kouki Wohlwend, 20121

1 This foreword was written for the printed edition. As eBOOKS, the three parts of “THE VENUSIAN TRILOGY” are available separately.

Preface to the American first edition of „From Venus I Came“ by Wendelle C. Stevens, 1991

We have had reports of UFO visitors from Venus from the oldest histories, in the Tao Te Ching, and in modern UFO history. A number of UFO contactees were told that their visitors were from Venus. Among the ones who released extensive accounts of these visits are George Adamski, Howard Menger, Kevin Rowe, Bill Clenden, the Mitchell Sisters, Frank and Tarna Halsey, Dr. Wilbert B. Smith, and more.

Our visitor in this book claims conscious physical transfer from Venus, in her Venus body, here to Earth in the same physical body which was, according to her description, densified by stages to live in third density physical. She did not come alone, and she came in a ship which was also densified by stages so as to be physical in third density reality in order to operate here. She and her party, and the densified ship, were all brought to Earth together, in company with others, in a large cigar-shaped transport ship. Final densification took place here on Earth at a temple in the Himalayas, where she learned to adjust to the new conditions on Earth.

Omnec has managed to bring some of her advanced capabilities into our physical density level, although much was lost to its degree. She can still read minds and see auras, feel the experiences of others from their previous lifetimes and perceive future events before they happen. She dominates the out-of-body travel, and to a certain extent, the telekinetic manipulation of matter; she can for example open locked doors in specific situations. She has both an excellent conscious memory of many of her own previous lives and the full memory of her past life on Venus before she was brought here. She can attract butterflies and small birds on her hand and pet them, and wild animals do not run away from her. She writes poems with the same ease with which she writes letters. In one of her letters to me she quickly noted the following:

There is a place we long to be.

It is our home eternally.

We travel there when our bodies sleep at night.

Only to return by day’s early light.

Soul am I, and you as well.

Within this cage of clay we dwell ...

To experience life our lessons we must learn,

Until eons from now our freedom we shall earn.

Sheila ‘83

Since Omnec came to Earth in 1955, she as Sheila has led an insignificant life most of the time. The manuscript of her Venusian life she already completed in 1975. She believes that we will soon see an increase in UFO activity and that many incarnated extraterrestrials in earthly bodies will also become aware of their true identity and make themselves public.

So when you read this account, do not discount it as science fiction, or another spiritual nut seeking attention. You will be reading the conscious recollection of one of those fourth density personalities adjusted back to third density on a benevolent mission for her people and the Venusian spirits taking the grade over again among us, and to us for our own benefit as hosts to the spiritual immigrees.

Here then is the story of Omnec Onec from Venus.

Lt. Col. ret. Wendelle C. Stevens2

2 Lt. Col. ret. Wendelle C. Stevens translated on September 7th, 2010, at the age 87 years in Tucson, Arizona, USA

The Journey of Soul through the Levels of Consciousness

The Journey of Soul is an art and science that allows temporarily the departure of the Soul from the physical existence to visit and explore any or all of the worlds beyond the physical universe, in the Soul body.

Omnec Onec

Chapter One
From Venus I Came

It was in the deep of night, among the remote mountains and desert Wilderness of Nevada, that the glowing spaceship touched down. The odd humming sound steadily became fainter and fainter. Then, as if from nowhere, a round opening appeared in the circular craft and several figures stepped down into the headlights of an approaching car. One was a tall, handsome man with his long blond hair neatly tucked away under a hat. Beside him stood a little girl and the ship’s pilot. Minutes later, the tall man and his little blond niece were on their way down the bumpy desert road, while the mysterious spaceship sped off into the starry sky.

The most earthshaking revelation will be that since Earth was first colonized, human beings have been arriving from the planets in this very solar system – planets which most people today believe cannot possibly have advanced human life. Their ships land secretly in remote parts of the world where they are met by friends who have already been absorbed into Earth society. Most of the newcomers do become involved in life here, something that has been going on for a long time; but the people who know about us, or even suspect we exist are very few in number.

Today, after two decades of silence, the truth about that chilly desert night can be told. Until this moment, for what has sometimes seemed like an eternity, I have lived the life of Sheila. But Sheila was to be my name only until the time was right for me to tell Earth’s people who I really am, and where I really come from. That time has arrived.

My real name is Omnec Onec. I was the little blond girl of that night in the desert, and the stately man beside me was Odin, my loving uncle. Both of us had arrived from Tythania, the planet you call Venus. As a child I had made the decision to spend the rest of my life on Earth, as a matter of destiny based on karmic reasons.

I am one among thousands of people from the neighboring planets who make Earth their home. Some of our people stay only long enough to complete special missions, but many have made the courageous decision to spend the rest of their lives here. Scientists, doctors, educators, artists, engineers, and ordinary citizens from these advanced planets live and work secretly among the people of Earth.

The idea that Earth cannot be the only planet in the universe with intelligent life is pretty well accepted today. Millions of people believe that among the UFOs are spaceships from distant planets more advanced than Earth. The bold and adventurous will go a few steps farther, to wonder about this story of my life, and to put aside for a while all the canned truths about the planets in this solar system.

My fondest hope in writing about my life on Venus and on Earth is that people will be awakened to the truth, as incredible as the truth may seem. It’s sad that for so many years, images of barren and hostile planets have been drummed into people’s minds. Hardly a child finishes school without learning about the extremes on Venus and Mars. Telescopes and spaceprobes all say the same thing, so it seems. So it is no wonder that people today hardly have an original thought about what really does exist out there.

I know from personal experience that most of the popular ideas about our planets are far from being true. The greatest government secret of the century is that advanced human civilizations have been discovered on many of the planets in our solar system. And the physical spaceships which are seen in the skies every day are from some of them. Governments of the world know as well that people like myself, living secretly within the Earth’s population, number well into the thousands.

For their own very good reasons, as I shall explain later, governments and military powers on Earth are doing all in their power to suppress any evidence that may leak out from UFO witnesses, space probes, astronauts, astronomers, and anyone else who may know of us. (I am not saying that all astronauts and astronomers know.) Meanwhile, most of the public hears from unsure and unreliable astronomers and government sources and is satisfied.

No wonder the truth is so unbelievable! I can understand why people like myself are called crackpots. It is much easier to believe the latest evidence from the space probes than to suspect there might be some grand secret.

In reality, Venus and the rest of our twelve planets3 are very much alive. More than half the planets in our solar system do support human life. The civilizations that I know of are all spiritually and technologically much more advanced and more ancient than any race living on Earth today. And beyond this family of planets are countless more solar systems, most of which also support human life. Man is truly a universal species.

The story of men on Earth will clear up many questions that need to be answered about our people before I go on with the story of my own life. Lately, more and more people are reconsidering the conventional stories of man’s past. Archeologists are admitting that advanced civilizations may indeed have existed on Earth tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago. There is also enough evidence indicating that during prehistoric times, man had technologies superior to today’s. There is also evidence showing that throughout history, Earth’s civilizations have been visited and helped by people from other planets. I have known this for a long time. It is true.

In every age, visitors from outer space have had an influence on the culture and technology of people around the globe. Sacred literatures of the world speak of flying spaceships and man-like beings descending from the sky, bringing great wonders. Legends and myths also mention man-like beings landing on Earth and living among the people. Ruins of cities exist, whose architecture cannot be duplicated by modern technology, and whose rock engravings speak clearly of the extraterrestrials who built them. Unexplainable things scattered around the world all seem to tell the same story. Ancient man was much smarter than people admit, and he was never entirely alone.

The Venusian village where I was born and raised is called Teutonia. As a child, I learned the story of man on Earth in Teutonia’s Temple of History, a place of learning that is more like a time machine than a school.

Millions of years ago, our first expeditions landed on Kal Na-ar (Earth), the youngest planet of our solar system. The space scientists of several planets had watched Earth undergo evolution, ever so often sending ships to investigate. The planets of a solar system, I should mention, are not all created at once. They are constantly forming, maturing, and dying. New planets are continuously being colonized and dying planets are being abandoned.

Our expeditions found Earth to be the greenest, most lushly vegetated planet in this solar system. But, as beautiful as it was, the entire planet was soon considered unfit for colonization; and it was without doubt very dangerous for any of our people to settle here. As word spread, Earth became known as the hostile, negative planet. It was then that it was called Kal Na-ar, meaning “negative child”. After those explorations, nobody stayed there any longer than was absolutely necessary.

A problem with Earth was that it had only one moon. Planets in the physical universe usually have two or more moons, so that each can help balance the other’s influence. For a planet to have no moons also is fine, but to have only one can unbalance a planet. In this solar system, Earth is therefore unique.

As the Moon revolves around the Earth, its gravity slightly stretches the Earth itself, causing tides. If these tides would have been the only problem, our early explorers should have rejoiced. The Moon also has an effect on any human being who decided to live here, or throughout the ages has been born here. Partly because of the water in our bodies, the Moon has just as definite an influence on us as on the oceans. It adversely affects our minds and emotions, a condition that has existed throughout history, and will exist as long as there is only one moon and until the consciousness on Earth has changed to become more balanced. Not until people use advanced technologies for the benefit of all and not for personal enrichment of a few can such new technologies be implemented to harmonize the repercussions of one single moon.

One of the problems is the flaring of negative emotion in masses of people, which is actually a self-destructive force in man. Mental illnesses are also related to the phases of the Moon. The word lunacy comes from this effect. Visitors to Earth are often advised to drink plenty of water during times of the full moon, to help adjust to their lives here.

Not only does the Moon play with man’s emotions, but the whole unbalancing effect also reduces people’s lifespans. And because the planetary vibrations are coarser or denser than on Venus or Mars, there is much more illness and depression. With good reason, Earth became an unpopular planet in its early years, and was not colonized until life on Venus and its neighbors had changed drastically.

Social and cultural reforms on Venus were very slow for many thousands of years. Life was troubled much like it is on Earth today, even worse, and the common people decided to do something about it. The breaking point was a planetary revolution which bloodlessly destroyed money and the class structure forever. The consciousness of Venus’s people changed to a point where the once wealthy and powerful had no choice but to change or leave the planet. In the time for each, the other planets underwent the same kind of growing pains.

Earth happened to be the nearest planet that could be colonized, so those who left took their chances here. But they were well equipped when they arrived, with advanced technologies that included anti-gravity spaceships, electricity, solar and nuclear power, and many powerful gadgets not yet re-discovered by modern man.

Their governments and the way of life they established were very much the same as what had been overthrown on the home planet. They were designed in such a way that a few benefitted at the expense of many and slavery was a common thing. Civilizations flourished for a while.

The inevitable happened. Already immersed in such passions as greed, vanity, and anger, these newcomers succumbed to the negative influences of this unbalanced planet. People’s emotions flared, lifespans shortened, and natural disasters turned life into a nightmare.

Earth became a planet of ups and downs, very much like it is today. It was doomed to repeated cycles of war and destruction unless the people could grow spiritually, which has not yet happened. The original colonial civilizations expired in nuclear wars and natural holocausts, and also the slow death of losing knowledge and culture generation after generation. Battling the elements just to survive took so much of the people’s time, that education of the young suffered and precious knowledge was lost. The stronger survivors in every age lost no time in conquering the weaker.

None of these peoples learned the lessons of war and progress in peace, as the home planet had done. Ancient history is an endless tale of one great civilization following another in dominating the choice regions of Earth.

Lemuria rose and fell as all the others, although it was one of the most advanced civilizations to develop on Earth. The capital city Kharahota now lies beneath the sands of the great Gobi desert. Once again there had been the almost total suppression of the poor at the hands of the greedy and powerful ruling class. A vast area of the land suddenly sank into what is now the Pacific Ocean, leaving few traces for the survivors to find.

Atlantis was a great island continent that existed in what we know as the Atlantic Ocean. In many ways the Atlanteans were technically superior to modern men, but they too experienced technology racing ahead of their spiritual maturity to control it. Thanks to nuclear testing and many other misuses of their technology, the continent broke up and the last islands sank beneath the sea in a single day, leaving very few survivors.

Through all these turbulent years the Brotherhood of the Planets looked upon Earth as an immature child who needed guidance. As civilizations rose and fell, spaceships from Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter came here, and our people continued to come here to live. Those are the four planets responsible for colonizing Earth, and each is today the home of one of the four original racetypes4 evolving here.

One white race, known by many people as Aryans, came from Venus. We are the tall “angelic beings” so often spoken of in your UFO contacts. Normally we are seven to eight feet tall, and are well known for our long blond hair and blue or green eyes. Our hands are broad, with long and slender tapering fingers. The outer fingers curve in toward the straight middle finger, making each hand look almost like the flame of a candle. Very noticeable are our unusually high foreheads, large and wideset eyes, and high cheekbones. Our temples are more sunk in than most, and barely visible are small, bony ridges on each side of the forehead, hidden by the way we wear our hair.

A yellow race is from the planet Mars. These are a slender people, small in stature, with golden or dark brown hair and olive to yellow complexion. Their large, slanted eyes are anywhere from grey to dark brown in color. Martians are known for their secretive nature and the futuristic many-leveled elaborate cities we see in science fiction illustrations. The Martian lifewave is not in our physical density either, but corresponds with the astral level. Martians are associated with the histories of the Oriental and ancient Spanish peoples.

A red race came to Earth from the Saturn system, although it first evolved on Mercury. A change in the orbit of Mercury took it closer to the Sun and as living conditions deteriorated, the people migrated to Saturn. Saturnians are known to have red to brown hair and a ruddy complexion, with yellow to green eyes. A tall and stocky people, they are known in our solar system for their athletic nature. The Atlanteans and American Indians are among those who can trace their heritage back to Saturn. The Egyptian and Aztec peoples, among others, were very much influenced by the Saturnians.

A black race evolved in the Jupiter system. These are a tall, royal-looking people with broad faces and square jaws. Their hair is a deep, glistening black, and their eyes are from purple to violet. The Jupiterians are also known for their beautiful voices and open sharing nature of being. Descendents are in Africa and other parts of the world.

In all the centuries of struggle, Earth has never been forgotten or neglected. Compassionate people from the home planets have always been here to help their races. There were times when the people of Earth remembered their true heritage, and visitors from space and those of us who lived here were openly welcomed and known. During the more barbaric times and in recent decades, the extraterrestrials have been more cautious in making their presence known.

During the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, we were recognized for our concern about the spiritual, cultural and technical progress of Earth men. The people of Saturn, for example, were helpful in the rise of Atlantis. In ancient Egypt, a good relationship existed between extraterrestrials and the Pharaohs. Then, as in the time of Atlantis, scientists from other planets brought spiritual and technological knowledge to Earth. Among the engineers constructing the pyramids were people from other planets. Egypts’s surge in culture was due to this influence.

There was no exception during the so-called dark ages of the past, and space travelers were also here during those times, but instead of being seen for what they really were, they were looked upon as Gods. Much of the world’s sacred literature and legends speak of them and their work here on Earth.

The visitors also learned their own lessons in this process. They learned from experience the Earth’s peculiar nature, and how new technology was quickly exploited in the struggle for power and domination, and the disasters that resulted. They became very wary of man on Earth, and as a consequence, refused to share their knowledge freely.

Since this withholding of knowledge began, the civilizations of Earth have been little aware of their true heritage. Spiritual leaders were sent more often, and any technical help was given in small safer doses.

During your biblical times, space people exercised a greater influence over the spiritual growth of Earth men. Many of the prophets and spiritual giants were extraterrestrials. Your Old Testament contains many references to spaceships, heavenly beings coming from the sky, and leaders going off to speak with God. Many other parts of the world also experienced visits by the “Gods from the heavens” bringing spiritual truths to the people.

Never again was technology given freely and completely to Earth. Instead, scientists were infiltrated into societies to secretly help mankind, making sure that the knowledge they brought was not misused. The very same thing is being done today.

Meanwhile, the sciences and technology have experienced a new surge of growth on Earth. Electricity, steel, engines, aircraft, nuclear power, and much more has been re-discovered. Wars continue and become more deadly, and most of the people know nothing of the inspiring kind of life on Earth’s many neighbors in space.

In the late 1940s, UFOs began to be reported in surprising numbers, and many people were amazed to discover that they outmaneuvered and outran man’s most sophisticated aircraft. Governments and military forces around the world were puzzled, but very much interested, and also very quiet.

Few people were at that time aware of the sudden interest in Earth. In their continuing experiments with Radar, scientists had generated radar beams which eventually reached Venus. Monitoring stations there received what seemed at first to be distress signals from Earth. A reply was sent. Experts on Earth of course could not decipher the signals, but they did correctly calculate that the signals came from a near point.

Ships were sent by the Venusians to investigate. What they found was frightening; a planet inventing and exploding ever more powerful nuclear weapons. The last fifty years on Earth has been a time of tremendous technical growth, but at the same time relatively little spiritual growth. It was the same sad pattern we had seen on Atlantis and Lemuria before this. The re-birth of the dreaded atomic sciences became of grave concern to scientists and spiritual leaders of the Brotherhood of Planets. No longer would the problems of Earth be entirely her own. With this awareness of nuclear power, this planet has become a menace to the entire solar system.

Nations of the world began to notice the mysterious UFOs over capital cities, industrial sites, military bases, research centers, and nuclear testing grounds as well. Now there was little doubt that these ships were manned or controlled by a superior technology. Military officials began to worry.

Being mystified was bad enough, but learning the truth about them was worse. Leaders weren’t quite prepared for the shock of learning that advanced human life exists elsewhere. This all came to a head when representatives of the Brotherhood contacted key leaders with enough proof as to who they were. More than one U. S. President has learned the startling truth firsthand! Our messages were ones of advice and persuasion, but never coercion.

Over a number of years, and through many exchanges of views, much was learned about the planets and their people. Our representatives explained that even with our advanced powers, we would not think of interfering in Earth’s affairs. If we wanted to, we could have conquered Earth very easily at any time, but this was not in line with our spiritual belief allowing each individual the freedom to make his own decisions and accept his own experiences.

If a nuclear war were to develop, which imperiled our representatives or our ships, even then we would not interfere. We do not kill, even in self-defense anymore, either as individuals or as a people.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
22 aralık 2023
276 s. 27 illüstrasyon
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