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The Venusian Trilogy

Part 3

My Message

Omnec Onec: The Venusian Trilogy

Autobiography and Spiritual Essence by Omnec Onec

Part 3 “My Message”

More information about Omnec Onec:

Copyright© 2014 DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt, FL-9495 Triesen

Publisher: G. Kouki Wohlwend

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of DAS GUTE BUCH Verlagsanstalt.

Edited by G. Kouki Wohlwend, Anja CR Schäfer, Elisabeth Baer, Crary Brouhard, and Omnec Onec

Illustration “Journey of Soul” (in Part 1 “From Venus I Came”): Sandra Beck

eBook creation: Anja CR Schaefer |

ISBN 978-3-9521219-5-5 (epub)

ISBN 978-3-9521219-6-2 (mobi)


My Message


Understanding the Physical

Learning to deal with the Emotions

What effect the Causal has

The Mental Process


The Function of the Etheric Body

The Soul – the real I

The Laws of the Supreme Deity

About Karma

Spirituality and Religions

Meditation and Contemplation

Journey of Soul Technique

Mantras and their Benefits

Healing and Self-healing Procedures

Energy – Ways to feel and use it daily

Love and Relationships

Venusian Understanding of Death

Knowing the Life Plan

A Spiritual Journey

The new Supreme Deity or Sugmad Expansion Ray


Biographical Data




In the following part, I go more into detail of the spiritual concepts of the Venusians which are based on the Laws of the Supreme Deity – our planetary teaching, in which spirituality and science are two faces of the same thing and by which we have grown in so many ways.

Here, I describe our Venusian concepts of ourselves in relation to the world around us and the other existing dimensions above or below us or as we like to understand all around us and convey our view of every living entity from a Soul point of view.

It is a guide to help you not only understand but balance and harmonize all the non-material bodies within the physical body. It is a step-by-step guide of how to properly care for the physical, astral, causal, mental, etheric, and Soul bodies.

This information is not only to help you to get a better understanding about life and about yourself. It is also to help you to balance and harmonize your inner bodies. Step-by-step I will impart our concept about how to take proper care of the physical, astral, causal, mental bodies, and the Soul body.

This information is based on my experiences here on Earth and what I brought with me from Venus. Much of the information is also based on the needs I have encountered in my relationships here on Earth and especially what I have learned through media encounters and workshops. My life as well is a great learning experience for me as an individual, and as I learn I try to share with all I can.

Since entering into the physical body I have found of course that in this material world you encounter limits as it is on each dimension. For each dimension of existence has spiritual laws that govern the extent of what we can or cannot experience in that particular existence or dimension.

The following guidelines can help you to understand and to absorb the following information in the best way: First, patience is very important as everything needs time to develop. Also the spiritual bodies need adjustments to new experiences. It is all individual as you each are. Every experience is not always sensational but sometimes very fine and subtle. We must learn to become sensitive to fine experiences.

A further good preparation for the teachings in this book and for life in general is a sense of humor. I have found that in the physical world where you cannot always control the conditions that happen or exist, that one can try to view it with a sense of humor. It has helped me through many trials. Learn to laugh at yourself and then it does not hurt so much when others laugh at you. After all we are not perfect yet!

Please don’t get me wrong when I use terms like „must“ or „should“ in the following text. Of course you as an individual are always free to choose whether or not you want to do something. Don’t take these terms as my instructions to you but rather as your own directions to yourself if you want to change something.

The first part is about the maintenance and care for the physical. I know it is boring but after all we all still have a physical body! Since we reside in the physical we must at least understand it because tolerating it is not sufficient. Because to tolerate is only to accept but not to really care – and we must care about the whole self.

We need the body in order to be able to exist, communicate and move around. You will learn it can be wonderful. I had to learn the hard way, and I am trying to make it easier for you. The body is a vehicle for Soul: Soul is the driver, the body the car. Now who wants to drive around in a dirty, beaten up, rusted, broken-down car?

Understanding the Physical

In the Venusian society we have a concept of spirituality as a balancing of oneselves on all levels.

You must take care that the physical body is healthy and balanced. We must be able to work within our own physical limitations and accept them, also to use them to our advantage.

First to accept each of ourselves as unique and individual is a must. To see ourselves as we are and realize the beauty that is individual we must set our own standards and not accept standards set by others. That does not mean that we are perfect and do not need to work on ourselves. It means we need to find what works for us individually.

Anything you undertake should be something you will enjoy or you will soon lose interest. I love dancing and I attribute it to myself being able to stay in shape. I am short and slim but would quickly lose my shape if I did not love to walk. I take long walks because I enjoy nature. You have to fit your exercise to yourself and your life style. Sex is also a very healthy activity. (It helps to have a partner.)

Eating habits are also important. There are plenty of books about diet. However, it is important to eat a balanced diet, but not to become fanatical about anything. Because then you have upset the balance of your physical self. You once again have to make the choice as to what you are comfortable with. If you eliminate meat from your diet consider that all living things are Souls and will one day evolve into the human state! All plants, minerals and animals are Souls, incarnated in different existences for experiences. When their particular purpose is served in this state they leave the physical and return into a higher state of existence.

So we must choose to eat what benefits us and not worry that we are destroying something. This is why we should appreciate whatever we eat. Souls are incarnating countless times and for different purposes as minerals, plants, animals, etc. for example to serve us as food. That’s why it is very important to bless our food and to be grateful for it. So don’t feel guilty about what you eat, but find the proper understanding and remember that you yourself served the same purpose before you became a human being. Before our human existence, we have existed as all the other life forms mentioned before.

You destroy your own body by overindulgence of any kind. You have to pay attention to how your body feels and responds to different foods, because we all are different.

Being vegetarian is good, but to eliminate meat, cheese, eggs, fish all from the diet is not necessary. Remember balance is important. Do not use the way you eat to feel superior to others. You cannot attain spiritual perfection through diet. However, you can be healthy balanced and above all not judgmental of others in the process of learning.

Find your best suited diet and physical exercise and stick to it. If you cheat once in a while, do not feel guilty, enjoy the break, but do go back to your system.

Remember we are all beautiful Souls inside this physical structure. We must try to reflect this in our appearance to the best of our abilities.

Personal dressing or grooming habits are vital. We must care how we appear. It will make you more self-confident if you feel that you look good. I do not mean you have to look like a movie star. But to be well groomed and neat and clean is important – also for those closest to you!

You must not just say appearance does not matter. Of course it does! If you have went around only wearing black don’t you think you could brighten your image a little? Find clothes that are comfortable and attractive. Try a few different colors, fall into a new image. Break old habits and discover the hidden you. Do not be afraid to try new ideas. You can always change. But it is essential to be clean.

Do you think that cleaning house is nothing but an unpleasant duty? This doesn’t have to be so. Turn on your favorite music and get going! You’ll soon find out how much at ease you and guest feel in a neat and tidy home and how nice it is to always find your stuff. Letting go of unnecessary things is also a must in the physical world. Our body is able to take care of itself but is our responsibility to take care of our home, without being fanatic about it, though. All this is part of our living in this dimension. And when we are able to accept this as a natural part of our physical experience, our lives become more pleasant.

Being creative is another important factor in being physical. It actually helps to stimulate the energy that constantly flows through the body. Unfortunately many people do not consider themselves as creative. Being creative does not mean you have to be a great artist. It means to find a way to express yourself and your feelings.

You are being creative if you see shapes in the clouds, if you find a use for something that someone else discarded, or if you repair something with wire or tape because of necessity. Everything that people have created was out of necessity. They needed something and created it! Because we are attuned to the Creator and are part of that energy that created us we are by nature creators ourselves! We create families, societies, means of travel, and communication. Extend this further and focus on the ways you can become more creative. Remember the more you use your creative energy the more creative energy will flow through you.

Learning to deal with the Emotions

Many of our emotional experiences originate not only from our existence here, but also from previous lifetimes which are within our Souls taken into this life as memories or experiences.

Emotions are a very essential part of existence. These relate to every part of our being – how we physically look and feel, how we mentally function to our ability to relate to everyone and everything around us. It is easier to become emotionally unbalanced than almost any other functions, because the emotions are constantly in motion or use.

Life is an emotional roller coaster, constantly changing as our experiences. The emotions take us up from one existence to another. The dimension that controls and supplies the emotional body is the Astral Plane. To exist there is to rely on the feelings and experiences and to exist in an emotional state of consciousness. This is fine if you exist on the astral in the astral body. However, it is difficult to rely only on the emotions on the physical.

From birth we are affected by touch, taste, sight, sound, and even smells. These senses supply us with our first emotional patterns in this life. Basic emotional patterns are reactions or responses to things around us, such as smiling or laughing when we are content, crying in discomfort or fear. Eventually we progress from basic emotional behavior and create ties or bonds to people or comfort.

As we grow older we also encounter emotional crises and create emotional conflicts in our relationship to people within our daily life. One can even become emotionally addicted to certain behaviors or comforts – even to other people. Then emotional imbalance occurs. Also when we no longer can control our emotional behavior we have an imbalance. Sometimes these occurrences are caused by a physical chemical imbalance.

Emotions have a lot to do with self-confidence. Many find that because of some deep emotional traumas they have difficulty when encountering similar situations that caused the trauma. Many spend their lives avoiding such situations and running from these experiences. Sometimes this behavior becomes habitual and one is not aware that they are carrying unnecessary emotional baggage. Some look to drugs, alcohol or some other emotionally stimulating activity as a means of escape. Others are institutionalized as a result of not understanding or being able to cope emotionally. All these people can be helped.

As the emotional body is a primary important function we should strive to be emotionally well and balanced. Misinformation, mistreatment and a lot of social teachings are directly responsible for many emotionally ill people.

Do not let all that you have just read frighten you into an appointment with a psychotherapist or into doing self-analysis yet. The first step to being emotionally happy and balanced is to be able to understand why you feel like you do. Perhaps it is simply that you are just finding out that you are a Soul inhabiting a physical body, and to be able to view yourself this way is a giant step!

All emotions are usually normal reactions. However, we must not become so emotional that we lose control. It is easy to become emotionally involved or attached. You are your best judge as far as understanding your own emotions. Sometimes in an emotional conflict we should only take a break, step back and examine the situation. When we feel that we are becoming too emotional we must learn to control our own feelings. One of the biggest causes of conflicts is trying to control or force other individuals to see or feel the way we do. To recognize that each person has the right to feel and think from their own perspective changes a lot of conflicting situations to one of understanding and acceptance. Always ask yourself about the way you are reacting emotionally. You may be surprised at how much of it is habit. You may find that you really feel different after all.

A good exercise for the emotions is to make a list of what irritates you. Then list things that you fear. Then list what makes you comfortable, happy and sad. Try to understand these feelings and why you feel certain ways about certain experiences. Try to overcome your fears with remembering that you are an eternal Soul and that everything also is relative. Try to understand anger and to imagine smiling instead of feeling angry.

It helps to write down a real traumatic emotional situation that deeply affected you. Write it down and you have released it. Then find someone to share it with, someone you trust. You will be surprised at how much relief you feel.

We must all have emotional outlets or something we enjoy doing for relaxing. It is good to also pamper yourself sometimes – a good massage for example. This is always physically and emotionally therapeutic. I like a nice scented bath with candle light, incense and music. Of course meditation is also very good for the emotions. For a special meditation procedure read the chapter about Karma.

You will find that if you can control your emotions you will function better socially and it will do wonders for your career. Of course understanding how you function emotionally does wonders for personal relationships as well.

Personal relationships with family, close friends or a partner rely on you being honest about your feelings and dealing with conflicts as uncontrolled emotions happen, not letting them build up until there is an overload and having angry outbursts. If someone says or does something which hurts or upsets you then you should say so calmly at the moment. Letting people know how you feel is important. If you have a family member or a past friendship that ended in hard feelings it is important to solve this by contacting, writing or talking to them. If this is no longer possible, because the person doesn’t live in a physical body anymore, you can do this in your imagination as well. If you don’t, this conflict will stay with you creating an unnecessary karmic debt or tie.

As a more aware person you are responsible for your actions and situations. It is up to you to make the first step to clear up misunderstandings and conflicts. This way you free yourself of this. Even if the other person refuses to accept their part or does not want to discuss it or forgive then you are still free as you have taken the responsibility for your part and made an effort. Then it is only their problem as you have taken care of your involvement. You have freed yourself of the unnecessary emotional baggage and solved your part. You can only be responsible for yourself and do what you know is correct for you and your well-being. You are not responsible for their reaction or lack of understanding. Each individual must be responsible for themselves. They must choose their own way and find their own truths. We must accept their way and they must accept our way – without judgments. Because to judge is not to let them be as they choose.

You can never force another person to see things your way. As individuals we all have our own perspectives and feelings. No two Souls are the same; no two human beings are the same. We must learn to accept and know this to be true. You can only change your own perspective working on yourself. However, you can always share your understanding with others as you should do. Perhaps you can learn to see things from another perspective. If quarrel arises because of different opinions you may consider that perhaps both are correct, just because they are individuals and therefore different.

We should realize that there are no superior race or people, no superior knowledge, no superior religion, no superior country or world, that we all are here for the same reason to experience and learn in the physical world all we can, so that we may begin to learn in other dimensions what we cannot comprehend here; when we learn to accept another’s right to his or her individual feelings, emotions and veins, then we can begin to have a mere balanced emotional self.

It is important to recognize the different emotions – anger, fear, joy, aggression, pain. They all are important. You must be able to have them all and accept them, not become too involved so that you as Soul do not have control. You can always become overindulgent – that is not balanced – but only you as a person know your own individual limits. You are the only one who can control them. You must find your own balance.

Some people overeat, overdrink, oversmoke – even indulge too much or become addicted to anything like for example sex. Persons even become addicted to each other or situations out of habit, not wanting it so much but using it to compensate for some emotional lack or need. This is a danger. But when we learn about our emotions and understand them, we are able to see if we are using something or overdoing out of emotional attachment. It is important to be able to see our faults.

So sit down and ask yourself a few questions about your behavior: Do you react emotionally out of habit or do you really feel that way? Have you become overindulgent? Can you recognize when you have no emotional control?

Answer these questions on a separate paper. Also write down what your definition of love is. Write down all you can about all your feelings. Do you do things that you really enjoy or what others expect of you? Look in the mirror and ask: Who am I? Am I someone whom I know or someone that has been created by other’s ideas of me? Do not let other people control your life. Set your own standards. Do not try to compete or be other than what you are and what you want. You have the right to feel and act the way that really makes your life easier and to be happy. You will feel much better when you recognize and accept all your feelings as a part of you!

Learn to be like a baby. They can express themselves without being self-conscious – even loudly –, either discomfort or joy. Both are a part of life. The baby loves every part of its body and the processes. They do not worry if they will be loved or how they look. They only love and want to be loved. For what you send out – returns!

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
23 aralık 2023
113 s. 23 illüstrasyon
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