Kitabı oku: «The Boy Spies with the Regulators», sayfa 4

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During my time of standing sentinel I neither saw nor heard anything to cause alarm or suspicion; but I never had a harder task than that of keeping my eyes open while the others were sleeping. It was as if until my companions lost themselves in slumber I had no sense of weariness, and then, suddenly, I was overcome to such an extent that it seemed almost impossible I could perform the duties of sentry.

I walked to and fro briskly; repeated to myself this hymn or that verse, and now and then groomed the horses in the hope of arousing myself; but all to no purpose. My eyelids drooped as if weighted with lead, and not until I had switched my face sharply with a bit of brush, striking my bare eyeball inadvertently, was I awakened. Then the pain kept me awake until I judged that the time of my vigil had come to an end.

Master Howell arose reluctantly when I shook him vigorously, and asked as he stretched his limbs and yawned prodigiously, whether I had heard anything which might concern us.

Sixty seconds later I was sleeping soundly, and not until late in the afternoon was I sensible that the life yet remained within my tired body.

Then I was surprised by seeing meat cooking before a fire; but soon learned that Master Hunter had been out in search of game, and, fortunately for us, had come across a deer within half a mile of our camping place.

After partaking of a hearty meal the difficulties and dangers of our way seemed to have lessened, and I looked forward to the night's work as a task which might have within it somewhat of pleasure.

Because we had not heard horsemen passing our resting-place, it was believed that our enemies had abandoned the chase, and immediately the late dinner was eaten we set forth, taking less precautions than before, for now it seemed as if we must have outrun danger.

In order that I may not make too many words of what is of little consequence, no further record of the journey shall be made, save to say that on a certain day, near about noon, we rode into Brunswick despite the efforts of Master Edwards and Attorney Fanning to check us.

At the inn, the landlord of which was an acquaintance of Master Howell's, it was given out with considerable emphasis, as if there was something in our official position of which to be proud, that we had come as deputies from the Regulation to petition the governor, and I venture to say that before nightfall every citizen of Brunswick was well aware of what had been done in upper Carolina to preserve the rights of the people.

It was only natural the Brunswickers should be curious to know all that this association so lately sprung into existence was doing, and even we lads were questioned eagerly by those who, because of press of numbers around the deputies, could not otherwise learn of the organized resistance against unjust taxation.

Thus it came about as Master Howell and Hunter desired, that the citizens were well informed as to the reason of our coming before we had asked for an audience with the representative of his majesty in the Carolinas.

Not until the following morning did we present ourselves at the governor's residence, and then we were admitted after being allowed to cool our heels in the guard-room for an hour or more.

Sidney and I had not supposed that we would accompany our companions on this visit of state; but it served the purpose of our gentlemen to introduce us as deputies of equal importance with themselves, with the view, most likely, of giving us lads that fancied protection which would be thrown around the messengers of a reasonably powerful association.

There could be no doubt but that the governor knew by this time why we had visited Brunswick, and, while not daring, perhaps, to refuse us an audience, satisfied his narrow mind and tyrannical disposition by making us wait in the room occupied by the guard for a certain length of time.

When finally we were admitted to his presence we saw a cruel-faced man, clad carelessly in a dressing-gown, seated at a table in that room which served him as a library, and ranged around the apartment were six soldiers fully armed, fitting protectors for such as he.

As if with the view of proving that we were of but little consequence in comparison with his greatness, he did not so much as glance at us when we first entered; but remained as if engrossed with certain papers that were spread out on the table, until ten minutes or more had elapsed, when he looked up, surveying us with a scornful expression.

Certain it is that he did not frighten either of the party by his lordly manner, and such fact must have been apparent on our faces, for he finally asked in a loud voice, perhaps hoping to cause alarm by his roar, why we had presented ourselves.

Master Howell acted as spokesman, and he advanced a pace as he said boldly:

"May it please your excellency, we, the deputies of a certain association well known in upper Carolina as the Regulation, have ventured to present ourselves with a petition from the Regulators, on the strength of a recommendation from your excellency's secretary, Master David Edwards."

"Your association may be well known in the backwoods; but we have yet to learn of it here," the governor cried angrily.

"That you may do by a perusal of this petition, your excellency," Master Howell said quietly as he laid a folded paper on the table in front of Tryon. "Two of our people have been imprisoned without due warrant, and when four hundred or more gentlemen of upper Carolina presented themselves at Hillsborough for the purpose of restoring our friends to liberty, Master Edwards urged us to the present procedure, promising faithfully in your name that this matter, together with others of an unlawful nature, should receive your prompt attention."

At this speech, which savored little of fear, the governor took up the petition, glancing at it carelessly, and then throwing it contemptuously on the table, cried in a voice which quivered with passion:

"Return to your homes, and smother this rebellion in the bud, else the penalty will be great. There shall be no association banded against the laws of his most gracious majesty! See to it that your fellows disperse at once, and have a care how you meet in opposition to our will!"

"I pray your excellency to read that which we have brought at risk of our lives," Master Howell said firmly. "You will see that we do not rebel against his majesty's laws; but rather against those who exceed them unlawfully."

"Go home and pay your taxes, or I will sweep the upper Carolina with my troops till it is a wilderness!" the governor cried as if beside himself with rage, and it appeared to me that he was about to give yet more rein to his passion when an officer entered hurriedly, whispering a few words in the angry man's ear.

"Admit him at once," was the command, and then, to my astonishment and fear, in walked one of those two cavaliers who had opposed our passage and afterward made prisoners of the deputies.

The newcomer had all the appearance of one who has traveled far and fast, and after looking around hurriedly as if to satisfy himself that we were really there, he laid a paper on the table in front of the governor.

Then, at a sign from Tryon, he backed out of the room as if in the presence of royalty itself, and the governor hastily took up the written message.

It must have contained something which did not please him, for his brows wrinkled as he read, and after coming to the end he perused it once more with greatest care.

Although having had no experience in such matters, I understood full well that this missive had been sent by David Edwards, and could reason out all the circumstances readily.

Most likely a messenger had been sent back to Hillsborough within a very short time after the escape of the deputies, and even while a portion of the party were pursuing us. Knowing as he did, that the Regulation was sufficiently strong to dominate upper Carolina if it was forced to extremities, Master Edwards had unquestionably sent a full account of all that had happened to the governor, in order that the latter might not do anything rashly.

That my reasoning was correct I understood when, after some reflection, Tryon, turned toward us once more with something like a smile of friendliness on his cruel face.

"You will excuse me, gentlemen, for having diverted my attention even momentarily from your affair. In these times, when treason is rearing its head against his most gracious majesty a moment's delay may have fatal results. I will read your petition."

Then, as if he had but just understood our request, he perused the document we brought, and having done so said condescendingly:

"This matter shall receive our immediate attention. Return to your homes; explain to your associates that their welfare has my best care, and assure them that within a month I will make a personal visit to Hillsborough. Then these complaints shall be inquired into by impartial judges, and that which is wrong or unjust will be remedied without loss of time."

He bowed, to intimate that the audience was at an end, and we went out of the room, not backward, as had the messenger from Edwards; but as gentlemen should, in a manner calculated to show that we stood on terms of equality with all there.

But for the manner in which he first received us, I would have said that the troubles of our people were well-nigh at an end; but, believing he had spoken us fairly at the last only because of realizing that the Regulation was of great strength, I fancied we had accomplished nothing of good by our coming.

When we were at the inn once more, and could hold converse without fear of eavesdroppers, I learned that the deputies were of much my way of thinking, for Master Howell said with a grim laugh:

"At least, we have pinned Tryon down to the promise that he will come to Hillsborough within a month."

"And then I warrant you that those whose names are on the rolls of the associations will find themselves fast beset by Fanning's henchmen. Our last condition will be worse than the first."

"He will need to bring a strong following with him."

"Not so, my friend," Master Hunter replied gravely. "The weak-kneed among us will profess to believe in his promises, and the Regulation will be reduced to less than an hundred. He may work his will until again are the people so oppressed that alleged rebellion becomes necessary if we would save ourselves from prison."

It was not a cheerful ending to our long journey; but there was nothing more that we could do, save make the people of Brunswick understand yet more thoroughly the situation of affairs in those countries where Fanning and Frohock held the courts of law in their hands.

During the remainder of this day, in accordance with Master Howell's suggestion, we talked with such of the citizens as came to question us, and by nightfall the Brunswickers must have had a fairly good idea of the situation in upper Carolina, where already had four hundred gentlemen declared they would resist the misrule which was crushing them to the earth.

One more day we spent in the town, and then it was as if the citizens had learned all they wished concerning our affairs, for our questioners ceased to be curious, and Master Hunter declared that the time had come when we should return.

"We will set out to-morrow morning," he said, and Master Howell nodded to show that he was of the same mind. "Having described to the association our journey, and that which has taken place here, there will be nothing to do until the governor institutes the promised inquiry into the wrongs of the people."

"Which will result in yet greater oppression," Master Howell added moodily.

"We at least have done our duty, and will again be in the front ranks of the association when the time is ripe for action."

Well, all was done as Master Hunter had said. We were on the return journey shortly after sunrise, and allowed the horses to take that pace which best pleased them, for we had no need to make great speed.

Our haversacks had been well filled at the inn, and we would have no need of searching for game until two days had passed, when it was reasonable to suppose we should be in that section of the country where the planters would provide us with food and shelter.

There was no thought in our minds that any effort would be made to stop us, for now were we carrying a message from the governor, and such an one as would go far toward soothing our neighbors who had so lately been in arms against those who represented the government.

At noon we halted an hour to rest the animals, who were yet quite fresh for the journey, and to partake of the noonday meal. Then we rode leisurely forward again until about five o'clock in the afternoon, when we were arrived at a plantation where was promise of comfortable accommodations for the night.

"It is better to halt here, at the expense of two or three hours, rather than push on and sleep in the open air," Master Howell said as he reined his horse in at the door of the dwelling.

A white man and a negro, one an indentured servant and the other a slave as we afterward learned, appeared in response to our summons, and from them we learned that the planter and his family were in Newbern on a visit to relatives; but this did not prevent us from receiving such hospitality as is famous in the Carolinas.

The negro led our horses to a stable of logs which was situated fifty feet or more in the rear of the main buildings, and the white servant ushered us into a sitting-room that gave access to the broad, vine-covered veranda overlooking the main road.

In this last place we were served with light refreshments until a hearty meal could be prepared, and my comrade and I congratulated ourselves on having come across such a lodging, when we had expected to sleep in the thicket where flies and mosquitoes would disturb our repose.

Our weapons, saddle-bags and haversacks had been brought into the sitting-room, and we could come at our belongings, if we so desired, by simply stepping through the open window.

The deputies were taking their ease in a couple of hammocks, and we two lads were lounging in huge chairs when the clatter of horses' hoofs aroused us all to curiosity.

Peering out through the vines which formed a curtain in front of the veranda, I saw five horsemen, the leader that same man who had brought the message to the governor while we were having audience, ride past in hot haste and halt a few yards beyond the path leading to the house as they carefully scanned the road.

"Yonder men have been following on our trail," I said, giving words to the thought which was caused by their movements. "Having over-ridden it, they will turn back."

It was as I said.

The horsemen rode slowly back to the house-path, gazed toward the building, and continued on at a walk in the direction from which they had come.

"Can it be that Tryon would try to prevent us from reaching Hillsborough?" Master Hunter said half to himself, and Master Howell replied grimly:

"Those fellows have followed us by his orders, or those of Fanning and Edwards, you may be certain, for they have no personal quarrel with us. It is now known where we are, and I'm of the opinion that we had best make preparations for defense."

"But it is to the interest of the governor that we report to the association his reply to our petition," Master Hunter continued with the air of one trying to read a riddle.

"So it seems to us who are not in the secret. We need not try to solve the problem until preparations for defense have been made, since it is positive those fellows are on our trail."

I failed to understand how we might turn another's house into our castle; but Master Howell was not troubled by such trifles.

Entering the sitting-room hurriedly, he summoned the white servant who was supposed to be making ready a meal for us, and hurriedly explained to him the situation, concluding by saying:

"It is likely that we shall be attacked before morning. What would your master do if he were at home?"

The fellow shook his head in perplexity, and Master Howell added:

"Having given us shelter we are his guests, and as such he would be bound to aid us, provided we had proven ourselves honest citizens of Carolina. So much, and no more, you shall do. I am of the opinion that they will take away the horses, if possible, and to check such an attempt the animals must be brought nearer the house where we can defend them."

"There is no other stable, sir."

"Is there not a store-room where we can stable them for the night? You can cleanse it to-morrow morning with this to lighten the task," and Master Howell held out three silver coins.

The servant clutched the money eagerly as he said:

"Peter the negro, and myself, are the only servants on the plantation. The horses might be brought into the room which is used as a kitchen during the winter. There is no floor, and a few armfuls of straw would make them comfortable."

"These lads shall assist you in caring for them at once, and look to it that the saddles and bridles are also brought into the house. Do all you can to aid us, and double that amount of silver shall be yours when we ride away."

It is easier to bribe an indentured servant than a slave, because the former may be able to purchase his freedom, and this fellow showed every desire to aid us.

Sidney and I followed him to the rear of the building while Masters Howell and Hunter remained on the veranda with their rifles in hand, and in a few seconds the negro was made to understand what we would do. He brought straw while we led the animals into the house, and when so much had been accomplished the servants and us lads brought a supply of water from the well, filling every convenient vessel, for there was in my mind the thought that we might be called upon to stand a siege.

When we had done this much, and we spent not less than half an hour in the work, Sidney and I went through the house to the veranda where we found the deputies on guard.

I reported as to the arrangements we had made, and Master Howell said approvingly:

"It is well. We are now prepared to give those gentleman a warm reception, unless they have some means which we have overlooked of getting into the house. You lads are to stand guard at the rear of the building, and if a stranger appears, call upon him to halt; if he then advances you will be warranted in shooting. In case the governor thinks to make way with us he will find that he has undertaken quite a task."

"By calling out the soldiers he could soon put an end to our return," Sidney suggested.

"That is exactly what he won't do, especially after we have made our story so public in Brunswick. It is not in Tryon's nature to come out like a gentleman in his usurpation of authority; but he must needs scheme to carry his ends by trickery. If he can dispose of us through the agency of these fellows, well and good, for there is little chance he can be connected with the crime. Have no fear that any public movement will be made to deprive us of freedom or life."

We lads took our rifles and went to the back porch, where we were screened by the vines, and while the white servant prepared supper and the black acted as assistant, we watched for the enemy, feeling ill at ease, as well we might.

After having come to believe that our troubles were at an end with the delivery of the petition, I was particularly cast down at thus learning that our enemies were inclined to pursue us yet further. It had an ugly look, as if Fanning and Edwards, with the possible consent of the governor, were seeking to take our lives, although, study the matter as I would, it was beyond my poor powers to make out how the rule of the king in the Carolinas would be strengthened by our death.

It seemed more as if the discontent round about Hillsborough would be increased in case we were slain, and that the Regulators would make every effort to avenge the murder of their deputies.

It was all a riddle to me, and after turning the matter over and over again in my mind, I asked Sidney what he made of it.

"Nothing whatsoever," he replied with a long-drawn breath. "I cannot solve the riddle; but this much is certain, that those fellows who followed our trail to this house are the same who made prisoners of Masters Howell and Hunter, and unless we are willing to go to prison somewhere between here and Hillsborough, we stand a good chance of being shot."

"Why do you say 'somewhere between here and Hillsborough'?" I asked in perplexity.

"Because if we are not murdered outright, it will be to Tryon's interest to keep us well hidden from the Regulators, who would use every effort to free us, and we could not be imprisoned secretly either at Brunswick or Hillsborough."