«Лицо ее закройте» kitabından alıntılar, sayfa 3

Он теперь только по­нял, что несчастье – это адская боль не имеющая ничего общего с недовольством и тоской, которые он раньше считал си­нонимами несчастья.

He could imagine her frown of well-bred distaste that he should embarrass her at such a time with a private grief at once so old, so intimate, so unrelated the matter at hand.

Mrs. Maxie did not believe in taking too much notice of what other people sometimes describe as "atmosphere". She retained her serenity by coping with shattering common sense with those difficulties which were too obvious to ignore and by ignoring the others.

It was a pleasant dream and, like most dreams, it bore no relation to reality.

Dr. Epps, irked by a conversation which was provoking bad temper and, probably, worse digestion, hastened to contribute his placebo. Unfortunately, the result was to prolong the dissension.

He was a widower who had lived in Chadfleet for thirty years and knew most of his patients well enough to predict with accuracy whether they would live or die.

He believed that there was little any doctor could do to influence the decision, that there was wisdom in knowing when to die with the least inconvenience to others and distress to oneself and that much medical progress only prolonged life for a few uncomfortable months to the greater glory of the patient's doctor.

<...> if his parishioners could not always understand his sermons they were happy enough to accept this as sure evidence of their vicar's erudition.

Three of the guests. Dr. Epps, the vicar and Miss Liddell, Warden of St. Mary's Refuge for Girls, had dined together too often to expect either novelty or stimulation from each other's company.

Мертвому не поможешь, если хоронить придёшь.

Ещё один чудесный день выдался. Люди оделись по-летнему, девицы в сарафанах, более пригодных для пляжа, чем для кладбища. Многие прямо с пикников примчались, прослышав, что на церковном дворе их ждет увлекательное развлечение. Явились, нагруженные остатками недоеденных закусок, некоторые даже дожёвывали бутерброды и апельсины. Но на краю могилы вели себя как полагается. Смерть вызывает во всех поголовно синдром рыданий, тех, кто нервно хихикал, очень скоро усмирили гневные взгляды праведников.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
24 temmuz 2016
Çeviri tarihi:
Yazıldığı tarih:
260 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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