Kitabı oku: «Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act»

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© Рамиль Латыпов, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-7743-3 (т. 2)

ISBN 978-5-0056-7744-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1 Everything is the same

Dark. How dark. Martha is brightening ahead. I want to scream but I can’t. She looks at me. I smiled and ran to me too. I’m running with all my might. But we don’t get close to each other. Tears flow from my eyes, from the eyes of my sweetheart too. Our love is getting stronger. «Martha» escapes my cry. On the left, my girlfriend is sitting at a cafe table. Drinking tea and talking.

– Martha Vymya. Martha Vymya.– She is clearly not happy. Evil. Her face turns red and a demon appears in her place. But he repeats everything. – Martha Vymya. Martha Vymya.

The black figure is behind her. What is not clear. But it is angry. Get very angry. Wants revenge.

– Favorite Claudius. Martha’s voice breaks into my mind. How I love her. I start to burn from the inside. The heart is on fire. It’s hard for me to breathe. But I am confident and keep running. I don’t care about all that. My girlfriend is not important, the figure behind her is not important.

– Will you renew the young man? No. Then I’ll take her.

My father’s huge hand appears from the sky. She grabs Marta and takes her with her. I fall to the ground. A hand comes out of the dark figure and touches my forehead.

– I’ll get my revenge, boy. My plan will soon come true and the world will be mine.

I am getting up. My centaur neighbor Mizael looks at me dumbfounded. I scattered all the blankets and pillows around the room. In the hands of a sword of ice. Anyone would be scared. I settled with the «Yellows» as I successfully passed the exams. He is a good neighbor. Leaves the room when my girlfriend Tatyana comes to visit. She thinks I do all sorts of things with her. But it’s not. I love Martha. Only her. Is always. Only she.

– Put away the sword and drink some water. Again, you dream of your Martha for the second time in a week. – The Centaur is always strong and courageous. Now, taking a pillow and a dumbbell in his hand, he was shaking in the corner of the room. Was prepared for the worst. – And cover up. After such dreams, the whole bed is wet.

What can I say dreams about Martha do not pass without a trace. I put the sword on the floor, it will melt itself. Magically cleaned the bed and his clothes. The neighbor, realizing that the crisis was over, put down the dumbbell and began to read more books on the pillow. He adored them. I didn’t dare to read them. They were for adults. I already have different thoughts after a date with Tatyana, after her kisses on the cheek and holding her hand. There aren’t enough books about it. I decided to hang on for Martha. She will be my first and only. Or at least the first wife of two or three. But it’s too early for me to think about it. New exams coming soon. And work in Vivaldi’s restaurant «Cafe Eccentrics» takes a lot of time. Although he has already collected eighty coins. So proud of myself. This is almost a third of Martha. The most appetizing part. I remembered Tatyana’s words «Marta Vymya».

– Go wash up. And then I see you dream about it again. Go shower. Haha. – The centaur is clearly cheerful today. The girl doesn’t have one. And I have two here and envy. He confessed to a white girl, but she turned him down. I don’t blame her, not everyone likes centaurs.

The morning horn blew. Academy Traditions.

– Good morning students. A new day has come. Study hard and don’t be naughty. Today is a year since our doves Claudius and Tatyana began to meet. They are eighteen years old. I’m happy for them. Her analysis makes me happy too. Claudius did not lie to me that Mizinchik loves Martha. But it’s young. But what am I talking about. Oh, yes, three months is a reason for a guy to give a gift to a lady. What will he give her? Waiting for the rumors in my office. Although I already know everything. Haha. Seeing the future is both a gift and a curse. Also, do not play pranks with the ladies, this applies to everyone, especially you. I won’t say the name. But everyone already knows him. Boxing between the reds and yellows in three days, be ready for battle. Princess Irina don’t forget, I’m the director of the academy. Do not send me letters with orders on how I should run the academy. I’ll figure it out myself. And if you get impudent, I’ll tell everyone your little secret. About your little room with pictures and drawings. Who is depicted there, you yourself know very well. And what are you doing there. Finally, I will say. Good luck students.

There is a knock on the door and Diana Psheno, my best friend, flies into the room.

– Boys you heard. Claudius what will you give Tatiana? She spoke quickly. But then she closed her eyes and blushed. No wonder I was standing in my shorts. The men’s hostel is to blame here.

«They didn’t teach you that when you knock, you have to wait for an answer.» – I said, putting on a bathrobe.

– Buka you. She picked up a pillow from the ground and threw it at me. – We have also known each other for several months, but you don’t give me gifts. Buka.

So he’s not your boyfriend. – Said the centaur and, it seems, in vain. Her angry gaze was directed at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. She, though a lady, can hit well. In boxing, she has clear success. I fought with her in the ring.

– We’re still friends. More than friends. She realized that she had said too much. She blushed and ran out of the room with a last shout. – We’ll talk later. How does the white uniform suit her? And her figure is rounded in the right places. Apparently the dairy diet is working. And some magic too.

What was this girl doing in your room? Do I need a third competitor? And so I think I can’t handle it. – My girlfriend Tatyana gracefully entered the room. Red uniform and red lipstick. She is a charm today. She bought some new perfumes, changed her hairstyle. She didn’t look at my neighbor. He doesn’t exist for her.

You are beautiful today, dear. You have a new hairstyle and perfume. Highlight your beauty. I said politely. She’s still my exercise girl. With her, I work out the reaction of my future wife Martha. And I like the girl’s attention. And most importantly, she pays for restaurants and cafes on dates. I will drop money to ransom Martha’s slave from the father.

– About two I know Martha and Diana, but who is the third? – Mizael said bending his fingers. There is not much mind in it. Is it possible to ask about this? Even though I wanted to know.

– Here’s the bastard. I won’t say everything. – Tatyana clearly did not like the conversation.

– Student Claudius you have a letter from Martha Mizinchik. – The beautiful elf teacher Melendil gracefully entered the room. – And you’re here. – Seeing Tatyana, the teacher’s face turned rough. What is the enmity between them? – Here’s a letter for you. She handed it to me. – A girl is not a place for you in the male part of the hostel. They can’t understand you. Only male students and teachers, that is, me, can enter this room. To my beloved student Claudius.

Why is it open. – I said with anger. You can’t read a letter from my beloved. We wrote such things there that it became embarrassing to read. Martha was not shy in expressions.

– Yes, why do you read such letters. Only I can do this, his girlfriend. You are just a teacher, that’s all. Tatyana looked angrily at the elf, who was a head taller than her.

– I didn’t want to read. – Well, yes, I didn’t believe her. – But after touching it, I realized that there are extra items there, so I opened it and did not lose.

– What could be a teacher there? – Asked the curious Mizael, who put down the book and watched the performance. He realized that now would be interesting.

– Underwear. Here, enjoy. And it is feminine – Elf pulled out beautiful black panties from her pocket, obviously bought in an expensive store. The name on them is embroidered with gold threads. Martha is the property of the Whips. – It’s still too early for you to have such a student.

«Darling, can you explain this to me?» I’m still your girlfriend. – And quieter. «I would ask for my dal, if that’s what it takes.» Guys are weird but I accept your tendencies as your girlfriend.

The teacher, hearing this, also nodded her head. But what she hinted at is not clear. Although I’m curious what elves wear.

– I understand what’s the matter. I’ll explain everything – Ladies need to calm down and tell the truth. «It was, as far as I can see. Martha wrote a letter and gave it to her mother, the housekeeper, Ilina. She decided to tease me a little. She has been wanting to set me up with her for a long time. Here I put my panties on. We are not allowed to wear such underwear on the estate. The ladies have calmed down. – I know what kind of underpants Martha wears. Its polka dot and not lace. He often held them in his hands. «I knew this because I helped my mother hang them up after washing.

I hardly remember the two slaps in the face that followed from the two ladies, and the slamming of the door. Well my neighbor knew what to do in such cases. This happened more than once. He took a glass of water and poured it over me. I did not pay any attention to his satisfied smile. Having recovered a little, I decided to act. Go study, my goal is to become red and earn three hundred gold, for starters. Then you need to save up money for a house and documents for your beloved Martha. The house is bigger. Maybe Tatyana will want to live with us. She’s a spare though. But I love it every day. We can also accommodate homeless children. They shouldn’t live on the street. Marina is a beautiful elf, the head of the bandits. Maybe I’ll take her as my wife. At least fictitious. Everyone will forget about her crimes. Posters with her image and a reward of ten gold pieces hang all over the city. And being my wife, she will escape punishment.

I showered and dressed in a yellow uniform. Pride takes over. At the first exams, a high result. And grabbing the letter, he ran to the dining room, where he ate a bun with tea. The table was crowded. There were only yellow ones. The whites greeted me and left for their table. Too bad you can’t sit with them. But those are the rules. Diana sits, pouting, looking at me angrily. Her brother Igor Psheno is again squeezing a new young lady, who is she from the whites. Is it new? Sweet face, black horns. She is a demon. There are few of them to learn. Hector Rapier is again sitting in the corner of the hologram stroking. I need to talk to him at work. Finally find a lady for him. Or buy a slave as a last resort. But I won’t spend money on it. Martha needs them. My beloved. My own.

– Break up people. – Said a menacing voice. My bull-headed enemy is Homer. That time with a beggar, I did not forget him. Revenge will be cruel.

– Thank you Homer come to our table. – Said the gentle voice of our princess. Local celebrity. Irene the Seventh Princess of the Rubicon. Nearby stood the maid of honor Sophia. Tatyana was not there. «You sir are a very interesting person. Love means collecting linen. I’m not judging everyone has different tastes.

I can’t bear this shame. Why so loud princess. I’m not into that. The students next to me began to whisper. Some of the ladies looked on with interest. They fell on me.

– I was misunderstood. I’m not into that. I said as calmly as possible.

– I believe. You never lied to me. I just wanted to hear for myself. Sophia reward him for the truth. – Seeing the bewilderment of her maid of honor, the princess continued. – She said that she was in a litter with him, so it’s possible. Let him get jealous. He learns that there are many hunters for him. And as you understand, imagine that it’s me. – A strange sadness appeared in her at these words. – It’s a pity. Damn status. Do it quickly.

The kiss on the cheek was quick. Not as drawn out as from Tatyana. Who was sitting surrounded by other red ladies with an evil face. Then the ladies all left. I thought it was all over. But the elf teacher Melendil accidentally spilled milk on my head. So I went all wet to the toilet to the laughter of all the students and teachers.

In the toilet, I opened Martha’s letter. It smelled like her. I ducked into it. Passion seized me. Save some more money and you’ll be mine. I will ransom you. In the letter I learned that she was doing well. The new tenants, the children and grandchildren of my father, Count Leonid Knut, are kind to her. Children are mischievous, but so far nothing of value has been broken. Father misses me. Pray for me. So our shepherd Dolen told her a secret. Then she described what she wanted to do with me when I bought her back. She has a rich imagination. Maybe her mom told her. These lines made my head spin. I began to kiss the letter.

The bell rang. How good. All lessons are over. The students began to forget about the incident in the cafeteria. But the ladies did not reconcile with me. But going to my room, a girl in a yellow uniform approached me in the corridor. I don’t really know her. We saw each other a couple of times in class, looked at me furtively. Although lately everyone is looking at me like that. She is a sophomore. But the inscription on her uniform says she is Baroness Angelica Wyrat.

Wait, Claudius.

– Yes.

It’s true that you broke up with your girlfriend.

– No, we just quarreled temporarily, but what? I didn’t understand what she was hinting at. Maybe she is a friend of Tatyana and wants to know the reason. Although I haven’t seen them together.

– Be my boyfriend.

What a news. The students passing nearby looked askance at us. Someone laughed. I don’t need new rumors, so I answered rudely.

– Not. As you know I love another girl.

– I know Martha Littlefinger. A smile lit up her face. She was not a beauty. Short black hair. Big nose. And she lost even to Tatyana with a figure. And before Marta, she was like before the third moon of Olic.

– Yes, I love only her. I don’t have any reason to date you. I agreed to meet with Tatyana, because I am pleased to communicate with her. And I don’t know you at all. «I don’t like that they laugh at my beloved.

– I have what you need.

– Not. She thinks too much of herself. I can buy myself slaves much more beautiful than her and have all the blessings and pleasures. With her, this is unlikely to be achieved.

– In vain you are. I’m ready to be the second girl for you. I just need a boyfriend. That’s all. I went through all the guys in the academy. You are the best option. Hardworking, smart and restrained with girls. You don’t come to us. I don’t like that.

– Couples do kiss sometimes. So if you don’t like that, don’t look for a guy.

– With you, I’m ready.

– No, that’s it. I have to go. «I turned around and started walking away. The conversation was stupid. And I don’t have time. You need to write an answer to Marta. And hugging a letter in bed.

– Ten gold.

– What?

«Ten gold a month if you date me. Even if I’m second. We will do lessons.

– Oh, I remembered. You’ve been kicked out of the Reds and Blues. They can also be kicked out of the yellow ones. So you need me as a tutor.

– One does not interfere. What about ten gold pieces? I agree?

– Fifteen. – What do you want. I need money. Martha won’t redeem herself.

– Hooray. I finally got a boyfriend. My sisters will envy me. I will write to them right away. – She hugged me. My assumptions were justified. Flat as a board.

– What’s going on here? – Near us stood Tatyana, all angry with a cake in her hand. Apparently she wanted to measure herself in my room. Again I would smear the tongue with cream and lick my face with it. She has strange tastes. Then she made me do the same for her. Just ruined the food.

– I’m his new second girlfriend, Baroness Angelica. Everything is official. He himself agreed. You had a fight with him. Here’s what I picked. You didn’t think it would be all yours. Ladies need to be able to share. Angelica unhooked from me and began to wave her hand.

– Fifth already. Although there may be more. Tatyana’s face became sad. – Let’s go to the room. We have a lot to discuss. She is growing in my eyes. They will trust me.

There was a long conversation in the room. Mizael quickly ran out of the room seeing two ladies with me. What does he think of me? Two hours of talking and we came to an agreement. I will have two girls. Let’s go on dates together. And I will help Angelica with her studies. If you don’t like it, we’ll alternate dates. Although for Angelica I’m more important as a tutor and to show off in front of my sisters and girlfriends.


The day started as usual. I Martha, the servant of Count Knut, ate and went to work. How do I live here? In the castle. Without him. Without my beloved count. without Claudius. The old count laughs at me. Says I can’t wait for his son. He has already found a second lady. I don’t believe. He loves me. It must be his plan to save me and all the slaves. I love him. I remember our kiss in the city. How he loves me. He said that my love saved him. I don’t get it, but I don’t need it. The main thing is that he believes in it. I didn’t know how to thank him for the kiss, I sent the linen that his father had bought me. Let him think of me. The count’s children are freedom-loving. They say that in their country the slaves were given rights. Although they trade them, they consider them equal. At least they don’t beat for faults, and that’s good. But his grandchildren are playing with me. They jokingly call me Martha Mizinchik and lead a round dance near me. I don’t understand how they came up with such a nickname. I have beautiful fingers, but no more. I dream that we will meet my Claudius again. Our separation is the blackest day of my life. I loved him all my life when I learned about love from my mother. But he hid it because he was a count and I was a slave. What will we do after he redeems me? We’ll be twenty. What will we live on? I can work in a cafe as a waitress or be a free maid in a hotel. But there’s nothing more I can do to help him. How bad it is to live as a slave. We must learn to be useful to him. Maybe we’ll be adventurous. It is necessary to train in the evenings with a large knife or an ax, and then go into the forest and kill monsters. I won’t be a burden to him. We will overcome any difficulties. While nursing the count’s grandchildren, I began to think about my children with Claudius. Trembling goes through the body. A hand dropped to her stomach. There will be born a new life from my beloved when the time comes. How warm this thought makes me feel. I hope he’s looking forward to it too. the day of my release. Will he be faithful to me, as I am to him?


So that’s Angelica. Countries are not simply drawn on the map. All countries are the fruit of a long war among themselves. Learn. Better. What is the capital of Golisu Island?

– Achisu. Achim. Ahmi.

– Auchasu. You didn’t listen to me at all. And Tatyana get off my knees, I’m not made of iron. You are a beautiful lady. I can slam. And don’t tell me you don’t mind. Girls shouldn’t talk like that.

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28 temmuz 2022
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