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Kitabı oku: «Birds and Nature Vol. 11 No. 5 [May 1902]», sayfa 4

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Fickle April, with its sullen showers and teasing, wayward moods, its alternate days of warm sunshine and chilling rain, still leaves us who live north of the fortieth parallel in doubt whether summer really intends to come or not. Not so on the gulf coast; langorous breezes incline one to take life easy, the sun high overhead has the true June fervor, and, if further evidence is needed to convince us, ripening strawberries and blooming roses tell us that summer is here. Gardens filled with huge, flaming amaryllis, fragrant calycanthus and a thousand and one shrubs strange to the northern eye, greet us in every yard. In front of the houses and along the streets, their purple fragrance welcoming every newcomer, stand the China trees, the haunt of busy bees and their indefatigable pursuer the kingbird, or bee martin.

In the lowlands a short distance back from the beach, the azaleas (Azalea nudiflora) are just dropping the last of their pink bloom, a bouquet thrown at the feet of all-conquering summer. Here and there in these jungles of yupon, bay, buttonwood, etc., appears a shrub clad in a filmy white mist. If this be the season for weddings, it must be that this is the bride that greets our eyes. A delicately beautiful bride she is, with arms that toss in the slightest breeze and now and then coyly shove aside the cloudy veil to take a farewell glimpse at the world she leaves.

The natives do not take this view of this shrub (Chionanthus virginicus). They have dubbed it “grand-daddy-gray-beard.” Usually popular names have much to justify them, but in the instance just mentioned, and that of the brilliant red flower which gazes at us from the underbrush, they are suggestive of African superstition rather than Saxon sentiment. The melancholy local fancy sees in these flaming orbs only the power of evil, hence the name “Devil’s eye.” If I could be assured that the devil’s eye is really as beautiful and kind in its expression as its floral representative I would be willing, like Emerson, to call its possessor “the dear old devil.”

Let us go back to the beach and stroll along the shell road, which parallels the shore all the way from Gulfport to Biloxi. Perhaps the glare of the white road is not pleasant to the eyes, but the deep green of live oak and long leafed pine is restful, the mingled fragrance of the salt breeze of the gulf, the resiny odor of the pine and the blossoming wisteria charm the senses and lull us into rapturous content. Only a few of the trees and shrubs which border the highway are of the kinds familiar to observers in Ohio and Illinois. Now and then a water oak or a sweet gum appears; but otherwise in the cypress, pine or live oak of the larger growth, or in the palmetto, Spanish dagger and rattan vine of the undergrowth, the eye looks in vain for old acquaintances.

The live oak certainly has individuality. Shorter and more spreading in its habit of growth than most of its kind, its limbs are gnarled and knotty, strong and muscular with its wrestling with the hurricanes that sweep the bosom of the gulf. It loves the white sand just a few feet above high tide, where it stands as a protector for the weaker growth between the tossing waters and the great pine forest. As is the case with human beings, this vigorous conflict with its surroundings does it good; for no place in the South that I have been have I found the live oaks as plentiful or as vigorous as on this strip of barren sand.

The birds know a good thing when they see it; hence they are well represented here at this season of the year. Our old acquaintance of the Maumee Valley, the Maryland yellow throat, with his cunning black mask and his cheerful if not wholly musical “Wichety, wichety, wichety,” greets us from a perch on a rattan vine, but on our nearer approach dives down into the palmettos, where only the noise made by his tiny feet indicates his whereabouts. Two other warblers, the hooded and the redstart, a little belated, perhaps, have stopped here on their way north to the old nesting grounds on the Kankakee and the Hudson. The most numerous as well as the most conspicuous element of the bird population is the summer tanager, whose intensely scarlet coat adds a touch of vivid color very grateful to the eye. Nearly every oak contains one of these redcoats, whistling a solo for our benefit or discussing the details of housekeeping with his more sober coated little wife.

Almost as numerous as the tanagers, and even more interesting, are the orchard orioles. Their song has more of the fire and ring of true music, a compensation probably for the comparative dullness of their garb. In nest building the orchard oriole is an artist. I remember one day finding in a small water oak a nest so carefully woven out of excelsior as to make me think the bird could knit if he would only turn his talent in that direction. Where twine and excelsior are not easily obtained, no doubt they utilize the long streamers of Spanish moss which hang from half the trees in the gulf country.

Flying about in the gardens, as tame as robins on northern lawns, or sharing the live oaks with the tanagers and orioles, are a multitude of mocking birds. There must be something in Maurice Thompson’s suggestion in “By Ways and Bird Notes” that along this coast the mocking birds find those berries and seeds best adapted to develop a high degree of musical ability and artistic expression, for these birds certainly surpass their brethren found a few hundred miles to the north.

Besides these land birds there are a multitude of sea birds more conspicuous on account of noise and numbers than bright coloring or attractive ways. The herring gull is very plentiful on this coast, wherever sand flats and shallow water offer attractive feeding grounds. It is a pleasant sight to see a dozen of these pearl gray creatures turning and wheeling, as free and easy as the wind. Just in shore from where the gulls are flying are some fish crows, a thoughtless, noisy set, contented to feast on the crabs and stray minnows which have eluded the watchful gulls. At the edge of the water, just where the wavelets of the receding tide curl and swish before turning back to join their fellows, a couple of sandpipers are running a race, now and then stopping to pick up some tidbit left by the water. A shadow flits along the sand. We look up. A great fish hawk or osprey soars seaward. He sails past the noisy crows, past the graceful gulls and steers for Ship Island, that line of darker haze where sky and ocean meet. Truly, April is the season to visit this coast.

James Stephen Compton.


From the earliest times and among all peoples there seem to have been sentiments and superstitions connected with gems. The ancient use of gems is proved by their being found in the oldest tombs of Egypt and by their mention in the earliest books of the Bible, and no less ancient seem to be the mystic properties and powers ascribed to them.

Not only was the power of driving away evil spirits and producing all sorts of “luck” long attributed to them, but as late as the beginning of the eighteenth century reputable physicians were accustomed to mix fragments of them in their medicines and to use them as charms. The study of the uses of gems in this way forms a subject of much interest, but we may confine ourselves here simply to the custom which made a particular gem appropriate to a corresponding month of the year.

The first arrangement of gems into a group of twelve of which we have any record is that in the Book of Exodus. Here in the twenty-eighth chapter, verses 17-19, are prescribed in order, twelve precious stones, which shall be set in the breastplate of the High Priest. The list is repeated in the thirty-ninth chapter of the same book, verses 10-12. In the context it is prescribed that the stones shall be set in four rows and that upon them shall be engraved the names of the Children of Israel, one for each stone. As to the particular stones as they are known to the modern world, which are indicated by the Hebrew words, authorities differ, but in the authorized version of the Bible they are given as follows:

Sardius, topaz, carbuncle,
Emerald, sapphire, diamond,
Ligure, agate, amethyst,
Beryl, onyx, jasper.

It is not probable, however, that these names indicate in each case the corresponding stones of modern usage. Thus it is quite unlikely that the Hebrews could have engraved a name upon the diamond even if they could have obtained one of sufficient size. Again, the words emerald and carbuncle are undoubtedly interchanged in the above list and the ancient topaz is known to have been the modern chrysolite. In the revised version the word jacinth is substituted for ligure and amber is given as a marginal rendering for the same. There are also given marginal renderings for others of the gems, as follows: ruby for sardius, emerald for carbuncle, carbuncle for emerald, sardonyx for diamond, chalcedony for beryl, and beryl for onyx. The modern equivalents of the terms recognized by secret orders which use them in symbolism are:

Carnelian, chrysolite, emerald,
Ruby, lapis-lazuli, onyx,
Sapphire, agate, amethyst,
Topaz, beryl, jasper.

Two lists of precious stones quite similar to those of the Book of Exodus are given in other places in the Bible, one in Ezekiel 28:13, where “every precious stone” is said to have been the covering of the King of Tyre, and again in Revelation 21:19-20, where twelve different precious stones are mentioned as garnishing the foundations of the wall of the Holy City. The names and order of these in Ezekiel are, in the authorized version, as follows:

Sardius, topaz, diamond,
Beryl, onyx, jasper,
Sapphire, emerald, carbuncle.

To these the Septuagint adds the following:

Chrysolite, ligure, agate.

The revised version gives marginally, ruby for sardius, carbuncle for emerald, and emerald for carbuncle. In Revelation the list as given in the authorized version reads as follows —

Jasper, sapphire, chalcedony,
Emerald, sardonyx, sardius,
Chrysolite, beryl, topaz,
Chrysoprase, jacinth, amethyst.

The marginal renderings give lapis-lazuli for sapphire and sapphire for jacinth.

Though in each of these lists only twelve precious stones are mentioned, there is nothing to indicate that their use was in any way connected with the months of the year. Just when it became the custom to designate each month by a particular gem or how the custom originated is impossible to determine. The custom seems to have sprung up in modern Europe some time during the fifteenth or sixteenth century. Whether it originated in the twelve gems of Aaron’s breastplate as many believe, or was introduced by astrologers from the Arabians as others think, is not yet known.

The modern practice of considering the stone of each month especially appropriate to persons born in that month is probably still more recent in its origin. In former times gems could be possessed only by rulers or the very wealthy, so that their general use in the above manner was not possible. But now that nearly every one can own a gem of some kind the possession of “birth stones” and the attachment of special sentiments to them has become common. The custom is a pretty one, and is to be commended, for the stones are imperishable and the sentiments ascribed to them represent the accumulated traditions of many ages, races and peoples.

As to the particular stone which is to be considered appropriate to each month usages differ. Such differences have doubtless arisen from the desire to introduce gems which were formerly little known or unattainable on account of their cost, as substitutes for stones formerly prized but now held of little value. Thus the precious opal now much admired was hardly known in former times. By some it is now used as the birth stone of the month of October, while others retain the beryl. The diamond has been introduced in modern practice in quite a similar way. The carnelian and chrysolite by some still used for the months of August and September are stones held of little worth at present, and hence others are usually substituted. The particular order and kind of stones adopted in the accompanying plate is given in accordance with some verses quoted in a pamphlet first published by Tiffany & Company, of New York, in 1870. The author of the verses is not known, nor is it known by just what authority these gems were chosen. The choice, however, seems as satisfactory as could be made. Some of the verses have been quoted in previous numbers of this magazine, but they may here be given entire:

By her who in this month is born,
No gems save garnets should be worn;
They will insure her constancy,
True friendship and fidelity.
The February-born shall find
Sincerity and peace of mind,
Freedom from passion and from care,
If they an amethyst will wear.
Who in this world of ours their eyes
In March first open shall be wise,
In days of peril firm and brave,
And wear a bloodstone to their grave.
She who from April dates her years,
Diamonds shall wear, lest bitter tears
For vain repentance flow. This stone
Emblem of innocence is known.
Who first beholds the light of day
In spring’s sweet flowery month of May,
And wears an emerald all her life,
Shall be a loved and happy wife.
Who comes with summer to this earth,
And owes to June her hour of birth,
With ring of agate on her hand
Can health, wealth and long life command.
The glowing ruby shall adorn
Those who in July are born;
Then they’ll be exempt and free
From love’s doubts and anxiety.
Wear a sardonyx, or for thee
No conjugal felicity;
The August-born without this stone,
’Tis said, must live unloved and lone.
A maiden born when September leaves
Are rustling in September’s breeze,
A sapphire on her brow should bind —
’Twill cure diseases of the mind.
October’s child is born for woe,
And life’s vicissitudes must know;
But lay an opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those woes to rest.
Who first comes to this world below
With drear November’s fog and snow,
Should prize the topaz’ amber hue —
Emblem of friends and lovers true.
If cold December gave you birth,
The month of snow and ice and mirth,
Place on your hand a turquois blue:
Success will bless whate’er you do.

The sentiments further ascribed to the above gems are, as given in a pamphlet by Mr. George F. Kunz and published by Tiffany & Company, in 1892, the following:

Garnet. – Insures Power, Grace and Victory to the wearer.

Amethyst. – Deep Love; prevents Intoxication.

Bloodstone. – Courage and Wisdom.

Diamond. – Purity; Preserves Peace, Prevents Storms.

Emerald. – Immortality, Conquers Sin and Trial.

Agate. – Health, Wealth and Longevity.

Ruby. – Charity, Dignity and Divine Power.

Sardonyx. – Conjugal Felicity; Prevents Misfortune.

Sapphire. – Constancy, Truth and Virtue.

Opal. – Hope, Innocence, Purity.

Topaz. – Friendship and Fidelity.

Turquois. – Prosperity, Soul-cheerer.

Oliver Cummings Farrington.
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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
28 ekim 2017
60 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain

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