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S., on the authorship of the Beggar's Petition, 209.

–– on the Norman nobility, 503.

Σ., on going the whole hog, 224.

–– on innocent convicts, 224.

S. (A.) on quotation, "So geographers on Afric's downs," 372.

Sabbatical and jubilee years of the Jews, 373. 464.

Sacramental wine, administered to weak children, 179. 320. 368.

Salgado's slaughter-house, 284.

Sallustius, was he a lecturer? 325. 465.

–– his connexion with Tacitus, 325.

–– Epistles to Cæsar, 62. 140.

Salopian, on Jews in China, 442.

Sancroft (Abp.) corrected Dillingham's poems, 323.

Sanctorum Septem Dormientium Historia, its author? 139.

Sanderson (Joan) and the cushion-dance, 125. 286.

Sangaree, its meaning, 141.

San grail, explained, 224. 281. 282. 413. 482.

San Marino, the republic of, 321. 376.

Sansom (J.) on Drachmarus, 105. 194.

–– on Durham sword that killed the dragon, 425.

–– on the custom of shaking hands, 118.

–– on Defender of the Faith, 157.

–– on metrical psalms, 198.

–– on the presentation of gloves, 220.

–– on notices of Prince Rupert, 221.

Sapphics, English, 494. 525.

Sathaniel, when noticed? 303.

Sauenap, meaning of, 157.

Saviour, engraving of the, 168. 228.

Saviour's (St.) Church, Canterbury, 12. 90.

S. (B. S.) on Quakers' attempt to convert the Pope, 302.

Scaligers of Verona, 133. 193.

Scandinavia, notes and queries on, 370.

Schmidt's Antiquitates Neomagenses, 328.

School of the Heart, its author, 390. 469.

S. (C. N.) on theory of the earth's form, 508.

Scott's (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Minstrel, 364. 367. 464. 505.

–– quotation from Lord of the Isles, 409.

–– Marmion, on a passage in, 203.

Scotus on Lady Alice Carmichael, 60.

Scoute-Generall, its author? 303.

Scriblerus, emendation of a passage in Virgil, 237.

Scrutator, on lines on woman, 143.

S. (E.) on the origin of the word Venville, 152.

Seats in churches, 56.

Secundus (Johannes), extract from, 135.

Sedley's Poems, on a passage in, 476.

Seguard, or Seward (John), his poems, 261.

S. (E. J.) on topical memory, 508.

–– on meaning of Carfoix, 508

Seleucus on Prince of Wales' motto, 168.

–– on the redwing's nest, 486.

–– on "similia similibus curantur," 405.

Selwyn (E. J.) on porci solidipedes, 357. 468.

Sempecta at Croyland, 328. 357. 433.

Serius, where situated? 494.

Sermons, on preaching from written, 478. 526.

Servants, their mode of being hired in Holderness, 328.

Sewell, meaning of, 391. 482. 505.

Sévérambes, Histoire des, 4. 72. 147. 148. 374.

Sexes, their separation in church, 94. 288.

S. (F.) on the occasional transmigration of the soul, 206.

–– on moths called souls, 220.

S. (G. A.) on Ferrar and Benlowes, 237.

–– on "Fronte capillatâ," &c., 43.

Shaftesbury (Earl of), his letter to Le Clerc respecting Locke, 97.

–– first earl of, particulars wanted, 186.

Shaking hands, origin of the custom, 118.

Shakspeare family, 493.

–– a thorough sailor, 300.

–– his small Latin, 497.

–– All's Well that Ends Well, on two passages in, 177.

–– Anthony and Cleopatra, 139. 190.

–– his meaning of "captious," 65. 153. 229. 430. 474. 497.

–– Cymbeline, on a passage in, 290.

–– his meaning of "eisell," 66. 119. 210. 225. 397. 474. 508. 524.

–– and Fletcher, 318.

–– Hamlet, on a passage in, 10.

–– Henry VIII., authorship of, 33.

–– Love's Labour's Lost (Act II. Sc. 1.), 163. 230.

–– Much Ado about Nothing, on a passage in, 388.

–– his meaning of "prenzie," 401. 454. 499. 522.

–– his meaning of ribaudred nag, 273. 464.

–– Romeo and Juliet (Act III. Sc. 1.), 476.

–– his meaning of strained, 185. 269.

–– Tempest, on the word rack, 218.

–– – "Most busy when least I do it," 229. 251.

–– Troilus and Cressida, on a passage in, 62.

–– Venus and Adonis, 260.

–– Winter's Tale, an old ballad on, 1.

–– – – Payne Collier's note on the, 101.

Shapp, or Hepp, abbey of, 7.

Sheldon's Minstrelsy of the English Border, 49.

Sheep, cure of disease by means of, 320. 367.

Shewri-while, a mountain spirit, 20.

Shovel (Sir Cloudesley), 23. 45.

Sicilian vespers, 484.

Sides and angles, 265.

Similia similibus curantur, 405.

Simnel (Lambert) his real name, 390. 506.

Sing, on the Devil's Bit, 477.

Singer (S. W.) on two passages in All's Well that Ends Well, 177.

–– on canes lesos, 212.

–– on the meaning of "eisell," 120.

–– on poems by C. Huyghens, 423.

–– on "Felix, quem faciunt," &c., 482.

–– on charming of snails, 132.

–– on "The soul's dark cottage," 154.

–– on the maxim, "Lavora come se tu," &c., 226.

–– on Shakspeare's meaning of "ribaudred nag," 273.

–– on Latin drinking-song by Braithwaite, 297.

–– on the family of the Tradescants, 391.

–– on Latin version of Robin Goodfellow, 402.

–– on the word prenzie in Shakspeare, 456.

–– a passage in Romeo and Juliet, 476.

–—, Notes on books, No. 1., 489.

–– on the Tale of the Wardstaff, 57.

Sitting crosslegged, 230.

Sittings or statutes, what? 328. 396.

Sixes and sevens, its meaning, 118. 425.

S. (J.) epitaph on Ælia Lælia Crispus, 504.

–– on Athelney castle, 478.

–– on the country of the Angles, 326.

–– on a remarkable birth, 347.

–– on culprits torn by horses, 91.

–– on lines on the Temple-gate, 450.

S. (J. D.) on William Chilcott, 212.

–– on queries on costume, 155.

–– on the family of Sir George Downing, 68.

–– on Edmund Prideaux, 268.

S. (J. E. R.) on Catherine Barton, 328.

S. (J. H.) on Stella being Swift's sister, 450.

–– on brewhouse antiquities, 447.

–– on the hereditary Earl Marshal, 209.

Skeletons at Egyptian banquet, 424. 482.

Skins, crossing rivers on, 3. 83. 397.

Skort, its meaning, 302.

Sky, strange appearances in, 298.

S. (L.) on a passage in Merchant of Venice, 185.

Slab, an incised one, 373.

Slingsby's (Sir Henry) Diary, 323. 357.

Slums, meaning of, 224. 284.

S. (Maria) on Charles Lamb's epitaph, 322.

Smirke (E.) on burning the hill, 123.

–– on Herstmonceux castle, 124.

–– on meaning of Venville, 355.

Smirke (S.) on the chapel of Loretto, 205.

–– on San Marino, 321.

Smith (Henry), notices of, 222.

Smith (T. C.) on anticipations of modern ideas, 287.

–– on poetical coincidences, 320.

Smith (W. H. Bernhard) on the frozen horn, 282.

–– on the sword Flamberg, 292.

Smith (W. J. B.) on cross between dog and wolf, 93.

–– on the Lancastrian rose, 407.

–– on a poem from the Digby MSS., 482.

–– on Robertson Struan, 77.

–– on the sword of William the Conqueror, 66.

Smoking, antiquity of, 484. 507.

Smollett's celebrated Hugh Strap, 123.

S. (N.) on north side of churchyards, 333.

Snail, charming of, 132. 179. 207.

–– eating, 207. 221. 336.

Sneak (Jerry) on apple-pie order, 330. 480.

Sn. (J.) on home-made wines, 328.

–– on touching for the evil, 93.

–– on separation of sexes in church, 94.

Snow (Robert) on the mythology of the stars, 70. 155.

–– on "Fronte capillatâ," 286.

–– on Foucault's pendulum experiment, 371.

–– on paternoster tackling, 152.

–– on outline in painting, 154.

–– on a passage in Tennyson's In Memoriam, 227.

–– on Touchstone's dial, 107.

–– on the meaning of waste book, 195.

S. (O.) on commoner marrying a peeress, 436.

Somnium Viridarii, 87.

Sophocles, Essay on the Irony of, 389. 484.

Soul, its occasional transmigration, 206.

Souley (Charles O.) on Pallavicino, 478.

Southey's March to Moscow, 243.

S. (P.) on the etymology of extradition, &c., 169.

S. (P. C. S.) on the story of a relic, 234.

–– on Duchess of Buckingham, 280.

Spectator, Dutch version of, 22.

Speculative Difficulties in Religion, wanted, 477.

Spenser, birth of, 510.

–– portraits of, 301.

–– Faerie Queene, notes, 369. 517.

Speriend on a Kemble pipe, 502.

Spes, inquiries respecting Mr. Beard, 140.

–– on Morse and Ireton families, 250.

–– on engraved warming-pans, 290.

Spick and span new, its meaning, 330.

Spiders, 3.

Spirit, on the lingering of the, 84.

Sponge, when first known, 390.

Spurrell (W.) on biddings in Wales, 115.

Ss. (J.) on derivation of aver, 292.

S. (S.) on by-and-bye, 75.

–– on the motto, "Nulis fraus tuta latebris," 329.

–– on Sir Alex. Cumming, 39.

S. (S. S.) on the badge of the knights of Malta, 278.

–– on haybands in seals, 291.

–– on mazer wood, 467.

–– on mistletoe on the oak, 462.

–– on the meaning of tinsell, 477.

–– on Withers' Haleluiah, 330.

Stanbridge earls, 518.

Standfast's Cordial Comforts, 143. 192. 285.

Stanedge Pole, where? 390.

Stars, mythology of the, 23. 70. 508.

Steam power, its inventor, 23.

Steevens (George), notices of 119. 230. 286.

Stephens (George) on Adams' King's Messengers, 135.

–– on inquiries respecting Rev. W. Adams, 140.

–– on Barlaam and Josaphat, 396.

–– on Bunting's Irish Melodies, 167.

–– on the derivation of harlequin, 465.

–– on the meaning of San Grail, 413.

–– on the meaning of sauenap, 157.

–– on Touchstone's dial, 52.

Stepony ale, 449.

Sterry (Peter), inquiry respecting his miscellaneous tracts, &c., 38. 434.

Stevens (Capt. John), notices of, 306.

Stevens (David) on De Foe's project for purifying the English language, 350.

Stevens (Philo-) on meaning of pightle, 391.

Stevens (William), notices of, 230. 286.

S. (T. G.) on a complete edition of the poems of Henryson and Douglas, 38.

Stick supplanting stop, how came it? 278.

Storms from conjuring, 404.

Straw necklaces worn by servants to be hired, 229. 253.

Strutt's Queen Hoo Hall, 105.

Subscriber (A new) on the house of Maillé, 351.

–– on Barker, the panorama painter, 483.

–– on the expression "To learn by heart," 425.

Suem, its etymology, 7. 75. 212.

Supporters borne by commoners, 224.

Surname, origin of a, 323.

S. (W.) on lines attributed to Charles Yorke, 43.

Swann (J.) on Pope's Honest Factor, 518.

Swans, the singing of, 75.

–– hatched during thunder, 75.

–– swearing by, 29. 70. 71. 192. 308. 438

Swedish bibliognost on Rudbeck's Campi Elysii, 167.

Swift (Dean), was Stella his sister? 450.

S. (W. F.) on Shakspeare's use of captious, 229.

Swinging tureen, 29.

S. (W. M.) on Wilkes' MSS. and North Briton, 241.

Swobbers, privileged cards, 426.

Swords used in dress, 29.

S. (W. S.) on the foundation-stone of St. Mark's, Venice, 147.

S. (Y.) on Fleet marriages, 4.

–– on Marsh's Female Captive, 423.

–– on milk-maids in 1753, 367.

Syriac Scriptures and Lexicon, the best edition, 263.

Synonymes, English, 166.


T. on double names, 407.

–– on the real name of Lambert Simnel, 396.

–– on the election of a Pope, 142.

–– on the phrase "To a T," 424.

–– on Dr. Trusler's Memoirs, 61.

Tagart (Edward) on Rev. Mr. Gay. 424.

Talbots, their genealogy, 39.

Tale of a Tub, 28.

"Talk not of love," a song, 7. 77. 197.

Tandem D. O. M., 62. 173.

Tanthony bell, 103. 229. 308. 428. 484.

Tatler, Dutch version of, 22.

Tattersall, the biographer of Merrick, 60.

Taylor (F. S.) on record of existing monuments, 218.

–– on Holland land, 229.

–– on the hippopotamus, 181.

–– on arms of the Isle of Man, 510.

–– on matrix of monastic seal, 263.

–– on crossing rivers on skins, 398.

Taylor (J.) on Lunardi's balloon, 153.

Taylor's (Jeremy), his Holy Living, 43.

–– MS Sermons by, 249.

Taylor (John) on the word prenzie, 499.

–– on a passage in the Tempest, 251.

–– on a passage in Troilus and Cressida, 62.

Taylor's pretended reprint of ancient poetry, 172.

T. (C.) on the Great Exhibition, 166.

Tee Bee on the descent of Henry IV., 120.

–– on Rowe family, 408.

–– on villenage, 410.

Tell (William), the legend of, 187.

Tempest (Mrs.), some account of, 11.

Temple-gate, lines on, 450. 505.

Temple, the Outer, 325. 375. 451.

Ten children at a birth, 64.

Tennyson, illustrations of, 349.

–– a passage explained in, 10.

–– queries on, 493.

–– In Memoriam, lines on, 142. 227. 506.

Terra Martis on the present race of English, 116.

T. (E. S.) on ace of diamonds, 142.

–– on the origin of St. Andrew's cross, 221.

T. (E. S. T.) on butchers not jurymen, 408.

–– on Ejusdem farinæ, 433.

T. (F. W.) on the bellman and his history, 325.

Thanksgiving-book, what? 328. 481.

Thesaurarius hospitu, the office of, 105. 135.

T. (H. G.) on Coleridge's Religious Musings, 115.

–– on derivation of herensewes, 507.

–– on the evil eye. 133.

–– on mottos on warming-pans, &c., 84.

–– on quinces, 20.

–– on "annoy" used as a noun, 43.

–– on the potter's and shepherd's keepsakes, 181.

–– on the cross-bill, 188.

–– on Lady's trees, 206.

–– on Lent lilies, 259.

–– on verse Lyon, 307.

–– on May cats, 20.

–– on "Millery! millery! dousty poll," 133.

–– on clerical costume, 29.

–– on swinging tureen, 29.

–– on the world "alarm," 30.

–– on the san grail, 282.

–– on Tale of a Tub, 28.

–– on Totness church, 29.

–– on well chapels, 478.

Th. (K.) on dog's head in the pot, 463.

–– on the Prideaux family, 398.

–– on a tye, 469.

Thomas (St.) of Lancaster, 339.

–– of Trummons, who was he? 187. 252.

Thomlinson (Dr. Robert), notices of, 290.

Thoms (William J.) on Chaucer and Gray, 492.

Thornborough's (Bp.) monument, 168. 299.

Thoresby's MS. diary, a portion missing, 247.

Thornbury (G. W.) on Nonsuch palace, 237.

Threnodia Carolina of Sir T. Herbert, 157. 223. 359.

Thruscross (Dr. Timothy), notices of, 44.

Thudt on the first use of sponge, 390.

Tick, on going, 357. 409. 502.

Tickell (Richard), notice of, 276. 334.

"Tickhill, God help me!" 340.

Tierney (M. A.) on the writers in the Life of Pope Ganganelli, 12.

T. (I. H.) on Cracow pike, 118. 187.

Tindall (Dr. H.), epitaph on, 493.

Tingry, in France, 464.

Tinsell, its meaning, 477.

Tiring-irons, a puzzle so called, 210.

T. (J. F.) on the initials M. or N., 437.

T. (J. H.) on Dutch martyrology, 443.

T. (J. M.) on Charles I. in Wales, 380.

T. (J. R. D.) on the family of Rowe, 470.

T. (K. I. P. B.) on the meaning of Skort, 302.

–– on small words and low words, 309.

T. (M. J.) on Barons of Hugh Lupus, 189.

–– on Catalogue of Norman nobility, 306.

Tn. on the advantage of a bad ear, 140.

–– on cross between a wolf and hound, 39.

–– (T.) on the Syriac Scriptures and Lexicon, 263.

Toads, 3.

Tobacco in the East, 306.

Tooth-ache, charm for the, 20.

Topical memory, where treated of? 449. 508.

Torre (James), wife of, 329. 434.

Torro, a note on dress, 406.

Totness church, 29.

Touchstone's dial, 52. 107. 196.

Tracy (Wm.), disinterred for heresy, 240. 378.

Tradescants, family of the, 119. 286. 353. 391. 393. 469.

Tradesmen's signs, 224. 285.

Traditions from remote periods through few links, 206. 237. 289. 421.

Traherne's Sheriffs of Glamorgan wanted, 186.

"Trepidation talk'd," its meaning, 450. 485.

Trevelyan (W. C.) on apple-pie order, 485.

–– on Durham sword, 485.

–– on fossil elk of Ireland, 212.

–– on the Oldenburg horn, 509.

–– on the authors of the Rolliad, 129.

Tr. (G.) on charm for the tooth-ache, 20.

Trinitäll Hall's exequies, 203. 252.

Trisection of the circle, 303.

Tristan d'Acunha, 29.

True blue, 27. 71. 92. 116. 194.

Trusler (Rev. Dr.), his Memoirs, 61. 110.

Truth, an inedited ballad on, 134.

Ts. on Coleridge's opinion of De Foe, 136.

T. (S. P. H.) on fossil elk of Ireland, 121.

T. (T.) on Robert Burton, 157.

T. (T. C.) on Newburgh Hamilton, 356.

–– on umbrellas, 482.

T. (T. J.) on the derivation of gooseberry-fool, 496.

Tu autem, its meaning, 265. 308. 435.

Turner (Dawson) on authors of the Rolliad, and Pursuits of Literature, 277.

Turner (T. Hudson) on haybands in seals, 291.

Turning the tables, on the phrase, 276.

Twysden (Sir Roger), his incredulity, 444.

Tye, what is it? 263. 340. 469.

Tyro on the authorship of Cinquante Lettres d'Exhortation, 169.

–– on the meaning of difformis, 24.

–– on oration against Demosthenes, 227.

–– on Dodd, the historian, 496.

–– on Engelbert, Archbishop of Treves, 379.

–– on Bishop Hooper's Godly Confession, 227.

–– on Rodolph Gualter, 43.

Tyro-Etymologicus on M. or N., 436.

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