Kitabı oku: «Notes and Queries, Number 21, March 23, 1850», sayfa 7

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A view of the Exhibition of the Works of Ancient and Mediæval Art has convinced us that fame had done no more than justice to its merits and interest. We dare not attempt to enumerate one tithe of the gems in Glass, Enamel, Metalwork, Carving in Wood and Ivory, Porcelain, &c., now gathered together in the Adelphi to justify the enthusiasm of the antiquary, and to show, in the words of Marlowe,

"Oh! what a world of profit and delight,
Of power, of honour, of omnipotence,
Is promis'd to the studious artizan?"

and how small, after all, is our boasted advance. We must therefore be content with recommending our readers to visit, again and again, this matchless collection. Mr. Hailstone, the originator of the exhibition, must be highly gratified at the manner in which, thanks to the liberality of the owners, and the zeal and good taste of the committee, his idea has been carried out. If, too, at this time, when there is so much unemployed labour among us, this exhibition should have the effect of creating a demand for articles which can be produced by the hand and mind of a skilful workman only, and not by machinery, however costly and elaborate, an enormous benefit, beyond that originally contemplated, must result from the exhibition—namely, that of supplying fresh fields for the labour and ingenuity of our workmen.

It is with great satisfaction that we are enabled to announce that there is at length a prospect of our seeing the monument which Nicholas Brigham erected, in Poet's Corner, to the memory of Geoffrey Chaucer properly restored. Arrangements are making for collecting subscriptions for that purpose, to be limited to five shillings each, that more may have the pleasure of assisting in the good work. We hope to give further particulars of this right and necessary step in the course of a week or two.

We have received John Petheram's (94. High Holborn) Catalogue of Old and New Books, No. 109., being No. 3. for 1850;—from Thomas Cole (15. Great Turnstile, Holborn) his Catalogue of Cheap Books, No. 25.; and from John Russell Smith, (4. Old Compton Street, Soho) Part 2. for 1850 of his Catalogue of Choice, Useful, and Curious Books. We have also received from Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, of 191. Piccadilly, a Catalogue of a Six-Days' Sale of Miscellaneous Books, chiefly Theological and Classical, but comprising also much General Literature, which commences this day (Saturday).


(In continuation of Lists in former Nos.)

Caussinus, Nicolas, De Symbolica Ægyptiorum Sapentia. Caussinus, Polyhistor Symbolicus.

Odd Volume and Plate.

Hutchins' Dorset, 2nd Edition, 1803, Vol. II. Horsley's Britannia Romana, The Map which faces page 1.

***Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186 Fleet Street.

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01 aralık 2018
50 s. 1 illüstrasyon
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