Kitabı oku: «Notes and Queries, Number 63, January 11, 1851», sayfa 2

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I have before me a reprint (Blackwell, Sheffield, 1829) of The Holy Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, late Wife of A. Walker, D.D., Rector of Fyfield, in Essex, originally published by her husband in 1690. It is a beautiful record of that sweet, simple, and earnest piety which characterised many of the professors of religion in the seventeenth century. It is not, however, the general character of the book, however excellent, but an incidental allusion in the first section of it, that suggests this communication. The good woman above named, and who was born in London in 1623, says, in her Diary:

"My dear father was John Sadler, a very eminent citizen. He was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, where his ancestors lived. My grandfather had a good estate in and about the town. He was of a free and noble spirit, which somewhat outreached his estate, but was not given to any debauchery that I ever heard of. My father's mother was a very wise, pious, and good woman, and lived and died a good Christian. My father had no brother, but three sisters who were all eminently wise and good women, especially his youngest sister."

It is, I confess, very agreeable to me, amidst the interest of association created by the world-wide fame of the "Swan of Avon," to record this pleasing tribute to the character of the genius loci at so interesting a period. In a passage on a subsequent page, Mrs. Walker, referring to some spiritual troubles, says:

"My father's sister, my dear aunt Quiney, a gracious good woman, taking notice of my dejected spirit, she waylaid me in my coming home from the morning exercise then in our parish."

This was in London: but it is impossible to have read attentively some of the minuter memorials of Shakspeare (e.g. Hunter's, Halliwell's, &c.) without recognising in "Aunt Quiney" a collateral relationship to the immortal bard himself. I am not aware that any Shakspearian reader of the "NOTES AND QUERIES" will feel the slightest interest in this remote branch of a genealogical tree, which seems to have borne "diverse manner of fruits;" but assuredly the better portion of those who most justly admire its exuberance of dramatic yield, will not disparage their taste should they equally relish the evangelical flavour of its "holier products," exemplified in the Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker.



(Vol. ii., pp. 184. 459.)

The following extracts furnish decisive evidence of the custom of our old English actors' and musicians' professional peregrinations on the continent at the beginning of the seventeenth century—a subject which has been ably treated by Mr. Thoms in the Athenæum for 1849, p. 862.

In September, 1603, King James I. despatched the Lord Spenser and Sir William Dethick, Garter King-at-arms, to Stuttgart, for the purpose of investing the Duke of Würtemberg with the ensigns of the Garter, he having been elected into the order in the 39th year of the late Queen's reign. A description of this important ceremony was published at Tubingen in 1605, in a 4to. volume of 270 pages, by Erhardus Cellius, professor of poetry and history at that University, entitled: "Eques auratus Anglo-Wirtembergicus." At page 120. we are told that among the ambassador's retinue were "four excellent musicians, with ten other assistants." (Four excellentes musici, unà cum decem ministris aliis.) These performed at a grand banquet given after the Duke's investiture, and are described at p. 229. as "the royal English music, which the illustrious royal ambassador had brought with him to enhance the magnificence of the embassy and the present ceremony; and who, though few in number, were eminently well skilled in the art. For England produces many excellent musicians, commedians, and tragedians, most skilful in the histrionic art; certain companies of whom quitting their own abodes for a time, are in the habit of visiting foreign countries at particular seasons, exhibiting and representing their art principally at the courts of princes. A few years ago, some English musicians coming over to our Germany with this view, remained for some time at the courts of great princes; their skill both in music and in the histrionic art, having procured them such favour, that they returned home beautifully rewarded, and loaded with gold and silver."

(Musica Anglicana Regiæ, quam Regius illustris Legatus secum ad Legationis et actus huius magnificentiam adduxerat: non ita multos quidem sed excellenter in hac arte versatos. Profert enim multos et præstantes Anglia musicos, comœdos, tragædos, histrionicæ peritissimos, è quibus interdum aliquot consociati sedibus suis ad tempus relictis ad exteras nationes excurrere, artemq'; suam illis præsertim Principum aulis demonstrare, ostentareq'; consueverunt. Paucis ab hinc annis in Germaniam nostram Anglicani musici dictum ob finem expaciati, et in magnorum Principum aulis aliquandiu versati, tantum ex arte musica, histrionicaq'; sibi favorem conciliârunt, ut largiter remunerati domum inde auro et argento onusti sint reversi.)

Dancing succeeded the feast and then (p. 244.) "the English players made their appearance, and represented the sacred history of Susanna, with so much art of histrionic action, and with such dexterity, that they obtained both praise and a most ample reward."

(Histriones Anglicani maturè prodibant, et sacram Susannæ historiam tanta actionis histrionicæ arte, tanta dexteritate representabant, ut et laudem inde et præmium amplissimum reportarent.)


[See, also upon this subject, a most interesting communication from Albert Cohn in the Athenæum of Saturday last, January the 4th.]


The Curse of Scotland.—In Vol. i. p. 61., is a Query why the Nine of Diamonds is called the Curse of Scotland. Reference is made to a print dated Oct. 21, 1745, entitled "Briton's Association against the Pope's Bulls," in which the young Pretender is represented attempting to lead across the Tweed a herd of bulls laden with curses, excommunications, indulgences, &c.: on the ground before them lies the Nine of Diamonds. In p. 90. it is said that the "Curse of Scotland" is a corruption of the "Cross of Scotland," and that the allusion is to St. Andrew's cross, which is supposed to resemble the Nine of Diamonds. This explanation is unsatisfactory. The nine resembles St. Andrew's cross less than the five, in a pack of cards; and, moreover, the nine of any other suit would be equally applicable. The true explanation is evidently to be found in the game of Pope Joan, in which the Nine of Diamonds is the pope. The well-known antipapal spirit of the Scottish people caused the pope to be called the Curse of Scotland.

The game of Pope Joan is stated to have been originally called Pope Julio, and to be as old as the reign of Queen Elizabeth. See Sir John Harington's "Treatise on Playe," written about 1597, Nugæ Antiquæ, vol. i. p. 220.


George Herbert.—It is much to be desired that the suggestion thrown out by your correspondent (Vol. ii., p. 460.) may be acted upon. The admirers of George Herbert are doubtless so numerous, that the correct and complete restoration of Bemerton Church might be effected by means of a small subscription among them, as in the case of the Chaucer monument. Most gladly would I aid in the good work.


[It is needless for us to add that we shall be glad to promote, in every way, the good work proposed by our correspondent.—ED. N. AND Q.]

Dutch Versions of English Essayists.—How much the works of the British Essayists were appreciated by my Dutch ancestors, the following plain facts may show. I have now before me

A translation of the Tatler:

"De Snapper, of de Britsche Tuchtmeester. Door den Ridder Richard Steele. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door P. le Clerc. t'Amsterdam, by Hendrik Vieroot, 1733, iv. vol. in 12º."

A second edition of

"De Guardian of de Britsche Zedemeester, door den Ridder Richard Steele. Uit het Engelsch vertaald dor P. le Clercq. Te Rotterdam, by Jan Daniel Beman, 1734, iii. vol. in 12º."

A third edition of

"De Spectator, of verrezene Socrates. Uit het Engelsch vertaald door A.G. & R.G. (some volumes by P. le Clercq) t'Amsterdam, by Dirk Sligtenhorst, Boekverkooper, 1743, ix. vol. 12º."


Long Meg of Westminster (Vol. ii., p. 131.).—The same epithet has been applied to women in other places. In the parish Register of Tiverton, Devon, is the following entry:

"Burials. April, 1596. The long one uant [i.e. servant] to Mr. Demant's. iii. day."

Why should "long Meg" be more fabulous than "long Jone?"


Errors in the Date of Printed Books.—In the title-page of Peter Heylin's Microcosmos, 8th ed., the date is printed 1939 instead of 1639. In like manner, in Historical Applications and occasional Meditations upon several Subjects, written by a Person of Honour, printed in 1670, the imprimatur, signed "Sam. Parker," is dated 1970, instead of 1670. In each of these cases the error is evidently caused by the compositor having inverted the figure 6, which thus became 9.

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01 mart 2019
54 s. 8 illüstrasyon
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