Kitabı oku: «The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 12, No. 349, Supplement to Volume 12.», sayfa 2

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But we are getting too figurative, and our Christmas fare, unlike ourselves, is growing cold. So, indulgent reader, we promise to drink your health and return thanks for the same in your absence; though we had rather you were present to witness and share our exceeding great joy; and then to commence our Thirteenth Volume. Pardon this exuberance of the season: we reason with Falstaff:—"If then the tree may be known by the fruit, as the fruit by the tree, then, peremptorily I speak it, there is virtue in that Falstaff: him keep with; the rest banish."

Christmas Day, 1828.


Thomas Moore, Esq. the only son of Mr. Garret Moore, formerly a merchant in Dublin, was born May 28, 1780. He received the rudiments of an excellent education from Mr. Samuel Whyte, of Dublin, a man of taste and talent, known and respected as the early tutor of Sheridan; after which, at the age of fourteen, Mr. Moore was entered a student of Trinity College, Dublin. While at the University, he was greatly distinguished by his enthusiastic attachment to the liberty and independence of his country, which he more than once publicly asserted with uncommon energy and eloquence. His classical studies being completed, in 1799, he entered himself of the Temple, with a view to make the law his profession, and was called to the bar. In these moments, when he was not occupied with the dry technicalities and quibbles of legal writers, he amused himself with translating the Odes of Anacreon, which he published with copious notes, in 1800. Such was Mr. Moore's youthful appearance at this time, that being at a large dinner party, and getting up to escort the ladies to the drawing-room, a French gentleman observed, "Ah, le petit bon homme, qu'il s'en va." Mr. Moore's subsequent brilliant conversation, however, soon proved him to be, though little of stature, yet, like Pope, "in wit, a man."

Assuming the appropriate name of Little, our author published in 1801, a volume of poems, chiefly amatory, which, though they established his poetical reputation, were severely censured for their warmth and licentiousness. Their success, however, was very considerable, fifteen or sixteen editions being sold within a short time. In the same year he advertised a work entitled "Philosophy of Pleasure;" but this was never published.

Towards the autumn of 1803, Mr. Moore embarked for Bermuda, where he had obtained the appointment of Registrar to the Admiralty. This was a patent place, and of a description so unsuited to his temper of mind, that he fulfilled the duties of it by deputy, but the profits ultimately proved unworthy of Mr. Moore's serious attention; and we believe Mr. Moore has suffered by the villany of this substitute, to an important amount. He likewise visited the United States, and upon his return home, in 1806, he published his remarks on the American character, in a work entitled "Epistles, Odes, and other Poems." The preface to this little work sufficiently established the talent of Mr. Moore, as a prose writer. His opinion of the Americans is also there pretty freely expressed, and some of the poems, like those ascribed to Little, were objectionable in a moral point of view. The work was accordingly attacked with much severity, by Mr. Jeffrey, the editor of the Edinburgh Review: the irritated poet challenged his critic, but the duel was prevented, and the pistols being found loaded with paper pellets, the whole affair ended pleasantly enough.

The fate of Addison, with his Countess Dowager, holding out no encouragement for the ambitious love of Mr. Moore, he wisely and happily allowed his good taste to regulate his choice in a wife, and some years ago married Miss Dyke, a lady of great personal attractions, and accomplished manners, in whose congenial society he passes much of his time in the retirement of an elegant cottage, in Wiltshire, devoting himself chiefly to literary pursuits.

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 eylül 2018
14 s. 2 illüstrasyon
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