Kitabı oku: «The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 20, No. 584. (Supplement to Vol. 20)», sayfa 3
In person, Mr. Irving is of middle height; and, according to a contemporary, of "modest deportment and easy attitude, with all the grace and dignity of an English gentleman."6 Another describes him as "a most amiable man, and great genius, but not lively in conversation." His features have a pleasing regularity, and are lit up, at every corner, with that delightful humour which flows in a rich vein throughout his writings, and forms their most attractive charm.
Having noticed Mr. Irving's principal works, we have left but little occasion to speak of his general style. A contemporary has denominated him the "Goldsmith of the age;" and of Goldsmith we must remember that, in his epitaph, Dr. Johnson observes: "he left no species of writing untouched, and adorned all to which he applied himself"—a tribute which can scarcely be appropriately paid to any writer of our time. However, we know not any author that Mr. Irving so much resembles as Goldsmith: although no imitator, his style and language forcibly remind us of that easy flow so peculiar to the Citizen of the World. But, we have higher warrant for this parallel. "It seems probable," observes a critical writer of considerable acumen, "that Mr. Irving might prove no contemptible rival to Goldsmith, whose turn of mind he very much inherits, and of whose style he particularly reminds us. Like him, too, Mr. Irving possesses the art of setting ludicrous perplexities in the most irresistible point of view, and we think equals him in the variety of humour."7
To conclude, we find the literary character of Mr. Irving illustrated in a contemporary journal, with unusual spirit. "There never was a writer," observes the editor, "whose popularity was more matter of feeling, or more intimate than Washington Irving, perhaps, because he appeared at once to our simplest and kindliest emotions. His affections were those of 'hearth and home;' the pictures he delighted to draw were those of natural loveliness, linked with human sympathies; and a too unusual thing with the writers of our time—he looked upon God's works, and 'saw that they were good.' * * * With him the wine of life is not always on the lees. An exquisite vein of poetry runs through every page,—and of poetry, his epithets who does not remember—'the shark, glancing like a spectre through the blue seas.'"8
A.B.C. botanical, 336
Abernethian, a true one, 160
Absence, Lord Lyttleton's, 318
Accumulation of Power, 55
Acid, Oxalic, 207
Tartaric, 206
Action in forces, time of, 55
Adam, death of, 133
Adieu, the, by Lord Byron, 12
Adrian and Apollodoras, the architect, 384
Advice, by a Man of the World, 10
Ætna, visit to the summit of, 202
Agincourt, ballad of, 101
Alchemy and Printing, 160
Ale, bad Saxon, 261
Burton, 304
All on one side, 318
Almanacs, Saxon, 54
American Deer, mode of hunting them, 339
Improvements, 102
Navy, 102
Newspapers, 102
Papermaking, 103
Prison Discipline, 286
Wolves, 340
Ancients and Moderns, by Voltaire, 163
Angelica Kauffman, anecdote of, 291
Angler, an odd one, 317
Animal Instinct exemplified, 327
Annuals for 1833:
Amulet, 392—413
Book of Beauty, 386
Comic Offering, 389
Forget-me-not, 282
Friendship's Offering, 399
Hood's Comic, 287
Juvenile Forget-me-not, 334
Literary Souvenir, 420
Picturesque, 386
Antiquities, Domestic, 337
Antwerp, Citadel of, described, 405
City of, described, 369
Painters born at, 380
Aphorisms, choice, 442
Apologues, from the German, 403
Ararat, Mount, described, 313—379
Araspes and Panthea, anecdote of, 258
Architecture, ancient domestic, 274
Archy Armstrong, grave of, 416
Armada, the, by T.B. Macauley, Esq. 399
Armadillo, history of, 56
Armour, old English, 437
Arrogance, Feltham on, 271
Arrow Root, preparation of, 264
Arundel Castle, described, 157
Asmodeus in London, 364
Atmosphere, constitution of, 206
Atmosphere, properties of, 134
Auctions by the Drum, 330
Bachelors, Laws respecting, 35—339
Bagdad, plague at, 75
Bailly, physician to Henry IV., 96
Bar, anecdotes of the, 277
Barbel, large, 96
Bat, new species of, 408
Bath in Persia, described, 145
Baths, ancient and modern, 372
Battle, fish, 354
Beaches, sea, changes of, 79
Bear-hunting in Canada, 91
Beatrice Adony and Julius Alvinzi, a tale, 420
Beauchief Abbey, described, 113
Becket, murder of, 114
Bede, Venerable, memoir of, 440
Beefeaters, origin of, 80
Bees, economy of, 38
Beet root sugar, 88
Beetle, ravages of, 175
Bell, ancient, 345
Belvoir Castle, history of, 129
Bennett, Mr. George, visit to Rotuma, 377
Berwick, siege of, 222
Bewick, the engraver, birthplace of, 17
Bibb, the engraver, 368
Birds, bills of, 96
Birds, how they fly, 134
Birds, migration of, 40
Black Lady of Brabant, 140
Blacking, antiquity of, 192
Blessington, lady, her conversations with Lord Byron, 6—86—110—156—269
Blind Seal, the, a tale, 298
Blood, price of, 71
Bloodless War, 336
Boar's head at Christmas, 431
Bolsover Castle described, 161
Bond, Mr. Sergeant, anecdote of, 278
Bones, waste of, 366
Borough, origin of the term, 211
Boy Burglars, account of, 333
Books, new, noticed and quoted:
Abrantes, Duchess of, her memoirs, 47—106—191
Babbage's Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, 27—54
Barrington's Sketches, 52
Biblical Atlas, 44
British Museum, 140—158
Buccaneer, 428
Byron's Works, 12
Catechism of Phrenology, 45
Characteristics of Women, 117
Contarini Fleming, 10
Double Trial, 125
Elements of Chemistry, 206
Encyclopædia Americana, 102
Excursions in India, by Capt. Skinner, 105
Framlingham, a Poem, 306
Geography, Questions in, 45
Gordon on Elemental Locomotion, 183—198
Knowledge for the People, 77—134—429
Life of Peter the Great, 300—308
Laconics, 31
Legends of the Library at Lilies, 350—403
Legends of the Rhine, 138
Life of Charlemagne, by G.P.R. James, 92—119
Lives of Scottish Worthies, 221—233
Macculloch's Dictionary of Commerce, 151—279
Memoir of Felix Neff, 147—171
Natural Magic, by Sir David Brewster, 72—107—191
New Gil Blas, 186
Numismatic Manual, 223
Outlines of General Knowledge, 45
Pilgrimage through Khuzistan and Persia, 73—314
Pompeii, 412
Popular Zoology, 57
Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion, 157—165—235
Sketches from Venetian History, 60
Songs, by Barry Cornwall, 11—46
Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada, 29—57—91
Taylor's Records of his Life, 291—317
Trials of Charles I., 41
Wild Sports of the West, 298
Brain of Man, 96
Braithwaite's Steam Fire-Engine, 111
Brass-plate Coal-merchants, 56
Bread, legal adulteration of, 366
Brent Tor church, 112
Brevities, 179
Bridewell, in the reign of Elizabeth, 357
Bridge, stupendous, in Spain, 24
Britain, early inhabitants of, 276—371
British Artists' Exhibition, 330—362
British Institution, School of Painting at, 362
British Museum, the, 140
Brougham, Henry, anecdote of, 182
Brydges, Sir Egerton, 86
Bull, national, 240
Burnham Abbey described, 81
Bustard, natural history of, 328
Butterfly, Chameleon, and Serpent, 425
Byron, Lord, conversations with, 6—86—110
and Anastasius, 156
early poems, by, 12
and Earl Grey, 80
and the English, 9
and Mrs. Hemans, 156
and Mr. Hope, 156
on horseback, 110
and Leigh Hunt, 157
and Italian women, 117
his love, 269
letter of, 290
and Moore, 7
personal description of, 7
and Scott, 110
and Shelley, 9
and Madame de Stael, 86
and Venice, 63
Cæsar, Julius, his superstition, 238
Cairngorm, origin of, 77
Caliga, origin of, 112
Caloric, or the matter of heat, 206
Canada, climate of, 57
notes on, 29
Canary Birds, breeding, 111
Candelabra and Lamps of Pompeii, 412
Canning, Mr., statue of, 25
Cannon Clock, 144
Cannon, names of, 160
Canova, vase, containing the heart of, 169
Caprices, national, 439
Caps, laws relating to, 319
Cara, lines to, 272
Carding a Tithe-Procter, 52
Card-playing, indifferent, 318
Cards, second-hand, 425
Caroline, the late Queen, 158
Cartoons at Hampton Court, 287
Cascades and Cataracts, origin of, 97
Cashmere Shawl goat, 94
Castle of Framlingham, 305
Catacombs at Paris, lines on, 338
Castanets, origin of, 160
Cats horticulturists, 80
Cedar trees, large, 341
Chair, ancient, 344
of St. Bede, 440
Chairing, parliamentary, origin of, 176
Chancellor, Lord, his office, 71
Salary, 128
Start in Life, 125
Chapel on the Bridge, Wakefield, described, 401
Chaptel, memoir of, 88
Charlemagne, life of, 93, 128
palace of, 119
Charles I., Trials of, 41
II., progress of, 261
Charters in the British Museum, 336
Chase, the, a sketch, 21
Chatsworth, beauties of, 432
Chimneys, invention of, 139
Chlamyphorus, natural history of, 263
Cholera, a cleanser, 432
Mount, by Montgomery, 315
Christmas, ancient and modern, 419
carols, 430
Dalmatia, 419
Hereford, 438
Kent, 419
Mexico, 438
Norfolk, 419
Why and Because of, 429
Church, Lestingham, described, 297
new, St. Dunstan's, 34
Cigar smoking, motto for, 208
Cinnamon and Cassia, 425
Cinque Ports, their past and present state, 299
Climatology, notes on, 134
Clockmaking in the 9th century, 127
Coach, the last, 432