Kitabı oku: «His Secret Christmas Baby»
“I’m Ryan’s father. I should have been there.”
Hating the look of guilt haunting her eyes, Derrick reached out and pressed his hand over hers. “Bri, this is not your fault.” He scraped a hand over his jaw. “And if I’d known about the baby, I would have been there.”
“No, Bri. It’s true and you know it. If I had known, I could have stopped these maniacs from kidnapping my son.”
Confusion muddled his brain, panic over where his son was making his throat tight. But Derrick wouldn’t let fear consume him.
He’d find Ryan no matter what. And he’d be the father the boy deserved.
His Secret Christmas Baby
Rita Herron

To Linda Howard, a special friend of my sister’s and now one of mine. Thanks for all your fabulous stories at the mountain cabin in Blue Ridge, and for being a fan!
Hope you enjoy this one!
Award-winning author Rita Herron wrote her first book when she was twelve, but didn’t think real people grew up to be writers. Now she writes so she doesn’t have to get a real job. A former kindergarten teacher and workshop leader, she traded her storytelling to kids for romance, and now she writes romantic comedies and romantic suspense. She lives in Georgia with her own romance hero and three kids. She loves to hear from readers so please write her at P.O. Box 921225, Norcross, GA 30092-1225, or visit her Web site at
Brianna Honeycutt —A social worker at Magnolia Manor; her adopted son Ryan is missing….
Derrick McKinney —He’ll do anything he can to find the missing child, especially now he knows the baby is his.
Ryan Cummings —The infant has become Brianna’s whole world. Why would anyone want to kidnap an innocent baby?
Natalie Cummings —Ryan’s birth mother died after childbirth—was it natural causes or was she murdered?
Dana and Robert Philips —They desperately wanted a baby—could they have kidnapped Ryan?
Rhoda Hampton —She recently suffered her third miscarriage—did she take Ryan to replace the baby she lost?
Principal Lamont Billings —Does he know more than he’s telling about Natalie’s death?
Evan Rutherford —Teacher and high school football coach—does he know who is behind the meth lab?
Jameson Mansfield —The town lawyer who handles adoptions: Does he know something about the missing baby?
Dr. Houston Thorpe —Did he lie about Natalie’s cause of death?
Sheriff Beau Cramer —He dated Natalie. But is he covering up her murder?
Mark Larimer —A nurse at the local hospital—did he kill Natalie and kidnap the baby to keep his long-time secret about the meth lab?
Ace Atkins —Is this tough kid from Magnolia Manor responsible for the meth lab?
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
“Brianna, I’m afraid. If anything happens to me,” Natalie Cummings whispered, “promise me that you’ll take care of the baby.”
“Nothing is going to happen to you.” Brianna Honeycutt squeezed her best friend’s hand as she pulled into the hospital emergency room entrance.
Another contraction seized Natalie, and she began the Lamaze breathing exercises, her hold on Brianna’s hand tightening painfully. “He, he, he—ho.”
Brianna breathed with her, grateful they’d finally made it to the hospital. A winter storm had rolled in, snow flurries blurring visibility, and she’d had to drive at a snail’s pace. And Natalie’s contractions were coming one on top of the other.
She threw the car into park as the contraction eased, and helped Natalie out, but Natalie clutched her hand again. “Promise me, Bri, I need to hear you say it.”
Pain and fear darkened Natalie’s eyes, and Brianna’s stomach clenched. She’d known Natalie was afraid of childbirth, but her voice quivered with terror.
“Of course, I will,” Brianna vowed softly. “But you’re going to be fine. A few minutes from now, you’ll be holding your baby, and you’ll forget all about the pain.”
Natalie opened her mouth to say something, but another contraction seized her. She pressed her hand to her stomach, and tried to breathe through it.
Suddenly a nurse and orderly appeared and raced toward them. “She’s in labor,” Brianna stated.
The nurse called for a wheelchair, and the orderly ran to get it. Brianna followed behind her as they wheeled Natalie to the reception desk to check her in.
Then suddenly Natalie cried out in pain, her water broke and chaos descended.
“I’m her labor coach,” Brianna informed as they rushed Natalie through the double doors to the exam room.
“We’ll come and get you in a moment,” the nurse said over her shoulder. “Let the doctor examine her.”
Brianna nodded, her nerves on edge as her friend disappeared through the doors, a terrified expression on her pale face. Brianna paced the waiting room for twenty minutes, her anxiety rising with every second that ticked by. Finally, her patience snapped, and she rushed to the nurses’ station and asked for an update.
The nurse appeared irritated at first, but went to the back to check, then returned five minutes later with a frown on her face. “I’m sorry, miss, but your friend had complications. They’ve taken her to surgery for an emergency C-section.”
A sense of fear overwhelmed Brianna. “Please let me know when she’s out.”
The nurse nodded, and Brianna paced the waiting room again. Two other couples hurried in and were sent to birthing rooms, the minutes dragging by. The coffee grew cold, her body more tense as she waited.
What was taking so long? What were the complications? Was Natalie all right? What about the baby?
An hour later, a doctor appeared, the grave expression on his face sending a chill down Brianna’s spine. “I’m Dr. Thorpe. You came in with Miss Cummings?”
Brianna nodded, then swallowed and finally forced her voice to work. “The baby—”
“Is fine,” the doctor said. “A little boy. Seven pounds, eight ounces. He’s in the nursery.”
She sucked in a harsh breath and gripped his arm. “And Natalie? Please, I have to see her.”
“I’m sorry,” he answered quietly. “But your friend died in childbirth.”
The room swirled around Brianna in a sea of white, and she felt her legs buckling. The doctor coaxed her to a vinyl sofa, and she put her head down between her knees, afraid she would pass out.
“What happened?” Brianna asked.
The doctor shifted and looked away. “She started hemorrhaging, then her heart gave out.”
Her heart? Natalie hadn’t had a heart condition, had she?
“Miss Honeycutt, I’m sorry. Is there any family I can call?”
Tears blurred her eyes as she lifted her head to look at him. “No,” she whispered. “Just me. I’m her family.”
“How about the baby’s father?”
“He’s not in the picture,” Brianna replied.
“Do you know his name so we can contact him?”
“No, she never told me.”
“Then we’ll need to call social services about the baby.”
Panic shot through Brianna, grief, fear and shock in its wake. No, she wouldn’t turn the baby over to the system. But Natalie hadn’t signed any papers giving her legal custody.
What if the baby’s father found out about him? Would he want the baby?
She had to act fast. She was a social worker for the local adoption agency, and she worked with Magnolia Manor, the local orphanage. Natalie wanted her to raise the baby, and she would push through the adoption immediately and keep her promise even if she had to fudge papers to do so.
But Natalie’s pleas before she’d gone to delivery taunted her. It was almost as if she’d known that she might not make it.
Had Natalie been afraid of something—or somebody? Had she been in danger?
Chapter One
Six weeks later
“Why can’t Robert and I adopt Natalie Cummings’s baby?” Dana Phillips asked.
Brianna tensed at the cold hardness in the young woman’s eyes. Dana and her husband had been trying to get pregnant for three years, had tried fertility treatments and in vitro fertilization but none of it had worked. Worse, they had been on the adoption list for two of those stressful years.
“You said you’d find us a baby,” Dana screeched, “but you’ve done nothing to help us. And now there’s a baby we could have and you won’t give him to us.”
Brianna understood their desperation, but Dana’s emotional state worried her. The woman was obsessed with having a child to the point that Brianna worried about placing one with her.
“I’m sorry, Dana, but Ryan is not up for adoption.”
Dana crossed her arms, tears glittering in her eyes. “Why not? His mother is dead, and he has no father. And don’t forget, I grew up in this town. I know that Natalie’s family is gone now.”
Grief for Natalie was still so raw that Brianna’s throat thickened with emotions. The fact that Natalie had been anxious her last few weeks and seemed frightened gnawed at Brianna. Women dying during childbirth were uncommon these days. Had Natalie really had heart failure?
“You know I’m right,” Dana said, her shrill voice yanking Brianna from the worry that something hadn’t seemed truthful about the doctor’s explanation.
“I understand that you’ve waited a long time, Dana, but Natalie asked me to be guardian of her child, and I promised her I would.”
“You would be taking good care of him if you gave him to us,” Dana pleaded.
“But Natalie wanted me to raise him.” Brianna reached for Dana to calm her, but Dana jumped up and paced across Brianna’s office, her anger palpable.
“Listen, Dana, I know you’re desperate, but we’ll find you a child. I promised Natalie that I would raise Ryan, though. Natalie was like a sister to me. I have to keep that promise.” Besides, the moment she’d held the newborn, she’d fallen in love with him.
“That little boy deserves to have a mother and a father, Brianna, and you can’t give him that. You’re not even married.”
Brianna sucked in a sharp breath. “Dana, I’m not going to argue with you. I’ve already legally adopted Ryan. Believe me, it’s what Natalie wanted.”
“It’s what you wanted,” Dana said in a high-pitched voice. “You’re selfish. You took him for yourself even though you know he’d be better off with two parents. You act like you care and that you’re some Goody Two-shoes, but you don’t give a damn about Robert and me. You’re only thinking about yourself.”
“Dana, I will keep looking and find you a child. I promise. Maybe we can find a private adoption—”
“We can’t pay thousands for a baby and you know it,” Dana cried. “That’s why you have to give us Ryan.”
Brianna stood, her voice firm. “Dana, Ryan is my child now, and no one is going to take him from me.”
D ERRICK M C K INNEY SETTLED into the chair at the Guardian Angel Investigations Agency, his mind heavy. Now he was back in Sanctuary, North Carolina, he had to visit Natalie Cummings’s grave and pay his respects.
But visiting any grave after his last case was going to be a bear. He still couldn’t get the image of the child’s small tombstone out of his mind. If he’d only been sooner, figured out that the mother was lying….
Footsteps sounded from the upstairs of the old house that had been converted into a business, and Gage McDermont strode down the steps. Derrick hadn’t seen him in ten years, but Gage still exuded confidence and authority.
Derrick had read about Gage’s departure from the Raleigh Police Department and how he’d found Leah Holden’s little sister Ruby a few months ago when she’d gone missing, and was glad to hear Gage had opened his own agency.
The fact that Gage had focused his investigative services on missing children had been a big draw. The fact that, at the agency, he wouldn’t have to play by the rules was another major plus.
To hell with rules. They could be too damn confining.
Although he wasn’t sure Gage would want his help. They hadn’t exactly been friends in school. Gage had been the popular jock whereas he’d been the sullen bad boy on a Harley.
“Derrick McKinney, good to have you here.” Gage extended his hand and Derrick stood and shook it, surprised not to find any hesitation in Gage’s tone.
“Thanks for bringing me into the agency.”
“Are you kidding?” Gage grinned. “I know your reputation, McKinney. Your specialty is missing kids and that’s what we do here.”
Except the last one which had ended badly, and he’d received some bad PR from it. “Yeah, but you saw what happened on my last case.”
Gage’s smile faded slightly, but understanding lit his eyes. “I don’t go by rumors. Besides, I know how the job goes. We have to be tough to do it, but we’re only human. We can’t get them all.”
Derrick’s throat closed with emotions he didn’t dare show, and words he dare not say. He’d learned a hard lesson on that case.
Never trust a woman. Pretty eyes, tears and seductive voices could lead a man astray real fast.
“Thanks,” he finally said.
Gage gestured for him to follow him up the stairs. When they reached Gage’s office, Gage offered him a drink, but Derrick declined. For a few days after he’d found that kid’s body, he’d drowned himself in booze.
Then one day he’d realized that drinking himself to death was too easy. He needed a clear head to remember what he’d done wrong, and he’d spend the rest of his life trying to make up for it.
Over the next hour, they reviewed office business, salary, benefits and other candidates Gage had brought into the agency. Slade Blackburn, agent. Benjamin Camp, a computer and tech specialist. Levi Stallings, former FBI profiler. Brock Running Deer, an expert tracker. Caleb Walker had special skills that he didn’t elaborate on. Colt Manson, a guns and weapons specialist. And he was trying to recruit a woman named Amanda Peterson, a renowned forensic anthropologist. Caleb and Colt hadn’t started yet, but Levi, Ben and Brock were on board.
“Do we have a case now?” Derrick asked.
Gage fingered a file. “Not at the moment. I sent Slade Blackburn to recover a young teenager who ran away. He called and will be bringing her back soon.”
“Sounds good.”
Gage nodded. “Yeah. The mother is a local, Carmel Foster. She’ll be thrilled to have her daughter, Julie, back home with her.”
“That’s what it’s all about,” Derrick said. “Connecting families.”
A smile curved Gage’s mouth. “Exactly. But we’re still growing the agency. I’d like you on board.”
Derrick shrugged. “Hell, a few days off won’t hurt me. But I am ready to go back to work, just in case you’re wondering.”
“I have no doubt.” Gage stood. “In fact, that’s why I wanted you here now. Leah and I plan to take a little second honeymoon. Ruby is staying with a friend. I need you to hold down the fort.”
“I appreciate the opportunity,” Derrick said. “I won’t let you down.”
Derrick shook his hand again, then strode down the steps and walked out into the cool December air. Christmas was coming, the town was lit up with decorations, winter on its way.
But the holidays had never been high on his list. He’d seen too much over the years, had lost faith too damn long ago to think about singing Christmas carols or shopping.
Besides, he had no one to shop for. No one to celebrate with. No one to share a cozy dinner or decorate a stupid tree.
And that was fine with him.
He climbed in his Jeep, stopped by the florist, picked up a bouquet of lilies, and drove to the cemetery on the edge of town. The little white church needed paint, but vibrant colors from the stained glass windows danced in the waning sunlight across the parched grass and dead leaves. Snow fluttered from the sky in a light downfall, sticking to branches and painting the graveyard in a soft white that made the grounds look almost ethereal, a contrast to the sadness there. A small blue sedan was parked in front of the church, and he wondered if it belonged to the minister or another visitor, but dismissed it without thought.
Tugging his coat around him, he walked through the cemetery searching for Natalie’s marker. Sprays of flowers circled a grave in the distance, and he instantly realized it had to be hers. A lone figure stood beside it, burrowed in a coat, head bowed.
He hesitated for a moment, then curiosity overcame him, and he picked his way through the rows of graves until he was close enough to see the figure more closely.
The woman wore a long black coat, and as she leaned forward to place the flowers in the vase at the head of the marker, he spotted a bundle in her arms.
A baby wrapped in a blanket.
The two of them looked like angels in the midst of the snow, like a mirage so beautiful it couldn’t be real.
Then she turned to leave, and he sucked in another pain-filled breath.
It was Brianna Honeycutt, Natalie’s best friend. Brianna, beautiful Brianna. Brianna with the raven hair and sky blue eyes. Brianna with a voice that sounded like sugar and spice and everything nice. Brianna with skin like a porcelain doll, and a body like a goddess.
Brianna who’d never wanted anything to do with him.
Her face registered shock as she spotted him, and instant regret slammed into him. He’d never had the courage to talk to her when he was young.
Then he’d slept with her best friend, a night that was a blur. Natalie had been in Raleigh, and they’d run into each other at a bar. He’d been upset about a case, and she’d had a sympathetic ear.
Too many drinks later, and they’d ended up in bed. But they’d both known it meant nothing and had gone their separate ways.
Judging from the glare Brianna sent him, she knew exactly what had happened that night and didn’t think too highly of him.
His gaze dropped to the baby, and shock hit him. Brianna had a child? He hadn’t heard that she’d gotten married.
A quick check to her finger and he saw there was no ring.
“You have a child?” he asked, wondering who Brianna was involved with.
She hesitated, her look wary, then stroked the baby’s dark blond head. “I adopted Natalie’s son. It was what she wanted.”
A knot settled in his gut. He had kept up with the town through the online news and knew that she’d died in childbirth. “Of course.”
Then the date of Natalie’s death flashed into his head, and the months fell away as he ticked them off in his head.
The dark blond hair…Hair just like his.
Was it possible that that baby was his?
B RIANNA CLUTCHED BABY R YAN to her, a frisson of alarm ripping through her at the sight of Derrick McKinney.
That same feeling of hopeless infatuation she’d felt as a young girl followed. Hopeless because he’d never even noticed her.
Just as she remembered, he was tall, muscled and broad-shouldered. The wind tossed his wavy dark blond hair across his forehead, snow dotting his bronzed skin. His eyes were the color of espresso, a magnetic draw to them that made her body tingle with want. She could still see him dressed in all black, tearing around the mountain roads on that Harley.
Sexuality leaked from his pores just as masculinity radiated off his big body. But even as need and desire swirled through her, fear sank like a rock in her stomach.
He suddenly stalked toward her, his jaw clenched, his eyes darkening as they raked over her and settled on the bundle in her arms.
She’d wondered who the baby’s father was, and had feared it might be Derrick, but Natalie had insisted he wasn’t. Besides, he hadn’t been in Natalie’s life the last nine months, nor had he attended the funeral, so she’d assumed that if he was the father, he didn’t want anything to do with the little boy.
She stiffened. His voice sounded rough and deep, the sensuality in his tone igniting desire inside her.
She had to get a grip. Had to steel herself against him. He’d slept with her best friend— not her .
And she couldn’t forget it.
Tears pricked her eyelids as she zeroed in on the bouquet in his hands. He’d even brought Natalie fresh flowers.
Lilies—Brianna’s favorite.
Natalie had loved roses.
God, she was pathetic. Jealous over her friend because Derrick had obviously loved her.
He cleared his throat. “I was sorry to hear about Natalie. How tragic.”
Brianna couldn’t speak. Instead she swallowed back tears. As if the baby overheard the reminder that his mother was gone, he whimpered and began to fuss.
“I know how close you two were.” He shifted awkwardly on the balls of his feet. “This must be really hard for you.”
She nodded. “I still can’t believe she’s gone. I miss her every day.”
His gaze dropped to the fussing baby in her arms. “So Natalie had a little boy?”
Brianna took a deep breath and tugged the blanket over his face to ward off the wind. Or was it so he couldn’t see the little boy’s face? “Yes.”
“What about the father?” Derrick’s voice warbled slightly over the word father .
Wariness filled Brianna, and she rocked the baby, trying to soothe him. “He’s not in the picture.”
Derrick’s broad jaw tightened. “Where is he?”
“I don’t know,” Brianna said, trying to stick as close to the truth as possible. “Natalie never told me.”
Surprise registered on Derrick’s face. “I thought you two shared everything.”
At one time they had. But Natalie had glossed over the details of that night with Derrick. And the last few weeks she’d acted strangely, secretive, even shut her out.
Because Derrick was the father of her son? Because she knew it would hurt Brianna even more to know that Natalie shared a child with the only guy she had ever wanted?
“W HAT IS THE BABY ’ S NAME ?” Derrick asked.
Brianna licked her lips, snowflakes dotting her silky shoulder length hair. “Ryan. It was Natalie’s father’s name.”
He nodded. The Cummings family had been a surrogate to Brianna.
A stiff wind picked up, swirling snow, leaves and dried pine straw around them. Brianna shivered, the baby’s cries escalating.
“I’d better get him out of the weather,” she said. Then she gave a pointed look at the flowers. “And I’ll leave you alone to speak to Natalie.”
Cuddling the crying infant to her, she dashed past him, picking up her pace and practically running toward her vehicle. He frowned, a knot gathering in his stomach.
Brianna had always avoided him, but for a moment, he thought he’d detected fear in her eyes.
No, not Brianna. She was as sweet as they came.
Too sweet for his badass ways back then, and too sweet now.
Don’t trust a woman, his inner voice warned. Didn’t you learn your lesson before?
He walked over and knelt at Natalie’s grave, then laid the spray of flowers on the top. “Natalie, is that little boy mine? And if he is, why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
He turned and watched as Brianna sped away, and anger began to simmer inside him. He’d never considered having a family, especially a child. Had never thought he’d be any good at it.
But if that baby boy was his, he’d find out.
B RIANNA WAS SHAKING AS SHE drove back to her house, but with the snow thickening, she forced herself to drive slowly and to avoid the dangerous patches of black ice.
What if Derrick was Ryan’s father?
Would he want the baby?
An ache rolled through her chest at the thought of having to give up the little boy she’d come to think of as her son. Yet at the same time, guilt pressed against her chest.
She loved Ryan and as his adoptive mother, she had to think about his future, to put him first. She’d never known her own father.
Didn’t Ryan have a right to know his, especially if the man wanted to be in the picture?
She parked, gathered Ryan from the backseat, rocking him as she rushed to her house and unlocked the door.
The wind sent the chimes into a soft musical symphony, her front porch swing swaying in the breeze. The wreath she’d hung on the door reminded her of the upcoming holiday, that this was a special time of year. Natalie had loved Christmas.
For Brianna, it had meant lonely nights, holidays without gifts, a reminder that her mother had dumped her on the doorstep of an orphanage and never looked back.
But Natalie had treated her like family, and her parents had included her in their family celebrations, making memories that had changed her life. She and Natalie had decorated cookies together as kids, had created handmade ornaments and strung popcorn for the tree.
Natalie would be missed.
Brianna would carry on those traditions with Natalie’s son, and make sure he knew his mother’s love.
Ryan’s cries escalated. She flipped on a light and rushed to get him a bottle. He calmed as he ate, and stared at the twinkling Christmas tree lights as if mesmerized by the bright colors. She had bought a crib for the spare bedroom, so she changed his diaper and settled him into the baby bed.
Exhausted herself, she went to her room across the hall, then pulled on warm flannel pj’s and climbed in bed.
But worry kept her tossing and turning for hours, her nights filled with memories of the orphanage and the friend who’d left her behind.
Then other images taunted her. Derrick’s big masculine body. Derrick looking at her with desire. Touching her. Wanting her. Making her his.
Finally she fell into a deep sleep, but a noise jarred her awake.
The baby crying…. He was probably hungry again.
She shoved the covers aside, jammed her feet into her slippers and pulled on her robe, then knotted it at the waist and shuffled across the hall.
Night shadows streaked the walls, then suddenly the silhouette of a man bled into view, and her heart pounded. He was in the nursery, leaning over the crib.
Panic shot through her. He was going to take Ryan!
Lunging into the room, she shouted at him to stop, but he scooped up the baby and turned toward her. He wore all black and a ski mask, the only visible part of him was his eyes. Dark eyes that bored into her like lasers.
“Put him down,” Brianna said. “Please just leave him alone. He’s just a baby….”
He stalked toward her, his hulking form menacing as he shoved her aside. She grabbed his arm to stop him and get Ryan, but he swung his fist up and slammed it into her face. Her head snapped back, but she sucked in a sharp breath, terror streaking through her as she ran after him.
He raced toward the stairs, and she clawed at his back and shoulders, but he jerked her arm and flung her down the steps. She hit the wall, bounced over the ridges of the staircase and landed in a puddle at the bottom of the steps, the room spinning.
Clutching the baby to him, he vaulted over her. Panicked, she grabbed wildly at his ankle, determined not to let him escape.
“Let go, you bitch.” With a snarl, he swung his foot back and slammed it into her nose. Blood spurted, pain rocked through her and the room swirled.
Choking on a sob, she struggled to crawl after him. But he kicked her again, and she lost the battle and collapsed into the darkness.
Her last thought before she passed out was filled with pure terror—she’d just lost Natalie’s son.
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