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Leading with Empathy
Faces of Learning. 50 Powerful Stories of Defining Moments in Education
Intermediate Structured Finance Modeling. Leveraging Excel, VBA, Access, and Powerpoint
The Performance Mindset
Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
Urban Design for an Urban Century. Shaping More Livable, Equitable, and Resilient Cities
The Persuasion Code. How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime
The Economist
Effective Project Management
Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Gain the mindset and skillset for getting what you need to succeed
Auf verlorenem Posten - Honor Harrington, Teil 1
Leading Change - Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen in acht Schritten erfolgreich verändern (Ungekürzt)
Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web
Make Your People Before You Make Your Products. Using Talent Management to Achieve Competitive Advantage in Global Organizations
Coaching with the Brain in Mind. Foundations for Practice
Acoustic Array Systems
7 erotische Kurzgeschichten aus: "All you can fuck"