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A computer specialist enters the chat room.

I welcome him.

The computer specialist explains his situation. He is surrounded by a lot of things. He has no overall view of his life situation. His life seems to him like a chaos. He has to do a lot of stuff and he has a lot of stuff. He wants to have more clarity.

I rummage around for old documents under the bed. I believe that an article could help him.

I send the article WHAT DOES A MAN NEED? to the computer specialist in the chat room.


During one life a human consumes 999 animals. How terrible! That makes me thoughtful. I have the question: What does a man really need for living? The answer is surprisingly simple. Astonishingly it is very little: Something to drink. Something to eat. Some clothes. And a place to sleep for the night. I ask myself now following question: How much stuff do I have? I will start to make a list with the things I have. It takes a while... Some time later.

Well! I have made a short list. I have count 600 objects up to now. This is a lot. I have not yet count everything. I have surely more than 1,000 things. The time has come now, to get rid of some stuff. To throw away. To give away. To sell. To donate. Now I begin with that. At first with the clothes. I donate many clothes. It is likely, that someone needs them. Furthermore I sell my books and movies. It is a great relief, to separate from things and to let these go.

With that I would like to examine shortly the spiritual aspect. The distinction nowadays between doing, having, and being in the current Zeitgeist. A lot of man lives in permanent stress. They are lost in doing something constantly. To have more stuff, which they do not need. Just to accumulate wealth. In doing so it is rather a disadvantage for being. To be present in the here and now, you do not need anything. If one realizes, that no material thing can give permanent happiness, then you are enlightened. Of course, you can be happy with your wealth. You should not identify with it. Above all, if there is no material wealth, you can meditate and listen very well to stillness. There is nothing that could distract you.

At the moment we are doing something. We are reading these lines for example. This takes its time in the respective life situation. Having includes all material things. The more things you have, the more energy you have. Especially the things want to have attention from our consciousness. Too much things absorb energy again and thus attention. Being is the timeless condition here and now. Everything that is here, is now. Life is manifested in the now. To live life as conscious as possible, that is my meaning of life. I relinquish some things. I eat less meat. At least as little as possible and as much as necessary.

I live for years with as less luggage as possible. There are phases, when I have more or less. I came across the term minimalism some weeks ago. I carry constant ballast with me. I have hardly material ballast. I have rather emotional ballast. I try to order my stuff and my thoughts now.

I am mucking out old stuff for weeks. I have donated clothes. I sold books and movies. I sorted out old documents. I deleted many photos, in total 6 gigabyte. I deleted my profiles in social networks. It consumed too much time. I have deleted my accounts at internet shops, which wanted to entice me into consuming always more. I have cancelled my memberships in clubs, because I did not use its offers any longer. I cancelled a magazine subscription. I cancelled old insurance contracts. I cancelled my bank accounts. And I gave much broken stuff into the waste containers.

I am on the path to simplify my life. I would like to spend more time in nature. Living simple, plain, and calmly. I spent one night in the forest. It was something new, just having a few things around me. And still, I had everything necessary to survive. I feel comfortable with less stuff around me. This leads me to more clarity of the perception of consciousness. I try to release me from the chains of past. To have less stuff means to me, to have more time to live consciously. Above all to enjoy the here and now in the nature.

I philosophize about my lifestyle. I face the following challenges in order to expand my comfort zone.

I take a shower with cold water for 7 days.

I sleep on the ground for 14 days.

I walk barefoot for seven days for 15 minutes daily.

I relinquish the internet for seven days.

I challenge myself, to leave the bubble of restrictive concepts. It was tough at the beginning. Since then I got used to the small big change in my lifestyle. I want to live more natural. Not so far away from nature. Feeling the hot sun. Listening to the raging wind. Tasting the cold water. Touching the smooth sand. Just irresistible! And with that not to forget the conscious breathing. The small steps provoke the greatest changes.

Here is my report of experiences, to amplify my comfort zone.


I take a shower with ice-cold water. At first I had to get used to it a lot. I took a shower for quite some time, because the water was really cold. It is such a great feeling. I am awake and full of energy. My conclusion: From now on I take a shower only with cold water.


I sleep on the ground. I could hardly sleep the first night. This has clearly improved. I do not need a blanket. I do not need a pillow. Now I can imagine a life without a bed. Wait a second! I would just have an empty room. Wait and see. The beds until now were always too soft for me. Now I realize that I can sleep very well on hard ground. My conclusion: I sleep now on the ground. Forever? I do not know. In any case I do it as long as I like it.


Walking barefoot. I like to walk barefoot on the beach. Can I do it in everyday life too? I walked barefoot on short ways. I was walking on grounds like grass and stone. It is exciting to gain new experiences. It is like a massage for the food. It is pleasant to walk on soft grass. At first I had to get used to the hard ground of stone. I feel good, when the ground is different. It is a good experience. Now I go barefoot more frequently. I do not have the goal, to walk barefoot in every season of the year. Maybe it develops itself towards this direction. Who knows? On one hand I am calm because of the experiences I made. On the other hand I am curious, what life still has to offer.


I am offline for one week. I think it is quite easy. I discover very fast, that I am online for many hours. And that every day. And that for years. Thus I am addicted to be always online. I am not able to disconnect myself. I listen to music online. I watch videos online. I am connected with internet from morning to night. That is enough. Now I perceive other things. I have suddenly so much time without internet. I do not need music, movies, or videos. This program is there all day. I feel the moment in its diversity. Without distractions. Simply being here and now. To relax. To enjoy. To move. Simply being natural. My conclusion: Maybe I cannot relinquish the internet for always, because I get some inspirations from the tube as well. I use the internet consciously. Especially I like the stillness, when I am offline now and then.

Okay! Those were my four challenges. I hope the one or the other takes on the challenges of life. Thus to live more freely and to amplify the comfort zone.

The computer specialist has left the chat room. He informed me, that he is doing immediately a sabbatical year. Without internet.


A woman enters the field.

I am tired.

She presents herself as the ecotrophologist.

She bombards me with many questions.

How is your nutrition? Which vitamins do you take? How do you get the nutrients? How much calories do you consume daily? How often do you eat during the day? How many litres do you drink daily? Do you drink water carbonated or still? Do you drink out of plastic bottles or glass bottles? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink tea? Do you eat chocolate? Do you eat meat? Et cetera, et cetera.

I have already dealt with all questions somehow.

I search in my documents. I discover an article, which I have written some month ago.

I hand over the article to the ecotrophologist.

She receives the article with enthusiasm. She reads through the article. She is confused now. Why? Read and listen the article with your own eyes and ears. You will find it out.

Here is the article SUN.

4.1 SUN

Everything is light, nothing is darkness. There is just the decision, whether we are everything in light, or whether we are nothing in darkness. The fact, that you are reading these lines, signifies, that I come from the light. This is a calm thought.

I have studied the different eating habits of man for some time. I have realized some points, which I would like to describe here. I am referring to the following types of nutrition: Nutrition with meat, nutrition without meat, nutrition with raw food, nutrition of sunlight. And all different types of nutrition between them. I think these extreme forms of nutrition are ridiculous. There is no correct diet. That, which has universal validity for everyone and for always. Whom who wants to nourish himself consciously, listens to his body, to his mind, and to his soul.

Here are some points which apply for all kinds of diets. I am not a medical practitioner. I do not give advice, what you have to eat or not. I am simply. I feel simply. I just want to show, which points helped me and could be useful for others. You have the responsibility almost always of your diet.

I do not go the extreme ways. I am in the midst. I listen to my body. That one does know, what is necessary. Depending on the situation, place, and time the nutrition is always different. No day is like the other. Yesterday was different. Today is different. Tomorrow will be different.

Little hint: To look at the food or drink and ask yourself immediately: Do I really want to have this in my body? The thinker says Yes, but the reason says NO. Or vice versa. No matter which answer arises, I am calm and not so strict with myself. I taste from everything, what I like. I nourish myself freely. I allow myself all things. I can forbid myself everything as well. Just not to an excess. Because in excess all foods can be toxic. It is toxic as well, to receive no energy at all. And to give anything at all.

I feel it and you feel it. And it is important, not to listen to the thinker and its memories. If you want to eat a pizza, then do not put much importance on your memories please. The thinker says Yes, but the reason says No. In this case you should listen to your reason. A clear sign for a wrong decision is, when you feel tired after the meal. A good sign is, when you are vital and full of energy after the meal.

The inner nourishment is composed in the following way. The ingredients are sunlight, rich food, liquid food, fresh air, love, and a wise spirit. Out of them consists the inner nourishment for man.

There is no 100% healthy food, that is good and in order. There is no 100% unhealthy food, that is bad and not in order. The balance is crucial! These two aspects depend on each other. Order does not live without a little bit of chaos. Chaos does not live without a little bit of order. No matter what somebody says or writes, nobody knows, which food is suitable for whom. And when, how, and where you should eat it. You have to find that out by yourself! Being flexible. Eating balanced. Neither eating too much nor too little. Eating with pleasure. Eating with patience.

More important than anything I eat or do in general, is, that I am conscious. I am awake. I am here. I am now. I am manifested in being. Then I decide on this basis, what I eat or do. Being. Thinking. Doing. I listen to my soul, my mind, and my body. I consist of these elements. The one cannot live without the other. I love, what I eat or do. The thoughts simply dissolve. I am consciously present. I like everything. No matter if it is sweet, salty, bitter or sour. Life has just many tastes.

The ecotrophologist is very polite and grateful. She leaves the field. She has no questions anymore.


I am looking thoughtfully through the window towards outside.

Someone is knocking on the door.

An elegant sir with charisma enters the room.

I call the man counsellor of relationships.

The counsellor tells a lot and does not say anything.

I suppose the counsellor has problems that he cannot resolve so easily.

The counsellor explains his problems of relationships.

I develop an approach to improve these relationships.

We develop together the article RELATIONSHIPS.


Relation towards the father: Work

Situation: My father wants that I work. I do not want it. I see it totally different. The work does not give me joy. That is an old game for me. I do not see any legitimacy for its existence. Everybody suffers under the pressure of work. I strive for vacation and freedom. I have dreams. Hiking, dancing, reading. This is a new paradigm without work, without obligation. My father lives in his world and works every day.

Approach: There is always something to do. The purpose of work is to protect the own existence. Money is earned for the exchange of lifetime. The work gives the feeling of stability and safety in life. Your father clings on to that. The father-son relationship is at all times a tough exam. The son calls for love and trust. The father demands independence and success. If your father wants from you that you work, then do it in your manner. Live your life. Visit a new country. Write a book about its culture. You can do everything, but you don´t have to. Listen to your father, he teaches you key lessons. You cannot read these lessons in any book of the world. Your father is there for a reason. We grow in life with each challenge.

Relation towards the Mother: Meal

Situation: There are constantly discussions about my nutrition. I do not want to eat meat. My mother does not like it at all. She says that a friend of her ate only cereals and therefore died early. That has effected me profoundly. How comes that my opinions and decisions are not accepted in my direct environment? I travelled a long way to gain new insights. And now I cannot use my knowledge in daily life.

Approach: The mother wants to protect the son from mistakes and wounds. The son wants to make his own experiences in this process. The subject of nutrition has an enormous potential for conflicts in human relationships. The approach here should be to find a common solution. Listen carefully to your body. It is prohibited to eat meat. It is just allowed to eat fruits. Free yourself from dogmatic believes. It is never just the one or the other morally and ethically correct. The development of consciousness needs the illusion of time. The time is changing, the generations are changing. Everything is in flow. You should be very lucky, that your mother cares about you. You were walking many paths together. You will walk many paths together. Sometimes it is necessary, to walk the path separately. At the end we are all united, like at the beginning of time.

Relation towards the brother: United

Situation: The -I am you, and you are me- conversation. I have a vision. We are all united. In any case I wanted to share it with my brother, but he did not understand me. I am you. He has denied that. He is convinced of that he is not me. He is my brother. He never wants to bear me out. He always wants to provoke me.

Approach: There are few man, who likes to have a know-it-all in his family. Here it is appropriate to remain quiet. If you cannot share your thoughts, then write it down for the moment. Sometimes it is easier to share the thoughts with a sheet of paper, than with a man. You can write a book about your thoughts and theories. Only man needs time to recognize, that time is irrelevant. Allow your brother the time to gain his experience. Your way is not his way. It is rather so that your ways will cross very often. If he sees himself as separated from everything, then it is just his current perception.

Relation towards the sister: Time

Situation: She did not believe me. I had read scientific articles about the illusion of time. I wanted to share that with her in any case. She believes that I am crazy. And that I need more friends. This statement did really hurt me.

Approach: If the time is something real for your sister, then it is so in her current perception too. Give her the time. Give her the space. Thus the consciousness can be sharpened for certain aspects. We recognize at the end of space, that time is redundant. Often the following phrase is repeated like a mantra: I DO NOT HAVE TIME. There is the possibility that nobody has time. We are here now.

Relation towards the uncle: Party

Situation: The relationship towards the uncle is bad. I want to study quietly. He wants to celebrate loudly. I shall be every week at the celebration of the family. I want to prepare myself above all for the exams at the university. He is in a bad mood. Each day there is trouble with him. He is surrounded by a lot of negative energy. When I am in his presence, he explodes almost always in rage.

Approach: Work hard, play hard. You can study until the point you feel good with that. You can celebrate with your uncle, when you considerate this as appropriate. Your uncle just wants to help you to understand something. You do not have to neglect the relation towards your family, just because you have individual goals or dreams. Your uncle understands you. Keep remember the following: There are always times to rest. And there are always times to celebrate. Life has infinite pages. If you study, others want you to celebrate. If you celebrate, others want you to study. The one is not there without the other. There are distractions on each journey. Go your way. Do, what you think. Just do not think too much.

Relation towards the aunt: Self-esteem

Situation: I have achieved great results at the university. I have told the results always to my aunt, and she has reacted always negatively. Positive words came out of her mouth, but her face yelled of pure envy. That was a defeat for my self-worth.

Approach: Try to respect and to appreciate your aunt, like she is. Everyone wants the best for you. Maybe she is envious. Her behaviour is independent from your results. Listen to you. Listen to your heart. You can learn from her. You can give her new theoretical knowledge. She can support you with her practical experience of life. It is not important, how she thinks about you. It is important, how you think about yourself. Be honest to yourself. It is unimportant, how the others think about you. You cannot change your fellow man. But you can change your perspective towards your fellow man. Love yourself. Thus you love the others.

The counsellor is once happy, that he could talk about his family relationships. Because one thing is clear to me: Who is able to talk about his problems, has already solved the half of them.


A woman appears in my dream.

Lala, the interpreter of dreams.

She asked me about my dreams.

At the same time I listen to her Interpretations.

Thus the article DREAM LANGUAGE was created.

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