Kitabı oku: «Journey to the Emerald Era. Science fiction story», sayfa 2

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He carefully picked up the painting, feeling its fragility and at the same time its value. It was not just an image, but a symbol of their family connection, their hopes and desires. Sanzhar stood up and, finding a suitable place on the wall opposite the bed, carefully attached the painting. Now it had become part of his world, his personal space, reflecting those thoughts and feelings that he himself could not yet express in words. Sanzhar lay down on the bed, feeling how fatigue was gradually beginning to take over his body. He continued to look at the painting, allowing his thoughts to smoothly flow from one to another. Images flashed before his eyes: Lyosha, concentrating on the code; Zhaniya, smiling after reconciliation; Aida, proudly holding a Forbes magazine; and his father, always ready to support and give advice. His eyes slowly closed, but before he finally fell asleep, a thought flashed through his mind: “What if dreams about the future can actually become reality? What if flying cities are not just a fantasy, but a possible future that we can build?” With these thoughts, Sanzhar slowly fell asleep. He felt that something unusual was waiting for him ahead, something that would open up new horizons for him and lead to the most unexpected discoveries. Zhaniya’s painting was the last thing he saw before his consciousness finally fell silent, leaving him in the sweet embrace of sleep, where amazing adventures awaited him.

Chapter 2. Moving to the Emerald Era

2:1 The Man in the Hat. Sanzhar stretched as the old but reliable Subaru Forester smoothly stopped at the curb not far from KIMEP. The morning had barely begun to bloom, and the first rays of the sun were still timidly breaking through the light fog rising above the city. The cool morning air, slightly giving off freshness and dampness, filled the lungs with invigorating energy. The father, Erlan, turned to his son, his face lit up with a smile that reflected both pride in his son and hope for a new successful day.

– Have a nice day, son. Don’t forget about your goals, – said Erlan, gently patting his son on the shoulder.

– Thank you, dad, – Sanzhar replied, smiling back and carefully closing the car door.

Having closed the door, he lingered for a moment, watching his father slowly drive away, dissolving into the stream of cars that had already filled the city streets. Left alone on the deserted street, Sanzhar took a deep breath of the morning air, feeling how it filled him with energy and freshness. The day promised to be eventful, and he felt ready for any challenges that this day might bring.

He began his walk along the street leading to the university. The city was still dozing, silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional sounds of the first cars and the voices of early passers-by. Walking past familiar buildings and shop windows, Sanzhar could not help but smile slightly. These morning walks to the university had become a kind of ritual for him, helping him tune in to the school day, immerse himself in his thoughts and prepare for new knowledge.

Approaching the entrance to KIMEP, Sanzhar noticed several familiar faces. Classmates and friends were already starting their day, exchanging greetings and short jokes, filling the space with the familiar and cozy noise of university life. He felt himself a part of this world, where every day brought something new, where every moment was full of discoveries. Suddenly his gaze caught the figure of a man sitting on a bench near the entrance. The man was dressed in an elegant suit, his face hidden under the shadow of a wide hat. In his hands he held a newspaper, unfolded so that Sanzhar could see only the top of the hat and a hand with a shiny emerald ring. The ring seemed to attract attention, shimmering in the sun.

Sanjar was about to pass by, but when he was close enough, the man suddenly spoke, his voice deep and confident:

– Young man, you have a talent for journalism and writing.

Sanjar froze in place, turning towards the voice. He saw that the man had lowered the newspaper, revealing his face. He was a man of about sixty, with piercing eyes and delicate features. He extended his hand, as if inviting him to meet.

– Nice to meet you, Sanjar, – the man said with a slight smile. – My name is Richard. Today is my first time at your university, I was invited to give a lecture on international trade.

Sanjar, still surprised by the unexpected address, extended his hand in response:

– Very pleased to meet you. How can I help you? Do you not know how to get to the lecture hall?

Richard shook his head slightly, his smile widening.

– No, thank you, I already know where to go, – he answered with a slight hint of mystery in his voice. – But you, Sanjar, may need my help.

Sanjar raised his eyebrows in surprise, not understanding what was being said.

“Help?” he asked again, trying to understand where this strange man was going with this. “I’m just a second-year student, I have nothing to do with international trade,” he laughed, trying to defuse the situation.

Richard leaned forward slightly, his voice became quieter, as if he was about to share a secret:

“You’re wrong, my dear. What I can offer will help not only you, but all of humanity,” Richard replied, his voice sounding as if he knew something that was inaccessible to others.

Sanjar felt a slight excitement mixed with bewilderment. His heart began to beat faster.

“So what is it?” he asked, trying not to show his excitement.

Richard stood up and, leaning towards Sanjar, said quietly, looking around:

“I will help you travel into the future, a hundred years ahead – to the year 3024. Your journey will only take a couple of minutes, here in 2024 no one will notice your absence.

These words sounded like a bolt from the blue. Sanzhar felt a chill run down his spine. He jumped back a step, his thoughts spinning, trying to comprehend what he heard.

– Sorry, but I have to go. This was interesting, but I’m late for class, – he said quickly, feeling his anxiety growing.

– Of course, Sanzhar. See you later. See you later! – Richard answered with a smile, unfolding his newspaper again.

Sanzhar muttered words of farewell and quickly walked towards the university. His heart was still beating faster than usual, and his thoughts were chaotically rushing about, searching for a logical explanation for what had happened. He looked back to make sure the man was not following him, but Richard was already immersed in reading the newspaper, as if nothing had happened. Having reached the auditorium, Sanzhar stopped in front of the door, trying to calm his breathing and collect his thoughts. Before him was a normal school day, but something inside told him that this day would be the beginning of something unusual, something that could change his life forever.

2:2 Strange movement. Sanzhar, still slightly shaken by the strange meeting with Richard, quickly crossed the courtyard of KIMEP and headed towards the building where the cinematography class was about to begin. As soon as he entered through the glass doors, he felt the coolness of the air conditioner, which contrasted sharply with the warm morning air outside. He paused for a moment, trying to calm down and switch to the upcoming classes, but thoughts about the meeting with Richard did not leave him.

He headed for the stairs leading to the second floor, where the cinematography hall was located. The stairs were wide, with marble steps, dimly lit by the morning light coming through the large windows. Sanzhar climbed them, thinking about the upcoming film viewing, trying to distract himself from the strange events that had happened in the morning.

The cinematography hall was one of his favorite places at the university. It had an atmosphere of immersion in art, where each film became the subject of detailed analysis and discussion. Sanzhar always looked forward to these classes, as they allowed him to delve deeper into the world of cinema, to understand the intricacies of the plot, the director’s tricks and the camera work.

But when he entered the corridor leading to the hall, his gaze was immediately drawn to the figure standing at the far end. It was the same Richard he had just met at the entrance to the university. Sanzhar stopped, feeling a slight shudder run through his body. “How could he have ended up here so quickly?” he thought, slowly approaching the figure. It seemed that Richard was standing there specifically to meet him again, as if he wanted to prove that his strange offer was not just words, but a real possibility.

“Ah, here you are again,” Richard said with a soft smile as Sanzhar came closer. There was a slight satisfaction in his voice, as if he was glad to see the surprise on the young man’s face. “I hope I didn’t scare you too much?” Sanzhar felt his heart start beating faster again. He tried to find the words, but there was only one thing in his head – how did this man get here so quickly?

– No, of course not, – answered Sanjar, trying not to show his excitement. – It’s just that the offer was… unexpected, that’s all.

Richard nodded, as if understanding all the doubts that tormented Sanjar.

“It’s natural,” he said, looking straight into the young man’s eyes. “It’s not every day that you’re offered time travel. But believe me, this offer makes much more sense than it might seem at first glance.”

Sanjar looked at Richard, feeling his inner tension growing. It was as if it were real, but at the same time everything seemed unreal, as if he found himself in the center of some fantastic story that he himself was not yet ready to believe.

“You know,” Richard continued, taking a step closer, “the world changes every year, and sometimes, to understand where it’s heading, you need to look at it from the future. You’re interested not only in what’s happening now, but also in what will happen next, aren’t you?”

Sanjar nodded silently, not knowing what to say. He was sure that before him stood a man who knew much more than he could imagine. But this man was offering him something that went beyond ordinary understanding, something that could change his life.

“I invite you to see the future with your own eyes,” Richard continued, his voice becoming almost hypnotic, as if he really had the ability to see beyond the veil of time. “Imagine how your knowledge and understanding of what is to come can influence your today, your decisions, your dreams.”

Sanzhar, feeling his head filling with more and more questions, slowly shook his head. He understood that the offer sounded tempting, but also incredible.

“Sorry, Richard,” he said finally, trying to sound as confident as possible. “I can’t accept such an offer. I’m a student, I have my own responsibilities, my studies. It’s too… incredible.”

Richard frowned slightly, but then his face took on a friendly expression again.

“I understand,” he said, nodding respectfully. “It’s not easy to make such a choice. But know that the offer still stands. If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to help you see what others can only dream of.

He extended his hand to Sanjar again, and Sanjar shook it automatically, feeling for a moment the cold hardness of the ring, which again reminded him of the mystery of this man.

“I hope that we will see each other again,” Richard said before turning and heading down the corridor towards the lecture hall.

Sanjar remained standing, feeling how his heart slowly began to beat in a normal rhythm. He glanced at his watch and realized that it was time to go to class. But something about this meeting continued to bother him, like a slight breath of wind that could not be caught or explained.

Running into the classroom with the last students, Sanjar tried to concentrate on the lesson, but thoughts about the strange meeting did not leave him. His comrades were cheerfully discussing something and joking, the teacher, looking at his watch, stood up from the table and began the lesson:

“Hello everyone. So, I ask for silence and attention. Today our lesson will be devoted to… But Sanzhar was still thinking about that hallway where the strange man in the hat had offered him a glimpse into the future, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that this day would be the beginning of something greater than he could have imagined.

2:3 Coursework. Sanzhar hurried to his seat in the classroom, noticing that the students had already taken their seats and were quietly discussing the upcoming lesson. The huge screen, occupying the entire front wall, was already ready to show a film, and the soft, subdued lights in the hall created an atmosphere of anticipation. He quickly sat down next to his friend, who nodded briefly in greeting.

The teacher, Professor Miras, known for his passion for cinema and his meticulous approach to film analysis, stood behind the lectern. He was short, but had an impressive charisma, and his presence immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience.

“Good morning, students,” he began, looking around at the audience. “Today we will not just watch a film, but also an in-depth analysis of one of the most significant works in the science fiction genre. I chose this film for a reason. It raises questions that concern not only technology, but also philosophy, morality, and what it means to be human. The professor paused, giving the students time to absorb the importance of the upcoming lesson.

– Today we will be watching the film Blade Runner by Ridley Scott. This film is not only a cult classic in the world of cinema, it touches on themes that remain relevant today. I want you to pay attention to how the film explores the boundaries between artificial intelligence and the human soul, its visual style and atmosphere.

Sanzhar felt a little excited. Blade Runner was one of his favorite films, and now he had the opportunity to look at it from a new perspective – as a student who was about to make a critical analysis.

As the lights in the classroom dimmed, Sanzhar settled into his chair, preparing to watch. The opening credits began to appear on the screen, and within moments the entire audience was immersed in the dark and rainy world of futuristic Los Angeles.

The film began and Sanjar became completely immersed in what was happening on the screen. Each scene was carefully thought out, every detail recreated the atmosphere of the future, where technology and man intersect in a complex web of moral and ethical questions. Sanjar noticed how the light and shadows created tension, how the camera followed the characters, capturing their emotions, and how Vangelis’s music emphasized the atmosphere of despair and the search for meaning.

The film became increasingly captivating, making him think about the depth of the questions raised by the director. He mentally returned to the professor’s words when the film raised themes of the nature of human existence, identity and consciousness. These themes seemed to touch on something very personal, making Sanjar think about his own place in this world and about the future, which may not be so distant.

After the film ended, the lights in the auditorium came back on and Professor Miras stood up to conclude the lesson.

“I hope that this viewing has evoked many thoughts and questions in you,” he said, looking around at the assembled students. – I expect each of you to give me a critical analysis of this film in a week. Please pay attention to details that you may not have noticed before and try to look at them from a different angle.

The professor paused and then added:

– Also, I would like to remind you of your first term paper. You must write a science fiction story by the end of the semester. Your task is to create a completely new plot, something our world has never seen before. I ask you to approach this task with complete seriousness.

Sanzhar felt a slight anxiety. Writing a criticism of a film that he knew so well did not seem like a difficult task to him, but coming up with a completely new story… This task was much more difficult. All the ideas seemed to have already been used, and finding something truly new and original seemed almost impossible.

He stood up from his seat, following the other students who were leaving the classroom, and his thoughts began to revolve around the task that the professor had just set for them. Excerpts from the film, questions he wanted to discuss in his work, and images that could form the basis for a new story were spinning around in his head. Sanzhar headed towards the gym, where he had a physical education class. He walked, thinking about how to find that one idea that could amaze both him and his teacher. But while chaos reigned in his head, he hoped that the answer would come by itself at the right moment.

2:4 Team play. Sanzhar walked slowly down the corridor leading to the gym, deep in his thoughts. The idea that the professor had given them in the previous lecture – to write a science fiction story with a completely new plot – was haunting him. He tried to come up with something truly unique, but each time his ideas seemed to have already been realized in some film or book. Images from the Blade Runner he had just watched were spinning in his head, but although they were inspiring, they did not give him the desired novelty.

When he entered the locker room, it was already in full swing. Students were changing into sports uniforms, discussing their plans for the weekend, upcoming competitions and, of course, the latest news from the world of sports. Sanzhar mechanically changed, almost not noticing those around him, and headed to the gym, where the coach was already waiting for them.

The gym was spacious, with high ceilings and large windows through which bright daylight penetrated. The floor of the gym was perfectly leveled and ready for the upcoming game. A volleyball net was stretched in the center of the room, and the boys began to warm up, throwing the ball to each other.

“Today we have volleyball,” the coach announced, gathering the students in a circle. He was a strong man with gray hair, but an energetic and cheerful voice. “But not just volleyball. We will work on teamwork, communication and tactics. It is important not only how you play individually, but also how you work together.”

Sanzhar enthusiastically stood up for one of the teams. Volleyball had always been one of his favorite sports. He was looking forward to the opportunity to distract himself from his thoughts and just enjoy the game, freeing his head from heavy thoughts.

The game began. The ball flew quickly over the net, passed from one player to another. Sanzhar quickly immersed himself in the game, feeling how his body synchronized with the movements of his teammates. Each hit, each jump was coordinated and precisely calibrated. The coach watched them carefully, occasionally shouting out advice and instructions.

“Great job, Sanzhar! – the coach shouted after he scored a successful point. – But remember: the game is not only about strength, but also about strategy. You must see not only the ball, but also the positions of all your teammates and opponents.

Sanzhar nodded, thinking about the coach’s words. The game went on, and he began to notice how important the cooperation between the players was, how every pass and every shot was part of a single plan that was developing right before their eyes. The excitement and passion that arose during the game made him forget about everything else. He enjoyed the moment, each time trying to better understand his teammates and anticipate their actions.

But thoughts about the story still did not leave him. He began to draw parallels between the game and his task: to find the very idea that would become the key element of his story, like a good pass in volleyball. He realized that he needed to think not only about individual details, but also about how they fit together, how one thought can pick up another, creating a unified whole.

With each new play, Sanzhar increasingly felt his consciousness being cleared, as the internal barriers that prevented him from finding that very idea slowly dissolved. Team play made him think more broadly, go beyond the usual, and look for solutions in the team.

When the training came to an end, Sanzhar was tired but satisfied. He understood that the game helped him to distract himself a little and look at the problem from a different angle. The coach patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him on a good game, and Sanzhar, lingering on the court for a little while, thought about how sports can help in solving creative problems.

His next point was the casting of new club members, and, feeling slightly excited, he headed to the locker room to freshen up and prepare for the next test of the day. He knew that there was still a lot of interesting things ahead of him, but how exactly this would affect his search for a new idea remained a mystery.

2:5 Work in the club. Sanzhar, feeling slightly tired after an intense training session, headed to the club room, where they were going to hold a casting for new members for the student club “KIMEP TIME”. Although his thoughts were still wandering around the task set by the professor – to write a science fiction story with a completely new plot – he knew that now he needed to concentrate on the current matter.

The club room greeted him with its usual lively atmosphere. The spacious room was flooded with bright daylight streaming through large windows. In the center of the room there were several tables, at which the club members were already seated, discussing the upcoming event. On the walls hung posters with previous issues of the magazine, photos from events and posters of past club meetings. In the corner of the room, a projector was visible, already set up to show the presentations of the candidates.

– Hello, guys! – Lana, the president of the club, began energetically when Sanzhar entered the room. Her cheerful voice immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. – Today is an important day for us – a casting of new members of our club. I am sure that everyone came in a great mood and ready for productive work.

Sanzhar nodded affably in response and took his place at one of the tables. For him, working in the club had always been something special – here he could realize his creative ambitions, discuss ideas with like-minded people and participate in projects that really mattered. Today he was serious, because they had to select those who would become part of the team and create new content for the magazine together with them.

Candidates began to enter the room, introducing themselves one by one and telling about their interests. The atmosphere became increasingly tense, each candidate tried to impress the club members, hoping for approval and the coveted place in the team.

– Hello, my name is Alina, – one of the candidates began, entering the room. She held herself confidently, but there was a slight nervousness in her voice. – I have always been interested in journalism and I want to develop my skills by working on articles and projects with you. I have several ideas that I would like to implement in your club.

Sanzhar looked closely at Alina, noting her sincerity and desire for self-realization. She spoke about her proposals with enthusiasm, and this made a positive impression on him.

When Lana invited the club members to speak out, Sanzhar was the first to voice his opinion:

– It seems to me that Alina is truly interested in the work of the club and can make a significant contribution to our projects. Her ideas are fresh, and I think that she will be able to quickly adapt to the team.

The other club members supported his opinion, and after a short discussion, it was decided to accept Alina into the club.

The casting continued, and each new candidate aroused more and more interest in Sanzhar. Some candidates were more experienced, others were enthusiastic, but with less experience. It was important to find a balance and choose those who could work effectively in a team, bringing new ideas and energy to their activities.

Sanzhar became more and more immersed in the process, trying to objectively evaluate each candidate, because the future of the club and its projects depended on their choice. He was interested in watching how each candidate manifested themselves, how their personalities were revealed and how they interacted with the current members of the club. He noted to himself which of them had creative thinking, who could offer unconventional solutions, and who was able to inspire others to new achievements.

When the last candidate left the room, Lana took the floor again:

– Great job, guys! I think we made a good choice. Now we have new members, and many interesting projects await us ahead.

Sanzhar nodded, feeling satisfied with the work done. He knew that the club would always have a place for creative ideas and talented people, and this inspired him. However, the fatigue from the day was starting to tell. He decided that he needed to rest a little and have some food before returning to thinking about the cinematography assignment. Sanzhar headed to a small cafe on the university grounds, hoping for a moment of peace and quiet to collect his thoughts and get ready for productive work in the future.

2:6 Meeting in a cafe. After a busy day filled with events and thoughts, Sanzhar headed to a small cafe on the university grounds to rest and catch his breath. The cafe space beckoned with its quiet, calm atmosphere. Here you could forget about all your worries for a while and just enjoy a moment of solitude.

The cafe was almost empty. Only a few students were sitting at their tables, immersed in their study materials or in a leisurely conversation with friends. The light coming through the large windows softly illuminated the interior, creating a feeling of coziness. Sanzhar ordered a sandwich and a glass of fresh juice, hoping that this would help him regain his strength before returning home.

While his order was being prepared, Sanzhar accidentally noticed a familiar figure at one of the tables by the window. It was Richard, who seemed to be completely immersed in reading a book. In one hand, he held a thin, almost transparent cup of tea, from which aromatic steam slowly rose.

Sanzhar thought for a moment whether to approach him. Their last meeting had been strange, and thoughts about what Richard had said back then had not left him. But curiosity had gotten the better of him, and after receiving his order, Sanzhar headed to the table where Richard was sitting.

– Hi, do you mind if I join you? – Sanzhar asked, trying to sound confident and casual.

Richard looked up from his book and, seeing Sanzhar, smiled good-naturedly:

– Sure, sit down, Sanzhar. How was your day?

– Thank you. It was a busy day, – Sanzhar answered, sitting down opposite Richard and taking a sip of juice. – Today we had a casting for the club, as well as a film class. Lots of things.

– That sounds like an interesting day, – Richard said, leaning forward slightly, showing that he was genuinely interested. – Are you studying film?

– Yes, – Sanzhar answered, perking up a little. – Today we watched the movie Blade Runner. And then the professor assigned us to write a critical analysis. But the most difficult task is to come up with a new fantasy plot. It seems that all the ideas have already been written.

Richard, hearing this, chuckled, as if this problem was very familiar to him.

– Sometimes it seems that everything has already been thought of, but in fact, every idea can be new if you look at it from a different angle. In cinematography, as in life, a lot depends on perspective.

Sanzhar thought about these words, feeling that they contained some wisdom. There was something calming in Richard’s tone that instilled confidence and inspiration.

– You are talking about perspective … – Sanzhar began, feeling how his thoughts returned to the previous conversation with Richard. – What do you think can change our perception of reality?

Richard was silent for a moment, choosing his words, as if answering a question he had been preparing for a long time.

– Our perception is changed by experience, – he said finally, his voice became deeper and more serious. – When you see things that seem incredible, your mind opens up to new possibilities. The knowledge you gain can change you and your world.

These words made a strong impression on Sanzhar. He felt that Richard was not just telling general truths, but something deeper and more personal.

– I sometimes think that we live only in the present, but do not think about the future, – Sanjar admitted, sharing his inner thoughts. – But the future is what determines our decisions today.

Richard nodded, his gaze became thoughtful, as if he agreed with the thought that had been maturing inside him for a long time.

– You are right, Sanjar. But what if you could see this future? What if you could find out what your decisions will lead to? It could help you understand what is really important.

Sanjar froze, thinking about what he heard. Richard’s words seemed to close the circle of his thoughts, helping him understand what he was really missing.

– You mean… time travel? – he asked, barely believing his ears.

Richard grinned, but this time his smile was mysterious, as if he knew something that Sanjar could not yet understand.

– Exactly. Time travel is not just an opportunity to see the future. It’s a way to understand how it’s connected to the present, and how you can influence it.

Sanjar’s heart began to beat faster. His mind told him that all this was impossible, but something inside him, perhaps a childish curiosity or a thirst for adventure, pushed him to agree.

“You mean that… I can do it?” he asked, holding back his excitement.

Richard nodded, his face remaining calm.

“I can show you how it works. It won’t be just a story, Sanjar, but a real story. You will see the future with your own eyes.”

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