«Хитрости Локка Ламоры» kitabından alıntılar, sayfa 11

I`m so pleased that you only choose victims of the highest moral quality.

"Gods, I love this place," Locke said, drumming his fingers against his thighs. "Sometimes I think this whole city was put here simply because the gods must adore crime. Pickpockets rob the common folk, merchants rob anyone they can dupe, Capa Barsavi robs the robbers and the common folk, the lesser nobles rob nearly everyone, and Duke Nicovante occasionally runs off with his army and robs the shit out of Tal Verrar on Jerem, not to mention what he does to his own nobles and his common folk."

"So that makes us robbers of robbers," said Bug, "who pretend to be robbers working for a robber of other robbers."

"Yes, we do sort of screw that pretty picture up, don`t we?"

Deception and misdirection are our tools. We don`t believe in hard work when a false face and a good line of bullshit can do so much more.

There are only three people in life you can never fool - pawnbrokers, whores, and your mother. Since your mother`s dead, I`ve taken her place. Hence, I`m bullshit-proof.

I`ve got kids that enjoy stealing. I`ve got kids that don`t think about stealing one way or another, and I`ve got kids that just tolerate stealing because they know they`ve got nothing else to do. But nobody - and I mean nobody - has ever been hungry for it like this boy. If he had a bloody gash across his throat and a physiker was trying to sew it up, Lamora would steal the needle and thread and die laughing.

The rules are simple! You`ll learn them all in good time. For now, let`s keep it like this. Anybody who eats, works. Anybody who works, eats.

You`ll pardon me if the suggestion that the miniscule black turnip you call a heart is suddenly overflowing with generosity towards me leaves me wanting to arm myself and put my back against a wall.

– Выходит, что мы грабим грабителей, – вмешался Жук. – И при этом делаем вид, будто работаем на вора, который ворует у других воров.

– Прелестная картинка получается, не так ли? – усмехнулся Локки. – Знаешь, парень… рассматривай то, что мы делаем, как некое скрытое налогообложение аристократов, у которых слишком много денег.

– Извини, но подобная щедрость с твоей стороны не может не насторожить, – проговорил он наконец. – Так и подмывает прижаться спиной к стене и взять в руки что-то тяжелое.

What a stupid, reckless, idiotic, ridiculous damn thing to do! I haven`t the words to express my admiration.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 eylül 2016
Çeviri tarihi:
Yazıldığı tarih:
711 s. 2 illüstrasyon
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