Kitabı oku: «Is it possible to do without war and save life on planet Earth?»

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© Sembay Almukhanovich Shaikemelov, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0060-1214-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


I wrote this little book about our beloved planet “Earth”. Imagine that you are a reader, and I am a writer familiar people who met and chatted over a cup of tea about humanity and about our planet Earth.

Chapter 1. The history of mankind

As history shows, dinosaurs used to live on our beloved planet Earth, there is a higher mind in the universe or outside the universe, what creates, creates, but humanity does not know who it is or what it is, maybe it was conceived by the higher mind itself? So that they don’t know about him? If you think logically, everything on the planet Earth was created by some higher intelligence, this proves a lot of facts. For example, if we take our planet Earth, everything that is necessary for life has already been created by the higher mind is water, earth, air, plants, animals, etc. Before us, the supreme intelligence created dinosaurs on our planet Earth, of the stories of mankind know this. Some dinosaurs had two hind limbs to move around and two forelimbs to dig the ground, scratch their body, etc. eyes on the sides of the head to make it convenient to see, brains to think, two ears on the sides of the head to make it convenient to listen. For example, if you take people, all parts of the body are also logically created from people, you can find out by studying a book about human anatomy. All this proves the existence of a higher mind, the Creator. If everything happens according to the will of some higher intelligence, this explains the fact of the extinction of the dinosaurs from the fall of a huge asteroid on the planet Earth. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, why didn’t they reappear and live on our planet Earth? Could a higher intelligence have created them again? But instead of them, he created us humans. Was it the deliberate extermination of dinosaurs by an asteroid? Or were the dinosaurs killed by a lack of knowledge and weapons to repel an asteroid? I think it will remain a mystery to humanity.

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