Kitabı oku: «First at the North Pole: or, Two Boys in the Arctic Circle», sayfa 15

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Yet to kill off one of the dogs was a serious undertaking, as they well knew. In that country to travel without a dog sledge was all but impossible, and the remaining animals might fail them at any moment.

“Let us wait until tomorrow,” said Andy. “Something may turn up.”

“I’d rather have something to eat now,” growled Chet.

“I will deal out a little pemmican,” answered Barwell Dawson, and served each person about five ounces.

Then, with increasing slowness, they covered three miles more. Ahead was a little hill, and the explorer thought to climb this and take a look around, to get his bearings.

Hardly had he climbed the hill when he uttered a cry, calling the others to him.

“There is something to our right,” he said. “Some dark object half hidden in the snow.”

“Perhaps another memento of the Peary expedition,” grumbled Chet. “I don’t want any more of ’em – I want to get back.”

“We’ll have a look,” cried Andy. He turned to his chum. “Come, brace up, Chet, and stop grumbling, that’s a good fellow.”

“All right!” exclaimed Chet, suddenly. “I suppose you’ve got as much right to grumble as I have. But my stomach is as flat as a pancake,” he continued, woefully. “I could fill up on sawdust, if I had any.”

All of the party set off in the direction of the object Barwell Dawson had discovered. The explorer was in advance, and suddenly he set up a ringing shout:

“Saved! saved!”

“What do you mean?” asked Chet, quickly.

“It is our old sledge – the one the dogs ran away with. It is stuck in a crack of the ice.”

“Are the stores on it?” asked Andy.

“Yes, everything seems to be here,” returned the explorer, joyfully.

How the sledge had gotten there they did not know, and, at that moment, they did not care. Probably the floating ice had bumped against the shore and the dogs had started northward, not knowing what else to do. Then the sledge had become caught in the crack, and the dogs, growing impatient, had broken their harness. They had gnawed at the coverings of the stores, but had been unable to get at the food, and had then disappeared utterly.

The finding of the sledge with its provisions, and its supply of alcohol, filled the entire party with joy, and they uttered a prayer to Heaven for their deliverance from what looked to be starvation. As quickly as it could be done, they fixed the little stove and lit it, and made themselves a steaming hot broth, which they devoured with gusto. Then they fed the dogs, built a rough igloo, and sank down in a profound slumber, from which nobody awakened until ten hours later.

“Although we have found these supplies, we must be very sparing of them,” said Barwell Dawson, when they awoke. “There is no telling when or how we will be able to get more – certainly not until we have joined the rest of our party, and gotten down to where we can find game.”

All were now anxious to rejoin those who had been left behind, and they journeyed steadily southward as fast as the weather would permit. They had one wide lead to cross, and it took a whole day to get to the south shore. Then came more snow, and they had to lose a day.

But luck was with them, and one day, late in the afternoon, they heard a loud shout, and saw an Esquimau, standing on a hillock of ice, waving his arms at them. It was Olalola, and they soon reached him.

“Chief Dawson reach the Big Nail?” asked the Esquimau, eagerly.

“We did,” was the answer.

“Olalola much glad,” went on the native, and his smiling face proved his words.

All in the camp, including Dr. Slade, who was better, were glad that those who had gone to the Pole had returned, and the very next day everything was packed on the sledges, and the journey to the ship was begun. The food supply was very low, and all the extra dogs were killed and fed to the other canines. The Esquimaux lived on blubber and walrus meat. The boys tried blubber once, but had to give it up.

“It turns me wrong side out in a minute,” was the way Andy expressed it.

As they drew further south the weather moderated, for which they were thankful. But they had much open water to cross, and this consumed a good deal of time.

“I wouldn’t mind it, if only we could find something to eat,” said Chet. He suffered more from hunger than did any of the others, for he had always been a hearty eater.

The next morning there was great excitement among the natives. A musk-ox had been seen, and all were eager for the hunt.

“We must get that beast by all means,” said Andy. “Think what it means – ox-roast galore!”

The trail of the game was readily followed, and about seven o’clock in the evening the hunters came upon a herd of six musk oxen, resting in the shelter of a small hill. They surrounded the game, and succeeded in bringing down three of them. The others were pursued, but managed to get away.

“This ends short rations,” was Chet’s comment, and his eyes brightened wonderfully. What he said was true, and that evening the explorers enjoyed a better meal than they had had for many weeks. The Esquimaux and dogs came in for their full share, and the big meal put even Estankawak in good humor, and he thought no more of deserting them.

As they came down into the heart of Ellesmere Land they picked up Mr. Camdal and his party. They shot other game, and so had all the food they could eat, and more. The hunting just suited Barwell Dawson, for, as he told the boys, he was more of a hunter than he was an explorer.

“How soon do you suppose we’ll reach the Ice King?” asked Andy, one day.

“If we have luck, we ought to sight the vessel in four or five days.”

“Will you sail for home at once?”

“I think so, Andy. I presume you’ll be glad to get back,” and Mr. Dawson smiled faintly.

“Yes and no,” replied the youth. “I won’t know what to do after I return. I don’t want to live with Uncle Si.”

“You ought to go on another hunt for those missing papers.”

“I’ll do that, of course.”

“And even if you can’t find them, I’ll look into the matter, and see if I can’t learn what rights your father had in that timber tract. I’ll not have much to do myself for a while. I’ll not want to go on another exploring expedition in a hurry.”

So far, aside from Dr. Slade’s attack, there had been but little sickness in the party, but on the next day Barwell Dawson was taken down, and all had to go into camp for three days until he felt better. During that time, Andy and Chet went out hunting, and brought down another polar bear, of which they were justly proud.

“It’s a great place to hunt,” said Andy. “But I don’t think I care to come up here again.”

“Nor I,” added Chet. Then he heaved a long sigh. “I wish – ” He stopped short.

“What, Chet? Were you thinking of your father?” And Andy’s voice softened.

“Yes, I was. I thought sure, when I came up here, that I’d get some trace of him.”

“It’s too bad. I wish I could help you,” answered Andy, and that was all he could say.

With their broken sledges and their small dog teams, the party moved slowly forward, to where the Ice King had been left along the coast. They did not expect to find the vessel fast in the ice, but hoped that Captain Williamson would be cruising near, on the lookout for them.

“When we get to the coast, if the vessel is not in sight, we’ll fire some signals,” said Barwell Dawson. “The captain will be sure to answer them.”

Two days more passed, and they came to something of an open bay, dotted here and there with floating ice. At the sight, the boys set up a cheer:

“The sea! The sea!”

It was indeed the sea – or, rather, the upper entrance to Smith Sound. The party had traveled too far to the eastward, and had now to turn southward, skirting the coast. Here the going was very rough, and the very next morning one of the sledges went down in a crack of the ice, and was smashed completely.

“Thank goodness we do not need it any longer,” was Barwell Dawson’s comment. What stores the sledge had contained were hauled up from the crack and loaded on the remaining turnouts.

Another day passed, and now all kept on the lookout for a sign of the ship. But though they climbed to the top of a high hill, skirting the coast, no sign of a vessel was to be seen anywhere.

Again they resumed their journey, and thus two days passed. Then Andy, who was in the lead with Olalola, set up a cry:

“I see the hut and the storehouse!”

He was right; they had at last arrived at the spot where they had embarked from the Ice King. The place was deserted, and they could easily see where the steamer had pushed through the floating ice, and made her way to the broad lead beyond.

“We’ll hoist our flag, and fire a signal,” said Barwell Dawson, and without delay a pole was nailed to the top of the storehouse, and Old Glory was swung to the breeze. Then one of the shotguns was fired off three times in succession. All waited long for some answer to the reports, but none came.

“He must have gone off for some reason or other,” said Barwell Dawson. “All we can do is to wait for his return.”

“Perhaps the steamer was hit by an iceberg and sunk,” suggested Professor Jeffer.

“Let us hope no such calamity has befallen us,” answered the explorer, gravely.

It sobered all of the party a good deal to find themselves alone at the spot where they had so confidently thought to find the Ice King. They knew that there was great danger of a “squeeze” in the floating ice, and wondered what they should do if the craft had gone to the bottom of the polar sea. They might possibly get down to a point opposite Etah, but it would be a hard journey, and after it was made there was no telling if they could cross the water to that settlement.

Three days went by, and the hearts of the party sank lower and lower. A few went out hunting, for the larder was again getting low. But for the most part all remained in the vicinity of the shore, awaiting eagerly some sign of the missing steamer.

At last, early one morning, Andy made out a cloud of smoke far off on the water. He drew Chet’s attention to it, and then called Olalola. The three watched the cloud draw nearer, and at last the Esquimau began to smile.

“Ship,” he said. “Ship with fire!” – meaning thereby a steam vessel.

The word was soon passed that a ship was in sight, and all gathered to watch the approach of the craft. As it came closer, they saw that it was the Ice King, and on the deck stood Captain Williamson and his crew waving them a welcome. The captain had seen them with his spyglass.

“Hurrah for the Ice King!” cried Chet, and the cheer was given with a will.

“This ends our troubles here,” added Andy. “Now to get aboard and start for home!”


It was no easy matter for the Ice King to push, her way through the ice and reach the shore, but at last this was accomplished, and a gangplank was put out, so that our friends could go aboard.

“Did you reach the Pole?” were Captain Williamson’s words.

“We did,” answered Barwell Dawson. “But it was a hard journey, I can tell you!”

“Good! I mean, I’m glad to know you got to the Pole,” went on the captain. He looked over the party. “Look well, too.”

“We look better than we did a few weeks ago,” said Andy. “Then you might have taken us for a lot of starved cats.”

“Have you been on a trip?” questioned Chet. He saw that the commander of the Ice King was looking at him rather curiously.

“Yes, I left here eight days ago, after I had heard of a whaler that had gone to pieces in the ice. Some Esquimaux brought the word, and said that a crew of five white men and one negro were on the shore to the northwestward.”

“And did you find them?” asked Chet, eagerly.

“I did, lad, and I’ve got news for you.”

“About my father?”

“Aye, Chet.”

“Was it the Betsey Andrews that went down? Is my father among the men?”

“Yes, it was the Betsey Andrews that was caught in the ice. She drifted for months before she got a squeeze that finished her. Then the crew went ashore, and did what they could to save themselves.”

“But my father – is he – alive?”

“Yes, – or he was, the last that was heard of him.”

“He isn’t with the men you found?”

“No, they are on board, and you can listen to their story later. After the whaler went to pieces, another vessel came along – a small ship bound for Nova Scotia, the Evans, and she took six of the crew with her, and among those was your father.”

“The Evans? What port was she bound for?”


“And was my father all right when the Evans sailed?”

“Yes, although he had suffered somewhat from exposure, as had all of the crew.”

The fact that word had at last been obtained of his parent filled Chet’s heart with joy. He lost no time in introducing himself to the sailors who had been rescued by Captain Williamson, and from them obtained a full account of the ill-fated trip of the Betsey Andrews.

The ship had been all over the whaling grounds, and had had almost a full supply of oil and whalebone, when the commander, against the wishes of the mate and many of the crew, had decided to turn northward in quest of another whale or two. The captain had acted queerly, as if out of his mind, and had run the ship into a situation among the icebergs from which it was impossible to escape.

Many months of anxiety had been passed on the whaler, and the climax had come when the awful squeeze crushed her as if she had been an eggshell. In that calamity the captain and two of the men had lost their lives.

After the disaster the mate had taken charge, and the men had transferred their supplies to the shore and gone to living there. They had had more than enough oil to burn, and during the winter had kept a beacon light going, hoping it might bring some one to their assistance. Several had proved themselves good hunters, so they did not suffer for something to eat, although their diet was a limited one.

At last the Evans put in an appearance, and lots were drawn as to who should go aboard. Tolney Greene was one of the lucky ones, and the Evans had left, promising to leave word regarding the others at Upernivik and other ports.

“Oh, I am so thankful to know that father is alive!” said Chet to Andy.

“I am glad, too, Chet,” answered his chum. “I hope you meet him as soon as we get back.”

“So do I. But it’s a long sail, Andy!” And Chet heaved a sigh.

One day was spent in getting the things aboard the Ice King, and then the bow of the steamer was turned southward, and the long trip homeward was begun.

It was a slow and tedious journey, with many perils from icebergs and fogs, and during that time Captain Williamson had more trouble with Pep Loggermore. As a result, the sailor was put in irons. At Upernivik he was allowed to go ashore, and that was the last seen of him.

“If he has deserted, I am glad of it,” said the captain, and Andy and Chet said the same.

At Upernivik the Esquimaux were paid off, and Barwell Dawson rewarded Olalola as he had promised. The native shook hands warmly with the boys.

“Nice boys,” he said. “Olalola wish he had boys like you!”

“Take good care of yourself, Olalola,” said Andy.

“And if you ever visit the States, come and see us,” added Chet.

“No come to States,” said the Esquimau. “Too big sun, fry Olalola like fat!” And this quaint remark made the lads laugh.

At Upernivik the Ice King took on a fresh supply of coal, and then without delay continued on her journey southward. Chet had had a long talk with Barwell Dawson, and the explorer had promised to stop at Halifax to learn what had become of the Evans and Mr. Greene.

“And I will do all in my power to see that your father gets a square deal,” added Mr. Dawson. “Of course, if he is guilty, I can do nothing for him, but if he is innocent, then we’ll do what we can to bring the guilty parties to justice.”

“I know he is innocent,” answered Chet, stubbornly.

“I trust that you prove to be right, Chet,” was all the explorer could say.

As the steamer drew southward the weather became milder, until it was a real pleasure to be on deck. The boys discarded their furs, which they hung up as relics of the great trip.

“Looking back, it seems like a dream, doesn’t it?” said Andy.

“A good deal that way,” responded his chum.

“I suppose by this time the whole country is talking about what Dr. Cook and Commander Peary have done.”

“More than likely.”

At last they reached Halifax, and all in a quiver of excitement Chet made inquiries regarding his father. He learned that Mr. Greene had had a chance to ship for Portland, Maine, and had done so, eight days previously.

“I’ll meet him there!” cried Chet.

“So you will,” answered Andy. “For we are going to Portland instead of Rathley.”

The run to Portland was made without special incident, and as soon as the Ice King had tied up, Chet went ashore, with Andy, to hunt up the Evans.

He found that the craft lay at a dock three blocks away and soon covered the distance. She had come in the day before, and was busy unloading her cargo.

“So you are Tolney Greene’s son, eh?” said the captain to Chet. “I’ve heard of you, for your father spoke of you several times.”

“And where is he?”

“Started for home yesterday – to find you, he said, and to catch a rascal named Hopton, who had gotten him into trouble.”

“Hopton!” ejaculated Andy, who was present. “Do you mean a man named A. Q. Hopton?”

“That’s the fellow. Mr. Greene had it in for him good and proper. He committed some kind of a crime, and then fixed it on Mr. Greene, but Greene had the evidence against him – picked it up somewheres, just after signing to go on the Betsey Andrews.”

This was all the captain of the Evans could say, but it was enough, and without delay Chet arranged to go to Pine Run, and Andy said he would go along. Barwell Dawson agreed to meet them later, and insisted upon giving each youth a small roll of bankbills, for expenses.

It was midsummer, and hot, – a big contrast to the weather which the lads had so recently experienced. As the train rolled toward their home they discussed Mr. Greene’s affairs, and wondered how Mr. A. Q. Hopton had gotten him into trouble.

“But he is equal to it,” said Andy. “I know that by the way he tried to treat me, and how he tried to pull the wool over Uncle Si’s eyes.”

“Where do you suppose your Uncle Si is now?”

“Hanging around, most likely, waiting for something to turn up,” replied Andy.

“I hope you’re not going to let him have any of that money Mr. Dawson gave you.”

“Not a cent. If he wants any money, he’ll have to go to work and earn it.”

At last the two youths reached Pine Run, and both walked to the general store, that being the center for information as well as supplies. The storekeeper looked at them in surprise.

“Back again, eh?” he cried.

“Have you seen my father?” questioned Chet.

“Yes, he was here this morning, Chet. He was full of business.”

“Where did he go?”

“Up to your cabin. He was very much put out that you had gone away.”

“Do you know anything of my Uncle Si?” asked Andy.

“Well, rather.” The storekeeper laughed outright. “Richest thing ever was!” he chuckled.


“The way the men around here treated him. They got tired of his laziness and habit of borrowing money, and told him he must go to work. He wouldn’t do it at first, and they hauled him out of bed one night, and said they were going to tar and feather him. Then he got scared to death, and promised to go to work, and he’s been at work ever since – over at Larrington’s sawmill. He came in last Saturday and paid his bill in full, and bought some groceries for spot cash. I reckon he’s turned over a new leaf.”

“I’ll be thankful if he has,” said Andy.

“By the way,” continued the storekeeper, “he was talking of some property that is coming to you.”


“Yes, – some timber land in Michigan. I believe you had the papers and lost ’em. Well, one day some hunters found the papers in the woods – pretty well soaked, but all there – and they brought ’em to your Uncle Si. He’s got ’em now, and he’s waiting to hear from you. He told me a real estate fellow named Hopton wanted ’em, but he was going to hold on to ’em until he heard from you.”

“Good for Uncle Si!” cried Andy. “He is coming to his senses at last! I am glad the papers have been found. I must see him at once!”

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Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
10 nisan 2017
220 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain
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