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Kitabı oku: «The Phoenix», sayfa 6

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Daphne Alexandris turned to her husband Stavros. ‘Did you hear that noise?’

‘What noise?’ Stavros looked up from his iPad.

‘That … clattering. There it is again!’

The Alexandrises were sitting at opposite ends of the grand drawing room in their colonial mansion in Putre, Chile. A friend of Stavros’s had sold it to him for a song back in the days when Stavros had been riding high as Greece’s interior minister and Dimitri Mantzaris’s right-hand man. In exchange, Stavros had green-lighted some apartment developments in a slummy part of Athens, that might or might not have fully complied with Greek fire regulations. In any event, the house in Putre was an oasis of calm and peace, a place where Stavros and his wife could escape the pressures of Greek politics – or anything else they might need to escape. Set back from the ancient pueblo of the pretty mountain town, with the peaks of the Taapaca Volcano rising up behind it like benevolent deities, the mansion was at once luxurious and supremely comfortable, furnished with an array of priceless South American antiques. One could live like a king in Chile on reasonably modest means, and the Alexandrises’ means were far from modest. Good security, of course, was a must. But luckily they could afford that too.

‘It’s probably just foxes or possums,’ said Stavros, yawning. It was late, and he was no more than one more good brandy away from his bed. ‘Scrabbling at the trash. I’ll send Juanita out to take care of them.’

Reaching to his left, he rang a small silver bell on the table beside him, like a Victorian lord of the manor. Sure enough, the housekeeper arrived like a summoned genie.

‘Go and see what’s making that racket would you, Juanita? The noise is bothering Señora Alexandris.’

‘I don’t know how you can be so calm, Stavros,’ Daphne Alexandris hissed, her thin neck straining with stress so that the sinews bulged beneath the crepey, sixty-year-old skin. ‘What if it isn’t foxes? What if it’s her? No one close to Mantzaris is safe. You said so yourself. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?’

Walking over to his wife, Stavros laid a skinny hand on her shoulder. ‘We are here because it is safe here, my darling,’ he reminded her. ‘Athena’s business – if she truly is alive – is in Greece. Trust me, Chile will not even be on her radar. She wouldn’t waste resources sending somebody trekking all the way up here, to the top of the world, just to find the likes of us.’

Turning away from her, he walked across to the bar and poured himself a large measure of Frapin Extra Grande Champagne Cognac.

‘Will you have one more, Daphne? Calm your nerves before bed?’ he asked, reaching up for a second brandy glass. ‘Daphne? Did you open a window? It’s terribly—’

Turning around he froze, letting both glasses drop to the floor and shatter into a thousand pieces across the Persian carpet. His wife sat just as she had been before, perfectly still, her eyes wide open. Except that now there was a bullet hole right through the middle of her forehead. The sash window behind her stood open, its lace curtains fluttering in the evening breeze.

A slow, cold terror crawled over him, rooting him to the spot.

Stavros had heard nothing. Nothing! Not a shot. Not a breath. Not a sound.

Black spots swam before his eyes.

Why? Why Daphne? Why not him? Surely it was him she wanted. That bitch! Dimitri’s she-devil …

He looked around him at the empty room, and the darkness beyond the window, wild panic in his eyes.

Then, like a hunted animal, he turned and ran.

‘Shall we?’

Ella looked up again at the two-foot-thick wooden gates in front of her. Set into a barbed-wire fence, they were twice her height, and would have looked vast anywhere else. But here, deep in the California forest, dwarfed by redwoods that towered over everything like a battalion of ancient giants, they seemed almost comically small, like the gateway to a children’s fort.

The journey here had been long and bizarre. It had been a six-hour drive from Ella’s hotel to the coordinates the man had given her last night. If, indeed, what she’d heard as she lay on the bed really was the man trying to contact her, and not a sign that she had finally lost the plot and needed to check herself into a mental facility as soon as possible, whether she liked it or not.

Her satnav had sent her on a narrow road that wound higher and higher into the hills. The scenery was breathtaking. Wilder and more rugged than the rolling pastures of her grandmother’s ranch, but every bit as beautiful, this part of the state was like a Tolkienian fantasy, all pines and rocks and deer and bears and dazzling blue skies that seemed to stretch to eternity. Watching eagles soar above her, and waterfalls cascade down the rocks beside the road, so close in places that if Ella opened her driver’s window and stretched out her arm she could almost touch them, she found herself forgetting everything else as she lost herself in the wonder and majesty of nature. Her grandmother’s rigid version of religion had never appealed to her, never seemed real. But places like this – the peace, the beauty – made Ella want to believe in God, or at least in something outside of herself, something bigger and more important. Something she could trust in.

The tranquility was interrupted by the next leg of the journey. Ella was met at the designated coordinates by a young woman called Agnes, who led her on a two-mile hike up a steep escarpment, littered with loose rocks, and then insisted on blindfolding her in the back of an expensive-looking Range Rover Velar for a bumpy, tortuous forty-minute drive through the forest. Disorientated and exhausted, Ella had been on the brink of demanding to go home. But after eight, grueling hours, she had to see this through.

The property Ella glimpsed looked more like a well-maintained hotel than the prison camp suggested by the gated front. Small white bungalows were dotted amongst neatly mown lawns, and soft outdoor uplighters revealed lovingly planted flower beds and charming brick walking paths snaking throughout the grounds. Here and there, parked golf carts, some piled high with bags of what looked like dirty laundry, only heightened Ella’s feeling that she was checking in to the San Ysidro Ranch, and not potentially risking her life at the mercy of some obscure and secretive cult.

‘Pretty, isn’t it?’ said Agnes, registering her passenger’s surprise. ‘The training program can be pretty intense, so Mr Redmayne believes it is important that members should have a pleasant environment to return to at the end of the day. Not luxurious, but relaxing.’

Ella listened. She wondered whether the man who had visited her was in fact ‘Mr Redmayne’ and, if so, when he would appear in person.

‘Accommodations are divided up by gender,’ Agnes went on. ‘You’ll be staying in the female quarters, obviously. Whoah, hold up!’

She slammed on the brakes. A group of disheveled and exhausted-looking women had staggered into the road in front of them. They were wearing army fatigues and most were filthy, their hair matted and their faces splattered with mud. They were also all strikingly thin. As Agnes screeched to a halt, one of them turned and looked right at Ella before sinking to her knees, and vomiting violently. That fairly comprehensively ruined the San Ysidro vibe.

‘Oh my God!’ Ella reached for the handle of her door.

Agnes’s arm shot out to stop her. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I’m going to help her, of course,’ said Ella. ‘Didn’t you just see that?’

‘She’s training,’ Agnes said, as if that explained everything. ‘And she’s with her unit.’

‘Training for what? Armageddon?’ Ella asked, watching the other women stagger on while their teammate fell back against the tarmac, apparently unconscious. ‘And her “unit” just left her there.’

With a growing sense of foreboding, she waited for them to arrive at check-in, or registration, or wherever it was they were going. But instead, after only a few hundred more yards, Agnes pulled over outside one of the bungalows, gesturing for Ella to get out.

‘These are your quarters,’ she told her, jumping out herself and retrieving Ella’s backpack from the back of the truck.

‘OK …’ Ella said hesitantly.

‘Is something wrong?’

‘No, it’s just … don’t I need to sign in? Let somebody know I’m here?’

Agnes laughed loudly ‘Oh, Ella! Everybody knows you’re here, my dear. Where else would you be? We’ve all been waiting for you.’

Ella tried not to think about Bob’s ‘Jonestown’ warnings. Whatever she had let herself in for, it was too late now.

You’re here by choice, she coached herself. Not for them. For you. To get what YOU need. To take back YOUR life.

Then you get out.

Community dinner’s in an hour,’ Agnes chirped. Ella reflected that the poor women she’d just seen didn’t look as if they’d eaten dinner in weeks, community or otherwise, but she kept the thought to herself.

‘If you need anything before then, your roommate should be able to help.’ Handing Ella her backpack, Agnes hopped back into the driver’s seat. ‘Welcome to Camp Hope!’ she said cheerfully, driving away.

Tentatively, Ella opened the bungalow door. ‘Hello?’

She was met by a squeal, a strong waft of perfume, and the slightly disconcerting sight of a buxom blonde in a skin-tight pink T-shirt bounding up to her like a puppy. This girl certainly hadn’t been starved. If anything she looked as if she might have eaten the other women’s food, every ounce of which had made its way to her enormous boobs.

‘Oh my God. You’re here! You’re finally here. I do not believe it, oh my God oh my God oh my God!

The blonde looked to be about Ella’s own age, although there was something distinctly teenagerish in her manner, from the gushing welcome to the look-at-me clothes. The room was split into two halves, each with a single bed and a washbasin. While Ella’s side was bare, the girl had kitted hers out in a sea of pink, complete with fluffy rainbow pillows and ‘Hello Kitty’ bedding. Décor-wise at least, it was less ‘spy’ and more ‘pre-pubescent Japanese schoolgirl’.

‘You must be Ella.’

‘That’s right.’

‘I’m Christine. Christine Marshall. Sooooooo happy to meet you.’ Drawing her into a hug, Christine squeezed tightly and let out another, only slightly more muted, squeal.

Extricating herself from Christine’s enthusiastic embrace, Ella put her stuff warily down on the bed.

‘You’re probably exhausted,’ Christine said kindly, taking a step back. Everywhere she went, an aura of perfume followed her like a miasma. ‘I know I was when I first arrived. But if you have any questions, any questions at all, just fire away.’

Ella had a lot of questions, but they were for the man to answer, not this human Barbie doll.

‘I’m looking for someone,’ she told Christine, describing the man as best she could. Stocky. Dark hair. Strong jaw. Well dressed. As she spoke it occurred to her how vague and generic she made him sound.

‘He’s the person who recruited me, and I really, really need to speak to him. Tonight, if possible. Do you know him?’

Christine’s face fell. ‘I don’t think so. Sorry. Although I wish I did from your description. But if he’s at camp then he’ll be at community dinner. Everyone comes to community dinner.’

‘Everyone?’ Ella mentioned the group of women she’d passed driving through the camp just now. How they looked half starved.

‘Ah, yes, well they were probably on operations,’ replied Christine, echoing Agnes’s confidence that somehow that made it all OK. ‘Discipline and self-denial are all part of the program.’

At that moment a very fat man with a straggly beard and long hair growing down on either side of a premature bald patch burst into the cabin, a look of almost maniacal excitement on his face. ‘You’re here at last then?’ he said, staring fixedly at Ella.

‘Do I know you?’ Ella frowned.

‘Not yet,’ his smile broadened. ‘But I know you. Everybody does. You’re quite the celebrity around here, Miss Praeger. Jackson.’ He thrust a bear-like paw towards her. ‘I’m a friend of Chrissie’s.’

‘He’s a pain in my ass,’ corrected Christine, although it was said with obvious affection. ‘Jackson thinks he’s more important than the rest of us because he works in systems and is a genius.’

‘She’s just being bitchy because she wants my body and knows she can’t have it,’ Jackson told Ella, deadpan. Ella hesitated, then laughed.

‘Look,’ she said, ‘I don’t know what you’ve heard. But I’m not part of your Group. I’m only at Camp Hope because of a man who turned up to my grandmother’s funeral. He told me he had information about my parents and … other things. Maybe you’ve heard of them? William and Rachel Praeger? They joined The Group decades ago, before I was born.’

Jackson and Christine exchanged glances.

‘Sorry, I don’t know about them,’ said Jackson. ‘But we’ve heard about you. That you have special capabilities that could be vital to our work.’

‘And that it’s super-important we make you feel welcome,’ Christine added, sincerely.

‘So, you know: Welcome,’ said Jackson.

‘Thanks,’ said Ella. ‘But you haven’t heard of my mother and father?’

Both Jackson and Christine shook their heads.

‘Perhaps you know the man who recruited me?’ she asked Jackson, describing him again. ‘Christine said she doesn’t.’

‘Sorry. It’s not ringing a bell for me either,’ Jackson said, apologetically.

No one seemed to know anything, other than the fact that Ella herself was ‘important’ and ‘expected’ and ‘different’, like some sort of magical unicorn they’d been told to wait for, and who had now miraculously appeared among them.

I’m like the messiah of a religion I’ve never heard of and don’t understand, she thought. A mix of fatigue and extreme anger washed over Ella.

‘I’m sorry.’ She stood up abruptly. ‘I seem to have made a mistake. I should never have come here. I need to leave.’

‘Leave?’ Christine looked aghast. ‘But, you can’t leave. You’ve literally only just arrived.’

‘Sorry,’ said Ella again, to Christine and Jackson. ‘Good luck with everything. It was nice to meet you both.’

She grabbed her suitcase and turned on her heel out of the cabin without a second glance. It had been a long and grueling day, coming here, and her hopes had been so high after last night. But it had all been for nothing. The man had lured her here under false pretenses. She didn’t believe that anyone at Camp Hope knew her parents. The man had delivered Ella to his group of misfits and weirdoes, like a good little brainwashed boy, and then disappeared. Again.

Jackson seemed pleasant, and perhaps Christine was nice enough too in her own pneumatic, giggly way. But it was a carefully controlled ‘nice’. A cult nice, a ‘be patient, all will be revealed’ nice, designed to suck Ella into whatever cause it was that ‘The Group’ believed in, without actually answering any of her questions.

She marched up the winding maze of paths towards the front gates. She passed only a few people along the way, some of whom gave her curious glances, although no one intervened. Everybody else was obviously on the way to community dinner. Reaching the gates at last, her heart pounded as she approached the two men on duty.

‘I need to leave,’ she blurted. ‘Now.’

‘Leave?’ the first man looked puzzled.

‘Yes,’ Ella said firmly, although inside her panic was mounting. What if they wouldn’t let her out? What if they tried to keep her a prisoner here?

‘Are you sure?’ the second man asked, compounding Ella’s anxiety. ‘It’s very late. Where will you go?’

‘Just open the gates,’ Ella demanded.

He hesitated.

‘Open them!’

To her surprise and relief, the man shrugged and did as she asked, pressing a button that caused the camp gates to swing open. Outside, beyond the softly floodlit glow of Camp Hope, the pitch-dark forest stretched endlessly out in front of her. Ella hesitated. Where am I going to go? she wondered. It suddenly struck her that she had no idea in which direction her car was parked, and Agnes must have driven her at least a few miles away from that spot. There’d be bears out there, and mountain lions, and heaven knew what else. Her phone was dead and she was unarmed. Should she turn back and wait till morning?

‘Leaving us so soon, Ella?’ Ella spun around. The man’s voice rang out in her head as clearly as if she were watching television or listening to the radio in her room. As ever he sounded supremely calm and unconcerned. Amused, almost. It was infuriating.

‘Where are you?!’ Ella’s exasperated voice rang out through the trees. There must be a camera up there somewhere, hidden in the canopy, but in this light she couldn’t see it. ‘Answer me!’

‘No need to shout. You’re free to go at any time, of course,’ he continued, his voice patronizingly slow and patient, as if Ella were the crazy one, not him. ‘This isn’t a prison.’

‘It might as well be,’ Ella yelled into the darkness, aware that anyone listening to her must think her completely insane, having a confrontational conversation with an imaginary friend. ‘Everyone inside is completely brainwashed.’

‘Don’t be so dramatic.’

So there were listening devices out there too? There must be, or how could he be hearing her?

‘How are you doing this? How are you speaking to me? Transmitting …?’

‘Be patient,’ said the man. ‘The answers you seek are all here, Ella, I promise you that. About your parents. Your past. Your future.’

‘No,’ she shot back. ‘They aren’t. No one knows anything.’

A long sigh. ‘They do. Trust me.’

‘Why should I?’ said Ella furiously. ‘Why should I trust you when you won’t tell me who you are, or where you are, or anything at all? And if you really have the answers, why won’t you just tell me them now? What are you waiting for? For me to be brainwashed too? Because I’m telling you now, it’s not going to happen.’

There was a moment’s silence. Total silence. Ella wondered whether the man had gone, ‘hung up’ on whatever line it was he seemed to have into her head, her psyche. But then he spoke again, more kindly than before.

‘Stay here tonight.’ It was less of a command, more of a suggestion. ‘The woods aren’t safe and you need to sleep.’

That much at least was true, much as she wished it weren’t.

‘Someone will brief you by the end of the day tomorrow. If you still want to leave after that meeting, then I’ll help you get safely back home.’

Mute and exhausted, Ella nodded. Wordlessly, she trudged back down the hill towards her bungalow, watched by the two bewildered guards.

She didn’t trust the man. Not as far as she could throw him. But she didn’t trust the bears either.


She would leave tomorrow.

One day at Camp Hope wouldn’t kill her.


They’re trying to kill me. They are actually trying to kill me.

Ella sank to her knees, unable to move another step. Her lungs were in agony. After an eight-mile run in punishing midday heat, she felt as if she’d inhaled a bag of razor blades. Her skin burned, the blisters on her feet screamed and a dreadful feeling of nausea rose all the way from the pit of her (empty) stomach to her parched throat. Forget the Marine Corps. The first day’s ‘introductory’ physical training at Camp Hope had clearly been devised by an experienced torturer, possibly headhunted by The Group from a Malaysian prison.

‘All right, ladies. One-minute water break and then you’re in active recovery. That means a light jog back to base. No walking.’ The tracksuit-wearing giant from yesterday smiled at Ella and the two other young women slumped on the ground beside her, as if he’d just done them a favor. He’d apparently abandoned yesterday’s tag-team of skeletons to initiate Ella and the other new recruits into the joys of ops training, an experience Ella would categorically not be repeating after today. Astonishingly, both the other girls smiled weakly back at him, earning themselves a withering glare from Ella. These brainwashed, cult groupies were too much for her. She could tell they were intimidated by her anger, but she couldn’t have cared less if her life depended on it.

Jogging back through the forest, she felt her frustration building, even as the agony in her lungs began to recede. She’d heard nothing from the man today, about this ‘briefing’ she was supposed to receive, or anything else. The voices in her head had gone completely silent. She didn’t have a watch on, but she reckoned it must be three o’clock at least, judging by the position of the sun, and the long, grueling hours she’d been out training. She’d longed to tell the Adidas giant where he could stick his barked orders, but having come this far she didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize the promised meeting and explanation. Now, however, she was beginning to think that the man was simply stringing her along again, dangling carrots he never had any intention of actually delivering.

Back at the camp, Ella stopped for a moment to catch her breath before heading straight up the path that Christine had told her led to the administrative offices.

‘Praeger!’ the giant boomed. ‘Where do you think you’re going? The showers are this way.’

Ella’s only answer was a succinct middle finger raised above her head as she kept walking, to audible shocked gasps from her training mates. A few minutes later, pulling open the door to the main office so violently it might have come off its hinges, she stood like an angry bull in front of the reception desk, sweating and panting. ‘I demand to see whoever’s in charge of this dump,’ she snapped at the young man behind the desk. ‘Right now.’

The young man didn’t bat an eyelid. ‘Of course, Ms Praeger,’ he smiled. ‘Ms MacAvoy’s been expecting you. Can I get you a glass of water or would you prefer to go straight through?’

Thrown by his reaction, Ella hesitated. Before she could answer, the glass door behind the reception desk swung open and an attractive, professional-looking woman in her early fifties stepped forwards.

‘Ah, Ella. I thought it was you. I’m Katherine MacAvoy, the supervisor here at Camp Hope.’ Extending her arm she shook Ella’s hand warmly. ‘Do come in.’

Inside the office was bright and clean, with a lot of white, modern furniture and chrome accents. An enormous picture window provided panoramic views of the redwoods and distant pastures beyond, and there were photographs of waterfalls and autumnal scenes on the walls. Katherine MacAvoy’s desk was bare except for an open MacBook Air, a charging iPhone and a single beige manila file with Ella’s name typed on the front.

‘Please.’ Sitting down at the desk, Katherine gestured for Ella to take the chair opposite. ‘You must be exhausted. I remember my own first day of training. It’s no picnic, is it?’

She smiled but Ella didn’t reciprocate. No way was she falling for these people’s charm offensives.

‘I’m not interested in your training. I’m not a member of your stupid Group, OK? I came here to learn more about my parents, William and Rachel Praeger, and what they may or may not have done to my brain. That is literally the only reason I am sitting here right now. Because I was promised answers. Not because I’m buying into this, or you, in any way.’

Katherine MacAvoy nodded calmly. ‘I understand.’

‘No you don’t!’ Ella snapped. ‘How could you possibly?’

‘You’re agitated,’ the older woman said gently. ‘Why don’t you—’

‘The man who contacted me, who came to my grandmother’s funeral and told me about this place … he claimed that my mother and father used to be part of your organization. He showed me a video file of my father that seemed to confirm it. He also said that my parents were scientists and that they’d …’ She searched around for the right word. ‘… edited certain parts of my brain.’

‘That’s right,’ the older woman assented.

‘I was brought up to believe that my mother and father died in a car crash in 1998. Is that correct?’

Katherine MacAvoy met Ella’s hostile gaze with her own steady one.

‘It is not correct, no. But I imagine the man you met explained that to you already?’

‘He said my parents were murdered.’

Katherine cleared her throat. ‘I’m afraid that’s true, Ella.’

‘Yes, well, you’ll excuse me if I don’t take your word for it,’ Ella hissed, as impotently furious as a trapped snake. ‘I want to see proof.’

‘I see. Well …’

‘I also want proof that it really was my parents and not you people who messed around with my brain so that I hear these goddamn … things. All the time!’ Ella banged the side of her temples with her fists. She felt as if years of repressed anger and fear and frustration were in imminent danger of bursting out of her. As if her skull might literally explode, like a grenade. ‘Because he said that too, this man. And he said coming here would help me, but it hasn’t helped me, and he promised me again last night, sending goddamn audio messages into my brain like he has some right of access, which he doesn’t, and I actually think all you people are full of shit!’ She banged her fist on the table, sending the manila folder skidding across the polished wood of the desk. Seeing her name on the front, Ella picked it up.

‘So this is for me, is it?’ she demanded, still furious.

‘It is.’ Katherine MacAvoy’s calm demeanor never wavered.

‘And is it proof?’

‘No,’ said Katherine. ‘The “proof” you’re looking for doesn’t exist, Ella. But what Gabriel told you is true.’

Gabriel? Somehow Ella couldn’t imagine that being the man’s name.

‘This file,’ Katherine patted the manila folder, ‘contains a briefing document on us and our work, and some preliminary information about your first mission. I hope it answers some of your initial questions. But perhaps you should read it first and then we can talk further?’

‘No.’ Ella stood up, shaking her head. ‘No more. This ends here. This man – Gabriel – told me last night that if I wasn’t satisfied after my meeting today, I could leave and he would help me get back to San Francisco. So I’m leaving. Right now.’

Katherine MacAvoy studied Ella’s face. There was no regret there, no hesitation. Only a very dangerous combination of disgust and determination. If she leaves now, we’ve lost her. She won’t come back.

‘How did Gabriel contact you last night?’

Ella had already turned to leave. The question felt like an arrow in her back.

‘He transmitted directly to your brain, didn’t he?’ Katherine MacAvoy pressed her advantage. ‘You heard his voice internally. In your head.’

Ella nodded grudgingly. ‘I told you. He does that sometimes. He cuts through all the other noise.’

‘How?’ asked Katherine. ‘Surely the only way he could do that would be if he understood the changes your parents made to your brain chemistry? Think about it, Ella. We know who you are. We understand why you’re different. Nobody else does.’

‘Then tell me!’ Ella roared, turning around to face her. ‘Tell me right now, today, or I will leave here and I will not come back. I want to see this Gabriel. I want him here, in person.’ She jabbed a finger down on Katherine’s desk. ‘I want him to tell me everything he knows about me and about what happened to my parents. And if he doesn’t then I’ll leave and I’ll … I’ll go to the police and tell them about this place.’

Katherine’s expression darkened. ‘Don’t do that, Ella.’ The calm tone still hadn’t wavered, but underlying it now there was an unmistakable note of threat.

‘Why shouldn’t I?’ Ella’s entire body seemed to quiver with defiance.

‘Just don’t.’

For a moment a heavy silence fell. Then Katherine continued.

‘I will request that Gabriel attend Camp Hope in person during your stay,’ Katherine went on. ‘I will also commit to providing you with more detailed, written evidence about your parents’ time with us, and specifically their last mission and the circumstances of their deaths.’

‘When?’ asked Ella.

‘I’ll need a few days. Perhaps a week.’

‘A week? No. I won’t stay here for a week. I can’t.’

‘Of course you can,’ Katherine said briskly, smiling again. ‘Young women your age pay thousands of dollars to go away on fitness retreats.’

‘I don’t,’ said Ella. ‘And this isn’t a fitness retreat.’

‘You’re right. It’s much more,’ Katherine agreed. ‘The physical side of things is only a part of your training.’

Ella let out an exasperated sigh. ‘What is the point of training me for a “mission” I’ve already told you I’m not going to be going on?’

Katherine looked at her intently. ‘Because I believe you are a good person, Ella. A moral person. I believe you are your parents’ daughter. And, as such, once you understand the work we do, and how vital it is,’ she handed the manila envelope back to Ella, ‘I’m convinced you’ll choose to join us. Eventually.’

Ella took the envelope in silence.

‘But,’ Katherine added, leaning back, ‘if I’m wrong and you don’t decide to join us, then try to look upon this time as an opportunity; a chance to get fit, to learn more about your abilities, to push yourself to new limits. A chance to discover your true strength, Ella.

‘I’d like to start by sending you to see Professor Michael Dixon. He should be able to help you right away with your headaches.’

‘Help me how?’ asked Ella warily, aware that once again she’d been talked around, bamboozled into staying with precious little to show for it. ‘Is he a doctor?’

Katherine’s smile broadened till she looked positively beatific. ‘In a way.’

‘You can’t be a doctor in a way,’ said Ella. ‘Either you are or you aren’t.’

‘You’ll like him, I’m sure,’ Katherine said brightly. ‘Gordon at the front desk will show you where to go. You can see yourself out.’

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