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Traude Bollig

Hildegard von Bingen

Traude Bollig

The Healing Power

of her Symbols


Autor: Traude Bollig

Hildegard von Bingeb | The Healing Power of her Symbols


Revised new edition: ISBN 978-3-902280-98-5

All rights of dissemination, also through radio, television and other means of communication, photomechanical or accoustic reproduction as well as copying of excerpts thereof reserved.

Thou leadest our spirit

into the wide world,

blowest wisdom into our life

and with this wisdom joy.

Hildegard von Bingen

Symphonia, Poems and Songs

Important note

The symbols introduced in this book can be used by individuals at their own responsibility and can also be integrated into the work of people in counselling and therapeutic professions.

They are not intended to be used as diagnostic or therapeutic methods, and should not be used in the place of diagnosis or medical treatment in the event of illness.



Foreword by Professor Eike Hensch


How it all began

Life and work of Hildegard von Bingen

The meaning of health and illness for Hildegard von Bingen

The Symbols

The symbols

Decoding the symbols

Core topics

Symbols from a to est

Special characteristics and possibilities of combination

Working with the symbols

Name symbols

The cosmic personality triangle

Using the symbols in the event of illness

Experiencing the effect of the symbols




Muscle tests, the “bio-feedback instrument”

Table to allocate symbol letters

Examples of radiesthetically measured symbols

Questions to the medium Gisela Keul



About the author

Keyword index


Man can capture cosmic laws through symbols. Carl Gustav Jung said, “When the soul explores symbols it is led to ideas that lie beyond the grasp of reason.” In most cultures figures and letters are allocated special symbolic meaning. They are understood to contain informational content that is accessible to the knowledgeable which they can process for themselves. If a mystical energy lies behind the creator of a symbol, this energy will irrevocably flow into the symbol, regardless of how often it is copied. The spiritual content will remain, even if the symbol consists of but a little printing ink.

Hildegard von Bingen possessed this spiritual energy which today, on the basis of insights gained through quantum physics, may be referred to as capacitive energy. She was the capacity of medieval times.

Traude Bollig and Ingrid Richter have found and opened a treasure box, the content of which may be of importance for many people on their path to better health and greater knowledge and that can penetrate into the very depths of the soul.

Nienburg, 2002

Eike Hensch,

Specialist of Geomancy and Radiaesthesia

Professor of Architecture


My deep appreciation extends primarily to Hildegard von Bingen, this great abbess that has left us her inexhaustible treasure of knowledge.

Thank you to all helpers from the spiritual realm. They guided and inspired us in this task. Thank you for your patience with us terrestrial human beings!

On the earthly plane I particularly wish to thank Ingrid Richter who, as a kinesiologist, contributed greatly to the decoding of the symbols. Cooperating with her was an invaluable experience, both professionally and personally. Without her this book could not have been developed in its current form. Unfortunately she was unable to see the completed and published work. Through an accident she passed on. To me, she is inextricably linked to the result of decoding.

A great word of thanks also to Gisela Keul who, as mediumistic counsellor, always pointed out new aspects when our work stagnated and who continuously encouraged us not to give up.

I wish to thank all friends and clients who were prepared to participate in the work with symbols and who, through their feedback, contributed to the decoding.

May the symbols be a blessing to all those who come into contact with them!

How it all began

In 1998, on the occasion of the nine-hundredth birthday of Hildegard von Bingen, many documents of her times were exhibited in the cathedral of Mainz. These also included the famous Major Code from the Hessian State Library in Wiesbaden, a manuscript of close to twelve kilogrammes that was written shortly after Hildegard’s death in order to capture the entire treasure of her knowledge. This manuscript also contains the so-called litterae ignotae, symbols that have thus far not been decoded and that appear in the middle of a chapter without any obvious link to the remaining text. The old manuscript lay in a cabinet and was opened on this page. One of the many visitors to the exhibition showed particular interest in these “unknown letters”. As an artist she had an unmistakable instinct for symbols – and these had a very special radiation. She also began to sketch the symbols, one by one. Later she gave a copy of these sketches to Heidemarie, a friend of hers that dealt with alternative healing methods.

On one afternoon in December 1999 four women got together to exchange experiences and to inform each other of the latest developments in the field of spiritual healing methods: Heidemarie, a healer and Reiki teacher, a sound therapist, a yoga instructor and a kinesiologist. And, indeed, there was something entirely new: Heidemarie had brought a copy of the “secret letters”; twenty-five symbols on a simple white sheet of paper with the only addition:

“Secret code / litterae ignotae (literally “unknown letters”)

Major Code Hildegard von Bingen 1180/90

Wiesbaden, Hessian State Library, Hs 2”

She had added a meaning to each symbol, which she had intuitively received in meditation. For example, next to the symbol for t the word “kidney”was written. Ingrid, who as a kinesiologist was aware of the connection between muscles, meridians and organs, suggested testing the psoas, a large muscle in the pelvis, in order to verify this interpretation. This is done by exercising light pressure on one leg in an outward and downward direction, while holding the straightened leg up. Heidemarie, who suspected a weakness of her kidneys, spontaneously agreed to act as a test person.

Indeed, the leg could not withstand the pressure, the muscle was too weak. Then the same test was repeated while Heidemarie was looking at the symbol that was to be verified. Now the muscle could fulfil its function, the leg could be held in the straightened position. It was unbelievable!

The women verified this result repeatedly in order to be absolutely certain of its correctness. Eventually Heidemarie looked at the symbol for about one minute. In the next test the muscle, and thus also the leg, could withstand the pressure without Heidemarie continuing to look at the symbol. Everyone was very impressed. They foresaw that they had received a great treasure and for Ingrid there were no doubts at all as to the effectiveness of the symbols. She would go out of her way to find out more about the secret behind these symbols.

And this is how the symbols came to me. Ingrid and I had maintained an intensive and regular exchange of experience for quite some time already. This had always been very fruitful and important because we had both had our own practices with clients for some time. We both had experience in working with symbols. I had also looked into the work of Hildegard and in particular into her knowledge of the healing properties of gemstones, had held talks and had offered seminars on this topic. We had both felt the special power of the mountain Disibodenberg where Hildegard had spent forty-one years of her life. So it was obvious that we had a keen interest in the effect of these symbols. And thus we commenced our journey into the discovery of these symbols in January 2000 and jointly continued this work for two years. During our meeting in January 2000 the symbols of Hildegard von Bingen were our main topic. On the basis of the kinesiological muscle test, our wonderful “tool”, it was possible to verify the effect easily and reliably. The results of our first experiments were so impressive that we both had the desire to continue this work. We decided to meet regularly at shorter intervals and to work intensively on decoding the symbols.

We soon made contact with the Hessian State Library in Wies-baden in order to find out more about the origin of the symbols. The deputy director of the library sent us a copy of the original1 (see image) together with the following information: “These ‘symbols’ are the so-called litterae ignotae (literally: unknown letters) from the Major Code of Hildegard von Bingen (Manuscript 2). This manuscript was developed between approximately 1180 and 1190, that is after Hildegard had died in the abbey of Rupertsberg. It is a vita that was written with the intention of augmenting her fame and of preserving her knowledge. The Major Code contains all three theologian main manuscripts (no scientific manuscripts), her correspondence and her musical work. The symbols simply appear in the middle of a chapter without any connection to the surrounding text. There is also a lingua ignota (literally: unknown language), also symbol text, which could not yet be decoded.”

Whether this secret code comes from Hildegard cannot be answered in the affirmative with any degree of certainty. But there are also no arguments against this and after all that I have learnt about and through the symbols thus far, I assume that Hildegard von Bingen is indeed the author of these symbols. During our work with the litterae ignotae we encountered numerous parallels with Hildegard’s description of unhealthy ways of living and the further we progressed with the decoding, the more obvious these parallels became. In the meantime we have no doubts whatsoever that with these symbols Hildegard has passed on to us an effective means of achieving psychological and probably also physical health and that the decoding of these secret symbols will succeed at the right point in time. In our times the so-called “vibrational medicine” is gaining in importance and finds its expression in numerous practices, such as homeopathy, Bach flower therapy, bio-resonance, colour therapy, radionics, Sanjeevini healing vibrations and many more. Hildegard was familiar with healing through “vibrations”, as her gemstone medicine proves or as can be seen from her comment on the “green power” of a plant that unfolds healing powers if you merely touch it or look at it.

But what led her to record the litterae ignotae? Were these her visions or were there other sources? What did Hildegard want to achieve, how did she use the “symbols”? Thus far, I was not able to find an answer to these questions. Speculations and assumptions exist, but in the end this still remains a mystery.

We were by all means convinced that there was more to the letter symbols than just the inventive spirit of Hildegard von Bingen that “may seem extraordinary, playful and perhaps a bit insignificant … and that manifested itself in rather strange forms”.2 Of course we were also faced with questions and doubts: How should we proceed with the decoding? Were we able to do this and did we have the calling to do this? But the project just would not let us go. In our uncertainty, but also out of curiosity, we decided to turn to a medium – Gisela Keul with her unquestionable integrity. The fact that Hildegard was also a visionary, confirmed this decision of ours. The text that we then received surprised us with its depth and intensity. Passages from this text will be quoted in the next chapters, other parts, that may contribute to a deeper understanding, are contained in the annex. For our project we received the following messages:

“Traude, you are now challenged to assume this responsibility without being given the opportunity to take a single step backward and to hide behind a barrier.”

“This also applies to you, Ingrid. We have tried for a long time already to get the two of you on this journey. If you take on this task of decoding, you will become the peak of the iceberg. Much more information will follow.”

And in response to the question, “May we do this, is it a task?”, we received the following answer:

“Yes, the time in the past served the purpose of moving your bodies into a state of vibration that will now allow you to open yourselves without reservation for this information, so that you can make this information available for the transformation of these times and for the development of humankind. Is this not what you have been desiring for quite some time? Now you have received a task in addition to your daily tasks.”

Indeed, for quite some time we had been hoping for effective and simple aids for our work. During the following months we often had our doubts whether it can and may really be this simple and whether people are actually willing to accept such simple aids. Over and again we were reminded of the words of a wise person, “All real truth is simple.”

Almost a year after our joint work had started we received the following message in addition to the request to cease all superfluous activities:

“Regarding the work with symbols we advise you not to give up but to continue striving for cooperation. It is urgently and essentially necessary that considerateness be practised by both sides. We have brought you together so that you may complement one another where either of you is lacking. We once again ask for your goodwill and request you to carry out this task. This project must be started. The preconditions are good to very good.

Motivation, however, is tedious and difficult. Pressure must be exercised so that the necessity becomes clear. The two of you must agree yet again to commence with the typesetting. With typesetting we mean in this case that the entire text of this book must be type-set and must be made reproducable. Thus, this is the calm before the storm, it is the beginning of knowledge being transferred to the public, knowledge on the interrelatedness and opportunities that humankind has in this part of the world.”

1 Due to the age of these manuscripts they may not be copied, since this would destroy them. By reproducing them by way of the microfiche procedure, the symbols and the surrounding text appear white on dark background. In the original they are of course black on white.

2 Règine Pernoud, Hildegard von Bingen, Page 105

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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
26 mayıs 2021
128 s. 81 illüstrasyon
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