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© Tsvetana Alеkhina, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-1346-2

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

The idea of writing this Black Sea novel originated in me back in the year two thousand and twelve. I shelved this idea, and the book was published only in the two thousand and seventeenth year. In the two thousand tenth year, I saw the sea for the first time. I came to Wonder Beauty to work as a waitress for the summer season. One day I was serving guests, and they asked me to take them to the waterfall and be their guide. I did not agree though, but the tour turned out to be fun. Having climbed the waterfall, the guests laughed all the time, – and where is the woman! Curvy, long a scythe that greets guests. So the season passed, and the next summer of the two thousand and eleventh year I came to this wonderful place again, and when the summer was ending, a white motorcycle stopped at the entrance to the cafe. I went to the table to take the order, the guy was lighting his pipe and asking about the waterfall. – What is he like? During the conversation, I found out that this guy’s name is Artem, and he lives in Novorossiysk. The guy left, the season ended, and our paths no longer crossed.

My stay on the Black Sea coast ended in the two thousand fourteenth year. This year was special because the Olympic Games were held in Sochi. In the year two thousand and fifteen, I had a child. Therefore, during maternity leave, I was looking through my photos, and nostalgia attacked me. I was mentally transported back to that golden time when I was on the territory of a cafe, where the air was saturated with boxwood, and the Miracle beauty greeted her guests with a noisy, mountain stream of water. I wanted so much to go back to those places, to swim at the waterfall. Therefore, it was born in my head an idea, but should I write a book about a Miracle Beauty? This book had to be necessarily connected with both the waterfall and the woman. The book was written quickly and easily. The image of the main character is a fictional character. I decided that it should be a girl with bright blue eyes, since the water on the waterfall is blue. The name Marina is actually a sea name, and that is how I decided to name my hero. I named the main character Artem, in honor of the same guy who lit a pipe, was interested in the image of a Miracle Beauty, and wearing his helmet left for Novorossiysk. Well, as the legend says, «there are no accidental meetings.» Perhaps thanks to this meeting, I wrote this wonderful the Black Sea novel. Miracle Beauty is my first book. After writing this book, several more books were also published, and I realized that I wanted to write more and more.

Chapter 1

– Eight in the morning in the Capital on the air of Love radio.

– Bye, everyone thanks for the ride, we will write off in the evening. Marina got out of the car and headed for the main entrance.

– You are late again, she heard at the entrance to the office. The boss is angry, but you are still not there. Marina heard all this and ignored the information. She heard it all day after day, and it seemed like an ordinary day to her. She wanted more and more to hide, to be alone, and she was already thinking about whether she wanted to work at all. This beautiful and vulnerable girl already knew in advance how her crazy day would go, and what awaits her in a boring evening. And she was it doesn’t matter what the angry boss says, and even if he fires her at all. Behind her back, she indifferently heard the advice of colleagues on how best to act in this situation, and in fact did not know what was best for her to do. Marina took a decisive step towards the director’s office, but did not have time to enter there, the director flew out himself.

– Marina! He yelled, when would you finally, at least, at least once in your life, come on time! And when, when, I finally get the right material from you.

The head of this organization was not a balanced person. His frenzied screams could practically not be endured by anyone. Marina looked at him with sad, frightened eyes, and for a moment, she was afraid of losing her job, not finding the same material, not seeing her colleagues anymore. What awaits her after her dismissal?

– I think so, it seems so to me, the girl did not answer boldly, that I will get the material this year.

– «I think so, I think so,» he mimicked her. That colleague could not stand it, and broke the tense situation with their laughter. What do you think, and this year, what month; will you publish your edition? Our editorial office is crashing, it needs to be saved, not flying in the clouds, Marina, I hope for you and your publication. Then he involuntarily looked back and left.

– Bravo! Bravo! Marina, you have iron nerves, and holy patience, she has heard numerous voices in her address.

The girl slowly smoked a cigarette, and watched the raindrops slowly trickle down the window. She loved watching the rain, watching the movement of the water. Water is life, she thought. Water will make its way everywhere. Wherever she is. These sounds reminded her of the sound of a waterfall, and she thought it was funny.

– What are you thinking of doing? What are the ideas in your crazy head? The silence was broken by an unexpected male voice. Marina looked attentively into the handsome face of a young guy who was looking at her with great interest.

– I do not know yet, she replied, I need to think. The girl finished her cigarette and left the room; the guy sat down in her place and watched the same spectacle as spring raindrops slowly dripping from the glass. At the end of the working day, everyone was briskly going home and discussing how to spend a rainy spring evening.

– Marina, are you with us. The girl did not freely look back at the voice of a colleague. And I saw the same questioning face of the guy, hoping to hear – yes? That she felt a little sorry for him. But the whole team heard – no. And the girl walked firmly and resolutely to the metro station.

– Finally, I am home, finally, I am in the bathroom, she thought. Is there really no place to go tomorrow, and I will not see or hear anyone. The girl locked herself in the bathroom, stripped naked, and went to the mirror. She looked at her reflection for a long time, and thought about what she needed to change in life. In the reflection, she saw a young, very beautiful girl. She was a white-skinned, black-haired beauty with bright blue eyes. Medium height, with severe facial features. The perfect shape of her eyebrows, as well as thin lips, the right shape emphasized her beauty on her face. Her black, long, curly hair fell down to her waist, and lay evenly on her waist. It was a girl, a wonderful beauty. She knew about it, and many times, she heard compliments addressed to her, but did not attach much importance to it. Entering the shower stall, and abruptly closing the curtain, she saw a drawing with dolphins. – They are lucky! They see the sea every day. Not like me. How I would like to be in their place for at least one day. And after getting out of the shower, she went to her room, the girl saw the missed calls on the phone. A friend called.

– Stop being sour at home, let us go and unwind, she heard on the phone. The cafe was stuffy and fun.

– With you? You are somewhat sluggish.

– I do not know. I have lost my inspiration, I do not know what to write about, and I want to be alone more and more. I want to go to the sea so much, I constantly hear the sound of water and waves, I do not know why.

– Oh-oh-oh! Yes, you just have a spring depression; the beach season is still far away. So in the summer we’ll all go together. You, Max and me.

– Yes, you are right, friend. She looked sideways at her friend, and realized how much she loved her. She was a dyed brunette, not tall, with wide brown eyes, and an explosive temper. The girl’s face was dotted with freckles, which vividly expressed the temperament of her character. We will definitely go together in the summer, Marina said, finishing her coffee.

– Dear ladies, why are we bored?! A man’s voice rang out.

– Where are you? A friend asked in a dissatisfied voice from a guy who sat down at their table. We have been sitting here for a long time.

– You need to arrange a personal life, and then it will become much easier. Well, you cannot go to the sea without a guy.

– Perhaps it is. On the sea, the main sea, not the guy.

– Girls, it’s April, let us discuss the order better.

At the same time, three young people were sitting at the table of a motorcycle bar in the city of Novorossiysk and discussing the opening of the motorcycle season.

– Today, oddly enough, there are many people for a simple day. The opening of the moto season is coming soon, not only the moto, but also the beach. The staff of the cafe could not cope with the work, and swore among themselves.

– What are your plans for the season? One of the guys asked a friend sitting next to him.

– I do not know yet, I am afraid to guess.

– Change the moth? Maybe a motto wedding?! A third joined their conversation.

– No. I will not sell my horse to anyone, this is my faithful friend, and for the wedding, I have not yet met a soul mate. So far, it is easy to earn money and have a good summer.

– And I would change my horse, said one of my friends, I hope for this summer. The three guys continued a lively conversation in a cozy, rock bar on the Black Sea coast.

– I hope the summer will be hot. An elderly man spoke while inspecting the cafe’s territory.

– «What’s that to you?» The interlocutor who was standing next to him and calmly watching what was happening asked him.

– Maybe there will be more people, you will earn more money.

– Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity. The answer came with a grin in his voice.

– What do you think to do here this summer, what kind of show is waiting for us?

– So far, everything is a secret. Then you will find out everything. A man answered with a mocking smile, and watched the movement of the river.

The river flowed in a fast stream. The shores were crowded, and went beyond it, after a long and cold winter. The air in this area was so clean and fresh that it was impossible to breathe enough of it. It was completely impregnated with boxwood. There were so many of them that the gorge was named «Boxwood». Spring flowers were already blooming on the elevated hills that surrounded this place. The hills were shrouded in vines, covered with moss in some places, and a layer of autumn foliage lay on them. Thanks to what, this place it looked like an enchanted forest. On the territory of this area, you could walk for hours, or just sit and listen to the birds singing. A beautiful bridge stretched over the river, and two men stood silently and watched how fast the water in the river was running and foaming. The blue streams of water were so clear and transparent that the bottom could be seen. – And here are the first tourists!

– They are not the first, they have been walking here all winter, the second interlocutor replied.

– I wanted to say for today. The tour, coming closer, asked the men, —

«Will they be able to go further?» What is this river? And what kind of place is this? We are from a sanatorium, they continued, and we do not know anything here.

– This is the Sochi National Park, «Boxwood Gorge», and then there is the waterfall «Miracle Beauty». You can admire this river, only now, in the summer it will dry up, go further to the waterfall, there is beautiful nature.

The morning in Moscow passed as usual. «I’m late again,» Marina, said.

– Not again, but again, the friend picked up.

– I have every day, Groundhog Day. I am late every day, every day at work I hear wild screams and whispering colleagues. And at home in the evening from parents about unsettled life.

– Everything will get better soon. Let us go and have a rest, her friend supported her. Why don’t you hook up with your colleague? It is obvious from him that he is not indifferent to you.

– I am not attracted to him. I think he is boring.

– «I think he’s just shy.» Okay, see you tonight, do not get bored. The girl got out of the car and walked quickly to work. It was noisy and lively at work, and to Marina’s great surprise, no one yelled at her.

– Something is too quiet, she said, something is wrong!

– Chief, too busy with the upcoming holidays.

– What are your plans for the May weekend? One of the colleagues asked the girl.

– I did not make any plans; I do not even know what to answer. Perhaps with friends at the dacha.

– Our team offers to rent a country house in the Moscow region, for all holidays. We hope that you will be with us! A colleague spoke animatedly. It will be great! How do you look at it?

– A tempting offer, more likely yes than no. Chief, will he join our ranks?! Marina asked sarcastically.

– No. A colleague answered, God forbid. He will go abroad.

– It is a gift from the Gods, the girl said, and then I am definitely with you! That is good, the colleague replied. When she got home, Marina, as usual, slipped into her room so as not to cross paths with her parents.

– Marina, daughter, we have a festive dinner today.

– What kind of holiday?

– Aunt Natasha is coming to us to sit with us before the weekend.

– Why not on the weekend?

– She is going to the sea, for the whole weekend.

– People are lucky. The girl thought to herself. It is good that she will come; we can have a quiet dinner. There was a friendly atmosphere at dinner. Aunt Natasha, who loved adventurous stories and adventures, talked about her trips and trips to cafes. Yes, I still have that aunt, I would like her character, the girl thought to herself, watching her aunt finish a glass of wine.

– Marinochka, – and let us go to the sea with me, suddenly unexpectedly, a slightly intoxicated woman said. Marina was amazed at the unexpected offer.

– But we wanted to go with the team, out of town.

– But we! They wanted to! Her aunt mimicked her, and laughed. Marina remembered the boss who mimicked her not so long ago, and it hurt her.

– Agree!!!! She heard it from her mother.

– It will be great!!! You won’t get bored with me!!!! The thought that she would see the sea instantly settled in her mind.

– At sea? For such a short period? – I wanted to go on vacation with friends in the summer.

– I wanted to! Marina heard her being mocked again. You are going, period. Now you and I will buy us tickets! On the Internet! Turn on the computer. And in the summer you will go again, where you wanted to go with your friends. Do not forget that you have a cheerful aunt. – Marinochka, talk to your aunt, I see you have sad eyes. The woman who came to Marina’s room spoke. What is the matter with you?

– There is no order at work; I do not know what to write about. I have a creative crisis. Inspiration is gone.

– All the more reason to go, the woman encouraged her. You will have material right away. You have a marine name, Marina, Submarine; this is a real marine name. You should definitely go. Your name is also consonant with Mara Madder; this is one of the revered pagan Goddesses of the Slavic Pantheon.

– That is enough! The girl shouted. What other Goddesses. Auntie, you are out of your mind.

– Dear, I have a large social circle, I read a lot, I know a lot. Paganism is a myth.

– Me too, I read about it once. Enough of this.

– Let’s buy tickets. They sat and talked for a long time in Marina’s room.

The next day, Marina told the staff that she would not be able to go with them. And all her thoughts were occupied with the sea. She closed her eyes and heard the sound of waves, imagined dolphins. But most of all she was alarmed by incomprehensible sounds, she heard the sound of running water, and could not understand what it was and where they came from. I am probably going crazy, she thought. I keep seeing things and imagining things. It is strange; these sounds seem to be in my head. The most difficult thing for her was to tell her best friend that she was going without her. She did not know how best to do it. The girl was sitting in the smoking room, in her usual in the pose, she was sitting sideways on the floor, and one leg hanging on the floor, the other was on the windowsill. She was looking out of the window as usual, and slowly smoking a cigarette. It was heard as someone quietly closed the door. and quietly and slowly approached in her direction. Marina knew who it was, so she did not even move. A guy from their team sat down with her, and, as always, afraid to look into her eyes, did not know how to start a conversation. – Juliana told me you are not coming with us, why? The guy asked with sadness in his eyes.

– My plans have changed; I am going to another place, with another person.

– Who is this man? He spoke with a tremor in his voice.

– This is my aunt; we are going to the sea with her. What else? What questions do you have for me?

– None of them. Sorry. I did not want. The guy put out his cigarette and left the room. Marina understood that she was wrong, and could not help herself. The upcoming evening, a conversation with a friend, was pressing on her. A trip in a crowded subway, it greatly annoyed the girl, and she understood that she did not want to live like this anymore. Evening came, and the long-awaited phone call rang.

– Tell me, how was your day? Marina heard her friend’s voice, and she felt uneasy. Have you discussed everything down to the smallest detail for the upcoming weekend? Have you changed your mind, maybe to the country with us?

– I do not know how to tell you about it, but Aunt Natasha was visiting us yesterday, and she bought me and herself a ticket to the sea. There was a minute of silence on the phone. Marina’s heartbeat increased.

– Well, relax with your aunt. I thought we were going together.

– You know how important this trip is to me. I need to go. We will definitely go together. The girl heard short beeps in the receiver. A feeling of resentment overwhelmed Marina that she did not understand her. After all, a friend has a boyfriend, and she has someone to spend the weekend with, and not just weekends, but days and nights, and perhaps a lifetime. Okay, the girl thought to herself, and started packing her suitcase.

Chapter 2

The airport was crowded. Everyone tried to fly away for the holidays. A little further, away, she saw the boss, and pretended not to notice him. What a pity that my friend did not come to see me off, the girl thought to herself. How I miss her.

– What are you sad about? Pretty woman? She heard her aunt’s cheerful voice. We will find you a groom. I’ll sing you love songs!!! I love you Marina, more and more every day!!!

– Aunt enough! The girl shouted irritably, and her face and neck turned red with anger. Dear forgive your crazy aunt; I am just in such a good mood! The plane landed at Sochi airport. People got off the plane in high spirits. Everyone was having fun, and it seemed that no one was tired on the way. – Sochi welcomes us, my aunt said happily. Let us go, let us leave our things, and we will catch the maximum positive! I have booked a nice room, in a nice hotel, you will like it. Marina, silently, agreed with it was useless to argue with everything that Aunt Natasha would tell her. A short time later, two young ladies were coming down to breakfast. Marina was wearing a short denim skirt and a stylish T-shirt; her black curly hair hung from her shoulders and involuntarily attracted the attention of men. The girl always wore a high heel, which emphasized the slimness of her figure. Sitting at breakfast, in a cozy cafe at the hotel, two girls discussed the planned events. – First we will go to the sea, then to the Riviera Park, and in the evening, I looked at a cool cafe on the embankment. Marina listened animatedly to her interlocutor, and her eyes sparkled. The girl showed with all her appearance that she was happy, and nothing burdened her.

The view from the hotel window accordingly overlooked the sea. The girl stood on the balcony and admired the seascape. The sea was calm, and went far beyond the horizon. It was transparent and clean, settled during the winter months, after the summer bathing season. The weather was hot; the beach was gradually filled with vacationers. Some have already bathed in the sea. Marina inhaled the clean, moist sea air, and could not breathe enough of it. This place seemed to her an oasis, a paradise, after long trips on the subway.

– My child, she heard her aunt’s voice, is this your first time at sea?

– No. As a child, I flew to Turkey with my parents several times. But that was so long ago. And it’s not that at all. Especially since you know Mom, is it possible to fly somewhere with her.

– Oh, yes, that is right. Let us go quickly; we do not have much time. Two beautiful women were coming down the stairs to go to the beach. Marina felt the eyes of men on her, she liked it, and at the same time, it was a little annoying.

– Marinochka, your character does not match your image and style at all. You need to be a little more brazen, especially in our time.

– Yes, I agree with you. I need to be at least a drop of your character, or the character of my girlfriend.

– The day spent on the beach was just great. I even got a little tanned! Natalia said enthusiastically, finishing her glass of wine. Let us discuss tomorrow. What are our plans? Riviera Park, excursions to waterfalls, or just the sea, the sea.

– Of course, first the sea, and then everything else! How good that you came that evening, if it were not for you, I would be sour now at the dacha in the suburbs, in the company of these bores. And also this kind guy, he got me.

– «What guy?» Auntie asked eagerly. Marina told her everything about a colleague who liked her very much. At the next table, a cozy, evening cafe, excursions were also discussed. The two women were talking about a trip to the boxwood grove, and Natalia could not help but keep silent, and got into the conversation. Marinochka!!! As always, she said happily. That is all settled, we are all going to the waterfall together tomorrow. After a morning, hike to the beach of course! Marina happily agreed with her every word.

The trip to the waterfall was carried out on its own. That is why it was so fun and entertaining. In the morning, Marina did not leave the feeling of excitement, and she could not find an explanation for this. The girl’s heart was beating anxiously, and a slight tremor passed through her body. Vacationers were approaching the entrance to the Sochi National Park. The company consisted of three cheerful, charming women, much older than her. This company had a heightened sense of humor. And the age difference was not felt in any way.

– The weather in this place does not coincide with Sochi. Look what a cloud.

– Yes, it is a light cloud; a light rain will come out of it. I will not go to the waterfall in the rain, another objected, it is dangerous, it is slippery, I know, I have been there a hundred times.

– Girls, do not quarrel. There’s a great cafe there, I’d like some wine!!! We’re at the sea!!! There were several cars and three motorcycles at the entrance to the park. Then there was the territory of the cafe. There were many vacationers walking around the territory, people were sitting at the tables and waiting for the ordered dishes. An order was being prepared on the grill, and this smell teased Marina’s appetite.

– Aunt, let’s sit down!!!

– Of course, we will sit down, why I came. The territory of the cafe was a large circle, and a cozy layout. Two large halls, one upper, one lower. A summer dance floor, live music, there were also summer benches on the territory, and vacationers could sit down and admire the surrounding nature. The vacationers sat down at a table, the waiter served the menu. Marina was spinning from side to side, looking at the local attractions. She could not help but hear the sound of water, and involuntarily asked the neighbors accompanying them,

– What are those sounds?

– This is a river – a «Miracle beauty», you see there a stream, and it has not dried up yet. Go and have a look. This water flows from a mountain waterfall, a place of wonderful beauty, is not it!

– Yes, it is, Marina agreed, and went to look at the mountain stream. Approaching the water, the girl realized that this was the very place she had been looking for for so long. Returning back, she asked, «how to get to the waterfall?»

– It is dangerous to go after the rain, we do not advise you, and we do not have that much time.

– It is a pity. I would like to go. It must be very beautiful there. And what is this gazebo that is located there behind the bridge? She asked the waiter.

– This is a summer gazebo for vacationers. Come to us in the summer, it will be great here. Here is the scene for the evening show.

– And what kind of show?

– We will have a show in the style of «Ancient Russia», pagan Russia!

– I must definitely come here, Marina thought to herself. Alone or with someone, it does not matter. That is what I need. That is what I was looking for. I need to know everything about this place. Where and how, and from whom? There were many questions in her head, and she was already mentally writing material about this place.

– Honey, where are you flying? Her aunt’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

– I am here. How I miss the Light. Marina thought. Remembering my best friend. I wish I had her here. And here is the rain, and quite strong. The rain gathered all the vacationers under one roof. Marina stood by the table and admired the wonderful beauty. «I like to watch the rain,» she said aloud.

– Yes, it is a beautiful sight.

Marina involuntarily looked back, and her eyes collided with a guy passing by. For a few seconds, they stood silently and looked at each other. It seemed to her that this moment was an eternity, and she has known this man all her life. The guy stared intently at the girl, and involuntarily wanted to step forward. Something stopped him, perhaps not determination, or Marina’s entourage. And he continued to stare at her.

– Bro, let us go sit down, one of his friends called him. The guy did not freely agree, and before leaving, he looked back again in the hope of seeing the girl. Their gaze collided again, this time they did not want to let go of this moment, they wanted to say something to each other. The guy retired to the lower hall, and Marina remained standing by the open gazebo and watching the raindrops drain from the leaves of local plants. She closed her eyes and thought, what is wrong with me. Her heart was pounding, goosebumps ran through her body, and she was shaking inside.

– Marinochka, drink some wine, baby, you will feel better right away. Marina returned to her seat and took the glass from her aunt’s hands.

– Yes, I think I will have a drink. The whole event took less than a minute, and no one had time to figure out what was going on.

A group of friends went down to the lower hall, but since there were no empty tables there, they returned and settled down at the bar. While they were walking back, Marina examined the person from head to toe. He was a tall, strong, young man, of Slavic appearance, about thirty-five years old, with soft facial features, gray-blue eyes and light brown hair color. You could tell by his eyes that he was a kind man, he radiated warm. The slight stubble on his face gave him masculinity, and said that he did not shave it very often. The guy often smiled, and it seemed to many that he had a heightened sense of humor. He was wearing a mottoed uniform. What gave the guy away, about Motto’s passion for technology. The rain intensified, and it was raining with such force that it seemed like a flood had begun.

– Yes, southern rains, that is something. Not to compare with our central strip.

– A wonderful place, isn’t it? The air alone is worth something, boxwood is boxwood. Did you regret going?

– No, not at all! How can you regret such a thing? Natalia answered. Marina, did not think about boxwood, and about the place, she was thinking about the upcoming separation after the rain. About parting without even having time to be acquainted. She wanted this rain not to end, and then maybe they could get acquainted.

– The harder it goes, the faster it will end. We talked at the next table. After the rain ended, tourists began to leave the cafe. Marina went to the bar, hoping to see the guy again, but they did not have time to cross, and she saw a man’s figure receding.

– Artem, let us go quickly! Marina heard his friend call him. Artyom!!! His name is Artem. Now I know his name. The people came up to the motorcycles, and put them in order, after a heavy rain.

On the day of departure, Marina, as usual, stood on the loggia and slowly smoked a cigarette. She admired the morning sun, and how the sun’s rays shine on the surface of the sea. «I don’t want to leave,» she said. Aunt, you know, deep down I would like to give up everything and move to live here.

– My God, baby, what kind of thoughts, from where? Are you really going to give up life in the capital and move here?! In addition, your job? How are you without her? You are just depressed, because of the disorder in your personal life. You find a guy, and everything will be fine.

– I thought I could open up to you, trust you, and you are just like my mom.

– Don’t worry; it will be our little secret. I will not tell anyone.

– Thank you Aunt.

– And I am not worried about work, I am not sure that journalism is mine.

– And what would you like to become?

– I do not know myself, maybe a writer, or a history teacher. I know history well, my section in journalism is aimed at ancient mythology, esotericism.

– Good choice. It is worth thinking about. I ordered a taxi. It is better to arrive at the airport in advance.

– Yes, you are right as always. The taxi has arrived. We have to go. The plane took off, and Marina felt for the first time what loneliness was. What is separation, distance? I will definitely be back here, very soon. She thought to herself, and, closing her eyes, sank into a half-asleep state. A surprise was waiting for them at the Moscow airport. Her friend, the girls hugged, met Marina. – How I have missed you. I have so much news. I urgently need to tell you everything. Now I have the material to work with. Now I know how to promote myself.

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Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
24 şubat 2022
121 s. 3 illüstrasyon
İndirme biçimi:
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Ortalama puan 0, 0 oylamaya göre
Ortalama puan 0, 0 oylamaya göre
Ortalama puan 0, 0 oylamaya göre
Ortalama puan 0, 0 oylamaya göre
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