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Moscow was shining with lights. The winter was cold, but this did not prevent the residents of the city from preparing for the holiday. Storefronts were emptied in stores, queues with overflowing baskets of food and Christmas decorations stood at the cash registers. People were so happy about the holiday, no one was in a hurry, everyone was polite, and it seemed that they liked to stand in line to chat with each other.

For Vina, the arrival in the capital was not so joyful. These three days spent in the capital of Thailand had sunk into her soul, and she just did not want to leave these places. Sometimes she asked herself, «Why all this?» Why did she start all this? You can just be happy without all these dirty things. You can go to any other country and start from scratch. But a person who once dived into the ocean will never be able to be satisfied with the local freshwater reservoir. Having felt the storm, a person will wait for it repeatedly to plunge into it with his head. The same thing happened with Guilt. She realized that she would never be able to live an ordinary, normal, measured life. Sometimes she lacked the warmth and comfort of home; she wanted to cuddle up to a man’s shoulder. Only which one? She loved no one but Arthur. It is possible that she just was not ready for a new relationship, and she did not even think about a child. All these thoughts about family and children have gone into the background, or even into the background.

In fact, nothing held the Blame in Moscow. She had no friends here, no family; she did not even have a best friend. Her only close person was said. Vina mentally understood her situation, and to some extent, she hesitated. Should she go forward, or stop there. «Oriental fairy tale» vegetated in anticipation of the holiday, the team was happy to decorate the hall. Vina walked with her head bowed between the low tables. Mentally she sought refuge, asking herself: «Where would she like to live? In which country?» Without receiving an answer to her question, she regained consciousness. Picking up the tinsel, Vina joined the team and began to decorate the hall for the holiday.


The unexpected arrival of the guests took Nina by surprise, she was so happy to see her son, and immediately surrounded him with care, ran into the kitchen. Amir’s welcoming smile corrected the situation. – Come in. Make yourself at home. Sultana has long been accustomed to the role of a family member, and boldly walked into their room with Amir. Ahmed continued to stand at the entrance. Amir escorted him to the guest room and placed him as befits the customs. Sultana went to the kitchen to help Nina.

– What happened to you? You have come so unexpectedly. Why didn’t Rashid come? He did not even call.

– I do not know. Ask Amir.

– I see. So there’s something wrong here.

– It is possible that it is nothing terrible. Maybe it is just business. I do not know. Sultana was afraid to stir up too much and decided to entrust everything into the hands of Amir.

– Excuse my modesty. I was not ready for such a stream of guests. Rashid and I have a completely different preference in food. Now Amir has joined your ranks of Muslim cuisine. Try our dishes Paeng Pet, Lap. Sultana is already familiar with them.

– «I’ll enjoy it.» I have always eaten modestly, and Amir and Sultana spoil me. With their appearance, I began to eat much more rationally. Nina knew that Ahmed’s family lived modestly. With the advent of Amir, their financial situation has improved, and, accordingly, their food, too.

– Yes. Amir is a fan of eating here. He even taught his best Moscow friend to our food.

– And not only taught him, but helped him move to our country. By the way, how is he?

– By the way, you should have seen him. He turned into an indigenous Pakse. Put on weight and are expecting a second child.

– I know about the baby. I wish I could see him.

– You will see. You have plenty of time.

– That is for sure. Along the way, we are here for a long time.

– What about you are training?

– We will figure it out. Nina did not say anything. But she understood that something was wrong.

Paksa was preparing for the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. The most colorful celebrations take place in the major cities – Vientiane, Pakse and Savannakhet. The streets of local Chinese and Vietnamese neighborhoods are simply strewn with flower girls with orange bouquets, alleys are full of red lanterns and ribbons with golden symbols, and golden figures of the symbol of the year are installed on street altars. The celebrations last for three days, during which family celebrations take place, temples are visited, noisy parties are organized and a huge number of firecrackers are launched into the sky. Also in Laos, this holiday is called Tet. The Tet holiday is celebrated in Laos by large Vietnamese and Chinese communities, which close their shops for several days. For many of them, it is an opportunity to meet with each other, share the news that has been happening throughout the year, and remind the younger generation about the national culture.

In every Asian country, the New Year is celebrated in its own way, but the meaning remains the same – it is time to give gifts, and the calendar time is calculated. Here in Thailand, for example, the New Year began to be celebrated in a European way relatively recently. This tradition originates in the 40s of the last century. Thais are happy to decorate trees with toys, bright garlands and balloons at home, arrange fairs and sales, prepare gifts for family and friends. In Cambodia European New Year, it is not a significant event and is celebrated modestly enough. If you are on vacation in this country on December 31, it is better to go to famous resorts where you are guaranteed to organize a holiday. Most often, the festive program includes excursions, dinner at a restaurant, an entertainment show and visits to bars, discos or clubs.

«Imlek» is the Chinese New Year in Indonesia celebrated by the inhabitants of the islands of Kalimantan and Java, as another New Year that has the right to exist! Indonesians arrange torchlight processions and fire-swallowing performances. They give homemade gold postcards with calligraphically printed red hieroglyphs of wealth, good luck and health. Indian traditions were added to Chinese traditions, creating unique New Year’s dances, using huge masks of the gods Devi Sri, Shiva, Dragons. Red Balinese masks with a lion’s mane and toothy fangs symbolize evil spirits, with whom Heroes in light masks, bright rainbow colors, fight.

«Hari Natal» – Indonesian Christmas is usually celebrated according to European customs on December 25. But in Indonesia, the winter holiday turns into a bright extravaganza! Instead of Christmas trees – decorated palm trees! Instead of snow – a riot of flowers! Boring dim suits have been replaced by rippling in the eyes of iridescences of clothes, from the styles of which European classic designers would be horrified. Wayang Theater gives puppet shows. This is a rather dangerous sight, since the inhabitants of Indonesia are convinced that illiterate possession of dolls can lead to the «summoning» of spirits, who are not always happy about it and can harm both those who show the performance and those who watch.

The second day of Christmas in Indonesia is called Shared Holiday («Shared Holiday»). On this day, fairs are organized where you can not only watch folk dances, taste Indonesian dishes, but also get yourself a prize by climbing a 6-meter pole! You can compare it with a Christmas tree, but you still need to get to the gifts, because they do not lie at the bottom, but are suspended at the top of this unusual «New Year tree». So that everyone can participate in this «tree climbing», in Indonesia, a whole «grove of pillars with gifts» is being installed. In all South Asian countries where Buddhism flourishes, New Year is celebrated several times a year. Holding these holidays is quite a colorful and fascinating spectacle.

In Moscow, everything was completely different. In every family, in every organization, there was a stormy preparation for this magical holiday. Since the New Year is a time of miracles, everyone believed in a miracle, even an adult, and everyone dreamed of getting the desired gift. This winter was snowy, snowmobiles cleared the streets of Moscow, citizens hurried to hide from the snow, running into the subway crossings, and hiding their faces from the snowy wind. This weather was only to Rashid’s advantage, he thought it would be much easier this way get rid of the Guilt. Early in the morning, Rashid left his place of residence and went to the house of Guilt. Igor decided to stop this madness and went after Rashid. Said, in turn, ensured the safety of his so-called mistress, realizing that she was in danger. Guilt did not follow anyone, she just dreamed of revenge, and waited for its immediate execution.

Rashid was ready to kill this woman, but he did not want to do it, fearing the consequences. These hesitations weighed on him, and finally he made a decision and here he was standing at the entrance of the house of Guilt and waiting for the door to open, a hand was laid on his shoulder, startled by an unexpected touch, Rashid looked around sharply, Igor was standing in front of him. – Don’t do that.

– Why?

– Let’s solve everything differently.

– Whose side are you on? If not her, then my family.

– I know. But, it is better not to do this. She can just be framed. Catch him red-handed.

– Maybe you are right. I could not have done it myself anyway, and you are in the way. Go. Let this Guilt live for now. While. Said recognized Rashid and got out of the car.

– What are you doing here? This boorish manner of communication was an attribute of this company.

– We came on business.

– «At this early hour?»

– We have the right. Who are you?

– Do you know who I am?

– I guess. But we have our business?

– I hope nothing to do with ours.

– We also hope for it very much. With these words, Rashid got into Igor’s car, and they drove away. Vina came out of the entrance.

– Who is this?

– Amir’s father.

– What is he doing here?

– I came for your soul. Vina’s eyes glittered angrily. A blush played on her cheeks.

– Why did you let them go?

– They will show up again. Do not worry. Vina got into the car. Said did not like her annoyance. He did not like impulsive women. – Your gifts will be delivered by the holiday. And we’ll figure that out later. Vina did not answer anything, understanding the situation of her case. Igor and Rashid arrived at the dacha.

– Igor, tell me, what would you do?

– I propose to establish surveillance. We will bring her to the surface.

– How. She will not do anything by herself. Everything will be done through someone. My kids just have an accident and that is it. Igor was silent.

– I understand you. But, I have a feeling that it is not necessary to do this. Everything will resolve itself.

– And I saw Sultana’s legs. I saw the danger.

– OK. Remember what happened the first time. There was danger, there was a threat, but there was no murder.

– Yes. Only my son was almost killed. Igor did not know what to answer and, lowering his eyes to the floor, put on a warm jacket and was about to leave. – Maybe you are right, let us wait. I will book a ticket for tomorrow; I need to go home to the kids. Igor hugged Rashid and silently left. Rashid sat in thought. – I will do everything in my own way, and having dialed the phone number, I ordered a killer. After meeting with Rashid drove straight to the airport as a hitman and flew to Laos without waiting for Igor. All his thoughts were occupied with the safety of his family, and he was looking forward to a call with a notification of a job well done. Vina, in turn, was waiting for news from Said about the successfully done work.

Life in Laos proceeded smoothly. No one was in a hurry, the homely atmosphere created a festive mood. Amir and Sultana felt relaxed, and did not think about returning to Thailand. Ahmed liked life in Paksa, but he was worried about his business, left unattended, and could not find a place for himself. – Dad, what are you worried about. You know that everything is fine there.

– How to say. It is the trade right now. The flow of tourists. Ahmed’s business was thriving, and he treasured it very much. He had never left his store unattended before, and the feeling of anxiety did not leave him. Sultana was not used to seeing her father as a businessman, and she tried in every way to support him. It was already late in the evening, Amir went to visit Lyosha, the remaining family members were sitting at a peaceful tea party. Unexpectedly, Rashid appeared in the living room.

– Where is Amir?

– Darling, say hello, we have guests.

– I see. I need Amir.

– What is the urgency?

– I will explain everything later.

– Sit down to dinner.

– Dinner is fine. Let me clean myself up. Nina did not know what was going on, and she patiently watched what was happening. Rashid returned in a good mood and joined the family feast.

Amir was visiting Lyosha and did not know about his father’s arrival. Lyosha was happily married and lived quite well. He became a worthy member of the family, and lived with the parents of his young wife in their house. During this period, they had a daughter, and Lilya was expecting her second child. Lyosha had an internship at Rashid’s clinic, and he was not bad at it. – Well, how do you like it here? Drawn to Moscow? Lyosha shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

– «I don’t know myself. Sometimes those times are not enough. I certainly got into another world. But I like it here. I am used to.

– My father is calling us back. He literally insists on our moving to Laos.

– And what is your decision?

– Honestly. I would not like to. In fact, I live much better in Bangkok than here. I am like a fish in water there. I see you already have children. But we are still in search of ourselves.

– You still have plenty of time. You will have time. We are the ones sitting around doing nothing.

– Yes, you cannot be called idlers! Each of them kept silent about how they miss those carefree times when they were students and lived together under the same roof. – So you do not want to go back to Moscow.

– What, do you have a suggestion?

– No. I was just asking. I just cannot believe you are a native of Laos now. Lyosha did not like this joke, but he did not say anything.

– It is possible that yes. I already have almost two children. Where I am going to take off.

– Wow! How much you have changed. I could not even think that you would ever become such a family man. After sitting a little longer, Amir went to his home. Sultana did not go with him to visit, deciding to spend this evening with her mother-in-law. Besides, she did not want to meet her husband’s ex-fiancee. Amir returned late in the evening, when everyone was already sitting in his or her rooms. Rashid met him at the front door.

– You have finally come. Amir started in surprise.

– Dad. What a habit. Rashid smiled.

– Come in. And Rashid opened the door of his office for him.

– What is the urgency? He cannot stand it until morning.

– I wonder which one of us is not patient. I saw the Guilt, but I could not do anything.

– «What were you going to do?» Did you want to kill her? It will not work. This is the type of people. She will just ruin herself, you will see. Just have to wait.

– And you are patient. I was wrong. Okay, go ahead. But this does not mean that you are not in danger.

– Good night, Dad. Rashid smiled back again, and the office door closed quietly. Sultana was waiting for her husband in bed, in a beautiful lace negligee, coral color.

– «You’ve been gone so long.

– You did not want to come with me. But in vain. We had a great time. We have not seen each other for almost three years.

– This is the deadline. Sultana said with a laugh. We had a great time with your dad, too. He told us about the New Year in Moscow.

– Yes, and what is interesting there? To be honest, nothing good. It used to be better.

– I think so too. What used to be better? When Lyosha and I were there. When we went to the club with him. It seemed to us then that it would never end. Now we are both married.

– Yes. When you went to the club with him, I was on the verge of death. I did not have as much fun as you.

– I know. I should not have started this conversation.

– No. It is not your fault. You had your life, your destiny.

– Now we have our life, our destiny. You were in my destiny long before we met. That is why we are together. Sultana snuggled up to Amir and felt the warmth of his body, his soul. She felt his love, and it was quite enough for her, Amir did not need to repeat the words of love several times a day, just one look from him was enough, and Sultana was happy.

– What did your father say?

– Nothing special. He is worried about our lives, and he is trying to get rid of the Guilt.

– What a nightmare. And I didn’t know Rashid was capable of it.

– Me too. But I’m sure he’s not capable of it. Although, when he is angry, it is better not to argue with him.

– I noticed. Sultana wanted to say, «I noticed you in anger,» but she kept silent in time and lay relaxed on the pillows.

Exactly a week has passed since the escape from Thailand to Laos. Once a man with a scar sat in front of a mirror and looked at his face. He tried to find a flaw, to see the slightest defect, but his face was exceptionally clean and beautiful. – I have been waiting for this hour for a long time. That is what happened. Now I have no barriers. I am ready.

– It is too early for you to leave the premises. Wait until tomorrow.

«I’ve waited too long. With these words, the man thanked the doctor and left the clinic building. He went outside and made a call. – I am ready, wait for the guests. At this difficult time for all the inhabitants of the world, people disappeared quite often. So it could not be difficult to kidnap a person. Robots replaced people in many industries, most of humanity was out of work, and people were going crazy from not having enough money and not having the opportunity to earn it. It is possible that this unemployed part of the population was destined for a slow extinction.

Late in the evening Guntur arrived in Pakse, the car stopped at the house of Rashid Wangrat’s family. His habit of covering his face with a hood remained unchanged. It was not difficult for this person to calculate the location of Sultana. He had to wait patiently for this beauty to come out of the house. Amir and Sultana Wangrat were inseparable. Amir never left his wife’s side. The last two days Sultana went to the mall to buy gifts for the New Year. She went to the same time, the same place. On the third day, the girl out of habit left the house and I was waiting for Amir on the street. The risk was great, but this man took a risk, and quietly drove up in a car, approached her from behind and plugged her mouth and nose with a soaked mask, Sultana lost consciousness. Everything was done quickly and efficiently. The car door slammed the screeching of wheels and the distant sound of the car leaving could be heard. Amir ran outside, but it was too late. He realized that he had lost her. – It was stolen. Rashid went outside.

– How is this possible? Near the house, in broad daylight.

– We need to call the police. So that they could not take her to Russia.

– Not to call, but to go to the station. Go. Rashid and Amir testified, describing in detail what was happening.

– I did not have time to memorize the number. But I remember the color and make of the car.

– It is not enough.

– «You mean you won’t take up the search?»

– We will take it, but we do not promise positive results. The police were not interested in finding people. People disappeared quite often, and the police did not care about them at all. Amir could not accept the information he heard, and did not want to leave the station. Rashid, who understands the complexity of the situation, persuaded Amir to leave the police building.

– We will act in our own way. We will get her back. Amir slowly got up from his chair and went outside.

Ahmed was doing namaz. The usual gray days began for him, and he realized that history was repeating itself, and he could only pray. In these difficult times for him, Ahmed always fell into a melancholy, and closed himself off from people. In this situation, he was unsociable, and all his thoughts were with his daughter. Fussing, he gathered up a small purse and went out into the hall.

– Where are you going?

– I am going to my house. Suddenly she will be able to escape, as she has done before, and there is no one at home. I need to be there.

– Dad. Ahmed has always been a homebody, he is right, let him go.

Ahmed thanked the owners of the house for such a warm welcome and went outside. Amir went to see him off. Ahmed looked into Amir’s face. – She always came back; she will come back this time. The men hugged each other tightly, Ahmed got on the bus.

The car with Sultana sleeping in the back seat was driving at breakneck speed to the city of Phnom Penh. Guntur thought through everything to the smallest detail. Now he was not a man with a scar, but a rather attractive, solid man. He was handsome, tall, intelligent, cold, and cruel. He had many contract killings to his credit. This was his main field of activity. His appearance did not overlap with Arthur in any way; their only similarity was in coldness and cruelty. He was born and raised in Indonesia, and liked to spend all his free time on the Pacific coast. It was there that he met Jamal, and made his «dark» career. It was on this coast a few months ago that he saw the Guilt sitting, and realized that nothing was over, everything was just beginning. Along with his passion for his field of activity, this man has awakened a frenzied passion for Wine. He was obsessed with this passion, and he was not going to suppress it. He decided to fight at all costs for the favor of this woman.

When Sultana came to, she realized that she was on a plane. The plane was private, and there were only two people in it, her and the man sitting opposite. Guntur was so dedicated to his work that he spared no money to rent an airplane. Quickly realizing the complexity of the situation, Sultana did not utter a word, gaining patience and bracing herself, Sultana, before landing on the landing, was already developing an escape plan. As always, without documents, money, even a small amount, and of course, warm clothes, this girl sat and thought where and to whom she would run for help. «Aunt Rose! That is who will help me! Moreover, we have not been on the phone for a long time. Sultana came to herself with joy. She already considered herself to have escaped and was waiting for the landing. Sultana did not know where the plane landed; the only thing she quickly realized was that the winter was very cold. The burning cold smelled right in her face as soon as the plane door opened. The person accompanying her did not bother to throw a warm blanket over her or something like that. Sultana quickly recognized Arthur’s faithful dogs by their treatment of people. She quickly realized that it was a matter of a few hours, and she had to run at the slightest chance.

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