Kitabı oku: «Sexual energetics 2», sayfa 2

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Chapter 2. Polarity

Consumption of Qi from several sources made it possible to convert it into a more dense form of Jing. The system of such a transformation is built on the basis of the energy of the elements, the accumulated energy and the polar energy of space and is located in the place of its greatest concentration: in the lower part of the body. The Qi to Jing transformation system is necessary to start a new life. With a higher intensity, Jing is able to create a powerful energy field needed to start a new life. Jing can accumulate and quickly be released if necessary. The intensity of this release is several times higher than the intensity of release of Qi. Methods of accumulation of Qi and Jing differ significantly. The body in the form of nutrients accumulates Qi and the process of its release is chemical in nature. Jing accumulates in special reservoirs and the process of its release is of an energetic nature and is based on the interaction of opposite potentials.

Polarity is two states of energy that can change. Polarities are attracted to each other and tend to a state of equilibrium. In Taoism, the polar energy balance is called Tai-Ji and is denoted by the corresponding symbol:

The essence of the symbol is that the polarities are one and each of them contains a particle of the opposite. The symbol of Tai-Ji shows the equal ratio of female polar energies – Yin and male – Yang. The state of Tai-Ji provides for the fusion of two polar parts of the high-intensity Jing energy: Ying-Jing and Yang- Jing. In the eastern esoteric traditions, the balance of polar energies is considered as an ideal state to which all life aspires.


These words are puzzling to all who read the Old Testament. At first, we speak about one person: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him,” and then goes on: “He created them male and female.” Atheists laugh and sneer at this contradiction, they say whom he still created “him” or “them”?

The man originally created, was not alive, he was like God, and included both male and female principles. It was an energy substance that is in a state of polar equilibrium Yin and Yang. Speaking in terms of Christianity, at first, man was created as a soul that combined in itself a male and female principle: “man and woman created them.”

God himself is the same energy substance. There is no reason to identify God the Creator and man in the flesh, respectively; the images of God the Creator in human form contradict the Old Testament.

The Christian concept of “soul” describes in a certain way an organized energy that does not have materialization and makes it possible to understand many phenomena that cannot be described using other terms.

Man in the flesh was created after the creation of the energetic substance or soul.

To organize the energy substance required form. It was made “from the dust of the earth” or of elements on the surface of the planet Earth. The form or body of a person allowed holding the soul and receiving spatial energy. The form is the basic tool necessary for interaction with any kind of energy. Reproduction from the dust of the earth is a process similar to that used in the terrestrial plant world. Plants in the process of growth receive essential nutrients from the earth. The creation of man from the dust of the earth can in its essence be analogous to the cultivation of a plant.

After that, life was launched: “breathing into him the breath of life” By these words is meant the start of the process of life with the help of breathing, as a way of feeding Qi with elements.

Before the start of the breathing process, a person was not a living soul!

The breath became the process that triggered life.

The first breath of a child at birth is the moment he finds a living soul.

The last exhalation before death is the moment of loss by the body of the living soul, which passes into its original state, approaching God.

Breath is life.

Modern studies of the state of clinical death confirm the fact that the soul has left the physical body and its existence beyond its limits as a rational energy substance capable of seeing and assessing what is happening and moving in space. Moreover, it is important that everything the soul remember. From this, it follows that the human mind belongs to the soul, which uses the resources of the living body to ensure its work during its stay in it.

The word “made” means the formation of a balanced intensive energy field of vital energy Qi. The word “a garden” refers to a complex of energy and natural conditions under which life can arise and exist based on external energy, without spending any effort to receive it. The locality of Eden was probably suitable for this purpose, therefore it was chosen for the making a garden. It was necessary to place a person there in order to adapt him to the conditions of life on the planet, which were more severe than in paradise.

However, being in paradise, possibly due to the gradual decrease in the intensity of Qi, showed that a person cannot be reproduced in one individual under such conditions.

Man was originally a system that produced a perfect cell, which under certain conditions could independently create a new life. However, in the real world, it turned out that a person in one individual could not cope with the continuation of life; therefore, it was necessary to divide into two individuals.

The words “it is not good for the man to be by himself” means that a person in one body did not cope with the process of reproducing life; he needed an assistant who was identical in his characteristics.

The process of the formation of animals and birds from the land demanded incarnation or naming. This process is described in modern quantum physics. This is the first measurement necessary for the existence of the phenomenon. The name described the process and was a prerequisite for the existence of a new one.

Subsequently, the process of creation is deciphered in the Gospel of John.

The naming described in the Old Testament was a necessary condition for the existence of any phenomenon. The word was the instrument that made it possible to make a name.

Thus, the man created by God in His image took direct part in the creation of living nature.

In the process of naming, an attempt was made to select a partner for man among the created living beings, but this was not found. Probably, the human energy system turned out to be unique and could not be combined with one another; therefore, the person was divided into two individuals of different sexes.

From this point on, the name, Adam appears in the text of the Old Testament. The appearance of the name Adam is the reincarnation of man – as the carrier of a perfect cell into another form. The presence of the name Adam speaks of the complete loss of a person’s ability to regenerate through a perfect cell and his father’s status.

These lines describe exactly how a person was divided into two sexes. The person was put to sleep; they took a bone from him and raised the flesh of his wife. The man up to this point was a perfect bisexual entity; in him were both a man and a woman. After separation, the wife was brought to a man who lost a bone after this operation. The word “bone” can be understood to mean a part of the structure, like DNA, that a person possessed after creation from the dust of the earth.

After removal of the bone, the man divided into husband and wife. On the basis of a more complex system capable of independently reproducing life, two more simple ones were created, which made it possible to increase the amount of energy necessary for the reproduction of life twice. The elements of these systems were similar. The man originally created by God, in the process of such separation, lost part of the perfect structure of the cell and could not reproduce life without a wife in the future.

Under the words “joined to his wife; and they will be one flesh” implies the process of uniting the previously separated systems. The word “joined” means physical proximity to create one energy system similar to the one before separation. Integration into one energy flesh or entering into the state of Tai-Ji is a prerequisite for the reproduction of a new life.

As a result of the separation, the husband and wife became the carriers of their own part of the perfect cell, preparing each of its elements separately for unification. Their polar systems turned out to be similar to each other, being in a state of energy balance.

The energy identity of the husband and wife turned out to be a problem; they did not attract each other for unification into one system.

“And there were both naked” means to be in balance and harmony with the energies of Paradise.

The words “and were not ashamed” mean that their condition was completely energy stable, did not require any actions, they came in harmony with themselves and with the surrounding nature.

This state was good, but it did not allow the energy systems of Adam and his wife to see in each other the parts of a divided whole that required unification into one flesh.

The serpent who spoke to his wife probably knew the essence of the problem and saw its resolution, but did not have the authority to correct the situation, so he began to act on his own, for which he paid later on with expulsion from Garden.

The creators of man did not have a clear plan and the intervention of the serpent turned the situation into the direction of shifting the polar balance with the help of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

After eating the fruit of the wife there was a change in polar balance.

The forbidden fruits that my wife tasted were the elements that brought her Jing out of Tai Ji balance. She probably ate enough of her energy system to acquire the ability to accumulate a large amount of Jing and acquire excess polarity Yin. Adam, who tasted the fruit after his wife, also gained an ability to accumulate, but in a somewhat smaller volume (perhaps the wife went too far with eating the fruit and Adam got a little). The small amount of accumulating Jing gave Adam the ability to quickly transform the accumulated Jing from the Yin phase into the Yang phase. This gave him the opportunity to periodically generate high-intensity Yang Jing potential.

Having gained the ability to accumulate Jing, Adam and his wife realized their nakedness. This means that they have experienced in themselves a special energy system, which previously did not have an overabundance of one polarity and lack of another. Jing’s wife’s generator acquired ying-jing’s excess potential, and Adam gained yang-jing’s.

Life on Earth was created by the supreme divine reason, which created in the conditions of the incubator – Garden many diverse forms and adapted them to existence beyond its borders. For a certain period, the higher mind interacted with man in the process of creation, and in the future, for disobedience, man was deprived of the opportunity to promote the higher mind and was expelled from Garden. It is possible that human actions destroyed a balanced system and caused energy imbalance. The fruits on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could be necessary elements that ensure the functioning of Garden. Without them, the polar balance of the system was lost and the level of clean energy began to decrease.

Up to the moment when the saturation of energy was reduced, the concentration of Qi in Eden was so high that life could be easily maintained only on the systems of respiration and absorption of the energy of space. A recycling system for secondary Qi probably also existed, but was used only marginally.

The process of creating life was not long; the further life on Earth went evolutionary way.

How was Garden planted? How did you manage to concentrate life Qi in one place? If people manage to recreate this system, they will be able to live without food in the form familiar to us. Creating energy systems to support life, a person will be able to explore outer space, colonizing the planets suitable for this. In this way, the higher mind that created life on Earth acted.

Those hotheads, who decided at today’s level of knowledge in the field of life energy, to colonize other planets, should concentrate part of their forces on creating a system capable of producing it.

In Eden, there was a polar equilibrium. Yin and Yang were in harmony and were in a state of Tai-Ji. Without Eden, an equilibrium of polarities and a high intensity of Qi were absent, which required a complex system of production, accumulation and transformation of energy. The system of further reproduction of life without Eden required the generation of high-intensity Qi (Jing) in a large volume. Within the limits of one individual, it was impossible to solve this problem. One individual could not accumulate in large volumes and in the process of reproducing a new life to maintain a high-intensity ying jing while simultaneously maintaining a high-intensity yang-jing, therefore complex systems were divided into two individuals of different sexes. Those systems that coped with the generation of a sufficient amount of Jing remained within one individual. Most of them are representatives of the plant world, who have a high ability to efficiently convert the energy of space.

Human polarity

Man is a dynamic oriented spatial form. Changing the position of a person relative to the Earth and the sky allows him to regulate the flow of Qi of space of different polarity, attracting Yang Qi through the upper form and through the lower Yin Qi. In the vertical position, a person attracts the maximum amount of Yang Qi space, in the horizontal – the minimum.

The redundancy of one of the potentials lies at the heart of heterogeneous reproductive systems. The diversity has arisen due to the impossibility by the forces of one system to ensure the production of the material necessary for reproduction. The more complex the system, the more energy it requires. The production of cells involved in the reproduction of life is the most energy-intensive process, the most complex of all processes in the body. It requires complex biogenetic work and proceeds with the absorption of large amounts of energy. The cells involved in the reproduction process, in miniature, accumulate a huge amount of information and store energy. The process of connecting different sex cells requires the attraction of a powerful flow of energy, which gives impetus to growth.

How does the polarity shift process occur? Children from birth to puberty have a balanced energy system, it has virtually no energy shift, but during puberty, an increase in the potential of one of the polarities occurs. This effect leads to a certain type of formation of the musculoskeletal structure of the body, which is accompanied by the corresponding hormonal background. The growth program builds up the body in such a way that by the age of 13—15 years, the child takes on a form that increases the corresponding potential. The female type of figure attracts more Yin energy, and the male type Yang. The source of Yin is the earth, and the source of Yang is the sky. The essence of Yin is passivity, attraction, absorption. The essence of Yang is activity, pushing, giving. Yang polar energy comes from space; it is attracted and absorbed by the Earth. A person, possessing a certain form, receives both potentials. From what energy he is able, to receive in a larger volume depends his energy organization.

The formation of the male or female path of development occurs at the 9th week of fetal development. The presence or absence of the Y chromosome plays a decisive role; before this period, the embryo has a female physiological organization. However, the presence of the Y chromosome does not guarantee the male energy path for the development of body shape. Sometimes it happens that sex characteristics develop according to their own scenario, and the energy system – in its own way. The Y chromosome acts as a switch for the male development scenario, triggering the development process of the male type. If this switch is not, then the fetus continues to develop along the female path. Energy support for further development may be of a different nature, which leads to the formation of the musculoskeletal form with elements inherent in the opposite sex, which affects the functioning of the reproduction system.

The Y chromosome triggers the process of primary (intrauterine) polar displacement and lays in hormones and the physiological structure of the body, determining the sex of the person. However, in cases of equality of potentials Yin and Yang, this does not happen and a person develops signs of both sexes, each of which turns out to be underdeveloped. The equilibrium state of the energy system is an exception.

The intrauterine polar shift has almost no effect on the overall energy system of the child and affects only the genitals. Until the age of 10—13 years, it is in equilibrium, but at the moment of life determined by the genetic program, under the action of hormones, the energy system shifts towards increasing one of the potentials. The second stage begins puberty. There is a development of genitals and Jing systems; the musculoskeletal structure is being transformed. In boys, due to the strengthening of the shoulder girdle, the polarity of Yang increases significantly, and in girls, due to the increase in the volume of the hips, Yin.

After puberty, men and women have a formed energy system, the shape of which attracts polar energy in accordance with proportions. In the human body in the navel is the main energy center, where these energies are mixed, forming an energy ball that feeds the entire system of the body. In the Tao system, the place of energy concentration is called Dan-Tien, in the Yoga system – Chakra.

The energy ball formed by the upper and lower spatial forms in humans, as a rule, does not have polar equilibrium. Most men are dominated by Yang, and by most women Yin. The ball is located between two main energy channels: the manager (Yang), passing along the spine from the tailbone to the head, and the functional (Yin), passing along the frontal part of the body from head to tailbone. The ball is located in the center of the abdomen in the environment of the microbiota, which selects a part of the energy for its needs. The larger the microbiota, the more it takes on pure polar energy. The ball is centered between the channels and in cases of growth of the abdomen is removed from the Yang channel, thus reducing the flow of clean energy into it. The overall polarity of the body shifts towards Yin, which leads to a lack of Yang and has a negative effect on Yang polar processes in both men and women. So, for men with a big belly, the hormonal background changes towards the female side, the intensity of the energy flow in the genitals decreases, for this reason, the sperm nutrition is reduced. In women with a large belly, including during pregnancy, the activity of the Yang system decreases. Excessive Yin tends to increase, resulting in many women gaining excess weight.

Changes in body proportions during adolescence do not always occur in full. Thus, for some girls, the hip line does not expand to the extent that the Yin polarity prevails over Yang, while for boys, the shoulder girdle line and Yang polarity does not develop to the level of Yin predominance. As a consequence, the opposite of sexual characteristics can be formed. Both sexes are subject to this. If this phenomenon contributes to the corresponding psychological atmosphere, the person is inclined to identify himself with the opposite sex. Thus, homosexual types of people are formed. Is this a norm or deviation?

– The existence of a conflict of energy and physiological component, suggests that this is an energy failure that can be corrected.

Prior to the formation of a stable mental identification with the opposite sex, bringing the energy system back to normal can rectify the situation. The correction methods are simple and are associated with increasing the volume of the area of the body, the polarity of which is necessary to increase. Moreover, of particular importance in this process is maintaining the proportions of the line of the hips and the line of the shoulders relative to the waist. Without an ideal tone of this area, a change in the size of the hips or shoulder girdle does not make sense. In both men and women, the correction of the energy balance must begin with reducing the abdominal area to a physiological norm.

In order to understand in time that the energy balance is violated, it is necessary to measure and compare the strength of both polarities. This requires diagnostic devices to measure the strength of the polar Jing. Instruments for measuring human Qi and Jing can be an effective means of determining the state of energy health. Considering the fact that there are many energy channels in the human body, measuring Qi or Jing in a certain place will give an idea of their condition. If a weakening of Qi movement is detected at any site, it will be enough to restore the flow so that the body can cope with the disease.

Treatment methods based on diagnosing the state of Qi energy have been practiced in Tibet since antiquity, and such a treatment system as acupuncture is a clear indication of the effectiveness of this approach. Masters of acupuncture, based on their own and the experience of their mentors and using their energy system diagnose and repair damage to the energy channels, thus coping with many diseases.

Qi energy has the property of concentration and contraction to the state of Jing. This was noticed in ancient times in China and India, creating great practices of working with energy: Qigong and Yoga. Jing can be accumulated and used by the body, the sex center is responsible for its production and distribution. The mechanism of transformation of Qi to Jing is based on the transformation of body energy into a more dense form. This process takes place in the pelvic, where Qi is compacted in the Yin phase.

Jing density may be different and depends on the power of Qi flow. The better the condition of the body and the more Qi moves in the energy orbit, the more powerful its Jing. This energy is used for procreation, intellectual activity and for interaction with the outside world at the energy level.

Masters of light meditations are able to direct additional energy flows of space into this area, which allows increasing its total volume in the body, reducing the proportion of secondary Qi.

In the process of life, the body wears out and loses the ability to absorb and recycle Qi energy. The lack of Qi in the body leads to a gradual decrease in the Jing reserves, up to complete exhaustion. This process is called aging. Death, resulting from this, in terms of energy, is the loss by the physical body of the ability to generate vital energy of Qi and its quintessence Jing. It can occur as a result of natural aging, and because of system breakage.

The imbalance of the energy system leads to disruptions in the systems for producing vital types of energy, which on the physical level manifests itself in the form of various kinds of diseases. A thousand years ago, Chinese medicine discovered this relationship and developed an approach to the treatment of diseases by restoring energy damage. If a human manages to artificially generate a Jing, he will be able to use it to restore damaged energy sites, recharge his energy battery, thus continuing his life.


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08 şubat 2020
178 s. 48 illüstrasyon
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