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March 9, 1607

An ordinance and constitution enlarging the number of our Councel for the two several Colonies and plantations in Virginia and America between 34 and 45 degrees of northerly latitude, and augmenting their authority for the better directing and ordering of such things as shall concerne the said Colonies.

James, by the grace of God, &c. Whereas wee, by our letters patents under our Great Seale of England bearing date the tenth day of April last past, have given licence to sundry our loving subjects named in the said letters patents and to their associates to deduce and conduct two several Colonies or plantations of sundry our loving people willing to abide and inhabit in certaine parts of Virginia and America with divers preheminences, priviledges, authorities and other things, as in and by the said letters patents more particularly it appeareth; and whereas wee, according to the effect and true meaning of the said letters patents, have by a former instrument, signed with our hand and signe manuel and sealed with our Privy Seal of our realme of England, established and ordained that our trusty and welbeloved Sir William Wade, Knight, our Lieutanant of our Tower of London; Sir Thomas Smith, Knight; Sir Walter Cope, Knight; Sir George Moor, Knight; Sir Francis Popeham, Knight; Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Knight; Sir John Trevor, Knight; Sir Henry Montague, Knight, Recorder of our citty of London; Sir William Rumney, Knight; John Dodderidge, Esqr., our Solicitor General; Thomas Warr, Esq.; John Eldred, of our city of London, merchant; Thomas James, of our citty of Bristol, merchant; and James Bagge, of Plymouth in our county of Devon, merchant; should be our Councel for all matters which should happen in Virginia or any the territories of America aforesaid, or any actions, businesse or causes for and concerning the same, which Councel is from time to time to be encreased, altered or changed att the nomination of us, our heires and successors, and att our and their will and pleasure; & whereas our said Councel have found by experience their number being but fourteen in all and most of them dispersed by reason of their several habitations far and remote the one from the other, and many of them in like manner far remote from our citty of London where, if need require, they may receive directions from us and our Privy Councel and from whence instructions and directions may be by them left and more readily given for the said Colonies; that when very needful occasion requireth there cannot be any competent number of them by any meanes be drawne together for consultation; for remedy whereof our said loving subjects of the several Colonies aforesaid have been humble suitors unto us and have to that purpose offered to our Royal consideration the names of certaine sage and discreet persons, & having with like humility entreated us that the said persons, or soe many of them as to us should seem good, might be added unto them and might (during our pleasure) be of our Councel for the foresaid Colonies of Virginia; wee therefore for the better establishing, disposing, orderring and directing of the said several Colonies within the degrees aforesaid, and of all such affaires, matters and things as shall touch and concerne the same, doe, by these presents signed with our hand and signe manuel and sealed with our Privy Seale of our realme of England, establish and ordaine that our trusty and welbeloved Sir Thomas Challonor, Knight; Sir Henry Nevil, Knight; Sir Fulks Grevil, Knight; Sir John Scot, Knight; Sir Robert Mansfield, Knight; Sir Oliver Cromwel, Knight; Sir Morrice Berkeley, Knight; Sir Edward Michelbourne, Knight; Sir Thomas Holcroft, Knight; Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Clerk of our Privy Councel; Sir Robert Kelligrew, Knight; Sir Robert Croft, Knight; Sir George Copping, Knight; Sir Edwyn Sandys, Knight; Sir Thomas Row, Knight; and Sir Anthony Palmer, Knight; nominated unto us by and on the behalfe of the said First Colony; Sir Edward Hungerford, Knight; Sir John Mallet, Knight; Sir John Gilbert, Knight; Sir Thomas Freale, Knight; Sir Richard Hawkings, Knight; Sir Bartholomew Mitchel, Knight; Edward Seamour, Esq.; Bernard Greenville, Esq.; Edward Rogers, Esq.; and Matthew Sutcliffe, Doctor of Divinity; nominated to us by and on the behalfe of the said Second Colony, shall together with the persons formerly named, be our Councel for all matters which shall or may conduct to the aforesaid plantations or which shall happen in Virginia or any the territories of America between 34 & 45 degrees of northerly latitude from the aequinoctial line and the islands to the several Colonies limited and assigned, that is to say, the First Colony from 34 to 41 degrees of the said latitude, and the Second Colony between 38 and 45 degrees of the said latitude. And our further will and pleasure is, and by these presents for us, our heires and successors wee doe grant unto our said Councel of Virginia, that they or any twelve of them att the least, for the time being, whereof six att the least to be members of one of the said Colonies, and six more att the least to be members of the other Colony, shall have full power and authority to ordaine, nominate, elect and choose any other person or persons att their discretion to be and to serve as officer or officers to all offices and places that shall by them be thought fitt and requisite for the businesse and affaires of our said Councel and concerning the plantation or plantations aforesaid, and for the summoning, calling and assembling of the said Councel together when need shall require, or for summoning and calling before the said Councel any of the adventurors or others which shall passe on unto the said several Colonies to inhabit or to traffick there, or any other such like officer or officers which in time shall or may be found of use, behoofe or importance unto the Councel aforesaid. [And the said Council or any twelve of them as is aforesaid shall have full power and authority from time to time to continue or to alter or change the said officers and to elect and appoint others in their roomes and places, to make and ordain acts and ordinances for the better ordering, disposing and marshalling of the said several Colonies and the several adventurers or persons going to inhabit in the same several Colonies, or of any provision or provisions for the same, or for the direction of the officers aforesaid, or for the making of them to be subordinate or under jurisdiction one of another, and to do and execute all and every of their act and things which by any our grants or letters patents heretofore made they are warranted or authorised to do or execute so as always none of the said acts and ordinances or other things be contrary or repugnant to the true intent and meaning of our said letters patents granted for the plantation of the said several Colonies in Virginia and territories of America as aforesaid, or contrary to the laws and statutes in this our realm of England, or in derogation of our prerogative royal. Witness ourself at Westminster the ninth day of March (1607) in the year of our reign of England, France and Ireland the fourth, and of Scotland the fortieth, &c.]4

Virginia State Library, "Patents, No. 2, 1643-1651"; Hening, Vol. I, pp. 76-79.


May 23, 1609

James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc.] To all [to whom these presents shall come, greeting.]

Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and well disposed subjects intendinge to deduce a colonie and to make habitacion and plantacion of sondrie of oure people in that parte of America comonlie called Virginia, and other part and territories in America either apperteyninge unto us or which are not actually possessed of anie Christian prince or people within certaine bound and regions, wee have formerly, by oure lettres patents bearinge date the tenth of Aprill in the fourth yeare of oure raigne of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, and the nine and thirtieth of Scotland, graunted to Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers and others, for the more speedie accomplishment of the said plantacion and habitacion, that they shoulde devide themselves into twoe collonies—the one consistinge of divers Knights, gentlemen, merchaunts and others of our cittie of London, called the First Collonie; and the other of sondrie Knights, gentlemen and others of the citties of Bristoll, Exeter, the towne of Plymouth, and other places, called the Seccond Collonie—and have yielded and graunted maine and sondrie priviledges and liberties to each Collonie for their quiet setlinge and good government therein, as by the said lettres patents more at large appeareth.

Nowe, forasmuch as divers and sondrie of oure lovinge subjects, as well adventurers as planters, of the said First Collonie (which have alreadie engaged them selves in furtheringe the businesse of the said plantacion and doe further intende by the assistance of Almightie God to prosecute the same to a happie ende) have of late ben humble suiters unto us that, in respect of their great chardeges and the adventure of manie of their lives which they have hazarded in the said discoverie and plantacion of the said countrie, wee woulde be pleased to graunt them a further enlargement and explanacion of the said graunte, priviledge and liberties, and that suche counsellors and other officers maie be appointed amonngest them to manage and direct their affaires [as] are willinge and readie to adventure with them; as also whose dwellings are not so farr remote from the cittye of London but that they maie at convenient tymes be readie at hande to give advice and assistance upon all occacions requisite.

We, greatlie affectinge the effectual prosecucion and happie successe of the said plantacion and comendinge their good desires theirin, for their further encouragement in accomplishinge so excellent a worke, much pleasinge to God and profitable to oure Kingdomes, doe, of oure speciall grace and certeine knowledge and meere motion, for us, oure heires and successors, give, graunt and confirme to oure trustie and welbeloved subjects,

Robert, Earle of Salisburie [Salisbury]5

Thomas, Earle of Suffolke [Suffolk]

Henrie, Earle of Southampton

William, Earle of Pembroke

[Henrie], Earle of Lincolne [Lincoln]

Henrie, Earle of Dorsett [Dorset]

Thomas, Earle of Exeter

Phillipp, Earle of Mountgommery

Robert, Lord Vicount Lisle

Theophilus, Lord Howard of Walden

James Mountague, Lord Bishopp of Bathe and Wells

Edward, Lord Zouche

Thomas, Lord Lawarr

Wiliam, Lord Mounteagle

Raphe, Lord Ewre

Edmond, Lord Sheffeild [Sheffield]

Grey, Lord Shandis [Chandois]

[Grey], Lord Compton

John, Lord Petre

John, Lord Stanhope

George, Lord Carew

Sir Humfrey Welde, Lord Mayor of London [Weld]

George Pertie, Esquire [Percie]

Sir Edward Cecill, Knight [Cecil]

Sir George Wharton, Knight

Frauncis West, Esquire

Sir William Waade, Knight [Wade]

Sir Henrie Nevill, Knight [Nevil]

Sir Thomas Smithe, Knight [Smith]

Sir Oliver Cromwell, Knight

Sir Peter Manwood, Knight

Sir Dru Drurie, Knight [Drury]

Sir John Scott, Knight [Scot]

Sir Thomas Challouer, Knight [Challoner]

Sir Robert Drurie, Knight [Drury]

Sir Anthonye Cope, Knight

Sir Horatio Veere, Knight [Vere]

Sir Edward Conwaie, Knight [Conway]

Sir William Browne [Brown]

Sir Maurice Barkeley, Knight [Berkeley]

Sir Roberte Maunsell, Knight [Mansel]

Sir Amias Presou, Knight [Preston]

Sir Thomas Gates, Knight

Sir Anthonie Ashley, Knight [Ashly]

Sir Michaell Sandes, Knight [Sandys]

Sir Henrie Carew, Knight [Carey]

Sir Stephen Soame, Knight

Sir Calisthenes Brooke, Knight

Sir Edward Michelborne, Knight [Michelborn]

Sir John Racliffe, Knight [Ratcliffe]

Sir Charles Willmott, Knight [Wilmot]

Sir George Moore, Knight [Moor]

Sir Hugh Wirrall, Knight [Wirral]

Sir Thomas Dennys, Knight [Dennis]

Sir John Hollis, Knight [Holles]

Sir William Godolphin, Knight

Sir Thomas Monnson, Knight [Monson]

Sir Thomas Ridgwaie, Knight [Ridgwine]

Sir John Brooke, Knight

Sir Roberte Killigrew, Knight

Sir Henrie Peyton, Knight

Sir Richard Williamson, Knight

Sir Ferdinando Weynman, Knight

Sir William St. John, Knight

Sir Thomas Holcrofte, Knight [Holcroft]

Sir John Mallory, Knight

Sir Roger Ashton, Knight

Sir Walter Cope, Knight

Sir Richard Wigmore, Knight

Sir William Cooke, Knight [Coke]

Sir Herberte Crofte, Knight

Sir Henrie Faushawe, Knight [Fanshaw]

Sir John Smith, Knight

Sir Francis Wolley, Knight

Sir Edward Waterhouse, Knight

Sir Henrie Sekeford, Knight [Seekford]

Sir Edward Saudes, Knight6 [Edwin Sandys]

Sir Thomas Wayneman, Knight [Waynam]

Sir John Trevor, Knight

Sir Warrwick Heale, Knight [Heele]

Sir Robert Wroth, Knight

Sir John Townnesende, Knight [Townsend]

Sir Christopher Perkins, Knight

Sir Daniell Dun, Knight

Sir Henrie Hobarte, Knight [Hobart]

Sir Franncis Bacon, Knight

Sir Henrie Mountague, Knight [Montague]

Sir Georg Coppin, Knight

Sir Samuell Sandes, Knight [Sandys]

Sir Thomas Roe, Knight

Sir George Somers, Knight

Sir Thomas Freake, Knight

Sir Thomas Horwell, Knight [Harwell]

Sir Charles Kelke, Knight

Sir Baptist Hucks, Knight [Hicks]

Sir John Watts, Knight

Sir Roberte Carey, Knight

Sir William Romney, Knight

Sir Thomas Middleton, Knight

Sir Hatton Cheeke, Knight

Sir John Ogle, Knighte

Sir Cavallero Meycot, Knight

Sir Stephen Riddlesden, Knight [Riddleson]

Sir Thomas Bludder, Knight

Sir Anthonie Aucher, Knight

Sir Robert Johnson, Knight

Sir Thomas Panton, Knight

Sir Charles Morgan, Knight

Sir Stephen Powle, Knight [Pole]

Sir John Burlacie, Knight

Sir Christofer Cleane, Knight [Cleave]

Sir George Hayward, Knight

Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis]

Sir Thomas Dutton, Knight [Sutton]

Sir Anthonie Forrest, Knight [Forest]

Sir Robert Payne, Knight

Sir John Digby, Knight

Sir Dudley Diggs, Knight [Digges]

Sir Rowland Cotton, Knight

Doctour Mathewe Rutcliffe [Sutcliffe]

Doctor Meddowes [Meadows]

Doctor Turner

Doctor Poe

Captaine Pagnam

Captaine Jeffrey Holcrofte

Captaine Raunne [Romney]

Captaine Henrie Spry

Captaine Shelpton [Shelton]

Captaine Spark [Sparks]

[Captain] Thomas Wyatt [Wyat]

Captaine Brinsley

Captaine William Courtney

Captaine Herbert

Captaine Clarke

Captaine Dewhurst

Captaine John Blundell

Captaine Frier [Fryer]

Captaine Lewis Orwell

Captaine Edward Lloyd [Loyd]

Captaine Slingesby

Captaine Huntley [Hawley]

Captaine Orme

Captaine Woodhouse

Captaine Mason

Captaine Thomas Holcroft

Captaine John Cooke [Coke]

Captaine Hollis [Holles]

Captaine William Proude

Captaine Henrie Woodhouse

Captaine Richard Lindeley [Lindesey]

Captaine Dexter

Captaine William Winter

Captaine Herle [Pearse]

Captain John Bingham

Captaine Burray

Captaine Thomas Conwey [Conway]

Captaine Rookwood

Captaine William Lovelace

Captaine John Ashley

Captaine Thomas Wynne

Captaine Thomas Mewtis

Captaine Edward Harwood

Captaine Michaell Evered [Everard]

Captaine Connoth [Comock]

Captaine Miles [Mills]

Captaine Pigott [Pigot]

Captaine Edward Maria Wingfeild [Wingfield]

Captaine Christopher Newporte [Newport]

Captaine John Siclemore, alias Ratcliffe [Sicklemore]

Captaine John Smith

Captyn John Martyn [Martin]

Captaine Peter Wynne

Captaine Waldoe [Waldo]

Captyn Thomas Wood

Captaine Thomas Button

George Bolls, Esquire, Sheriffe of London

William Crashawe, [Clerk], Bachelor of Divinite

William Seabright, Esquire

Christopher Brook, Esquire

John Bingley, Esquire

Thomas Watson, Esquire

Richard Percivall, Esquire [Percival]

John Moore, Esquire

Hugh Brooker, Esquire

David Waterhouse, Esquire [Woodhouse]

Anthonie Auther, Esquier [Aucher]

Roberte Bowyer, Esquire [Boyer]

Raphe Ewens, Esquire

Zacharie Jones, Esquire

George Calvert, Esquire

William Dobson, Esquire

Henry Reynold, Esquire [Reynolds]

Thomas Walker, Esquire

Anthonie Barnars, Esquire

Thomas Sandes, Esquire [Sandys]

Henrie Sand, Esquire [Sandys]

Richard Sand [Sandys]

Sonne of Sir Edwin Sandes [Sandys]

William Oxenbridge, Esquire

John Moore, Esquire

Thomas Wilson, Esquire

John Bullocke, Esquire [Bullock]

John Waller, [Esquire]

Thomas Webb

Jehughe Robinson

William Brewster

Robert Evelyn

Henrie Dabenie [Danby]

Richard Hacklewte, minister [Hackluit]

John Eldred, marchaunt [Eldrid]

William Russell, marchaunt

John Merrick, marchaunt

Richard Bannester, merchant [Banister]

Charles Anthonie, goldsmithe [Anthony]

John Banck [Banks]

William Evans

Richard Humble

Robert Chamberleyne, marchaunt [Richard Chamberlayne]

Thomas Barber, marchaunt

Richard Pevyrell, merchaunt [Pomet]

John Fletcher, merchant

Thomas Nicholls, merchant

John Stoak, merchaunt [Stoke]

Gabriell Archer

Franncis Covell [Covel]

William Bouham [Bonham]

Edward Harrison

John Wolstenholme

Nicholas Salter

Hugh Evans

William Barners [Barnes]

Otho Mawdett [Mawdet]

Richard Staper, marchant

John Elkin, marchaunt

William Cayse [Coyse]

Thomas Perkin, cooper

Humfrey Ramell, cooper [Humphrey James]

Henry Jackson

Roberte Shingleton [Singleton]

Christopher Nicholls

John Harper

Abraham Chamberlaine [Chamberlayne]

Thomas Shipton

Thomas Carpenter

Anthoine Crewe [Crew]

George Holman

Robert Hill

Cleophas Smithe [Smith]

Raphe Harrison

John Farmer

James Brearley

William Crosley [Crosby]

Richard Cocks [Cox]

John Gearinge [Gearing]

Richard Strough, iremonnger [Strongarm]

Thomas Langton

Griffith Hinton

Richard Ironside

Richard Deane [Dean]

Richard Turner

William Leveson, mercer [Lawson]

James Chatfeilde [Chatfield]

Edward Allen [Edward Allen Tedder]

Tedder Roberts7

Heldebrand Sprinson [Robert Hildebrand Sprinson]

Arthur Mouse

John Gardener [Gardiner]

James Russell [Russel]

Richard Casewell [Caswell]

Richard Evanns [Evans]

John Hawkins

Richard Kerrill [Kerril]

Richard Brooke

Mathewe Scrivener, gentleman [Screvener]

William Stallendge, gentleman [Stallenge]

Arthure Venn, gentleman

Saund Webb, gentleman [Sandys Webbe]

Michaell Phettiplace, gentleman

William Phetiplace, gentleman [Phettiplace]

Ambrose Brusey, gentleman [Prusey]

John Taverner, gentleman

George Pretty, gentleman

Peter Latham, gentleman

Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford]

William Cautrell, gentleman [Cantrel]

Richard Wiffine, gentleman [Wiffin]

Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton]

John Cornellis [Cornelius]

Martyn Freeman

Raphe Freeman

Andreau Moore

Thomas White

Edward Perkin

Robert Offley

Thomas Whitley

George Pitt [Pit]

Roberte Parkehurste [Parkhurst]

Thomas Morris

Peter Vaulore [Harloe]

Jeffrey Duppa

John Gilbert

William Hancock

Mathew Bromrigg [Brown]

Francis Tirrell[Tyrrel]

Randall Carter

Othowell Smithe [Smith]

Thomas Honnyman [Hamond]

Marten Bonde, haberdasher [Bond]

Joan Mousloe [John Moulsoe]

Roberte Johnson

William Younge [Young]

John Woddall [Woodal]

William Felgate

Humfrey Westwood

Richard Champion

Henrie Robinson

Franncis Mapes

William Sambatch [Sambach]

Rauley Crashawe [Ralegh Crashaw]

Daniell Tucker

Thomas Grave

Hugh Willestone

Thomas Culpepper, of Wigsell, Esquire

John Culpepper, gentleman

Henrie Lee

Josias Kirton, gentleman [Kerton]

John Porie, gentleman [Pory]

Henrie Collins

George Burton

William Atkinson

Thomas Forrest [Forest]

John Russell [Russel]

John Houlte [Holt]

Harman Harrison

Gabriell Beedell [Beedel]

John Beedell [Beedel]

Henrie Dankes [Dawkes]

George Scott [Scot]

Edward Fleetewood, gentleman [Fleetwood]

Richard Rogers, gentleman

Arthure Robinson

Robert Robinson

John Huntley

John Grey [Gray]

William Payne

William Feilde [Field]

William Wattey

William Webster

John Dingley

Thomas Draper

Richard Glanvile [Glanvil]

Arnolde Lulls [Hulls]

Henrie Rowe [Roe]

William Moore [More]

Nicholas Grice [Gryce]

James Monnger [Monger]

Nicholas Andrewes [Andrews]

Jerome Haydon, iremonnger [Jeremy Haydon]

Phillipp Durrant [Philip Durette]

John Quales [Quarles]

John West

Mathew Springeham [Springham]

John Johnson

Christopher Hore

George Barkeley

Thomas Sued [Snead]

George Barkeley [Berkeley]

Arthure Pett [Pet]

Thomas Careles

William Barkley [Berkley]

Thomas Johnson

Alexander Bent [Bents]

Captaine William Kinge [King]

George Sandes, gentleman [Sandys]

James White, gentleman

Edmond Wynn [Wynne]

Charles Towler

Richard Reynold

Edward Webb

Richard Maplesden

Thomas Levers [Lever]

David Bourne

Thomas Wood

Raphe Hamer

Edward Barnes, mercer

John Wright, mercer

Robert Middleton

Edward Litsfeild [Littlefield]

Katherine West

Thomas Webb [Web]

Raphe Kinge [King]

Roberte Coppine [Coppin]

James Askewe

Christopher Nicholls [Christopher Holt]

William Bardwell

Alexander Childe [Chiles]

Lewes Tate

Edward Ditchfeilde [Ditchfield]

James Swifte

Richard Widdowes, goldesmith

Edmonde Brundell8 [Brudenell]

John Hanford [Hansford]

Edward Wooller

William Palmer, haberdasher

John Badger

John Hodgson

Peter Monnsill [Mounsel]

John Carrill [Carril]

John Busbridge [Bushridge]

William Dunn [Dun]

Thomas Johnson

Nicholas Benson

Thomas Shipton

Nathaniell Wade

Randoll Wettwood [Wetwood]

Mathew Dequester

Charles Hawkins

Hugh Hamersley

Abraham Cartwright

George Bennett [Bennet]

William Cattor [Cater]

Richard Goddart

Henrie Cromwell

Phinees Pett [Pet]

Roberte Cooper9

Henrie Neite [Newce]

Edward Wilks [Wilkes]

Roberte Bateman

Nicholas Farrar

John Newhouse

John Cason

Thomas Harris, gentleman

George Etheridge, gentleman

Thomas Mayle, gentleman

Richard Stratford [Stafford]


Richard Cooper

John Westrowe [Westrow]

Edward Welshe [Welch]

Thomas Brittanie [Britain]

Thomas Knowls [Knowles]

Octavian Thorne

Edmonde Smyth [Smith]

John March

Edward Carew

Thomas Pleydall

Richard Lea [Let]

Miles Palmer

Henrie Price

John Josua, gentleman [Joshua]

William Clawday [Clauday]

Jerome Pearsye

John Bree, gentleman

William Hampson

Christopher Pickford

Thomas Hunt

Thomas Truston

Christopher Lanman [Salmon]

John Haward, clerke [Howard]

Richarde Partridge

Allen Cotton [Cassen]

Felix Wilson

Thomas Colethurst [Bathurst]

George Wilmer

Andrew Wilmer

Morrice Lewellin

Thomas Jedwin [Godwin]

Peter Burgoyne

Thomas Burgoyne

Roberte Burgoyne

Roberte Smithe, merchauntaylor [Smith]

Edward Cage, grocer

Thomas Canon, gentleman [Cannon]

William Welby, stacioner

Clement Wilmer, gentleman

John Clapham, gentleman

Giles Fraunces, gentleman [Francis]

George Walker, sadler

John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow]

Edward Bushoppe, stacioner [Bishop]

Leonard White, gentleman

Christopher Barron [Baron]

Peter Benson

Richard Smyth [Smith]

George Prockter, minister [Proctor]

Millicent Ramesden, widowe [Ramsdent]

Joseph Soane

Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw]

John Baker

Robert Thorneton [Thornton]

John Davies [Davis]

Edward Facett [Facet]

George Nuce, gentleman [Newce]

John Robinson

Captaine Thomas Wood

William Browne, shoemaker [Brown]

Roberte Barker, shoemaker

Roberte Penington [Pennington]

Francis Burley, minister

William Quick, grocer

Edward Lewes, grocer [Lewis]

Laurence Campe, draper

Aden Perkins, grocer

Richard Shepparde, preacher [Shepherd]

William Sheckley, haberdasher [Sherley]

William Tayler, haberdasher [Taylor]

Edward Lukyn, gentleman [Edwin Lukin]

John Francklyn, haberdasher [Franklyn]

John Southicke [Southwick]

Peter Peate

George Johan, iremonnger

George Yardley, gentleman [Yeardley]

Henrie Shelly [Shelley]

John Pratt [Prat]

Thomas Church, draper

William Powell, gentleman [Powel]

Richard Frithe, gentleman [Frith]

Thomas Wheeler, draper

Franncis Hasilerigg, gentleman [Haselrig]

Hughe Shippley, gentleman [Shipley]

John Andrewes, thelder, [doctor], of Cambridge [Andrews]

Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler]

John Vassall, gentleman

Richard Howle

Edward Barkeley, gentleman [Berkeley]

Richard Knerisborough, gentleman [Keneridgburg]

Nicholas Exton, draper

William Bennett, fishmonger [Bennet]

James Hawood, marchaunt [Haywood]

Nicholas Isaak, merchaunt [Isaac]

William Gibbs, merchannt

[William] Bushopp [Bishop]

Barnard Michell [Mitchel]

Isaake Michell [Isaac Mitchel]

John Streat [Streate]

Edward Gall

John Marten, gentleman [Martin]

Thomas Fox

Luke Lodge

John Woodleefe, gentleman [Woodliffe]

Rice Webb [Richard]

Vincent Lowe [Low]

Samuell Burnam [Burnham]

Edmonde Pears, haberdasher

Josua Goudge [John Googe]

John St. John

Edwarde Vaughan

William Dunn

Thomas Alcock [Alcocke]

John Andrewes, the younger, of Cambridge [Andrews]

Samuell Smithe [Smith]

Thomas Jerrard [Gerrard]

Thomas Whittingham

William Cannynge [Canning]

Paule Caminge [Canning]

George Chaudler [Chandler]

Henrye Vincent

Thomas Ketley

James Skelton

James Montain [Mountaine]

George Webb, gentleman

Josephe Newbroughesmith [Joseph Newbridge, smith]

Josias Mande [Mand]

Raphe Haman, the younger [Hamer]

Edward Brewster, the sonne of William Brewster

Leonard Harwood, mercer

Phillipp Druerdent

William Carpenter

Tristram Hill

Roberte Cock, grocer

Laurence Grene, grocer [Greene]

Daniell Winche, grocer [Samuel Winch]

Humfrey Stile, grocer

Averie Dransfeild, grocer [Dransfield]

Edwarde Hodges, grocer

Edward Beale, grocer10

Raphe Busby, grocer11

John Whittingham, grocer

John Hide, grocer

Mathew Shipperd, grocer [Shepherd]

Thomas Allen, grocer

Richard Hooker, grocer

Laurence Munckas, grocer [Munks]

John Tanner, grocer

Peter Gate, grocer

John Blunt, grocer12

Roberte Berrisford, grocer13

Thomas Wells, gentleman14

John Ellis, grocer

Henrie Colthurst, grocer

John Cranage, grocer [Cavady]

Thomas Jenings, grocer [Jennings]

Edmond Peshall, grocer [Pashall]

Timothie Bathurst, grocer

Gyles Parslowe, grocer15 [Parslow]

Roberte Johnson, grocer [Richard]

William Janson, vintener [Johnson]

Ezechiell Smith

Richard Murrettone [Martin]

William Sharpe

Roberte Ritche [Rich]

William Stannerd, inholder [Stannard]

John Stocken

William Strachey, gentleman

George Farmer, gentleman

Thomas Gypes, clothworker

Abraham Dawes, gentleman [Davies]

Thomas Brockett, gentleman [Brocket]

George Bathe, fishmonger [Bache]

John Dike, fishmonger

Henrie Spranger

Richard Farringdon [Farrington]

Chistopher Vertue, vintener

Thomas Baley, vintener [Bayley]

George Robins, vintener

Tobias Hinson, grocer

Urian Spencer [Vrian]

Clement Chachelley [Chicheley]

John Searpe, gentleman [Scarpe]

James Cambell, iremonnger [Campbell]

Christopher Clitherowe, iremonnger [Clitheroe]

Phillipp Jacobson

Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe

William Barckley [Berkeley]

Miles Banck, cutler [Banks]

Peter Highley, grocer [Higgons]

Henrie John, gentleman

John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley]

The companie of mercers

The companie of grocers

The companie of drapers

The company of fishmongers

The companie of gouldsmithes

The companie of skynners

The companie merchauntailors

The companie of haberdashers

The companie of salters

The companie of iremongers

The companie of vintners

The companie of clothworkers

The companie of dyers

The companie of bruers

The companie of lethersellers

The companie of pewterers

The companie of cutlers

The companie of whitebakers

The companie of waxchaundlers

The companie of tallowe chaundlers

The companie of armorers

The companie of girdlers

The companie of butchers

The companie of sadlers

The companie of carpenters

The companie of cordwayners

The companie of barbor chirurgions

The companie of painter stayners

The companie of curriers

The companie of masons

The companie of plumbers

The companie of inholders

The companie of founders

The companie of poulterers

The companie of cookes

The companie of coopers

The companie of tylers and bricklayers

The companie of bowyers

The companie of fletchers

The companie of blacksmithes

The companie of joyners

The companie of weavers

The companie of wollmen

The companie of woodmonngers

The companie of scrivenors

The companie of fruterers

The companie of plasterers

The companie of brownebakers

The companie of stacioners

The companie of imbroderers

The companie of upholsters

The companie of musicions

The companie of turners16

The companie of baskettmakers

The companie of glasiers

John Levett, merchaunt [Levet]

Thomas Nornicott, clothworker [Nornicot]

Richard Venn, haberdasher

Thomas Scott, gentleman [Scot]

Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon]

George Hankinson

Thomas Leeyer, gentleman [Seyer]

Mathew Cooper

George Butler, gentleman

Thomas Lawson, gentleman

Edward Smith, haberdasher

Stephen Sparrowe

John Jones, merchaunt

[John] Reynold, brewer [Reynolds]

Thomas Plummer, merchaunt

James Duppa, bruer

Rowland Coytemore [Coitmore]

William Sotherne [Southerne]

George Whittmoore, haberdasher [Whitmore]

Anthonie Gosoulde, the younger [Gosnold]

John Allen, fishemonger

Symonde Yeomans, fishmonger [Simon]

Launcelot Davis, gentleman

John Hopkins, an alderman of Bristoll

John Kettlebye, gentleman [Kettleby]

Richard Chene, gouldsmithe [Clene]

George Hooker, gentleman

Roberte Shevinge, yeoman [Chening]

And to such and so manie as they doe or shall hereafter admitt to be joyned with them, in forme hereafter in theis presentes expressed, whether they goe in their persons to be planters there in the said plantacion, or whether they goe not, but doe adventure their monyes, goods or chattels, that they shalbe one bodie or communaltie perpetuall and shall have perpetual succession and one common seale to serve for the saide bodie or communaltie; and that they and their successors shalbe knowne, called and incorporated by the name of The Tresorer and Companie of Adventurers and Planters of the Citty of London for the Firste Collonie in Virginia.

And that they and their successors shalbe from hensforth, forever enabled to take, acquire and purchase, by the name aforesaid (licens for the same from us, oure heires or successors first had and obtained) anie manner of lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods and chattels, within oure realme of England and dominion of Wales; and that they and their successors shalbe likewise enabled, by the name aforesaid, to pleade and to be impleaded before anie of oure judges or justices, in anie oure courts, and in anie accions or suits whatsoever.

And wee doe also, of oure said speciall grace, certaine knowledge and mere mocion, give, grannte and confirme unto the said Tresorer and Companie, and their successors, under the reservacions, limittacions and declaracions hereafter expressed, all those lands, countries and territories scituat, lieinge and beinge in that place of America called Virginia, from the pointe of lande called Cape or Pointe Comfort all alonge the seacoste to the northward twoe hundred miles and from the said pointe of Cape Comfort all alonge the sea coast to the southward twoe hundred miles; and all that space and circuit of lande lieinge from the sea coaste of the precinct aforesaid upp unto the lande, throughoute, from sea to sea, west and northwest; and also all the island beinge within one hundred miles alonge the coaste of bothe seas of the precincte aforesaid; togeather with all the soiles, groundes, havens and portes, mynes, aswell royall mynes of golde and silver as other mineralls, pearles and precious stones, quarries, woods, rivers, waters, fishings, comodities, jurisdictions, royalties, priviledges, franchisies and preheminences within the said territorie and the precincts there of whatsoever; and thereto or there abouts, both by sea and lande, beinge or in anie sorte belonginge or appertayninge, and which wee by oure lettres patents maie or cann graunte; and in as ample manner and sorte as wee or anie oure noble progenitors have heretofore graunted to anie companie, bodie pollitique or corporate, or to anie adventurer or adventurers, undertaker or undertakers, of anie discoveries, plantacions or traffique of, in, or into anie forraine parts whatsoever; and in as large and ample manner as if the same were herin particulerly mentioned and expressed: to have, houlde, possesse and enjoye all and singuler the said landes, countries and territories with all and singuler other the premisses heretofore by theis [presents] graunted or mencioned to be grannted, to them, the said Tresorer and Companie, their successors and assignes, forever; to the sole and proper use of them, the said Tresorer and Companie, their successors and assignes [forever], to be holden of us, oure heires and successors, as of oure mannour of Estgreenewich, in free and common socage and not in capite; yeldinge and payinge, therefore, to us, oure heires and successors, the fifte parte onlie of all oare of gould and silver that from tyme to time, and at all times hereafter, shalbe there gotton, had and obtained, for all manner of service.

4.Bracketed passage supplied from text in Hening.
5.All names in brackets supplied from text in Stith.
6.Stith's footnote: "The adventurers names are vastly confused and different in the different M. S. copies of this charter. I chose the two fairest and most correct copies, that I met with, to transcribe from; and altho' they both agree in writing this name, Sir Edward Sands, or Sandis, yet they are both certainly wrong, as might be easily proved, were it worth while, and would not be too tedious. I was also much puzzled to adjust and set right others of the names; and altho' I was at no small pains in collating the copies, and in consulting and referring to other ancient letters patents and papers, yet I will not affirm that I am not often mistaken. But however erroneous and perplexed the names of the adventurers may be, yet I found the main body, and material parts of the charter, very clear, full, and correct."
7.Omitted from Stith.
8.Between this name and that following Stith adds: "Edward Burwell."
9.Between this name and that following Stith adds: "John Cooper."
10.Between this name and that following Stith adds: "Thomas Culler, grocer."
11.Name given twice in P. R. O. transcript.
12.Between this name and that following Stith adds: "Robert Phips, grocer."
13.Name given twice in P. R. O. transcript.
14.Stith reads: "Thomas Wells, grocer."
15.Between this name and that following Stith adds: "Robert Milmay, grocer."
16.Following this Stith adds: "The Company of Gardiners."
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Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018
160 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain