Kitabı oku: «How to Form a Library, 2nd ed», sayfa 6
Special Bibliographies
Bibliographies of special subjects are more useful than any other books in the formation of a library. The articles in the new edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica will be found valuable for this purpose, but those who wish for fuller information must refer to Dr. Julius Petzholdt's elaborate Bibliotheca Bibliographica (Leipzig, 1866), or to the Bibliographie des Bibliographies of M. Léon Vallée (Paris, 1885). The late Mr. Cornelius Walford contributed a paper "On Special Collections of Books" to the Transactions of the Conference of Librarians, 1877 (pp. 45-49), in which he specially referred to the subject of Insurance.
In the present chapter I propose to refer to some of the most useful bibliographies, but to save space the full titles will not be given, and this is the less necessary as they can mostly be found in the above books or in that useful little volume we owe to the authorities of the British Museum—"Hand-list of Bibliographies, Classified Catalogues, and Indexes placed in the Reading-room," 1881.
Agriculture.—Weston's Tracts on Practical Agriculture and Gardening (1773), contains a Chronological Catalogue of English Authors, and Donaldson's Agricultural Biography (1854) brings the subject down to a later date. Victor Donatien de Musset-Pathay published a Bibliographie Agronomique in 1810, and Loudon's Encyclopædia of Agriculture contains the Literature and Bibliography of Agriculture, British, French, German, and American.
Ana.—In Peignot's Repertoire de Bibliographies Spéciales (1810) will be found at pp. 211-268, a list of books of Ana, and Gabriel Antoine Joseph Hécart published at Valenciennes, 1821, under the name of J.G. Phitakaer, a bibliography entitled "Anagrapheana." Namur's Bibliographie des Ouvrages publiés sous le nom d'Ana was published at Bruxelles in 1839. The late Sir William Stirling Maxwell made a collection of books of Ana, a privately printed catalogue of which he issued in 1860.
Angling.—Sir Henry Ellis printed privately in 1811 a small octavo pamphlet of 21 pages which he entitled "A Catalogue of Books on Angling, with some brief notices of several of their authors," which was an extract from the British Bibliographer. In 1836, Pickering printed a Bibliotheca Piscatoria, which was formed upon Sir Henry Ellis's corrected copy of the above Catalogue. Mr. J. Russell Smith published in 1856 "A Bibliographical Catalogue of English writers on Angling and Ichthyology," which was soon superceded by the following work by Mr. T. Westwood. "A new Bibliotheca Piscatoria, or a general Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature." London, 1861 (another edition, edited conjointly with T. Satchell, 1883). Mr. R. Blakey published in 1855, "Angling Literature of all Nations." London, 1855. 12mo. Mr. J.J. Manley, M.A., published in 1883, "Literature of Sea and River Fishing," as one of the Handbooks of the International Fisheries Exhibition.
Architecture.—Lacroix (E.). Bibliographie des Ingénieurs, des Architectes, des Chefs d'Usines industrielles, des Elèves des Ecoles polytechniques et professionnelles et des Agriculteurs. Première (—Troisième) Série. Paris, 1864-67. 4to.
Assurance (Life).—Lewis Pocock published "A Chronological List of Books and Single Papers" relating to this subject in 1836, a second edition of which was published in 1842.
Astronomy.—Lalande published his valuable "Bibliographie Astronomique" at Paris, 1803. Otto Struve's Catalogue of the Library of the Pulkova Observatory, published at St. Petersburg in 1860, is highly esteemed by astronomers. The first part of the Catalogue of the United States Naval Observatory at Washington, by Prof. E.S. Holden, is devoted to Astronomical Bibliography.
–– Houzeau (J.C.) and Lancaster (A.), Bibliographie générale de l'Astronomie. Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo. In progress.
–– Mr. E.B. Knobel, Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society, printed in the Monthly Notices of that Society for November, 1876 (pp. 365-392), a very useful short Reference Catalogue of Astronomical Papers and Researches, referring more especially to (1) Double Stars; (2) Variable Stars; (3) Red Stars; (4) Nebulæ and Clusters; (5) Proper Motions of Stars; (6) Parallax and Distance of Stars; (7) Star Spectra. Mr. E.S. Holden's "Index Catalogue of Books and Memoirs relating to Nebulæ and Clusters of Stars" was printed in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections in 1877.
Bible.—The famous Le Long published at Paris, in 1713, his "Discours historiques sur les principales éditions des Bibles polyglottes," and in 1723, in two volumes, folio, his great work "Bibliotheca Sacra." This was edited and continued by A.G. Masch, and published at Halæ Magd. in five volumes, quarto. 1774-97. T. Llewelyn published in 1768 "Historical Account of the British or Welsh Versions and editions of the Bible." A privately printed "List of various editions of the Bible" was issued in 1778, which has been attributed to Dr. Ducarel. John Lewis's "Complete History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English" was published in 1818, and Dr. Henry Cotton's "List of Editions" (Oxford, 1821, 2nd edition, 1852) was intended as an Appendix to that work. Orme's Bibliotheca Biblica was published at Edinburgh in 1824, and Hartwell Horne's Manual of Biblical Bibliography at London in 1839. Bagster's Bible in Every Land (1848), although not strictly bibliographical, must be mentioned here, because it gives under each language a notice of all versions published in that language. Lowndes' British Librarian or Book Collector's Guide. Class I. Religion and its History. London, 1839. 8vo. Parts 1, 2, 3 are devoted to Holy Scriptures, Biblical Commentaries, Biblical Disquisitions, Scripture Biography, Scripture Geography, etc. The work itself was left incomplete Dr. H. Cotton published at Oxford, in 1855, a work entitled "Rhemes and Doway. An Attempt to show what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English." In 1859 J.G. Shea published at New York a "Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, Testaments, and other portions of Scripture translated from the Latin Vulgate, and printed in the United States," and in 1861 E.B. O'Callaghan published at Albany a "List of editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860." E. Reuss published at Brunswick, in 1872, a Bibliography of the Greek New Testament. Dr. Isaac Hall printed a Critical Bibliography of American Greek Testaments at Philadelphia in 1883. Mr. Henry Stevens, the eminent bibliographer, is a special authority on Bibles, and his work, entitled "The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877, or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand representative Bibles in various languages, chronologically arranged" (London, 1878), contains some of the information he possesses.
Biography.—Oettinger's Bibliographie Biographique Universelle (1854) is a most useful work, although it is now unfortunately somewhat out of date.
Book-keeping.—B.F. Foster's Origin and Progress of Book-keeping (1852) contains an account of books published on this subject from 1543 to 1852.
Botany.—Pritzel's Thesaurus Literaturæ Botanicæ (1851, another edition 1872-77) is the Bibliography of the subject, and this work is supplemented by Mr. Daydon Jackson's Index of Botany, published by the Index Society. Trimen's Botanical Bibliography of the British counties, London, 1874. 8vo.
Chemistry.—R. Ruprecht, Bibliotheca Chemica et Pharmaceutica, 1858-70. Göttingen, 1872.
Classics.—Dr. Edward Harwood published his "View of the various editions of the Greek and Roman Classics" in 1790. He was followed in 1802 by Thomas Frognall Dibdin, whose work was much enlarged, and reappeared in several editions; the fourth and best being published in 1827 (2 vols. 8vo.). J.W. Moss published his "Manual of Classical Bibliography" in 1825, 2 vols. 8vo. Henry G. Bohn's General Catalogue, Part II. Section I. 1850, contains a valuable list of Greek and Latin Classics. Engelmann's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Græcorum et Latinorum (1858) is an elaborate work on the subject, and Professor John E.B. Mayor's translation and adaptation of Dr. Hübner's Bibliographical Clue to Latin Literature will be found to be a very useful handbook.
Commerce.—See Trade.
Dialects.—Mr. J. Russell Smith published, in 1839, a useful "Bibliographical List of the Works that have been published towards illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England" (24 pages). When the Rev. Professor Skeat started the English Dialect Society, he at once laid the foundation of an extensive Bibliographical List to include MSS. as well as printed works. This Bibliography is being published by the Society in parts.
Dictionaries.—William Marsden printed privately, in 1796, a valuable "Catalogue of Dictionaries, Vocabularies, Grammars, and Alphabets."
Dictionaries.—Trübner's Catalogue of Dictionaries and Grammars (1872, second edition 1882) is a very useful work. H.B. Wheatley's account of English Dictionaries was published in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1865.
Drama.—A notice of some books in the English Drama will be found in Chapter IV. The Bibliothèque Dramatique de Mons. de Soleinne (1843-44, 5 vols.), with its continuation to 1861, is a splendid Catalogue, in which the books are fully described, with valuable notes and preface.
Earthquakes.—Mr. Robert Mallet's Bibliography of Earthquakes will be found in the British Association Report for 1858, and Mons. Alexis Perrey's Bibliographie Seismique in the Dijon Memoires for 1855, 1856, and 1861.
Electricity.—Sir Francis Ronalds' Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, and the Electric Telegraph (1880) contains a large number of titles. O. Salle's Bibliography of Electricity and Magnetism, 1860 to 1883, was published in 1884.
Entomology.—Dr. Hagen's Bibliotheca Entomologica (Leipzig, 1862-63) is a carefully compiled and useful book.
Epigrams.—There is a list of books connected with Epigrammatic Literature appended to The Epigrammatists, by the Rev. Philip Dodd. 8vo. London, 1870.
Fine Art.—The First Proofs of the Universal Catalogue of Books in Art, compiled for the use of the National Art Library and the Schools of Art in the United Kingdom. London, 1870. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. Supplement. London, 1877.
–– Essai d'une Bibliographie de l'Histoire spéciale de la Peinture et de la Gravure en Hollande et en Belgique (1500-1875), par J.F. van Someren, Amsterdam, 1882. 8vo.
Freemasonry.—Gowans (W.). Catalogue of Books on Freemasonry and kindred subjects. New York, 1858. 8vo.
–– Hemsworth (H.W.). Catalogue of Books in the Library at Freemasons' Hall, London. Privately printed.
There is a list of books on Freemasonry in Petzholdt's Bibliotheca Bibliographica, pp. 468-474. Mr. Folkard printed privately a Catalogue of Works on Freemasonry in the Wigan Free Library in 1882, and in the Annals of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, Vol. IX. Part I. (1883) is a Catalogue of Works on this subject in the Library of the Grand Lodge of Iowa.
Future Life.—Catalogue of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul, by Ezra Abbot. Appended to W.R. Alger's Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo. Reprinted, New York, 1871.
Geography.—See Voyages and Travels.
Health.—Catalogue of the International Health Exhibition Library. Division I. Health. Division II. Education. London, 1884. 8vo.
Heraldry.—Thomas Moule's valuable Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnæ Britanniæ was published in 1822. There is a "List of the principal English and Foreign Text-Books on Heraldry" at the end of The Handbook of Heraldry, by J.E. Cussans, London, 1869.
History (General).—Brunet (J.C.). Table Méthodique en forme de Catalogue raisonné, Histoire. Paris, 1865. 8vo.
–– Oettinger (E.M.). Historisches Archiv. Archives historiques, contenant une classification de 17,000 ouvrages pour servir à l'étude de l'histoire de tous les siècles et de toutes les nations. Carlsruhe, 1841. 4to.
(Great Britain and Ireland.)—Bishop Nicholson's English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries, 1776, will still be found useful. Mr. Mullinger's portion of the Introduction to the Study of English History (1881) gives the latest information on the subject. Sir Duffus Hardy's "Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland to the end of the reign of Henry VIII." is an invaluable book, but is unfortunately incomplete.
(France.)—Lelong (J.). Bibliothèque Historique (1768-78, 5 vols, folio). "Les Sources de l'Histoire de France," by A. Franklin, was published in 1877.
History (Germany.)—Bibliographical Essay on the Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum, by A. Asher, was published in 1843.
(Holland.)—Nijhoff. Bibliotheca Historico-Neerlandica. La Haye, 1871.
(Italy.)—Lichtenthal (P.). Manuale Bibliografico del Viaggiatore in Italia. Milano, 1844. A Catalogue of Sir Richard Colt Hoare's Collection of Books relating to the History and Topography of Italy was printed in 1812. The Collection was presented to the British Museum by Hoare in 1825.
(Portugal.)—Figaniere. Bibliographia Historica Portugueza. Lisboa, 1850.
(Spain.)—Munoz y Romero. Diccionario bibliografico-historico … de Espana. Madrid, 1858.
Language.—See Dictionaries, Philology.
Law.—Mr. Stephen R. Griswold contributed an article on Law Libraries to the U.S. Report on Libraries (pp. 161-170). He writes, "Law books may be classified generally as follows: Reports, Treatises, Statute Law. The practice of reporting the decisions of the Judges began in the reign of Edward I., and from that time we have a series of judicial reports of those decisions. In the time of Lord Bacon, these reports extended to fifty or sixty volumes. During the two hundred and fifty years that have passed since then, nothing has been done by way of revision or expurgation; but these publications have been constantly increasing, so that at the close of the year 1874 the published volumes of reports were as follows: English, 1350 volumes; Irish, 175 volumes; Scotch, 225 volumes; Canadian, 135 volumes; American, 2400 volumes. With respect to treatises (including law periodicals and digests), and without including more than one edition of the same work, it is safe to say that a fair collection would embrace at least 2000 volumes. The statute law of the United States, if confined to the general or revised statutes and codes, may be brought within 100 volumes. If, however, the sessional acts be included, the collection would amount to over 1500 volumes. It is thus seen that a fairly complete law library would embrace more than 7000 volumes, which could not be placed upon its shelves for less than $50,000."
Law.—There is a useful list of legal bibliographies in the "Hand-list of Bibliographies in the Reading-room of the British Museum" (pp. 40-44). Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum, which was compiled by Hartwell Horne (1819), is a valuable work. Marvin's Legal Bibliography, which was published at Philadelphia in 1847, contains 800 pages. The Catalogue of the Law Library in the New York State Library (1856), forms a useful guide to the subject, and Herbert G. Sweet's "Complete Catalogue of Modern Law Books" is one of the latest catalogues of authority.
Mathematics.—A really good bibliography of Mathematics is still wanting. The following books, however, all from Germany, are useful.
Mathematics.—Murhard (F.W.A.). Bibliotheca Mathematica. Lipsiæ, 1797-1804. 4 vols.
–– Rogg (J.). Handbuch der Mathematischen Literatur. Tübingen, 1830.
–– Sohncke (L.A.). Bibliotheca Mathematica. 1830-54. Leipsic, 1854.
–– Erlecke (A.). Bibliotheca Mathematica. Halle-a.-S., 1873.
–– Professor De Morgan's Arithmetical Books (1847) is a model of what a good bibliography ought to be.
Medical.—Dr. Billings contributed a chapter on "Medical Libraries in the United States" to the U.S. Report on Public Libraries (pp. 171-182), in which he wrote—"The record of the researches, experiences, and speculations relating to Medical Science during the last four hundred years is contained in between two and three hundred thousand volumes and pamphlets; and while the immense majority of these have little or nothing of what we call 'practical value,' yet there is no one of them which would not be called for by some inquirer if he knew of its existence." The writer added a list of works of reference which should be in every Medical Library.
There have been a specially large number of Medical Bibliographies, from Haller's works downwards. James Atkinson's Medical Bibliography (1834, A and B only), is an amusing book, but of little or no utility. The most useful books are Dr. Billings's Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (Washington, 1880) and the Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society (3 vols. 1879), by B.R. Wheatley. Neale's Medical Digest (1877) forms a convenient guide to the medical periodicals. The two great French dictionaries—Raige-Delorme and A. Dechambre, Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales (4 series, commenced in 1854, and still in progress); Jaccoud, Nouveau Dictionnaire de Médecine et de Chirurgie Pratiques (1864, and still in progress)—contain very valuable references to the literature of the various subjects. Of special subjects may be mentioned H. Haeser's Bibliotheca Epidemiographica (1843), John S. Billings's Bibliography of Cholera in the Report of the Cholera Epidemic of 1873 in the United States (1875, pp. 707-1025), Beer's Bibliotheca Ophthalmica (1799), Dr. E.J. Waring's Bibliotheca Therapeutica (1878-79, 2 vols. 8vo.), and Bibliography of Embryology, in Balfour's Embryology, vol. ii.
Meteorology.—A full bibliography of books and papers upon Meteorology is being prepared at the United States Signal Office, and it is reported that 48,000 titles are now in the office. There have been several articles on this subject in Symons's Meteorological Magazine, the last being in the number for December, 1885.
Mineralogy.—Dana (J.D.). Bibliography of Mineralogy. 1881. 8vo.
Mining.—Wigan Free Public Library Index Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Mining, Metallurgy, and Manufactures. By Henry Tennyson Folkard, Librarian. Southport, 1880. Roy. 8vo.
Motion (Perpetual).—Perpetuum Mobile; or, search for Self-Motive Power during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, illustrated from various authentic sources in papers, essays, letters, paragraphs, and numerous Patent Specifications, with an Introductory Essay. By Henry Dircks, C.E. London, 1861. Sm. 8vo. Second Series. London, 1870. Sm. 8vo.
Music.—Engel (C.). The Literature of National Music. London, 1879. 8vo.
–– Catalogue of the Library of the Sacred Harmonic Society. A new edition [by W.H. Husk]. London, 1872. 8vo.
–– Rimbault (F.). Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, a Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the 16th and 17th centuries, under the titles of Madrigals, Ballets, Ayres, Canzonets, etc. London, 1847. 8vo.
There are bibliographies of the subject in F.L. Kilter's History of Music, London, 1876, and F. Clement, Histoire générale de la Musique Religieuse. Paris, 1861.
Natural History.—Dryander's Catalogue of Sir Joseph Banks's Library, now in the British Museum, is the most famous bibliography of this subject, although made so many years ago. It consists of 5 vols. 8vo. (1798-1800). Vol. 1, General Writers; Vol. 2, Zoology; Vol. 3, Botany; Vol. 4, Mineralogy; Vol. 5, Supplement.
Natural History.—Engelmann (W.). Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Leipzig, 1846.
–– Zuckold (E.A.). Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, Physico-Chemica et Mathematica. Göttingen, 1852.
–– See Zoology.
Philology.—Marsden (W.) Bibliotheca Marsdenia, Philologica et Orientalis. London, 1827. 4to.
–– Engelmann (W.). Bibliotheca Philologica. Leipzig, 1853.
–– See Dictionaries.
Political Economy.—McCulloch (J.R.) The Literature of Political Economy, London, 1845.—This is a very valuable work up to the date of publication, but a good bibliography of the subject is still a desideratum. The late Professor Stanley Jevons proposed to draw up a Handy Book of the Literature for the Index Society, but, to the great loss of bibliography, was prevented by other work from undertaking it. He contributed a list of Selected Books in Political Economy to the Monthly Notes of the Library Association (Vol. 3, No. 7).
Poor.—A Catalogue of Publications in the English Language on subjects relative to the Poor will be found in Eden's State of the Poor, vol. iii. pp. ccclxvii—ccclxxxvi.
Printing.—Bigmore (E.C.), and Wyman (C.W.H.). A Bibliography of Printing, with Notes and Illustrations. London, 1880. 4to.
–– The Literature of Printing. A Catalogue of the Library illustrative of the History and Art of Typography, Chalcography, and Lithography, by R.M. Hoe. London, 1877. 8vo.
The following is a list of some of the bibliographies of the productions of the chief printers:
Aldus.—Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs éditions. Par Ant. Aug. Renouard. Paris, an XII. Seconde édition. Paris, 1825. 8vo. 3 vols.
Caxton.—The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's first Printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Compiled from original sources by William Blades. London, 1861-63. 2 vols. 4to. A condensed edition was published under the following title: The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's first Printer. By William Blades. Second edition. London, 1882. 8vo.
Elzevirs.—Willems (A.). Les Elzevier. Histoire et Annales Typographiques. Bruxelles, 1880. 8vo.
–– C. Pieters. Annales de l'Imprimerie des Elsevier. Gand, 1858. 8vo.
Plantin.—La Maison Plantin à Anvers. Par L. Degeorge. Deuxième édition, augmentée d'une liste chronologique des ouvrages imprimés par Plantin à Anvers de 1555 à 1589. Bruxelles, 1878. 8vo.
Stephens.—Annales de l'Imprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Famille, des Estienne et de ses éditions. Par A.A. Renouard. Paris, 1837-38. 8vo. 2 parts.
Privately Printed Books.—The second edition of John Martin's Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books was published in 1854, and a newer work on this important subject is much required. Mr. W.P. Courtney has been engaged in the production of such a work for some years, and the labour could not be in better hands.
Proverbs.—The Bibliographie Parémiologique of Pierre Alexandre Gratet-Duplessis (1847), is one of the most elaborate and carefully compiled bibliographies ever published. Sir William Stirling Maxwell printed privately a catalogue of his collection of books of proverbs, in which were specially marked those unknown to Duplessis, or those published since the issue of his catalogue.
Science.—An article on the Scientific Libraries in the United States was contributed by Dr. Theodore Gill to the U.S. Report on Public Libraries (pp. 183-217). It contains an account of the various periodical records of work in the various departments of science.
Shorthand.—Thomas Anderson's History of Shorthand, London (1882), contains Lists of Writers on Shorthand in different languages.
Theology.—There is an article on Theological Libraries in the United States, in the U.S. Report on Public Libraries (pp. 127-160). The following extract contains some particulars respecting these.—"There are reported twenty-four libraries, which contain from 10,000 to 34,000 volumes; and these twenty-four libraries belong to ten different denominations. Three Baptist, two Catholic, two Congregational, three Episcopal, one Lutheran, two Methodist, seven Presbyterian, one Reformed (Dutch), one Reformed (German), and two Unitarian. And, if we include those libraries which contain less than 10,000 volumes, the list of different denominations to which they belong is extended to fifteen or sixteen."
A considerable number of Bibliographies of Theology will be found in the British Museum Hand-list. Darling's Cyclopædia Bibliographica (1854-59), Malcom's Theological Index (Boston, 1868), and Zuchold's Bibliotheca Theologica (Göttingen, 1864), may be specially mentioned.
Topography.—Gough's British Topography (2 vols. 4to. 1780) is an interesting and useful book, and Upcott's Bibliographical Account of the principal works relating to British Topography, 3 vols. 8vo. (1818), forms one of the best specimens of English bibliography extant.
Topography.—Mr. J.P. Anderson's Book of British Topography (1881) is an indispensable book. Mr. Robert Harrison has prepared for the Index Society an Index of Books on Topography, arranged in one alphabet of places, which has not yet been published. Mr. W.H.K. Wright contributed a paper on "Special Collections of Local Books in Provincial Libraries" to the Transactions of the First Annual Meeting of the Library Association, 1878 (pp. 44-50). Another paper on the same subject, by Mr. J.H. Nodal, appears in the Transactions of the Second Annual Meeting of the Library Association, 1879 (pp. 54-60), entitled "Special Collections of Books in Lancashire and Cheshire," and in the Appendix (pp. 139-148) is a full account of these collections in Public Libraries and private hands.
An indication of some of the chief bibliographies of particular counties and places is here added—
Cornwall: Boase & Courtney, 1874-82. 3 vols. A model bibliography.
Devonshire: J. Davidson, 1852.
" Plymouth (Three Towns' Bibliotheca), R.N. Worth, 1872-73.
Dorsetshire: C.H. Mayo, privately printed, 1885.
Gloucestershire: Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, J. Washbourn, 1823-25.
Gloucestershire: Collectanea Glocestriensia, J.D. Phelps, 1842.
Hampshire: Bibliotheca Hantoniensis, H.M. Gilbert, 1872?
" List of Books, Sir W.H. Cope, 1879.
Herefordshire: J. Allen, jun., 1821.
Kent: J. Russell Smith, 1837.
Lancashire: H. Fishwick, 1875.
Man (Isle of): W. Harrison, 1876.
Norfolk: S. Woodward and W.C. Ewing, 1842.
Nottinghamshire: S.F. Creswell, 1863.
Sussex: G.S. Butler, 1866.
Yorkshire: Rt. Hon. John Smythe, Pontefract, 1809.
" E. Hailstone, 1858.
" W. Boyne, 1869.
Trade and Finance.—Catalogue of Books, comprising the Library of William Paterson, Founder of the Bank of England, in vol. iii. of the Collection of his "Writings, edited by Saxe Bannister," (3 vols. 8vo. London, 1859).
–– Enslin und Engelmann. Bibliothek der Handlungswissenschaft 1750-1845. Leipzig, 1856.
Trials.—The Catalogue of the Library of the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh (1857) contains (pp. 297-319) a very useful list of trials in an alphabet of the persons tried. The table is arranged under name, charge, date of trial, and reference.
Voyages and Travels.—Locke's Catalogue and character of most books of Voyages and Travels is interesting on account of Locke's notes. (Locke's Works, 1812, 10 vols. 8vo., vol. x. pp. 513-564.)
There are catalogues of books of travels in Pinkerton's collection (1814), and Kerr's collection (1822).
–– Boucher de la Richaderie, Bibliothèque Universelle des Voyages, Paris, 1808. 6 vols. 8vo.
–– Engelmann (W.). Bibliotheca Geographica. Leipzig, 1858.
Zoology.—Agassiz's Bibliographia Zoologicæ et Geologicæ, published by the Ray Society, 1848-54, was a useful book in its day, but it is of no value bibliographically, and the titles being mostly taken at second-hand, the work is full of blunders.
–– Carus and Engelmann's Bibliotheca Zoologica, Leipzig 1861, forms a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis of Engelmann.
–– Carus and Engelmann's Bibliotheca Zoologica, Leipzig 1861, forms a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis of Engelmann.
A large number of bibliographies of particular authors have been published in this country and abroad, and it may be useful here to make a note of some of these.
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso: Ulisse Guidi, Bologna, 1861, 1868. G.J. Ferrazzi, Bassano, 1881.
Boccaccio: M. Landau, Napoli, 1881.
Burns: J. Mackie, Kilmar, 1866.
Calderon: E. Dorer, Leipzig, 1881.
Camoens: Adamson's Life of Camoens, vol. 2, 1820.
Cervantes: E. Dorer, Leipzig, 1881.
Corneille: E. Picot, Paris, 1876.
Dante: Bibliografia Dantesca, Prato, 1845-46. C.U.J. Chevalier, 1877. G.A. Scartazzini, Dante in Germania, 1881. J. Petzholdt, Dresden, 1880.
Goethe: S. Hirzel, 1878.
Luther: E.G. Vogel, Halle, 1851. J. Edmands, Philadelphia, 1883.
Manzoni: A. Vosmara, Milano, 1875.
Molière: P. Lacroix, Paris, 1875.
Montaigne: J.F. Payer, Paris, 1837.
Persius: J. Tarlier, Bruxelles, 1848.
Petrarch: Marsand, Milano, 1826.
" A. Hortis, Trieste, 1874.
" G.J. Ferrazzi, Bassano, 1877. C.U.J. Chevalier, Montpéliard, 1880.
Rabelais: J.C. Brunet, Paris, 1852.
Schiller: L. Unflad, München, 1878.
Tasso: G.J. Ferrazzi, Bassano, 1880.
Voltaire: G. Bengesco, Paris, 1882.
Browning: F.J. Furnivall, Browning Society, 1881-2.
Carlyle: R.H. Shepherd, 1882.
Defoe: M. Stace, 1829; Wilson, 1830; Lee, 1862.
Dickens: R.H. Shepherd, 1881.
" J. Cook, Paisley, 1879.
Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Charles Lamb: A. Ireland, 1868.
Ruskin: R.H. Shepherd, 1882.
Shakespeare: J. Wilson, 1827; J.O. Halliwell, 1841; Moulin, 1845; Sillig and Ulrici, 1854; H.G. Bohn, 1864; F. Thimm, 1865-72; K. Knortz, 1876; Unflad, 1880; Justin Winsor (Poems); Birmingham Memorial Library Catalogue (J.D. Mullens).
Shelley: H.B. Forman, 1886.
Tennyson: R.H. Shepherd, 1879.
Thackeray: R.H. Shepherd, 1881.
Wycliffe: J. Edmands, 1884.
Dr. Garnett commenced a MS. list of such special bibliographies as he came across in Treatises on the different subjects. This list is added to and kept in the Reading Room for use by the Librarians. I was allowed the privilege of referring to this very useful list.