Kitabı oku: «The Mysteries of Free Masonry», sayfa 17

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Opening.—Most Puissant knocks three (Marshal rises) and says, "Brother Grand Marshal, are we all I. B.?" Answer—We are, Most Puissant.

Q. Your place? A. In the north.

Q. Your business there? A. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled.—"Attend to your duty, and inform the Lodge that we are about to open a Lodge of I. B. by the number five." Marshal obeys. Most Puissant knocks four, and Wardens rise.—Q. Brother Senior Warden, what is the hour? A. Break of day.—Most Puissant knocks five, and brethren all rise. Most Puissant says, "If it is break of day, it is time to begin our labors; give notice that I am going to open a Lodge of I. B." Senior Warden obeys. All make signs. Most Puissant knocks five, Senior Warden five, Junior Warden five, and brethren five, with their hands; and Most Puissant declares the Lodge open.

Reception.—Most Puissant knocks seven, and Senior Warden rises. Most Puissant says, "My excellent brother, how shall we repair the loss of our worthy Hiram Abiff, he is now removed from us, and we are thereby deprived of his counsel and services; can you give me any advice in this important matter?" Senior Warden answers, "The method I would propose, would be to select a chief from the five orders of architecture upon whom we may confer the degree of I. B., and by his assistance fill the secret chamber of the third story." Most Puissant says, "I approve of your advice, and to convince you of my readiness to follow it, I appoint you and brothers Adoniram and Abda to carry the same into execution. Excellent Brothers, let Adoniram go into the middle chamber and see if he can find a chief of the five orders of architecture." Junior Warden goes out of the Lodge into the ante-chamber, and finding the candidate, addresses him as in the Lecture.

Note.—When the alarm of five is given Senior Warden rises and says, "Most Puissant, we are disturbed in our deliberations by an alarm at the inner door of the secret chamber." Most Puissant says, "Brother Senior Warden, see the cause of that alarm."

Lecture.—Question—Are you an Intendant of the Buildings? A. I have made the five steps of exactness; I have penetrated the inmost parts of the temple, and have seen the great light, in which were three mysterious characters, J. J. J.

Q. How were you received? A. Being in the middle chamber, in company with the Master of Ceremonies, Adoniram entered and inquired, "Is there here a chief of the five orders of architecture?"

Q. Your answer? A. I am one.

Q. What followed? A. I was then asked, "My dear brother, have you zeal to apply yourself with attention to that which the Most Puissant shall request of you?"

Q. Your answer? A. I have, and will comply with the request of the Most Puissant, and raise this edifice to his honor and glory.

Q. What followed? Ans. Adoniram demanded of me the signs, words, and tokens of my former degrees, which being given, the Master of Ceremonies conducted me to the door of the Lodge, where he gave me five distinct knocks.

Q. To what did they allude? A. To the five orders of architecture.

Q. How were they answered? A. By five from within.

Q. What was then said to you. A. I was asked, "Who comes there?"

Q. Your answer? A. A chief of the five orders of architecture, who is to be employed in the works of the secret chamber.

Q. What was then said to you? A. I was then asked by what further right, etc.

Q. Your answer? A. By the right of a pass-word.

Q. Give me that pass-word? A. Bonahim (pronounced Bo-nau-heem).

Q. What was then said to you? A. Wait until the Most Puissant is informed, etc.

Q. What was his answer? A. Let him be introduced in due form.

Q. What followed? A. I was conducted to the altar and caused to recede five steps, and then to advance to the altar by five steps of regular exactness.

Q. What is meant thereby? A. That I should recede from vice, and advance to virtue, before I was qualified to supply the place of so good a man as the lamented Hiram Abiff.

Q. What followed? A. I was laid prostrate before the altar, with a sprig of cassia in my right hand, and my left upon the first great light of Masonry, in which posture I took the obligation of this degree.

Q. Repeat that obligation. A. (Same as Perfect Master) under penalty of being deprived of my sight. So help, etc.

Q. What followed? A. I was thus addressed by the Most Puissant: "Your present posture is that of a dead man, and is designed to remind you of the fate of our worthy Hiram Abiff. I shall now raise you in the same manner he was raised, under the sprig of cassia." I was then raised by the Master's grip, and further addressed, "By your being raised, our hope is signified, that in some measure you will repair his loss, by imitating his bright example."

Q. What followed? A. I received the signs, tokens and words of this degree.

Q. Give me the signs. A. (Interlace the fingers, and place the hands over the eyes, alluding to penalty; second sign is that of grief, made like Fellow Craft's, with left hand on the left hip.)

Q. Give me the token? A. (Take hold of each other by the right wrists with the right hand.)

Q. Give me the pass-word. A. Bonahim.

Q. What does that word signify? A. Builders.

Q. Give me the words. A. Achard, jenok (pronounced yo-kayn).

Q. Give me the mysterious word. A. Jah (pronounced yaw).

Q. What was next done? A. I was invested with the apron, gloves and jewels of this degree, and was thus addressed: "I decorate you with a red ribbon, to be worn crossing the breast from the right shoulder to the left hip, to which is suspended a triangle fastened with a green ribbon. I also present you with a white apron, lined with red, and bordered with green. The red is emblematical of that zeal which should characterize you as an I. of B., and the green, of the hope we entertain that you will supply the place of our lamented Hiram Abiff.

Q. What is meant by the letters B. A. J. in the triangle which you wear? A. They are the initials of the pass-word and words of this degree.

Q. What followed? A. I was directed to salute the Senior Warden as an Intendant of the Buildings, and return to the east for further instruction.

Second Section.—Question—What did you see in the Lodge? Answer—A triangle enclosing a circle, having on its circumference the letters J. A. I. N., and in its centre the letters J. J. J.

Q. What is signified by the circle in the triangle? A. The eternity of the powers of God, which hath neither beginning nor end.

Q. What is signified by the letters J. A. I. N.? A. They are the initials of the four Hebrew words, Jad, Ail, Jotsare, and Nogah, which are expressive of four attributes of the Deity; power, omnipresence, creation and splendor.

Q. What is signified by the letters J. J. J? A. Jah, Jokayn and Jireh, signifying "The Lord, the Creator seeth."

Q. What else did you see? A. A blazing star with five beams, in the centre of which appeared the letter J.

Q. What is signified by the five beams? A. The five equal lights of Masonry, the Bible, the square, the compass, the key, and the triangle.

Q. What is signified by the letter J.? A. It is the initial of the ineffable name, as known by us.

Q. Are you in darkness? A. No, the blazing star is my guide.

Q. What is your age? A. 27, or 5, 7 and 15.

Q. To what do those three numbers allude? A. To the five chiefs of the five orders of architecture, to seven cubits, which was the breadth of the golden candlestick with seven branches, and the fifteen Fellow Crafts, who conspired against the life of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.

Closing.—Most Puissant knocks three (Grand Marshal rises) and says, "Brother Grand Marshal, the last as well as the first care of I. of B.?" Answer. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled. "Attend to your duty," etc. Most Puissant knocks four, and Warden rises; "Brother Senior Warden, what is the hour?" A. Seven at night. Most Puissant strikes five—all brethren rise. Most Puissant says, "As it is seven at night, it is time to retire: Brother Junior Warden, give notice that I am going to close this Lodge of Intendants of the Building." Signs reversed, Most Puissant knocks five, Junior Warden seven, and Senior Warden fifteen, then the brethren five, seven and fifteen, with their hands, and the Most Puissant declares the Lodge closed.


Opening.—The brethren sit cross-legged, and lean their heads on their right hands. Most Potent knocks seven (Grand Marshal rises), "Brother Grand Marshal, are we all Elected Knights of Nine?" Ans. We are.

Q. Your place? A. In the north, Most Potent.

Q. Your business there? A. To see that the Chapter is duly guarded.—"Please attend to your duty, and inform the Sentinel that we are about to open this Chapter of E. K. and charge him," etc. Marshal obeys. Most Potent knocks eight, and Warden rises, and Master says, "Brother Stokin, are you an E. K.?" A. One cavern received me, one lamp gave me light, and one fountain refreshed me. Q. What is the hour? A. Break of day. Most Potent knocks eight quick and one slow strokes, and companies all arise. Most Potent says, "If it is break of day, it is time to open a Chapter of E. K's. Inform the companies," etc. Warden obeys. Signs given. Most Potent knocks eight and one, and Warden eight and one, and companies eight and one, with their hands; and Most Potent declares the Chapter open.

Lecture.—Question—Are you an E. K.? A. One cavern received me, one lamp gave me light, and one fountain refreshed me.

Q. Where were you received? A. In the audience chamber of Solomon.

Q. How were you received? A. I was hoodwinked and conducted by the Master of Ceremonies to the door of the Chapter, where he gave eight and one distinct knocks.

Q. To what do those knocks allude? A. To the number of the nine elect.

Q. How were those knocks answered? A. By eight and one from within.

Q. What followed? A. I was asked, "Who comes there?"

Q. Your answer? A. A companion, to whose lot it has fallen to accompany the stranger in search of the assassins of Hiram Abiff.

Q. What followed? A. I was conducted by the hand to the west, and asked by the Most Potent, what I wanted.

Q. Your answer? A. To be made an Elected Knight.

Q. What then followed? A. I was asked if I had courage to go in pursuit of the assassins of Hiram Abiff, which question I answered in the affirmative, and was addressed by the Most Potent in the following manner:—"If you have, you shall be shown the place where one of his murderers lies concealed; a stranger has discovered it to me, and if you have resolution, follow this stranger."

Q. What was then done to you? A. The Master of Ceremonies led me out of the Chapter, by intricate roads, and at last seated me on a stone, and thus addressed me:—"I am going to leave you, but be of good cheer, I shall not be long absent; when I am gone, you must take the bandage off your eyes, and drink some water from the fountain beside you, that you may be refreshed after so fatiguing a journey."

Q. What followed? A. I removed the bandage and found myself alone in a cavern, in which was a lamp, a fountain, and a head just severed from the body. In a short time the Master of Ceremonies returned, and directed me to take a poniard in my right hand, and the head in my left, and then conducted me to the door of the Chapter, where I knocked eight and one with my foot, which was answered from within, and I was asked, "What do you want?"

Q. Your answer? A. To enter this Chapter of Elected Knights.

Q. What followed? A. I was asked by what right I claimed this privilege.

Q. Your answer? A. I Have performed a feat for the honor of the craft, which I hope will entitle me to this degree.

Q. What followed? A. I was admitted, and directed to approach the altar by eight quick and one slow steps, still holding the head in my left hand, and the poniard in my right, as if in the act of striking; the ninth step brought me to the altar, where the Most Potent addressed me in an angry tone: "Wretch, what have you done, do you not know that by this rash act you have deprived me of an opportunity of inflicting condign punishment on the assassin?"

Q. What followed? A. The companies made earnest intercession for me, observing that my offence had doubtless arisen from the wrath of my zeal, and not from any bad intention. Upon this the Most Potent was reconciled, and he administered to me the obligation of this degree, the companies all standing 'round me with their poniards as if going to stab me.

Q. Repeat that obligation? A. (Same as in Perfect Master.) Under penalty of being stabbed in my head and in my heart. So help, etc.

Q. What followed? A. The Most Potent gave me the sign, token and words of this degree.

Q. Give me the sign? A. (Clap your right hand first to your head and then to your heart.)

Q. Give me the token? A. (Grasp the thumb of your brother's right hand, both clenching the fingers and extending the thumb of the hand that is uppermost.)

Q. To what does that token allude? A. The eight fingers and extended thumb allude to the eight and one elect; the one to Joabert, who left his eight companions, and went alone in search of, etc.

Q. Give me the pass-words? A. Rawkam and Akirop.

Q. What is the word? A. Bugelkal, who was chief of the tabernacle.

Q. Give me the mysterious word? A. Jeva (pronounced Je-vau).

Q. What was then done to you? A. I was invested with the apron, gloves and jewels of this degree, and ordered to salute the Warden, and to return to the east for further instructions.

Second Section.—Question—Give me the history of this degree? Ans. After the death of Hiram Abiff, the three ruffians who had been apprehended having made their escape, a great assembly of Masters had sat, etc., he had only time to pronounce Naukam, which signifies, "vengeance is taken," and expired. Joabert being extremely fatigued, refreshed himself at the spring which he found in the cavern, and then slept until he was awakened by the other eight, who arrived shortly after. On beholding what Joabert had done, they all exclaimed Naukam. Joabert then severed the head from the body, divided the body into 4 quarters, which were burnt to ashes, and the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven. Joabert then taking the head, etc., again reconciled. Solomon then ordered the head to be placed on the east pinnacle of the temple.

Q. What was the name of the assassin? A. Jubelum Akirop.

Q. From what number were the nine elect chosen? A. Ninety-nine.

Q. Where was the assassin found? A. In a cavern, near the coast of Joppa.

Q. How did the nine elect travel? A. By dark and intricate roads, which often obliged them to cross their legs, and this is the reason why the nine elect sit in this manner in the Chapter.

Q. What is meant by the dog you saw on the carpet, in the Lodge? A. The dog of the stranger, through whose sagacity Akirop was discovered.

Q. What does the color, black, denote in this degree? A. Grief.

Q. What is your age? A. Eight and one, accomplished.

Closing.—Most Potent knocks seven (Grand Marshal rises) and says, "The last as well as the first care of a Chapter of E. K.?" Ans. To see that the Chapter is duly guarded.—Please attend to your duty and inform the Sentinel, etc. Most Potent knocks eight, and Warden rises. Q. What is the hour? A. Evening. Most Potent knocks eight and one. Companies all rise. Companion Stokin gives notice, etc. Most Potent knocks eight and one, Warden eight and one, Companions eight and one, and the Chapter is declared duly closed.


Opening.—Most Potent knocks five (Grand Marshal rises) and says, "Brother Grand Marshal, are we all Masters Elected of Fifteen?" A. We are, Most Potent. Q. Your place, etc.? Your business, etc.? Please inform the Tyler that we are about to open a Lodge of Masters Elected of Fifteen. Most Potent knocks twice five—Senior Warden rises. Most Potent knocks three times five. Brethren rise. Most Potent says, "Brother Inspector, give notice that I am going to open a Lodge of Masters Elected of Fifteen, by three times five." Inspector obeys. Most Potent knocks three times five, Senior Warden three times five, Junior Warden three times five, and the brethren the same, and the lodge is declared open.

Lecture.—Question—Are you a Master Elected of Fifteen? Answer—My zeal and works have prepared me that honor.

Q. How were you prepared? A. A head was placed in my hand, and I was conducted to the door of the Lodge by the Master of Ceremonies who knocked three times five.

Q. How were those knocks answered? A. By three times five from within.

Q. To what do they allude? A. The fifteen elected Masters.

Q. What followed? A. I was asked, "Who comes there?"

Q. Your answer? A. An Elected Knight who is desirous of joining the other Knights, for the purpose of discovering the other assassins.

Q. What was then said to you? A. I was told to wait until the Most Potent had been informed of my request, and his answer returned.

Q. What was his answer? A. Let him be introduced in due form.

Q. What was that due form? A. I was conducted to the altar, and caused to make fifteen steps in a triangular form, which brought me again to the altar, when the Most Potent ordered me to kneel, and thus addressed me: "My brother, the Elected Masters here present, wish me to admit you to this degree; will you take the obligation appertaining to the same?" which being answered in the affirmative, I took the obligation.

Q. Repeat that obligation? A. (Same as Perfect Master.) Under penalty of having my body cut open perpendicularly, and my head cut off and placed on the highest pinnacle in the world. So help me, etc.

Q. What did the Most Potent then communicate to you? A. He gave me the signs, words, and token of this degree.

Q. Give me the signs? A. (Hold the thumb of the right hand at the bottom of the belly, and move it perpendicularly upwards.) The second sign (that of the Entered Apprentice, with the fingers clenched.)

Q. Give me the token? A. (Join left hands.)

Q. Give me the pass-word? A. Eleham.

Q. Give me the mysterious word? A. Jevah (pronounced Je-vau).

Q. What then followed? A. I was invested with the apron, gloves and jewels of this degree, and directed to salute the Senior Warden as a Master Elected of Fifteen, and return to the east for further instruction.

Second Section.—Question—Give me the history of this degree? A. Not long after the execution, they were discovered cutting stone, in a quarry. They were immediately seized and carried to Jerusalem, and imprisoned in the tower of Achizer, and at ten o'clock on the ensuing morning, they were brought forth for execution. They were bound neck and middle, to posts, with their arms extended, and their bellies were cut open by the executioner, lengthways and across, and thus they remained until six in the evening, their entrails exposed to flies and other insects; their tongues and entrails were afterwards taken out for the beasts of the field and the birds of the air to prey upon, and their heads were cut off and placed upon spikes, like that of Akirop, on the west and south pinnacles of the temple. Thus we see that although corruption, perjury and treason assisted our ancient Knights, their quarters were discovered by the unerring eye of justice, and they were doomed to suffer penalty tantamount to their crimes.

Q. What were the names of the two assassins? A. Jubela Kurmavel, and Jubelo Gravolet.

Q. At what hour did the assassins expire? A. At six in the evening.

Closing.—Most Potent knocks five. Grand Marshal rises. Most Potent says, "Brother Grand Marshal, the last as well as the first care of a Lodge of Masters Elected of Fifteen?" A. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled.—"Please attend," etc. Most Potent knocks twice five.—Senior Warden rises. Signs reversed. Most Potent knocks three times five, which is repeated by Wardens, and then by brothers with their hands, etc.


Opening.—Most Potent knocks ten. Grand Marshal rises. Most Potent says, "Are we all Illustrious Knights Elected?" A. We are, Most Potent. "Your place? etc. Your duty?" A. To see that the Chapter is duly guarded. "Please attend," etc. Most Potent knocks eleven. Grand Inspector rises. "Companion Inspector, what is the hour?" A. It is twelve. Most Potent knocks twelve. Companions rise. "If it is twelve, it is time to labor by the greatest of lights." Signs given. Most Potent knocks twelve, Inspector twelve, and Companion twelve, with their hands, etc.

Lecture.—Question—Are you an Illustrious Knight Elected? Answer. My name will inform you.

Q. What is that name? A. Payrawsh Bawheer, or Illustrious Knight elected.

Q. How were you admitted? A. I was hoodwinked and conducted by the Master of Ceremonies to the door of the Chapter, where he gave twelve distinct knocks.

Q. To what did they allude? A. To the twelve tribes of Israel.

Q. How were they answered? A. By twelve from within.

Q. What was then said to you? A. "Who comes there?"

Q. Your answer? A. A Master Elected of Fifteen wishes to receive the degree of Illustrious Knight.

Q. What was then said to you? A. I was asked by what further right, etc., and I was told to wait until the Most Potent was informed of my request, and his answer returned.

Q. What was that answer? A. Let him be introduced in due form.

Q. What then followed? A. I was conducted to the west, and the Most Potent inquired what I wanted.

Q. Your answer? A. To receive the degree of Illustrious Knight, as a reward for my zeal and labor.

Q. What did the Most Potent say to you then? A. My brother, you cannot receive this degree until you have given us satisfactory proof that you have not been an accomplice in the death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; to assure us of this, we require you to participate in a symbolic offering, of a portion of the heart of our Respectable Master, Hiram Abiff, which we have preserved since his assassination. You are to swallow the portion we present to you. Every faithful Mason may receive it without injury, but it cannot remain in the body of one who is perjured. Are you disposed to submit to this trial?

Q. What was your answer? A. I am.

Q. What followed? A. The Most Potent directed the Master of Ceremonies to cause me to advance to the altar, by twelve upright regular steps, where the Most Potent, with the trowel, presented to me the symbolic offering which I swallowed, and was thus addressed by the Most Potent: "This mystic oblation, which, like you, we have received forms a tie so strong that nothing can oppress it; woe to him who attempts to disunite us. I then received the obligation of this degree.

Q. Repeat that obligation. A. (Same as Perfect Master.) Under penalty of having my hands nailed to my breast. So help, etc.

Q. What was then communicated to you? A. The Most Potent removed the bandage, and gave me the sign. (Cross hands on breast) it alludes to penalty.

Q. Give me the token? A. (Token of Intimate Secretary, with left hand on brother's heart.)

Q. Give me the pass-word? A. Emun.

Q. What does that word signify? A. Truth.

Q. Give me the mysterious word? A. Joha (pronounced Yo-hay).

Q. What followed? A. I was invested with the apron, gloves and jewels of this degree, and was told the device on my sash and apron, and also the color of the latter, was an emblem of a heart inflamed with gratitude for the honors and rewards conferred on me, and the sword of that justice which overtook and punished the assassins, and was designed to admonish me that perjury and treason will never escape the sword of justice, and I was directed to go and salute the Inspector, and return to the east for further instruction.

Second Section.—Of what was the symbolic offering presented to you at your initiation composed? A. Of flour, milk, wine and oil.

Q. What did they represent? A. Flour represents goodness, the milk, gentleness, the wine, strength or fortitude, and the oil, light and wisdom, qualities which distinguished Hiram Abiff, and should distinguish every illustrious Knight.

Q. How were the Illustrious Knights employed at the erection of the temple? A. They had command over the twelve tribes, and by their strict attention, promoted peace and harmony, and animated the laborers with cheerfulness.

Q. What was the intention of Solomon in instituting this degree? A. To reward the zeal, etc., and also by their preferment to make more.

Closing.—Most Potent knocks ten (Grand Marshal rises). "The last as well as the first care of a Chapter of Illustrious Knights?" A. To see that the Chapter is duly guarded. "Attend to your duty, and inform the Sentinel," etc. Most Potent knocks eleven (Senior Warden rises). "Brother Inspector, what is the hour?" A. Low six. Most Potent knocks twelve (brethren rise). "Brother Inspector, give notice," etc. Signs. Most Potent knocks twelve, Inspector twelve, brethren twelve, with their hands, and Most Potent declares the Chapter duly closed.

Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 mart 2019
406 s. 11 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain
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