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Proserpina, Volume 1
Measurements for Terrestrial Vegetation
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 41
Water Stress and Crop Plants
Plant Cell Wall Patterning and Cell Shape
Proserpina, Volume 2
Dwarf Fruit Trees
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 43
Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 38
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 42
Global Vegetation Dynamics
Flowering Plants
Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 40
Disease in Plants
The Handbook of Plant Metabolomics
Plant Cells and their Organelles
Plant Abiotic Stress
Science and the Garden
Alternative Respiratory Pathways in Higher Plants
Weed Research
Аtlas of Rare and Threatened Bryophytes of Eastern Europe as Candidates to New European Red List / Атлас редких и исчезающих мохообразных Восточной Европы как кандидатов в новый Европейский краснокнижный список
Nanna - Das Seelenleben der Pflanzen
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