Kayıt Olun
Managing the Training Function For Bottom Line Results
The Brave New World of eHR
Customers Are People ... The Human Touch
Improving On-the-Job Training
Training From the Back of the Room!
Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring
Canadian Handbook of Flexible Benefits
Getting Your Money's Worth from Training and Development
The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Volume 3
Leadership-Driven HR
Skills Management. New Applications, New Questions
One Minute Mentoring: How to find and work with a mentor - and why you’ll benefit from being one
Training Engineers for Innovation
Competence and Program-based Approach in Training. Tools for Developing Responsible Activities
Health and Safety at Work For Dummies
Meaningful Workplaces. Reframing How and Where we Work
Performance-Based Certification. How to Design a Valid, Defensible, Cost-Effective Program
Training Fundamentals. Pfeiffer Essential Guides to Training Basics
Strategic Employee Surveys. Evidence-based Guidelines for Driving Organizational Success
The Gamification of Learning and Instruction. Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education
Designing the Smart Organization. How Breakthrough Corporate Learning Initiatives Drive Strategic Change and Innovation
The 2010 Pfeiffer Annual. Consulting
Productive Workplaces. Dignity, Meaning, and Community in the 21st Century
Accelerating Your Development as a Leader. A Guide for Leaders and their Managers