Kitabı oku: «Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives», sayfa 68
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[0850] Pierre S. Du Pont Papers, 1880-1954
Location: Manuscripts and Archives Department, Hagley Museum and Library, PO Box 3630, Wilmington, Delaware 19807
Description: Pierre Samuel du Pont (1870-1954) was an American entrepreneur, businessman, and philanthropist. The files on the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment trace the campaign for repeal during the 1920s. Included are executive committee minutes, correspondence files, research notes, speeches, financial records, as well as material on the Labor Commission on Prohibition, and Veteran's Repeal League. American Liberty League papers document du Pont's opposition to the New Deal.
Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2009).
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[0850a] John L. Ducker Collection, 1863-2007, CFM2012_03
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, John C. Hitt Library, 5th Floor, room 501, University of Central Florida, 12701 Pegasus Drive, Orlando, FL 32816-8030
Description: John L. Ducker (1922-2014) was a member of the Florida House of Representatives from 1960-1968 and the Florida state Senate from 1968-1971. Series 1: Research Files, 1957-2001, Undated, contains copies of "South Africa's Importance to the Free World: An Untold Story" (America's Future, Inc., 1984); speeches or articles regarding Communism; "Our Foreign Aid Follies" (Florida States Rights Party, n.d.); "U.N. Special To All State Officials", No. 2 (Council For Statehood, n.d.); Legislative Record for 1956-1959 Sessions (Florida Federation for Constitutional Government, circa 1962); note of acknowledgment from President Richard Nixon, December 7, 1973; George Bush for President [flier] (George Bush For President Committee, November 1979); Wisconsin State ERA flier (Eagle Forum, February 1983); Bob Dole For President flier (The Bob Dole Campaign, n.d.); note from President Richard Nixon, n.d.; Salt II Locks U.S. Into Posture of Military Inferiority (n.d.); printed page with quote from Barry Goldwater (Young America's Foundation, n.d.); "Canal Bill Barely Survives House Test" (The Conservative Caucus, Inc., reprinted from Washington Post, May 18, 1979); "Communist-Front Citations of Certain Leaders of the NAACP taken from the Congressional Record" (The Independent American, excerpted from a speech given September 11, 1962); The Chicago Riots, an eyewitness account (On Target, published by Minutemen, December 1, 1965); "Civil Rights" (The Independent American, n.d.); "Fundamentals Of Our Racial Problem" (Manatee County Citizens Council, n.d.); "Unmasking the Civil Rights Bill" (The Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms, Inc., n.d.); "Summary of Analysis of Television News Coverage of Economic News in the Period July-December 1983 Prepared for the Institute for Applied Economics" (America's Future, Inc., n.d.); "A Prophetic Warning: Appeasement in Asia" (The Conservative Society of America, 1966); "More Truth About Vietnam" (American Opinion, 1967); "It's Treason!, Aid And Comfort to the Vietcong" (reprint of article in American Opinion, May 1968); "The Unfinished Story of Vietnam" (America's Future, Inc., 1976); and "Why Not Win in Viet Nam?" (The Independent American, n.d.). Series 2: Correspondence, 1956-1990, Undated, contains files on John Acord (Chairman of the American-Southern Africa Council, Washington, D.C.); Anita Bryant (Florida Citrus Commission, Lakeland, Florida); Patrick J. Buchanan; William F. Buckley, Jr. (Editor of The National Review, New York City, New York); Major Edgar Bundy (Church League of America, Wheaton, Illinois); George Bush; Citizens for The Republic (Santa Monica, California); Conservative Book Club (Des Moines, Iowa); Everett Dirksen; Robert Dole; Robert F. Drinan; Sam Ervin, Jr.; Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. (President of the Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.); Paul M. Foley (Executive Assistant, Citizens for the Republic, Santa Monica, California); National Coordinating Committee, Friends of Rhodesian Independence (Washington, D.C.); Barry Goldwater; Anita Bryant Green (Protect America's Children, Miami, Florida); Philip A. Hart; Albert S. Herlong, Jr.; Lake E. High (Director and Project Chairman of the American-Southern Africa Council, Washington, D.C.); Spessard L. Holland; Jack Kemp (Jack Kemp for President, Arlington, Virginia); James J. Kilpatrick; John D. Lofton, Jr. (Editor of Conservative Digest); Moral Majority (Washington, D.C.); National Review (New York, New York); Richard Nixon; The Patrick Henry Group (Richmond, Virginia); Ronald Reagan; Ogden Reid; Republican National Committee (Washington, D.C.); Ron Robinson (President of the Young America's Foundation); Ron Robinson (Young Americans for Freedom, Sterling Virginia); Richard B. Russell; Jane Buckley Smith (National Review, New York City, New York); Ned Touchstone (Editor of The Councilor, Shreveport, Louisiana); John Tower (National Republican Senatorial Committee, Washington, D.C.); and Edwin A. Walker. Series 3: Clippings, 1949-1990, Undated, contains newspaper clippings, newsletters, and magazines in the following sub-series: 1: Academic Freedom, 1962-1986; 2: Automobiles, 1975-1985; 3: The Biased Press, 1964-1985; 4: Cuba, 1960-1985; 5: Defense, 1984-1985; 6: The Far East - Vietnam, 1961-1985; 7: Jane Fonda, 1973-1984; 8: General, 1949-1990; 9: Grenada, 1983-1987; 10: Homosexuals, 1977-1985; 11: John F. Kennedy, 1959-1983; 12: Liberals, 1961-1986; 13: Nicaragua, 1962-1989; 14: Richard Nixon, 1973-1979; 15: Panama Canal, 1964-1979; 16: Race, 1960-1985; 17: Ronald Reagan, 1978-1985; 18: South Africa, 1961-1986; 19: State and Local Politics, 1960-1983; and 20: Yale, 1987-1990. Clippings from or issues of "One Man's Viewpoint"; AIM Report; Alert America Association ("Lincoln's Hopes for the Negro In His Own Words" (ca. 1964)); America's Future; American Capsule News; Anita Bryant Ministries; Battle Line; Behind the News; Bulletin: The Florida Coalition of Patriotic Societies; Campus Report; CFTR Newsletter; China Letter; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Citizens for the Republic Newsletter; Citizens Against Communism; Congressional Report; Conservative Digest; Crusader; Florida Legionnaire; GrassRoots; High Frontier Newsletter; Howard J. Ruff's State of the Nation; Human Events; Human Events The National Conservative Weekly Special Supplement; Imprimis; Libertas, published by Young America's Foundation; Liberty Lobby; Liberty Letter; Moral Majority Report; National Conservative Political Action Committee; National Review; National Review Bulletin; NCPAC Conservative Action Report; Pan American Headlines; Patrick J. Buchanan: From the Right; Report on the LEFT; South The News Magazine of DIXIE; Tablet News; The Manion Forum; The Constitutionalists; The American Legion Magazine; The Conservative Caucus; The Spotlight; The Conservative Caucus Research, Analysis, & Education Foundation; The Moral Majority; The American Legion; The Richmond News Leader; The Dan Smoot Report; The Councilor; The Conservative Press; The American-Southern Africa Review; The Review of the NEWS; The Wanderer; The Citizens' Council; The Moral Majority Report; U.S. News & World Report; Washington Report; and Washington Observer Newsletter.
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[0851] Richard Dudman Papers, 1944-1983, MSS58248
Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680
Description: Richard Dudman (1918– ) was an editor, executive, and journalist with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The papers consist of correspondence, notebooks, writings, and background material. The series Subject File contains correspondence, notes, reports, clippings, printed matter, and miscellaneous material compiled for background reference. Files on American Conservative Union, American Enterprise Institute, John Birch Society, Barry Goldwater, Alger Hiss, Minutemen, Richard M. Nixon, and Right wing. The series Addition contains correspondence, writings, subject files, notebooks, photographs, and miscellaneous material described by topic or type of material. Files on Barry Goldwater; Men of the Far Right, manuscript, notes, contract 26 (8 folders) [the book is online at]; Fred C. Schwarz; George S. Benson; Billy James Hargis; and Right wing.
Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2009).
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[0852] Edmund Duffy Cartoons, 1924-1962 (bulk 1930s–1940s), CC 1 [cartoons]
Location: Special Collections, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Description: Edmund Duffy (1899-1962) was the editorial cartoonist for the Baltimore Sun from 1924 until 1948. In 1933, a cartoon entitled "California Points with Pride" condemning a double lynching in that state won the Pulitzer Prize, the second of three that he won. In Baltimore, Duffy was a close friend and colleague of H.L. Mencken, who was one of the editors of the Baltimore Sun. In 1948, Duffy left the Sun to become the editorial page cartoonist for the Saturday Evening Post, a job which he held for eight years. Following this he served from 1956 to 1960 as cartoonist for Newsday on Long Island. Topics of the cartoons include anti-Semitism, Bilbo, Black Dragon Society, Sen. Borah, Bretton Woods, Bricker, James F. Byrnes, Chiang Kai-Shek, Chinese Exclusion Act Repeal, Chinese Nationalists, Gen Clark, Communism, Congress Anti-Loan Bloc, Dewey-Bricker Campaign, Admiral Doenitz, Dumbarton Oaks, Eisenhower, Fascism, Rep. Fish, Gannett, Senator Glass, Goering, Himmler, Hitler, Herbert Hoover, Isolationism, Senator Hiram Johnson, Ku Klux Klan, Fritz Kuhn, Landon, Lend-Lease Bill, Charles A. Lindbergh, Gen. MacArthur, Joseph McCarthy, Mein Kampf, Monroe Doctrine, Sir Oswald Mosley, Mundt-Nixon Anti-Communist Bill, Mussolini, Nazis, Nixon, Von Papen, Rumanian Iron Guard, Saltonstall, Senator Taft, Taft-Hartley Act, Gov. Herman Talmadge, Tokyo Rose, Versailles Treaty, Wendell L. Willkie, and Yalta Agreement.
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[0853] John Foster Dulles Papers, 1860-1988 (bulk 1945-1960), MC016
Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Description: John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) served as the fifty-third Secretary of State of the United States under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Series 1: Selected Correspondence, 1891-1960, contains correspondence with and about Frank Altschul, America First Organization, American Institute of Pacific Relations, American Nordic Aryan Association, Leopold S. Amery, Warren R. Austin, Charles A Beard, Ezra Taft Benson, William Benton, Prince of the Netherlands Bernhard, William E. Borah, Owen Brewster, Bricker Amendment, John W. Bricker, Styles Bridges, Vannevar Bush, Nicholas Murray Butler, Harry F. Byrd, James F. Byrnes, Taylor Caldwell, Homer E. Capehart, Arthur Capper, Whittaker Chambers, Mark W. Clark, Grenville Clark, Kenneth de Courcy, Crimea Conference, Everett M. Dirksen, Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, James O. Eastland, Charles Edison, Milton Eisenhower, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Amintore Fanfani, Hamilton Fish, Irving Fisher, Ralph E. Flanders, Foreign Policy Association, James V. Forrestal, Freedom Train - American Heritage Foundation, Genocide Convention, Girard Case, Barry Goldwater, Joseph C. Grew, Ralph W. Gwinn, Robert C. Hendrickson, Jr., Thomas C. Hennings, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Alger Hiss, Adolf Hitler, William Ernest Hocking, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Stanley K. Hornbeck, Roy W. Howard, Institute of Pacific Relations, Isolationism, C.D. Jackson, William E. Jenner, Hiram W Johnson, Walter H. Judd, William F. Knowland, Alfred Kohlberg, Alf M. Landon, Arthur B. Lane, William Langer, David Lawrence, Curtis E. LeMay, Lend Lease to Great Britain, Isaac Don Levine, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Frederick J. Libby, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Charles A. Lindbergh, Henry R. Luce, Clare Boothe Luce, Eugene Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, George W. Malone, Joseph R. McCarthy, Raymond Moley, Felix Morley, Karl E. Mundt, Benito Mussolini, National Committee for Free Europe, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald P. Nye, Frederick Osborn, William Douglas Pawley, Pearl Harbor, Racial Integration, Arthur W. Radford, Radio Free Europe, Daniel A. Reed, Ogden R. Reid, Matthew B. Ridgway, Carlos P. Romulo, Richard B. Russell, Leverett Saltonstall, San Francisco Conference, Gerald L.K. Smith, George E. Sokolsky, John Sparkman, Felix B. Stump, Robert A. Taft, Herman E. Talmadge, Henry J. Taylor, Dorothy Thompson, Strom Thurmond, Walter Trohan, DeWitt Wallace, Francis E. Walter, James P. Warburg, Burton K. Wheeler, Harry Dexter White, Alexander Wiley, Wendell L. Willkie, Yalta Conference, and Milton R. Young.
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[0854] John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State: Papers, 1951-59
Location: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 200 S.E. 4th Street, PO Box 339, Abilene, KS 67410
Description: John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) was United States Secretary of State, 1953-1959. The Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series mentions Henry Cabot Lodge. General Correspondence and Memoranda Series. Memoranda of Conversations Subseries, mentions Ezra Taft Benson, Bricker Amendment, Italian Prime Minister Fanfani, Francisco Franco, Girard case, Senator Hickenlooper, Senator Knowland, Henry Cabot Lodge, Clare Boothe Luce, and Henry Taylor. General Correspondence and Memoranda Series. Confidential Correspondence Subseries, mentions Everett Dirksen, Girard case, Herbert Hoover, William Jenner, Walter Judd, Senator Knowland, Alfred Kohlberg, Arthur Bliss Lane, Owen Lattimore, David Lawrence, Henry Cabot Lodge, Clare Boothe Luce, General Douglas MacArthur, Joseph McCarthy, Admiral Radford, Status of Forces agreement, and Yalta agreements. General Correspondence and Memoranda Series. Miscellaneous Correspondence Subseries, mentions Ezra Taft Benson, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Clare Boothe Luce. JFD--JMA Chronological Series, mentions Bricker Amendment, Everett Dirksen, Ralph Flanders, Girard case, Alger Hiss, Herbert Hoover, William Jenner, Senator Knowland, J. Bracken Lee, Henry Cabot Lodge, Clare Boothe Luce, Joseph McCarthy, Malta-Yalta papers, General Van Fleet, and Yalta Papers. Special Assistants Chronological Series, mentions Ezra Taft Benson, Senator Owen Brewster, Bricker Amendment, James Byrnes, Everett Dirksen, Francisco Franco,.Girard case, Alger Hiss, William Jenner, Walter Judd, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry Luce, McCarran Act, Joseph McCarthy, Malta-Yalta papers, Nationalist China, Kermit Roosevelt, Senator Taft, Taft-Hartley Act, and General Van Fleet. Subject Series. Alphabetical Subseries, mentions Bricker Amendment, Senator Knowland, Alfred Kohlberg, Malta-Yalta papers, and Yalta Papers. Subject Series. Pre-Inaugural Subseries, mentions Bricker Amendment, General Douglas MacArthur, Joseph McCarthy, and Senator Wiley. White House Memoranda Series. Chronological Subseries, mentions Bricker Amendment, Styles Bridges, Herbert Hoover, Senator Knowland, Senator Malone, Senator Pat McCarran, Joseph McCarthy, Juan Peron, Admiral Radford, and Senator Taft.
Finding aids:,_John_F._Papers.html
Finding aids to microfilm edition:
[0855] Kathryn Fink Dunaway papers, 1951-1981, Manuscript Collection No. 618
Location: Emory University, Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Atlanta, GA 30322
Description: Kathryn Fink Dunaway (1906-1980) was a member of the Eagle Forum and the Daughters of the American Revolution, chairman of United States Day in Georgia (1975), and chairman of the Stop ERA Committee of Georgia. The collection consists of correspondence, subject files, and printed materials focusing on women's issues and Dunaway's activities with civic and political committees. Subject files on Phyllis Schlafly, Daughters of the American Revolution, Communism, and the United Nations. Anti-fluoridation materials by Oliver K. Goff and the National Commission Against Fluoridation, Inc. Also includes a videotape copy of the Phyllis Schlafly speech, "Let Your Voice Be Heard," October 11, 1966.
W. J. Rorabaugh, Kennedy and the Promise of the Sixties (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2002)
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[0856] Erik A. Dundurs Papers, 1949-1982, IHRC #137
Location: Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota, 311 Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Description: Erik A. Dundurs (1922-1984) was one of the leading activists in the Latvian American community in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Dundurs was involved in numerous projects related to fighting Communism, as well as the liberation of the European captive nations during the Cold War era. Series III. Political Organizations, has files on Americans for Congressional Action to Free the Baltic States, Captive Nations Committee of Minnesota, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Coalition of Patriotic Americans, Conservative Citizens Committee, Council for the Liberation of Captive Peoples from Soviet Domination, House Un-American Activities Committee, Minnesota Coalition of Patriotic Societies, and Minnesota Young Americans for Freedom.
Finding aids:;cc=umfa;q1=Erik%20A.%20Dundurs%20Papers;
[0857] Papers of Leon Sebring Dure, 1957-1970, Accession #9751
Location: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4110
Description: Leon S. Dure (1907-1993) was a journalist and newspaper editor. During the desegregation crisis that followed the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education (1954), Dure created the concept of freedom of choice of association as a way to avoid the large-scale integration of public schools. The collection centers around the development and attempted implementation of freedom of choice in school desegregation. It contains clippings, articles, advertisements, essays, and correspondence with political and education figures, as well as with the general public in Virginia and other southern states. Correspondents include J. Lindsay Almond, Harry Flood Byrd, Sr., Virginius Dabney, and James Jackson Kilpatrick.
Nancy MacLean, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America (New York: Viking, 2017).
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[0858] Records of the Dutch Right (Archief Hans Janmaat), (1954,) 1962, 1968-2004, ARCH02320
Location: International Institute of Social History (IISH), Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Description: In 2000, the International Institute of Social History received large parts of the records of the Centrum Partij and the Centrumdemocraten, two right-wing parties that incited considerable action from anti-fascist groups in the 1980s and 1990s. The documents were donated by Hans Janmaat, a well-known Dutch politician who headed the parliamentary election list of the CP in 1981 and 1982. Janmaat represented the party in Parliament in 1982-1984, after which he was expelled from the CP and continued as an independent MP until 1986. In 1984 he founded the CD and served as its spokesman in Parliament from 1989 to 1998.
"Accessions," in Annual Report 2000 (Amsterdam, International Institute of Social History, 2001), pp. 32-33,
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[0858a] Miles P. Duval Papers, 1851-1989 (bulk 1930-1989), GTM.761124
Location: Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University Library, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057-1174
Description: Miles P. DuVal (1896-1989) was an American naval officer and expert on the Panama Canal. The bulk of the collection consists of files maintained by DuVal about the Panama Canal, including correspondence, subject files, and manuscripts. Files on Spruille Braden, Philip M. Crane, Robert K. Dornan, Donald M. Dozer, Jesse Helms, T. David Horton, Thomas A. Lane, J.P. Lucier, Douglas MacArthur, Panama Canal Treaty of 1979, Ronald Reagan, Archibald E. Roberts, Phyllis Schlafly, John K. Singlaub, Robert A. Taft, John G. Tower, and Harold Lord Varney. Copies of Charles Callan Tansill, "The Monroe Doctrine: Is It Obsolete?" Committee on Pan-American Policy, undated; Tansill, "Panama: Let Us Not Surrender," American Opinion, 4/1964; "Who Controls Our Nation's Federal Policies and Why?" by Curtis B. Dall (1973); Anthony J. Hilder, "War Lords of Washington: An Interview with Col. Curtis Dall." Educator Publications, 1972; Donald Marquand Dozer, "The Panama Canal in Perspective." Council on American Affairs, 1978; Dozer, "Recognition in Contemporary Inter-American Relations," Journal of Inter-American Studies, vol. 8 no. 2, 4/1966; James P. Lucier, "Panama Canal: Focus of Power Politics" (Washington, DC: Committee on Latin America); Harold Lord Varney, "Carter Against America: The Incredible Panama Story" from John Birch Society Bulletin, 2/1978; Varney, "America's Crack-up in Panama: The Story of the New Treaties that Nobody Wants." Committee on Pan-American Policy, 1968; Varney, "What Are We Afraid of in Panama?" New York, NY: Committee on Pan-American Policy, 1966; Varney, "Cuba! Panama! Why Are They Left Out of the Nixon Doctrine?" Committee on Pan-American Policy; Varney, "Panama, S.O.S. Mr. Nixon Is Sinking in the Canal," American Opinion, 11/1969; Varney, "Help! Save the Canal," American Opinion, 3/1965; Heritage Foundation publications; Isaac Don Levine, "Hands Off the Panama Canal" (Washington, D.C.: Monticello Books, 1976); John G. Tower, "Panama Canal Problem." Remarks in U.S. Senate quoting address by C.H. Schildhauer before the Panama Canal Society of Washington, D.C., 1966; Joseph P. Kamp, "Giving Away Our Canal Is Treachery and Treason!" American Mercury, c. 1970s; "Panama Canal Treaties: Time to Reconsider?" by Philip M. Crane (1989); and "Firing Line." William F. Buckley Jr. Guest: Ronald Reagan. Subject: Debate—"The Senate Should Ratify the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties." Southern Educational Communications Association. 1/13/1978.
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