Kitabı oku: «Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives», sayfa 69
[0859] ERA Illinois records, 1971-1990, MSERAI96
Location: Daley Library Special Collections and University Archives, University of Illinois at Chicago, 801 S. Morgan St., Room 3-330, Chicago, IL 60607
Description: The ERA Illinois was founded during the early 1970s in the wake of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Second-wave feminists renewed the effort at passing the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which was written in 1923 by Alice Paul, suffragist leader and founder of the National Woman's Party. After passage of the 19th Amendment (Women's Suffrage), guaranteeing "equal justice under the law" to all citizens, regardless of sex, became the next step in the campaign for women's rights. The ERA was introduced into every session of Congress since 1923. Congress passed the ERA in 1972, and the proposed twenty-seventh amendment to the Constitution was then sent to the states for ratification. To date, however, only thirty-five of the needed thirty-eight states have ratified this amendment. As a result, the ERA has been reintroduced into every session of Congress since 1982. ERA Illinois was a chapter in the national ERA organization and acted as an umbrella association of more than forty organizations, including the AFL-CIO, the Illinois Bar Association, and the League of Women Voters, seeking ratification of the ERA. The Records of ERA Illinois contain the administrative records of the organization, literature about women's rights and brochures, clippings and other literature promoting and opposing the Equal Rights Amendment. Series I: ERA Illinois Records, contains files on Anti-ERA literature.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0860] Eagle Forum Archives Pamphlet Listing
Location: Eagle Forum Education Center, 7800 Bonhomme Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105
Description: Categories include Africa, American Government/Political Parties, Anti-Communism, China, Civil Rights, Civil Rights - Race, Communism, Conservatism, Conspiracies, Conspiracies/United Nations, Defense, Economics, Europe, Immigration, Jewish, Jewish Issues, Labor, Latin America, Law, Newsletters, Non-English, Pro-Communism, Rare Book Room, Religion, Social Issues, Socialism & New Left, and United Nations. Contains a copy of Benjamin Franklin and the Jews. Authors include Gary Allen, Marilyn Allen, John Ashbrook, Lawrence Auster, Karl Baarslag, Harry Barnes, Frédéric Bastiat, Morris Bealle, Don Bell, Ezra Benson, George Benson, Ivor Benson, Anthony Bouscaren, John Bricker, Frank Britton, Frank Brophy, Louis Budenz, Edgar Bundy, Dean Burch, James Burnham, Eric Butler, Frank Capell, William Carr, William Chamberlin, A. Chesterton, G. Chesterton, Upton Close, R. Clymer, Robert Coleman, Bertrand Comparet, Eugene Cook, Charles Coughlin, Kent Courtney, Phoebe Courtney, Edward Curran, Matt Cvetic, Curtis Dall, James C. Davis, Mary Davison, Ralph De Toledano, Alexander Del Mar, P. Del Valle, Hilaire du Berrier, James Eastland, Robert Edmondson, Lee Edwards, Sheldon Emry, Medford Evans, Harry Everingham, Myron Fagan, Denis Fahey, Bonner Fellers, Lawrence Fertig, A.N. Field, Louis Fischer, Austin Flett, John Flynn, Henry Ford, Elwood Fouts, George Fowler, Samuel Francis, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Freedman, Amos Fries, W.O.H. Garman, Garet Garrett, Henry Garrett, R. Gayre, Wesley George, Rev. G.T. Gillespie, Richard Ginder, Joseph Goebbels, Kenneth Goff, Barry Goldwater, Rosalie Gordon, Conrad Grieb, John Hamilton, Billy Hargis, Walter Harnischfeger, F. Harper, Henry Hazlitt, A. G. Heinsohn, Jr., Jo Hindman, Clare Hoffman, Richard Hofstadter, Frank Holman, Sidney Hook, Herbert Hoover, J. Hoover, Richard Hoskins, Bela Hubbard, H. Hunt, Edward Hunter, T. Robert Ingram (Schools - Government, or Public? (1959)), Charlotte Iserbyt, August Johansen, Joseph Kamp, Verne Kaub, Howard Kershner, James Kilpatrick, Fred Koch, Robert Kuttner, Thomas Lane, Owen Lattimore, Robert Lefevre, Fulton Lewis, William Loeb, Jay Lovestone, M. Lowman, Martin Luther, Eugene Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, Russell Maguire, Clarence Manion, J.B. Matthews, W.S. McBirnie, Joe McCarthy, Carl McIntire, John McManus, Ben Moreell, Robert Morris, George Van Horn Moseley, Eustace Mullins, Karl Mundt, Lyle Munson, National Council for American Education, Richard Nixon, Albert Nock, Gary North, Revilo Oliver, Edmund Opitz, Ron Paul, Fernando Penabaz, Samuel Pettengill, Eugene Pomeroy, Carleton Putnam, Ayn Rand, John Rarick, Leonard Read, Ronald Reagan, Lawrence Reilly, Walter Reuther, Lee Robert, Archibald Roberts, Edith Roosevelt, Murray Rothbard, Edward Rumely, Rousas Rushdoony, Louis Ruthenburg, E.N. Sanctuary (Warming the Serpent), Fred Schlafly, Benjamin Schultz, Fred Schwarz, Hans Sennholz, Thurman Sensing, William Simmons, W. Skousen, Gerald Smith, Dan Smoot (America's Promise (1960); The Dan Smoot Report; The Hope of the World (1966)), John Snow, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Harvey Springer, Willis Stone, W. Strube, R. Thieme, Ralph Townsend, John Trevor, Harold Varney, Wickliffe Vennard, Sr., Ludwig von Mises, Edwin Walker, James Warburg, George Washington, Orval Watts, Richard Weaver, Robert Welch, Alice Widener, Frederick Woltman, Richard Wurmbrand, Glenn Young, and Louis Zoul.
Finding aid:
[0861] Eagle Forum Collection
Location: Eagle Forum Education Center, 7800 Bonhomme Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105
Description: The Eagle Forum collection reflects the purpose and activities of the organization and its founder Phyllis Schlafly and members. Material includes published and unpublished materials. This collection is closed to the public. The Eagle Forum Collection comprises seven series: Conferences, Eagle Councils, Organization, Education Fund, Education Reporter, Education, and News and Notes.
Finding aid:
Education Series has files on American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), William Bennett, Sam Blumenfeld, Brainwashing/Psychopolitics, Dennis Cuddy, Charlotte Iserbyt, "Making of America" (Skousen), NEA. Attack on the Right, National Education Association. Propaganda Front of the Radical Left, National Education Association. The Radical Right, One-World Government Organizations, Attacks on "Radical Right", Phyllis Schlafly Report. Reports on Education, and UNESCO.
Finding aid:
[0862] Catherine East Papers, 1941-1995, MC 477
Location: Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, 3 James St, Cambridge, MA 02138
Description: Catherine East (1916-1996) was a government official and feminist activist. East served in a senior capacity on all Presidential advisory commissions on women from 1962 through 1977, preparing reports which provided the underpinning and impetus for a renewed effort on behalf of the Equal Rights Amendment. Series II. Correspondence. Subseries A. Alphabetical, contains correspondence about Phyllis Schlafly. Series VI, National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year (NCOIWY, #18.1-22.35, 27.41-27.45), contains files on abortion and anti-abortion; anti-IWY; Right wing, including Thomas Sowell; and opposition to the ERA and to the NCOIWY in two court cases (#19.16-19.17, 19.31-19.33). Series VII, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA, #22.36-25.11), contains correspondence and printed material from East's efforts to achieve ratification of the ERA in Virginia and nationally. Files on abortion; anti-ERA material, with material on Thomas Sowell and Robert Bork; ERA. Opponents. Extremist views [most printed]; and Rescission. Series IX, Other Organizations and Issues (#26.36-30.15), contains files on the Radical right and the Civil Rights Restoration Act (CRRA), including extensive files on the abortion amendment to the Civil Rights Restoration Act (#29.7-30.11) and opposition to the nomination of Judge Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court (#29.3-29.6).
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0863] James O. Eastland Collection, 1923-1978 (bulk 1941-1978), MUM00117 [partly digital collection]
Location: Modern Political Archives, Department of Archives and Special Collections, J.D. Williams Library, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848
Description: A Democrat, James O. Eastland (1904-1986) represented Mississippi in the U.S. Senate for a few months in 1941 and then from 1943 to 1978. Eastland was a leading Senate defender of segregation and white supremacy. He was opposed both to domestic civil rights and to international Communism. Eastland chaired the Judiciary Committee from 1956 until his retirement. The collection consists of congressional and personal papers. Includes correspondence, documents, publications, photographs, scrapbooks, and audiovisual media from Eastland's congressional office. Also includes his personal correspondence, financial records, plantation records, and law firm files. File Series 1: Personal/Political. Subseries 16: Executive Branch Correspondence, contains correspondence from Robert Dole, Dwight David Eisenhower, Gerald R. Ford, Percy Greene, Richard Nixon, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and John C. Satterfield. Also, a letter dated 2 May 1950 from Pat McCarran, Karl E. Mundt, John W. Bricker, Ralph E. Flanders, W.E. Jenner, G.W. Malone, James B. [sic] Eastland, Hugh Butler, Leverett Saltonstall, Charles W. Tobey, William F. Knowland, Styles Bridges, Owen Brewster, Milton R. Young, Robert A. Taft, Andrew Schoeppel, Homer Ferguson, James P. Kem, Robert Hendrickson, Joseph R. McCarthy, and others to President Harry S. Truman, re: opposing recognition of communist China and extending membership in the United Nations; a press release dated 28 September 1962, re: letter from Thomas G. Abernethy, Jamie L. Whitten, Arthur Winstead, John Bell Williams, William M. Colmer, James O. Eastland, and John C. Stennis to Kennedy in regards to integration of the University of Mississippi by James Meredith; and a copy of a typed letter dated 24 July 1969 from Eastland, William M. Colmer, John Stennis, Jamie L. Whitten, Thomas G. Abernethy, G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery, & Charles H. Griffin to Nixon, re: Mississippi delegation requesting appointment with president to discuss integration of Mississippi public schools. Subseries 18: Congressional Correspondence, contains correspondence or memoranda from Thomas G. Abernethy, Richard Arens, John M. Ashbrook, Theodore G. Bilbo, Frank T. Bow, Owen Brewster, Styles Bridges, James L. Buckley, Quentin N. Burdick, Usher L. Burdick, Harry Flood Byrd, Homer E. Capehart, Arthur Capper, Frank G. Clement, Thad Cochran, William M. Colmer, Philip M. Crane, Virginius Dabney, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Thomas J. Dodd, Robert Dole, Peter H. Dominick, Bob Dornan, Mickey Edwards, Sam J. Ervin, Homer Ferguson, Paul Findley, Gerald R. Ford, Barry Goldwater, Philip A. Hart, Orrin G. Hatch, S.I. (Sam) Hayakawa, F. Edward Hébert, H. John Heinz, III, Jesse Helms, Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Clare E. Hoffman, Spessard L. Holland, Ernest F. Hollings, Rufus C. Holman, Henry J. Hyde, William Jenner, James P. Kem, William F. Knowland, Frank Knox, William Langer, Henry Cabot Lodge, Trent Lott, N.M. Mason, Charles McC. Mathias, Burnet R. Maybank, Pat McCarran, Joseph R. McCarthy, Gale W. McGee, Frank E. Moss, Karl E. Mundt, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald P. Nye, W. Lee O'Daniel, Wright Patman, L.H. Perez, John R. Pillion, John E. Rankin, John R. Rarick, Robert R. Reynolds, L. Mendel Rivers, A. Willis Robertson, Carlos P. Romulo, John H. Rousselot, Richard B. Russell, W.C. "Tom" Sawyer, Director of National Americanism Commission of the American Legion, Andrew F. Schoeppel, Robert H. Schuller, Robert M. Shelton, Imperial Wizard United Klans of America in Tuscaloosa, AL, H. Alexander Smith, Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, J.G. (Jay) Sourwine, John J. Sparkman, Harold E. Stassen, John C. Stennis, Robert A. Taft, Herman E. Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, John Tower, Millard E. Tydings, George C. Wallace, Francis E. Walter, Robert Welch, Herman Welker, Burton K. Wheeler, Jamie L. Whitten, Alexander Wiley, and John Bell Williams. Addresses, articles, manuscripts, or statements by Ezra Taft Benson, James F. Byrnes, James C. Davis, John Dowdy, Hamilton Fish, Ralph W. Gwinn, Reverend Rex Humbard, David Lawrence, Robert B. Patterson, John E. Rankin, A. Willis Robertson, Reverend Pat Robertson, H. Alexander Smith, Walter Trohan, Millard E. Tydings, Kurt Waldheim, George F. Will, and John Bell Williams. Copies of ACA Update; W. Lee O'Daniel, Constitutional Government or Bureaucratic Dictatorship? (Dallas, TX: Common Citizens Radio Committee, c. 1943); and The W. Lee O'Daniel News. Clippings from Augusta Courier and Summit Sun (Mary Cain's column). Topics include abortion, American Civil Liberties Union, American Conservative Union, Americans for Constitutional Action, anti-busing bill, anti-lynching bill, anti-poll tax bill, Ed Ball, Bonus March, Bretton Woods Agreements Act Amendments of 1978, Citizens' Councils, civil rights, Civil Rights bill (1957), Civil Rights Bill (1964), Mississippi Governor J.P. Coleman, Bill Colmer, Communism, desegregation, federal encroachment, free enterprise, Carroll Gartin, Barry Goldwater, Gun Control Act of 1968, homosexuality, J. Edgar Hoover & Federal Bureau of Investigation, House Committee on Un-American Activities files on Highlander Folk School and Myles Horton, Institute of Pacific Relations, integration, integration at University of Mississippi, John Birch Society, Martin Luther King, Jr., Owen Lattimore, David Lawrence, Autherine Lucy, lynching, General Douglas MacArthur (and dismissal of), Senator Pat McCarran, Lawrence McDonald, James Meredith, Robert Morris, NAACP, National Labor Relations Act, National Labor Relations Act Amendments, National Lawyers Guild, Richard Lewis Neuberger, Neutrality Act, Richard Nixon, Panama Canal, Panama Canal Treaties, Panama Canal Treaty, race relations, religion, school busing, school integration, segregation, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, socialism, states' rights, John Stennis, Tuition Tax Relief Act of 1978, George Wallace, John Bell Williams, John Sharp Williams, and World War II. Subseries 25: Book Inventory, contains books or pamphlets by Marilyn R. Allen, Hilaire Belloc, Theodore G. Bilbo, Anita Bryant, Patrick J. Buchanan, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Roy Cohn, Phoebe Courtney, Earnest Sevier Cox, Matt Cvetic, Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Myron C. Fagan, John T. Flynn, Barry M. Goldwater, J. Evetts Haley, J. Edgar Hoover, H.L. Hunt, Emanuel M. Josephson, Joseph P. Kamp, Rose Wilder Lane, George W. Malone, Clarence Manion, J.B. Matthews, W.S. McBirnie, Robert Morris, National States Rights Committee, Carleton Putnam, John E. Rankin, John R. Rarick, Phyllis Schlafly & Chester Ward, John A. Stormer, Strom Thurmond, John B. Trevor, Freda Utley, Robert Welch, and Charles A. Willoughby & John Chamberlain. Has copies of Television Program "Manion Forum" (Show #125) with Guest U.S. Senator James O. Eastland, and Television program "The Mike Wallace Interview" with Guest U.S. Senator James O. Eastland, available online. The television program "Manion Forum" with host Clarence Manion discusses the subject of the Internal Security Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Marilyn Manion then interviews Eastland in DC. Topics covered include the subcommittee; communism and espionage; and communist infiltration of the American youth movement, the civil rights movement, labor unions, church groups, and civic organizations; and the different methods used by communists to influence youth. The television program "The Mike Wallace Interview" covers civil rights, segregation, and race relations; history of the South with regards to slavery and Reconstruction; communist propaganda against the United States; integration of public schools; voting registration; Ku Klux Klan; John Kasper's Seaboard White Citizens Council; and a southern filibuster of the civil rights bill. For the digital collection, see the Mississippi Digital Library (entry 1931). File Series 4: Legislative Files. Subseries 10: Internal Security Subcommittee, contains files on Amerasia; American Civil Liberties Union; American League against War and Fascism; Anti-Communist Publications; Association of American Physicians and Surgeons; Povl Bang-Jensen; Anne Braden; Carl Braden; Frank L. Britton; Central Intelligence Agency; Leo Cherne; Children of God; China; Communism – Education; Communism – Film Industry; Communism – Financial Markets; Communism – International; Communism – Jews; Communism – Publishing Industry; Communism – Religion; Communism – U.S. Government; Communism – U.S. South; Communism – Youth; Communist Front Organizations; Communist Infiltration of Media; Communist Party U.S.A.; Communist Propaganda; Communist Theory; Congress of Industrial Organizations; Contempt of Congress; Council against Communist Aggression; John F. Cronin; Paul Crouch; Crusade for Freedom; Cuba; Matt Cvetic; John Paton Davies; James Dombrowski; Facts Forum; Fair Play for Cuba Committee; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Fifth Amendment; Fish Hearings – Index to Publications on Special Committee to Investigate Communism in the United States; Communism – Los Angeles; Ford Foundation/Fund for the Republic; Victor J. Fox; Benjamin Gitlow; Igor Gouzenko; Group Research Inc.; David E. Gumaer; Alger Hiss; Immigration; Institute of Pacific Relations; Institute for Policy Studies; Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments; Internal Security Act and Amendments; John Birch Society; Joseph P. Kamp; John Kasper; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Alfred Kohlberg; Ku Klux Klan; Labor Unions; Owen Lattimore; Legislation – Amend Title I of the Internal Security Act of 1950; Legislation – Internal Security Act of 1971; Legislation – Non-Communist Oaths by Lawyers Practicing in Federal Courts; Legislation – Omnibus Internal Security Act of 1963; Legislation – Security Offenses Act of 1971; Legislation – Subversive Activities Control Board; Legislation – To Amend Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950; Legislation – To Amend the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950; Legislation – To Ensure Separation of Federal Powers and Protect Legislative Function by Abolishing the Subversive Activities Control Board; Liberty Lobby; Franklin H. Littell; Hamilton A. Long; Max Lowenthal; Eugene Lyons; Carlos Marcello; Harvey Matusow; Adolphe Menjou; Arthur Miller; George De Mohrenschildt; Edward R. Murrow; Michael Musmanno; Gunnar Myrdal; Narcotics; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; New Orleans Hearings; Lee Harvey Oswald; Otto Otepka; Panama; Patriotic Organizations; Radio Free Europe; James Earl Ray; Walter P. Reuther; Rhodesia; Victor Riesel; George Rockwell; John Stewart Service; Gerald L.K. Smith; George Sokolsky; Southern Conference Educational Fund; Subversive Activities Control Board; Subversive Organizations – U.S. Attorney General's List; Telford Taylor; Terrorism; H. Keith Thompson; Viorel Trifa; U.S. Labor Party; U.S. Supreme Court; Unification Church; United Nations; Vietnam; Voice of America; Edwin A. Walker; Harry Dexter White; World Council of Churches; Richard Wurmbrand; Yugoslavia; Zimbabwe; Howard Zinn. Subseries 12: Correspondence with Judges, contains files on Tom P. Brady, J.P. Coleman, and M.M. McGowan.
Chester "Bo" Morgan, "James O. Eastland,"
Websites with information:
Television Program "Manion Forum"(Show #125) with Guest U.S. Senator James O. Eastland:
Television program "The Mike Wallace Interview" with Guest U.S. Senator James O. Eastland
Finding aids:
Finding aids to digital collection:
[0864] James O. Eastland Oral History, 1971 [oral history]
Location: Oral History Collection, The Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, 2313 Red River Street, Austin, Texas 78705-5702
Description: Eastland (1904-1986) was U.S. Senator, Mississippi, 1943-1979; Chairman, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, 1955-1979. The interview by Joe B. Frantz, February 19, 1971, mentions Governor Ross Barnett, Congressman William M. Colmer, Dwight D. Eisenhower, President Nixon, Senator Russell, John Stennis, and Strom Thurmond.
Finding aid:
[0865] Max Eastman mss., 1892-1968, LMC 1301
Location: Lilly Library, Indiana University, 1200 E. Seventh St., Bloomington, IN 47405-5500
Description: Max Forrester Eastman (1883-1969) was an American writer, poet, and political activist. The major portion of the correspondence is concerned with Eastman's writings and the response of leading figures to his books, articles, and lectures. Correspondence with Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Austin Beard, William Frank Buckley, Louis Francis Budenz, James Burnham, Raymond B. Cattell, John Rensselaer Chamberlain, William Henry Chamberlin, Seward B. Collins, Lucille Cardin Crain, Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Charles Edison, Frank Ernest Gannett, Devin Adair Garrity, Merwin Kimball Hart, Friedrich August von Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Granville Hicks, Sidney Hook, Roy Wilson Howard, Husband Edward Kimmel, Alfred Kohlberg, Rose (Wilder) Lane, Victor Lasky, David Lawrence, Isaac Don Levine, Claire (Boothe) Luce, Eugene Lyons, Draža Mihailovitch, Raymond Moley, Amos Richards Eno Pinchot, Ezra Loomis Pound, Leonard Edward Read, Edward Merrill Root, Edward Aloysius Rumely, George Santayana, Dorothy Thompson, Harold Lord Varney, Peter Robert Edwin Viereck, Ludwig Edler von Mises, and Albert Coady Wedemeyer.
Borislava Borisova Probst, "Dialectic of the Enlightenment in America: The Woman Suffrage Debate 1865-1919" (Ph.D., Universität Regensburg, 2015), p. 118,
Websites with information:;sort=title;startDoc=81
Finding aids:
[0866] Dr. George Ebey Collection, 1936-1971 (bulk 1951-1955), MSS.0070
Location: Houston Metropolitan Research Center, Houston Public Library, 500 McKinney, Houston, Texas 77002
Description: In 1952 Dr. George Ebey (1907-1995) was employed as Deputy Superintendent of Schools for the Houston Independent School District (HISD), Houston, Texas. Shortly after his arrival in Houston, accusations of un-American activities were lobbed at Dr. Ebey. The HISD School Board conducted a hearing and decided to fire him in 1953. This collection consists of Dr. George Ebey's personal and professional correspondence, research, publications, speeches, news articles, and other items. These documents span the time before his employment at HISD, his struggle with HISD for his job, and the after-effects of the hearing and decision. This collection also includes the investigation of Ralph S. O'Leary into the Minute Women, an organization of women against Communism in politics and for the teaching of American heritage in schools, published as a series of eleven articles for the Houston Post in October 1953. This collection covers post-World War II issues including McCarthyism, the "Red Scare," and "Un-American activities."
See also Ralph S. O'Leary, "Daughters of Vigilantism," The Nation, 178, no. 2, Jan. 9, 1954, pp. 26-28; Don E. Carleton, "The Minute Women and the George W. Ebey Affair: A Case Study of McCarthyism in Houston" (M.A., University of Houston, 1974); Don E. Carleton, "McCarthyism in Houston: The George Ebey Affair," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 80, No. 2 (Oct. 1976), pp. 163-176,
95/; and Don E. Carleton, "McCarthyism Was More than McCarthy": Documenting the Red Scare at the State and Local Level," The Midwestern Archivist, Vol. XII, No. 1 (1987), pp. 13-19,
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0867] Tibor Eckhardt Papers, 1921-1972, Coll. 80026
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Tibor Eckhardt (1888-1972) was a Hungarian politician, delegate to the League of Nations, 1934-1935, and émigré in the United States after 1941. Eckhardt participated in organizing the Assembly of Captive European Nations and became Chairman of its Hungarian delegation. Correspondence, writings, notes, memoranda, clippings and other printed matter, relating to twentieth-century Hungarian politics, anti-communist movements in the United States, and Hungarian émigré politics. The series Biographical File, 1921-1972, contains materials on Communist infiltration of American-Hungarian organizations. The series Correspondence, 1941-1972, contains files on Madame Chiang Kai-shek (Mayling Soong Chiang); Christopher Emmet; Béla Fábián; Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty; and Laszlo Pasztor. The series Subject File, 1941-1972, contains files on Abortion - Hungary; anti-Communism; Assembly of Captive European Nations; Povl Bang-Jensen; William F. Buckley, Jr.; John Chamberlain; Whittaker Chambers; Chiang Kai-shek; Civil rights; Coalition of American Patriotic Societies; Communism; Counterattack, May and July 1968; Milovan Djilas; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Béla Fábián; Henry Ford; Ford Foundation; General Francisco Franco; Free Europe, Inc.; Freemasons; Joseph Goebbels; Barry Goldwater; Rudolph Hess; Alger Hiss; Adolph Hitler; Hungarian Freedom Fighters' Federation; Katanga; Irving Kristol; David Lawrence; Cardinal Joszef Mindszenty; Moral decay - United States; Moral rearmament; Ferenc Nagy; Richard M. Nixon; Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, 1945-1946; László Pásztor; School prayer; Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C.; Antonio de Oliveira Salazar; George Wallace; Karl A. Wittfogel; and Yalta Conference, 1945.
Finding aids:
[0868] Economic League Collection, 1961-1963, PE 21
Location: Special Collections, Western Bank Library, University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, United Kingdom