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Kitabı oku: «Observations on the Diseases of Seamen», sayfa 13

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It is an important question to what circumstances of this fever the Peruvian bark is adapted. An early and indiscriminate use of it is recommended in some late publications, upon the authority of which I tried it without regard to the stages or symptoms, and without any prejudice either for or against the practice; but I found that this powerful remedy was in danger of doing much harm, unless great attention was paid to circumstances, in order to ascertain the proper seasons for giving it. The symptoms that forbid the use of bark are chiefly foul bowels, hard pulse, sizy blood, great delirium, dry tongue, a hot and dry skin, and inflammatory affections of the viscera. It was found extremely pernicious in an early stage of the disease previous to evacuations; and the object of practice at this time should be to relieve the habit by means of these, in order to produce a general relaxation of the secretions, and to render the skin cool and soft, thereby paving the way for the bark.

It is not necessary, however, especially in the advanced stages of the disease in this climate, to wait for an absolute remission, in order to administer the bark. In a cold or temperate climate it will seldom be found advisable to give it in any period of this fever; but in a hot climate it is sometimes admissible where there are symptoms of general debility, such as a small pulse and muscular weakness, even though the frequency of the pulse, delirium, and a dry skin and tongue, should indicate some degree of fever. It may be remarked, by the bye, that a dry tongue is a fallacious symptom, for it may happen in consequence of the patient’s breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, without any fault in the secretions of the fauces. The symptom which forbids the use of the bark more absolutely than any other is an inflammatory or dysenteric state of the bowels, in which cases it seems to be invariably pernicious.

Where it happens that we are extremely anxious to throw in the bark, as we usually are in the West Indies, where fevers are very rapid and dangerous, and yet the symptoms seem hardly to admit its use, it was very commonly tried either in conjunction with some antimonial medicine or neutral salt, or these were given alternately with it, in order to soften and qualify its effects by preventing it from heating or otherwise aggravating the symptoms. Antimonial wine or Spiritus Mindereri were conveniently employed with this intention.

With regard to the quantity of bark to be given, it may be proper in doubtful cases of this kind to begin with small doses, in order to feel how far it agrees or not; but in general it may be laid down as a rule with regard to this medicine, that, where it is really proper, and the medicine to be depended on, it is to be given in as large doses and as frequently as the stomach will easily bear it.

The next remedy mentioned was opium. It is a medicine more admissible and useful in this than any other kind of fever. The same cautions nearly apply in the administration of it as have been given with regard to the Peruvian bark. The caution with regard to foul bowels is particularly necessary in a hot climate, where an over secretion of bile is so apt to take place. When, the Boreas frigate arrived from England in March, 1783, there was a very bad fever of the infectious kind on board, some cases of which being sent to the hospital at St. Lucia, were treated unsuccessfully with bark and opium, which I had been induced to try upon the authority of the authors above alluded to. I attributed this want of success to the neglect of previous evacuation; for, upon inspecting the bodies, the intestines were found full of bilious feces. I profited from this, and was more successful in the other cases. It were to be wished that physicians could oftener bring themselves to confess their errors in practice, and their writings would be more instructive; for it is of consequence to know what we are to avoid as well as what we are to follow.

It has been mentioned that the best effects arise from the conjunction of an antimonial with an opiate; but, in this sort of fever, antimonials, and even most of the neutral salts, are hurtful after the first stage, and opiates may after this be given alone or combined with camphor. With regard to the precise period of leaving off antimonials, it must be left to discretion, and the constitution of the patient is the best guide. There is so great a difference in patients in this respect, that all practical precepts should be qualified by a due discrimination of constitutions. Absolute and dogmatical rules are so far from applying in the practice of physic, that there are some cases of the same disease that require a treatment even opposite to what is in general most adviseable. This may be very aptly illustrated by the small pox, of which there are cases that ought to be treated very differently from the general method laid down by Sydenham, and in which cordial medicines are highly proper and necessary. This difference in diseases themselves seems to be one great cause of the difference of opinion among physicians on practical points, each party finding some countenance in experience for their general doctrine, do not make allowance for the varieties that exist in nature; so that, in one sense, both may be said to be in the right. If the patient is not very much sunk, and if there are bilious symptoms, or an obstinate dryness in the skin, a few grains of James’s powder may be given with advantage even in an advanced period of the disease. If a hot and dry skin should at this period be the only troublesome symptom, it will be more safely and effectually removed by camphor combined with something opiate and the Spiritus Mindereri, which is the only neutral now admissible, than by antimonials, which, at this time, would be in danger either of ruffling the patient by their operation on his stomach and bowels, or of weakening him too much either in this way, or by exciting profuse sweats. Evacuant medicines of every kind being then improper, clysters are the only laxatives to be employed in case the state of the bowels require them.

Having mentioned camphor, it may be proper here to remark, that it is a medicine of which I have found it extremely difficult to ascertain the virtues and effects; and in consequence of this ambiguity, I believe there are few articles of the materia medica more abused in practice. In all inflammatory affections, and in the beginning of all fevers where there is much heat and thirst, I think I have observed it to aggravate the symptoms. It seems in no case to be more proper than at certain periods of this fever, and especially when there happens to be spasmodic pains of the stomach, or tremors and cramps in the extremities.

In this advanced stage of the fever, in which the most common symptoms are weakness, restlessness, tremors, and low delirium, no medicine was found so much to be trusted to as opium, which here acts as a cordial as well as an anodyne and antispasmodic. It may be given, in the camphorated julep, in the form of tincture, from five to ten drops every six or eight hours, or some of the officinal compounds, such as the theriaca or mithridate, may be employed with advantage. I have thought also, that, at this period, castor conjoined with opium seemed to improve its virtue. This was first suggested to me by Mr. Crudie, an ingenious German surgeon, whom I employed as an assistant at the hospital at St. Lucia; and since I have been physician to St. Thomas’s hospital, I have found the most pleasing effects, in similar cases, from a composition used there, the principal ingredients of which are opium and castor95.

In this state of the fever I have also used with advantage the decoction of Peruvian bark and serpentary, as recommended by Sir John Pringle; and when the skin is cold and the circulation is very languid, as is sometimes the case, volatile salts and powder of serpentary may very properly be employed.

But in the advanced state, and in the worst forms of this disease, there is perhaps no medicine superior to wine. This was given either pure, or diluted with water for common drink, and sometimes to the quantity of a quart in twenty-four hours. In delicate people, such as we meet with in private practice, the quantity ought to be less.

There is this caution necessary with regard to the use of wine, that when the fever is gone off, and only extreme debility remains, the free use of it is not safe nor proper; for, in a weak and exhausted state, a person is more apt to be 96heated and intoxicated by any fermented liquor, than in health, or even in the preternatural and disturbed state of actual disease, such as occurs in this fever.

After the disease is removed, a long state of weakness is apt to succeed, especially in a warm climate. The most proper remedies, then, are bitters, such as decoctions of Peruvian bark, infusions of quassia bark, gentian, or camomile flowers. These answer better than the bark in substance, which is now apt to nauseate and load the stomach, and the patient is apt to take an aversion to this and whatever else he took in a state of sickness. The best strengthening medicines are such as comfort the stomach and create appetite; and we may mention Huxham’s tincture of bark, in small doses, and a moderate use of wine, as the most proper for these purposes. Where colliquative sweats take place, elixir of vitriol is serviceable, and with this intention I have joined it, with evident advantage, to the evening anodyne, which, without such a corrector, tends rather to aggravate this symptom. I have known assafœtida prove a useful stimulus to the stomach at this time, and it may even be used while the fever subsists, especially where the secretions of the fauces are scanty. This medicine is recommended by Sir John Pringle in the same circumstances. But I consider the prudent use of opiates, particularly at bedtime, as the most effectual cordial and strengthening medicine in this convalescent state.

But with regard to the management of the sick at this time, as much depends on diet as medicine. Nothing has been said concerning this in the acute state of fever, because no nourishment is then necessary. In that state there is a loathing of all food, and the powers of digestion and assimilation seem to be then suspended, so that alimentary substances become not only an useless load, but offensive and hurtful by turning acid or putrid. It is likewise evident from fact, as well as reason, that nature, in this situation, does not require sustenance; for we frequently see people labouring under fevers who do well and recover, though they have been entirely without nourishment for a length of time in which the like abstinence in a state of health would have proved fatal. The friends and attendants of the sick, from a prejudice not unnatural, but not considering the difference between health and that state of derangement which takes place in fever, are for ever wishing to supply the patient with nourishment, and every physician meets with trouble in counteracting this officiousness. Nevertheless, when the fever draws out to a considerable length, and the principal symptom is that state of weakness which, in low fevers, runs insensibly into that of convalescence, then it is necessary to pay the utmost attention to nourishment, and nothing tends more to insure and hasten recovery than the assiduous administration of light and nourishing food, the same cautions being observed which have just been mentioned with regard to cordials. One of the greatest hardships of a sea life is the want of those articles of diet that are suitable to a recovering state, and many lives are lost from this circumstance, after the force of the disease has been subdued97.

With regard to the peculiar form, before described98, which this fever assumes a few months after ships have been in a hot climate, we found camphor, volatile salts, and serpentary, the best remedies. As there was a remarkable coldness of the skin, I was induced in one case to try the hot bath, and with good effect, from which it seems probable that a short stay in a bath, of a heat from 96° to 100°, so as to have its warming and stimulating, without its relaxing effects, would answer well in fevers of this kind.

2. Of the Bilious Remitting Fever

This is peculiar to tropical climates, and arises in the same situations in which intermitting fevers arise in temperate and cold climates. It seldom arises at sea, unless where there has been previous exposure on shore, of which some examples have been mentioned in the first part of the work. It may generally be traced to the air of woods or marshes; and in our fleet hardly any men were attacked with it but those who were employed in the duties of wooding and watering.

The most distinguishing symptom is a copious secretion of bile which attends it. Its course, in general, is shorter than that of the fever before described; and though the symptoms are more violent, they are not so equal and steady, owing to the tendency there is to remission. The symptoms are particularly violent at the beginning, in so much that some of the men, after being exposed upon duty to the heat of the sun and the air of marshes and woods, would become frantic, being seized almost instantaneously with delirium resembling madness. This fever, when it arises merely from the effluvia of woods and marshes, has a natural tendency to remit; nay, some fevers at St. Lucia, proceeding from this cause, were of the pure intermitting form from the beginning. But in many of those that arose at Jamaica little or no remission was to be perceived; and it was distinguished from the ship fever by the bilious vomits and stools, more violent delirium, and head-ach, and by being attended with less debility. The greater tendency to the continued form at this time was probably owing to this circumstance, that the men who were exposed to the land air in wooding and watering, were then exposed also to such causes as naturally produce continued fevers, such as infection, the foul air of the French prizes, intemperance, and hard labour. There was in some cases a yellowness of the eye, and even of the whole skin, but without the other symptoms that characterise the yellow fever, properly so called.

In cases that proved fatal, the symptoms, for some time before death, resembled very much those of the fever before described at the same stage. There was either coma or constant delirium, great seeming anguish, the mouth and tongue very dry, or with only a little ropy slime, a black crust on the teeth, picking of the clothes, and involuntary stools.

Treatment of the Bilious Remitting Fever

The measures proper to be taken in the beginning of all fevers are pretty nearly the same. There is little difference in the first treatment of this from that of the ship fever, except that blood letting is here more frequently proper, and that a more free evacuation of the bowels is necessary on account of the more copious secretion of bile.

In full and athletic habits the disease very commonly begins with pains in the limbs, back, and head, with a strong throbbing pulse; in which case it is proper first of all to let blood at the arm. This is also highly proper and necessary in those cases mentioned above, in which the patient becomes suddenly frantic. But though the cases requiring blood-letting are more frequent in this sort of fever than that already treated of, yet great caution and nice discernment are necessary with regard to it, in all cases, in a hot climate. As fevers in such a climate run their course faster, the symptoms succeeding each other in a more close and hurried manner, greater expedition, as well as discernment, are required in timing the different remedies than what are necessary in a cold climate. Blood letting unseasonably and injudiciously employed either endangers life, or has a very remarkable effect in protracting recovery, by the irrecoverable weakness it induces.

With regard to the evacuation by the bowels, it has already been mentioned in another part of the work, when on the subject of prevention, that, before the fever comes on, there is a languor and general feeling of indisposition, and that then an emetic and a purgative, followed by some doses of the bark, were the most likely means of preventing the attack of the disease. If the fever has properly begun, which is announced by a rigor taking place, then no time is to be lost in procuring evacuation; and, after blood letting, if the symptoms should require it, the best medicine is tartar emetic, which, if given in small divided doses, at short intervals, will most probably evacuate the whole intestines by vomiting and purging, and may even prove sudorific. But it will nevertheless be proper to administer a purgative medicine soon after; and what we found to operate with most ease, expedition, and effect, was, a solution of purging salts and manna, either in an infusion of sena, or in common water, or barley water, with some tincture of sena added to it.

The next step towards procuring a remission is, to open the pores of the skin, which is best done by small doses of James’s powder or emetic tartar, assisted by the common saline draughts, which will be given with most advantage in the act of effervescence, or by Spiritus Mindereri, together with plentiful warm dilution. I once, by way of comparison, tried the two antimonial preparations above mentioned in a number of men ill of this fever, who were sent to the hospital at one time, giving emetic tartar to one half, and James’s powder to the other, and their effects were so similar, that I could perceive no reason for preferring the one to the other. Antimonial medicines seem better adapted to this than any other sort of fever, and may be more freely given in it.

These are the most likely means of bringing about a remission; and if this is effected, nothing remains to be done but to throw in as much Peruvian bark as the stomach will bear.

But whether from a fresh accumulation of bile, or some other circumstance, it may happen that the fever is kept up; and in this case there is commonly a sense of weight or uneasiness about the hypochondria, which seems to indicate that the redundant bile is in the gall bladder or ducts of the liver. In this case a repetition of evacuants is necessary, and calomel will be found to answer remarkably well as a purgative, its stimulus being so extensive as to loosen and bring away bile when the saline purgatives, such as that above mentioned, had failed of having that effect. I have known these to pass through the intestines without relieving the uneasy sensation about the stomach as calomel is found to do; and it will be still more effectual for this purpose, if given alone in a dose, from five to ten grains, and followed some hours afterwards by some other purgative. After this, antimonial medicines are again to be had recourse to; and these, as well as purgative and neutral medicines, are safe and useful in a more advanced stage of this fever than they are in the ship fever; for the strength is not so apt to sink, and the state of the bowels requires them more. Antimonials, however, are to be used sparingly and cautiously as the fever advances; for I have known them, when given only a few days after the first attack, to have the effect, in some constitutions, of making the stomach swell, and of producing a general sense of heat and uneasiness.

After the evacuations of the bowels, the anodyne diaphoretic may be very seasonably given in the manner formerly mentioned; for it will not only tend to sooth and procure sleep after the commotion that has been excited, but by its gentle sudorific effect will assist in completing the remission.

The principal point of management in the fevers of this climate is, to throw in the Peruvian bark in proper season. I formerly took occasion to differ from the opinion of those who alledge that little or no discrimination is necessary with regard to the circumstances in which bark is proper in continued fevers. I made fair and unprejudiced trials of this, but always found that some sort of remission, especially towards the beginning of the disease, was necessary, in order to make the use of this medicine safe and proper. The greatest vigilance is indeed required that the administration of it be not omitted when it is at all adviseable, as the course of fevers is very quick and critical in this climate. I have watched many nights with some friends in whose health I was particularly interested, to catch the hour when it might be allowable to give it; and where the propriety of it was somewhat ambiguous, it was usual to qualify it either by conjoining some antimonial or neutral salt with the first doses, or by giving them alternately with it, as has been formerly mentioned.

Under the use of these means, the favourable symptoms are, a warm moist skin, a strong steady pulse, with the pulsations under a hundred in a minute, a natural countenance, and being free from delirium. But if the fever should not yield during the first week, but takes an unfavourable turn, the pulse then becomes more small and frequent, there is a general agitation, the tongue is tremulous when put out, there is great thirst and delirium, with a dry and hot skin. In these circumstances, besides the continuation of the antimonials in smaller doses, with the anodyne diaphoretic, and the occasional use of purgatives, blisters now become proper; and we found also camphor combined with nitre an excellent medicine at this period of the disease.

Should the patient survive to the end of the second week, the treatment then comes to resemble more and more that of the infectious fever already described. Bark may be given, though there should be no proper remission, and cordials and opiates may be more freely used. Attention to the state of the bowels will still be necessary, since repeated accumulations of bile are apt to occur even in the most advanced stage, and gentle emetics of ipecacuana, as well as laxatives, may be necessary. For the same reason also, greater caution is requisite in the use of pure opiates than in the infectious ship fever before treated of. In order to keep the bowels soluble, it was a very usual practice, and found very useful, to conjoin a few grains of rhubarb with each dose of the bark.

95.The following is the form of it, and it was first introduced by Mr. Whitfield, apothecary to the hospital, under the name of Bolus Sedativus: – ℞. Confection. Damorat. [dram]ss. Castor. Russic. pulv. [scruple]ss. Tinct. Thebaic. gtt. iv. Syr. sim. q.s. Fiat bolus sexta quaque hora sumendus.
96.Great nicety is required in all cases with regard to the times and doses of cordials; for it by no means follows that these should be in proportion to the lowness and loss of strength. This is well illustrated by Mr. Hunter in his Lectures, where he explains the distinction between the powers of the body and its actions. There must be a certain degree of strength to bear the excitement occasioned by stimulating and strengthening medicines or diet; for nothing is more pernicious, or even fatal, than that any part or function should make exertions beyond its strength; and there is the more danger in ill-timed remedies of this kind, as a state of weakness is generally a state of irritability.
97.See a method proposed for obviating this, page 358.
98.Page 381 et seq.