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In the experiment, he found a gigantic energy conduit between the Sun and the constellation of Orion.

The sun and the Earth are aligned, during the months of December and January, with the constellation of Orion from sunrise and sunset. In this period, the maximum anti-gravity effect is obtained during the experiment. This could be the ideal time for UFOs and astronauts to travel almost instantaneously between the two worlds Earth and Pleadian, as the famous contactee Billy Myers argued.

Joe Parr's experiments showed that it is possible to generate antigravity force fields using pyramids, and that the force field can be powered and controlled by sonic energy at a specific frequency.

The King's Chamber of the great pyramid resonates at 51Hertz which is also the angle at the base of this (51.287 degrees) known as Phi (golden ratio) (1.618034), the lines of force of the electric charge are increased by the fields of the action of the Sun on the walls of the Great Pyramid. This is an energy accumulator (capacitor) which discharges excess to the top where a gold cover once existed which is a very good conductor. The pyramids also functioned as negative ion generators. In order to function they had to be connected to an ion source located in the basement of Giza, through a piezoelectric effect the ions accumulate in the pyramids which then discharge them at the apex.

The pyramids are made of stone containing crystals that capture the electrical charges of groundwater. John Cadman, engineer, developer of the Great Pyramid of Giza hydraulic pulse generator theory, assumed that the pyramid was surrounded by a wall, as were other pyramids. The basin that was thus created between the wall and the pyramid was filled with water from the nearby Nile to ensure a constant flow of water inside it. The water apparently was also collected by a stone gutter located on the sides of the pyramid, apparently octagonal in shape. These characteristics are also found in the building of Castel del Monte in Puglia Italy. In 2008, a group of researchers discovered an underground complex in the shape of a labyrinth near the Amenemhat pyramid, in the Hawara area. The symbol of the labyrinth is depicted in many ancient cultures and throughout the planet, this dates back to very ancient historical periods. Also in Italy we find it depicted in Val Camonica in the Camuna civilization. Very often this symbol is mistaken for the representation of the plan of the city of Atlantis.

I think it was instead a particular system for water treatment to achieve some purposes. The labyrinths, of the type depicted in many parts of the world and also in cathedrals, would have the characteristic of concentrating some sound frequencies, and not only, in the center. If we let water flow inside them we would get particular effects. Pierluigi Ighina, writes in some press releases of him, between 1971

and 1975, of his invention derived from notions of Guglielmo Marconi, called "Solar Magnetic Rhythmic Slide", “ if a snake-shaped pipe slides on a solar magnetic rhythmic slide, producing a semi-arc on the right and left, the energy of the slide will be forced to penetrate the pipe and load the water. The arc shape will produce a solar magnetic rhythm of half a cell which, at the end of the water pipe, (liquid) will contain several complete solar magnetic rhythmic cells that will give the substances of our matter the balance to the defective ones (diseases) .... It has been found that each inhabitant of the earth is only half a cell due to the separate solar magnetic rhythm. (Imola 30/06/1974).

“…. The stars serve as vents for the magnetic bearing and at the same time serve to supply energy to the Earth's magnetic dome.

From this important knowledge, our Centers have come to the determination to build a first rhythmic-magnetic power station in the mother center of Imola consisting of Marconi Solar Magnetic Rhythmic Slides and a central antenna composed of two helical sliding surfaces each of which carries one of the rhythm components.

The two propellers, turning at the same speed as the sun-earth rhythmic-magnetic dome, recompose the rhythm by producing an empty channel. This channel directed on a star and crossing it, will have the possibility of making the energy contained in the bearing go down to our rhythmic center ... This energy ... will be used by all humanity to harmonize all human, animal, vegetable and mineral cells, eliminating diseases and general dysfunctions. It will also be used for industrial use. All the nations of the world will be able to use this celestial power on their behalf ... (Imola 03/06/1974)

In a letter (in the year 1927) Guglielmo Marconi wrote:

"By disturbing the ether with high frequency, it will be possible to unite communications between peoples. When the man will be aware

of solar magnetic energy, time and space will be eliminated, while with the solar magnetic rhythm it will be possible to communicate with other solar systems.

The solar magnetic rhythmic slides will give the possibility to neutralize the diseases that surround man. When the scientific laboratories become aware of these studies of mine and the editors of the newspapers will be able to publish them only then, humanity will receive the due compensation from mother nature.

We are surrounded by solar magnetic energy, why disturb it?

Wouldn't it be better to use the same energy for communications? The resistance and the process produced by the perturbation would be eliminated ...

To capture solar energy it would be necessary to divide and absorb it with tiny particles of matter. The law of spikes teaches us that movement can be achieved.

I found that matter has the property of absorbing solar energy, causing it to attract solar terrestrial energy up to its saturation. The terrestrial energy absorbed by matter produces, in the night, a strong attraction of cosmic (solar) energy causing a rhythmic movement to the particles of matter thus, every

matter, according to its composition, has its own rhythm. The seven colors that make up the sun are magnetic perturbations from other solar systems. Each color has its own rhythm of solar magnetic energy and, from this rhythm, one can have contact with them. (Imola 30/06/1975).

“… Some scholars from our magnetic centers went to the Pontecchio Marconi Memorial on 25/04/1974, for the anniversary of the centenary of Marconi. … With suitable equipment, they were able to discover a very important secret, hidden in the garden adjacent to Marconi's house.

Between the house and the front ground there is a phenomenon of solar energy produced by a natural slide, which introduces solar radiant magnetic energy into the Scientist's house.

The observation has given our scholars the possibility of obtaining, in the future, the withdrawal and production from nature of powers of magnetic energies in continuous quantities and, it is assumed, that it will also be possible to obtain the cancellation of the earth's gravity. (Imola 30/04/1974)


Ighina, a Man from the Future;

Come Tesla Pier Luigi Ighina:

Like Tesla Pier Luigi Ighina

Tesla and Ighina.
This video will open your eyes - part ½:

Tesla and Ighina.

This video will open your eyes - part 2/2

Nikola Tesla using the principles of the Great Pyramid and considering that the earth is a gigantic plate of one conductor and the ionosphere another, was able to provide free energy to everyone anywhere on the planet. He turns all this into technology and builds the Wardenclyffe Tower. Nikola Tesla thought that it was not only the shape that gave power to the pyramid, but also the position. In fact, for his tower he chose the position based on the laws with which the pyramids of Giza were built, that is connected with the relationship between the planet's elliptical orbit and the equator. The Zed seems to have been the "key" that made the energy pyramid work (also known as the "spine of Osiris"), it is in the heart of the great pyramid and is very similar to modern electric capacitors. It is like a high voltage pylon.

The Zed and the sarcophagus tank are made of granite, we know that this material conducts electricity because it contains a high concentration of quartz crystals, just like the Menhirs which have piezoelectric properties.

The Zed seems to have served as a means of communication (many Tesla's experiments in this regard) as well as for the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark of the Covenant was contained in the sarcophagus of the great pyramid and the Zed amplified all its energy.

Leonardo da Vinci seems to hide the secret in two of his works: "The Annunciation" and "The Virgin of the Rocks" using a harmonic geometric code as clarified by the study of Eng. Alfonso Rubino of 2017

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The energy system is composed as follows:

Ark of the Covenant (generator), Zed (amplifier), pyramid (transmitter). Probably the energy was collected by a receiving apparatus (Wirless) called the Dendera lamp. The Zed, pyramid, Ark was the powerhouse, the Zed of the lamps were the receivers. Nikola Tesla for the tower used an octagonal shape covered by a half sphere (dome). The octagonal shape has very special wave characteristics. The octagon is the symbol of cosmic balance and eternal life, the number 8 and the octagon is very important in human history and especially in Christian art. The baptismal fonts have an octagonal shape, resting on eight pillars. The octagon is the symbol of the resurrection, it evokes eternal life, it is the number of cardinal directions combined with the intermediate directions, the eighth day follows the six days of creation and Saturday,

it announces the future eternal era, the resurrection of Christ and man, announces the beatitude of the future century, the eighth day is the symbol of the transfiguration. The man of the macro cosmos is governed by n.8 in the mechanism of generation and in the structure of the body (skeleton with 8 joints) in the creation and in the order of everything on which his subsistence depends. The number 8 upside down is a symbol of infinity. Like the circle that is the image of God, so is the octagonal element a double square called squaring the circle. The octagon on a Christian level refers to the image of the "eight beatitudes" and therefore the octagonal cross of the Sovereign Order of Malta is an image of the Sermon on the Mount, a path to follow to improve the ascent to God in zeal and moral conduct. Furthermore, the octagonal image is also the perimeter closure of the Greek cross on all four sides, it is the reminder of the image of the cross, passion and death, however defeated by the risen Savior Christ! Hence Victory over the underworld by means of the resurrection.

Died and risen on the eighth day. Often in Christian architecture we find cathedrals with a central plan because Jesus was seen as the Sun. The motif of an octagonal structure can therefore be traced back to number 8, numerology and the organization of space are the principles of the arts and science. In numbers there is the principle of being one, the invisible God = 0; the will of God = 1. Intelligence is born from one and is 2, from 2 the soul is born which is 3 from which various natures are born that generate composite bodies, therefore it is deduced that a thing cannot be known if you don’t know what comes before it. The soul comes before nature and thanks to it nature can be known. Intelligence comes before the soul, and it is thanks to it that the soul can be known. Intelligence leads to what is superior to it, that is to God. The square indicates the "phenomenal" world, the two superimposed phenomenal and human squares; the 8-pointed star symbolizes the continuous positive (+) and negative (-) rhythm. The Templars adopted the octagonal or round shape for building their churches, reinforcing the importance of this symbol. The Templars qualified themselves as the defenders of Solomon's temple as the temple of Christ.

The octagon arises from the union of two intersected squares called a double quaternary, one represents the active, the other the passive. They represent the concept of creation given by the male and female opposite, union between the earthly and divine levels. It represents the beginning of the spiritual path of every Christian as well as purification. The Templar cross originates from the union of the two squares, the double crossed square that forms the eight-pointed star, in the past it was assimilated to a female deity, over time Christians have attributed it to the virgin Mary transforming it into the Polar Star that we see on the Pope's coat of arms. The attribution is due to the link with the planet Venus, considered female, which is in inferior conjunction with the earth every 1.6 years. This period is called the synodic period of Venus. During each lower conjunction, the position of Venus with respect to the zodiacal circle is not the same, so until Venus and Earth return to exactly the same lower positions, a period of eight years is required. During this period, following the position of Venus on the zodiacal circle, the vertices of a regular starry pentagram are obtained. For this reason the pentagram, five-pointed star is a sacred feminine symbol. The eight-year period (octaeteride) coincides almost perfectly with the cycle of the lunar phases (99 lunations). The similarity with the Moon, of a female nature, has also influenced Venus. For this reason Pope Francis initially used the five-pointed star in his coat of arms to represent the Virgin Mary, then changed to the eight-pointed one. The 8-pointed star can be traced back to the Draconis order, a Crusader order in total service of the Pope and the Holy Roman Empire. Eight is universally considered the number of cosmic equilibrium. The octagonal shape is also used in Buddhist temples centered on the one who turns the wheel of the very center of the universe. In Japan the number eight is considered sacred, it represents the innumerable, immense but not indefinable quality. The eight forces of nature are the result of the cosmic interaction of Yin and Yang which together form the eight trigrams of the Bagua or Pakua and combined give rise to the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching.

Eight is the number of immortals in Chinese mythology. In chess, the chessboard has eight columns and each player has eight pawns, the checkerboard floor is often found in many Masonic cathedrals and lodges.

The eight-pointed star forms the pagan sun wheel, wheel of the Dharma, in every pagan cult associated with the Babylonians and Phoenicians with the "Sun God Baal" and the "Great Mother Astarte".

The Baal cross (Templar cross) is inserted in the wheel of the seasons of Celtic origin and in the wheel of the "Dharma Chackra", one of the most famous symbols of the Buddhist religion. In this tradition Buddha Sakyamuni by revealing the four noble truths to his disciples sets in motion the wheel of the Dharma. In Indian iconography, this wheel is a sacred weapon used by Buddha to strike the errors, obstacles, attachments that prevent man from reaching Nirvana. The Dharmacackra is made up of eight rays representing the noble eightfold path.

In China the octagon is one of the greatest symbols of the Taoist current, it is called bagua or pa-kua (ba = 8, gua = bagua number = eight numbers) usually represented with the Jaijitu surrounded by 8 tigrams of the I Cing aligned each at a cardinal point forming an octagon. The lines that make up the tigrams are of two types: Solid lines = positive polarity (yang) Broken lines = negative polarity (yin). They symbolize the flows of energy that cross the world and that can affect human life. The belief is that using it as an amulet, the symbol keeps evil spirits away. In Iceland, a symbol reminiscent of an eight-spoke wheel called Egishalmur was used engraved on the inside of the warriors' helmets. According to tradition this conferred invincibility in battle, increasing strength and the terror in enemies, amplifying warrior strength and fury. This symbol was also used by shamans to destroy negative energies and offer both physical and energetic protection, it also helps healing by reducing the healing time of wounds. The Stav (Egishalmur) is often used on a talisman whose activation occurs through blood or saliva. The symbol requires energy, it completely destroys negative energies by engulfing them but if it does not have any, it must somehow work anyway and take it back from the wearer. Tattooing it can lead to states of prolonged fatigue and can cause pain.

Algiz is a great Rua of protection for the peoples of the North and in the Celtic tradition, it represents the God Cernunnos, divinity of fertility and abundance, it is an archaic symbol connected to the beginning of the world, sometimes covering the role of psychopomp (the psychopomp is a figure, generally a divinity, which carries out the function of accompanying the souls of the dead in the afterlife. The word "psychopomp" from the Greek ψυχοπομπóς, composed of psyche = soul and pompós = one who sends), is also linked to the swan, which possesses a particularly rich symbolism, certainly representing purity, celestial strength as a companion of Apollo, it still symbolizes the soul in transformation towards higher states of being. With Algiz we are asked to relate in a new way with the dimension of the sacred, to stretch our mind and our whole body upwards and thus receive knowledge from the Original Source of All Knowledge. Algiz runes are powerful and a system in their own right. Wyrd is made of runes, moving a single energy the vibration propagates exponentially and unpredictably if you do not understand its motion. The term wyrd is related to the Old English woerthan, "to become". The term then evolved (about 1400) into the Middle English adjective weird, "fateful" or "magical" and into modern English weird, "strange" or "bizarre". The term orlog is composed of daór, "outside" or "beyond" elog, "law". Therefore it can be interpreted as "superior law", "supreme law". It is not to be confused with the word orlygi, "war", which gave rise to the Dutch oorlog to the Swedish örlog. The basic meaning of the Wyrd refers to how past actions continually influence and condition the future. But also how the future affects the past. All actions of all time influence each other. It is assumed that, unlike Fate, the Wyrd is anything but immobile and immutable:

it never repeats itself in the same way, it is not individual destiny, but rather a web that connects every element and every creature in the universe, and knows no distinction between past and future. Nothing was excluded from this view, and what was deemed negative or destructive, while being pushed away or fought against, was still considered part of the Wyrd. It follows that any personal action directly affects the wyrd of other individuals: every decision, taken in the present, generates an echo that propagates not only in the future, but also in the past, since in the human being past, present and future; every action that is influencing what will be and what has been, every action that has been influencing what is and what will be, every action that will be influencing what has been and what is. But not only that: every action will affect the wyrd of others, and therefore on the present, past and future of others. The whole universe of all times, in this way, would be caught in the same, inextricable network. A similar view is found in the concept of karma.

Castel del Monte is a 13th-century fortress built by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the western Murge in Puglia. The origin dates back to 29 January 1240, a date which is however uncertain. The project is attributed to the architect Riccardo da Lentini but certainly there was a strong, if not total, collaboration with Frederick II himself. It was built on the ruins of an earlier Lombard then Roman fortress. This "fortress" was called "Castle of Santa Maria del Monte". The internal rooms are covered with vaults. The castle in its main structure consists of eight towers on five of which housed water tanks. Throughout the structure there are channels to convey the water. Inside the courtyard there was a large octagonal tub in white marble with seats. The main entrance portal opens onto the wall of the octagonal structure oriented to the east, i.e. where the Sun rises in, coincidence of the spring and autumn equinoxes, from this orientation, and beyond, it is denoted how the entire building was designed as a real energy machine focused on the exploitation of solar rhythmic energies. The unusual apparently casual arrangement of the windows, which served to mark precise times and functions, relating to the movement of the Sun and its energies in the structural perfection of the building in which the tangents on the sides of the internal courtyard, meet precisely at the center of the octagonal towers forming the design of the 8-pointed star (the Virgin Mary) which also creates an 8-point tesseract. In addition to the cisterns on the towers under the courtyard floor there is a large water cistern for collecting rainwater. As already mentioned, water is a fundamental element for the activation of orgone energies, the choice of the main entrance to the east sets in motion the feminine energy of welcome and transformation. The autumn equinox is the door to the moment of introspection, healing, transformation. The fruit that represents this moment is the pomegranate which is a symbol of wise and mature motherhood; of the priestess of healing addressed to all biological and universal children. In this moment the wise female part that is in us heals her own self and that of others by fermenting the elements. The spring equinox is linked to the Goddess Ostara, Goddess of fertility of new beginnings, the bearer of enthusiasm for others and the world, symbolized by hares, eggs, butterflies that still represent Easter today. The rebirth of Christ falls on the first Sunday after the equinox or the following one if it is a full moon. Spring is also the moment of the wedding between the Sun God and the Earth Goddess, the moment of the union of new life. Moment of perfect cosmic balance that brings energies to become aware of oneself. The egg is the symbol of cosmic rebirth and the color is yellow. The construction also resembles the Celtic wheel. The structure is made up of three different materials whose arrangement is not casual but studied in relation to the chromatic effect it has on the observer and beyond (also as orgonites - architraves and door frames). Colors have their own vibrations. There are three recurring materials:

1-limestone (white / pink)

2-white marble

3-coral breach (pinkish, with yellow / white / pink / machines)

Each material has its own orgone condensation. The building also seems to have been used for alchemical experiments in the transmutation of metals under the direction of Michele Scotus, one of the first Latin authors of this occult science. The astrologer Scotto claimed to have witnessed the transmutation of copper into silver. A legend tells of imperial banquets where all kinds of foods appeared at the table without the cooks cooking. Had they perhaps discovered the energy that a few centuries later a young man named Ettore Majorana had managed to govern with his car !!?

The arrangement of the cisterns for the collection of water and that of the chimneys (fire) form the starry pentagon with the vertex upwards. The Fibonacci series can be seen in the dimensions of the castle's construction. This also demonstrates the great spiritual value of the work, the eight also intense as peace, eternal return, resurrection. Another fundamental element are the towers of the spiral staircases that develop in an anti-clockwise spiral direction, their function is understood only if we consider everything as a great energy machine. These spiral staircases have the function of dispersing the energy charge created by the building in the surrounding area, practically the transmitting antennas of positive orgone energy (Mhenir type). The symbolism of the stairs is manifold, dynamism, cyclic continuity, development and expansion, flow of time with its various cycles of changes, pattern of the motion of universal energy, the development of the cosmos from the center, creative consciousness of the universe that gives origin to all manifest things, it puts in communication what is above with what is below, to unite the earth with the sky, to bring man closer to the concept of high and infinite. In the myths the steps of the ladder are seven like the metals of alchemy, the seven planets of traditional astrology, the seven stages of cosmic spirituality, in the alchemical process the spiral begins and ends in the central cosmic egg and where the scarab, the Egyptian symbol of Sun that is reborn from itself, travels the spiral path gradually transforming itself into the seven planets but where man along the path of the ascending helix can save himself but lose himself.

Concept exposed by Johann Georg Gichtel in "Theosophia Pratica of 1696 where he writes: "... man can fall into the septenary spiral of sin by binding himself to his physicality and his passions, at the mercy of a whirlpool that takes him lower and lower, a cruel vortex from which it is difficult and painful to get out."

As you can well understand, these stairs have been conceived on a precise and preordained symbolic path.

Walking through the spirals of the winding stairs of the castle from the bottom to the top, we pass from the darkness of the lower floor, to the solar brightness that progressively envelops us during the ascent in an authentic celebration of sunlight intent on the spiritual liberation and alchemical transformation of the man.

Nothing is left to chance, from the extreme golden proportion, to the iconographies present in the castle, including four winged snakes that often recall the duality of the feminine and masculine recalled by the Caduceus of Hermes, by the Ying and Yang.

Who conceived Castel del Monte knew the secrets of the Great Pyramid, its energy source of immortal life, but while the first would have given men this energy, the pyramid would have taken it away from men to give it to the "Gods", using it as an instrument to take possession of the soul part that we possess. This theory is supported by Corrado Malanga, a university graduate of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa, where he has been teaching Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Chemistry of Organic Elemental Compounds for more than 35 years, spent studying, for over forty years, problems related to research on unidentified flying objects of an external matrix to the planet Earth. In the past, he organized research for the National UFO Center (CUN) as responsible for the Scientific Technical Committee, then continuing his work as founder of the Stargate Toscana Group. He has been a columnist for important trade magazines such as Ufo News, Ufo Network, Dossier Alieni, Stargate, Stargate Magazine, Area 51, X-Times, as well as contributor to two encyclopedic works on UFOs. Of particular importance is his work related to alien abductions (Abduction), which he studied through techniques of Regressive Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), providing modern interpretations of the entire phenomenology and a new approach to solving the problems connected to it. . In his book "Cheops the factory of immortality" we read : “… therefore in the Great Pyramid the myth of the life of the pharaoh had been repeated for millennia, which was regenerated using the soul part of another human being ... Gods with superior powers who would have spent their life bothering the poor earthlings, modifying the events of our history at will to dominate us ... The only purpose they had, and have, was to manage the soul parts of the men of this planet ... The pyramid was a hydraulic machine to produce low frequencies that were used to detach the soul part of someone introduced into the granite basin in the King's room full of water. The vibration that the room produced was coupled with soul frequency, which was carried in the water, as a sound vibration, in the Queen's room. In this room a hearing aid made of stone from the shape of the niches picked up the right frequencies and put them back in the air, where a cylinder of suitable dimensions, containing a being without a soul part, received the same that came from the donor in the tub of the King's room. The subject placed in this cylinder thus regenerated and relived for a further life cycle of at least one year ... Although this whole operation may seem crazy, it represents the same one that, years before, hundreds of subjects adduced in deep regressive hypnosis had described in the course of as many sessions, also conducted by several hypnologists with whom I work. Clearly the environment described during those hypnosis was highly technological: the cylinders were made of transparent material (perhaps glass), they were filled with a liquid and the bodies inside the cylinders and sarcophagi were also subjected to deep vibrations characterized by ejection of the body from the soul part.”