Kitabı oku: «Knowledge Forbidden To Humanity», sayfa 3
The link of this with the mysterious Voynich manuscript closes the Castel del Monte ring. This almost seems to be a user manual of the energy architectural complex. The combination of some figures depicting the castle in plan, the women who use the regenerating waters, some floral species present on the site where the building stands is very interesting (the drawings in the manual on page 14)
The castle pool and the importance of solar energy (terrestrial solar rhythm) for the creation of beneficial healing energies. Water again as a collaborative system, women submerged up to their knees, who perhaps found the gift of youth, fertility and healing from sterility. The cosmological section again refers to the drawings of the octagons of the castle, here it seems to be a manual of knowledge of the motion of the stars for the correct use of water.
We find drawings very similar to crops circles that appeared between 1995 and 2000 from which it was possible to derive projects for infinite free energy and anti-gravity toroidal vortices (eg Eng. Umberto Baudo).
The manuscript is officially not decoded but it seems that it was of interest to the N.S.A. National Security Agency which is the body of the Department of Defense of the United States of America which together with the C.I.A. and to the F.B.I. deals with national security, and they managed to decode it at least in some parts if not all, it was declassified in 2017 after 41 years. In one of the clear translations the phrase appears: "our fellow men are removed, to avoid being carried away".
The manuscript talks about biology, astronomy, mathematics. The dream of Frederick II, to create a single great empire governed by peace and justice, equality and to govern some energies for the good of all, is destroyed by the same powers that will lead another great character to be burned alive, which will be able to draw on the same energies, his name is Giordano Bruno, and a few centuries later to the great Nikola Tesla whose tower will be destroyed and he will be found dead in his hotel room after having destroyed the machine he created, capable of generating earthquakes and his documents all confiscated by the American government. After almost a century, however, it seems that the legacy left us by Nikola Tesla is being resurrected. A company called Visiv Technologis in the city of Milford, Texas rebuilt the tower for the same purposes, designed for wireless communications and remote electricity transmission via low frequency radio waves called “surface waves”. The thing that leaves me worried is that the corporate group is full of military officials and the beneficial and peaceful purpose may be just a cover. Meanwhile, the "EMROND" startup in New Zealand in 2013 announced the market entry with wireless electricity transmission systems for a fee of course!
Same fate had Wilhelm Reich imprisoned in prison and found dead. The only one who died of old age was Pierluigi Ighina thanks to his cunning and his communiques that he issued to the limit of credibility by putting into practice what he said in one of his interviews: "I tell so big lies that they leave me alone otherwise I would have already died".
Wilhelm Reich, graduate in internal medicine, neuro-psychiatrist and collaborator of Sigmund Freud discovered orgone energy while he was looking for an energy that was part of neurotic behavior. This energy was defined as “…. a primordial cosmic vital energy: the fundamental creative force of nature ... .. charges all living and non-living matter, and is radiated by it. It is blue or gray-blue in color. It is attracted by living organisms, by water and by itself. It can penetrate all forms of matter, which in turn affect it, extracting and absorbing it, or rejecting or reflecting it. It can exert magnetic attraction while not magnetic, it can induce electrostatic charge without being electrostatic, it is radiated by radioactive materials or by electromagnetism. Its pulsation, its flow and its charge determine the movements, actions and behavior of living matter.
It constitutes a massless cosmic ocean that exists everywhere, interconnecting the entire universe and all forms of life: we are all immersed in it ... In space it affects gravitation and solar phenomena ... its current moves from west to east , at a speed slightly faster than that of the Earth's rotation. Every living system has its own energy field ... The organism and the meteorological conditions depend on the conditions of the orgone energy ... the meteorological conditions which are the ebb and flow, the charge and the discharge, of the orgone energy in the atmosphere. Vital energy is the medium through which people, in addition to communicating their emotions and perceptions, are connected to the cosmos and everything that lives".
Wilhelm Reich, based on these principles of "life energy", built orgone accumulators for experimental curative purposes, in the hope of alleviating people's diseases. It seems that during these experiments he had some success in the treatment of tumors and in any case the orgone was to support healing. Reich has shown that the atmosphere is saturated with this energy and that it is the pre-atomic energy that the universe is made of. Orgone energy penetrates any material at different speeds depending on the material. Biological materials such as cotton, wool, cork, wood etc. transmit energy while materials such as iron or aluminum first absorb it then return it. The orgone accumulator works with an alternating sequence of these materials. This energy is attracted to water, it passes from the material with weaker energy to the stronger one, it can be bright, for example when a person is saturated with orgone it can be seen around the body if it is completely in the dark, it is blue in color and that is why our planet seen from space radiates blue, as does the sky in the absence of clouds. In fact, by radiating this energy into the atmosphere, the climate can be controlled. Reich was able to do this through a machine of his own invention called the Cloud-buster as Pierluigi Ighina did it with his propeller in the garden. Orgone has the ability to neutralize radioactivity, it can be detected by an electroscope, it can affect a geiger counter and even the temperature. The orgone accumulator can be a metal box lined with at least 3 alternating layers of metal / wool. The interior must be made of metal. Reich considered aluminum harmful. The more the layers increase, the more power increases. The orgone is attracted to organic materials and then absorbed and rejected by the metals towards the interior. The accumulator works best in arid climates and dry environments.
To get saturated with energy, people have to sit inside for one hour a day. Some people have found that orgone is controllable with the mind and feelings. Trials have been done by medical personnel to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions, frostbites, burns and have been successful. The accumulator also works as a seed incubator. Putting radioactive material inside becomes very dangerous and creates an energy that Reich called "Dor" that forms dirty clouds in the sky. This energy is very dangerous for all living things. Orgone energy is a condensed form of massless, pre-atomic energy from which all matter derives, the living and non-living world that follows spiral or vortex paths.
As Nikola Tesla said: "vortices that close to the speed of light become ponderable matter, then the force is lowered and the movement ceases, causing the matter to return to the ether in the form of atomic decay. By exploiting these processes you can:
- matter "falls from the ether",
- create what you want with matter and derived energy
- other terrestrial dimensions
-control of the seasons of the earth (of time)
-drive through the universe, the earth is like a spaceship
- causes the collisions of the planets to produce new suns and stars, heat and light
- origin and development of life in infinite forms".
From the sacred texts such as the bible it is deduced that this energy was already known and controlled, the Ark of the Covenant, could be an example, whose energy was used, as well as already mentioned, to be an integral part of energy buildings such as the temple of King Solomon and the Great Pyramid.
Accumulator of W. Reich and Ark of the Covenant have some similarities in common from a structural point of view, both accumulate vital / orgone energy within them and transmit an induced energy field to the outside. Other devices built throughout history to date have similarities with the Ark, such as Napier's machine, Tesla's tower and other inventions by him, Majorana's machine and Marconi's death ray. In the ancient writer Moses seems to have the power to produce electrical phenomena; the tabernacle of the meeting has the function of a giant electric battery, once it reaches its charge, thanks to the Ark, it electrocutes men. Other ancient texts tell of men initiated as priests, etc., who were able to attract the electricity contained in the earth's atmosphere set in motion by a more subtle and cosmic force present everywhere.
Moses knew the science taught to him by the Egyptians about the creative energy of the universe which he called "invisible God" when he went to Mount Sinai he received instructions to make something dangerous and powerful, the manufacture of which required the help of a blacksmith, who then was placed inside the ark. The ark placed inside the temple of King Solomon also had anti-gravity properties (diamagnetism, it could be that coupled to the base, it produced a strong energy and was amplified by the shape of the temple itself and by the particular distribution of the candelabra as if they were amplifiers) that made it rise a palm off the ground. Moses therefore had knowledge that had allowed him to transform gold into a monatomic super conductor thus producing energy indefinitely, obtaining anti-gravity energy, biological healing properties on cancer cells.
The ark is made up of a metal sheet of gold on the outside, an organic sheet of acacia wood in the middle and a sheet of gold on the inside. evident that the Ark of the Covenant is an accumulator of vital / orgone energy. Just as Reich's accumulator had metal "sprinkler" tubes that made orgone energy flow to patients to cure them; the ark used cherubs where the energy escaped on the tips of the wings in the form of light, blue in color. Reich and Albert Einstein met for experiments and discussions on orgone energy despite the evidence Einstein did not want to recognize this energy and I do not understand why it sadly led humanity to a very dangerous and destructive form of energy like the atomic one by losing another chance to humanity !!! Could it be also because in conflict with his personal interests such as that of relativity which presupposed an empty space as opposed to that of W. Reich?
It is amazing how even today physicists, scientists, etc., reject orgone energy but speak of "dark matter", "dark energy" perhaps precisely because they are blinded by this dark power that wants to deny freedom to human beings. That the Ark was a powerful orgone accumulator can also be understood from a passage from the bible in which Aaron's rod blossomed in a few hours placed in the vicinity of this one. The destructive power of the Ark can instead be traced back to the "DOR" energy which is obtained by introducing radioactive material inside an accumulator. It is not excluded that this material was precisely the stone tablets of the commandments. When the ark is placed in the temple of Jerusalem we read from the biblical passages that "a cloud filled the temple of the lord, the priests could not stay there to complete their functions because of the cloud as the glory of the Lord filled his temple …" as I have already said, the "DOR" energy, that is the dangerous energy released by the orgone accumulator when radioactive material is introduced (lethal orgone that deprives the clouds, the environment and the organisms that are exposed to it of moisture and life ), has among other effects that of producing grayish clouds and causing nausea and vomiting.
The ark could therefore also be used as a powerful weapon, we see it with the destruction, by means of it, of the walls of Jericho. The function of the Ark therefore went far beyond the simple orgone accumulator, it could probably activate its destructive force also through or with the aid of sound, it can be understood from the biblical story of Joshua who in front of Jericho with the Ark orders his men not to scream until his command. The destructive energy of the Ark was directed and shot towards the walls through the poles that were used for transport just like the tubes of the Cloudbusters. Anyone who was in the path of the two poles was killed as happened to the sons of Aaron Nadab and Abiu. Again the simile with the death ray and Majorana's car returns. Reich believed that orgone energy could be transformed into electromagnetic energy and subsequently converted into mechanics and that, as he wrote: "The selective and autonomous power of orgone energy, combined with a well-regulated and carefully employed dosage, would allow us to reach every point of the organism therapeutically and, most likely, in all diseases ..." so he hypothesized a "medical use of 'cosmic energy", had he perhaps had the same vision as Frederick II a few centuries later? Is there someone who is leading men by the hand through our history but we continue to be blind or deliberately led by others who want to keep us locked in cages that are not only mental? Just as Frederick II wanted to irradiate his entire kingdom through Castel del Monte with vital, beneficial and medical cosmic energies, W. Reich could irradiate entire regions with the energy “Controlled Oranur” (oranur that is anti-nuclear reaction - antinuclear orgone reaction) so as to be able to fight epidemics and mass diseases.
According to W. Reich“our planet Earth floats on this energy of the universe like a ball on the waves of the sea”. In 1989, a series of experiments were performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the cloudbreaker in the Arizona desert. All of them succeeded and the desert became green and fertile. W. Reich with the experiments conducted discovered that this energy is radiated by the Sun into the atmosphere and acts in all vital functions, including the formation of living matter and cellular reproduction. Energy present in the living and in the non-living.
In 1943 he founded Orgonon, a laboratory for orgone energy students, where experiments were carried out on the treatment of cancer and studies on the biophysical phenomena of orgone energy.
In 1951 he carried out the "oranur" experiment to verify how vital energy can counteract the effects of induced radioactivity and nuclear energy, he discovered the "oranur" effect and the lethal energy DOR. Experiments with this latter energy cause lethal clouds that deposit a black powdery substance on the ground (remember what happened in the biblical tabernacle), which he calls "melanor". The continuous experiments with these energies and the use of the nubifugator are probably the cause that attract UFOs over the Orgonon laboratory in 1954. On February 10 of the same year W. Reich receives a lawsuit from the FDA and a subpoena to appear in court in Portland. The experiments conducted with the nubifugator, in addition to demonstrating the ability to control climate, showed that it could affect any cosmic energy, including gravity. The experiments also showed that the planet's energy field pulsed, expanded and contracted. Spring and summer corresponded to the expansion, autumn and winter to the contraction.
W. Reich studied the UFO phenomenon and came to the following conclusions: “UFOs are spaceships that perhaps run on orgone energy; the nubifugator seems to disturb or otherwise affect the continuum of atmospheric orgone energy and the space surrounding the planet, so that it can be perceived by spaceships in orbit around the earth; the effects of the nubifugator can affect the propulsion of orgone energy spaceships”.
W. Reich believed that UFOs were hostile and that their propulsion system was expelling dangerous DOR energy that was causing the planet's desertification. The UFO problem was already known to the military in 1953 as evidenced by the regulation of the Air Force no. 200-2 which defined the“responsibilities and procedures for the transmission of information and evidence concerning UFOs, as well as for the public disclosure of related news. ... established that information on UFO sightings that took place near USAF bases could be communicated to the press and the public only if one had been able to explain the sightings themselves by relating them to natural phenomena or conventional bombs”.
The UFO propulsion system was studied by various researchers who hypothesized that this propulsion could only be explained with a system that produced artificial gravitational fields, including the engineer W.P. Lear collaborator of NASA. Scientist Peter Andrew Sturrock, professor of applied emerythophysics at Stanford University, whose part of his career was dedicated to astrophysics, solar plasma physics, and ufology, who has received numerous awards and accolades, hypothesized that UFOs "in the context of hyperspace in five or more dimensions, could be considered hyperspace ships capable of flying at even higher speeds. to that of light, and to come into partial contact with the space-time in four dimensions, to access and exit at will”.
Others speculated that instead of defying gravity, they exploited it.
Hermann Julius Oberth, one of the pioneers of astronautics rocketry, hypothesized that the propulsion was obtained with a system capable of converting gravity into usable energy.
Lieutenant Jean Plantier, of the French Air Force, in 1953 following studies on a project for a propulsion system, which ended with his book published in 1955 entitled "The propulsion of flying saucers for direct actions on the atom", which exploited a cosmic energy diffused in space, and known only in part to science under the aspect of cosmic rays, creating an artificial gravitational field around a disk-shaped aircraft, would have been able to fly this aircraft at very high speeds, at low altitude and without producing noises by accelerating sudden and sharp turns at right angles without the occupants suffering. Returning to the beliefs of W. Reich, he believed that UFOs were hostile and that an "interplanetary battle" was already underway to the point of modifying the nubifugator with "neutralized" nuclear materials loaded with orgone energy capable of damaging the flight capabilities of the UFOs and shoot them down, this happened for the first time in 1954, thus creating what he called space cannon, an extremely powerful weapon because it drew on infinite energy, which he naively decided to make available to the United States, because in his opinion it was “the only technique capable of allowing defense from aliens", together with ergonomic equations, a report on UFOs and engine information orgone he was developing for gravitational propulsion.
Error that caused him to be incarcerated and cost him his life by adding another victim to the conspiracy to hide the discoveries of orgonomy and the truths about UFOs and more.
Sound is a fundamental component in both creation and destruction (Jericho walls), all the cosmologies of ancient Egypt, Greece, Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity speak of God the creator of the world through sound. "In the beginning was the verb and the verb was with God and the verb was God" the science of cymatics confirms the ability of physical sound to produce forms, each musical note molds matter with a corresponding design. The ancient Greeks held that geometry was frozen music, the philosophers of the school of Pythagoras considered all physical forms to be manifestations of sound. In the ancient philosophical and mystical traditions, sound was always considered as the creator of matter. This creative sound energy has always been invisible and present in the air until the birth of Cymatics where in 1787 Ernst Chladni, German physicist and musician, with the use of a violin was able to create geometric shapes with sand that conglomerated according to the notes played. He thus demonstrated that sound interacted with matter. In 1960 Hans Jenny, a Swiss physician who followed Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophical doctrines, published the first of two volumes entitled Kymatic, in which, drawing inspiration from Chladni's experiences, claimed the existence of a subtle power through which sound structures matter to demonstrate that sound vibrations produce geometric shapes, spheres, crystals and spirals similar to galaxies. Even the architects of the past knew the power and capacity of sound by designing buildings and temples so that they could control their vibrations to change the metabolic rhythms of the occupants. Note is the ability of infrasound to alter brain activity, so the sound has always been used to create or change an emotional state or to alter the mental state and change the level of consciousness. With the power of sound it is also possible to obtain an anti-gravity force "sonic levitation". Many ancient manuscripts report the sound levitation of very heavy rocks. Archaic texts describe sound as an effective method of moving and lifting dense physical matter. In order to achieve the levitation of these masses, many people were involved by singing and playing percussion and wind instruments. Individuals accessed energy from heaven. With a celestial sound of great choirs he made himself an invincible army. It is well known the ability of Tibetan Monks to raise huge boulders with their voice and musical instruments. Several ancient writings describe directional sounds as a source of mechanical power. The German engineer, Olaf Alexanderson writes: “… a vibrating and condensed sound field can cancel the gravitational power”. In the book The Lost Techniques Swedish engineer Henry Kjellson (1891-1962) recounts the experience of a Swedish doctor friend of his, whom he calls Dr. Jarl who in 1939 was the first to observe the sound levitation and the translation of a huge boulder in a region of the Himalayas during the visit of a great lama. Jarl, in order to avoid being a victim of psychosis, decided to film the event by making two films, which the company he worked for promptly confiscated. It seems that then in 1990 they reappeared in circulation, to date I cannot trace them. Another case worth noting is that of Edward Leedskalim, an American sculptor of Latvian origin, who in the early 1900s cut and moved blocks of oolithic limestone (carol stone) of several tons on his own. Edward claimed to know how the Egyptians had built their pyramids, he seems to have built the "Coras Castel" singing to raise the stones.
In 1936 he decided to move the entire structure 16km away in the town of Homested where there were various testimonies who admitted seeing "huge blocks of stone floating in the air" while Edward singing moved them with his hands. Edward left a "magnetic Curr ent" manuscript containing a series of prescriptions highlighting his knowledge regarding the theories of magnetism, where he also claimed to know the secrets of the pyramids of Egypt, Peru, Yucatan and Asia and their builders who with rudimentary tools had lifted and placed stone blocks of several tons.
Another amazing thing about Edward is that he built his construction in compliance with a cartography of the world known since the time of the Egyptians and the Babylonians based on an invisible pattern of energy trajectories that today we call Ley-Lines. Bruce Cathie, who wrote "The Energy Grid" claims that Edward chose the places for his construction taking into account the Ley-lines to exploit the energy of the Earth's gravitational motion using some techniques used in the construction of the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge. Bruce Leonard Cathie himself (former airline pilot from New Zealand) has written seven books related to UFOs that use an energetic grid, an “electrodynamic field” that powers them. In collaboration with the mathematician Rod Maupin he developed a software (gridpoint Atlas) that plots the grid lines proposed on google Earth. He also produced the documentary “the harmonic code-the harmonics of reality”. It also seems that Yoshiki Hashimoto of the Kaijo company in Tokyo has developed a special device for acoustic levitation, while researchers at the University of Bristol have created a device capable of levitating objects in the air and modifying the trajectory thanks to sound.
Instead, thanks to thermoacoustics, it is already possible to produce electrical energy from sound and to have thermoacoustic motors, i.e. devices capable of transforming a sound into thermal energy, a difference in temperature into sound and from this derive electrical energy. Thermoacoustics exploits the heat exchange processes between gas affected by monotonal acoustic waves and its work and containment surfaces. The efficiencies are 42% of the efficiency of the ideal carnot machines, therefore greater and better than the internal and external combustion engines which have efficiencies between 20 - 40%. There are already several inventions and patents on the subject. These devices also have several advantages:
- they are very simple,
- they are reliable because they have no moving parts,
- they are easily manufactured,
- they have competitive costs,
- they use cheap, inert, safe gases.
Finally, the sound, as happens in the story of Jericho, is still used today as a weapon, there are various types of weapons that use sound to wound, neutralize, kill an enemy. These weapons produce both psychological and physical effects, are equipped with directional devices that can transmit even over great distances.
These infrasound weapons can evoke negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, depression, nausea, vomiting, damage to the hearing organs, burns, death depending on the power and frequency used. Both infrasounds and ultrasounds are able to resonate with our body and irreparably damage internal organs. Their birth in the modern era dates back to the 1960s with modular VLF emitters. In 1972 France was already using generators against civilians. In 1973 the British Army owned the Squawk Box which produces acoustic damage by sending ultrasounds at 16khz.
In the 90s it was the turn of Russia with a 10 Hz VLF that could hit enemies hundreds of meters away causing pain, nausea, vomiting; amplifying the signal reached deadly levels or causing changes in brain frequencies with alterations to brain chemistry. Infrasound can travel great distances and pass through aircraft and buildings. At high intensity it can lead, as I said, to death and at low intensity it can cause loss of concentration, apathy, sadness, depression, fear, anxiety and panic attacks; therefore the use of these weapons can induce depression or irritability in a target population. Ultrasounds are frequencies above 20 khz, whales and dolphins use them as radar and as a defense against their prey, these weapons produce the same effects as infrasound but in addition they can cause heating and burns, the symptoms they cause are tickling in the mouth, nose, discomfort, warming of the skin, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, burns and increased body temperature to death. When the head is hit and the bones of the skull resonate they cause acoustic hallucinations. In 2002 the United States developed an acoustic cannon based on these principles with this technology so they can affect any aspect of our life. In 2016 in Havana Cuba it was thought that the American embassy was attacked with such a weapon, perhaps of Russian manufacture, all the diplomats present had symptoms as described above and claimed to hear strange sounds.
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