Kitabı oku: «History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume 3 of 3. From the Accession of Nicholas II until the Present Day», sayfa 12

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[Yevr. Bibl. = Yevreyskaya Bibliotyeka;
Yevr. St. = Yevreyskaya Starina.]

Chapter I
The Jewish Diaspora in Eastern Europe

(pp. 13-38)

Latyschew, Inscriptiones antiquae orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, vols. I-II. St. Petersburg, 1885, 1890 [R].

Reghesty i Nadpisi. Svod materialov dla istoriyi yevreyev v Rossiyi ("Documents and Inscriptions. Collection of Materials for the History of the Jews in Russia"). Vol. I, St. Petersburg, 1899, Nos. 1-218 [R].

Dubnow, "The Historical Mystery of the Crimea," Yevr. St., 1914, No. 1.

Harkavy, Skazaniya Musulmanskikh pisatyeley o Slavianakh i Russkikh ("The Accounts of the Mohammedan Writers concerning the Slavs and Russians") St. Petersburg, 1870 [R].

–, Mitteilungen über die Chasaren, Russische Revue, 1877; also Yevr. Bibl., vols. VII-VIII, St. Petersburg, 1878.

–, Altjüdische Denkmäler aus der Krim, St. Petersburg, 1876.

Firkovich, Abne Zikkaron. Matzebot 'al Kibre Bne Israel bi-Krim, Vilna, 1872.

Chwolson, Corpus inscriptionum hebraicarum. Grabschriften aus der Krim, St. Petersburg, 1882.

Petahiah of Ratisbon, Sibbub, edited by Grünhut, Jerusalem, 1904.

Benjamin of Tudela, Sefer ha-Massa'ot, ed. Grünhut, Jerusalem, 1903; ed. Marcus Adler, London.

Hoker, "The Jews in Kaffa under the Genoese Régime (1455)," Yevr. St. 1912, p. 66 et seq.

Sobranie russkih letopisey ("Collection of Russian Chronicles") [R].

Solovyov, Historiya Rossiyi ("The History of Russia"). Vol. I, Moscow, 1863-75 [R]

Chapter II
The Jewish Colonies in Poland and Lithuania

(pp. 39-65)

Volumina legum. Leges et constitutiones Regni Poloniae, vol. I, St. Petersburg, 1859 (sub anno 1347, 1420, 1496, 1505).

Bershadski, Russko-yevreyski arkhiv ("Russian-Jewish Archives"), St. Petersburg, vol. I (1882), Nos. 1-39, and vol. III (1903), Nos. 1-15.

Bersohn, Dyplomataryusz dotyczacy żydów w dawniej Polsce ("Diplomatic Documents relating to the Jews in Ancient Poland"), Warsaw, 1910, Nos. 1-4, 386-402 [P].

Hube, Constitutiones synodales provinciae Gnesnensis, St. Petersburg, 1856, pp. 68-70, 159-161.

Czacki, Rozprawa o Żydach ("An Inquiry concerning the Jews"), Cracow, 1860 [P].

Gumplowicz, Prawodawstwie Polskie wzgledem żydów ("Polish Legislation relating to Jews"), Cracow, 1867 [P].

Sternberg, Geschichte der Juden in Polen, Leipzig, 1878.

Bershadski, Litovskiye yevreyi ("The Lithuanian Jews"), St. Petersburg, 1883 [R].

Schipper, Studya nad stosunkami gospodarczymi żydów w Polsce podczas źredniowiecza ("A Study of the Economic Relations of the Jews in Poland during the Middle Ages"), Leinberg, 1911 [P].

Chapter III
The Autonomous Center in Poland at Its Zenith

(pp. 66-102)

Volumina legum (1859-1860), vol. I, pp. 309, 375, 506, 524-525, 550; vol. II, pp. 624, 690-692, 725, 1052, 1243; vol. III, pp. 289, 809-810; vol. IV, pp. 39-40.

Bershadski, Russo-yevreyski arkhiv, vol. I, pp. 62-337; vol. II (St. Petersburg, 1882); vol. III (1903), pp. 36-260 [R].

Reghesty i Nadpisi, vol. I, pp. 95-871 [R].

Akty Vilenskoy kommissiyi dla razbora drevnikh aktov ("Records of the Vilna Commission for the Examination of Ancient Documents"), vol. XXVIII, containing documents relating to Jews (Vilna, 1901), Nos. 1-278 [R].

Bersohn, Dyplomataryusz, Nos. 5-246, 351-356, 401-552 [P].

Schorr, "The Cracow Collection of the Jewish Statutes and Charters of the Fifteenth to the Sixteenth Century," Yevr. St., vol. I, pp. 247 et seq., vol. II, pp. 76, 223 et seq.

Czacki, Rozprawa o Żydach, pp. 44-54 [P].

Kraushar, Historya Żydów w Polsce ("History of the Jews in Poland"), vol. II, Warsaw, 1866, pp. 144-318 [P].

Gumplowicz, Prawodawstwie Polskie, etc., pp. 36-45, 50-52, 58-76, 103 [P].

Nussbaum, Historya Żydów ("History of the Jews"), vol. V, pp. 108-223 [P].

Bershadski, Litovskiye yevreyi, chapters V-VI [R].

Dubnow, "The Jews and the Reformation in Poland during the Sixteenth Century," Voskhod, 1895. Books V-VIII.

–, "The Victims of Fictitious Accusations during the years 1636-1639," Voskhod, 1895. Books I-II.

Perles, Geschichte der Juden in Posen, Breslau, 1865. Comp. Frankel's Monatsschrift, 1864-1865.

Balaban, "The Jewish Physicians in Cracow and Tragedies of the Ghetto," Yevr. St., 1912, p. 38 et seq.

–, "Episodes from the History of Ritual-Murder Trials," Yevr. St., 1914, p. 163 et seq.

–, "The Legal Status of the Jews in Poland during the Middle Ages and in more Recent Times," Yevr. St., 1910-1911.

–, Dzieje Żydów w Krakowie ("History of the Jews in Cracow"), vol. I, Cracow, 1913 [P].

–, Żydyi lwowscy na przelomie XVI i XVII wieku ("The Jews of Lemberg on the Border-Line between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century"), Lemberg, 1906 [P].

Chapter IV
The Inner Life of Polish Jewry at Its Zenith

(pp. 103-138)

Dubnow, "Kahal Constitutions," etc., Voskhod, 1894, Books II-XII.

–, "Documents of the Council of Four Lands," Yevr. St., 1912, pp. 70, 178, 453.

–, "The Record Book of the Lithuanian Provincial Assembly," Yevr. St., 1909-1915.

–, Wa'ad Arba 'Aratzot be-Polen, article in Sefer ha-Yobel le-Rab Nahum Sokolow, Warsaw, 1904.

–, "Council of Four Lands," article in Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. IV, p. 304 et seq.

–, "The Inner Life of Polish Jewry during the Sixteenth Century," Voskhod, 1900, Books II and IV.

–, "The Vernacular of the Polish-Lithuanian Jews during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century," Yevr. St., 1909, p. 1 et seq.

Harkavy, Hadashim gam Yeshanim. Appendix to Rabbinowitz's Hebrew translation of Grätz's History, vol. VII, Warsaw, 1899.

Schorr, Organizacya Żydow w Polsce ("The Organization of the Jews in Poland"), Lemberg, 1899.

–, Żydzi w Przemyźlu ("The Jews in Pshemyshl"), 1903.

Perles, Geschichte der Juden in Posen, 1865.

Balaban, Żydzi lwowscy, etc.

–, Dzieye Żydow w Krakowie.

–, "Jacob Pollak, the Father of Polish Rabbinism, and His Age," Yevr. St., 1912, p. 225 et seq.

–, "Die Krakauer Judengemeinde-Ordnung von 1595," Jahrbuch der Jüdisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft, vol. X, Frankfurt-on-the-Maine, 1913.

Horodezki, Le-Korot ha-Rabbanut, Warsaw, 1911, containing the biographies of Moses Isserles, Solomon Luria, Mordecai Joffe, Meir of Lublin, Samuel Edels, and others.

–, "Rabbi Nathan Shapiro, a Kabbalist of the Seventeenth Century," Yevr. St., 1910, pp. 192 et seq.

–, "The Age of the Ascetic Kabbalah" (Isaiah Horvitz and his family), Yevr. St., 1913, pp. 145, 367, 455.

Rabbinovich, "Traces of Free-thinking in Polish Rabbinism of the Sixteenth Century," Yevr. St., 1911, p. 1 et seq.

Warchel, "Polish Jews at the University of Padua," Kwartalnik historyi Żydow ("Jewish Historical Quarterly"), Warsaw, 1913, No. 3.

Bruckner, "From the History of Polish Dissidents," Ateneum, Warsaw, 1898, No. 2.

Isaac Troki, Hizzuk Emunah, edited with German translation by D. Deutsch, Breslau, 1873.

Chapter V
The Autonomous Center in Poland During Its Decline

(pp. 139-187)

Nathan Hannover, Yewen Mezulah, Venice 1653. The other Jewish chronicles and records will be found in the collection of I. Gurland, Le-Korot ha-Gezerot `al Israel, Parts I-VI, Cracow, 1887-1892, and the posthumous edition, Odessa, 1892.

Kostomarov, Bogdan Khmelnitzki, vols. I-III, St. Petersburg, 1884 [R].

Arkhiv Yugo-zapadnoy Rossiyi ("Archives of South-western Russia"), Part III, volume 3, Kiev 1876, containing the documents relating to the Haidamacks, with a preface by V. Antonovich [R].

–, Part V, volume II, Kiev 1890, concerning the censuses of the Jewish population of the South-western region, taken during the years 1765-1791 [R].

Volumina Legum, vols. IV-VIII, passim.

Bersohn, Dyplomataryusz, Nos. 247-350, 357-384.

Schorr, "The Cracow Collection, etc.," see bibliography to Chapter III.

Akty Vilenskoy kommissiyi (see bibliography to Chapter III), vols. XXVIII-XXIX, containing Jewish records, Vilna, 1901-1902.

Reghesty i Nadpisi, vol. I, Nos. 872:1111; vol. II; vol. III, Nos. 1850-2224, St. Petersburg, 1913.

Levin, Judenverfolgungen im Schwedisch-polnischen Kriege 1655-1659, Posen, 1901.

Dubnow, "The Ruzhan Martyrs of 1659," Voskhod, 1893, Book I.

Balaban, "The Jewish Physicians in Cracow, etc." (concerning Calahora), Yevr. St., 1912, pp. 51-53.

–, Skizzen zur Geschichte der Juden in Polen, Berlin, 1911.

–, "From the Past of a Jewish Street in Lemberg," Yevr. St., 1909, p. 237.

–, "The Ritual Murder Trial in Posen of 1736-1740," Yevr. St., 1913, p. 469 et seq.

–, "An Episode from the History of the Ritual Murder Trials and of the anti-Jewish Literature in Poland," Yevr. St., 1914, p. 318 et seq.

Galant, "The Ritual Murder Trial in Dunaigorod of 1748," Yevr. St., 1911, p. 268.

–, "The Victims of the Blood Accusation in Zaslav of 1747," Yevr. St., 1912, p. 202 et seq.

G. E., On the trials of Stupnitza and Voyslavitzá, Yevr. St., 1912, p. 26 et seq.

The Papal Bulls concerning the Blood Accusation, Russian translation of Stern's book, pp. 29-105, containing Ganganelli's memorandum and the appended documents, Kiev, 1912.

Hekker, "Anti-Semitism in Poland during the Eighteenth Century," Yevr. St., 1913, p. 439 et seq.

Concerning the Haidamack uprising and the massacre at Uman, see Gurland's Le-Korot ha-Gezerot and Reghesty i Nadpisi, sub anno 1768.

Chapter VI
The Inner Life of Polish Jewry During the Period of Decline

(pp. 188-241)

Dubnow, "Records of the Council of Four Lands during 1621-1699," Yevr. St., 1912, pp. 178, 453.

–, "The Record Book of the Lithuanian Provincial Assembly during 1623-1761," Yevr. St., 1910-1915.

–, Article on the Provincial Assemblies, Voskhod, 1894, Books IV and XII.

Schipper, Beiträge zur Geschichte der partiellen Judentage in Polen im XVII-XVIII Jahrhundert bis 1764.

Grätz, Geschichte der Juden, vol. X, Index sub "Polen," particularly the chapter on Sabbatai Zevi.

–, Frank und die Frankisten, Breslau, 1868.

Dubnow, "Jacob Frank and his Christianizing Sect," Voskhod, 1883, Book I et seq.

–, "The History of Frankism according to newly discovered sources," Voskhod, 1896, Books III-IV.

Kraushar, Frank i Frankiźci ("Frank and the Polish Frankists"), Cracow, 1895. Two volumes [P].

Balaban, "Notes on the History of the Frankist Sect," He-`Atid, vol. V, Berlin, 1913.

Horodezki, Mystisch-religiöse Strömungen unter den Juden in Polen im XVI-XVIII Jahrhundert, Leipzig, 1914.

Dubnow, "The Social and Spiritual Life of the Jews in Poland in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century," Voskhod, 1899, Books I-II.

–, "Introduction to the History of Hasidism," He-`Atid, vol. III, Berlin, 1911.

–, "The Rise of Hasidism and Tzaddikism. History of the Hasidic Schism. The Religious Struggle, etc.," Voskhod, 1888-1893.

Lewin, "Aliyyot Eliyyahu" (a biography of the Gaon of Vilna), Vilna, 1875.

Yatzkan, Rabbenu Eliyyahu (another biography), Warsaw, 1900.

Solomon Maimon, Lebensgeschichte, Berlin, 1792.

Chapter VII
The Russian Quarantine Against Jews

(pp. 242-261)

Reghesty i Nadpisi, vol. I, Nos. 462, 470, 527, 653, 654, 757, 877-878, 897-898.

Levanda, Sbornik zakonov o yevreyakh ot 1649 do 1873 ("Compendium of the Laws relating to Jews from 1649 to 1873"), Nos. 1-29.

Solovyov, Historya Rossiyi ("History of Russia"), Book III, edition 1910, p. 1345.

Dubnow, "Peter the Great and the Jews."

–, Article on the Moghilev massacre of 1655, Pardes, vol. III, Odessa, 1896.

Orshanski, Russkoye zakonodatyelstvo o yevreyakh ("The Russian Legislation relating to Jews"), St. Petersburg, 1877.

Golitzin, Istoriya russkavo zakonodatyelstva o yevreyakh ("History of the Russian Legislation relating to Jews"), St. Petersburg, 1886.

Kunin, "The Jews of Moscow in the Seventeenth Century," Yevr. St., 1913, p. 96 et seq.

S. D., "The Expulsion of the Jews from Little Russia in the Second Quarter of the Eighteenth Century," Yevr. St., 1913, pp. 193, 123 et seq.

–, "The Census taken of the Jews of Little Russia in 1736," Yevr. St., 1913, pp. 400, 526.

–, "The Petition of the Nobility and the Elders of Little Russia for the Restoration of the Ancient Rights of Little Russia, presented to Catherine II. in 1764," Kievskaya Starina, 1883, Book 6.

Chapter VIII
Polish Jewry During the Period of the Partitions

(pp. 262-305)

Czacki, Rozprawa o Żydach (see bibliography to Chapter II), 9, pp. 117-134 [P].

Korzon, Wewnetvzne dzieje Polskie za Stanislawa Augusta ("The Inner History of Poland under Stanislav Augustus"), Cracow, 1882, vol. I, pp. 164-167, 230-232, 240 et seq. [P].

Solomon Maimon, Lebensgeschichte.

Okhotski, "Stories from Poland's Past," Russian translation, St. Petersburg, 1874, vol. I, pp. 54-55.

Volumina Legum (see bibliography to Chapter II), vol. VII, pp. 333, 352; vol. VIII, p. 95.

Nussbaum, Szkice historyczne z życia żydow w Warszawie ("Historic Sketch from the Life of the Jews in Warsaw"), Warsaw, 1881, pp. 13-15 [P].

Smolenski, Stan i sprawa żydow polskich w XVIII wieku ("The Status and the Cause of the Polish Jews in the Eighteenth Century"), Warsaw, 1876 [P].

Maciejowski, Żydzi w Polsce, na Rusi i Litwie (" The Jews in Poland, Russia and Lithuania"), Warsaw, 1878 [P].

Bershadski, Litovskiye yevreyi ("The Jews of Lithuania"), St. Petersburg, 1883, pp. 46-48 [R].

Akty Vilenskoy kommissiyi (see bibliography to Chapter III), vol. 29, pp. 463-180 [R].

Hekker, "The Jews in the Polish Cities in the Second Half of the XVIII. Century," Yevr. St., 1913.

Dubnow, "History of the Hasidic Schism," Voskhod, 1890-1891.

Fünn, Kiryah Neemanah (history of the Vilna community), Vilna, 1860, pp. 27, 130, 273.

Katz, "History of the Haskalah Movement in Russia," Ha-Zeman, 1903, vol. I, pp. 97-102.

Kraushar, Frank i Frankiźci (see bibliography to Chapter VI), vol. I, pp. 139-149 [P].

Paperna, article on Hirshovitz's memorandum, Voskhod, Book VI, 1902.

Kraszewski, Polska w czasie trzech rozbiorów ("Poland during the Time of the Three Partitions"), vol. II, pp. 318-320; vol. III, pp. 108, 122 [P].

Gumplowicz, Stanislawa Augusta proekt reformy żydowstwa ("Stanislav Augustus' Project of Jewish Reform"), Cracow, 1875 [P].

Deiches, Sprawa żydowska podezas Sejmu Weilkiego ("The Jewish Cause at the Time of the Great, or Quadrennial Diet"), 1891.

Luninski, Berek Joselwicz, Warsaw, 1909 [P]. Comp. Yevr. St., 1909, vol. II, p. 128 et seq.

Moscicki, "Polish Jewry under the Sceptre of Catherine II," Kwartalnik poźwiacony badaniu przeszloźci żydow w Polsce ("Quarterly devoted to the Study of the History of Polish Jewry"), Warsaw, vol. I, 1912. Pages 61-65 describe the attitude of the Jews in Vilna and Grodno in the Polish revolution of 1794 [P].

Skarbek, Dzieje księstwa Warszawskiego ("History of the Duchy of Warsaw"). Three volumes, Posen, 1860 [P].

Golitzin, Istoriya russkavo zakonodatyelstva (see bibliography to Chapter VII), pp. 1001 et seq., containing a list of the laws passed by the Duchy of Warsaw during 1807-1812 [R].

Vishnitzer, "A Plan of Reforming Jewish Life in the Duchy of Warsaw and in the Kingdom of Poland," Perezhytoye, vol. I, pp. 166-171, St. Petersburg, 1908 [R].

Hessen, "In an Ephemeral Body Politic," Yevr. St., 1910, p. 6 et seq.

Askenazy, "The Era of the Duchy of Warsaw," Kwartalnik, etc., 1912, vol. I [P].

Chapter IX
The Beginnings of the Russian Régime

(pp. 306-334)

Shugurov, "History of the Jews in Russia," Russki Arkhiv, 1894, vol. I, pp. 163-167. The petition of the Moscow merchants is reprinted, Voskhod, 1895, Book I, pp. 31-33 of the second division [R].

Orshanski, Russkoye zakonodatyelstvo (see bibliography to Chapter VII), pp. 183-184.

Golitzin, Istoriya russkavo zakonodatelstva, p. 136 [R].

Levanda, Sbornik, etc. (see bibliography to Chapter VII), Nos. 30-47, 55.

Bershadski, "The Jewish Statute of 1804" (containing the official correspondence and plans relating to the Jewish question during 1797-1801), Voskhod, 1895, Books I-IV.

Dyerzhavin, Collected Writings, 1878, vol. VI, pp. 113-114, 124, 715; vol. VII ("Opinion concerning the Jews") [R].

Hessen, Yevreyi v Rossiyi ("The Jews in Russia"), St. Petersburg, 1906 [R].

Chapter X
The "Enlightened Absolutism" of Alexander I

(pp. 335-365)

Brafman, Kniga Kahala ("The Book of the Kahal"), vol. II, Nos. 335, 339, 340, 352.

Hessen, Yevreyi v Rossiyi, pp. 77-78, 322.

–, "The Deputies of the Jewish People," Yevr. St., 1909, vol. II, pp. 19-20.

Gordon, "Note on the History of the Settlement of the Jews in St. Petersburg," Voskhod, 1881, Book II, pp. 29, 39-40.

Levanda, Sbornik zakonov, Nos. 59 (the Statute of 1804), 64, 69-70.

"The Report of the Jewish Committee in 1812," Russki Arkhiv, 1903, Book II, pp. 253-274.

Orshanski, Russkoye zakonodatelstvo, p. 271 et seq.

Golitzin, Istoriya russkavo zakonodatelstva, pp. 543 et seq., 587, 590, 981, 985 [R].

Ginsburg, Otyechestvennaya Voyna 1812 goda i russkiye yevreyi ("The Patriotic War of 1812 and the Russian Jews,") St. Petersburg, 1912 [R].

Nikitin, Yevreyi-zemledyeltzy ("The Jewish Agriculturists"), St. Petersburg, 1887 [R].

Helman, Bet Rabbi (a biography of Shneor Zalman and his children), Berdychev, 1901, fol. 47.

Chapter XI
The Inner Life of Russian Jewry During the Period of "Enlightened Absolutism"

(pp. 366-389)

Bershadski, "The Jewish Statute of 1804," Voskhod, 1895. Book VI, pp. 46-63.

Hessen, Yevreyi v Rossiyi, pp. 220, 237 [R].

Golitzin, Istoriya, pp. 348-355 [R].

Dubnow, "History of the Hasidic Schism." Voskhod, 1890, Books XI-XII; 1891, Book I.

–, "The Religious Struggle," Voskhod, 1893, Book I, pp. 37-49.

–, "The Intervention of the Russian Government in the War against Hasidism," Yevr. St., 1910, Books I-II.

Hessen, Yevreyi v Rossiyi, p. 164 et seq. [R].

Fünn, Kiryah Neemanah (history of the Vilna community), Vilna, 1860, p. 134 et seq.

–, Safah le-Neemanim, Vilna, 1881, §§ 91, 94, 98.

Horodezki, "Levi Itzhok of Berdychev," Yevr. St., 1909, vol. I, p. 205 et seq.

–, "Nahman of Bratzlav." Ha-Goren, IV (1903).

Zederbaum, Keter Kehunnah, Odessa, 1866.

Frenk, Yehude Polin bime Napoleon, Warsaw, 1912.

Calmanson, Essai sur l'état actuel des Juifs, Warsaw, 1796; comp. Ha-Meassef, 1809, pp. 286-291.

Nyevakhovich, Vopl dochery yudyeyskoy ("The Moan of the Daughter of Judah"), St. Petersburg, 1803. Reprinted in the collective volume published by the Russian-Jewish weekly Budushchnost, St. Petersburg, 1902 [R]. The same in Hebrew, under the title Kol shaw'at bat Yehudah, Shklov, 1804.

Stanislavski, "Mendel Lewin," Voskhod, 1881, Book III.

Chapter XII
The Last Years of Alexander I

(pp. 390-413)

Levanda, Sbornik zakonov, sub anno 1815-1825.

Pen, "The Deputation of the Jewish People," Voskhod, 1905, Books 1-3.

Hessen, "The Deputies of the Jewish People," Yevr. St., 1909, vol. II.

Way, Lewis, Mémoires sur l'état des Israélites, dediés et presentés à leurs Majestés imperiales et royales réunies au Congres d'Aix-la-Chapelle, Paris, 1819.

Lerner, Yevreyi v Novo-rossiyskom kraye ("The Jews in the New-Russian Region"), Odessa, 1901 [R].

Golitzin, Istoriya, etc., pp. 608, 686 [R].

Kozmin, "Past and Present of the Siberian Subbotniks (Sabbatharians)," Yevr. St., 1913, Book I, p. 3 et seq.

Dubnow, "Historical Communications," Voskhod, 1901, Book IV, p. 37.

"A Inquiry into the Jewish Question," published by the Chancellery of the United Societies of the Nobility, St. Petersburg, 1910, vol. I, pp. 3, 18 [R].

Pestel, Russkaya Pravda ("Russian Truth"), edited by Shchogolev, St. Petersburg, 1906, pp. 50-52 [R].

Semyovski, Politicheskiya i obshchestvennyia idyeyi Dyekabristov ("The Political and Social Ideas of the Decembrists"), St. Petersburg, 1910, pp. 517-523 [R].


Chapter XIII
The Military Despotism of Nicholas I

(pp. 13-45)

Yevr. St., 1911, p. 589 (Nicholas' Opinions of the Jews).

–, 1909, p. 236 ff., (an account of Tziprinus, a Russian official, about the introduction of military service).

Levanda, Sbornik zakonov, Nos. 153, 154, 159, etc. (see Index s. v. "Recruits").

Volhynian Legends, Yevr. St., 1911, p. 389.

Ginzburg and Marek, Yevreyskiya Narodniya Pyesni ("Jewish Folk-Songs"), St. Petersburg, 1901, p. 42 et seq. [R].

Recollections of former Cantonists in Yevr. St., 1909, vol. II, pp. 115 et seq.; 1911, pp. 249 et seq.; 1912, pp. 54 et seq.

Hertzen, Byloye i Dumy ("Recollections and Reflections"), foreign edition, vol. I, 308 [R].

Korobkov, "Jewish Conscription during the Reign of Nicholas I.," Yevr. St., 1913, Books I-II.

Nikitin, Mnogostradalnyie ("The Martyrs"), St. Petersburg, 1871.

–, Reminiscences, Yevr. Bibl., St. Petersburg, 1873.

On the Beholoh, see Bogrov, Zapiski Yevreya ("Memoirs of a Jew"), St. Petersburg, 1874, p. 114 [R]; Smolenskin, Ha-To'eh, vol. II, p. 169; and Kotik, Meine Zichroines ("My Reminiscences"), Warsaw, 1913, pp. 99 et seq.

Levanda, Sbornik zakonov, sub anno 1827-1840.

Spravka po yevreyskomu voprosu ("Inquiry into the Jewish Question"), Part I, pp. 1-43 (containing archival documents on the work preliminary to the Statute of 1835).

Hessen, "The Memoranda Submitted by the Kahal of Vilna and L. Feigin." Yevr. St., 1911, 96 et seq. and 394 et seq.

Yevr. St., 1909, p. 112, and 1911, pp. 417-418.

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