Kitabı oku: «The 4th Key. Peter and Paul Fortress. The Withered Tree of Life and Rebirth. Part 1», sayfa 2

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A New Project and a Way to Achieve It. Tandem of Creativity and Technical and Material Capabilities

It can be assumed that the mitochondrial genome performs the task of updating the old and creating a new image in the Lower Manifested world, where there is a constant renewal of matter and mind.

mtDNA initially has some deviations from the standard genetic code of nuclear DNA. Mitochondrial DNA also undergoes frequent mutations, probably in search of a way to implement a new project, unlike nuclear DNA, where mutations occur much less frequently.

Of course, all these mutations affect the functioning of the human body and brain, his health. These processes took place for humanity as a whole unconsciously until the third round of development, when the situation began to change, and already many people began to participate in scientific research of living and inanimate nature and solving the mysteries of the universe.

Three and a Half Turns of the Spiral of Development and the Structure of Sleep

At the beginning of this book, there was already mention of three and a half turns of the spiral of development for obtaining basic knowledge and experience of the life processes of the inner universe.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, they are displayed in the form of a Kundalini energy coiled in three and a half turns ([kundalini] – "rolled up in the form of a ring", "coiled in the form of a snake").

The snake is depicted placed in the lowest energy chakra (IAST: cakra lit. "circle, wheel, disc") or padma (IAST: padma letters. "lotus") with the name Muladhara (IAST: mūla – "root", "base"; IAST: adhāra – "foundation", "basis", "support").

And in Kabbalah, the mysterious Chaldeans from the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia (the Interfluve between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the display of the cerebellum vermis, the "small brain" responsible for coordinating movements) left the structure of the Tree of Life to the Jewish people. The seven lower components of the structure belong to the three levels of reality of the manifested material world. Three levels of reality and three rounds of development of the Adam project7.

The eighth, hidden component, called Da'at (knowledge, cognition), leads to a new earth and a new heaven of the quantum universe of the Kingdom of Heaven, if you remove the seven seals and deal with three and a half turns of development, as far as can be judged. And there are three more upper Sefirot that control the continuous processes of the matrix of renewal of the components of the current manifested material world to replenish the "Kingdom of Heaven" with new possibilities.

The seven components also echo the stages of human sleep8. The sixth corresponds to the repetition of the second stage of slow sleep, when a new project for the body and mind of the third turn is lowered, associated with the pseudogenes of the nucleus (see NUMT below).

In the history of our world, the USSR with a red flag with a five–pointed star with a golden border – the symbol of the golden section of the "Vitruvian man" (Latin Homo Vitruvianus; another name Domus Aeternus – "Eternal House") was the country of the third round of development for the "descendants of Adam" (from Hebrew אָדָם [adam] – lit. "man"; the same root with the words אדמה [adama] – "earth" and אדוו [adom] – "red"). The third round of the development spiral in the context of post-mitochondrial return and the second stage of slow sleep (see below).

The flag of the Soviet Union also contains images of a hammer and sickle. From the perspective of consciousness on the third level of reality, the sickle is perceived as a tool for reaping the seeds of a new worldview, the hammer – for remelting down the structure of the mind.

Return to the 2nd Stage of Slow Sleep on the Third Turn of the Development Spiral

The beginning of the return to the second stage of slow sleep on the third turn of the spiral of development looks like an event in 1896, related to the topic of tandem or postmitochondria (about it in the next section), formed before the creation of the "USSR pseudo-cell' behind the 'Iron Curtain'".

At the All-Russian Industrial and Craft Exhibition of 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian engineer, architect, inventor Vladimir Shukhov presented eight round steel rotundas as exhibition pavilions, as well as a model of a water tower of a steel hyperboloid structure with a spiral staircase inside, resembling an RNA spiral. (The surname Shukhov recalls the ancient Egyptian god Shu, whom the original god Atum "spit out" of himself, and we will return to this topic in the second part of the book.)

The model of the Shukhov water tower was presented at the All-Russian Exhibition in 1896 from the "Technical Office of engineer A.V. Bari", since, at that time, Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov was its chief designer and chief engineer. He became her employee at the invitation of the owner, Alexander Bari.

The Shukhov-Bari tandem resembles the original alphaproteobacterium-archaea tandem or the revived postmitochondria (see the next section), which offers a new project for the basis of the Tree of Life, as well as its seven ring components of the manifested world and the eighth for entering the unmanifested.

Two years later in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region (the symbol of Vyksa is an ascending unicorn (iRNA)) Shukhov built a functioning hyperboloid water tower, as well as the world's first steel "sails" for the roof of the metallurgical plant workshop.

The Pseudo-Cell behind the "Iron Curtain"

The Soviet Union, created in the first half of the next century (XX century) behind the "Iron Curtain", to some extent reflected the process of creating a cell as an underworld in the current lower world for the development project of the descendants of Adam of the third turn. Shukhov continued his work in this new Soviet society-pseudo-cell.

After the water towers, other hyperboloid structures appeared – lighthouses and a radio tower on Shabolovka 160 m high in Moscow, the capital of the USSR, from which television and radio broadcasting was carried out throughout the Soviet Union. Later, Vladimir Shukhov also made a significant contribution to the oil refining industry of the USSR. He died in February 1939 before the outbreak of World War II.

Work on the implementation of the new structure of the mind was completed in the mid-1980s. Since 1987, "Perestroika" has been declared the main direction of development of the USSR. In the same year, the Shukhov Tower on Shabolovka was awarded the status of a cultural heritage site of regional significance. Broadcasting by that time had been carried out for more than one year from the television center in Ostankino.

The initiator of perestroika (1985-1991) was the last General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1985-1991), who became the only President of the USSR in history (1990-1991). Probably, he can be called a leader who no longer opened a "window to Europe", but the "doors of the pseudo-cell" to the outside world by removing the "iron curtain". He initiated the process of combining the first ones, created in the image of God, and the descendants of Adam of the third turn.

Gorbachev emphasized the word "thinking", having also as a hint a birthmark in the area of the frontal lobe of the brain. The work with the genes of the body of Adam's descendants, apparently, had to do with experiments in concentration camps in World War II. (Kazakh singer, musician and composer Dimash had the inscription "Soon" on the background of a video posted on December 3, 2022, where he performed a fragment of the main musical theme (Composed by J. Williams) to the American film "Schindler's List" ("Schindler's List", 1993) by Steven Spielberg based on the novel "Schindler's Ark" by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally. The slogan of the film is a a Talmudic quotation: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire".)

Perestroika led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, after which 15 Union republics became separate states. The "pseudo-cell" has ceased to exist. And already in 1997, the Baiterek Monument was built in Kazakhstan, one of the former Soviet republics. Baiterek is a representation of the new Tree of Life, resembling the upper part of the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the "heart" of the Peter and Paul Fortress in the city of St. Petersburg in Russia.

On the spire of the bell tower of the cathedral in Russia, there is a guardian ("sealed sky") on the way to heaven. And the upper world of Bayterek, presented separately in the form of the sphere "Nur Alem" ("Shining World") at the international exhibition EXPO 2017, has access to space. This was shown at the opening ceremony of EXPO 2017 in Kazakhstan.

A Common Projection onto a Plane and Division into Levels

In 1999, the film "The Matrix" by American directors, screenwriters and producers of the Wachowski brothers (who later changed their gender) was released. It was produced by Joel9 Silver, owner of the Hollywood production center "Silver Pictures". The main role of Neo was played by Canadian actor, director, producer and musician Keanu Reeves.

In the film there were references to the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll: Morpheus' phrase10 about a rabbit hole, a corridor with many doors leading to different fragments of reality of different levels, collected as components of a projection on the plane of the Matrix cycle of renewal and reproduction.

In the same year, the audience was also shown the less noticeable "The Thirteenth Floor" by German film director, screenwriter and producer Josef Rusnak, who presented reality in the form of a vertical multilevel programme structure, through the levels of which it is possible to move.

The year 2012, called the year of the end of the light, was a turning point in the transition from photochemical technologies of continuous light of general projection with a probable result to digital ones, which allow separating each level and modeling the desired result by correcting individual layers and superimposing them.

I was led to this thought by another film with Keanu Reeves, "Side by Side" (2012)11. I discovered it for myself in 2019 and reviewed it more than once. At that time, the phrase "… the evolution of life, as such, was preceded by chemical evolution" by Isaac Asimov from his guidebook "From the Egyptian Pyramids to Space Stations", written several decades before the release of the film "Side by Side", was already "sitting" in my head.

In this context, chemical evolution and the acquisition of life experience and knowledge in the world of the general projection of continuous processes from different levels to a single plane is only the initial stage of learning for the "ascending intelligence", one can say, "from the reverse". And for the Creator, it is a search for some new interesting results obtained from combinations of continuous processes from different levels.

The results obtained by the photochemistry of "external vision" can be combined with digital programming technologies of "internal vision". Canadian innovative filmmaker and deep sea explorer James Cameron said about the movie "Avatar" in the movie "Side by Side":

"Avatar combined 2 various forms of filmmaking. We shot about a third of the film with standard lenses. There were sets, lighting, and a film crew – everything as it should be. We shot the other two-thirds as virtual lenses. We didn't go to the jungle. We recreated them on the computer. Every blade of grass, every bug – all these are graphic models. Not a single second of the film was shot in a real jungle.

There is an idea that you can create an ideal virtual world if you think of an ideal mathematical model and apply sufficient computing power to it. And, you know what, it didn't work. The model was able to come to life only under the control of people who understood the filming process and knew how light behaves in different conditions. It was the only way to write competent program code."

While studying, people who have a "particle of God" begin to strive to become creators themselves. To achieve this, we need experience and practical knowledge, which we gradually learn to decompose into components from different levels.

Life in the current world is built as a training program. The most effective training takes place on "own skin". Therefore, it is logical that the program reveals the laws of the functioning of our body, received by each of the people from the Creator.

Death in the physical body does not seem to be the end of the path, but only a transition to something else. Ultimately, intelligence develops by following the path of the Creator. It would be great to go down this path together with someone who will share your thoughts and feelings.

For those who choose this path, the Creator will prepare a "half" (a loved one). Everyone will have their own trials. On this path of learning love and creativity, it is important to keep faith. And at some point, there will be a feeling of dialogue through the impulses of the heart, indicating certain events or information, allowing you to unravel a single cipher of the language of communication with the Creator.

He is the guardian of the Collective mind of the previous humanity, with which we will connect as "halves" (see the subsection "Can We Live Forever?" and the section "Mysteries of Existence" of the article "DQ – Wormhole – Q-bit – Quantum World" on the website of the "Levels of Reality" (LofR) project).

Or we will give our knowledge and skills to the originals, whose understudies we are12. In this case, we will lose our memories and self-awareness13 (see the subsection "Karma. Parasites. Substitution or Love that Can Last Forever" articles "Qairan Elim and the Sacrifice of the Creator" on the website of the "Levels of Reality" (LofR) project).

7.Depending on the level of their development, people differ from each other. From the "National Encyclopedia" of Kazakhstan:
  "'Man' is a general concept that defines the features and differences of the human species from other biological species on Earth." (In this perspective, having a human body and not possessing something more, some special skills, differences that are worth preserving, is only a representative of one of the species of the animal world.)
  "'Individual' is a single representative of the human race, an individual person. Individual is a set of personal, characteristic features that distinguish one person from another."
  "'Personality' is not only the natural and biological characteristics of a person, it is what is outside of nature – the essence of a person living in society and formed in close connection with society. To be precise, personality is the human qualities of an individual outside of nature, qualities that represent significant aspects of his social life."
8.Modern man's sleep has two phases – slow and rapid, NREM and REM. Slow sleep has 4 stages. Western scientists have identified three stages. But, the natural cycle is a kind of unconscious dream and has 4 stages – spring, summer, autumn, winter. From this angle, it would be logical to divide the sleep phase into 4 parts:
  1.1 NREM – Slow sleep, "dream time" and drowsiness (alpha rhythm (8-13Hz) decreases, theta rhythm appears (4-8 Hz)).
  1.2 NREM – Slow sleep, shallow sleep (theta waves dominate, sleepy spindles appear, 2-5 times/min – sigma rhythm as rapid alpha (12-14–20 Hz) with the disconnection of human consciousness)
  1.3 NREM – Slow sleep, deep sleep when it is difficult to wake a person (delta oscillations of 2 Hz <50%).
  1.4 NREM – Slow sleep, deep sleep when it is difficult to wake a person (delta oscillations of 2 Hz >50%).
  Rapid sleep (REM) does not occur immediately after slow sleep (NREM). After the last, 4th stage of slow sleep (NREM), there is a return to its 2nd stage, and then rapid sleep (REM) with elements of absurdity and paradox comes (see Wikipedia).
  These elements draw our attention to the most important points, the key ones in the fractal formula for the unfolding of the scenario of the world.
  1.5 Repeat NREM – Slow sleep, shallow sleep (theta waves dominate, sleepy spindles appear, 2-5 times/min – sigma rhythm as a rapid alpha (12-14–20 Hz) with the disconnection of human consciousness).
  1.6 REM – REM sleep, the first stage, which is divided into two parts, corresponding to the "dream time" and the "drowsiness" NREM.
  The second phase, REM – rapid sleep, consists of the same stages as slow sleep. But they proceed very quickly and are accompanied by rapid eye movements under closed eyelids. Therefore, the second phase is briefly called REM (Rapid Eye Movement), and the slow phase is called NREM (Not REM).
  1.7-1.9 – REM – Rapid sleep, stages 2-4, corresponding to the same stages of slow sleep and the worlds of Assiya (performing actions), Yetzira (formation, formation of individuals), Briya (creation of personalities) in Kabbalah.
  Apparently, the second part of the first stage of REM and its next three stages are directly related to the three and a half turns of consciousness development (see also the section "The Mobius loop, the fractal formula of the unfolding of the world and the structure of sleep" of the article "Behind the mirror – 3 …" and the post "Sleep, structure – phases, stages" in in the forum section "Collect meanings: Sleep, memory")
  The REM phase correlates with the third Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau in Egypt – the pyramid of Menkaur (Mikerin) through… Hetaera Rhodopis, the prototype of Cinderella from a fairy tale (see the post "2 is NOT an endless story. All coincidences are thought out…" in the forum section "Collect meanings: Behind the mirror" on the website / project "Levels of Reality (Levels of Reality, LofR)
9.Joel comes from the name of the little Old Testament prophet Joel – "The one for whom Yahweh is God." Source Wikipedia.
10.From Wikipedia: "Morpheus is the god of good (prophetic, or false) dreams in Greek mythology. His father is Hypnos, the god of sleep and dreams."
11.See the posts about the film "Фильм "Бок о бок", 2012 (год конца света) / "Side by Side", 2012 (Year of the End of the Light)" and
  "Интервью с Киану Ривзом о д/ф Бок о бок / Interview with Keanu Reeves about Documentary Side By Side"
  of the forum section "Collect Meanings / Собрать смыслы: Movies, TV Series, Books, Works of Art / Фильмы, Сериалы, Книги, Произведения искусства" on the website of the "Levels of Reality" (LofR) project.
12.The feeling of being an understudy, a semi-finished product created in the Soviet Union, arose for the first time and vividly for me in 2008 after meeting a man who loved someone very much, and, as I understood, took on the role of Mephistopheles for the sake of continuing his love.
  "I am part of the force that eternally wants evil and eternally does good" is a catchphrase about Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust, which Mikhail Bulgakov took as an epigraph to the novel "The Master and Margarita" (see about Margarita and Woland in the post "Frida in the Title of Alexandra Trusova's Program and Margarita in Anna Shcherbakova's Bulgakov Program" in the forum section "Different Hints" on the website of the project "Levels of Reality" (LofR)).
  Consciously commit evil, going against your nature, because it must be done for the sake of development, without feeling any gratitude or support from people, only hatred and fear. This is a job for someone who has gone beyond the role of a hero, accepting reality as a whole. The first elders? The pain he carried in himself, in my understanding, was incompatible with life. But he lived by treating himself ruthlessly as an instrument. This was his price for the love he had already known. I have never felt anything like this in anyone else, neither before nor after until today. Although for a number of years I have been a "lover" of looking into human souls.
  It is enough to touch it only once to change the attitude to your own troubles forever, feeling something more that goes beyond your little "I" in the body that you are given now to gain experience. This does not mean that you do not need to take care of your body and keep it in a healthy state – of course, you do, but at the same time you realize that that there is something beyond the world you see. Hidden, unmanifested and defining the current life.
  Probably, I was more struck and worried by this pain in him, rather than the fact that a person broke down some barriers in my mind, and did it, as I intuitively realized back then, as carefully as possible. There was a smell of home in it, felt, probably, by the 0th or 13th, terminal nerve connected to the vomeronasal organ of our brain, inherited from reptiles. The great Naga teachers of Earth left the smell of pheromones as a trace to the original for the understudies created on the lower Earth.
  This smell switched consciousness from striving for the generally accepted attributes of well-being to finding one's place in life and one's path of ascent to the world of love, focusing on what the heart suggests. The heart became the leader. Its impulses, paying attention to some events or information, seemed to point to individual words of some encrypted message that could lead "home".
  Even realizing that you are a stand-in, who inherited the initial structure of consciousness (Ka in the concept of the soul of Ancient Egypt) and the feelings of the original, you still begin to strive for this house as the upper world of brotherhood, freedom, and love. Kazakh singer, multi-instrumentalist, and composer Dimash sings about this aspiration in the songs "Olimpico (Ogni Pietra)" (Composed by I. Krutoy, Lyrics by L. Vinogradova) and "Passione" (Composed by I. Krutoy, Lyrics by L. Vinogradova).
  It would seem that a haphazard approach focused on the impulses of the heart, throwing you from one area to another, from one level to another, eventually leads to the isolation of the mechanisms of a single algorithm for the unfolding of the world and a single structure of the Existence.
  All these years, I have repeatedly returned to the pain I felt in "Mephistopheles" back in 2008, wondering: "Is it possible to dissolve this pain?". The answer was the words from the song "Birds" (Composed by B. Boranov, Lyrics by E. Nedova), performed by the Russian and Kazakh singer, musician, composer, virtuoso of the alto and tenor saxophone Batyrkhan Shukenov. The recording of the song appeared on YouTube on Batyrkhan's birthday in 2021, 6 years after his death as a letter from the past. This pain cannot be appeased or dissolved, you can only give up the oppressive memories of the past and be born again in a new image, passing on the acquired skills and knowledge to him.
  The necessary minimum part of the knowledge and experience from the path traveled is being prepared for transfer to the female image as the heiress of memory. Albums "Otan Ana", "Твои шаги" ("Your Steps"), "Batyr Live" ("Life of Hero"), "Душа" ("Soul"), "Все пройдет" ("Everything Will Pass"), "Amanat" ("Legacy"), "Нас исцеляет любовь" ("Love Heals Us")… of Batyrkhan Shukenov is perceived as a memory of the silver idea, its development, a collective image of the hero, the fruit of the collective consciousness of the Titans, the First elders, which became the basis of a new gold, having gone on a solo voyage. The song "Rain" (Composed by P. Yesenin, Lyrics by E. Chanturia) in his performance as a transfer of memories of the past.
  It is carried out through the heart, about which we say "the heart remembers, the heart knows". Maybe in this case some of the memories can come back, even in a rewritten form? It's like giving a part of yourself that you want to keep to someone else, and then, being born again, connect, reviving the past and giving support to the present and the future…
  From Wikipedia on the page about Batyrkhan Shukenov: "On May 18, 2022, the National Bank of Kazakhstan, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the birth of composer and performer Batyrkhan Shukenov, issues Street art collectible coins. BATYR BEINESI ("Street art. The image of the Hero") made of silver with a nominal value of 500 tenge."
  From Wikipedia: "Jung believed that, although the anima, as a rule, manifests itself as a relatively single female personality, the animus can consist of a combination of several male personalities: 'thus, the unconscious symbolizes the fact that the animus is a collective, not a personal element'".
  In the video clip for the song "When you believe" performed by Dimash, filmed on Phanta city Hunan TV in 2018 ( ), the words "Many nights we prayed, not having no evidence that anyone can hear, and our heart is a song of hope that we barely understood…".
  This words represent the memory of male defenders, "soldiers of love" ("Soldier of Love" is a song performed by Batyrkhan Shukenov when he was the soloist of the group "A'Studio" ("Alma-Ata Studio"), Alma-Ata – "apple, the fruit of the wisdom of the ancestors") like a song of the heart (see also the section "Conversation with the Unmanifested" of the article "The Kitchen of Reality. Reflection in Matter, Limits, and Bifurcation Points" on the website the project "Levels of Reality" (LofR)).
  In the atria (ears) of the human heart there are cells – cardiomyocytes, which help us to hear this song of memory about the past in the present and transfer it to the future (see also the post "Ушки сердца (предсердия). Ascolta La Voce / Atrium (heart)" in the forum section "Different Hints" of the same site.
  From Wikipedia: "Cardiomyocytes are muscle cells of the heart. Like all muscle cells, cardiomyocytes have conductivity, excitability, contractility, and also have a specific ability – automatism".
13.When my brother Bulat wanted to pass away, because his heart was already refusing to work, he gave his all without a trace, helping others, I kept him from this step. Now he has become, as he jokes now, an "iron man" – his left atrium, associated with a large circle of blood circulation, has been replaced by a "steel motor". These are huge physiological and psychological changes. The "angel program" is broken, striving to always be good for others, but a person who knows himself emerges, his own judgments and a desire to express them appear.
  Now, seeing how my brother is recovering, I believe that his personality will no longer be erased, and he will meet his "soul mate" instead of the illusion that began and ended with deception in our current world-a mirage created to gain life experience and knowledge. The Creator guides us in different ways, and they are very different for everyone.
  About the "gift" of Zeus to people on the page about Prometheus in Wikipedia (English version): 'Prometheus stole fire back from Zeus in a fennel stalk and restored it to humanity (565–566). This further enraged Zeus, who sent the first woman to live with humanity (Pandora, not explicitly mentioned)… Hesiod (an ancient Greek poet) writes: "From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.’"
  The idea of selecting "halves" is shown in the book "Maitreya. Merging of the Manifested and the Unmanifested", the beta editor of which was Bulat, and he was also its sponsor. I have already rewritten the Preface for the book more than once, because my consciousness was not enough to figure out and explain the idea myself. Part of the text of the book "Maitreya…", as I have already written, came to me as visions (see the article "Three Keys" in the section "Algorithm and Structure" on the website / of the project "Levels of Reality" (LofR)). The most important thing for me was to realize what was being transmitted, and not to get fame and fortune in the current world, remaining only a "transmitter".
  2016 and 2022, six years have passed since the book was written. And first, the book led me to create a project "Levels of reality" on a site called "lichno-st" ("personality") with a separated "st", which also means "personal stages" of development. At first, I wanted to find like–minded people, with whom I could go together. I added a forum, the opportunity to write comments. But these are "personal steps". And, therefore, it is necessary to climb alone. When you get to the next stage, this experience may be useful to others, but everyone will have their own way. And yet you haven't reached it – you're just a semi-finished product, from which, may be, a personality will turn out, or maybe it won't work.
  Although, "alone" does not correspond to reality. In fact, this happens as in chapter 13 "Orange Dream" of the book "Maitreya. The merging of the manifested and the unmanifested." First, the Creator rises, gaining new skills and capabilities, and then he pulls a renewed soul after him.
  After writing the book "Maitreya …" I have repeatedly attempted to write a Preface to the book "Maitreya …". It turned out to be much more difficult than writing a book. But I can say that all these years, despite a number of negative events in life, there was warmth inside, in the heart, there was a feeling of dialogue through the heart with someone close and dear.
  Apparently, today this feeling has appeared to many in the world thanks to Dimash, who tells from the stage about the plan of the Almighty in the language of feelings and gives an opportunity to get out of the world of survival, and for those who decide to pass the tests for love – to find their "half" (a loved one).
Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
18 aralık 2022
Yazıldığı tarih:
68 s. 14 illüstrasyon
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