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Of the twa kempys suld stryfe in the pres,
The bustuus Entellus and Darhes.
Eftyr thir rasys done, and gyftys geif;
Now cummys heir, said Ene, quha lyst preif
To streke thar armys furth, and heys on hycht,
For mays or burdon arrayit weil at rycht:
Quha hes tharto reddy bald spreit lat se.
For athir party the pryce ordanyt hes he:
For the victour a bul, and al hys hed
Of goldyn schakaris and roys garlandis red
Buskyt full weil; to hym venquyst, alssua,
A rych helm and a fyne sword, baith twa,
Set for hys solace. Than, but delay, Darhes
With buustuus fors schew hys face in the pres.
As he vpstart, onon gret rumour rays
Amang the commonys, sayand, lo! quhar he gays,
Alane was wont agane Parys debait:
Ȝon sam is he quhilk, at the tumbe, fute hait,
Quhar beryit was Hector of maist renoun,
The campion Butes ourcom and bet doun,
Al flat hym speldyt on the dun sand,
In the dedthrawis: quhilk Butes, to vnderstand,
Fra Bebrycy com, of statur huge rude,
And hym avansyt of kyng Amycus blude.
Thys ilk Darhes, berand hys hed on hie,
Reddy for batale, schew furth, at al mycht se,
Hys schulderis braid, and swakkis heir and thar
Hys armys strecht with gret flappys in the ayr.
Ane othir mache to hym was socht and speryt;
Bot thar was nane of al the rowt at steryt,
Ne durst presume meyt that man on the land,
With mace nor burdon to debait hand for hand.
Joly and glaid tharof, baith al and sum
Into bargane wenyng fortil ourcum,
Beforn Eneas feyt stad but delay:
The bul he grippys by ane of hornys tway
With hys left hand, and said apon this wys;
Son of the goddes, gyf na man wil rys,
Ne dar hym self aventur in batelle,
Quhy stand I thus? quhou lang efferis me dwell?
Command me leid away the pryce al fre.
The Troianys with hym sammyn, he and he,
Murmuryt and bemyt on the ilke wys:
Reyk to the man the pryce promyst, all cryis.
Tho gan the grave Acest with wordis chyde
Entellus, sat on greyn sonk hym besyde:
Entell, quod he, vmquhile the forcyast
Of campionys clepyt, and the worthyast,
Invane that name thou beris, I dar say,
Gyf thou, sa thoilmude, sufferis leid away
So gret a pryce, but dereyn of batell.
Quhar is he now, gret Erix, as thai tell,
Our God renownyt, and mastir, al for nocht?
Quhar now that fame, our al Sycil onflocht
Quhilum dywlgate, is becummyn and gone?
Quhar beyn the spulȝe triumphal mony one,
Within thine hows hyngis on euery post?
The tother ansuerd: nowthir for dreid ne bost
The luf of wirschip nor honour went away is,
Bot certanly the dasyt blude, now on days,
Walxis dolf and dull throw myne onweldy age;
The cald body hes mynyst my curage:
Bot war I now, as vmquhile it hes bene,
Ȝyng as ȝon wanton voustour, sa strang thai weyn,
Ȝa, had I now syk ȝouthed, traistis me,
But ony pryce, I suld al reddy be;
Na lusty bull me tyl induce suld neid,
For nothir I suld haue cravyt wage nor meyd.
Quhen this was said, he hes, but mair abaid,
Twa kempys burdonys brocht, and befor thame laid,
With al thar harnes and braseris by and by,
Of weght ful huge, and schap onmesurly;
Quhar with, vmquhile, the stern Erix was wont
To feght in bargane, and geif mony dont,
In that hard bellan hys brawnys to enbrace.
All wolx estonyst beheld thame in that place:
So huge weght, and so gret quantite
Thai war, that weil thame semyt for to be
Of curbulle corvyn sevyn gret oxin hydis,
Styf as a burd that stude, on athir sydis
Stuffyt and cowchit ful of irne and leid.
Abuf al otheris, Darhes, in that sted,
Thame to behald abasyt wolx grettumly,
Tharwith to mel reffusyng aluterly:
Bot, ful of magnanymyte, Eneas
Pasys thar weght als lychtly as a fas,
Thar hydduus braseris swakand to and fro.
Syk wordis gan the auld rehersyng tho:
Quhat wald he haue said, that perchance had se
Hercules burdon and wapynnys heir, quod he,
And on this ilke cost the sorofull bargane?
Thir sammyn wapynnys Erix, thi broder germane,
Was wont to bair: behald thame smottyt quyte
Of his red blude, and harnys tharon owtsmyte.
With thir agane gret Hercules stude he;
With thir was I wont mach in the melle,
Quhil my fresch blude mair fors and strenth me lent,
Or that onfrendlich eild had thus bysprent
My hed and halffettis baith with canus hair.
Bot, gyf that Troiane Darhes reffusys thair
With thir, our cuntre wapynnys, in feild to pas,
And eik it lykis the curtas Eneas,
So that Acest my soverane that appreve,
Be not efferd, Darhes; na thing the greve;
Erix macis to the on syde lay I,
And thou thi Troiane burdon alsso do by:
With equale wapynnys lat ws go to sone.
And, with that word, of hys schulderis hes done
Hys dowbill habyt; and hys lymmys squair,
Baith byg bonys and brawnys, maid al bair;
Syne stythly in the sand vpstandis he,
Of hyduus statur and of quantite.
The bargane of the kempys curageus,
The fers Darhes, and stalwart Entellus.
The prynce Anchises son, Eneas, than
Twa evynly burdonys walyt, as cunnand man,
And equale armour, but dyversyte,
On schulderis and thar gardeys buklys he.
Than athir gan contrar othir styth stand,
With fyngeris fast faikand thar mace in hand,
Syne heich abufe thar hedis in the ayr
Onabasytly rasyt thar armys squair,
And from the straik thar nek drew far abak.
Now, hand to hand, the dynt lychtis with a swak;
Now bendis he vp hys burdon with a mynt,
On syde he bradis fortil eschew the dynt;
He etlys ȝondir hys avantage to tak,
He metis hym thar, and charris hym with a chak;
He watis to spy, and smytis in al hys mycht,
The tother keppys hym on hys burdon wycht;
Thai foyn at othir, and eggis to bargane.
Lychtar on fute and agil was the tane,
And in hys lusty ȝouth sum deil ensuris:
The tother, of lymmys byggar, and cors mair stuyr, is,
Bot hys faynt schankis gan for eild schaik;
Hys gowsty cost and membris, euery straik,
The febil braith gan to bete and blaw.
Thir hardy kempys, al in waist, leyt draw,
Athir at other, mony rowtis grete:
On holl sydis feill dowbill dyntis gan bete,
And on thar breistis lychtis with huge sownd;
Oft in the ayr about thar hedis rownd
Thar handis waveryt, and the strayk went mys;
Hard halffettis clappyt oft vndir the dynt, I wys.
Entellus standis styf and grave of cors,
Not movyng from hys fyrst stand in a fors,
And, with hys body only, and walkryfe E,
The strakis onfar enchewys and keppyt he.
Bot Darhes walkis about rycht craftely,
Of hys fyrst purpos frustrat, to espy
Sum avantage, with diuers assaltis algait
Hym ombesetting sair, and handland hait:
Lyke as by gret engynys quha sa wald
A strang cite assail, or stalwart hald,
To wyn that strenth, or ȝyt by craftis sle
To mynde the castell on the rochys hie,
Lurkand in harnes wachis round about;
Now this tocome, now by that way gan lowt,
Quhar best he may cum to hys purpos sone,
Avysand weil the place maist oportone.
Entellus raxit hym, and hevis on hycht
Hys rycht hand, for to smyte in al hys mycht:
The tother, seand the dynt cum, gan provide
To eschew swyftly, and sone lap on syde,
That al hys fors Entellus gan apply
Into the ayr; so that hys grave body,
All hym alane, with huge weght and sayr,
Ruschyt flatlyngis to the grond with a rair:
So as, quhilum, the mekil kosch fyr tre,
On Erymanthus the mont of Archade,
Or in the wod of Ida, with a sownd
Vp by the rutis rent, ruschis to grond.
The ȝoungkeris tho of Troy and Sycilly
Gan starting all on fut delyvirly:
The clamour rays, quhil al the hevyn dyd ryng,
And fyrst to hym ran Acestes the kyng,
And, for compassioun, hes vphynt in feild
Hys frend Entellus, onto hym evyn eild.
Bot, nother estonyst nor abasyt heiron,
Mair egyrly the vaillyant campion
Agane to bargane went als hoyt as fyre:
Hys strenthys now encressis al of ire;
For schame, alsso, and for that weil he knew
Hys auld prowes, hys fors dowblyt and grew;
And ardently, with fury and mekil boist,
Gan Darhes kach and dryve our al the cost:
Now with the rycht hand, now with the left hand, he
Dowblys dyntis, and, but abaid, leyt fle,
That nothyr rest nor quyet may he tak.
Als fast as rayn schour rappys on the thak,
So thyk with strakis this campion maist strang,
With athir hand, feil sys at Darhes dang,
And drave hym to and fra with mony rowt.
The prynce Eneas, than, seand this dowt,
Na langar suffer wald sik wreth procede,
Nor fers Entellus mude thus rage and sprede;
Bot of the bargane maid end, but delay,
And wery Darhes hes withdrawyn away.
With wordis hym to mesyng thus he said:
Onsylle wight, quhou dyd thi mynd invaid
Sa gret wodnes? felys thou not ȝyt, quod he,
Othir strenth or mannys fors hes delt with the?
Seys thou not weil thi self at thou art fey?
Tharfor to God thou ȝeild the and obey:
The power of goddys ar turnyt in thy contrar:
Obey to God. And with that word, but mair,
The bargane he dissolvyt: and than Darhes
Hys trew companȝeonys ledis of the pres,
Harland hys wery lymmys dolf as led,
For sorow schakand to and fra hys hed,
And schaddis of blude furth spyttand throu hys lyppys,
With bludy gammys, led hym to thar schippys;
The helm and eik the sword with thame hes tane,
As thai commandyt war, and left alane
The bul ontil Entellus: sa was defynd.
He victour than, and abufe in hys mynd,
Prowd and reiosyt of this bull, gan say;
Son of the goddes, and Troianys, I ȝou pray,
Behald, and knaw by this takyn and syng,
Quhat strenth was in my cors quhen I was ȝyng:
Se fra quhat ded Darhes is savyt onslane.
Quod he; and standand the bullys face forgane,
Quhilk of thar dereyn was the pryce and gre,
Hys stern burdon behynd hys bak on hie
With hys rycht hand gan tais and mesour swa,
It smait hym evyn betwix the hornys twa;
Persyt the harn pan, draif out the brayn in hy:
Down duschit the beist ded on the land gan ly,
Sprewland and flekkyrand in the ded thrawys.
And he abufe hym furth warpys syk sawys:
For Darhes ded, Erix, lo! this, quod he,
A far mair ganand sawle, I offer the;
And victour eyk my craft and wapynnys fair
Vprendris heir, for now and evir mair.
Into this nixt cheptour ȝe may espy
Nys craft of schotyng and of archery.
Onon Eneas induce gan to the play,
With arowys forto schute quha wald assay:
The pryce tharfor ordanys; and syne, but let,
With fors of mennys handis vp hes set
Amyd the greyn Sergestus schippys mast;
Apon the top tharof gart fessyn fast
A fleand dow intil a cord, quharat
Thai suld thar arowys schuyt. The men with that
Conuenyt togiddir, and in a helm of steill
Thar kavillys haue thai castyn fair and weill.
And first of al, with frendly noys and sound,
Hyppocaon the first place hys hes fond,
That was of kynrent cummyn from Hirtacus:
Quham nixt eftyr followys Mynestheus,
Victour afor amang the schip bargane;
The grene olyve about hys forhed schane.
The thryd kavill betyd Evricyus,
Thy brodir, O maist doughty Panderus;
Quhilk vmquhile, forto brek the trewis command,
On the Grekis fyrst set with speir in hand:
And of the helmys boddom al thar last
The ancyant kyng Acestes lot furth past,
Quhilk, for Eneas sayk, durst anys assay
With hys awyn hand ȝong mennys sport and play.
Than euery man, accordyng thar strenth ful meyt,
Thair byg bowys gan bend, and at thar feyt
Dyd schaik onone thar arowys of thar cays.
Ȝong Hippocaon, quhilk had the first place,
A quhidderand arow leyt spang fra the stryng,
Towart the hevyn fast throu the ayr dyd thryng;
The mastis top it hyt, and tharin stak,
Quhil al the tre trymlyt with the swak:
The fowle affrayt flychtris on hir weyngis;
Of gret rumour than al the feildis ryngis.
Nixt scharp Mynestheus, war and avysye,
Onto the hed hes halyt vp on hie
Baith arow and eyn, etland at the mark.
Bot it was reuth, the fowle, for al hys wark,
Ne mycht he twich; and, netheles, ȝyt quyte
The bandis and lyamys in twa dyd he smyte,
Quharwith, by baith the feyt, thar fast was sche
Attachit at the mastis top on hie:
Scho in the ayr and dyrk skyis flaw onon.
With arow reddy nokkyt than Ewricion
Plukkis vp in hy hys bow, and maid hys vow
Onto hys brothir Pander: with that the dow
Heich in the lyft ful glaid he gan behald,
And with hir weyngis sorand monyfald;
Hys arow he threw vndir the clowdis blak,
And persyt hir quyte owtthrou the bak.
Hyr lyfe scho lost heich vp in the ayr,
Down fallys ded, and has brocht with hir thar
The arow brochyt throu owt hir body.
Acestes now alane stude all reddy
To schute, quhen that the pryce was tynt and won:
And, netheles, to schuyt he hes begun,
And threw ane arow in the ayr on hycht,
Schawand hys craft, and hys byg bowys mycht,
That lowsyt of the takill with a spang.
And sone betyd, and in thar sychtis sprang,
A fellon grysly monstre and wondryng,
As weil was knaw syne at the endyng:
The feirfull spa men tharof pronosticate
Schrewyt chancis to betyde and bad estate.
For quhy, this schaft, fleand in the moyst ayr,
Brynt in a bles, and the randoun alquhar
With low and flambys gan do notyfy,
And, al consumyt, vanyst in the sky:
As doys oft starnschoit fallyng fra the hevyn,
Drawand thareftyr a taill of fyry levin.
Estonyst in thar myndis, abasyt stude
The folk of Sycill and all the Troiane blude;
And, netheles, maist douchty Eneas
Reffusyt nocht the takyn, bot gan embras
Acestes glaidly, and rych gyftis him gave:
Syne said hym thus; Tak, fader myne, ressaue
Sik favorabill aspectis benevolent
As the gret kyng of hevyn heth to the sent,
That lyst with onkouth syngnys honour the.
Thou sal haue heir this reward and degre,
A cowp of gold engrave with figuris seir,
A presand vmquhile of my fader deir,
Ancyant Anchises, quham Cysseus, of Trace kyng,
In remembrance hym gave and lufe takynnyng.
And sayand thus, hys tymplis al, but weir,
He gan involue and belt with grene lawrer;
And syne hes causyt, al the othiris befor,
Proclame Acestes, and declair victor.
Nor gentill Euricion hys gloyr envyes nocht,
Quhoubeyt that he only the fowle down brocht,
And in the skyis smait hir ded, ȝyt than
The secund place he tuke as curtas man:
Nixt eftir quham, the wageour hes ressaue
He that the lysch and lyam in sondir drave;
And last rewardyt was he, that hys flycht
Into the mastis top festynnyt on hyght.
Quhou that Ascanyus and ȝong childer gent
Assailȝeit othir, in maner of turnament.
Eneas syne, the derenys not al done,
Epytides to hym hes callyt sone,
Mastir and gydar of Ascanyus ȝong,
Quhais secrete haris warryn ȝyt onsprung,
And in hys trasty eyr thus prevaly
He rownys, sayand; pas thi way in hy,
Se gyf Ascanyus hes now reddy dycht
Hys falloschip of childer and horssys lycht,
Arrayt for the rynkis and the play:
Byd hym bryng hyddir hys rowtis to turnay,
And do hys grandschir honour and renown,
In hys harnes schaw hym self reddy bown.
Sayd Eneas; and tharwith gave command
About the cowrt the pepil on rowm to stand,
That al the feild within suldbe patent.
Than sone the childer, arrayit fair and gent,
Enterit in the camp alsammyn, schynnand brycht,
On stedis pransand in thar faderis syght;
And, quhar thai went, al the gallandis of Troy
And Sycill wondyrris with gret brute and joy.
Thar harys all war tukkyt vp on thar crown,
That baith with how and helm was thrystyt doun:
Twa javillyng speris with blunt hedis sum bair,
Sum on thar schuldyr a cace with dartys fair;
The wryth of gold, or chane lowpyt in ryngis,
About thar hals down to thar breistis hyngis.
Thai war in nowmyr cumpaneys thre,
On horssis rydand; and for ilk menȝe
A capitane walkis rewland al hys rowt:
Twys sax childir followys ilkane about
In thar parsmentis, arrayit in armour brycht:
The chiftanys warryn equale of a hycht.
A ward thar was of childir quham, ful joyus,
Berand hys grandschiris name, ȝong Priamus
Led and rewlyt, quhilk thi genealogy,
O Polytes, plantyt in Italy;
Apon a hors of Trace dappil gray
He raid, quhays formest feyt bath tway
War mylk quhyte, and hys crest on hycht bair he,
With bawsand face, rynggyt the forthir E.
The secund, Atys, on a cursour bay,
Fra quham the Latyn lynnage to this day
Actii bene nemmyt; and this litill Atys
With child Ascanyus weilbelovyt is.
Lufty Iulus, in bewte dyd all exceid,
Come last montyt on a Sydon steyd
Of cullour quhyte, quham Dydo, the fair Lady,
In hir remembrance hym gave and luf drowry.
The remanent of the falloschip, euery one,
Sycill horssis gan swyftly ryde apon,
That from the auld Acestes purchest wer.
With revell, blythnes, and a maner feir,
Troianys ressauys thame, and rycht glaidly
Thar vissage gan behald, and dyd aspy
The prent of faderis facis on childir ȝyng.
Eftyr thai had all cirkillyt in a ryng,
On horsbak, hail the place and feild abowt,
And joyusly behaldyn all the rowt,
All reddy hufand thar coursys forto tak;
Epytides on far a syng gan mak,
Smait with a clap, and cryis, go togidder!
Than ran thai sammyn in paris with a quhidder;
The rowtis thre brak; ilkane chesyt hys feir;
And, quhen thai by war runnyn, thar horsis thai steir,
And turnys agane incontinent at commandis,
To preif thar fors with javillyngis in thar handis:
Syne went abak in sondyr a far space,
Ilkane at othir rynnyng with a rays.
Syndry coursys and returnyngis maid thai;
Fast athir sort gan othiris rowt cumray,
And gan excers, by semblance, vndir scheild
The symylitude of batell or a feild.
Sum tyme the bak thai turn, as thai wald fle;
Sum tyme at othir threw dartis, he and he;
And, sone eftyr, assemmyl wald with a crak,
Thar handis schak, and pes togyddir mak.
Swa, as tha say, vmquhile the hows in Creyt,
Hait Laborynthus, with mony went and streyt,
Had wrynkillyt wallys, a thousand slychtis wrocht,
Forto dissaue al onkouth tharin brocht,
To wavyr and er thar onreturnabilly,
The subtell throwgangis followand sa quently;
Nane othir ways, in coursys mony ane,
Quhirlys thar trays thir ȝong childir Troiane.
Thai lowke togiddir, and countyrfatis a chays
In maner of bargane, makand mony a rays
And seir derenȝeis in thar sport and play;
Als swyft as dalphyn fysch, swymmand away
In the wak sey of Egyp or Lyby,
Persand the wallys, that plays jolely.
Thir maner of rynkis and jupertyis of bataill
Ascanyus hantyt, and brocht fyrst in Itaill,
Quhen he with wallys closyt lang Albay,
And taucht the ald Latynys to hant syk play,
The sammyn gyis as he, a child, now wrocht,
And othir Troiane childir with hym brocht.
The Albanys taucht thar childir the sammyn way;
And mychty Roym, syne efter mony a day,
Syk oys ressavyt hes, and gan vphald
In wirschip of thar antecessouris auld;
And now, childring hantyng syk gem and joy
Beyn Troiane rowtis namyt, and weir of Troy.
Quhou Irys, send fra Juno in gret ire,
Gart Troiane wemen set thar schippys in fyre.
Thus, hyddyrtyllys, warryn derenys seyr
Excersyt in wyrschip of hys fader deyr:
And in this tyme gan forton fyrst remove
Fra thame agane hir sykkill faith and lufe.
For, as Troianys dyd hallow on this wys,
By diuers gemmys, as was tho the gys,
Solemnytly, the seruyce anniuersar
Besyde Anchises graf, furth of the air,
And hevynnys hie, Saturnus get, Juno,
That gan of wreth and malyce nevir ho,
Not satisfyit of hir ald fury ne wrok,
Rollyng in mynd full mony kankyrryt blok,
Hes send adoun onto the Troiane navy
Irys; and, that scho suld go spedely,
The prospir wynd gan eftyr hir inspyre.
Thys virgyn sprent on swyftly as a vyre,
And throu the clowdis hir trace, quhar scho went,
Schupe lyke a bow of diuers hewis ment.
Sone slaid sche doun, onseyn of ony wy,
Gret confluence of pepill dyd aspy:
Scho walkis about the costis of the see,
Havynnys and flote left dissolate fand sche;
And al the Troiane wemen dyd sche ken
Syttand on the schor, secret far fra men,
The gret loys of Anchises regratyng sair,
And al togiddir gan to weip and rair,
Behaldand the deip seys sorowfully,
And, with a voce, sayand al halely:
Allace! behald, samony stremys gray,
And of thir salt fludis sa braid a way
Remanys ȝyt, fortyl ourslyde and sayll,
By ws wemen irkyt of lang travaill!
Thai al besocht God send thame sone, ilkane,
A cite or a town forto remane,
And tedyus thocht the seys laubour to bair.
Iris heirfor aspyis hir tyme best thair,
As scho that was in myscheif ful expart:
Amyddis of thame all in gan scho start,
Hir godly figur and hir weid laid by,
And bycame agyt Beroes in hy,
In maner schap of symylitude and face,
That was Doryclus spows, born of Trace,
Quhilk vmquhile was of hie genealogy,
Of gret renoun, and childir had mony;
And on syk wys amang matronys Troiane
Transformyt entrys scho, and in is gane.
O woful wrachit wemen all, quod sche,
Quhilk to the deth, vndir the wallys hie
Of ȝour natyve cite and kynd landis,
War not in batell harlyt by Grekis handis!
O pepill onhappy! to quhat myschews end
Forton reseruys ȝou of this warld to wend?
Lo! sen the fal of Troy and dolorus weir,
Byrunnyn is the sevynt symmyr and ȝeir,
Sen that samony seys, and onkouth landis,
Sa huge wilsum rolkis, and schawd sandis,
And stormys gret, ourdrewyn and sufferyt haue we;
Lo! thus saland throw out the mekill see,
Quhar that we chays Itale, that fleys ay,
And we ly warpyt on the wallys gray.
Heir beyn the bredyrly boundis of Erix stowt;
Our frend Acestes is our host but dowt:
Quha will ws warn to beild vp wallys hie,
And to our citesanys set heir a cite?
O natyve land, and kynd goddis, al invane
Rest from our fays! sal nevir nane agane
Troiane wallys be namyt nor vpbeild?
Sal I nevir se, allace! in all my eild,
Hectoriane fludis, Exanth and Symois?
Haue done tharfor, and now with me, I wys,
Thir fey onhappy schippys al bedene
Lat ws go byrn: for, in my sleip ȝistreyn,
The figur of Cassandra, prophetes,
Gave me byrnand fyre brandis, and said expres,
Heir suld we rest; bad seyk Troy na forthar;
Heir was our dwellyng place for euermar.
Now is the tyme ganand our wark to speyd;
To tary ma fatale syngnys quhat suld neid?
Lo! ȝondir beyn four altaris byrnand schyre;
Neptune, the god, thir hait brandis of fyre
Distributis to ws, and alsso hardyment.
And sayand thus, to perform hir entent,
The peralus fyre first hynt scho forsably;
With flambys schynand on far thai mycht espy
Hir rycht hand rasyt, the blesys in to cast.
Of Troiane wemen the myndis worth agast,
And al thar hartis sum deil stupefak;
Quhen ane, the eldast amang thame al, spak,
Clepyt Pirgo, the quhilk had beyn, feil sys,
To mony of kyng Priamus childir nurys:
O matronys, ȝon was nevir Beroys, quod sche,
Born a Troiane, and Doryclus spous, traist me.
Considir of hir bewte syngnys dyvyne;
Behald so brycht as baith hir eyn doith schyne;
Quhat sweit favour and smell from hir spryngis;
Quhatkyn vissage hes scho; quhou thynk ȝe ryngis
Hir vocis sown, or quhat pays goys scho now.
My self left Beroes, as I come hyddir rycht now,
Lyand seyk at hame, and ful ennoyit wight,
That scho alane suld want this ryal syght,
And, as scho wald, mycht not mak sacryfyce
In Anchysis honour and funerale seruyce.
Thus said Pirgo: bot than the matronys all
Stude fyrst in dowt quhat thing tha do sall,
And with evil willy eyn the schippys behaldis,
On hovir betwix wrachyt desyre, thame haldis
Forto abyd within that present land,
And of the fatis, on the tother hand,
That onto othir realmys doith thame call:
Quhen lo! the goddes, in form celestiall,
With equale weyngis fleys vp to the hevyn,
And, in hir went, schup vndir the clowdis evyn
The figur of a raynbow huge grete.
Than pryncipaly begouth thar hartis bete;
Of syk wondris estonyst, thai al in hy
Cachit with wodnes begouth raym and cry,
And from the hallowyt ingill rest the fyre;
Part spulȝeis altaris of thar flambys schire,
And byrnand branchis, faggottis, and fyre brandis,
Into the schippys swak they with thar handis:
The flambe vpkyndilling blesys braid at large
Throw hechis, ourloft, ayr, and payntyt targe.
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Yaş sınırı:
12+Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018Hacim:
700 s. 1 illüstrasyonTercüman:
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain