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Tyll hellys fludys Ene socht neddyrmar,
And Palynurus, hys sterysman, fand thar.

Fra thyne, strekis the way profond onone
Deip onto hellys flude of Acheron;
With holl bysme, and hydduus swelch onrude,
Drumly of mud, and skaldand as it war wod,
Popland and bulrand furth on athir hand
Onto Cochitus all his slyke and sand.
Thir ryveris and thir watyris kepit war
By ane Charon, a grisly ferryar,
Terribil of schap, and sluggart of array:
Apon his chyn feil cannos harys gray,
Lyart feltrat tatis; with burnand eyn red,
Lyk twa fyre blesys fixit in his hed;
Hys smottrit habyt, owr his schulderis lydder,
Hang pevagely knyt with a knot togiddir.
Hymself the cobill dyd with hys bolm furth schow,
And, quhen hym lyst, halit vp salys fow.
This ald hasart careis owr fludis hoyt
Spretis and figuris in hys irne hewyt boyt,
All thocht he eildit was, or step in age,
Als fery and als swippir as a page;
For in a god the age is fresch and greyn,
Infatigabill and immortall as thai meyn.
Thiddir to the bra swarmyt all the rowt
Of ded gostis, and stud the bank abowt;
Baith matronys, and thar husbandis, all yferis,
Ryal pryncis, and nobill chevaleris,
Smal childering, and ȝong damysellis onwed,
And fair springaldis laitly ded in bed,
In fader and moderis presence laid on beir.
Als gret number thiddir thikkit infeir,
As, in the first frost eftir hervist tyde,
Levis of treys in the wod doys slyde;
Or byrdis flokkis owr the fludis gray,
Onto the land seikand the nerrest way,
Quhom the cald sesson cachis owr the see,
Into sum benar realm and warm cuntre.
Thar stude thai prayand sum support to get,
That thai mycht with the formast owr be set,
And gan vp heving petuusly handis twa,
Langand to be apon the forthir bra.
Bot this soroful boytman, with brym luyk,
Now thir, now thame, within his veschel tuke;
And other sum expellit, and maid do stand
Far from the ryvage syde apon the sand.
Awondrit of this sterage, and the pres,
Say me, virgyn, quod Ene, or thou ces,
Quhat menys sik confluence at this watir side?
Quhat wald thir sawlys? quhy nyl thai nocht byde?
Quhilk causis beyn, or quhat diuersite,
Sum from the brays thame withdraw I se;
Ane other sort, eik, of thir sawlys ded
Rollyt owr this ryver, cullorit as the led?
Thys ancyant religius woman than,
But mair delay, to answer thus began:
Anchises get, heynd child, curtas and gude,
Discend ondowtabil of the Goddis blude,
The deip stank of Cochitus doith thou se,
And eik the hellis puyll, hait Stix, quod sche,
Be quhais myghtis the Goddis ar full laith,
And dredis sair, to sweir, syne fals thar aith.
All thir, thou seis stoppit at the schor,
Beyn helples folk, onerdit and forlor;
Ȝon grysly ferryar to name Charon hait;
Thai beyn all bereyt he careys in hys bayt.
It is not to him lefull, he ne may
Thame ferry owr thir rowtand fludis gray,
Nor to the hydduus ȝonder costys haue,
Quhil thar banys be laid to rest in graue.
Quha ar onbereit ane hundreth ȝer mon bide,
Waverand and wandrand by this bankis syde:
Than, at the last, to pas owr in this boyt
Thai beyn admyt, and costis thame not a grote,
And frely may behaldyn or espy
Tha lakis, quhilkis thame langis to vissy.
Anchises son tho styntis a litil stownd,
And baith his futsteppis fixit in the grond,
Musyng in mynd sum deil, sad in a part,
And of this hard forton kauth rewth in hart.
Thar saw he, dolorus and wofull of cheir,
But funeral seruyce, nevir laid on beir,
Lucaspes and Orontes, baith twane,
Quhilum masteris of the schyp Lyciane;
Quham baith yfeir, as said befor haue we,
Saland from Troy throw owt the wally see,
The dedly storm ourquhelmyt with a quiddir,
Baith men and schip welt vnder flude togyddir.
Lo! Palynurus eyk, his sterysman,
Amang otheris fast to the watir ran,
Quhilk laitly saland in the Libyane see,
As that he gan behald the starnys hie,
Togidder with the helmstok, quhar he stude,
Owr schipburd swakkit was amyd the flude.
And skarsly as Ene gan hym espy,
Amang dirk skowgis standand full drery,
First he him gretis, sayand to him thus;
Quhilk of the goddis, O Palynurus,
The ws bereft, and drynt amyd the see?
Quhow tyd that cace? declar me, I pray the.
For certis, bricht Apollo nevir or now
Was fals to me; bot I wait neuer how
Of hys answer twiching the he ravyt,
And hes my mynd tharin al hail dissavit;
That schew thow suld hailskarth owr the see
Onto the grond of Ital cum, quod he:
Se, thus his lawte and promyt is keip!
The tother answeris with a petuus peip:
Maist worthy Duke, Anchises son sa deir,
Nowder hath the of Phebus the answer,
Vndir his secrete cortyne, so dissave,
Ne ȝit na God sa far has me bywave,
Nor drownyt in the deip, as ȝe beleve.
Bot, as I slaid our burd to my myscheve,
The helmstok, or gubernakil of tre,
Quharwith I rewlit owr cours throu the see,
Lenand tharon sa fast, per cace it threw,
And rent away owr burd with me I drew.
The wally seys to wytnes draw I heir,
That for my self tuke I nane sa gret feir
As of thi schip, quhom that I knew ful quyte
Spulȝeit of hir graith, and lodysman furth smyte,
Dreding scho suld haue perist in sik neid,
Owr the huge swelland fludis rays on breid.
The sowth wynd Nothus thre days me drave
Throw owt the see, with violent wallys wave:
Skars on the ferd day at morn dyd I spy,
Heich from the wallys croppis, Italy.
Huly and fair onto the cost I swam:
And tho almaist in surte cummyn I am;
Ne war the crewel pepil of tha landis,
As that I grippit with my crukit handis
The scharp rolkis toppys at the schoyr,
In hevy wayt frog stad, and chargyt soyr,
Thai gan with irne wapynnys me invaid,
Wenyng a spy that I had beyn, thai said,
From thar cuntre sum pray to dryve away.
So now I am bedyit in fludis gray,
And wyndis warpis my corps apon the strandis.
Quharfor I pray the, hevand vp my handis,
And be the plesand light of hevin requiris,
And by the hailsum ayr at thou inspiris,
And be thi weilbelovit fader dyng,
And gude hope of thi ȝong sonnys ofspryng;
O thou onvenquyst valyant champyoun,
Delyuyr me fra thir gret harmys onon:
Or, at the leist, grave me in sepulture,
Sen weil thow kan, and may perform that cur:
Speir to the portis quhilkis Velynos hayt;
Or gyf thar may be fundyn ony gayt,
Quhilk thy blyssit moder hes the techit rycht,
Reke thy rycht hand onto this wrechit wight,
And haue me with the our thir fludis red;
So, at the leist, I may, eftir my ded,
Into sum plesand sted remane and rest:
For I beleve fermly thou nocht addrest
Sa large fludis, but Goddis authoryte,
Nor Stix this layk fortil owr swym, quod he.
Quhen that he had thir wordis said expres,
Syk answer til hym maid the prophetes:
Palynurus, quod scho, thou sary syre,
Quhiddir is becummyn sik ondantyt desyre
To the, and fers will sa onressonabill?
Wenys thou, onerdyt now, and thus onhabill,
Owr Stix the hellys puyll sik wys to fair,
And grysly fludis, abowt quham doith repar
Thir dreidfull fureys, to behald and se?
Oncallyt, on the ȝondyr bra wald thou be?
Desist, and ces to weyn with thy prayer
The goddis decrete at thou may brek or steir.
Bot now inprent in thy remembrance
Thir wordys, in solace of thy hard chance.
Quhar thy body is at this tyme present,
For feir tharof, the pepil adiacent,
By wondir takynnys from the hevynnys schaw,
Constrenyt, sal bygrave thy banys law,
And on thy corps erect a sepultur,
Doyng tharto solempnyt funeral cur:
Palynurus to name that place for thy
Sal bare, and clepit be perpetualy.
With thir wordis assuagit hys hevy thocht,
And fra hys sorofull hart, as that he mocht,
Sum deil expellyt hes the dolorus cayr,
Reiosyt of the grond hys surname bayr.
Quharfor Eneas and Scybill, baith tway,
As thai begunnyn had, held furth thar way.


Owr Stix the flude quhou that Ene dyd fair,
And Cerberus in cave hard ȝell and rayr.

And as thai gan approch toward the flude,
This churlych boyt man, on Stix quhar he stude,
Alswyth as he persavit thame cum swa
Throw the darn wod, and draw nerar the bra;
First with sik bustuus wordis he thame grat,
And, but offence, gan thame chidyng thus plat:
Quhat evir thou be, that cummys enarmyt so
Towart owr fludis, quhiddir etlys thou go?
For quhat caus come thou hyddir? tell me tyte;
Stand styl thar as thou art, with mekill syte.
Pres na forthir, for this is the hald richt
Of Gaistis, Schaddowys, Sleip, and dovyrrit Nycht:
Onlefull war, and ane forbodyn thing,
Within this passyngear our Stix to bryng
Ony levand wight. Certis, in myne entent,
I am nocht glaid ȝyt of the last sa went;
Nor that I careyt Hercules owr this layk,
Ne Theseus, and Pyrothous hys mayk:
All thocht thai war cummyn of goddis lynage,
And invynsibill of strenth and vassallage.
For this ilk Hercules, with hys stalwart handis,
The grym wardane of hell strenyt in bandis,
And drew hym trymlyng from the kyngis trone:
The tothyr twa gret violence wald haue done;
The fresch Proserpyne, Plutois lady gay,
Furth of hir bowr begouth to led away.
To hym agane this answer maid expres
Of Amphrisya Phebus prophetes:
Do all suspicioun furth of thy consate;
Heir is, quod scho, nane sik gyle nor dissate;
Na violence owr wapynnys doith pretend:
Weill lykis ws, it doith ws not offend,
Thocht in his cave ȝour hydduus portar
ȝowland affray the ded gaistis evyrmar;
We stand content, it sufficyth ws alssua,
That ay remane the chaste Proserpina
Within hir fader broderis boundis and ryng.
Bot heir is cummyng, of kyng Troas ofspring,
Eneas, full of piete and knychthed,
To vissy hys luffit fader, quhilk is ded,
Discendit to the law skuggis of hell.
Of sa gret vertu and piete, quhilk I tell,
Gyf na considerance may the move, quod sche,
At leist thou knawys this goldin granyt tre:
And, with that word, the branch schew and omdyd,
That pryvely vndir hyr clok was hyd.
The rageand hart, all full of wraith and ire,
Than wolx appesit of this laithly syre,
And, but ma wordys, or langar delay,
Awondryt of the presand fresch and gay,
Thys fatale wand sa precyus was, I meyn,
That he tofor a lang tyme had nocht seyn,
Hys watry hewyt boyt, haw lyke the see,
Towart thame turnys and addressis he,
And gan approch onto the bra in heast.
Syne othir sawlys expellit hes and chast
Furth of hys bayt, quhilk sat endlang the wayll;
He strekyt sone hys ayris, and grathis his saill,
And tharwithall the byg weghty Ene
Within his veschell boddum ressavis he.
Vndir the paysand and the hevy charge
Gan grane or geig full fast the sewit barge,
Sa ful of ryftys, and with lekkis perbrake,
Scho suppit huge watir of the layk.
Bot, at the last, owtour the flude ȝit than
Salfly scho brocht baith prophetes and man,
And furth thame set amyd the fowl glar,
Amang the fawch ryspys harsk and sear.
Cerberus, the hydduus hund, that regioun
Fordynnys, barkand with thre mowthis sown,
Onmesurabill in hys cave quhar he lay
Richt our forgane thame in the hie way:
Quhom till the prophete, behaldand quhou in hy
Hys nekkis wolx of eddyrris all grysly,
A sop, stepyt intill hunny als fast,
And of enchantit cornys maid, gan cast.
For hungyr wod, he gapys with throtis thre,
Swith swellyand that morsell raucht had sche,
And tho hys terribyll body with a rerd
He tumlys owr, liggyn on the erd;
Of huge statur, and fellon quantite,
Our all the cave furth strekit him hes he.


The circulyt ways in hell Eneas saw,
And fand queyn Dido in the myr tre schaw.

Thus quhil the portar in sleip sowpit lyis,
The entre tho Eneas occupyis,
And owr the fludis bank ful swyftly sprent,
Quhais passage is onreturnabill went.
Onon thai hard seir vocis lamentabill,
Gret walyng, quhympring, sprachis miserabill.
In the first cyrkill, or the vtyr ward,
Ȝong babys sawlys weping sor thai hard;
Quhom the hasty and blak duylful day
Sowkand thar moderis pap had reft away,
From the swete lyfe twynnyt ontymusly,
As cayrful corps plungit in grave gart ly.
Nixt thame, the secund place tha folkis hes
Wrangwysly put to ded for cryme sakles.
Nor, sykkyrly, thir settis to ilke wight
War nocht assignit but juge, doym, and rycht:
For kyng Mynos, inquisitour and justice,
The fatale vrne and ballance at device
Rewlys equaly, and be discretioun steris
To consale and to jugement as efferis;
The silly gostis callys in that secret cage,
Baith of thar life and crymys takkand knawlage.
Syne eftir thir, al sory and full of cayr,
The thryd place haldis, and sal evir mayr,
Giltles folk, that for disdene, wo, or fed,
With thar awin handis wrocht thar self to ded,
And, irkit of the life at thai war in,
Thar sweit sawlys maid fra the body twyn.
O, quhat penuryte and hard distres infeir
Wald thai now suffir tobe in this warld heir!
Bot the fatis and goddis decrete gaynstandis
That thai may nevir return onto thir landis:
The woful puyl with watyr onlufly
Withhaldis thame, so at thai may nocht go by,
And Stix, the flude, bylappis thame abowt
Nyne tymys, sa clos at thai sal nevir wyn owt.
Nocht far from thens, wide quhar on euery syde,
Thai mycht behald the large fieldis wyde
And boundis of Complaynt, all voyd of lycht;
Sa beyn thai clepit properly at rycht;
Quharin war all by strang lufe in thar days
With sik crewel infectioun wastit away is:
The hydlys held thai and the roddis darn,
A myr tre wod about thame lowkyt ȝarn:
Thar paynfull musyng and thar hevy thocht,
Eftir thar ded alsso, forȝet thai nocht.
Thar was Phedra, the spows of Theseus,
And Procrys eyk, the wyfe of Cephalus;
In that ilke sted was trist Eryphyle;
Hir crewell sonnys wondis schawis sche:
Evadne he beheld, and Laodomya,
And Pasyphe in falloschip with tha,
And Ceneus, first a wench, and syne a man,
In hyr ald schap eftir ded changit than.
Amang otheris the Phenyssyane Dido
Within the gret wod walkis to and fro,
The greyn wound gapand in hir breist all new:
Quhom as the Troiane barrown nerrer drew,
And throw the dyrk schaddowis first dyd knaw;
Sikwys as quha throw clowdy skyis saw,
Or, at the leist, wenys he heth do se,
The new moyn quhen first vp walxis sche;
The terys leyt he fall, and tendyrly
With hartly lufe begrat hir thus in hy.
O fey Dido, sen I persave the heyr,
A sovir warning, now I knaw ful cleir,
Was schawin me, at thou with swerd was slaw,
Byreft thi self the lyfe, and brocht of daw.
Alace, I was the causar of thy ded!
By al the starnys schynys abone our hed,
And be the Goddis abone, to the I swer,
And be the faith and lawte, gif ony heir
Trewth may be fund deip vndir erd, quod he,
Malgre my wyl, Prynces, sa mot I the,
From thy costis depart I was constrenyt.
Bot the commandment of the Goddis onsenyt,
Quhais gret mychtis hes me hyddir dryve,
To pas throwout thir dirk schaddowis belyve,
By gowsty placis, welch savorit, must, and hair,
Quhar profund nycht perpetual doith repar,
Compellit me from the forto dissevir;
Nor in my mynde ymagyn mycht I nevir,
For my departing or absens, I wys,
Thou suldist kaucht sa gret dyseys as this.
Do stynt thy pays; abide, thou gentil wight;
Withdraw the not sa sone furth of my sight.
Quham fleist thou? this is the lattir day,
By werdis schape, that with the speke I may.
With sik wordis Eneas, full of wo,
Set him to meys the sprete of Queyn Dido;
Quhilk, all inflambit, full of wreth and ire,
With acquart luke glowand hait as fyre,
Maid him to weip, and sched furth teris wak.
All fremmytly frawart hym, as he spak,
Hir eyn fixit apon the grond held sche,
Moving na mair hir curage, face, nor bre,
Than scho had bene a statu of marbil stane,
Or a ferm rolk of Mont Marpesyane.
Bot finaly, full swyft scho wiskis away,
Aggrevit fled in the darn woddis gray;
Quhar as Sycheus, hir first spows, ful suyr
Corespondis to hir desyre and cuyr,
Rendring in lufe amouris equiualent.
And, netheles, fast eftir hir furth sprent
Ene, perplexit of hir sory cace,
And weping gan hir follow a weil lang space,
Regratand in his mynd, and had piete
Of the distres that movit hir so to fle.


The ward of worthy weyrmen now Ene
Beheld, and heir with Deiphobus spak he.

Wyth al his speid fra thens he tuk the gayt
That was ontil him grantit by hys fayt.
And sone thai war in cummyn to the plane
And lattir wardys, quharin dois remane
Valyant folkis in feild and chevalry,
Tha secret stedis hantand by and by.
Heir him recontrit Parthenopeus,
And intil armys valyant Tedeus;
The pail gost eik of Adrastus the king.
Thar saw he als, with huge greyt and murnyng
In mydlerd oft menyt, thir Troianys
Duryng the sege that into batale slane is:
Quhom as he gan behald wydequhar on raw,
Ful tendirly complenyng, thar he saw
Glawcus, Medontus, and Thersylocus,
Anthenoris thre sonnys, and Polybetus
Onto the goddes Ceres consecrate;
Ideus saw he in his ald estate,
Baith rewland ȝit his cart, and wapynnys weildand.
Onto Eneas left side and rycht hand
The sawlys flokkis, circulyt in a rowt:
Not sufficyt thame to spy him anys abowt;
Bot, desiring he tareit evir mair,
Furth with him forto walkin and repar
Weil lykis thame, towart him fast to thring,
And to inquire the caus of his cummyng.
The nobillis eik of Grekis, one by one,
With the gret rowtis of Agamenon,
Alsone as thai the stalwart Troiane saw
In brycht armour amyd the schaddowis law,
Gretly afferd war smyte with fellon dreid:
Sum gave the bak, takand the flycht gude speid,
As quhilum thai onto thar schippis socht;
Sum rasyt a cry with waik voce, as thai mocht:
Bot al for nocht, thar clamour was ful skant,
The sovndis brak with gasping or a gant.
Syne Deiphobus, quhilum armypotent,
Kyng Pryamis son, with body tore and rent,
Thar he beheld, and crewel manglit face,
Vissage menȝeit, and baith hys handis, allace!
Half-hedis spulȝeit, of stowyt his erys tway,
By schaymful wound hys nes cuttit away.
With gret difficulte he him skarsly knew,
Trymlyng for lak, eschamyt red of hew,
As that he mycht, hydand hys fellon woundis:
Ondemandit, with frendly wordis and sovndis
Ene hym grat, sayand; Of gret renown,
Deiphobus, armypotent champyoun,
Quha hes, allace! the marthyrit swa and slane
By sa crewel tormentis and hydduus pane?
Quhou euer was ony sufferit the sa to dight?
It was me tald, of Troy the lattir nyght,
Thou, wery and forfochtin in that sted
For sa feil Grekis be thi dyntis ded,
Abuf the hepe of ded corpsis ourane
Fell down for bled, thar standing thyne allane.
Than I my self, fra this was to me schaw,
Down at the nes Rethe, by the costis law,
A voyd tumbe rasyt, and with lowd voce thrys
Apon the wrethis and wandrand gaistis cryis.
Thy armys and thy name that place doith hald.
My frend, thy body kouth I nocht behald
Nor fynd, thocht I wald it haue gravit eft,
The tyme quhen I our natyve cuntre left.
Kyng Pryamis son maid answer; suyth is it,
Na thing, my deir frend, dyd thou pretermyt;
All that thou aucht to Deiphobus, ilk deill
Thou hest perfurnyst worthely and weil,
As to my berial and sprete appertenyt.
Bot my hard fatis war wers than thou wenyt:
For the detestabill cursyt wikkytnes
Of Helyn born in Lacena, I ges,
Has me involuyt in thir harmys ȝe se:
Thir ar hir last luf drowreis left with me.
Ful weil thou wait quhou that the lattir nycht
In fals myrthis we spendyt, euery wight;
Allace the quhile! our gret mater of cayr
Behuffis ws hald in memor euermar:
Quhen that the fatale hors, to our ennoy,
Com speland owr the hie wallys of Troy,
With belly chargit full of armyt men;
That strang lurdane than, quham weil ȝe ken,
The Troiane matronys hedis in a ryng,
Fenȝeand to Bachus feste and karellyng;
Amyddis al the laif a gret fyre brand,
Byrnand ful cleir, scho haldis in hir hand,
Quharwith, out from the master streyt of Troy,
The Grekis dyd scho bekyn and convoy.
This ilk tyme me, with hevy curis lang
Of irksum weir and sad, slumrys strang
Oppressit, for my walkyn mony fald,
My fey chalmer gan my body hald.
Fordoverit as I lay in to that sted,
In swete profound rest of sleip lyke soft ded,
That notabil spows furth of hir lugyng place,
This meyn sesson, al armour dyd arrace;
My trasty sword fra vnder my hed away
Stall scho, and in the place brocht Menelay;
The chalmer durris oppynnyt scho in hy,
Wenyng to wyrk a hie plesour tharby
To hir first luffar, and hir ald schame
Tharthrou to quynche, and recover gud name.
Quhat suld I tarry, or ȝou langar hald?
The Grekis ruschit in the chalmyr thik fald:
Amang al otheris sammyn thiddir spedis
That schrew prouocar of all wikkyt dedis,
Eolus nevo, cursyt Vlixes sle.
On siklyke wys as thar thai dyd with me,
Gret goddis mot the Grekis recompens,
Gif I may thyg avengeans but offens!
Bot say me this agane, frend, altogidder,
Quhat aventur hes brocht the levand hydder?
Quhidder wavyt wilsum by storm of the see,
Or at command of goddis, com thou, quod he?
Or quhat fortoun doith the cach and steyr,
That to this sory hald thou cummys heir,
To vissy this trublyt dym regioun,
Quhar evir is nycht, and nevir son ȝit schon?
Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018
700 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain