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Turnus, persavand the Latyn pepill faill,
Promittis Eneas allone hym tyll assaill.

Quhen Turnus knew the Latyn pepill haill
Irk of the weir, and saw thar curage faill,
By the frawart aduersiteis of Mart,
Quhilk war tofor onbrokyn and stowt of hart,
And thocht the tyme requiris hym, but abaid,
Forto compleit the promys he had maid,
Semyng as towartis hym tho euery wight
To that effect addressyt thar luke and sycht:
Than, onrequirit, by insaciabill desyre
Langang to feght, and byrnand hait as fyre,
Full hie rasand hys curage and hys cheir,
He gan amyd the audiens appeir.
Fers as a wild lyoun ȝond in Trace,
By the huntar wondyt in the chace,
Quhen the smert straik in hys breist all fast is,
For ire the lokkyrris of hys nek vpcastis,
Than first begynnyng to rays hys stern moyd,
Reiosyt of the bataill, fers and wod,
Onabasytly raschand the schaft in sundir,
And on the man liggand at wait thar vndir,
Hym to revenge, with bludy mouth doys bray;
Nane other wys ferd Turnus the ilk day,
Smytyn so brym in fervent violens,
That all commouyt in the kyngis presens
On this maner begouth to speke and say:
Thar sall in Turnus be fund na delay;
And al for nocht ȝon cowart Eneadanys
Thar promys and thar wordis cumis aganys,
Willyng retreit thar behestis and sawys;
Sa sall thai nocht; we wil nane sik lawys:
I sal thar falshed resist and ganestand,
And feght contrar thar chiftane hand for hand.
Thou ryall prynce and fader, kyng Latyne,
Do sacryfy and conferm this convyne:
For owdyr sal I with thir handis twa
Ȝon ilk Troiane, forhowar of Asya,
Do put to deth, send down to hell, quod he;
Lat Latyn pepill syttyng by to se
Quhou, myne allane with swerd in thar presens
I sall revenge and end our allyris offens;
Or than, gyf so betyd he wyn the gre,
Lat ws all venquyst to hym subiect be,
Ȝeld hym the crown enduryng term of lyve,
And lat hym joys Lavinia to hys wyfe.
Kyng Latyn tho with sad and degest mynd
To hym answeris, and said apon this kynd:
O douchty ȝyngkeir, excellent of curage,
Quhou far as by thy forcy vassallage
My febill age thou doith exceid, quod he,
Als far mair diligently pertenys me,
And ganand is, to consell and provyde,
And exemyn euery chance may betyde,
As I that has in part a maner feir,
Be lang experiens knawand the dowtis of weir.
Thow weldis Dawnus thy faderis realm and land,
And feil citeis conquest with thyne awyn hand;
Tharto thou has alsso a gentill hart,
Liberall and fre, and in weir most expert,
And kyng Latyn hes gold to geif the eik.
Perfay, enew otheris, not far to seik,
Of madynnys beyn onwed in Latyum wyde,
And in the Lawrent feildis heir besyde,
Of blude and frendschip na thyng myssemand,
Bot worthy tobe queyn of ony land.
Thoill me, I pray the, al dissait done away,
Thir wordis quhoyn of weght to the till say;
And sammyn prent thir sawys in thy wyt.
Onlesum is I suld in wedlok knyt
My douchtir till ald wowaris of this land,
That hir tofor had axit in sik band:
All the spa men and Goddis revelyng
Declarit plane that was onlesum thyng.
And netheles, I, venquyst cleyn but weir,
For luf of the my spowsys cousyng deir,
Ourcummyn be hir wofull terys and syte,
All maner bandys now hes brokyn quyte;
And fra my son in law, full wrangwisly,
Hys spous onto hym promyst rest haue I,
And forthir on hym movit a wikkyt weir.
Sen syne in quhat chance I stand and danger,
And quhou fers batellis now persewys me,
Full weill thou wait, and seis, Turnus, quod he,
And quhou huge travale thou has tholit and pane,
As principall maste douchty capitane.
Lo, twys in batale venquyst haue we be,
And now scantly within our wallit cite
The hope and weill of Italy defendis;
Now of our recent blude, as noterly kend is,
The flude of Tibir walxis hait agane,
And of our huge banys quhite semys the plane.
Quhou am I sterit thus in purpos feir?
And quhidder flow I thus oft thar and heir?
Quhat mad foly all to changis my thocht?
Gyf that I reddy be and dowtit nocht
The Troianys for my frendis to ressaue,
Gif so war Turnus ded war and bygrave,
Quhat! aucht I nocht far rather end the weir
He beand in prosperyte haill and feir?
Quhat wald our cosyngis, the Rutilianys,
Or quhat wald say the other Italianys,
Gyf the I suld thus wys sa wilfully,
Axyng our douchteris wedlok and ally,
Expone or offer to the ded? quod he:
Fortoun defend that chance at sa suld be!
Behald the chance of batale variabill,
Persave of weir the sykkill ward onstabill:
Haue reuth and mercy of thy fader ald,
Quham Ardea now, hys cuntre, doys withhald,
Diuidit far and disseuerit from the,
And for thy saik quhou wobegone is he.
Thus said the kyng; bot the violent curage
Of Turnus hie mynd bowit neuer a stage;
Quha wald with cuyr of medycyne hym meys,
The moir encressys and growys hys mail eys:
And, eftir that he first mycht speke agane,
Thus he began expreym with wordis plane.
O thou maist souerane fader, I the pray,
To salue my honour, thou wald do away
Thir curis, thochtis, and solicitude,
For me thou takis; and, schortly to conclude,
Suffir me forto plege my deth in wage,
For gloryus renovn of vassillage:
For we, fader, can swak dartis and brandis,
Nocht with febill bot stalwart rycht handis,
And of our wondis the red blude ruschis owt.
To ȝonder provd Troiane, clepit sa stowt,
Hys moder at this tyme salbe far to seik,
Quhilk Goddes with hir subtell slychtis eik
Hir son, accustumat to tak the flycht,
Was wont to dek, and to hyde owt of sycht
Within a wifly clowd, as for a trayn,
And heild hir self alsso in schaddowis vayn.


The queyn perswadis Turnus fra stryfe desist,
Bot he for batal can agane resist.

Be than the queyn Amata, all in feir
Of this onkouth and new maner of weir,
Wepyng full sor, all dedlyke, full of harmys,
Hyr son in law Turnus hynt in hir armys,
That was sa fervent in his ardent desyre.
Turnus, said scho, thou best belovit syre,
Be thir ilk wofull terys I the pra,
And be the wirschip thou aw till Amata,
Gyf ony honour of hyr or thy kyn
Twichys or movys into thy breist within,
I the beseik a thyng, myne awyn knycht;
Desist and ces to mach Troianys in fight.
Thou only comfort of our febill eld,
Thou all our rest, our weilfar, and our beld,
Haue reuth and piete of my wofull baill:
In thy power and mycht restis alhaill
The wirschip and empyre of kyng Latyn;
Hys hows and famyll, now lyke to declyne,
In the remanys, and is by the vpbore.
I the assuyr, and certifeis tharfor,
Quhat aventour in this fight sall happyn the,
The selfin chance, Turnus, sall betyd me:
Sammyn with the, gif thou endis in that stryfe,
I sal depart furth of this irksum lyfe,
Nor nevir thrall sall I remane to se
Ȝon ilk Eneas son in law to me.
Lavinia the maid, with soir smert,
Hyr moderis wordis felt deip in hyr hart,
So that the rud dyd hyr vissage glow,
And full of terys gan hyr chekis strow;
The fervent fyre of schame rysys on hie,
Kyndland mar large the red culloryt bewte,
So that the natural heit the blude dyd chace
Our all the partis of hir quhitly face:
Quhill that this virgyn, in this wofull rage,
Syk cullouris rendris from hir fresch vissage,
As quha byspark wald the quhite evor Indane
With scarlet droppis or with brovn sangwane,
Or quhar the scheyn lylleis in ony sted
War pulderit with the vermel rosys red.
The hait luf trublys for the knyght,
That on this maid he fixis all hys sycht,
And all the mair he byrnys in desyre
Of bargane into armys, hait as fyre;
Syne to the queyn Amata, but abaid,
In few wordis on this wys he said:
O my deir moder, of thy wepyng ho,
I ȝow beseik, do not, do not so,
Persew me not thus with ȝour grete and teris,
Nor quhen I pas onto thir mortall werys.
In marciall bargane contrary my fo,
Do wa to present me sik takyn of wo:
In Turnus myghtis lyis nocht, quod he,
The chance of deth to mak hym selvyn fre.
I say, gyf deth this way be to me schaip,
Now may I not astart, nor it eschape.
For at this tyme instant my messynger,
Idmon clepyt, my credens hecht to ber
Now to ȝone Troiane tyrrand, rehersyng
My wordis, quhilkis lykis hym na thyng:
That is to knaw, to morow, als ayrly
As brycht Aurora in the orient sky
With rosy chariot lyftis vp hir hed,
The firmament schrowdyng in cullour red,
That he move not aganys Rutilyanys
Hys ostis, nor nane army of Troianys;
Bot athir half fra batale, for the best,
Baith sall Troianys and Rutilianys thame rest:
And lat ws twa, this bargane to conclude,
Betwix ws only dereyn with our blude,
And into ȝonder feld, in stalwart stryfe,
Lat athir seik Lavinia to hys wyfe.
Fra this was said, fast to hys in he spedis,
And bad onon do lat hym se hys stedis:
Behaldand thame reiosys he in hart,
To se thame stand sa fers with curage smart;
Quhilk kynd of horsis quhilum, as thai say,
Orythia, the lusty fresch may,
Of Athenis the kyngis douchter and ayr,
As ane maste ryall presand, wonder fair,
Send from hir cuntre to kyng Pilumnus,
Was foregrandschir onto this ilk Turnus;
The quhilk stedis, schapyn at all delyte,
Excedit far the snaw in cullour quhite;
To speke of speid, thar swyftnes was ontald,
For thai the wyndis blastis forryn wald.
The byssy knapys and verlettis of hys stabill
Abowt thame stud, full ȝaip and seruyabill,
And with thar holl luyffis gan thame cheir,
Dyd clap and straik thar leyndis to mak thame steir,
Thar lokrand manys and thar crestis hie
Dressys with trelȝeis and camys honestlye.
Fra thens onto hys chalmyr went he syne;
Abowt his schuldris assays hys halbryk fyne,
Of burnyst maill, and schynand rychely
Of fynast gold and quhitly alcomy.
Tharwith alsso hys swerd addressis he,
Quhat way he wald it oys in the melle;
Hys sovir scheld assays he alsso,
And eik hys tymbret helm with crestis two;
Quhilk swerd was maid onto Dawnus hys fyre
Be Wlcanus, the myghty God of fyre,
That forgyt this blaid and temperit with hys handis,
Hait glowand dyppyt in the Stigiane strandis.
Syne with gret fors, enarmyt in all hys geir,
Full lychtly vp he hynt hys stalwart speir,
Quhilk tho amyddis the hall lenand stud
Vp by a pillar huge square and rude;
Quhilum the spulȝe he byreft from ane
Clepyt Actor, a capitane Auruncane:
The schaft he schuke, and branglys lustely,
Tharto with lowd voce thus can he cry:
O now thou speir, that neyir failȝeit thy deid
Quhen I the callyt to my desyre in neid,
Quhilum the weldit Actor, mast douchty knycht,
Now the in hand withhaldis Turnus wight;
Now is the tyme that I maste myster the:
Forto dovn bet the corps thou grant to me
Of ȝondir Phrigiane, is skant half a man,
That with my stalwart handis I may than
Hys halbrik of hys body to arras,
Hakkyt, and rent, and persyt in mony place,
And in the dusty puldyr heir and thar
Suddill and fyle hys crispand ȝallow hair,
That are maid creys, and curlys now sa weill,
Yplet ilk nycht on the warm broch of steill,
Dekkyt and donk, on hys wifly maner,
Of fragrant myr and other envnctmentis seir.
With sykkyn fury rage catchyt is he,
That thus he carpys till a schaft of tre;
And from the vissage of this ardent syre
The sparkis glydis as the hait fyre,
For veray fervour of the feirfull teyn
Schynys and brystis furth of baith hys eyn:
Lyke as the bull, that bargane begyn wald,
Gevis terribill rowstis and lowis monyfald,
Or than aggrevit, bustuus, and furthborn,
Presys hys ire to assay with hys horn,
Lenand hys spald to the stok of a tre,
And with hys dynt the wynd to rentis he,
Or, forto mak debait apoun the land,
With hys hard clufe vpwarpys fast the sand.
In the self tyme, na les of curage, Enee,
Cled in hys moderis armour awfull to se,
Scharpys hym self in furour marciall,
Rasand hys greif for ardour bellicall,
And joyus wolx of weir to mak ane end
By syk proffer and poyntment as was send.
Syne comfortis he hys ferys dolorus,
And mesyt the dreid of sad Ascanyus,
Declarand thame the fatale ordinans,
Thar destyne, and Goddis purvians;
And to the kyng of Lawrenteis, Latyn,
Twychand this forsaid trety and convyne,
Bad the messyngeris bair hame but delay
Sovir answer, as thai desyrit alway,
And of the peys and trewys, as thai spak,
Proclame articulis and lawys of contract.


Juno, knawand Turnus last day at end,
To stop the bargane has Juturna send.

Scarsly vpsprang the nixt day followyng,
Scheddand the bemys of hys bryght mornyng
Apoun the toppis of the montanys hie,
As Phebus stedis first of the deip se
Rasyt thar hedis and noys thirlys on hight,
Our all the feildis blawand the cleir lyght;
Quhen that the Troianys and Rutilianys
The grund myssouris, evynnys, dichtis, and planys,
Vndir the wallys of the cheif cite,
Thar as the feild and fechtyng place suld be:
Amyddis quham the harthis vp thai set,
Quharon the fyris suld be maid and bet,
And to the common Goddis eik bedeyn
The altaris coverit with the scherald greyn.
Sum otheris brocht the fontane watir fair,
And sum the haly ingill with thame bair;
With lynnyng valis or lyke apronys lycht
Thai war arrayt, and thar hedis dicht
In wyppys of the haly herb vervane.
The legionys tho furth haldis to the plane,
And all the rowtis of Awsonyanys,
That otherwys ar hait Italyanys,
Furth thryngis at the portis full attonys,
With lancis lang and pykkis for the nonys.
Thyddir all the Troianys wardis, by and by,
And Tyrrheyn ostis ruschis hastely,
Bodyn full weill in nobill armour seir;
Nane otherwys with wapynnys and with geir
Arrayt for the batale all at rycht,
Than thocht the fury of Mars thame callit to fycht.
Amyd the thousandis swyftly throw the planys
Furth sprentis lustely thir capitanys,
In rich purpour arrayt and fyne gold brycht,
Assaracus sonnys and Mnestheus wight,
And on the tother part strang Asilas,
And bald Mesapus also with hym was,
Neptunus son, expert in hors dantyng.
And eftir that the trumpet blew a syng,
Than euery partyment bownys to thar stand,
And gan thar speris stik doun in the land,
Set by thar scheildis, to behald the fyne.
The wemen wedois and the matronys syne,
Desyrus forto se the bargane stowt,
Of childyr and of commonys mony a rowt
That couth na wapynnys weld, nor armour weir,
With the onweldy agit folk infeir,
Clam on the hight and hedis of the towris,
The wallys all and howsis ryggyngis flowris;
And sum abufe apon the portis hie
Ascendit ar to behald the melle.
Bot Juno tho dovn from the hycht, I wys,
Of the montane that Albane clepit is
Now in our days, set than this hyllys dovn
Had nowder name, honour, nor renovne,
Scho dyd behald amyd the feldis plane
Athir batellis and the ostis twane,
Baith of the Troianys and the Laurenteis,
And kyng Latynus cite eik scho seys.
Onon to Turnus systyr vp on hie,
That clepit was Juturna, carpys sche,
Thys Goddes to that haly Nymphe, mastres
Of wellys, stankis, and rowtand stremys expres;
Quhilk honour Jove, the kyng of hevynnys hie,
Hyr gave for the byreft virginite:
Said, O thou Nymphe, wirschip of fludis cleir,
That to my saul is hald maste leif and deir,
Thou knawys weill, I the preferrit ay
To all the otheris damysellys, persay,
Of Latyn cuntre, quhat so evir thai wer
That wrangwisly ascendit or drew neir
The bed onprofitabill of Jupiter mast hie;
And glaidly eik haue I not stakyt the
Intill a party of the hevyn alssua?
Hark now thy sorow, thou Juturna,
And wyte me not bot I the warnyt haue.
Turnus and thy cheif cite haue I save,
Sa lang as that the fatis sufferit me,
And quhill werd sisteris sa tholyt tobe:
Bot now I se that ȝong man haste, but faill,
To mach in feild with fatis inequaill;
The lattir day and term approchis ne
Of fatale fors and strangast destyne.
Nowder this bargane ȝonder on the greyn
Nor consideratioun may I se with eyn.
Pas thou on, for thy deir brothir germane
Gyf thou dar suffir ony mar dreidfull pane;
To the this semys and pertenys, quod sche,
Gyf that, perchans, ony bettyr may be,
Or eft betyd onto ȝon catyvis kend.
Scars had Juno thir wordis brocht to end,
Quhen that the nymphe Juturna bedeyn
Plente of terys furthȝet from hir eyn;
Hyr fair quhite breist, thar as scho dyd stand,
Thrys or four tymys smait with hir awyn hand.
Saturnus get, this Juno, says; tha terys
Na wys to this tyme pertenys nor efferys:
Hast the, gyf that thou can be ony way
Withdraw thy brother from the deth away;
Or than do mak the ostis baith on steir,
Provok the batale, and thame move to weir,
And this convyne and trety, new consave,
Do brek, disturb, and with the wynd bywave.
I sall the warrand and the wyrkar be
To mak the baldly vndertak, quod sche.
On this wys Juno can this nymphe exort,
And left hir hail in weir and dowt, at schort,
With mynd full tryst, wobegone, and onsound,
Full deip smyttyn with the sorowfull wound.


Heir followis the sacrifyce and prayer,
Fyrst of Eneas, syne kyng Latyn infeir.

In the meyn tyme, the kyngis of athir rowt
From thar citeis and strenthis ischis owt.
Amyd a four quhelit char Latyn that thraw
With huge pomp by stedis fowr was draw,
Quhais haris and hys tymplis war weil dycht
With ryall crown of fyne gold burnyst brycht,
Quharon stud turrettis twelf, lyke bemys scheyn,
As it ane rych enornament had beyn
Of cleir Phebus, that was hys grandschir hald:
Nixt quham furth rollyt was prynce Turnus bald
Within a twa quhelyt chariot of delyte,
That drawyn was with stedis twa mylk quhyte;
In athir hand held he, in feir of weir,
The braid hed brangland on the jevillyng speir.
The fader Eneas alsso furth withall,
Of Romane lynnage the originall,
Apon the tother half com thame agane,
With byrnyst scheild that brycht as starris schane,
And hevynly armour lemand all of lycht:
Besyde hym raid Ascanyus the sweit wyght,
That semyt weil, till euery manis doym,
Ane other gude beleif and hope to gret Roym.
Furth come the preste, quhamto accordyt mak
The sacrifice of concord and contract,
In vestment cleyn, for syk religioun wrocht,
And a ȝong byrsyt swyne befor thame brocht,
With a rowch twyntyr scheip sammyn infeir,
Quhais woll or fleyce was neuer clyp with scheir;
The bestis furth hes tursyt this ilke syre
Onto the altar blesand of hait fyre.
The princis tho, quhilkis suld this payce makyng,
Turnys towartis the brycht sonnys vprysyng,
With the salt meldyr in thar handis raith;
The forrettis of thir bestis toppys baith
They clyp and myssour, as tho was the gys,
And cowpys full of wyne in sacryfys
Abowt the altaris ȝettis he and he.
With drawyn swerd syne the reuthfull Enee
Hys orison furth maid, and thus he said:
O thou brycht son, with thy scheyn bemys glaid,
Be wytnes now till my behest, I pray;
And this ilk grund mot testyfy quhat I say,
For quham sa gret payn and aduersyte
I sufferit haue feill syth on land and see;
And thou almychty Jove heir my prayer;
Saturnus douchtir, thou hys spows sa deir,
Now mor benyng than thou was of befor,
Sweit Goddes, heir me now, I the implor;
And gentill Mars now takis tent heirtill,
That withhaldis and writhis at thy will
Every batale, stryfe, weirfar, or debait,
Vndyr thy hie power deificait:
All fludys I call, fontanys, and stremys cleir,
And all maner of reuerend Goddis seir
Abuf the hevyn ydred and starrit sky;
And ȝow eik, blyssyt wightis, I testify,
That vnder erth or law in hell doun beyn,
Or in the fomy seis stremys greyn:
Gif so betyd, that fallys the victory
To Turnus on the Ausonyan party,
It is conuenient, and we grant to fle,
As venquyst folk, till Evandrus cite:
Ascanyus sall als tyte thir feildis withdraw,
Nor Eneadanys neuir, from the ilk thraw,
Aganyst ȝou sall rebell nor move weir,
Ne with na wapynnys eft thys cuntre deir.
Bot gif so beys, Mars our God glorius
The victory and ouyrhand grantis ws;
As I beleif far rathar sall befall,
And that als tyte conferm mot Goddis all
Throw the gret mychtis of thar deite!
Gif that sa fair fortoun betydis me,
Ne will I not command Italianys
Tobe subiect, nor obey the Troianys,
Ne ȝit this realm desyre I not to me:
Bot athir of our pepill mot go fre,
Onthrall, onvenquyst, in lawys all evynly
Considerat in perpetuall ally.
The wirschipyng of Goddis in sacryfice
I sal thame lern and tech at my devys:
My fader in law, the kyng Latinus heir,
Most rewle the pepill baith in peax and wer;
My fader in law, as souerane lord and syre,
Duryng hys lyfe most bruke solempnyt empyre.
Suffir my Troianys than, as we ar bovn,
For me to beild a strenth and wallyt tovn,
And to this cite, quhar we sall duell at hame,
Lat the madyn Lavinia gif the name.
Thus first Eneas said; and eftir syne
Apon this wys hym followys kyng Latyn,
Behaldand towart hevyn quhar he dyd stand,
And to the starnys vphevyis hys rycht hand:
By this ilk erth, seys, and starnys hie,
I sweir in like wys onto ȝou, Enee,
And by Latonas byrth or twynnys twa,
The brycht Apollo, and chast Diana,
And by the dowbill frontit Janus, and all
The pyssans of the Goddis infernal,
And by the dyrk sanctuary, blak as sabill,
Of grevos Pluto, that God revengeabill:
The hie fader abuf mot heir my cry,
That dois with thundir sik concord ratify.
I twich thyr altaris, and ingill present, quod he,
And testifyis ilk godly maieste;
Sail nevir tyme, sesson, nor day betyde,
To breke this peax on the Italian syde,
Ne this considerans anys part in two,
Quhat way that evir happynys the mater go;
Ne na manner of violens, bost, nor aw,
Sail ony wys me tharfra withdraw,
Bot ferm and stabill all sall haldyn be:
All thocht the erth wald myddill with the see,
And with diluge or invndatioun schent
Covir and confund athir eliment;
Or thocht the hevyn in hell resolue wald,
Our promys sall inuiolat be hald.
Lyke as this ilk ceptour wand ȝhe see,
(Perchans that tyme a ceptour in hand bair he)
Sail nevir burgioun, nor spred branschis lyte,
Nowder rank levys, nor blosum of delyte,
Sen it is anys in wod, thar as it grew,
Law from hys stok hard by the rutis hew,
And wantis now hys moder of nurysyng;
For all the syonys and twystis wont to spryng
Or grow thar fra, as ȝhe may se perfay,
With egge lumys bene sned full quyte away;
Vmquhile a growand tre, thar it dyd stand,
That now thus by the crafty warkmanis hand
Inclusyt is and coverit lustely
In burnyst gold and finast alcomy,
And gevyn our forfaderis of Latyn land,
As ceptour ryall, forto bere in hand.
With wordis sik, and ferm relatioun,
This fynal suyr confideratioun
Athir pryncis has confermyt and sworn,
Amyd thar nobillys standyng thame beforn:
Syne, eftyr thar auld cerymonys and gys,
The bestis dewly adrest for sacryfys
Thai brytnyt haue amyd the flawmys red,
And rentis out, or thai war fully ded,
The entralys of all thir bestis ȝit alyve;
Syne furth of platis or ballancis belyve
With pasyt flesch plenyst the altaris large,
Tharon bestowand in hepys mony a charge.
Bot tho begouth of new this ilk bargane
Semyng to the Rutilianys, euery man,
Tobe ane rycht onevynly interprys,
And diuers rumour can in thar brestis rys,
With mony syndry demyng and consait;
He thynkis thus, and he ane other gait;
And ay the nerrar and mar diligently
At thai the mater consider and aspy,
Weill thai persaue and behaldis, sans faill,
Thir campionys war not of strenth equaill.
And onto this opinioun the ilk thraw
Helpit mekill, that with still pays so slaw
This Turnus musand towart the altar past,
And it lawly adornyt with face doun cast,
With chekis walxin leyn, to thar semyng,
Quharon the soft berd newly dyd furth spryng,
As all to ȝyng with sic ane to haue daill,
Thai thocht hys vissage all becummyng paill.
Yaş sınırı:
Litres'teki yayın tarihi:
30 haziran 2018
700 s. 1 illüstrasyon
Telif hakkı:
Public Domain