Kitabı oku: «Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical», sayfa 13
The action of a mass of glacier-ice, reaching a thickness of several thousand feet, must necessarily have resulted in extensive erosion of the rocks over which it passed. Everywhere, therefore, throughout the vast area just indicated, we meet with evidence of severe erosion. But, as one should expect, such erosion is most marked in the hilly regions – in those areas where steep slopes induced more rapid motion of the ice, and where projecting crags and hills opposed the advance of the eroding agent. All such prominent obstructions were energetically assailed – abraded, rounded, worn, and smoothed, or crushed, shattered, dislocated, and displaced. The high-grounds of Scandinavia and Finland, formed for the most part of tough, crystalline rocks, or of more or less durable strata, show everywhere roches moutonnées– smoothed and rounded rocks – while innumerable rock-basins have been scooped out in front of prominent crags and hills. In Denmark and other countries, where less durable rocks prevail, the strata have often been broken and disrupted, and pushed out of place. But as regions formed of such rocks are generally gently-undulating, and seldom show abrupt crags and hills, they oppose few obstructions to the advance of an ice-sheet. When the northern ice-sheet flowed into Russia and Germany, it crept over a low-lying and, for the most part, gently-undulating surface; and although here and there the form of the ground favoured glacial erosion and disruption, and extensive displacements of rock-masses took place, yet, upon the whole the low-lying regions referred to became areas of accumulation. The sub-glacial detritus – ground out or wrenched away from the rough Scandinavian plateau and the uplands of Finland – was dragged on underneath the ice, and spread over the great plains lying to the south-east and south, as the gradually attenuated ice-sheet crawled to its terminal line. My friend Dr. Amund Helland, the well-known Norwegian geologist, has made an estimate of the amount of rock-débris derived from Scandinavia and Finland which lies scattered over the low-grounds of northern Europe. According to him, the area in Denmark, Holland, Germany, and Russia (exclusive of Finland), over which northern detritus is scattered, contains about 2,100,000 square kilometres, and the average thickness of the deposits is about 150 feet, of which, however, only two-thirds, or 100 feet, are of northern origin, the remaining third consisting of local materials. Taking, then, 100 feet as fairly representing the average thickness of the rock-rubbish derived from Finland and Scandinavia, the area of which is given as 800,000 square kilometres, there is enough of this material to raise the general surface of those lands by 255 feet. The same amount of material would suffice to fill up all the numerous lakes of Finland and Sweden sixteen or seventeen times over. Or, if tumbled into the Baltic, it would fill the basin of that sea one and a half times. In short, enough northern rock-débris lies upon the low-grounds of northern Europe, which, were it restored to the countries from which it has been taken, would obliterate all the lake-hollows of Finland and Sweden, raise the level of those lands by 80 feet, and fill up the entire basin of the Baltic, with all its bays. And yet this estimate leaves out of account all the material which the ice-sheet carried away from Norway and the British Islands.
Of the glaciation of our own land I need say very little. The configuration of our country necessarily made it a centre of dispersion during the Ice Age, and the ice which covered Ireland, Scotland, and the major portion of England radiated outwards from the dominant elevations of the land. But as the ice creeping outwards from those centres became confluent, the directions which it followed were often considerably modified, especially upon the low-grounds. We know that the British ice-sheet not only covered the land up to near the tops of our higher mountains, but filled up all our seas and extended into the Atlantic beyond the coasts of Ireland and the Outer Hebrides – these latter islands having been glaciated from the east by the ice that flowed outwards from the mainland. Another point upon which we are now well assured is the fact that the British and Scandinavian ice-sheets coalesced, so that the basin of the North Sea completely brimmed over with glacier-ice.
Finally, then, in contemplating the physical conditions that obtained in northern Europe at the climax of the Ice Age, we have to picture to ourselves the almost total obliteration under a vast ice-sheet of all the land-features of the British Islands, Scandinavia, and Finland, and the adjacent low-lying tracts of Denmark, Holland, Germany, Poland, and Russia. If at that distant date a prehistoric man could have stood on the summit of Snaehatten, he would have seen an apparently interminable plain of snow and ice, bounded only by the visible horizon. Could he have followed the plain southwards in hopes of escaping from it, he would have descended its gently-sloping surface by imperceptible gradations for a distance of 700 miles, before he reached its termination at the foot of the mountains of middle Germany. Or, could he have set out upon an easterly course, he would have crossed the Gulf of Bothnia, buried several thousand feet beneath him, and touched the foot-slopes of the Ural Mountains before he gained the terminal front of the ice-cap, a distance of 1600 miles. On the other hand, had he walked south-west in the direction of Ireland, he would have traversed the area of the North Sea at a height of several thousand feet above its bed, and, crossing the British area, would only have reached the ice-front at a point some 50 miles beyond the coast of Ireland. Here he would have seen the ice-sheet presenting a steep face to the assaults of the Atlantic, and breaking away in massive tabular bergs, like those which are calved by the ice-cap of the Antarctic regions.
I must now pass rapidly in review the facts relating to the glaciation of the mountainous regions which lay outside of the area covered by the northern ice-sheet. The glaciers of the Alps of Switzerland, about which so much has been written, and the study of which first gave Venetz, Charpentier, and Agassiz the clue to the meaning of striated rocks, boulder-clay, and erratics, are, as is well known, the puny descendants of former gigantic ice-flows. At the culmination of the Ice Age all the mountain-valleys of Switzerland and northern Italy were choked with glaciers that streamed out upon the low-grounds. Along the northern slopes of the Alps, as in Bavaria and Würtemberg, these glaciers coalesced to form a considerable ice-sheet, and so likewise did the glaciers that descended from Switzerland, Savoy, and Dauphiny, into the great valley of the Rhone. Even in north Italy the same was the case with the glaciers that occupied the valleys in which now lie Lakes Orta, Maggiore, Varese, Lugano, and Como – the united ice-flows of those valleys forming a glacier which deployed upon the plains of the Po, with a frontage of not less than 40 miles.
To the north of the Alps, the Vosges Mountains and the Black Forest, the Harz, the Erz Gebirge, the Riesen Gebirge, and the Böhmer-Wald – all had their perennial ice and glaciers, although none of those elevated tracts now reaches the snow-line. It was the same with the Carpathians and the Urals, amongst which we meet with relics of much larger ice-streams than any that now exist in the Alps. Considerably further south were the glaciers of the Despoto Dagh of Roumelia. Great glaciers also in former times descended from the Caucasus, and in many hilly regions of Asia Minor indubitable traces of similar large ice-flows have been detected. The high-grounds of central France, and the mountains of Beaujolais and Lyonnais supported considerable glaciers, while from the Pyrenees numerous glaciers of the first class flowed out upon the low-grounds of France, and considerable ice-streams occupied the mountain-valleys on the Spanish side. Other Peninsular chains – the Serra da Estrella, the Sierra Guadarama, and the Sierra Nevada – had likewise their snow-fields and ice-streams. The same was the case with the Apennines and the Apuan Alps of Italy, the traces of former glacial action being conspicuous over a considerable part of Tuscany. Even in Corsica we encounter the same evidence of glaciation – striated rock-surfaces and moraines – which point to the former descent of considerable glaciers from Monte Rotondo.
But rock-striæ and moraines are not the only proofs of former cold and humid conditions having prevailed over middle and southern Europe at the climax of the glacial period. The limestone-breccias of Gibraltar have been described by Professor Ramsay and myself, and we have shown that these could only have been formed under the influence of excessive frost and melting snows. The limestone of the Rock has been broken up along the ridge, and its fragments showered down the slopes, at a time when these were more or less thickly covered with snow. Resting upon and imbedded in this snow, the rock-rubbish would be carried downward and outward during the gradual melting that took place in summer. And in this way immense accumulations of débris were borne forwards over the low-grounds that extended from the base of the Rock into regions which are now partially submerged. Breccias which have probably had a similar origin occur also in Corsica, Malta, and Cyprus, and doubtless they will yet be recognised in many other places. Again, over wide areas in northern France and the south of England, we meet with extensive sheets of earthy clay and rock-rubbish, which have certainly been heaped up under very different conditions of climate than obtain now. This stony earth has evidently travelled down the gentle slopes of the land, under the influence of frost and melting snow, in much the same way as ice-driven rock-rubbish and soil move slowly down the slopes of such dreary regions as Patagonia and certain low-lying tracts within the Arctic Circle.
Changes of Climate in Europe during the Ice Age
We come next to the very interesting question of alternations of climate during the Ice Age. The evidence under this head has accumulated to such an extent within recent years as to convince most students of Pleistocene geology that very extensive changes of climate characterised the glacial period. How many such changes took place we are not yet in a position to say, but we know that the intensely arctic condition of things which has just been described was interrupted more than once by what have been termed “interglacial epochs,” during which a mild and genial climate prevailed over middle and northern Europe. For some time it was believed that such “interglacial epochs” had only a local significance, that they bespoke mere transitory retreats of the ice-fields, such as are known to have taken place within historical times in the glacier-valleys of the Alps. But increased observation and reflection have shown that this explanation of the phenomena of “interglacial beds” will not suffice. It is impossible to enter here upon details, but I may briefly state that the evidence in question is two-fold. First, we have the stratigraphical evidence. We have ascertained the existence, over wide areas in this and other glaciated countries, of several successive sheets of boulder-clay, which are often separated from each other by fossiliferous aqueous strata. It has been demonstrated that each of these sheets of sub-glacial detritus is the accumulation of a separate and distinct ice-flow. Second, we have the evidence of fossil organic remains. We find, for example, that the flora which covered the low-grounds of middle and temperate Europe during a certain stage of the glacial or Pleistocene period, consisted of plants which are now restricted to the tops of our mountains and to northern Scandinavia. The characteristic fauna associated with that flora embraced the reindeer, glutton, mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, Arctic fox lemming, chamois, and so forth. We know, indeed, that man hunted the reindeer and the mammoth in the south of France. Similar testimony to the coldness and humidity of the climate is borne by the land- and freshwater shells which occur in certain Pleistocene deposits in Italy, Corsica, southern France, Switzerland, Germany, etc. That this flora and fauna were contemporaneous with the great glaciation of our Continent has been as well ascertained as the fact of the Roman occupation of Britain. But if the evidence of organic remains strongly confirms and supports that supplied by the distribution of glacial deposits in Europe, no less forcibly does it corroborate the physical evidence as to the former existence of a warm and genial interglacial climate. During interglacial times a most abundant mammalian fauna roamed over all temperate Europe – a fauna comprising such animals as Irish deer, urus, bison, horse, stag, saiga, brown bear, grisly bear, several species of elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, hyæna, lion, leopard, etc. A like tale of genial conditions is told by the land- and freshwater shells, which occur in some of the Pleistocene deposits of England, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. The testimony of the associated flora is just as striking. How genial and equable must have been the climate which permitted plants like the Canary laurel, the Judas-tree, the fig-tree, and others to flourish side by side in the north of France, with such forms as the hazel, willow, ash, and sycamore! The most noteworthy additions to our knowledge of interglacial conditions which have recently been made are the results obtained by M. Gaudry in the valley of the Seine, and by Dr. Penck in Bavarian Tyrol, the latter of whom has shown that there have been at least three great advances of the Alpine glaciers, separated by long-continued mild conditions, during which the glaciers receded far into the mountains.
It is interesting to observe that we have, especially in our own islands, good evidence to show that during the glacial period considerable oscillations of the relative level of land and sea took place. Thus, it has been ascertained, that just before the latest epoch of extensive glaciation, the British Islands were largely submerged in the sea. To what depth this remarkable submergence was carried we do not know, because any marine deposits which may have been accumulated at that time over the drowned country were for the most part obliterated by the action of the ice-sheet which subsequently covered and reglaciated our lands.12 But the few fragments of such marine deposits as have been preserved show us that the depression reached more than 500 feet in Scotland (i. e., measured from the present sea-level), and exceeding 1000 feet in Wales and Ireland. We note, then, in passing, that the only great Pleistocene submergence of these lands of which geologists have any knowledge took place before the appearance of the last general ice-sheet that overflowed our low-grounds. The submergences of a later date were of inconsiderable importance, hardly exceeding 100 feet or thereabouts below the present sea-level. The latest occupant of our islands and of northern Europe was not the sea, but ice. The “Palæocrystic Sea,” which we have been recently assured would account for our glacial phenomena, is of “the stuff that dreams are made of.” There is not a jot or tittle of evidence for the former existence of such a sea over any part of Britain or the continent of Europe.
It is not necessary for my present purpose to enter further into the evidence of interglacial conditions. The latest northern ice-sheet was preceded by a long epoch of mild and genial conditions, during which elephants and hippopotami ranged north as far at least as Yorkshire; while middle Germany, as we know from the testimony of its interglacial deposits, enjoyed a similar delightful climate. And yet the immediately preceding glacial epoch had seen all those fertile regions covered with an ice-sheet that extended south as far as the fiftieth parallel of latitude. Now the question with which I am at present concerned is the extent of the latest general glaciation. Did the last great ice-sheet reach as far south as its predecessor? It certainly did not. Its bottom-moraine has now been mapped out and distinguished from that of the older ice-sheet, and we know that it does not extend so far south as the latter. It is entirely absent over all the region to the west of the River Elbe, from near Dresden to Hamburg and the coast of Holland.13 So that western Germany and Holland, which were covered by ice during the epoch of greatest glaciation, were not invaded by the ice-sheet underneath which the upper boulder-clay was accumulated. This latest ice-sheet, however, overwhelmed all Mecklenburg and Mark Brandenburg, and streamed south nearly as far as Saxony; its southern margin extended east through Silesia, by Liegnitz and Breslau, into Poland and Russia. But the precise line it followed in the latter country has yet to be ascertained. We may surmise, however, that it nowhere reached so far south or east as the ice-flow of the earlier epoch. I may add that the southern termination of the latest ice-sheet is in many places marked out by heaps, mounds, and ridges of earthy sand, gravel, rolled stones, and erratics; in short, by terminal moraines. These, however, are frequently highly degraded and washed down.
Of the extension of glacier-ice in the British Islands at the epoch in question I shall only say that the glaciation of Scotland was hardly, if at all, less extensive than during the climax of the Ice Age. Ireland, too, appears to have been almost as thickly mantled; but the ice-sheet that covered England and Wales did not extend so far south as that of the penultimate glacial epoch, a considerable area in East Anglia and the midland counties remaining apparently free from invasion. The Scandinavian and British ice-sheets, however, again coalesced upon the floor of the North Sea.
The Results of Fluvio-glacial Action in Europe
The third question which I now proceed to consider is the result produced by the rivers and torrents of the Ice Age. This, I am aware, is a wide subject, and one upon which much has been written. But there are a few points which may be advantageously discussed for the purpose of bringing into prominent view the conditions which obtained in the river-valleys of Europe during the last great extension of glacier-ice.
A little consideration will serve to convince one that the intense glacial conditions that obtained in our Continent during the cold epochs of the glacial period were due to a low temperature, combined with excessive snow-fall. The winters, we can have no doubt, must have been prolonged and severe. But mere low temperature will not account for the enormous precipitation of snow. For this, great evaporation was required. And we are therefore forced to admit that the direct heat of the sun in summer must have been greater than it is in the same regions at the present day. Now, if this were really the case (and I do not see how otherwise the facts can be explained), then we ought to meet with evidence of swollen rivers, torrents, and widespread inundations everywhere outside of the glaciated areas. And this is precisely what we do find. Immense accumulations of coarse gravels are widely spread over all the valleys that head in regions which were formerly the sites of snow-fields and glaciers. These gravels are of such a character and are so distributed as to make it certain that they could not have been transported to and deposited in their present positions by rivers like those which now wind their way down the valleys of middle Europe. Still more remarkable are the enormous sheets of loam which are spread over much wider areas and reach to more considerable heights than the gravels. The origin of the gravels is sufficiently evident; they are simply the coarser detritus, swept along by the enormously flooded rivers of the glacial period, and meet with their analogues in the torrential gravels of modern glacier-valleys in the Alps and other elevated regions. The more widely-spread loams, according to the opinion of most glacialists, represent the finer mud and silt deposited from the muddy waters of the same period. But the height to which such gravels and loams ascend is so great that those who hold them to be of fluvio-glacial origin have found it difficult to maintain this view. Some writers, indeed, who have not sufficiently considered the weight of the evidence in its favour, have set it aside, and boldly suggested all kinds of wonderful hypotheses in its place. One imaginative author, for example, believes the wide-spread loams to be of volcanic origin, while another finds in the same deposits strong evidence of the Deluge. By a well-known and experienced observer, the famous löss of middle Europe is considered to be an Æolian accumulation – that is to say, a wind-blown deposit – the result of long-continued or frequently-repeated dust-storms. This is the opinion of Baron Richthofen, whose great work on China is so justly esteemed. He infers that at the time of the formation of our löss central Europe was a dry desiccated region, just as wide areas in central Asia are in our own day. He does not attempt to show us, however, how such climatic conditions could ever obtain in Europe. In point of fact, the geographical conditions of our Continent have not changed materially since Pleistocene times, and the presence of the wide Atlantic Ocean, that laves all our western shores, is of itself sufficient to preclude the possibility of such a climate having obtained in middle Europe. Richthofen’s theory likewise fails to account for the geographical distribution of the löss, and for many facts relating to its geology. Only one of these last shall I mention. The löss is intimately associated with accumulations, the glacial and fluvio-glacial origin of which cannot be doubted. It belongs, in fact, to the glacial series, and was laid down at a time when vast snow-fields and ice-sheets existed, and when it is quite impossible that a dry climate could have characterised any part of our Continent. In common with most geologists, I believe that the löss is simply an inundation-mud, deposited in temporary lakes and over flooded areas during the summer meltings of the snow- and ice-fields; and I shall now try to show how the occurrence at high levels of gravels and such loams as the löss may be accounted for without having recourse to volcanic action or to winds, or even to the Deluge. I shall invoke no agencies other than those which we are perfectly well assured were in full operation during the Ice Age.
Now, I ask you, in the first place, to bear in mind that while a glacial epoch continued, extreme conditions could not have been restricted to the areas undergoing glaciation. There is abundant evidence, indeed, to show that heavy, snows occasionally covered other regions, and that in such places severe frosts acted upon the rocks and soils even of the low-grounds. Need we wonder if at a time when the northern ice-sheet approached the fiftieth parallel of latitude in middle Europe, when almost every mountain-group of central and southern Europe had its snow-fields and glaciers – need we wonder if at such a time the climate of wide areas outside of the glaciated tracts was extremely ungenial? The more closely the superficial accumulations of such areas are studied, the more clearly do we perceive in them the evidence of cold and humid conditions. Try, then, to picture to yourselves the probable aspect of those regions during a glacial epoch. Immediately south of the northern ice-sheet deep snows must have buried large tracts of country, and such snows may have endured often for long years, notwithstanding the great melting that took place in summer. Even much further south, as in Spain and Italy, deep snows would cover the lesser hills and hill-ranges, while frost would act energetically in many a district where such action is now either inconsiderable or unknown. Such being the general conditions that must have obtained in the non-glaciated areas, let us very briefly consider what the results of such conditions must necessarily have been. Every one has noticed, during the more or less rapid melting of snow in winter and early spring, that our streams and rivers are then much muddier than when in summer and autumn they are swollen by heavy rains. This of course is due to the action of frost, by means of which rocks are disintegrated and soils are broken up and pulverised, so that when thaw supervenes, the superficial covering becomes soaked with moisture like a sponge. To such an extent does this take place, that one may often see the saturated soil creeping, slipping, and even flowing down the slopes. The effect of mere thaw is of course much intensified when the water derived from melting snows is present. Rills and tiny brooks then become converted into dark muddy torrents, and enormous quantities of fine-grained detritus are eventually swept into the rivers. The rivers rise in flood and inundate their plains, over the surface of which considerable deposits of loam and silt often accumulate. We cannot doubt that similar but much more intense action must have taken place over very wide regions in Europe during a glacial epoch. Such having necessarily been the case, we are not required to suppose that the löss and similar loams have been deposited entirely by rivers flowing from glaciers. It is doubtless true that most of the rivers headed in those days in glacier regions, and must in consequence have been highly discoloured with glacial mud, and probably a very large proportion of the loams in question consists of the fine flour of rocks – the result of glacial grinding. But the action of frost and thaw and melting snow upon the low-grounds, such as I have described, cannot be ignored, and seems to have played a more important rôle than has yet been recognised. I think it helps us better to explain the well-known fact that land-shells are more or less commonly distributed through the löss. One can readily understand, at all events, how snail-shells might be swept down the slopes of the land at the time of the spring thaws, and how large numbers might find their way eventually into the swollen glacial rivers. I have often observed, during the melting of snow and the thawing of soils, quantities of snail-shells in the very act of being swept into our brooks and rills. And we are all familiar with the fact that, after a spring-flood has subsided, snail-shells, along with vegetable débris, are often plentifully stranded upon the valley-slopes and flood-plains of our rivers.
Admitting, then, that the löss and similar accumulations are simply inundation-loams formed at a time when glaciers were discharging immense volumes of muddy water, and when the low-grounds were liable every summer to the denuding action of melting snows, and so forth, I have yet to account for the fact that these supposed inundation-loams sometimes occur at a height of 100 feet, or even of 300 feet, above the present levels of the rivers. Two theories have been advanced in explanation, each of which seems to me to contain an element of truth. It has, in the first place, been maintained, as by Prestwich, that the löss at the higher levels was probably deposited long before the rivers had excavated their channels to their present depths. Thus, during flood, they would be enabled to overflow tracts which they could not possibly have reached when they had deepened their valleys to a much greater degree. But while we must fully admit that the erosion effected by the rivers of the Pleistocene or Glacial period was excessive, yet we find it difficult or impossible to believe that great valleys, several miles in width, and two or three hundred feet in depth, were excavated in hard Devonian and other equally durable rocks by the swollen and active rivers of the Ice Age. And although it is extremely probable that the löss at the highest levels is older than the similar deposit at the lowest levels of such a valley as the Rhine, yet this does not get us out of our difficulty.
The other view to which I have alluded takes little or no account of river-erosion, but maintains that the floods of the Ice Age were sufficiently great to reach the highest levels at which river-gravels and loams occur. It is likely enough that, under present conditions, we can form but a very inadequate idea of the vast bodies of freshwater which formerly swept down our valleys, but we may be pardoned if we express our inability to conceive of our European rivers flowing with a breadth of many miles, and a depth of two or three hundred feet.
A few years before his death, Mr. Darwin made a suggestion to me, which I think gives us the true solution of the problem. He thought that during an Ice Age great beds of frozen snow might have accumulated over the low-grounds outside of the glaciated areas (in the manner I have already described), and that many valleys might have been filled to a considerable depth during a large part of the year with blown snow, afterwards congealed. In autumn, when the running water failed, the lines of drainage might in many cases be more or less choked, and it would be a mere chance whether the drainage, together with gravel, sand, and mud, would follow precisely the same lines during the next summer. Such action being repeated year after year, it might well happen that many river-valleys might become largely filled with rudely alternating layers of frozen snow and fluviatile detritus. And if this were so, the flooded rivers in summer would be enabled to overflow much wider and more elevated tracts than they could otherwise have reached. As the climate became less excessive, we can conceive of the frozen snows gradually melting, and of river-detritus being deposited at lower and lower levels in the valleys.