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Root Chakra Mediation

Close your eyes, take a nice long deep breath in, hold and exhale.

Take another deep breath in and feel all the muscles of your body relaxing muscle by muscle, as you exhale let go of all the stresses, worries or cares of the day.

Feel the heaviness of your eyes as they relax, relaxing so much that it’s impossible to open at this time.

In your mind’s eye, imagine the sun above your head, bright and bold. Feel the warmth of the sun on your head. Take the warmth and pull it down through your body, relaxing the muscles as you do, lingering in any areas that you feel any tightness or tension. Let the warmth penetrate deep into the muscle releasing the fears and anxieties that reside there. Feel your body as it melts into the chair that you are sitting on.

Let the warmth of the sun travel down your legs like a gentle river flowing into all the necessary areas. Feel this flow go into mother earth like the roots of a tree, strengthening your being and your soul allowing your body and mind to be in perfect balance. As the beats of mother earth resonate through your existence you bask in this energy.

Take a few minutes and enjoy all that life has to offer, enjoy the beauty of mother earth.

As the magic of mother earth embraces you, nourishes your soul and replenishes your body,

allow your body to go deeper, deeper towards the core of mother earth. Feel the heat and power of the magma, as this washes over you it restores you. Let the energy blend with you and become you absorbing the qualities and properties of mother earth. Feel the connection to mother earth and the abundance of life force that connects your root chakra to mother earth and all that she has. Feel as one with the universe, feel complete and whole.

Take a few minutes to truly absorb this amazing energy, which now you have connected with can reconnect with at any time.

It’s now time to journey back, bringing with you, the energy you have found in mother earth. Your view of mother earth and her uniqueness has changed, your view on life has new meaning of beauty and simplicity.

Begin to feel the room in which you sit and the chair you are on. Feel your toes and fingers, feel the awareness return to your body. When you are ready, open your eyes.

Wow, what a powerful meditation! Your mind will feel so clear and a new sense of clarity and perspective. We often neglect the beauty the power and significance of mother earth and what she has to offer. We don’t pay her as much attention as we should and our world is constantly harming her. As you become more aware pay attention to how she behaves, are the earthquakes that happen and tsunamis that have occurred really a big surprise?! Could it be her way of bringing people back together and our sense of community spirit that has been lost? Is it away of clearing the land getting rid of the old and preparing for the new? Could it be karma being repaid to areas that have really hurt and damaged her, food for thought!!

Being grounded on your journey is important as it helps to keep you focused and provide clarity into your insights. It helps to keep you balanced between spirit and reality, keeping us in the now and the present moment.

Signs when we need grounded are when we begin to daydream, feeling dizzy for no apparent reason, even arguing and not getting your point across, when you recognise any of these then redo the mediation or the visualisation earlier to ground you back to earth.

Tools to help on your journey

Crystals are another tool that you can use to help on your spiritual journey. Crystals linked to the root chakra are ruby, garnet, bloodstone, diamond and hematite. Meditating with crystals can also be beneficial as they can take you on a fascinating journey and tell you a story. Carry the crystals with you and feel the qualities of the stone calm and ground you. These crystals are just suggestions relating to the chakra. What I find when choosing a crystal to work with, go with the crystal you are drawn to as there will be a reason as to why it resonates with you.

A year or two ago, I was at a local body and soul event where local traders of crystals, psychics, mediums and other new age people come together for the occasion. One such time I attended one with my youngest son, he had some money and was dying to spend it, so he had a look around and then when back to the stalls that had the crystals he was drawn to. At that particular time when we attended, he had been suffering from knee and lower back issues after falling from his bike and he was receiving physiotherapy for it. Anyway, all the crystals he picked that day were to do with spinal realignment. I was gobsmacked when I got home and checked them out, red jasper was his favourite and is known as the worry bead which was relevant to him at that time. It also cleanses the blood and the circulatory system which he would have needed to help the damage he had done to the area. The other crystal I remember he bought a few pieces of was selenite, which is good for the calming of the mind and realigning the spinal column and strengthening the skeletal system, which amazed me. He was a young boy of nine years and he had tapped into his intuition and the subtle energies of the crystals and selected the ones that would heal his body.

I do know that after using them he felt much better, the pain subsided quiet substantially and only required a few more sessions of physiotherapy. It’s amazing what happens when we follow our instincts and trust!

Automatic writing is another tool in connecting with spirit, your higher self and the angels. I like to do this and it’s outstanding the messages that come through. Parts of this book have happened this way. Initially similar to meditation, it’s good to quieten the mind and just write the thoughts, words, and phrases that come in. It’s when you read it back and you see you have a perfectly formed conversation and paragraph in front of you, that you don’t recall writing! That’s freaky but rather cool. You may also find that the writing isn’t yours that’s a strange thing to see. Sometimes I have seen my writing change a few times and this to me is indication that there has been more than one angel or spirit working with me.

Here is the first automatic message I received

Blessed is the light that shines you on your way, be guided. Trust! Believe this is the key. Follow the wind be free, wherever it takes you be free!”

As you practice it, you might ask a question then wait for the answer. I have seen sometimes when I have written a reply to a text message and spirit or the angels have taken over and I read it back, there’s no errors and has perfect flow. Normally I have fingers and thumbs when typing and make up random words, the curse of predictive text on mobile phones.

Parts of this book came flooding in this way, sometimes when I wasn’t ready and mid treatment with someone - not the perfect timing - and I had to mentally ask for them to wait until I was able to write things down or provide me with a mental dictator phone. The number of notebooks I required was unbelievable, random bits of paper with writing on it took over. Even when typing on the computer sometimes my fingers just took over.

Dowsing is another means of asking yes no questions and receiving answers. Using a pendulum you hold it steady in your fingers and you ask it for a yes and for a no. For me a yes will rotate round in circles and no will rock backwards and forwards. Firstly, I will start by using obvious yes and no questions like is my name Heather “yes” am I 65 years old “no” (thankfully) although sometimes I feel it, but you get my drift of the context. After that, I will ask other questions I am looking for answers to in my life. I even use it at the start of the day to see what clients will turn up and which won’t, usually it is correct. Sometimes if I ask it if a client will turn up and I get a no but it’s only slightly moving, it normally means that no they won’t turn up at 2pm, more likely 2.15pm. It’s useful to give me an idea how my day is going to go.

Tarot cards and oracle cards are good tools to use. You don’t need to read them professionally, you can use them for yourself and I do have to confess here that I love using the cards. I have quite a collection of cards. I find I am drawn to a certain packs for different occasions, sometimes I use two or three packs. Initially, I found I did the cards first and read them, interpreted them and incorporated the meanings into my day. Now I find that I use them as a backup. For example, if I had done a reiki and gave some feedback from what came out during the session, always when I used the cards it just echoed what I had said, which was brilliant confirmation not only, for me but to clients too.

One recently that was remarkable, was prior to the reiki session starting, my friend was telling me that in the morning she heard a really loud noise almost like a bumble bee humming in her ear. She had asked her husband “Can you hear that?”, to which he replied “No”. Instantly, when she said what she heard I had the thought that it was her tuning into the frequencies of spirit. Already I had picked up the fact that the angels were there waiting for her to connect and ask them for help. After the reiki I gave her cards to pick and she selected three. The first one had the words presence and acceptance on it. The picture, I kid you not was of a little girl looking in wonder and a bright bumble bee that radiated light – how uncanny was that? That was precisely the image she had described, the little girl on the card was her. Confirmation that what we had discussed was right.

All these are just some of the ways that you can help to open up and connect with your spiritual side. What is important is that you do what resonates with you and that you feel comfortable with, but also practice practice practice….

Here are some essential oils that can help whilst working on the root chakra these include




 Ylang ylang

These can be blended in a massage carrier oil and applied to the body or can be used in an oil diffuser.

Crystals for the Root Chakra




 Red jasper

 Black tourmaline


Message from the angels

Once our inner love for ourselves is found, it creates a strength and a power within. Confidence grows and your body and mind ooze vitality.

When we let go of all the pain and emotions that we choose to carry, our body energy flows freely without blocks. When we let it go our health returns.

The hardest part to understand and accept is when you are on your spiritual path that you have caused your own pains and own health issues and they could have been avoided, if we knew then what we know now. You don’t consciously choose to be in pain but you do chose to hold on to the emotions that keep you stuck in the past. Chose to let them go, choose to be free.

Sacral Chakra

This chakra is found near the base of the spine and just below the naval, the lower part of the abdomen. The colour connected to this chakra is orange. This chakra is connected to sexual energy, emotions, relationships, abundance, wellbeing and healing.

When imbalances occur here, it can cause problems with our sexual energy and how we feel about sex, how we feel about ourselves and how we think and feel about our financial position.

As we get older, the sacral chakra can become blocked, more so for women. The reason I say this as women have more things to adapt and change to that can alter their perception of themselves through marriage and becoming a mother and they often lose sight of who they are. It does also happen to men too what I am saying is that it is more noticeable in women.

My experience happened when I got divorced and I had a real battle with my identity. I was no longer Heather Rankine, wife and mother, but neither was I Heather McCabe, who I was before, being a wife and mother and as my life had changed so much, now I was just Heather. Not that that was a bad thing however I just had to find out who Heather was again out with being Shaun and Callan’s mum and the ex-wife!

This was when it dawned on me that I had really lost me! My self-worth and my true self. I had become absorbed in marriage and trying to be a good wife (which didn’t do me any good!) and being a good mother to my boys and I trundled along in life forgetting all about myself, no wonder I had felt so disconnected!

As I opened up spiritually and accepted who I was, I began to reconnect to who Heather was and is and now after a long process I love who I am, a feeling I had never had before. Our wee spiritual group and using meditation and the going within that allowed for that to happen.

My orchestrated divine moment began during our weekly meditations, as they began to centre on love, the feelings and sensations of what love is - was becoming intense. It made me feel anxious in a good way, as if I wanted it to hurry up. I was going away on a trip to Inverness on holiday to visit family and a long lost friend and I had the thought that I would meet someone when I was away. A few days before I left, I started talking to a guy and we got on really well and a few days after I got back, we met up for dinner and had a really lovely evening and agreed to meet again. I had a mixture of emotions running through me, but at the same time I knew something inside me was different. I was different and my perceptions of a lover/partner or soul mate had changed. I had allowed my heart to open up and for me to allow myself to love, me, a little bit more. By doing so I had attracted someone into my life and I was surprised by the emotions that it stirred up inside me, like was I ready for this but was this really what I wanted?

As I started to date the guy a book called “Loveability” by Robert Holden managed to find its way into my life. The book was amazing, it was like Robert had written the book especially for me and it taught me so much about myself. I started to do the exercises telling myself whilst looking in the mirror that “I loved myself”.

This was very strange and very surreal doing these exercises. I remember going through a range of emotions doing this. At first I found it really difficult to look at myself in the mirror and utter these words to myself it felt very alien at first and then after a few times, I adjusted and it was ok and kept doing it. It is amazing how your body responds to simple caring words, it’s like every cell of your body responds and your mood, your energy completely shifts, I was very impressed. It made me realise how far I had come to even consider doing the exercise and to even carry it out and it taught me how far I still have to go, but equally how far I had come on my journey.

A bolt of lightning hit me during my time dating the guy that he actually saw me for me the unique individual that I am. He hadn’t judged me and the only person judging me was myself. I felt a wave of gratitude for this and I had to tell him. Before I would have held right back and worried about the reaction, but I didn’t. It felt too important not to thank him.

My gratitude to him came from my heart and I felt safe and connected enough to be able to express this to him and my message was delivered to him with an open heart.

The gratitude had raised my kundalini energy and my sensual side began to rise. This wasn’t about “sex”, this was a connection on a much deeper level. The feelings I had, had sparked something inside me and made me feel more connected to my feminine energy, I felt whole and womanly.

Even on a sexual level I am more comfortable and sex is no longer the mechanical mechanism that it is thought of in western ideas, it is so much more!

Never before had I thought or explored the fact that touch and the use of your breath can create heightened sexual sensations, awakening your body bring about a mind body experience.

Loving yourself – truly loving yourself down to each wrinkle and cellulite on your thigh, the extra lb’s of weight you carry, having that deep unconditional love for yourself and others and connection of oneness is what really heightens your sexual experience. Understanding that brought new spiritual growth and completed the part of the jigsaw for me. This connection and sexual and sensual pleasure was what I had thought an intimate encounter should be like.

Although the relationship didn’t last longer than a few months, that was ok. It showed me that it was alright to be myself and express myself on many levels, although at times I felt vulnerable expressing myself on a deeper emotional level in a whole new way. I know that I spoke from my heart and I felt comfortable knowing that I had shared my feelings honestly.

I know that partly the relationship hadn’t worked as I had stepped into my power and I was comfortable with who I was (am). What began to happen was it was highlighting to him that he was lost, he had lost is identity and by focusing on wanting to “fix me” by him feeling needed by me took the attention off of him and his disconnection to his life. He wasn’t ready to face his issues so he went on his own journey.

I am grateful for what the relationship showed me and how far I had come in being Heather again. No way would I bow to someone else again. I had an inner strength and independence that made me ME. I knew this was a trial run and that I will be with someone that connects with me spiritually and allows me to be me and that’s what we all deserve.

The journeys end with this guy taught me that although he allowed me to reconnect with my feminine energies, which I don’t need to have the physical connection of another. By being comfortable with yourself and exploring yourself and your sexual desires, you can keep your femininity alive. It doesn’t have to be lost. If you don’t know who you are sexually and what creates the power to ignite you, how can you connect with another expecting them to achieve it for you?!

So what is kundalini

There is lots written about kundalini and a number of definitions of what it actually is. The definition that resonates with me is that kundalini is a heightened energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and becomes activated through esoteric and spiritual connections, where we connect with our own enlightenment and experience bliss, true bliss. Although it lies at the bottom of the spine, it connects up to the sacral chakra and it’s believed that the energy flows in a triangular way, flooding the pelvic area. When you harness the power and energy through kundalini awakening, you can train the energy to flow through your whole body, pulling it up through each of the chakras, intensifying your spiritual awakening.

Kundalini yoga is one way that this can be achieved using a systematic approach.

My awakening began through the meditations and my gratitude that this guy had taught me. It was the first awareness of the power of gratitude and the positive effects it has on the body.

As the gratitude filled my head, the angels were with me as I sat in my treatment room, being bombarded with the bones of this book, you hold in your hands. Birthing the idea of a spiritual journey that had taught me how to love myself on a deeper and more complex level than ever before and how the awakened feminine energies allowed me to connect with this guy, in a way I had never experienced before. Being honest and open from the heart. How touch, soft touch can be so electric and orgasmic than sex itself.

That sex itself is underrated, when two souls connect their touch, their synchronicities of their breath heighten their pleasure and that it is felt through every cell of their bodies and their bonds deepen.

By connecting with yourself and being true to yourself, love fills all of your body.

As kundalini begins to awaken there are usually pre awakening symptoms as you could say. These include:-

 Changes in the mind and thought processes


 Vivid dreams that appear real


 Synchronistic events

 Seeing the world differently

 Changes in perspective, how you think and perceive things

 Eyes opening wide as the mind quietens and absorbs

As you advance and spiritual awakening begins to happen you may experience the following:-

(These are just guides and my experiences)

 Sudden rise of energy and sense of energy

 See nature different, seeing the beauty in nature that surrounds us and the vivid colours it has to offer

 Sensations of time standing still, losing the sense of time altogether

 Experience healing symptoms, rushes of energy and flashes of light, blue, green, yellow

 Information being “downloaded” to you

 Receiving information about your life purpose

 Revelations of past lives coming back, giving a deeper understanding to you

Once we begin on a spiritual path it is hard to turn back. Our minds are open and expanded and life is completely different. Sexual energy is important when raising the kundalini and enhancing our spiritual flow.

Kundalini is achieved by a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energies existing in the body at the same time.

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