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"The important thing I always stored externally," Benny answered. "The other things may not be so important or can be made up again."

"When would you have time?" Asked Brauner.

"Maybe next Friday," Benny thought. "The disk drive is still working, so it's not in a hurry."

"Okay, Mr. Fischer, I have to leave now."

A little later, Benny was out of the house. His son soon had school and he wanted to pick him up. Finally the Easter holidays were coming.

In the meantime, a school was used to read out stories that were thrown to the screen by a daylight projector. The student Julia Schneider had just finished and reaped great applause. All the students had written their names on placards, because Mrs. Gerold was only to represent the sick Mr. Baumgartner.

"That was very good, Julia," praised Mrs. Gerold. She would be around the beginning of 40, had dark blond hair, smooth hair, and at the same time loveable and strict.

"Now we have a poem," continued Mrs. Gerold. "Schiller's bell. Who would say it? "

Many students raised their hands. Mrs. Gerold looked at all the children. Her choice fell on a dark-haired boy who was sitting on the left in the fourth row. `Niki Fischer' stood on his shield. It was Bennys son.

"Niki." Read Mrs. Gerold.

This began:

"Fresh in the place it is made of clay!

Today she must be a bell. Fresh friends, be at hand ... "

While the little Niki recited the poem, one could look closely at it.

Niki was the younger likeness of his father. The same hair, the same nose, face shape, even the mouth was like that of his father. Only the deep-black eyes, from which a lot of temperament flashed, came from his mother. Although Benny was often unable to cope with the inexhaustible energy of his son, he loved the child idolatrous, for Niki was the only consolation after Benny's fate.

Niki was quite self-sufficient for his age. He often went shopping alone and could even cook. But his fierce temperament sometimes brought his father to the boil.

And yet, Niki possessed the certain something with which he could conquer all hearts. His classmates appreciated and loved him. Teachers also praised him in high tones. Just recently, Benny had received a letter from the school management, which included:

"Niki thrives magnificently, and he is the jewel in our school."

While Niki recited the poem, he was mustered by all the pupils of the class. Especially the dark-haired Julia beamed at him. She was an inconspicuous, not very pretty girl with sad eyes, and would have liked to become his friend, but she was too shy to tell him. But now there was determination in her eyes. Did she want to tell him something today? She did not let him out of his sight. Finally, today was the last day of school before the Easter holidays.

The bell rang. The children packed everything together, because nothing could be forgotten. Niki whizzed out of the schoolroom and cleared his locker. Today he wore his beloved dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt with a hit-on print, as well as blue and white striped shoes. He was in the middle of emptying as his classmate Julia slowly approached him.

"Hello, Niki," she said shyly.

The boy turned around.

"Oh, Julia. What's up?"

A little embarrassed, the girl looked at him and said softly:

"Belated happy birthday. I ... "Julia interrupted herself and lowered her gaze. Then she looked at him again and continued:

"I have a gift for you."

She held a pack in her hand. When Niki opened it, he got big eyes. It was a Rauruk-Spardose, which could speak, if one a coin. Niki's eyes glowed all over his face, and he pressed a fat kiss on his cheek to his classmate.

"Thank you, Julia!" He beamed. "Are you better now?"

"Yes," she said sadly. "Too stupid that I've been sick for the first time. I would have liked to have been at your birthday party. "

"Next year, you have to be careful that you're coming to my party." "Then I'll be ten."

Julia beamed at her classmate.

"I promise," she swore. "Bye!"

And she disappeared.

Niki looked at Spardose. A small button was attached to the back of the head. Niki pushed him and suddenly heard a voice:

"Huki, Huki!"

Niki's eyes widened. And then he pushed the button.

"Huki, Huki, Huki!" It sounded this time.

The boy took the Spardose firmly in his hands and whispered:

"I'll keep her in honor, Julia." He put the Spardose in his satchel, took another jacket out of the locker, and closed the door on which his name stood.

He ran through the school hall as his classmate Robert Schweiger stormed at him.

"Niki!" He shouted from a distance. "Your daddy is here. He's standing outside the gate! "

Niki stormed straight through the school to the main entrance, which was separated from the Pausenhof to the school building. He rushed through the schoolyard and saw his father standing at the wall.

"Papa," he cried, pleased.

Immediately he ran to his father and jumped into his arms.

A fat welcome kiss followed, then Benny said,

"Come, child. We're going to go shopping now. "

At that moment Mrs. Gerold came to the fence. From a distance she cried:

"Well, now I can finally get to know the father of our jewels."

Benny looked up and looked into the teacher's eyes.

"You Papa, this is Mrs. Gerold," said Niki.

"Mrs. Gerold, as I have learned," he greeted him, handing her hand.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed.

"Niki has already told you that you are representing Mr. Baumgartner," said Benny. "And other things."

"I hope it's nothing negative." Mrs. Gerold laughed.

"My son does not speak negatively about his fellow men," Benny explained. "A property that I admire very much in it. I wish I had more of it. "

"They seem to envy their child very much," said Mrs. Gerold.

"And how." Confessed Benny. "He has what I want."

"And he also has an inexhaustible energy," continued Mrs. Gerold.

"Who do you say that to?" Sighed the promoter.

Niki laughed and said,

"We wanted to go shopping."

Soon both were in the supermarket. As Benny collected the goods, Niki whizzed to the comics as usual. Already he had a hitmons book in his hand and leafed through it.

His father murmured,

"Mmh, a pack of noodles still for Niki. Oh, I can not forget the fries. Now a limo ... "

When Benny had finished, he took the shopping cart to the checkout, where he was already received by the saleswoman.

"Good morning, Herr Fischer," she greeted him, smiling. "Is not Niki here today?"

"Oh, he's buzzing around the comics," he replied, turning toward magazines and shouting,

"Niki, come at last!"

"I'll be right, Papa," resounded the bright child's voice.

Benny stood up, put the things on the tape and shouted back again:

"Niki! Are you sleeping?"

"I'm coming," his son called back.

He was already rushing through the shelves to checkout. He stopped in front of Benny and held the hitmons book in his hand. His father did not seem to like it. He crossed his arms.

"Look at one!" He muttered. "His royal insolence deigned to come. And as always with empty hands. Immediately you put that back. "His tone had already become more severe.

"Oh, Papa!" The little boy looked at his father with his big kulleraugen.

"Do what I tell you, Niki!" Commanded Benny seriously.

"But Papa," returned his son, as his father twisted his eyes annoyed. "You read something like that before."

"Not a nonsense," said Benny. "This is only stupid, has no sense for reality and does not promote the memory."

"But the book is great, besides, it does not cost much, only 2 euros," Niki advised him. "And the hitmons are really cool. Each Hitmon has a different ability and they can help their coaches. You see, without Hitmons one does not come out! "

"I only see that you have become a light-believing victim of advertising," said Benny indignantly. "So, get away with it. I do not want you to be as stupid as the other children, just because you want to be "in", or as you call it today. "

"Do not you think a supermarket is not the right place for a discussion?" His son asked.

That sat. Benny took a deep breath, not to get rid of his anger in public. Niki saw this and triumphed inside. If his dad would give in now ...

Benny was at the checkout and it was not long before the articles of his purchase were all gone. Niki stood close to him, the hitmons book in his right hand.

Benny looked into his son's eyes. He already knew what would happen now, for the little one knew exactly how to wrap his father around his finger. The popcorn on the conveyor belt were the last and right. Who would win now?

"All right, leg!" Benny groaned complacently. But his eyes flashed both anger and dangerous.

"Thank you, Papa!" Niki beamed, hit the Hitmons booklet on the conveyor belt and snuggled to his father. He did not look happy. Again he breathed deeply.

"How do I get to this child?" He thought.

After both had left the supermarket, Benny wanted to open one of his usual booths. However, not in anger, that was not his style. The cool Benny was sober and factual, quite the opposite of his spirited son. But before Benny could begin, Niki came before him.

"There are the new hitmons in there," the boy began. "They are in the game console of the blue series. But Rauruk is not there because he belongs to the brown series. And the coaches gather up Hitmons and Tom wants to be champion. Do you know there are already 100 hitmons? But Rauruk is my favorite. He is really sweet. But you must not touch him too tightly, otherwise he will bite. And everyone has his abilities. As you can..."

"Stop, Niki," Benny interrupted him energetically. "You drive Me crazy!"

His son's eyes widened in horror. Benny took a deep breath and continued:

"I've always believed you were interested in something sensible. For example science. Instead, you spend all your spare time with these stupid creatures, who neither promote the memory of a child nor are useful. At my time there were television series, in which the people were still stimulated to think. But today only stupidity has succeeded. I do not want you to be a victim of this fraud. If I have to listen to the music of today's music, I feel bad. This can not be borne by a normal person. "

Both had stopped.

"Well," Niki said, "can I do something for you to listen to classical music?"

"I do not like classical music," the father said. "I'm on the right track."

"What do you know about sound music?" Niki asked, laughing.

"More than you believe," replied his father. He leaned and laid his hands on his son's arms.

"You know, you should at least be more reasonable."

Niki looked at his father. There was something like repentance in his eyes.

"Oh, are you angry now, Daddy?" He asked in a low voice.

"For a father whose son is interested in such useless things, I am very much in the mood." Came Benny.

Niki lowered his gaze and stood motionless for a few seconds. Then he looked up and said softly,

"But you always said that I had to build my own world to get to know life better."

"You got me wrong, Niki," corrected Benny. "I meant that you should not stick to fashion waves, because that is not only seductive, but also damaging. I want to tell you what the hitmons are. It's ... it's Hitmons. "

Niki had hitherto listened silently, but now he was back in his famous trickbox. At first he looked at his father with his kulleraugen and said softly:



"I love you."

Benny took his son in his arms and said,

"I love you too, Niki."

A thick and tender kiss between father and son was now the reaction.

Shortly after, Niki looked at his father with bright eyes.

"You know," he began. "It would not hurt you to marry again."

For a second fraction, the smile froze on Benny's face. Then he grinned and gave back:

"Well, I know it would not hurt you. Come, child! "


At home, after Benny cleared his shopping items, he sat back at the computer. The hours passed, and evening had come. Niki was now in bed. The computer had several drives and the digital screen had 22 inches. Next to the computer was a picture showing a beautiful black-haired woman of about mid-thirties. Benny was still typing. The monitor showed flashes of different images and remained in an input mode. Benny entered some data and pressed the "RETURN" button. Again, different images flickered on the monitor. Shortly thereafter the message appeared:


Benny leaned back in his chair. Then he looked at the image of the young woman. At that moment his face darkened. After a few seconds, he whispered softly:

"I miss you, Maria."

Benny remembered his childhood when he had been in Niki's age and had a vacation. It was in August 1975, when he was taken away by his father for a trip. They had been on the road for two weeks when they returned home.

"That was great, Daddy," little Benny cheered. "Can I go back?"

"I want to see what can be done, my boy," said his father Kurt. His resemblance to Benny was not very great. He was a strong-built man with dark-blond wavy hair, which was partly grayed. Besides, he made a severe impression, which might be a cause for concern.

"Look there," he demanded his son. "There's a family over there."

Benny followed the words of his father. At the next house stood a large furniture cart and a three-headed family scuttled back and forth to invite all their possessions. Next to the delivery van stood a dark red BMW.

While his father still wrote some data in his travel book, Benny watched three furniture packers in work clothes. A burly man around the thirties wearing a suit was still there, and a black-haired woman in a white blouse and red coat. She might be somewhat younger. Without doubt the new tenants.

But Benny's special interest was in the little black-haired girl who might be about his age.

It was a picture-loving child. Samtzarte's skin, generous curls, and a charming smile that Benny had never seen before. If there were a beauty contest for children, the little one would undoubtedly have won him.

She wore a sky-blue dress with a red ribbon around her waist, knotted to the right with a bow. White stockings and red shoes. From the eyes of the girl, who were black like frying pans, a lot of energy shone. The sugary laugh, which Benny heard now, captivated him. He recorded every movement of the girl.

"Get out," he snapped. His father Kurt was still sitting next to him in the truck. Benny grabbed his backpack and got out of the truck. He watched the girl from next door. The little one was just picking up a bag from the vans and was about to run towards the house.

She discovered Benny. Abruptly she stopped and watched him closely. Benny went back two paces, then he did not dare to move, because it was already too late to run away. How should he behave now?

The girl smiled at him and waved him. Then it disappeared laughing and fast in the house.

Benny stood motionless. The strange child had impressed him. There was something in his dark eyes that his father himself did not know.

Slowly he crept to the fence, which separated the two grounds. Kurt Fischer did not seem to notice it, for he was so busy with the unloading of his things that he had no time for his son.

The little girl came back, whirled to the truck and grabbed a small cupboard. Benny saw this and he knew: If he wanted to get in touch with this girl, he had to act. Perhaps, he thought, he might win her friendship if he were to help her.

Immediately, he dropped his backpack, whizzed to the fence, opened the door, and sneaked over. He heard a grinding noise. Obviously the girl wanted to wear the wardrobe alone. Benny pretended to help the girl to get in touch with him.

He arrived just as the girl lost his balance and threatened to fall from a height of one meter onto the hard stones, which were attached as a way ornament on the edge. Benny responded with lightning speed and caught the girl. Immediately she turned to him.

"Oh, it's you!" Her soft bell voice sounded.

"Wait, I'll help you," he said, grabbing the cupboard. The little boy smiled heartily at him. In her black eyes, thanksgiving and temperament shone.

"My name is Maria," she imagined. "And you?"

The boy hesitated.

"Benny," he said timidly.

Maria grabbed the back of the small closet, Benny the other. Contrary to his shyness, he called almost militarily:

"Lift up!"

As if in command, they lifted the small cupboard. Maria laughed. Benny joined her and the children dragged the small wardrobe toward the apartment right in Maria's room.

Her parents did not seem to have noticed it, because they just hissed a few beers with the drivers. The apartment was already fully furnished and the little cupboard of the girl was probably the last piece of furniture, because the furniture car was empty.

Already the children were sitting on Mary's bed. Benny did not know how to behave. Maria seemed to feel that, looked at him smiling and asked:

"Do you like 'what drink, Benny?"

This one nodded slightly with his head. The girl fetched a bottle of lemonade from a carrier that stood outside, and opened it. Then she came back, closed the room door, and put two straws into it.

"Cheers, Benny," she demanded.

The boy hesitated. But when Maria smiled at him, he slowly grasped the second straw. They both sipped from the soda bottle.

Their faces were now very close. Maria beamed at the boy and even forgot to suck on her straw.

"He's really cute," she thought.

His hands had fallen over her, but he did not notice it at first. But then he realized it and drew back.

Maria's smile froze at first, but then she turned the soda bottle off and reached for Benny's hands.

"Why are you afraid, Benny?" She asked him.

The boy hesitated.

"Oh nothing," he whispered softly, gave way to the girl's gaze and pulled back his hands.

For a time, both did not speak until Maria broke the silence and asked Benny:

"Do you live next door?"

"Yes," he replied. "I live there with my dad." He pointed toward his house.

"And where is your mommy?" She asked curiously.

"I do not have a mom anymore," Benny said with a lowered look. "She died when I was five."

"Oh." More was not heard of Maria. She also lowered her eyes and did not know what to say to her. But then she took his hands in hers and smiled brightly at him.

"Benny, will you be my friend?"

The boy looked frightened. Then a discreet smile flitted over his lips. But just as he could answer, the room door opened. Mary's mother stood there.

"Maria, I wanted ..." Suddenly she interrupted herself when she saw the little visitor to her daughter. "Well, who is that?"

Lightning quickly Benny had jumped off the bed and whizzed into the back corner next to the window.

"That's Benny," Maria blurted out. "He lives next door with his dad."

"Well, that's great," laughed the woman. "As soon as we've moved in here, the little nymphomania is a friend of a boy." She turned and shouted,


Father stretched his head to the door. He immediately recognized the situation and shouted:

"Look there. Maria already has a friend. Why do not you want to introduce him? "

Meanwhile, Benny had retired, but running away was not possible. Mary hurried to him and took his hands.

"This is Benny from next door," she said quickly. "But he's a bit scared."

"Benny!" Kurt's voice sounded outside. Maria looked straight out of her window. Already she saw a dark face.

"This is Daddy," Benny whispered. "I have to go."

He turned and wanted to go to the door, but Maria held him up.

"I'll come with you," she said firmly, as her parents looked at each other in bewilderment.

Together, the children went down the stairs and hurried to the yard where Kurt Fischer was already waiting. He was astonished when he saw his son in the company of the girl.

"Who is that?" He asked, puzzled.

"That's Maria from over there," Benny said softly.

The neighbors came nearer when the two drivers had disappeared. Almost three hours the adults were talking, while the children were in Maria's room together.

"I do not like to play with dolls," said Benny.

"I do not have dolls either," Maria replied, and took the large parade from the hall. Then she looked inside.

"Yes, there is everything in it," she said.

"What's in there?" Benny asked.

Curiously, he looked into the cardboard box and discovered countless building blocks from Lego and Fischertechnik.

"I like to build houses and other things," explained Maria. "Do you like to build?"

"Oh, yes, gladly." It came back from Benny.

Together they built a house. With many small details, the building was finished, reminiscent of a futuristic architecture from the film "Metropolis".

"You know, it's great when I build such a thing," Maria said. "And now, where you help me, it's much easier."

Benny smiled at Maria.

"Do you want to say something that you like me?" He asked.

"Yes, I like you," confessed the girl. "You helped me earlier."

"Yes, because I ..." Benny interrupted.

"Because you what?" Maria wanted to know.

"Nothing." Benny turned his face. But then he looked at the girl and continued:

"I think I like you, too."

"You believe it," Maria recognized. "But surely you are not."

"I do not know," admitted Benny.

"Our building is now ready." Maria realized. Then she cried:

"And now we'll break it!" She already hit her fist.

"No," cried the little Benny.

At that moment Benny was startled. The door to his study had been opened. His son entered.

"Niki, why are not you in bed?" Benny exclaimed.

The little one said nothing, went to his father and clung to him. His eyes were full of agony, but they were dry.

Benny looked at his child in amazement and asked:

"What is wrong with you? Have you badly dreamed? "

Niki staggered to his father as if asleep, and said softly,

"I just thought about Mama."

"Me too," confessed his father, taking his son into his arms.

Shortly after, Niki was back in bed and Benny thought back then. The Karstens family was sitting at the breakfast table when the father, who was reading the newspaper, said,

"Listen to this. In the vicinity of Landshut has opened a recreational park. Costs only admission for adults 15 Marks for children 8 Mark. All rides can be used for free. "He put down the paper and said,

"Is like at the Oktoberfest, only much cheaper, I would say. There we go on Sunday. "

Immediately his daughter announced.

"Can Benny come with me?" She asked.

"If you really want to," her father said.

"Oh great," the child shouted, and whispered at once, and rang. Kurt Fischer gave up.

"Is Benny there?" Maria asked without question.

"Yes, he is in his room," replied the man, turning round,

"Benny! Mary is there. "

Already the boy stormed out of his room.

"Just imagine, Benny," Maria began. "In Niederbayern, a new leisure park has just been set up. We want to go on Sunday. Are you coming with me?"

"I want to," confessed Benny. "But I do not know if I may."

"I think it's best to talk about it with your parents," said Herr Fischer to Maria. "Best of all, I'll come with you."

Already father and son were with the neighbors. After a warm welcome Mr. Fischer began:

"I just heard that a leisure park in Niederbayern has opened up and you want to go with the children."

"We really want to go with our daughter," confirmed Mr. Karstens, holding out to him the newspaper. "But as for your son, you must decide."

"Please Papa, I would like to ride along," the boy asked.

"Are you coming too?" Asked Mr. Karstens.

"Unfortunately, I can not go to Hamburg because I have Sunday lunch," Herr Fischer refused. "But perhaps I'll come back some other time." To his son, he said,

"But you have to remember the track so I know it later."

"Do you mean I can go with you?" Benny shouted.

"Sure you can go along," confirmed his father. "And if…"

He did not come, because Benny simply fell over him. Maria saw this and grinned.

"Well, I think the problem is solved," she said.

A few days later it was time. The Karstens wanted to drive at 7am. Benny, who was not an early bird as a child, had to leave the springs at 6 o'clock. After a short breakfast with his father said this:

"Here you have 40 marks. You pay for the entrance and the food. Amuse yourself well, my boy. "

"Thank you, Dad." Said Benny. "It's good." He slipped into his shoes and ran over there. Maria was already waiting for him.

"Hello Benny," she greeted. "We'll leave at once."

As soon as she had said that, her parents also appeared. They headed for the garage, where their dark red BMW stood. The children also ran.

"Good morning, Benny," greeted Mr. Karstens. "Well, are you looking forward?"

"And how." Confessed the boy.

Mr. Karstens got in and drove the car out of the garage. His wife closed the gate and said:

"Get everything." She went to the gate. As soon as the car was out, she closed the car and went in.

The children were sitting behind and there was already a lively conversation going on. Mr. Karstens bounced off the highway on the highway. The car swept over the asphalt at high speed. Less than two hours later, after the car had turned off on a country road, they arrived at the leisure park. They parked at the parking lot and went to the entrance.

They had to wait a few minutes, because the park did not open until 9 o'clock. But that did not take long.

It was the most beautiful day in the children's life. All the carousels they drove, the chain carousel also used them. At lunch there was something to eat, then went on with the carousels. There was also a water slide. With a happy scream, the children rushed with the car down.

The hours passed and it was 17 o'clock. The park closed and the family went to the car with Benny. The children got in. They had hardly slept.

"It was also very hard for her," said Mrs. Karstens. "Let her sleep. You can not drive through the streets so fast. "

"But kids love it when it jerks," her husband said.

"But only with babies," Mrs. Karstens countered.

The return trip was also without incidents, but it was now quieter because the children slept through the whole trip. When they had arrived at home, they woke up.

"Have we slept?" Maria asked.

"You were exhausted from the day in the park," explained Mrs. Karstens. "So you have to go to bed early, because tomorrow you have to go to school."

"But Benny's daddy is not home," Maria recalled. "He's in Hamburg. We can not leave Benny alone. "

Benny ran to his house, grabbed his schoolbag and ran back.

"I have everything for tomorrow." he shouted.

Two hours later, Benny was sleeping in Maria's double bed.

Now Benny was startled. He sat back at his computer and wanted to go to the Ostpark with his son tomorrow.


The next morning, Benny sat back in front of the computer as Niki came out of the bathroom. He covered his father only with a towel.

"Now it's your turn," he said.

"I'll be ready," Benny said, saving his data, dropping the computer, and turning off the monitor.

"Are we going to the Ostpark today?" Niki asked.

"When I'm done," his father replied. "I've been working all night."

About two hours later, both were at a morning walk. It was really a picture bookworm that anybody who had free would benefit. The Ostpark was certainly the right place and both used the free hours of the Saturday. Niki played on the playground together with two children. Although Benny was well known outside, he sat alone on the bench, watching his son until a young woman approached him.

"Good morning, Mr. Fischer!" She greeted him kindly.

Benny looked up. He knew this woman fleetingly. She lived only two houses away. It was the wife of the electronics engineer Josef Thiele. She was here with her two children. Her husband was over the weekend abroad.

The eight-year-old Georg and his twin sister Angelika had a temperament that hardly any other child could match. So they obviously did not have any friends either. Only Niki had managed to curb the two, since then they played together when they saw each other.

"Day, Mrs. Thiele," returned Benny.

The woman sat down beside him.

"You know," she began, "I still do not understand why you are still without a woman. Niki needs a mother, and what concerns you ... "

"There's no substitute for Maria," Benny interrupted her abruptly. "Besides, I'm not a Playboy. Apart from that, I'm very committed to work, and Niki also makes sure I do not get bored. "

"He is really a sweet child," said Mrs. Thiele. "But will not his energy be too much for you?"

"Sometimes already," confessed Benny. "He has the temperament of a chainsaw. But maybe it's just what I love about him. "

Mrs. Thiele watched the children playing when she added:

"I think there's no heart he can not conquer."

Benny looked at Niki.

"Yes," he said softly. "My son can conquer every heart. He has something that I really envy him. "

The hours passed. The children were still playing together. In the late afternoon Mrs. Thiele went with her children. It was a moving farewell between the little ones, until Mrs. Thiele had disappeared with her children.

It was evening and Benny said to his son:

"It's time, kid, we're going home now."

But Niki did not react. He stared at the sky.

"Niki," repeated Benny. "We must be home."

But the little one did not move. He seemed to be watching something special.

"Papa," he cried furiously. "There's a whirlwind, or something! I know. Like the hitmons! "

"Now stop, Niki," Benny replied. "What have I told you all this time? Has the stuff poisoned you now? Look up, no cloud in sight. Where is a whirlwind coming from? "

"But Papa," Niki said. "Look, there's really a whirlwind."

Grunting, Benny turned around and wanted to make a reply. But he did not come, because now he saw a structure similar to a vertebrate, which spun around its own axis.

"What is that?" He said. "Way here, Niki, fast. The thing comes to us. "

For a long time it was no longer possible and the vortex came to the ground only a hundred yards away. Suddenly he had disappeared without a trace.

Niki ran right away. He seemed to suspect that something unusual had happened there. Benny followed him.

"Stay away, Niki!" He shouted. "Who knows what that was! Perhaps it will come again! "

But his son could no longer be braked. He continued running toward the clearing. Strangely enough, no other man seemed to have noticed this incident, for none ran. However, hardly any people were seen in the park.

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